THE CAUCASIAN Ha LEioir, X. C.t Oct. 10, 1907. Entered at the Post Office in Raleigh sT. C, aa gecond-claaemail matter. WAKE COUNTY NEWS. WAKE COUNTY. Theo. M. Webb has instituted suit agaicat the 8onthern Railway. He was hurt In a wreck near Concord gome time ago. Mr. Thomas J. Dapree was killed in a street car accident In Memphis, Tenn , Sunday night. Ills wife was the old'Bt daughter cf the late Mrs. Fred Olds, of Raleigh. The management of Rex Hospital In Raleigh have decided to erect a now building next spring They will move the old bulldlijg back and ertct a $75,000 building in front oi the lot. The Wake County Board of Edu cation has recommenced petitions for local elections in Ht- Mary's, liarton's Creek and Little River townships. Mr. John Worable, of Raleigh, was strick n with paralysis Mon day night and died Tuesday at nron He was formerly on Ral eigh's police force. $34,000 Added to Pledges for a Cot ton Warehouse. The Wake County Division of the Houthern Cot'oa Association held th ir regular monthly meeting at Metropolitan Hall in Raleigh Sat urday. The members were all in terested in the cotton storago ware house. The Committee, previously ap pointed to raise subscriptions for the warehouse, reported that $34,000 had been pledged since their last meeting. Rev. Dr. Moment Succumbs to Typhoid Fewer. Rev. Alfred II. Moment, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Raleigh for the past four years, died Saturday afternoon. of typhoid fever, after a lingering ill ness . Dr. Moment was one of the most able ministers'in the South, lie was a native of Canada. Prior to comirg to Raleigh he held a pas torate.with the Westminster Church, Brooklyn and Spring Church, New York City. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon and remains laid to rest in Oakwood cemetery. Dr. Moment leaves an only child, Miss Julia Moment. Two Negroes Escape From Convict Camp. Sam Alston and John Ilart, two negroes, escaped from the convict camp in Hyde County, on the night of October 2nd. Alston was sen tenced from Warren County in Feb ruary for two years for burglary, and Hart was sentenced from Mc Dowell County in March for two and a half years for larceny. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA- 1 780-1 U07. Head ot the State's Educational System DEPAKTMEJJ I'S. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law Medicine, Pharmacy! Library contains 45,000 Volumes. Hew water works, electric lights, central heating system. Hew dormitories, gymasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 732 Students. 74 in Faculty The FALL TERM begins Septem ber 9, 1907. Address FRANCIS P. VEN ABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. O Subscribe for The Caucasian. Only II 00 per year or 50c for six months. Subscribe now. The Caucasian is only one dol lar per year. Ask your neighbors to subscribe. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition ; beauty, vigor ana cneenui ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, -when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamn-Root is soon realized. It is sold ay druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Einghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name,- Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. THE STATE FAIR. To Be Held In Raleigh, October 14 to 19th, Inclusive. Fair will be opened Taday, Oc tober 15th by Got. E. B. Glenn. Chief Marshal Albert L. Cox. Ma sons on Wednesday, Grand Muter F- D. Winston. Hannah' Tourna ment on Wednesday. Tournament Ball Wednesday night. Postmas ter General, etc , on Tncsday, Con ventlon of Postmasters Wednes day night, meeting of Confederate Veterans of the "State. Thursday, W.J. Bryan ; Thursday night, meet ing of the Society, also Campabar! and Kelsey. Cotton Growers Con vention, addrees by Hon. Hanrle Jordan, president Southern Cotton Griwera Association on Friday Convention of the Tobacco Growers Association of the State, address by J. C. W. Qravelev. and ol. J. 8. Cuningham. Marshals' race Fri day