i f -A VOL. XXV. RALEIGH, NOBTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMHKIt 19, 1807. NO. 37. CAUCASIAN TAK HEEL TOT ICS fil Items Galhcrcd From 'Ad Sections of the State Jf Two Electric Power Plant. Ili.-kory, Special It ia much in i .... ,e "that Hickory is to Lave in i: :.car futuic two electric power j !, . ono having just been cbarter fl; u: !r ti.e name of Ilors'eford Pow a ( , , with capital stock of $125, i ;j v. il.ch is to iievtlop electric power u! 0ldl Shoals tt. the Catawba two and one. half miles north cf ti - ity, the property being that . by order of court Saturday, Sep v.rJJi r 7th, which was bouzht bv a l ,. al company with a view to having it !' V( !opcd as soon as possible. This i r- j' ity is considered among the fin unoccupied in the State. The n ill S'noal3 one and a half miles f-,-t of the Horseforfl property on t r- j-mne stream is to be developed Last Rumination, Raleigh, Special. Directions to ap plicants for high school teachers' cer tificates were mailed from the StaU TOO MUCH MARRIED George Brummel'i Mistake Gets Him Into a Peck of Tremble. High Point, Special. A warrant wan served on George Bru camel Sat urday afternoon charging him with bigamy. Some years ago Brumnu I and his wife became separated she troing West to ee relative. In the meantime Brummel claims that be hoard or had good reasons to believe Department of tducation to all thow wife WM dad anU therefure mar applying for certificates and to couu ty superintendents. Another exam ination will be held at the county teat of every county October 11th anl 12th. This will be the last one of the year for high school teachers. These certificates are valid for three i years and subject to renewal without examination by the Estate lioard ot Examiners, upon terms prescribed by the board. All applications for this examina tion must be tiled with the Slate Su perintendent of Public Instruction on or before September 30, 1907. questions lor tne examination aic i... Writf-r-Power Electric Com- . ;,,I3,ts for the development of ping prepared by the State Board or ,.,,,v fur which the majority of the Examiners and will be in the hand. ' , , have been already let. Col. M. f the county superintendents in am- . J . . tilo timi fnr trip, dntp fiitpd. V. Thorton the company's m tost aci ive member left a few dn.ys ago for N'. w York where he will join some of l.ls business associates, who arc in- tcn-ted in the development of the ft. The development or tneso rit-d again. But it seems that wife No. 1 wan pretty much save and neither she nor Brummel hud secured a divorce. Appearing on the scei.e here and finding: that Brummel was married ajrain, things looked squally for a while, but somehow the matter No. 1 money her. aoeisiui.o. .sur. . was rerkirted that Brummel had jriven wife No. 1 money to go tier way and let him and spouse No. 2 live in peace, but wife No. 1 has turned up aain and sues her husband io biL'arnv. Wife No I now lives in Phil- ' . . - adelphia. Brummel is a hardworking man, and a good citizen, ana ni friends feel for him in his hour of SHE IS MG BLIND Noted Woman Criminal Losing Her Sight MRS. CHADWICK'S SAD PLIGHT Former "Witch of Finance," While Engaged in Conversation With Her Son is Stricken With Serious Illness, Which Nearly Costs Her Life and Leaves Her Stone Blind. The examination will cover the usual high school subjects including history, State, national and general; English, German, composition and lit erature: advanced mathematics i 3 . . ni. ..