1 r i IT- K mm A . . . - s:W' .. v, VOL. XXV. RALEIGH, NOBTU CAROLINA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1U07. SO. 34. V Items Gathered From All FOUND WITH THROAT CUT. Mangnin Martin, Business Man of Concord, Bclicycd to Have Been Murdered and a Pistol Placed in His Hand Tor Deception. Co;:cord, Special. A ghastly sight was found Friday morning at 10:30 oY!-k by Mary Stafford, a 12-year-oM negro girl, when she stumbled t,r the dead body of Mangnm Mar tin, a well-known business men of ti.( wf .-trn part of the city, llij throat was cut and four bullet wounds were in his head. A pistoi holding one cartridge with four -riij'y chambers was found lying l.-o-dy in the left hand. He was ly ng on his back; his feet crossed with i ..- ri'lit hand on his right breast. Martin left his store Thursday ev minz about 8 o'clock, stating to a sou that hi' would be back in a few min ute, but did not return. Believing that something had happened to their fath.r, his five sons began a search for him, in connection with the police authorities. The body was found about 500 yards below the Southern depot on the east side of the rail road, within less than 300 feet of tin brick kilns at Brown's brick yard. Mr. Martin left his place of business v.ith .400 on his person, more than $100 being in gold coin A small pocket knife, a box of morphine tab lots and 70 cents in money Avore found on him when the examination was made by Dr. Robert S. Young and Coroner George Richmond. It is believed by a great many that Martin was murdered for his monev, and the pistol placed in his left hand to make it appear that the man committed suicide. This is one of the most horrifying crimes that has ever been committed in this city, and the authorities are already making efforts to ferret out the mystery. Slashed a Conductor. Asheville, Special. Joseph W. Brunson, Jr., a railway conductor running between Asheville and Ccl umbia was badly gashed about the head and face by a knife in the hands of Ed Miller, a young white man of this city. Bmnson received fiv gashes. He knocked Miller down and took the knife from him. Miller was arrested. The indications are that Brunson will recover. The fight wa the result of an altercation, started by Brunson asking why Miller did not pay a debt he owned him, it i3 said. Big Industrial Corporation. Asheville, Special. It was learned here on absolntelv roliahlo infom t tion that a great commercial and in lust rial corporation is being formed m this section of North Carolina for the establishment and development of industrial enterprises. Th tock of the corporation will be $5,-' 000,000. Of this amount more than two and one-half million dollars have already ben subscribed and it is be-' hoved that the remainder of the five million will be subscribed in six weeks or two months. Mother's Peculiar Death. Asheville, Special. A sudden and peculiar death occurred here Friday Afternoon. Mrs. Effie Ingle, white " Attempting to administer a thrashing to her 12-year-old son, was struck by t lip boy, became overbalanced and,' tailing to the floor, ruptured a valve of the heart and died in a few sec-' . oiias. North State Notes. State Treasurer Lacky says the cor porations are paying the franchise taxes very well. This is a dull month in the treasury, as it is indeed in the other State departments. Governor Glenn offers a reward of &0 for Andrew Jones who is charged jnth shooting - Charles Holmes in Bert ford county July 23d dangerous ly injuring him. The premium list of the forty-seventh annual State fair October 14th ! 10th is issued. E. L. Daughtridgo is president of the North Carolina Agricultural Society which holds the fairs which rank among the most successful in the entire South, j e aijd of agriculture this year al ow s 75q for specjaj premrams for neid attd garden crops and 14 special erops have been selected all ' staple 0nes; ln each case the first premium r the second $15 and the thirl There will also be a set of valu- fuprimiums for truck crps. One the features of the fair will be the Sfe by Williama Jennings Brvan Anursday, October 17th. , Charters are granted to the Rock- Motor ComPany t Rock jognam, to own and opearte automo lles ,repair the same, etc, $10,000 CaPital stock, W. N. Everett and oth JS stoholders; the Lenoir Hard ee & Furniture Co at Lenoir, to oooawhlesaIe business caPital $125' j,ol J- Lenoir and others stock- Con,?; theJv'ilson Marine Grocer