V THE CAUCASIAN -ir. S. P.. Aug. 15, 1907. i7t7rei &t the 1'oat Office in Raleifb i second-cUa mail matter. WAKK COUNTY NEWS. 0 Th- Kteb- Ijeaf Tobacco market .. Friday. About 8,000 pounds i i t vc r.tnlncr dav. Mont of tjV 1 1 1 ' v - tbe tuat:o was primings and lugs. Mr Kugene B. Bturgen, a promi DfcDt c-itUen of Apex, this County, jie.i Friday morning. He was a Li.lhijmian during the Civil War, in,j m on hand at the fall of Fort Druuty Collectors Downing and . . i 1 1 i i A)jaiu-) JH4iroy?u a large tniKaaue ,ji-tilUry Tuesday morning, nix nJilM north of Cary. The block er,, made their eacape when they aw U)' officers coming. Four fer-nimU-rs and 1,500 gallons of beer Wer' df-stroyed. Mr. David DuIJoi", who was su lrint nding some work on a trestle ifi the Norfolk and Southern Hail way iinar Haieigh, was Htruckon the tiHi-1 hy a falling block Wednesday tvenink'- The block cracked the your.'g man's skull and there is small lo-i of his recovery. The children employes of the five cotton mills in Raleigh were given a nice outing Saturday, The Street Car Company gave them a free ride over the city. They were then car ried to Pullen Park where the "Sun ehiuers" and a committee from the Associated Charities served them with nice refreshments. It was a happy lay for the children. Mr. Thos. K. Greene, of Raleigh, has Nought an interest in the Raleigh Furniture Company and has been made Secretary of that Company. Mr. Greene was formerly city ticket ajji-nt of the Souuthern Railway, and was indicted together with the Houthern Railway some days ago for filing tickets for more than 2i iiU ir mile. Mr. Greene prom ise! not to sell any more for over 2i cents and was let off on five dol lar tine, while the road was fined $150,000. STATE NEWS. To Test Anti-Truat Law. An important action will soon be tried in a magistrate's court In New Hanover County which will test the force of the anti-trust lsw of this tstate, and it is probable that the case will be carried up to the State Su preme Court The action grows out of an affidavit made by Mr. Albert E. Peschau, of Wilmington, before Justice Bornemann charging that on July 27th the Diamond Match Co sold to the J. G. Stevenson Co.j of Wilmington, a large quantity of matches made or controlled by that Company, of the value of $25, or more, through Walter Buoy, agent, the defendant, upon condition that the said J. C. Stevenson Co. should not deal in any other matches of any other make or manufacture, This it is alleged In the affidavit being against Chapter 218 of the Public Laws of North Carolina, passed by the legislature of 1907, and contrary to the law and against the peace and dienitv of the State. It is further charged that the said defendant un lawfully and wilfully aided and abetted the Diamond Match Co., in making the sale of said matches to the J. C. Stevens Co., upon the con ditions named before that the said Company should not deal in matches other than of their own make or manufacture. A warrant was issued for Mr. Buoy by Magistrate Borne mann and he was arrested and placed under a $1,000 bond for his appear ance July 31st, when the case will be heard. Ex. The case against the Diamond Match Company and the drummer was called In Wilmington on last Thursday, but the defendants waived examination and was bound over to Court in a $1,000 bond. Ed. The monument at Moore's Creek Battle Ground, near Carrie, N. G, will be unveiled today. The colored firemen of tbe State are holding their eighteenth annual session in Durham this week. A list prepared by the Corporation Commission shows that there are thirty-seven railway systems in this State. William UortoD, a prominent citizen of Person Couuty, was found dead in the suburbs of Roxboro Monday. The town of Kdenton held an election Tuesday on the liquor que- uoq. aaioons were voted out by 50 majority. Governor Glenn has ordered a spe cial term of Swain County Court to convene August 26. Judge C. M. Cooke is to preside. The W. R. Womble Hook and Ladder Company of Raleigh lowered the world's record Thursday in the fireman's contest at Wilmington. The town of Mt. Airy has shipped 40,000 pounds of blackberries this season. They were bought by Gar