-.11 much marneoness. iue rase m 1 11 1 A " .1 -. A C .... ... f,-tiit't prooaoiv oe incu ai ouiieuui v-uun. Columbus, 0-, SfeciaL While en- the femalo department oi tne usw Penitentiary, where she has been eoi fined for the past two years, serving a 10-year sentence for wrecking the Oberlin National Bank, Mrs. Cas3ie Chadwick, former witch of finance, who representing herself as the nat ural daughter of Andrew Carnegio, victimized dozens of Ohio and East- 25 Pit IN A WRECK A Misunderstanding of Orders Results in Awful Catastrophe MANY PERSONS INJURED BADLY Excursion Train oa the Concord Division of the Boston k Maine Railroad Crashes Into & Freight With Terrible Results. ern bankers and capitalists to the ex- I j. a x? - '11! Iaam.! rrt J k'-v which convenes hi Grensboro nest " wce gus securities anu jeweiry, Mucmi nervous collapse that almost cost her $300,000 Corporation at Red Springs He and left her temporarily, at Ar,o. h, .nmnrntJorm chartered least, stone blind. She was earned illll'7 U., l"v- vv--" I j.n,,fct. me u iupu, . , alirebra and ceometrv: civil govern- Amontr .bonis means mucn to tne cit ana . m(?nt theory flnd Ucc of teaching, by the Secretary of State Saturday to the hospital in the female depart ' p couii ti y . o ca In miaition tQ thc subjects men- one of tl bo funnshed at mucn less cost to our manufacturers. The Work is Accepted Grensboro, Special. Thursday; bjects men- I one of the most important was tne ment jjV er son and female attenu- examinations will no DeSoto Land & LumDer vompaiy, hu i.v ni.vi.in. BROKE ALL RECORDS Giant New liner Crosses the Ocean With Unusual Speed A NEW TYPE CF ENGINES USED Big Tar Use Steamship Rnshts lata New York Harbor Flia FUr t( Victory. Having Made the Tri From Qncenstowa ia 5 Davs, 1 Hmr and is Misntes. i : t I . -ii. ::i ,.n: TtaA Snrin i anis. "IVt'Il III puvaiCft, ilKlinmun-, Ijuuiij I Willi UllllClWiit omtc oi xn-v. j....0- . 1..;,,,. riroolr Vroix'h nnrl flprmnn. To "tench I Tf ia nndpr tsnnd this eomDanv has who was summoned, louna ner oiii0 any of these subiects the teacher purchased or has an option on extcn-. on a bed in ten nospuai in a cum. must hold a certificate covering tho Uive land, timber and turpentine in- Although she was conscious and very 1 1! A I.. A C 41- L' n.wlrt .wl f hQT II. I . . .. . 1 1 i . ii i: v ti, n saTnP niiti no ;iidi k-:iiil niiiv un-u;i i. rorpms in noiiLii r iui iun uuu mi in.. monintiii iiri n . imlit t lie execuiive couiujiiit; -t. n , . " 11 , . ,. y . , i. , . . i quiei lufiiwii, 1111 iiuuiouuu b.,,rd of directors of the State ISpr.,. i u puu mgu U""NS 11 f l'1 "I" l" . I q , rdav's most stopped and she was blind. Dr i i;u aiiU luuusiuai LOiithL were iu . i i ri,,.Q immwlio v administered . n ' , . i,, t . 1 1 I ,M' itur I nun . l 1 1 , I.' f r 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I . . . , .nrmnc m fic in iiuk ' iiaiici imuivviiwiv . . v, .n lioi-p for the rmroosc oi ac-, "l l,1" '""""'"o .cnw, un., xv..u mi-ui nuanuiw "j II, irnrlf ,lnno Hiirinf t IP Or UCI mail. JJCrOIO lAaim CV iuini vwrnr-vMUlllu-guvciiuc ""' i"v. summer bv John T. Hunt & Co., who . w Red Springs, to buy, lease and other- g0n wfldly Anxlou5. liems oi Dtaie xxews. wise acquire timoer, nmoei mi.f . , . . . . . cnn , ' had come down from Cleveland to White Hiver Junction, Vt.f SpeciaL A fearful head-ou ctlliion between the southbound Quebec ciprv and a northbound freight train ou the Con IlroUfcH'.A0U.b ltou ii. Maiue station early Sunday, due to a mis take in train dispatcher's orders and from a detnolifbed pasM-nger eoacn iherp were taken 24 dead and dvlug and 27 other passengers, moi oi them seriously wounded. .Nearly an thoe who were in the death car wero returninc from a fair at Sherbrooke, Onebec. 100 miles north The conductor of the freight tram was given to understand that he had rdeatv of time to reach a siding by the night ojerator at Canaan sta tion, receiving, according to tue su periiileiuient of the division, a copy rf the tcle"-raiih order from the train dispatcher at Concord which confus ed the train "Nos. 30 and 34. The wreck occurred gust after the exprvss had rounded into a straight stretch f hack, but owing to the early morn- ing mist neitne enpinr iH &.ser Wilhelni other's Lead light until it was ioo . knuU fruu, late. I v.'