afternoon. Plays and dances every night. Automobile race, competing for cup owned by the Society. midway. Perarl's Trained Wild Animal Show. Seven high-class clowns, Dekrako and Eward, dancers and Hindu magicians, Venetian gon dolas, gold mounted, highly carved, exhibited at Chicago and St. Louis. Merry jro rounds, two Ferris wheels. Little Russian Prince, 32 years old, weighs 1GJ pounds, 25 inches high, well educated. Numberless Nov elty Stands, Racks, Coon Buada, Strength Testers, etc List of Pre rarl's Shows No 1, Animal Show ; No. 2, New and Novel Moving Pic tures; No. 3, Fairyland; No. 4, the Peerless Mamie, Electric Theatre, Snow and Rain Storms, Electric Fountains. Dante's Inferno, Beauti ful and Weird Electrical Effects, and other shows. ATTRACTIONS. Demorest'H Wild West and HIr podrome Combination, Cow Boys, Cow Girls twenty-one different acts. Novel Equestrienne Combi nation with the High School Horse Cupid, and the High Jumping Horse, New fork, record seven feet three inches; hot stuff, jumping over two horses. The Standing Jumper, Major McKinley, Bucking Bronchos, etc. Balloon each day, with double parachute leap, racing, fast horses, trotting and pacing. EXHIBITS. French Coach Stallion. Aberdeen- Angus, of A. L. French and others Cattle and stock. Fine display of stock not entered for premiums. Exhibition by E. L. D&ughtrldae, president; International Harvester! Oo , Fairbanks Co., of Baltimore, Md. : A. & M. College, N. C. Grain ; King's Business College ; Royal 1 & Borden, Kimball Piano Co. Ex hibit by the Durham City Schools, and others : exhibit by the Blind Institution, mussc by the blind boys; Steinmetz, florist; pantry supplies ; Edgecombe County Ex hibit, Wake County Exhibit; Indi uidual displays by merchants, man ufacturers ahd farmers ; Genesee Pure Food Co., demonstrator from Jamestown; Nitrate of Soda Agri cultural implements by John Deere Plow Co., and J. P. Wyott & Son ; Agriculture implements by Raw lings Implement Co , of Baltimore, Md., and W. A Myatt. Beautiful display of poultry by West Dur ham Poultry Farm and by Poultry Farm of East Durhem. Parker & Miller, of Rock Hi 1, S. C. Com petitive Drill by A. & M. Battalion on Wednesday and Thursday, and other exnibitors. Lunch stands by ladies of different churches. Five-cent fare on street cars. Cars now enter ground. Will run every five minutes. Po Pipe Orfsns for Raleigh Colored Churehe. St. Paul's Methodist Church on corner Edenton and Harrington streets, is putting in a 2,2t0 organ, which will be the best organ In any colored church la Raleigh. Hize and height 19 feet, width 20 feet. Depth over key-desk nine feet, weight 10,000 pounds, twelve tG. two manuals and pedal. The Davie Street Presbyterian Church la putting in an 11,850 or gan. This has al-o two tnanuaU and pedals, weight 7,000 pound?, and la a very fine organ! These are the first Duplex Tubular Pneumatic or gans to be sold in Raleigh. The or gans were built by the W. W. Kim ball Co , Chicago, HI., and were sold and are being .installed by George H. Snyder, manager of the Raleigh branch of the W. W. Kimball Co. This makes more than $ 1 5,000 worth of pipe organs sold this year by Mr. Snyder. In addition to thU he has sold more than four car load of pianos and reed organs. He just can't keep enough of them in stock, the demand la so great for the Kim ball goods. Every village has its oldest in habitant, but he Is never a woman ISN'T THIS A BARGAIN? If you wish some good reading mat ter ac absurdly low prices read the fol lowing offer : Thb Caucasian, pries $1.00 Spare Moments, Monthly. 