jpany, Wilmington, wholesale s' cajuiersetc., capital $25,000. Sections of the Stat 8 Eerenue Officer Shot. North Wilkesboro, Special. In a raid up in the Reddie river country on the Wilkesboro. and Jefferson turn pike Revenue Officer John T. Shep herd was hot and painfully though not seriously wounded. Offiecr Shep herd with several other officers, were on their way to cut up a blockade still which had been located not far off the turnpike. Shepherd was in a buggy some distance ahead of the other officers and on arriving in the neighborhood of the still, he stopped to wait for them. He had got out of the buggy and was sitting on the fence beside the toad when two un known men, led by a man named Mil ler, enmc across the field and sud denly fired at him twice with a shot gun, knocking him , from the fence, several No.' 6 shot struck him in the head and others scattered all over his body. His team, standing in the road below, was either struck by some shot or frightened by the noise and ran off, tearing up the buggy. Officer Shepherd recovered himself in tim to lire several times at his assailant who were running back across the field, but they escaped, and by the time the other officers came up the still, and all fixtsrueerus en-ofifiKPa still and all fixtures had been carried away. Mr. Shepherd was brought here his wounds were dressed and he is now resting as comfortably as could be expected. Miller and the men who were with him when the shooting took place have not yet been captured. Hermit's Hidden Money. Asheville, Special. The executor of the estate of the late William Job Cleveland, the "hermit," of Swan nanoa township near Asheville, who committed suicide reecntly at the age of 8G years, has filed with the clerk of the court an inventory of the es tate. It is found that Cleveland left neatly one thousand dollars, all of which was. -found buried about thw" premises ; also the farm in Swannanoa and 879 shares of stock in concerns and corporations in Georgia, Alaba ma, New Jersey and North Dakota. The par value of all the stock i i more than ten thousand dollars. Al though it has not yet been determined just what market value of the hold ings will be. The old "hermit '4. lived a beggarly life at his river home", sub sisting for the most part on canned goods. He was generally regarded as oueer and the finding of nearly one thousand dollars secreted on the pre mises causes no surprise. It is be lieved that there is still other money hid about the place. A Human Tigress. New Bern, Special. News comes from Jones Bay or Hobucken, Pamli co county, of the brutal murder of two little negro children, by an infur ated woman. Saturday the two child ren, whose names were not learned were playing before the door of Bar bara Tarum who lived near their own when the woman came out and order ed them to leave. The children didn't leave at once, which made the woman mad, and she ran into the house and caught up a gun and deliberately shot them both down as they were running away. One of the children lived about four hours after the shooting and died. The other sti!J had life at last accounts but is not expected to recover. The woman who is a negro was soon arrested and car ried te Bayboro where she is now lodged in jail. Negro is Hanged for Criminal Assault Asheville, Special. James Rucker a negro, was hanged here in jail shortly after noon Wednesday. Ruck er was convicted of criminal assault on his step-daughter.. It is said that this is the first time in the history of this State that a negro has been hang ed for "such a crime against one of his own race. Bar-Keeper. Uses, Monkey Wrench Asheville, Special A nasty affray occurred here when Wiley P. Black, a local-bar-keeper, inflicted serious in juries with a" monkey wrench on one J. C. Wallace, a well-known black Smith of this city. Wallace was pret ty badly beaten up. The trouble grew out of a debt which it is alleged Black owed Wallace, Wallace had done some work, it is said, on ono of Black's carriages when the lattet sent for the vehicle and Wallace sent back word that the money for the repairs also be sent. The trouble re suited from this and a wordy battle. Brains Sicked Oat. Lenoir, Special. Mr. James Hick erson Vas seriously and most proba bly fatally kicked by a mule late Fri day 'evening near , Patterson. Tin mule kicked him on the head and quite a little of the brain was knock ed out. . He is still living but uncon scious. He has charge of twenty or moreteams belonging to J. M.