... fMvm.mtli and the New York, Special. A sifw tf aai- ship record bettu a Kurtpcw pit nard line's new giant tuttmw tdA' Luitania. The Luitania left Qicenton, tU nearest Iran-Atlantic l-tt to Nc York at 12:10 p. m. Sunday and ar rived otl Sandy Hook liihthii at 8:43 a. m. (etimatd), luakinu t ie time for the trip o days 1 hour and 33 miuutes. This in C hours and 2U minute better thau the previous Queruton Kew York record held by th Lucanta of the same line. Hour Record Unbroken. UM.;i.. il,u I iiilama bilk U13UC a , iillC 1A ,---- , new record fr the time a paeugcr is actually on Ward ship, the has not beaten the average i-pfd lr bnvf been engaged in building an an v.ox to the Spencer building and eora- i.b-ting the work on the Stu,dent3 , - State Runerintendent Jovncr says and interests; manufacture, buy and A . ..".I .. . . i, v, locf oTaminntlnn fnr lii oh U;el I naval stores. siint. rosin, turpeii lUOlf lilC AOU UaMlUlllUlI'll I - - JA . , l, i i " 1 aIa v..-. i i i -ii i. . i.i i . I a:. i,n rmic iiiii id nnn- nner- i vicit iipr nno wm is verv ikv iru 10 i...;i.i;(v Tiio pmnnnnv cfimn pted scnooi icaciiers win oe neiu in cfiv uut- aim mi u.wacio, v.a.u - IiMlMllI,. iiv. v-'u'l w...x-.. . I 1 1 1 A.l.... . . . ,.11 1L.. the work according to the specifica-! county in the State, October lllh and ate tram roans ana aepois; ou, oi-y ; her, stood over tne Deo, urging me fi-oot RoidemW 1st. 112th. at the respective courthouses, ate ana sen uw iuu p-"' nhvsieian to do fis best to save ner. - l -7 r - . 1M.. (,. r"rf - tions in the con ud the committee accepted the work finding it measuring up in every res pect to the renuirements laid down in the contract. Store Burned to Ground. 1Tt mvc iYint a irrpnt manv nrp need- I drv kilns, etc a or,Ai thot 5n faM nnt nver hnlf tlips The authorized capital stock schools have as vet secured princi- .f300,000 with $Yo,000 already sub- utes IS Cassie revived within about 20 miu- - - 1 A?.l pals. The pay oi teachers is not scribed in shares ot iuu eacu as ioi- less than $40 a month Jind in some lows: ,i. if. mhihih, , - cases exceeds .$100. Some of the llliams I4U; . J. jonnson, o. principals set S1.000 for eight- Worthy Johnson, 140; K. W. Classic Ilupe Mills, Special. A few minutes mfmtbs school term. Those who pas. ISO. after 0 o'clock Thursday mgui lire nxaminations can serve in any pub- lied .springs i,onueu uuuu...v. was discovered in the store of L. t. yle school. At the first examlualloiA Company of Red Springs to nuii'i MeDuiiie and before nny assistant wuieu us nc m ruv v l, r-1"" --r vrn rplmiises tor ould be got the flames had gainel ,ood many applicants but not so all kinds of ague ult ur al Hjls c . ,b .. . :ki,. ,i . i 4,:i nftnn and to accept tues- . I . . . . . 1 r T1-C TTT1 III 1vJ III 1. . . . . xmf,T(lll 1 1 1 ( 1 V. I I i 1 1 1- illl 1 III, 11111 , , i , - . . r.i Minuv iuuv iv "- ""f" inauv us tiir rAiii,u 1 i . i.i i ai.. A. .. . . ... i rni I to extinguish them, ailkcugn iue ed to meet tlie requiremeius. me nc-- inight have been partly saved had the mand for teachers of all kinds was No? 4 mill had steam so as to force neVcr so marked in thc State as at the water. Mr. McDuffie had just present and the better salaries which besun some extensive repairs, sucn are paiU are proving a very ueciueu The List of the Dead Tha identified up to C o'clock at Deuthchla.ul, with a ircrd ot T -f iUshoro Hi mMieal edu- Those wentihed . up 10 o o r,ymoUlUf bavl,1; wjw ,,r, tt th, ualtrr. mnthv Shaudmesey Castle Bar, made better time. of Virginia, but afl.r rivlnf Timothy Shaughnessey, tastie , LwitauiaV ieed ir hour on h; ,k nn,cre ll(ljed v,rel DR. MURPHY DEAD Head of Ncrth Cmrva Ittzsm tlospUnI Posses Away s A MAN OF RARE ATTAINMENTS Eitprist&dfit ef Suu Qe4;ita Sarrazabs to Illness rroa WlUk Be Saf r4 a Year Waa Itfty Nine Years of At and Had B at Bead ef Hospital Su.ct Xu C Uhlishatst A Koble Maa 0sa SktUh of Bis Career. . v r. Pal- papenntendcr.t of the State llvfnk4 at Mrfantou died WeduWay taoiu mng at 11:30 o'clock t hu bs in Moidnton aftrr an illic f a jar. Dr. Mmpbv years of ac. He was born" on (ti.Ur 23. 