50 The Mothers' Magazine, Monthly, 50 Dress Making at Home, Magazine, 50 Total subscription value, $2.50 But our price to you all to one ad dress is only $1 30 Which is less than the cost of the three magazines alone. Address THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh, X. C. Ask your neighbor to subscribe for The Caucasian. It is only one dollar per year, and it will be the best dollar your neighbor ever spent. Joys of Absence. "Aren't you awfully lonesome without George?" "I haven't time to be. I spend the mornings reading his letters and the afternoons answering them." Brooklyn Life. FOR SALE. A FEW COLONIES OF FINE GOL DEN ITALIAN BEES. These are of a beautiful golden yellow and the best honey gatherers in the world the only bees worth keeping. No moth or web-worms where these bees are kept. These colonies are headed by daughters of Queens imported from Italy, and have no superiors for beauty and utility. WRITE FOR PRICES AT ONCE, I will sell only a limited number of colonies to make room for Queen rearing next spring. W. L. WOn1 BLE 549 East Hargett St. RALEIGH, N. C. The Great State Fair RALEIGH, Oct 14,-19, '07 GRAND FREE ATTRACTIONS I Home of Swamp-Boot. Demorest's Hippodrome and Wild West Ferai's Trained Animals Now on the Subway. Fine Exhibits Showing Educa tional Agricultural and Industrial Progress, October 15th, Opening Day Ootober 16th, Masonic Day October 17th, Bryan Day October 18th, Children's Day E. L. DAUGHTRIDGE, President. JOSEPH E. POGUE, Secretary. CLAUDE D. DENSON, Treasurer. Special Rates Via The Seaboard Richmond, Va. Triennial Gen eral Convention Protestant Episco pal Church, October 2ud to 23rd. One first class fare plus 25 cents. Tickets sold September 29th to Octo ber 5th, limited to October 25th. Norfolk, Va. Jamestown Expo sition, 60 day tickets, 10 day tick ets, sold daily. Coach Excursion tickets at very low rates sold Tues days and Fridays. Extra coaches from Charlotte, Raleigh and Dur ham on Nos. 38 and 32 Tuesdays and Fridays ; dining car service on all trains. Atlanta, Ga. National Associa tion of Cotton Manufacturers, Octo ber 7th-9th. One and one-third first class fare plus 25 cents. Tickets sold October 5th to 8th. Limited to October 12th. For time tables, rates or any in formation in regard to other Special Occasions address the undersigned. C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE. Four Departments Collegiate, Grad uate, Engineering and Law. Large x Library Facilities. Well- Equipped Laboratories in all Depart ments of Science. Gynasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Study Law should investigate the Superior Advantages Offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. For Catalogue and further informa tion, address 1). W. NEWS0M, Registrar Durham, North Carolina. Trinity Park School. A First-Class Preparatory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges, Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of Ten Officers and Teachers, Campus of Seventy five Acres. Library Containing Thirty Thousand Volumes. Well Equipped Cryrona sium. High Standards and Modern Methods of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seven Years of Phenomenal Success, For Catalogue and other informa tion, address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, DURHAM, N. C. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE For the Colored Race GREENSBORO, N. C. The fifteenth annual session begins September first. We are prepared to give good technical instruction in Ag ricultura. and Mechanical branches for the lowest terms of any school in te country. We also have a Department of Teachers' Training and a Dairy De. njtrtment. Successful Graduates, Stron g Faculty. r or iursuer lmurniaiiuu, auuress PRESIDENT DUDLEY, GREENSBORO, N. C. If your neighbor does not take The Caucasian get him to sub scribe. It will be the greatest favor you ever did him. 010 w: . -or I hw fMt'tt -se lis txtw armm. Oa 5er-M ct aa ill rMg vtjkiv It c.Mrx w tfm a a fiM tiaa to ast M ec. tot a iKt 4 a. sJHAfr&t fea lis m ti.( ttrf H fm pits$ V i? is lirtW star. aa y-jB tA lH U) Mv as, fc-r ,br. Br w.xk 'ut ist w!.!t i k vl aa v in f jrtiia am mrtztrrri m iti iva'ty ftair. lt0 Nt Vl LlAr it. fejur, Cuu) lor HIT . is4 uriaj oil;;!. Of eauw. li'. ii bH ImU mjx so iW - The Ludden & Bates X PIANO U a rricllr h'ui ni innmrncj h h ftUt cr.iir mtxim br oo riab plaa. A vrin foarat tr Um a lifruair. Hi c.