-Barn hardt, which haul lumber. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS LUt of Those Recently Licensed By the State Superintendent. The State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction announced the earner of those who have Been issued certifi cates as teachers in the new rural high schools. These have qualified themselves as principle of such Kchools. One of the particular re quirments for the latter position U the knowledge of Latin and Greek The list follows: C. B. Alexander, Mattehws; Fred Areher, Chapel Hill; B. W. Allen, Franklinton; W. IL Al bright, Liberty; W. F. Allen, South ern Jines; W. J. Beale, Pendleton; W. T. R. Bell, Rutherfordton; N. B. Clayton, Chapel Hill; Miss Laura V. Cox, Winterville; Frank Culbreath. Fayetteville; Mark B. Clegg, Cruusc; J. E. Crutcbfield, Lillitigton; Miss Emma Culbreath, Clinton; E. P. Dix on, Liberty) George C. Davidson, Fayetteville J. M. DownUm, Gaston ia; J. E. B. Davis, Pine Level; J. B. Everett, Robertsonville; II. W. Ear ley, Aulander; B. L- Ellis, Cli nton; W. R. Freman, Dobson; G. M. Guth rie, Englehardt; M. S. Giles, FonJa Flora; R. C. Holton, Atlantic; L. L. Margrave, Lumber Bridge; Jackson Hamilton, Maxthville; George W Holmes, Henderson; John L. Harrii, Lenoir; Holand Holton, Durham; L. R. Hoffman, Lowel; Miss Pearl John son, Pittsboro; T. H. King, I aG range; Alexander II. Koonce, Roper; Mbi Meter S. Liles, Tarboro; S. T. Lileo, Wiliamston; S. G. Lindsay, Dallas; Miss Elenor D. Mundy, Barboursville; E. L. Middleton, Cary; M. F. Mc Canness, Chapel Hill; H. C. Marshal, Bryson City; Harlle McCall, Flor ence; K. H. Mclntyre, Holly Springs; Charles K. McCanness, Trinity; Miss Ada D. Michtill, Lexington; Mis. Clara M. Pegg, Madison; Miss Marj H. Phelps, Scotland Neck; Luther B. Pendergrass, Durham; Miss Susan B. Kenny, Raleigh; E. M. Rawliiu, Raleigh; William Robinson, Wilming ton ; H. E. Riggs, Dobson ; A. C. Sher rill, Stanley; A. B. Staley, Pittsboro; Preston Stamps, Parkton; J. I. Sing letary, Bladenboro; M. Shepard, Or rum; E. G. Settlemyre, Granite Falls; W. B. Shinn, Ganite Quarry; B. I. Cary, Warsaw; James Terapleton, Cary, Warsaw; W. W. Woodhou. Whiteoak; A. V. Woos'eley, Pleasani Garden; L. L. White, Jamestown; G. B. Wetmore, Woodlcaf: E. L. Way- oner, Whitehead; A. P. Whizeuhunl . tt:i l uiL-uory. Meeting of Fruit Growers. Wilmington, Special. The eleventh annual meeting of the East Carolina Truck and Fruit Growers Association was held Wednesday afternoon and was well attended. President Wra. E. Springer presided and all the of ficers were present except Vice Presi dent J. A. Brown. The important business transacted was providing means for carrying on the work of the association in view of the de struction of the machinery for eolec.t ing the 1 cent per crate tax on ber ries by Hepburn bill, and the fail ure of the bill providing this machin ery before the late session of the General Assemblj'. Increasing Electric Power. Mount Airy, Special. The city au thorities are increasing the e'letric power at Buck Shoal power plant by putting in another big wheel. This increase of power will be of great benefit to the city as the lights are not what the business men and resi dents are paying for. But these diffi culties will be out of the way 3oon and the city will then be the best lighted place in the western part of the State. New Enterprises. Charters are granted the Bank of Grover, -Cleveland county, capital stock $10,000; the Universal Wire Box Company, Durham, $100,000, C. 0. Ullman, of Chicago and others Stockholders; Eagle Rock Manufac turing Company, at place of that name, Wake count 4f25,000 ; Carolina Amusement Company, Bryson City, to operate a skating rink, etc., $10, 000. Items of State Interest. There are 99 cases on the docket of Durham County Superior Court for violations of the prohibition law. P. M. Brown, of Charlotte, has bought the Raleigh Aeadaemy of Music, paying $36,000 for it. Mooresville's new three-story pub lic school buildiug was completed last week. In a test case in Greensboro the new law requiring tb payment of board bills was applied. Formerly one could not force payment of a board bill, but now eolection can be made legally, The corporation commission will bear Friday the matter of a union depot at Lincolnton, the Carolina an Northwestern and the Seaboard Air Line being the railways