14 U SAtan county near tllt, and there rnt the jwumjrr t of hi Ufe. lie was ihe o, of tU 1U Tat rick Muri'by and Wfure her marriac hi mother was Mi KJita A. Kau He wa edacatel at the Hiashata Sehmd, whirh.wa then at the Oaks aftrrd at Mebane. When (leneral Stor.eman al the of the war, dahrl throtjfh the mountain nd tusde Li raid from GreenlKrro to 8)Ubury the eadet erp wa ordered ioto the ftehi to meet him: but that was the ouly mili tary M-rvie that Dr. Moiphy r performed. Educational Aavmv. loiter lie went to who'd to Colons Ouebec. Mrs. fchaugnnessey . . . . f .... ., il at 1 her maideu voae i yeam more at the l4itremiiy oi xti I nnie St Vierre Verte One- 22.H7 knots r hour. m Maryland. For cverl year, be prac Mi Annie St. 1 lerre, erte, sjue M wifh fla roo,hrine in Sarorm eountjf and bunting when sue maue mi r j fn)m tLcn, M,nl tl, m anion, a., as xainting and remodeling; and li3 attraction in some sections had also quite a lot of new fall goods , T, Tennessee Coal Fields which had just arrived, lie had some insurance though not sufficient to cover the loss. No cause of the fire is known. and South Atlantic Trans-continental Railway Company has changea name to the South Atlantic Trans continental Railway. This is the line which is applying for fifty convicts under a new State law, and which desires to speedily build about fif teen miles of road in order to reach Hanged Himself in Barn. High Point, "Special. Some time Wednesday night at Abbott's Creek, ,:ie. ih nlnee. Rand lWenhamer, a white man 35 years oi ;sne rorests age, got out of bed, went to Darn-on the lot and hanged himself from one of the joists. lie retired as usual and was not missed until this morn ing, when his son found him cold iu death. The reason given for his rash act is that he was involved in a law suit about a horse. He leaves a wife and live children. Greenville Has Enormous Tobacco J iff Watson -cnt down after aim last, ureenviue xx . MeLnvcblin was one ot four ' PTIVW' 1 Willi r"M'flIt:U 11U111 v." ,,,..l,ir-fQ for ilenosits and atnaiu-c money on goods stored or given nego tiable receipt for same, ine capnu stock authorized is $25,000 with $2, 000 subscribed. The incorporators are Messrs. "Y. J." Johnson, W. 11 Sykes, Red Springs Trading Co., ii. W. Townsend, J. L. McMillian, W. J. r,.T nrwl a TT. TTall. Alex. MeKenzio, J. D. Gibson, Garrett & McNeill, D. P. McEachhern and William Robert.-. Store Bnrned. Dr. Helmick, the night physician at the penitentiary, has been attending Mrs. Chadwick and treating her for a nervous troll ble. Dr. Garrett, the day physician, says that she is a neu risithenic, and that her nervous sys tern is in utter collapse. He said that which she underwent during her sou s visit. He says that she has a very nervous heart, lyid that any excite ment brings on an exaggerated ner vous attack. Dr. Helmick is of the opinion that the blindness is only temporary, but has called in oculists, who are ad ministering treatment. It was stated by officers at the pen itentiary that Mrs- Chadwick had en tirely recovered. Power to Act on Loan. bee Fred M. Phelps, Ochiltree, Texas. Mrs. A. E. Warren, Haverhill, Mass. . . Mrs. F. C. Blake, South Corinth, Vt. Mrs. Maragret Largy, Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Philip Gagnon, Sherbrooke. Miss Barrett, Manchester, N. II. Miss Alvira Giron, Nashua. Mrs. Webster, a dressmaker livins in Massachusetts. J. L. Conron, Somerville, Mass. Infant child of Irving Gilford, Con cord, N. II. w.Mj. E. L. Briggs, West Canaan, .,4 ;n,i(K- Hook. A irtx'il sight of the beautiful vessel was had frL the shore for only a short while. lined tb railing? Al, r,...