-ppcf-'. uuod ar.4 tirt tuicft i&xsaoui. Full rabiaet fsaa. biliOird Kilf. At perfect tkiil tu m.kc i. lKjb!e trpr-uutg iclum, ha ligttX Hn Ml. Onuin kryi. Briir !ui (jt-i ol fjnt, !sattmkoeaef Of oak. IlB-4 Umtgkoai ttt feM- tfe miplf. Tjoc tail aad ruh. ;U pccaluj ' let's " aii!T Wuai uo!, la tfc kii gtiAe tit piiB'Jt. In caw ol !be deub of the bpi of !h fjmijr mt caecel Us club roc I net aa4 mk tob aa outfight pfewEt the u?-pid baiiB.s. 1 ht pUw thra bUarf to too abaUota!,. TJna trrr iilc iRttsaoce ha allowed zr cotnpletioa of manjr a tnuticc! riatmcm, as4 t wank roar cucuae ration. It u practicallr aa aujurancc Uat w iH c Um yaut piaco Uitak isabilitr W p7 4aeu Write us at once f an application black tai owopietc description of int R? Ira of taitk. In thij ly yuu can mmr a trillion ihil iil delight run. Yon can tea thm qumiua ol lots, to u. We will ice Ifcat tou irx a perlrc t mt'run-.rrt. A well made, ituac-tiv (tout aa a baaaufuJ Wirf go ith each piano. Wtite lot full intonnauon of tie club Uat U BO krmitif . LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. THE HORNER MILITARY SCHOOL nf stiifl v . ninsflir.A. Scientific. Rnii 'Rno'lish. 5LV) ncroa nf hill and 1ala ....ll.nt dairy and garden, Held and track ath'etiog. Tennis and Ball Grounds. One quarter mile running track. Cadets dine with principal's family. Influence of i. -i j : L . 1 1 F ... - . . . cuiiureu women in uinuig uan. niuiviuuai sueniion u) eacn DOy. Ldmitea to 100 bovs. Climate best for Southern bovs. not in thtt hlf&k Mmmtiint. School 55 years old. Graduates inspired to higher education. For catalogue address, J. C. IIORNEB, Principal. Oxford, N. C INTERCHAVGEABLE MILEAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Seaboard desires to announce that on after this date all mileage books issued by them of Interchangeable form will be good for passage over the lines of the Atlantie and North Caro lina Railway Co., and Norfolk and Southern Railway ?o. , and that Inter changeable Mileage Books issued by these lines will be honored for passage over the Seaboard Air Line Railway, i 1 1 TT -I . ' V. J-l. VXAlaiB, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS Practical Education in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. Tuition $45 a year; Board $10 a monlh. 120 Scholarships. Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. $1.00. EXPR $1.00. EXPRESS PAID, "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light House Keeping, or lierever Gas is not Available or Desired. IT MAKES j ITS OWN GAS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs Only Eight Ounces. CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Bolls a Quart of WaterJJn NineMinutea. $1.00. Express: Paid. $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-Ward Hardware Company, RALEIGH N. O. Air Line Railway Th& Exposition Line to Norfolk Jamestown Exposition HAMPTON 1R0 ADS, NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, April 26th to November 30th, 1907. . SPECIAL RATES FROM RALEIGH: Round trip season tickets Round trip 60-day tickets Round trip 10 day tickets Round trip coach excursion tickets $8.25 7.50 6.89 4.00 Coach excursion rate sold on each Tuesday nd Friday limited to seven days and indorsed "Not Good in Sleeping Pullman and Parlor Cars." Other tickets will goon sale April 19 f nd continue till dose of exposition. , For Rates From Other Points Apply to Your Nearest Seaboard Agents or Representatives Named Below. UNEXCELLED PASSENGER SERVICE Via Seaboard Air Line Railway ten for announcement of ' LOW EXCURSION RATES AND IMPROVED SCHEDULES For Information and Literature address C H. CATTIQ, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina. J- F. MITCHELL. City Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C tiii: jtotrri! carolhca State Normal and Industrial College. BreU Own Udl3t ta 4r f rfe4ar mi riar&CT. Art. iUcUk fcf JSkireo. t&J a cr cr t4U ! Itm ttrv BtOttfec of ifefic or4. Uistnlrj. t:tioi. a4 tm for wm f Ux bmM. t!T9 a tir. Tmr fiw teitic ttodau. ttsa. T XotiiL PtriitiT rftt Ihorvmgh tttrciiatt Is Ihm mVlmu Usbt io ifc nJ iVc. a4 tf-ruj rifcol trI4 fr hm prolrMiao of taxU r c. TtNMrhera ant (ira4uali f ht eeir ar l f4 a ts-jar fpctaJ eoerw i IVUj a4 aiu4 ct. T7pritiit. Doot-kfacr ae4 Ur Iw4m c. Ta DirrKt ot Mtrt Aar ItouMttc Jcitc frtt ( tmctioe la MaaaaJ Tralnlaf a&4 Id ixb hIIkii at rtlav AtrvcUr to u bom and faxoily. Tun Mcic DcrAtKcvT, in a44iUdt Wo tt 4rfrr cotr, e?rt a cnift eatt ta vocal aad Itutrmsatoul tssuie. To cr board '.n tb dornitoriv. al! frv-itlo artifUe ImJ b ma4 before Julj IS. Tt fall Una opra Sftabr It, l7. For eaulof-u aa4 otbr iofurmatioa. 