interested. The report of the State Labor Com missioner for last year is being issu ed. While the!egislature was in ses sion a summary, of the more impor tant features of the report was made for the use of members "of that body and this was quite widely circulated. TO BE INVESTIGATED Matter of Canal Appropriation to Be Gone Over CONGRESSMEN TO VISIT CANAL Comaiitte Harinf ia Ch&rc the San dry Civil Appropriations Expects By Personal Inspection and a Heart To Heart Conference With Those in Charge of the Work to Be Able to See the Justness of the Ap propriations Asked. Washington, Special. The exami nation on the ground of the estimate for the appropriations for continu ing work on the I 'ana id a canal sub mitted by gecretaary Taft for (he fis cal year 1907 is to be made by mem bers of the next Congress, who will have in charge the preparation of the sundry civil bill, in which the appro priation for the canal is incorporated. The proposed visit is the outcome of a suggestion from Representative James A. Tawney, of Minnesota, chairman of the appropriations com mittee in the last Congress,-who was at the isthmus following adjournment last March. He believes" it .will be t the best interests of the-services as well as to those directdW and in directly in charge of the administra tion of the force at work if the mem bers of the appropriations commit tee having in charge the preparation of fthe sundry civil bill go to the isthmus with the estimates for the next fiscal year and consider them carefully with the officials having su pervision of expenditures for all kinds of work being done. The sug gestion has met with'a hearty re sponse from those identified with the commission's work who believe that a great deal of good will result fro'i a heart-to-heart talk between the Congressmen, who prepare the im propriation and the officials who spend it, and that it will clear away in advance any misapprehension or misunderstandings that may exist as to the justness and propriety of al lotting the money estimated to be necessaray for the year's work. Of particular importance is the proposed visit regarded at the present time when the question is now before the President whether the commission can lawfully expend during the pres ent fiscal year any more money than was specifically appropriated. Colonel Goethals having reported to the au thorities in Washington that the work has progressed so rapidly Jhata it will be in the interest of true economy to exceed that amount to the extent of $3,000,000 and by reason of which he thinks a year's time will be saved in the completion of the great waterway. Officials here think Congress may, as a result of the observations of the members of the appropriations' com mittee who go to the isthmus, see fit to provide legislation under which work may proceed regardless of Ihe appropriations, if this authority does not already exist. The committee will leave New York November 5th and return to Washington in time for the opening of Congress in December. Material for Manufacture of Dyna mite in Tailor's Possession. Worchester, Miss., Special. The police of this city upon receipt of a telegram from Chief Inspector M Cafferty, of New York, searched the premises of Sarkis Restigian a tailor here and seized a case of ma ferial used in the manufacture of dynamite. Restigian is a friend of Father Mar toogessian who was arrested in New York some me sgo in connection with an Armenian murder. Resti gian told the police that the box was sent to him by some unknown perpon in New York a long tj igo. Drivers of Meat Strike. New York, Special. No meat has been delivered sinee midnight by the jobbers to the retail butchers in the city, owing to a strike of drivers, which took place Friday afternoon The men demanded higher wages and less hours. The meat men say there will be a famine in New York within twenty-four hours unless the strike is settled. Attempt to Blow Up Train. Cripple Creek, Col., Special. An attempt was made to blow up the in coming short line passenger train with dynamite at St. Petefsdomc, midway between Cripple Creek and Colorado Sprins. Every window in the last car was broken and M. J. McCarthy, of "Hetor, deputy State mine inspector had his hand cut. A number of women fainted. A similar attempt was made to blow np the" same train at Duffield. The dynamit ers escaped. , Interest on New York Bond Eaised Half a Cent, v New York, Special. Owing to the