-.li,.l h rlifferent decks oi anu ciu" , ,. thm. lnr.ro vessel, waving haudkcr- nml American and British Villain - - - - - where be served come time a assist ant phyweian at the Wntern laan Afyluni. While in StauaUn he re ceived the apjomttnent U the sapcr- iotendeutey of tlie Uokpiiai lor n insane at Morgsutvn ami mbc n tune had made Morgan his hotnfr. Held Many Boaora. f tb fiacs The marine observatory stations on j)f Murphv wjw a member ! to the shore dimn-d their nags in salute, . , f mrii:r.i exaraineni of ortl and other vessels u wtr 0,i-. Carolina and one of the lxrd oi dr blew their whittles in jrrrfnng, anu the Lusitania's blue ensiu was con stantlv lowered and raised in ac knowledgraent of the reception given her, w i r- w . a John U. uuncan, ueiuei, ... jr f -t 5aHsca tb til ',Ar,GA ;n(ii,,de n hnv 4! The log of the Lusitaoifr fta - . r, ,lnVs nnd DUXIC. years oia, a man -iu yeais oiu, a nu-i - ; A. f man of 30 years, a man of 55, and and I her time of an four others. Those Seriously Injured. The most seriously injured, who were taken to the Margaret Hitch cock Hospital at Hanover, N. IL, in cludes an unknown boy with both legs broken, arm torn out and head in jured, dying. The other known in jured are: Mrs. S. Saunders, head Hook lightship 8.05 a, m rector of the School for the Deaf and Djimb at MorpBiton. lie was . one tnne the-prejdont of tin oriu Carolina Medical Society and an oftV cer in the American Medieo-rayeJioio- ' ' Marhk'ce m . He was married to Miss Bm ivJ. LJ Btndy Waddella Bumcardner of Aagust. fefV cr- n,in,r. Virinnia. rroni ine man.-.- m xioo "B"kHr - .- . tV,.-aro ,.- .ureivioir cbiureu. i7n nni tntnl distance was 2,7S2 siilas The giant Cunarder waa fiven a ..Umerous creetin- by aba immense w of steam craft as sU swept up AA - - the bav. She presented a magm- Mr. JamM Bumgardner Murphy, and Mr. Robert Livinston Murjdiy, Mr. Charles Williams of Wallace, to. C, a rister of Dr. Murphy al sumves him. The death of Dr. Murphy was not Negro Boy Drowned. Raleigh, Special. Wilmer Taylor Greenville tobacco market had a re-, some wav flel to a ord-breaking sale Wednesday. Ihe gw and ha(1 a pitched battle with banks here paid out nearly $3o,00U ge whQ surroundea them during for the days sales, farmers are tt-which McLauchlin and one of the dav afternoon wl lighted at the good prices their to bacco is bringing. Dicharges 150 Men. posse John Autry were wounded. to water not swim State News Items. Early next year Raleigh will be in Arm In Cotton Gin. I U orITT TlPYT. VP 11 ILaidU I ... t1 11 I ATI ATI Spencer, Special.-xne - - , - ttiug a eat amount-oi 'i7, ... . 1lis Rnilwav Company discharged j.oo oi. . - - f Buckhorn Falls, drews met with a uau auiuv-.- -- aiuaimuj r i i, eiecinc uuwn a. a uaa - - ni its employes at Spencer pursuant U . inrpr :s to the Edge- father's cotton gin at Rockfi.h bta a general cut which it is learned cov- - Mannfacturning Company of t- His rfgM arm got caught tne enure puvuu - Cnnpf, which will make yarns, understood tuai vue iuuuwu ; , i : . . : c. e-n-o boys were in swimming got in- run for 30 years wuu permiiuu ih.a "".' ... , i u I ai. n,;o nnvmiimpiit to I C- bevond his reacn ana coum i me ouiuu,.ca.. 0 . UWU I i ai li .nrwl nf 1ft venrs. aeem mem iu mc ua. j A National Employment Agency Washington, Special. Secretary Strauss of the Department of Com merce and Labor announced that he nnmnsAfl establishing a UUl UVJV" inred are: Mrs. S. &aunuers, neau ... .,.. j, .,i Koir ininred. Mr, C. N. Sauu- 1 cent picture as sue r ? r r," . i. hn 11 for tho Washington, Special. The Bureau ders, Nashua, wounds on head; Miss JV" ' Buiiain,r wag strung a sc- pftSt year, and last September was Hands of a EecetTer. tt;. helored wife and children were pecial. The ortii ftt nU bedside when the end came. An Auenw oi uxga While Dr. Murphy was an alienist of very tigt merit be was wonder fully endowed with commoo seni and as a practical adminisirator M no superior. Ia th maoacemeftt Ql the Hospital he condueted tbe affairs of tne immense iwtibittoa so as to excite jreanine adm"irUon. At the head of this acat StsU iastution which he has controlled t t w founded in m ami wfcirh under hio thaa 4.000 pstisais Dr. ifiuphy mo4 sucesssfuy and a4- mirablv managed it. He ktood in tho flret rank among the eminent men or bis profession ard reacted boner uprm the medical frtteruily d aiJ the people amnn? whom he wa born and raised. In jrran like hi father i,. oa t.ll ftf taJ:ie. fiofwy and ca- AA " " " . ' . . nnV.li nf 1 rwn rrrrin tinnrd exertion. A uauiv; -' Fayetteville, Speeial.