rett and Company, wine dealers of Norfolk. Dr. Joseph Graham, of Charlotte, died Tuesday morning. lie had been ill for some time. Dr. Graham was a brother of Judge Graham and of Mrs. Walter Clark. Lelia Crowder, a colored girl who lived near Wadesboro, was killed by lightning a few days ago. Her drees was split open, but there were no marks on the body. Lelia and Ida Battle, two negro women of Goldsboro, became in volved in a controversy Thursday, when Lelia seized a gun and emptied its contents into Ida'B breast, killing her Instantly. J. A. McAnulty, engineer of the pumping station at Salisbury has been arrested charged with the mur der of Robert Owen, Superintendent of the Rowan County pest-house, on August 2nd. Near Kenly, Johnston County, last Wednesday Ransom Godwin shot and killed his wife and then made his escape into the woods. He and his wife had quarrelled before the tragedy occurred. There was another wreck on the The chief of police of Winston Salem received i telegram Saturday from Columbus. Ohio, aakior If Pink Fulton was wanted there for murder. Tbe Win too chief wired that Fulton was wanted and a re ward of $200 was offered for his de livery to tbe Sheriff of Forsyth Fulton, while a guard at the convict camp near Winston, seven .years ago, whipped a boy, Rand Hart, bo- cau90 be refused to work. Hart died a few days later. Fulton was Indicted but made his eacape before the papers could be served. Chicken Cater. A young man in West Hickory the other day for $1.00 bit off a chicken's head, cut one leg off at its backbone, stripped off tbe skin, salted it and ate It, while tbe chicken was dying. He did it In the presence of six or eight men. He raid for another dollar he would eat the balance of the chicken. Hickory Mercury. Mrs. Ludlow Skinner, widow of the late J. Ludlow Skinner, was married In Raleigh Saturday to Dr. J. Boylan, a wealthy man of Ohio. be Compensation. Hicks It must be awful to deaf. Jicks Not if your wife asks as many questions as mine. Ask your neighbor for The Caucasian. to subscribe INTER3HA,IGEA.Bf..K MILE IGE ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Seaboard desires to announce that on after this date all mileage books issued by them of Interchangeable form will be good for passage over tbe lines of tbe Atlantie and North Caro lina Railway Co., and Norfolk and Southern Railway o. , and that I nter cbangeable Mileage Books issued by these lines will be honored for passage over the Seaboard Air Line Railway. C H. GATTI8, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Practical Education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing. Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. Tuition J45 a year; Board $10 a w naor naWn Thnt.v month. 120 Scholarships nierht. The Dasseneer train for Winston ran into a shifting engine that was standing on the track. Five persons were iDjured, but there were no fatalities. Mr. Green Craddock, who lived five miles north of Reidsville, was killed by lightning Friday after noon. He and Mr. W. B. Williams had taken shelter in a barn. Mr. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. TRINITY. COLLEGE. Four Departments Collegiate, Grad uate, Engineering and Law. Tjirce Library Facilities. Well- ,,,.., , , , . r. I Equipped Laboratories in all Depart- Willlams was burned about the face m2n1f science. Gvnasium furnished and terribly shocked but will re- ments of Science. Gynasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid lor wormy siuaenw. cover. The track over the Norfolk and Southern has been completed be tween Raleigh and Wilson, and pas senger trains will be running be tween the two points by Sept. 1. This is 49 miles shorter than the former way of reaching Wilson from Raleigh. It is reported that the Dukes will erect another mammoth mill at Duke, in Harnett County. The town is exclusively a factory village, has a population of over 3,000, Is not T . Dta-U CrLAAI incorporated but the largest town iiiiiiij i aii uvnuyi. in Harnett. It is stated that the new i A First-Class Preparatory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges, Young Men wishing to Study Law should investigate the Superior Advantages Offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. For Catalogueand further informa- tion, address D. W." NEWSOM, Registrar Durham, North Carolina. the Confederate dead. The money for the monument was raised by the Daughters of the Confederacy. Chief Justice Walter Clark will deliver the address. The New South Investment Com pany with principal office at Salis bury, was chartered Friday. The v corporation will construct and oper ate power plants, street railways, waterworks, stores, hotels, etc. Au mill will almost double the present population. On Friday, August 23rd, a monu mont, w ill ha nn veiled at Pittsboro. nh.fhiim nnnnio in th momorv of I "Rest Enuinned Preparatory School in . I 4., UAnth Vomilfv rf Ton riffiaa LUC uUUtUt l ouuivi wa. . and Teachers. Campus of Seventy- five Acres. t .i r m w a DO YOU GET TJP WITH A LAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful I cures made Dy ur. It Kilmer's Swamp- III J tyflr Root, tne great kig fi JSI ILney, liver and blad- . aer remeay. It is the great med ical triumph of the , nineteenth century ; 1 discovered after years I of scientific research hv Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and fcladder specialist," and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, catarrh of the bladder and fcriirht'c TVsase. which is the worst form nf l-i.lnov tn.nble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything Dutii you nave ki.lnev. liver or bladder trouble it will be foun.l'inst trip remedv vou need. It has been titwl in or rtianv wavs. in hospital work and in private practice, and has Droved o ciieesfnl in everv case that a special arrangement has been made by which all rpailprs of this TjaDer. who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free bv mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to fi nd out if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and sena your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, Y. The regular -fty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are Home Swamp-Bool, sold by all trood drueeists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, and the address, Binghai aton, N. Y., on $5,000,000. Wilmington was visited by a rain storm Saturday afternoon. More than two inches of rain fell in lees than two hours. The Star says that such rains as havo occurred there in past two months have eclipsed any thing in the memory of the oldest inhabitant." horized capital stock of company tin. address Library Containing Thirty Thousand Volumes, wen jsquippea gymna sium. High Standards ana Modern Methods of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success. For Catalogue and other in forma- OUB CLUB OFFER. THE CAUCASIAN A 3D The Shelby Aurora Doth for One Yer for Only f 1 .50 The Acrora i pubiihed at Hhelby, X. C and is oec of the bt R pub lican papers pablttbed ie the State. Cither paper alone it one dollar per jear. Subcnb now and uic fifty ccd is on the two ptpera. Addreaa THE CAUCASIAN, Kaleich, N. C. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE For the Colored Race GREK2IBBOIIO, 3. C Tbe erueth ascaal mmIob Wriat Sepuabe Cm. Wt art prepared to rtcuttara. aed M ebaa'xaJ fcrAeh lor the lowest tens of aaj mhoi im t ccantrj. We also hare a urpartaest of Teacher' Trainltsf as4 a Dairy D9 partment. SuccfalOra4aaUe. Stroar raealtj. ror fortber information, addrM PRESIDENT DUDLEYt GRSZXBBOBO, K.C. v J (tMCOroAXL0 1 CAPITAL STOCK $30,800. Largest and Beet Jiuipped Bnalnetti College In North Carolina. Methods practical and thoroughly modern. Bookkeplng, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy, taught by expert. Poaltlona for all our graduates. Write today for oar new catalogue. Addreaa KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N. C. or In writing please mention thia paper. CHARLOTTE, N. a RALEIGH AND S00THP0RT RAILROAD 0. TIME TABLE NO. 22. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 12, 1907, AT 12:01 A. M. Southbound 1st C1&88 Daily Except Sund'y Daily Northbound lt Claaa Dally Except Sunday Daily 15 4 2 A. M. P. M. A.M. P.M. Stations. fTuO AA0 Lv. Kaieigh T t Ar. 10.40 6.00 8.15 f 4.50 f Caralelgh t 10.80 f 5.45 f 8.25 f 4 54 f Sylvaola 10.25 f 5.86 f 8.33 r 5.00 f Barnes 10.18 f 5.28 f 8.43 f 6.07 f Hobby 10.10 f 5.20 f 8.55 s 5.15 s McCullers t 10.06 s 5.15 s 9.01 f 5.20 f Banks t 10.00 f 5.01 f 9.16 s 5.30 s Willow Springs t 9.50 s 4.50 s 9.26 f d.38 f Cardenas t 9.43 f 4.35 f 9.40 s 5.51 s Varina t 9.40 s 4.82 9.55 s 6.18 a Fuq'y Springs T t 9.28 s 4.17 s 10.03 f 6.06 f Rawles 9.13 f 4.07 f 10.10 s 5.13 s Chalybeate t 9.06 s 3.59 s 10.14 f 6.17 f Kipling t 9.02 f 3.54 f 10.29 f 6.30 f Cape Fear 8.47 f 3.87 f 10.37 s 6.36 s Lillington T t 8.42 s 8.31 s 10.50 f 6.48 f Bunlevel 8.27 f 3.15 f 11.02 s 6q8s Linden T 8.17 s 8.05 s 11.15 f 7.10 f Buckner 8.05 f 2.62 f 10.30 f 7.23 f Carver's Falls 7.51 f 2.88 f 11.40 f 7.32 f Tokay 7.44 f 2.81 f 11.55 7.45 Ar. Fay'tteville T Lv. 7.30 2.15 UN I VEnOITY OP nOETH CAHOLXTfA' 1789-1P07. Ua4ftlU Slat' A atauml iUm DtPARTMKJCr. College, Enxtntertriff. GravduAt, Lw, tftxSicin, Phaxrtnavry library oul 4S.OOO Vi Xrw water vert. Ulrc lif fcv. tral teat! a f tjiUa. New donaitori, gyaaMUa, T.H. C. A.Uil4ltf. tat htteto. It la Tmnttr Tbe FALL TXIIU Uflft Septem ber f, 107. AMrM F11ANC1S P. V ENABLE, PK-EJUPUT, Chapel U11L N. C FKOECJE). AfUr ceeaUmbt tbkt ae4 aaJy, I hare at taet immiM U max lag a box I feat mill commuh lueilc the 4ena4 of tbe artraf fartarr tha ay chrf boi am tk noark4. Yut h0 rrudvrtkao mi Cm evenb, rfconk aanl ei!rrtei kaey it ha uo eqcaL Taking eTerylhlBf la to romUer aUoo, Till: KAUilKiLV riUt'D U lh ciMrB4 aad mai4 praikml bee box ma4e acni U guaraaUeU to five eoUr mlLifWtloo every tto. Price, cooipMr, 12 S. Writ fi pwieral lortiaUv. lUtcUa a4. w. L.wor.iBLn 5 lt lUut llaivtt ISHL IIALKUIII. N. C BINGHAM SCHOOL 1703 10O8 Atlrv rWmc IWtMWMtNiUlat m n til, I THK NORTH CA IIO LIN A State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Cosraea leadiag to degree of llarbelor of Pedacocj, Dae bet or el . Arta, liachaior of Science, and a oew rore leadisg to the degree of Bacfceior of Muiic Board, laundry, tuition, and feea for ue of teat booaa, tic,, 170 a J ear. for free tuition (tudreU, fits. Th NoaMAL DaraaTvaiiT gi?r thorough instruction 1b tbe eabjeeta taur hi in tbe aeboola aad colleges, and peeial pedagogical tralaiag for tbe ftrofeeaion of teaehiog. Teacherm waul irmluate of other collfgee are f ered a one-year tpecial course in Pedagogy and allied subject. Thb CoMMaaciai Dar abtmiiit offer practical tnstroctioa is hteaograpby. Typewriting, Book-keeping and other buaipe aubjecu. The DaraaTHKNT or M axi al Aet asi Domuiic Sciaaca protiJe ia truction in Manaal Training and in such subject a relate directly to tbe home and family. Th Mcsic DarABTMBVT, in addition to the degree course, offers a certifi cate in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in tbe dormitories, all free-tuition applications should b made before July 15. The fall term opens deptembtr 18. Iw07. For catalogue and other information, address J. I. FOIST, Pmident, ORSKN8BOKO, N. C. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part ot the State at same price at at shop. MOMURaEMTS C001J21l lToprletor. lUleigh, N. C. When writing ts airertisers mention tbe Caoeajlaa; send for Catalogue T. Telegraph Stat'a. t. Telephone Stat's. s. Reg. Stop. t. Stop on Signal. Connections: At Raleigh with Southern Railway and Seaboard Air Line Railway; at Varina with Durham and Southern Ry.; at Fayette- ville with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Notice This Time Table shows the Time at which trains may be ex pected to arrive at and depart from the several Stations and to connect with other trains, but their arrival, departure or connections at the time stated is not guaranteed. 91.00. EX PR $1.00. EXPRESS PAID. THE HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL Preoares for Annapolis-. West Point. College or University. Three courses of study, Classical, Scientific, and English. 