present stringency in the money mar ket the City of New York was obliged to raise the rate of interest on bonds it now has for sale from 4 ,to 4 1-2 per cent. The mayor issued an order to the heads of all city departments to limit the expenditures of their departments to the lowest possible point consistent with efficient administration. A FATAL MISTAKE Revenue Officers Shoot Each Other For EKockadsrs FOUR WOUNDED: ONE MAY DIE Three Others Wotmdei ia Uaf ortua ate Encounter Near Chapel Hill E&ch Party Mistook the Other for Blockader and Got Buy With Winchesters Deputy Collector Jordan of Ealelfh, Dtpcrately Wounded. Greensboro, N. C, Special. Two raiding parties composed of revenue officers and po semen, neither know ing that the other party was compos ed of their friends, met while search ing for an illicit distillery near Chapel Uill at 2 o'clock Friday mon ing and as a result of their mistake engaged in a miniature battle, la which four were seriously injured two probably fatally. The two who are in the most serious condition are Deputy Marshal Jordan and Posse man Banks, Deputy Collector Hend ricks who was in charge of one party was shot in the hip. He was brought here Friday evening. The name of the 'other man injured was not ob tained. Two raiding parties, one from Ra leigh and the other from Durham, having received information that an illicit distillery was in operation about five miles from Chapel Hill, in Orange county, started out and reach ed the distiller' at almost the 6ame time. The party first arriving was busy cutting up the still when the other party arrived. The party in the still was taken by surprise and the officers opened fire on the others, thinking that they were the moon shiners who had been operating tha illicit distillery. There were just three men in each party, and all began shooting. Four of the six men were struck by one or more o the many shots that were ex changed. After the firing bad ceased the men found to their surprise that no moonshiners were near and that they bad been fighting their friends. The wounded ones were removed to a farm house and physicians called in from Chapel Hill and Durham. Neither party knew that the othci was out, but were aware that moon shiners in that part of the country had given the officers much trouble. They were not surpised when they were fired upon and both sides felt sure that they were fighting the hardy men of the country. Additional Details Reported From Durham. Durham, N. C, Special. At at late hour Friday night all the men wound ed in the raid of a still near.Chapei Hill were doing well and are expect ed to recover. The wounded are as follows : Robert Hendricks, of Greensboro, deputy collector, wounded in hip, this being a flesh wound and not serious. J. B. Jordan, of, Cary, deputy mar shal, wounded through side of stom ach and in the hip. His wounds seri ous but not thought fatal. T. E. Rigsbee, this city, posseman, shot through arm, not serious. John R. Banks, Raleigh, posseman. bone in leg below knee crushed by bullet nad it may be necessary to amputate leg. That has not yet been decided. The only two of the six officers who escaped without being woundet! are D. C. Downing, deputy collector, of Raleigh, and A. L. Pendergrass, posseman of this city. Will Demand the Books. New York, Special. Defined by the officials of the Inter borough Met ropolitan Company, William JV. Ir- vins inquisitor for the Public Service ! Committee will appeal to the courts for an order requiring the corpora tion to submit its books for examina tion Attorney Cravath for the Bel-mont-Ryan concern says the Inter borough is not a railway but is a holding company, and that the com mittee has no right to demand tbr books. Irvins admits that the failure to get the books hampers him in his efforts to get the investigation the concern's condition. British Steamer Glenway Bammed. Norfolk, Ya., Special. The Mer chants & Miners Transportation Company's steamer Lexington, bound from Norfolk for Savannah, Ga., ram med the British steamer Glenway while the latter was lying off the Lamberts Point eoal piers awaiting a berth to take bunker coal. The Lexington apparently uninjured pro ceeded. The CMtiwuv's port bow was injured. Five Men Entombed. Wilkesbarret Pa., Special. Fire men were entombed by a fall of rock in No. 14 tunnel of the mine at Port Blancard, near here, operated by the' Erie Coal Company. Michael Naugh ten, one of the