-Leon C. Mc- " w received a C. Saunders Nashua, contusions on tal Ln'to BalUmore during th. past near Waynesviiit D ffle,g store at Hope Mil s iNo. i, . " .V" Santa face; Miss D. Saunders, Nashua, in- " rV' vr he was operate.1 on several some very exten- wftS destroyed by fire Saturday night cablegram announcing that the bant; injuries; Fred Saundens Nash- Vkelwme. fiy wnt hotEe by ii-Hh nil Us contents. At 9 o clock I Tomimro Congress passed a resolu- cu,ur ;nirpfi. Mrs. Hester t...,.:-:.- thar tn di. The : -a iii. "D nnvered in flamos 7. i i a: x. i. t?.:.. j Lu"' r A " 1.., "i ....i Tttr Oeorria Electric Oempany mm. i'rfJ.."'S-T;C " tbt. a special woiKt'i is vna- ah iuU imp uuuuuis v.aw..v..-- i tion oe etraiinir 10 iuc wciuuiv aunaers. nrocion, mior., m-nu mi" -o - . i muM or nis arsiu InfflcA of the Secretary of State copy-I nn(i from that time on for several . . n rtW. Brl1 -utll. hack iniured: Charles St. Pierre ,TsIe ing reports regarding Onslow county hours the local fire department aiued $20,000,000 Domi- Yerte Qu?7. Anternal. in-iurif ' 4rt?ur Atlanta, Ga, S to replace those aestroyea Dy nre. bv the tire ongaue oi. tuc AuFw y - - - - Jacques, MiiiDury, internal injuries; 0florffsa Electric Company was piac 1 - - Manufacturing Company with hose Udan loan, contract. The vote wa, e. A. Batchelder, Somerville, ankle Whe SS, 0 a weViver. This neanarate Nesrro Captured. from the mill's hydrants had a strug- u r an(1 o against. The session at i,mUpn. Philip Gagnon Sherbrooke, .. tnran An netition of Ell- Fayetteville, Specitl. Archie Mc- gle to save the entire block in which wbicll tMs authoiity was given to infernal injuries; John Barrett, Man- c , A,len aria w. D. Chamber lain, ' t 1.1. Acr-nt -notrr-n cnnvi.'f thev final v succeeded. Mr. McDutlie I p-afeipi-i t Cp.ceres was an extraord- I -i, ectsr TC TT.. bend and breast in-! n- a -i nA ho Western UnioJ of Cumberland" county, has been ar- estimates "bis loss at $12,000 an which inary Qne called for September 10th, hured; Miss Abby Jansen, Nashua, Telegraph' Company. A similar pc vt ot Kir. entree. S. C. anl She:- there is .$0,000 insurance. to deal Avith the latest proposition b ken fronts bone. fnl. a receiver was refused by for the loan ny for the contract The southbound train was mzde up j Judge Shelby at Atlanta. Kuhn, Leob & Co., of New lorn. at gherbrooke, where it picked up NorJh Georgia Electric Company h: This proposition provided for the tvro seepers from Quebec and two piant of 50,000 horse-jiower on tl n '1 Tl. COUVltlS ll u coioj-vu a..a. . W:-eirli. (Special. AiLUri x..A.,., . t r ftn i - . I a OIBIU via ----- , Greenville, N. C, Special. The a vpar or two ago prc. fr , v dv0wned in Walnut supply of the needed $20,000,000 on m0re on the way down. It consisl- Chlaltahoo.bre river and sells powel ii- Al, worl-ot had ft 1-e- . e , - " A3.l a. I " ... . i ci I lmf iha lnnii he taken at I J C Al. V,n, naiconwr . - A llitlln The ja L 1 .reek near Ra'cio-h at 5 o'clock bun- condition inai u;e iucu ed oi tne Daggage cai, pM-.r. cieeK, near na.ti?u i ,in- Tho hoods to I u ,i .. ; v.o A-.r.lAv i-hore he anil Oilier 1 yo cents on m- '"'' coacu anu suiumu;; ten in vAiAAi. w.-.i.i with the sleepers in the rear. The train left White River Junction at 3:50 a. m., 40 minutes late and fol lowed 20 minutes later by the JVion a TiuiTi her ot points nrar Samuel C. Dunlap, of Gainesville, was apointed emporary:cler Infatuated With Mulatto Woman. New Orleans, Social. The sew- . . it . .. , Vir. treal ezpros, over the Central Ver- rc of real u n . rieri: i.ottcnne coi.