44r J. I. FOIST. PmidfQU ORXXXSBOilO.X.a Norfolk and Southern Railway LOCAL TIME TABLE. Qoldsboro and JBeaufort, N. C Effective Saturday, lXvcinW-r lrt, 106, at lt:0I A. If. Read Down. STATIONS. lUmi Up, 3 1 1 Dally Dally Eastern Tlma Dally Dally 8:40 8:00 Lv Oold!boro Ar 11:20 7:54 8:60 8:18 Millers 11:0? 7:&& 4.01 8.21 lkt'a 10.18 7.87 4.13 8.31 UG range 10.47 7.2S 4.25 8.43 Falling Crwk 10.35 7.1t 4.40 8.56 Kin-ton 10.22 7.00 4.52 9.13 Caawflll 10.08 6.48 5.02 9.23 Dover 5.58 C.88 6.16 9.41 Cove 9.41 8.20 6.26 9.61 Tuacarorm 9.81 8.10 6.81 5.56 CUrks 9.26 6.04 5.48 10.10 Ar New Bern Lv 9.10 6.48 5.55 10.15 Lv New Bern Ar 9.05 6.40 6.18 10.34 Klverdale 8.48 5.16 6.22 10.38 Croatan 8.39 6.11 6.86 10.59 Have lock 8.27 4.69 6.62 11.06 Newport 8.11 4.43 6.68 11.12 Wlldwood 8.05 4.87 7.02 11.16 Mansfield 8.01 4.83 7.20 11.80 Morehead City 7.60 4.22 7.40 11.60 Ar Beaufort Lv 7.10 4.03 P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. Daily Dally Dally Dally. By B. E- L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager, Golds boro, N. C. Ooldaboro, N. C, Nov. 30, 1906. By II. C. IIUDQIN8, Gen. Freight Agent, Qoldsboro, N. O. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1908 (UK lift V KAKS Uiya bav. bern trrj.r4 Ut COl.l.H.fc. .! tm Ll t. m4 have l trained to be M tN at THE 8INCHAH iCMOOU lAmtUj koiS Aahcvillc Plateau. Organization MILi'l AK V lur dtaciltB, ctmuvl tmd CMTtef. Hoys iplltd from other achoob not receiv4 VIclewt byt ipW aa torn m diacovrred. Haling eaduded by pld of bonnr Uainrd lo I3f . K ataa raau at.le. Addrea.)i:.R.MNC.iAM.Stipt. R T. I. No. 4. ASHtVII-t.K. W.C. Raleigh Marble Works Shipments made to any part ot the State at same price at at shop. COOPEIl 11IIOH,, Proprietor. Raleigh, N. 0. When writing ta atrertUera mention tbt CaoctaUnJ end for Cataloraa. RALEIGH AND SOUTHPORT RILROAD CO. . TIME TABL NO. 22. EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1907, AT 12:01 A. M. Southbound 1st Class Dally Except Sundy Dally Northbound 1st Cla Dally Except Sunday Dally 1 A. M. 5 P. M. 4 A.M. 2 P.M. 8TATXOK8. 8.00 4.40 Lv. Raleigh T t Ax. 10.40 8.15 f 4.50 f Oaraleight 10.80 f 8.25 f 4.54 f Sylvaola 10.25 f 8.33 f 5.00 f Barnes 10.I8 f 8.43 f 6,07 f Hobby 10.10 f 8.55 s 5.15 s McCuIJeri t 10.06 9.01 f 5.20 f Bank t 10.00 f 9.16 a 5.30 8 Willow Springs t. 9.50 9.26 f 0.38 f Gardenas t ' 9.43 f 9.40 s 5.51 s Varina t 9.40 1 9.55 s 6.18 b Fuqy Springs T t 9.23 a 10.03 f 6.06 f Rawles 9,1$ f 10.10 s 5.13 s Chalybeate t 9.06 s 10.14 f 6.17 f Kipling t 9.02 f 10.29 f 6.30 f CapeFeer 8.47 1 10.37 s 6.36 s LiilingtonTt 8.42 s 10.50 f 6.48 f Bunlevel 8.27 f 11.02 8 6.QS b Linden T 8.17 11.15 f 7.10 f Buckner 8.05 f 10.30 f 7.23 f Carver's Falls 751 f 11.40 f 7.32 f Tokay 744 f 11.65 7.45 Ar. Fay'tteYiUe T Lv 7.30 6.00 5.45 f 5.86 fv 6.28 f 6.20 f 5.16 s 5.01 f 4.50 s 4.35 f 4.32 a 4.17 s 4.07 f 8.59 s 8.64 f a.37f 8.81s 8.16 f 8.06 s 2.52 f 2.88 f 2.31 f 2.15 T. Telegraph SUt's. t. Telephone Stafa. s. Beg. Stop, t StononRi.i Conneotlons: At Raleigh with Southern Railway and Seaboard A! Line Railway ; at Varina with Durham and Bouthern Br atpJvLT viUe with Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. ' Jewa" JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Noncx This Time Table shows the Time at which trains may bm pected to arrive at and depart, from the several Stations and lo connS with other trains, but their arrival, departure or connections at tTtim. stated is not guaranteed. , -i