men caught in the fall after several hours effort,' crawled from under the debris badly injured. He reported that four other men were caught in the falL CREW IS ARRESTED Ciuxund Neg&sence Alleged Cause of Auburn Wreck WHEREIN TMtfE, WERE KILLED Dispatchers Btehca tad F&rria, Oendactor Oakley aad Eaxiaecr Bipper Mest Answer for Attars Wreck, ta Which Criainii NtU ftsct Ls Alleged. Raleigh, N. C, SpcitLChicf Train Dispatcher B. P. KrUbutu, of the Durham division of te tsoutheru Railway, snd Traiu Dispatcher Vic tor Parin arretted oa warraata charging manslaughter, the eorvmr' jury baring found them guilty of groM negligence and carrlenr in the matter of a head-on xlliKn of a freight aivd pa!tcgrr train near Auburn on Augut Cth hcn thr men were killed. The men waived examination and were- bound over to September term of courts Ketcbem'a bond being $1 000 and Parvin TX). WarrauU have been isatied for the arrest of Engineer YV. W. Rippey and Conduc tor C. M. Oakley, of the paswngei train who admitted baring forgot ten their order to meet the freight train. The magistrate says he will grant bail to them in $10,000 each when they appear before hira. Passenger Engineer W. W. Rippey and Conductor Oakley, of the South ern, came here and gave themclve up to Justice Separk. He bad issued warrants for them, chargi"? man slaughter for criminal cailessnewt in causing the collision at Auburn, ten miles from Raleigh, August Ctu. which caused three deaths. Bonds oi a thousand dollars were given in each case." All llu men w aived examina tion. Their cssos may be tried at the September term of Sujerior Court here. OUSTED MAYOR KILLS HIMSELF Paul C. Barth, of Louifville, Ends Life in Private Offic of Utics Lime Company, of Which He Was General Manager. Louisville, Ky., Special. Paul C. Barth, for a year and a half Mayor of Ltuisvillc, and ousted recently by the decision of the Court of ApjMjals, shot and killed himself Wednesday. Mr. Barth ended his life in his pn yat office at the headquarters of the Utica Lime Company, of which he wfe general manager. The shot wni heard by his business associates, who rushed into the room to find Mr. Barth unconscious on the floor, with i bullet hole in his head. He never recovered consciousness and died about 1 o'clock. Mr. Barth was a man of means and was president of the board of aldermen for cvera! years. It was Mr. Barth who , wel comed to Louisville President Roose velt when on his Southwestern tour two years ago. The cause of th suicide is unknown. Since the ousting of Mr. Berth's administration by mandate of the Court of Appeals two months oj;o, the acts of the officials during hi.' term have been subjected to severe scrutiny by the officials who came in with Mayor Bingham, appointed by Governor Beckham. Nothing wa found that reflected any discredit on Mr. Barth personally, but the meth ods of conducting some of the city institutions have been under fire both in official reports and in the press. Mr. Barth was very sensitive to criticism and his friends at time remarked that the condition of af fairs seemed to gall him. However, he gave no evidence that he was in any danger to break down, physi cally or mentally, and since the oust ing had been counducting his business affairs as usual. " Negro Sills Two Women. Camden, N. J., Special. Mrs. Frances Horner, aged 67 years, wife of Edward Horner, a farmer on the Browning road near Merchantvillc, and Mrs. Victoria NapolL a servant were chopped to death in their home, it is charged, by Charles Groson, a negro who was formerly employed on the farm. The assassin first set fire to the Horner barn. While Homel and Mrs. Napoli's htifband were try ing to rescue some of the horses from the barn, Mrs. HornrXjJd her servant came upon the negro iu the act of robbing the house. Mail Sacks Missing. Lincoln, Neb., Special. Three reg istered mail sacks containing about a quarter of a million dollars, disap peared from the Burlington train be tween Denver and Oxford, Neb., last Sunday night and the potoffice of ficials have just made the theft pub lic. The train left Denver with seveu sacks and but four remained when it reached Oxford. Detectives and post ofiee officials are at work on the ease. Captured in Florida. Columbia, SpeciaL A requisition has been issued by Gov. Ansel for Al exander Hillian, a negro wanted in Chesterfield county, for assault with attempt to ravish and believed to be a prisoner in the