- . . i i wf Tho nnehee PTnrtss is Knowrt.i ill, Jilt. AAiv vmw 1 I , A nv l 1 1 if A 1 m. I .V(-ni I .TIlC I as NO. ou ana me aiuuui i.u - tin,lMM1 of the. fund -- v. ni i iessc UC oJ c national I . iu. ,Mot,.r ' olllfe WUI Ir .Meantime ers is I that the reducuon ox , .V Ttner cloths; the capital the force is made necessary uy - stock being $25,000 and W. M. Green verse legislation and in order to meet I being the prin- exnenses. The curtaiimem appuw w - r all departments. cipal stockholder. Increase of $6,000,000. i-i Rnooinl. Magistrate J LUa'lU') t Bridge Tumbles In. Trov, Special.-A few days go n . .1. tho mst. end of iSur- ine appiou - . , has rmUernth of Troy the city tax books for the past few tal in this city fell in while Dan Allen was crossing weekg and who has just about com- re- 1 i?-..,.llT the machinery and was leanauj erated. He was placed on the after- nnn train which passed soon the. accident and taken to Hope Mills. rw MeGmiran happened to be near -..mi" : nenHntion With a Jlcna Mills oi vvm---"."-" . -.l nlrH the. nntomobile and rW.r.ent agency with T. V. Pow- w .rrSvpd imburse the public for nearly tne to- --"''"." . . . . yoala M dTrWia charge so that capital and " Lr":-, I td amount of Lottenne's tl,efb - - w lac- habo'r may join hands to their mutual - time Aeeorfi til he met the woman and De ful of fcM benefit. The secretary said ne woum dyision gurin. infatuated witn ner, u . Account Trom Mcrston. I A-ii .. .!, lahor is needed and I . , n.. I -ns nnnrat I . - ii- r u otter i icn iur-i un. ---- . . i aAont a tf i .rnwiev. me nin, I -i i Mnrffanion. a I . , , 1 - h. I iciiuvuii " I i i 1 .1 ill. in- rshvsician and ne piacuu iuved man in his V . . , i. Al. 11... ----- . . 1 1, inform neoole where labor is to oe ou-1 ..- roneord. wnt a - A A I liail' UlWIV",i v.. 1 tainment. di;nateh to John Greeley, the nigut American Social ciem,o Atwratnr at i anaan xuai o- 3 rrt TTnnor Secretary of State Boot. 1 a ,nnr j -ia minutes late. The jb v Awe - i vriio UOUf - A order which Conductor Lawrence, oi showed alter tne ctates that NO. - T i I acciuein. uuuumj t-v - City says the Academy oi i 3Q ingtead Gf Ko. 34 was an hour vwi Tn'ricnmdence. a branch of the I in minutes late. Conductor San Antonio, Tex., Special.- Ixl t A-V 4- frMin " . '.ucu aaaaaaa . , Tit-n,. 1 ... t , tm-rr,' Xloiier. 1 liie J.rtrisui, hba. been at work on brought him to the uignsmnu xxua special to ine Mpie accident distinctly states the shorter working hours; in a two-horse wagon loaded with ; hig taskj was asked by a lumber. The driver and team fell a P egtimate as to S iririnteS injirynd lue of -the taxable property in the ... mi ..inc. Trom -. -i .lon TT!c rpnlv was ...,.K.Vlir il-l I ( IP. ine liiui " -" Oltv OT lillttllUOC. i -t.J not seriously hurt. The bridge had Abont $i7,000,000, an increase of Jhur been recently, repaired ana lw ;ibout $M00,000 over last year action was decided on 11 1 1 A- 1. t.. r rnfo nnndltlOn. A ,1L . 4-;n..a1 . thnt. It all IWmtU Haa3 , .1 iDougni 10 ue in oaa. T 1. means, "ne cuu""" - rotten piece of timber that wa taxes arQ coUected, the city tax thought by the workmen to bo sound jCollector vm handle about $10,000. tells the story. I - 1 Ten-Hour Work Day. I o,.;0ntif.e Associatino. Tawrenee. believing tbiil he had suf- ntonia. Special.-Because ot ta great r"..- f "tW in the hour and ten min - ' . a at i,o I , 11 j cnnAia pnnvuraiiuu a , unvu. - 1 as Ai. I 1 . oAnvAcatinn ...f.w,l of the management ot wuc bas caUea a - 1 . 1 ii.iii - . i l aeiuauu 1 A s; aooui. vaav o1st ' i "li of the factory hav '"1"-V. " " lureu cmpy.) -' ---- OI lAlvlllAlAAA... -- . AA4AO ... tu .a Jn-minii tot I .. t : r.-; .a to Via held Toinv Alill to gram u ucmu- tne memDers iu o.c-"v - . U I ... 1 , 1 auoui. 1 1 oit j? wtnen ine uaiuo utes to reach the sidetrack at West- Meets. Buffalo, N. Y., Special.