850 acres of hill and dale, excellent dairy and garden, Held and track ath'etfcs. Tennis and Ball Grounds. One quarter mile running track. Cadets dine with principal's family. Influence of cultured women in dining hall. Individual attention to each boy. Limited to 100 boys. Climate best for Southern boys, not in the bleak Mountains. School 55 years old. Graduates inspired to higher education. For catalogue address, J. C. HORNER, Principal. Oxford, N. U 12) j) za in) ikJ Air Line Railway The Exposition Line to Norfolk "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, ChafinDisb, Light Howe Keeping, or Wherever Gas Is not Available or Desired. IT makes; its own gas ABSOLUTELY safe. Smokeless aid Odorless, Weighs OdIv Eight Ounces. CAN CABBY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Boils) a Quart or Water J n NlneMInutea. $1.00. Express. Paid. $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. O. Jamestown Exposition HAMPTON ROADS, NORFOLK., YlKUliUA, For Sale, Typewriters. April 26th to November 30th, 1907. H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, DURHAM, N. C. Norfolk and Southern Railway LOCAL ' TIME TABLE. Qoldsboro and Beaufort, N. C. Effective Satorday, December 1st, 1906, at 12:01 A. U. Bead Down. STATIONS. Bead Up. The WILLIAMS VISIBLE STAN- drd Tvnewriter. No. 6 model, does lh. mnefc hoailt.ifnl work of AT1T Writlllfir Tbe State Health Department has machine made, besiie it saves yu per i s i 4 it,, nanc in ens i, 01 maioieuauce utw an issuea Puou oiber makes. Most simple constructed water of Gold Hill, in the County I mala I a n Tt ........ of Bowan, to which it attributes the cause or the typnoia epiaemic inai -. 7 4.:-,-, has resulted in several deaths in YIMUiC that town. There are now seven -1 teen cases of fever in Gold Hill. nU prnm Pa He I & Win m. Near Wilson Tuesday night Jiyae - - . a n- Hoyle, aged twenty, me bou ui xjz. WriUl for nvwio nf Unnn. N. C. fell between I XXV IV I V mmmm J W two freight cars on a moving train FBOUF TiJii3u faults." kq Hio inat oa hft wsj taken I we nave a large ui oewuuuuauu that be died just as he was en 1 machines of all makes into the hospital at Wilson, uoiu whicn have been taken in part pay- ipra were cat off and the body was 1 ropnt for the "Williams". Some as " . I . 1 t: , otherwise mangled. gooa as Drau uw. . The committee appointed by the 25 to 50 Per Cent "Lower than legislature to purchase a silver ser vice to be presented to ine cruiser North Carolina has been called to meet in the North Carolina building j at Jamestown at three o'clock to day. The cruiser will be commis sioned next April. At this time the State will present a 1 5,000 sliver service. It is for the purpose of se 1 it hf tha onmm!tt has Aoii m mt Thnradav. 1 No. uanaier mag. SPECIAL BATES TEOn RALEIGH : 18.25 7.50 6.89 4.00 can be Bought Elsewhere" Southern States Writing Machine Co., AT Ij ANT A, Ga, Round trip season tickets Round trip 60-day tickets Round trip 10-day tickets -Round trip coach excursion tickets n..k Tm,f!n rata sold on each Tuesday nd Friday limited to j-a .nri inrtnraAd Xnt Good in Sleemoe Pullman and Parlor Cars." Other tickets will goon sale April 19 nd continue till close of exposition. For Rates From Other Points Apply to Your Nearest Seaboard Agents or Representatives aamea ueiow. UNEXCELLED PASSENGER SERVICE Via Seaboard Air Line Railway tch for announcement of T.OW TKOTTRSION RATES AND HIPROVED SCHDULS For Information and Literature address C H. CATTIC, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina. J. F. MITCHELL. City Passenger Agent, 8 1 2 4 Daily Daily Eastern Time Dally Dally - " A. M. " t 8:40 8:00 Lv Goldsboro Ar 11:20 7:56 2:50 8:18 Millert 11:07 7:55 4.01 8.21 Best's 10.58 7J7 4.13 8.81 LaGrange 10.47 7.2S 4.25 8.43 Falling Creek 10.85 7.18 4.40 8.56 Kins ton 10.22 7.00 4.52 9.18 Caswell 10.08 6.48 5.02 9.23 Dover 5.58 6.88 6.16 9.41 Cove 9.41 f.20 5.26 9.61 Tuscarora 9.81 8.10 6.31 5158 Clarks 9.28 6.04 5.48 10.10 Ar New Bern Lv 9.10 6.48 5.55 10.15 Lv New Bern Ar 9.05 6.49 6.18 10.84 Blverdale 8.43 5.16 6.22 10.88 Croatan 8.39 . 6.11 6.86 10.59 Havelock 8.27 4.59 6.52 11.06 Newport 8.11 4.48 6.68 11.12 Wild wood 8.05 4.87 7.02 11.16 Mansfield 8.01 4.88 7.20 11.80 Morehead City 7.60 4 22 7.40 11.60 Ar Beaufort Lv 7.10 4.05 P. M. A. M. A. 11. P. 11. - Dally Daily Daily. Dally: I By B.E-L. BUNCH, Trafnc Manager, Goldsboro, N. C. Goldftboro, N. C, Nov. 80, 1906. By H. C. UUDGINS, Gen. Freight Agent, Goldsboro, N. C, WJJLl WW - W -