Southern part of Florida. Sheriff Douglass of Chester field was in the city and went to Flo rida as agent for the State to brin? back the fugitive. The crime charged against the-negro was committed about a year ago. HMHUMMMIHMIIMin i In Brief A mzi sunns cr mum t Me ftM Nearly all of lU (rrrwaetsU try rtc4 at Tie 1 hae Uwtrsrt 4 their dele?ate ta vk to favor of obligatory arbitratoa. Tie New Zealand UsnlaUr cil rejected the bill culm otea eli gible to election to the uppef bw. Two German and 110 Ouw killed by a dynamite eip4oe U ft Chine mine. Attorney-fleneret tVoajtarte tele graph IhfrtrWt A floury Parens of Ala bun , that the rntne iwer of tt Ouvrruxntct ill be wrd t efar the deeree of the Federal comta. Mr. lUmapaite he baa no ia- teotioo of reftipiin;, but U tfiftX hard on the trut caw. J. D. I ?!!, ucstm editor tw U held rejM.iU!e f r wurh of tle r eent race trmthle on tbe Eattern Shore of Virginia, pave IinM-lf up at Oaneock and a taken to Norfolk under Inme guard as! locked op in tbe NorMk jail, IVtcll urridre4 to Colonel Nottingham. Prince Wilhelm, of Sweden, had a buy day ij:hteinf at Jatneton and attending xoeial function in bit honor. He awarded the tiopbiee to the victor in tbe boat rac be tween the American and Swede. The Black Elijah" and hi fol loVer, whe have been creating fjet excitement among tbe nc-jrine of Hiehoiolid hae depatlcd. Mr. J. N. Wilkinson, of Notf-dk, wa found drowned in the Elirabelh river. President KooM?velt declared in hie Provineetown pcevh that there to be no let-ftp in hi lrut and rail road oliey. Senator Foraker in an interview, ay there can be no jwace between him and Taft. Two mailbag with .frA' w19 stolen from a train on the way from Denver to Chicago. The arrcut of n well-known Armen ian in Chiccgo, it i thought may aolre the murder of Father Caer and Tavfchanjtan, the rich Armenian mer chant. The submarine bo.nt Vior, howeJ her ability to remain out at a fyut day and met every tet. The present Eddy suit has been dropped by the attorneys for the next friend, who ay they will ahortly be gin a new one. Senator Forakcr mr.de a pecb in reply to that of Secretary Taft. Jacob H. ScbiiY aid the Admini rration's jolieie were not to blame for the financial aituation but ascrib ed tbe change to natural cause. Ex-Mayor Paul C. Barth of L"ui ville, committed uicide because he had been legislated out of office and hiticinrd. Julin Teich, in a fit of ea!ouy killed bis wife and Limcclf in their New York flat. Mr. Iena Scham a widow was mur dered in her apattinrnt in Brooklyn. A rejected suitor is reported miin?. Forest fires are doing great damage in Massachusetts, and Michigan. William J. Bryan after a wreck at Rockville, III., id he would toon re ply to Secretary' Taft 'a speech. The grave of La Flora H. Baker, a lumberman, wa opened after 14 years to satisfy a partner he wa reall buried. J. P. Morgan retr.rred from -abroad and only smiled when akrd if he bad read the President' teecb, Tue report of the Judge-AdrocaU Genet al shows thot nearly half tbe ulUted men in the army have been tried on some charge tbe last year. An 8-year-old boy killed his 2-yetr. old sister, in York, pa with a revol ver he didn't know was loaded. William Hicks was- held up in tbo suburbs of Philadelphia by robber who got $0,000 and citirea caogl.t two of the three highwaymen and recovered the money. Emperor William toasted Emperor Francis Joseph a friend and ally and King Edward gave a banquet in honor of his birthday. Secretary Taft left Washington on the first stage of his around-the-wot!d tor. Government official are wonderiruj what i behind the myfteriou de mand for an investigation into tbe early transaction of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. Work on delimiting tbo boundary between Siam and Frencb-Indo China will noon b commenced. The San Franriseo Chamber of Commerce gave a love feast to cement the friendship b'tween the United States and Japan. The International Socialist Con gress began at 8tuttgartf Germany. With the telegraph strike a week old each side professes to b ea con fident as ever. Three persons were ki'led and two probably fatally injured when an ex press train struck an automobile near Great Barrington, Mat. A large water rruin in the Shenan doah Valley burst on Sunday and tbe people of Berryville are now without water, except what can be drawn from cisterns. It will be several day before the break can be repaired. i