-" Is cialbm a Threatening Calamity! was the general topic announced for discussion by the American Social Science Association. Dr. A. F. W eo er of the New York State depart ment of labor, spoke on "Latwr ig of Secretary of State Root . ahead. The superin Canaan, four miles beyond, before Ration, National and Ifrna"' Z No. 30 reached it, ordered his train aad W. J. Ghent on "Int"n ahead. The superintendent declared tional Socialism; Its Aims, Method. Tiiseharced Mutual Insurance Company mow douuiu Salisbury, SpcciaL-Tha People's Raleigh Special.--A telegram from r..A..i t; Tncnrnneft Association ti4a rcnmbiA Richmond ana has received a charter from the Sec- other points states that follow- retary of State and has begun busi- the reduction in . the ,oe &7' ness. It is backed by the best busi- ed at the shops 0f the Southern RaU ness men of Salisbury. Its board of at Spencer a large number of directors is composed of Thomas at Atlantaj 106 at Richmond H. Vanderford. Sr., H. C. Trot M. discharge were made dwwhere-16U L. Jackson, J. M. Maupin, W. C. ou yice president Ackert says it Mann:-, G. C Stewart, D. R. Julian Jms nothing to do with the railway N. B. MeCondless. 0. W. Spencer and rate legislation- -B T, Ad-'-ock nf Syracuse, Nt Y. 1 - Association Murphy superintendent iheSUt. Hospital here, mcu at 1 1 .- Wcdnesday after a year's -knt: His death was not unexpected. At his bed fide were all the members ot bis familv, his wife and four children The board of director w,re idon at tbe time death occurred and adjuRed for one hour, Mr. J. P. Sawyer and C. IL ArrnMd bnng ing in bv appnntment st tbe expira 4;",. . r that iimi a suitable tribute. which was adopted. T: " State flag on th main hospital b!d:n? was ti,' . (l,l,e nlared ! half mat. Dr. Jlurphy wa4 walked out. iney neu. - oroposed for honorary memu:- th t thc accident was due to tue mi?- and progress. - " ko. a ,.f and had been superin. A t.' o i a a. i-flcastis. ior-1 . . . 1 nrur thai - hv a sreneiBi i - ... -. The name o fln.' - tafee in placing a . " 1 were - I ta-nt of tbe Hopital since 11 was l A a l-i. nn- V.M11. QVStpm Was Wllitl eratives demanded. It was at u. . be broUght up tor memoe- instc8d of a four. 1 J a1, TTnited StateS.l .. 11 . l r Ua train I mer amoassauoi 10 V ' three in me numuw ut "' 1 sion. uvri," 0.0 h Ipft the mill but ported mai ouu - 5mp. opened January 1S3. this report seems to have been exag gerated. Young Mau Drops Dead. High Point 11 1 AMlf4l a.rrHnntl Riots. Tt Kace Trouwes iu Vancouver, B. C, SpeciaL The riUgCrald, Ga., 6peaL The rai- ker 17 years oia, son of Mr. and Mn. McPherson, was thrown from a bug . . 1 j dead Mon-1 j : o ninswDT in West r.nd Lindsey uroKer - , "r " ,nT seriously cut and day morning while engage iav u""f irfeared he may aUo aa bench in the . f aetory of the rcCoy Globe Home Furniture nd Ueutenant from Death was due to heart trouble from was ap?eo , . ative of "i.u vnn. man had sunereu 1 civu uxc " -.-t - IbT m " " " Augusta, Ga, , . Ko Hopt of ArbrtraUou Court. Hurt in Runaway.- . v.,. n r... SneciaL The! a n. PneciaL The mi- 1 t. Hirae. By Cable. There Is a Atlanta, Ga pecUL- Major ituation here growing out of anti- fc ,d. back a which I growing belief among tbe delegate! rank B. McCoy, commanduiS the 0riental i. intenailied;by the a"V- ,ttMk withLn !T ,. Tntarnational Peace Confer- . 1 : hv tho 1 threatens tv"" . - . . expected genius four hour9 on the negro hftt there u n0 bope 0I a per Frank , special.- C th.flWU.Wgm rf f-; hwn me. fcr org.mxat.on. in. a -- e Tans are threatening to Durn ice 1 quaiw - . ;u feiinj I maneni. japs are o I rnlmmation of the IU ieuuo 1 r..rmn nnno town H the assanus on uap qu - -,n- manV months. Ke- cnity is ""TLt; are not stopped. When the next ship SSifS his deputies rilloD. Joseph II. ChoaU, the United is due to arrive with 500 Jap immi- JjJSSigle the negroes SUtes' leading repiesentative is sa d grants renewed trouble is feared, after a to pen "f1 tQ u one of tbe firmer t believers m ST. -. i-1 1 -tC cn-Arn I dsTC nOt SWT UUVSi"5 "v . a., it.- nl.n Many additional officers were sworn JO- dare not stir outside the lints, Geraany'i ecmity to IU plao(, i : f 1 S ( 1 1 t n i i I Mi t 1

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