Tie Sotrh Tatfes Kw England, The interMirjj: fact is developed b; a bulletin on "Power Employed in Manufacturers ', isaed by the Onsu Bureau that the South out ranks New England. The report t out that tb total amount of power em ployed in manufaturrs at the close vt ih calendar yr-ar lfM)4 was 14, rIl,.14 hope-p-r. To this amount Meam rnjrir.es contributed 103,111 horsepower, or 73.9 jr cent; water wheel, JjorMJ-jMiwrr, or J 1-3 j-r cent.; electric owr-r, t rented, J'.r2,Ki lion-f-jioMei, or "50.0 r cent.; pas or tramline eni'.iei 2si9r.14 hore-power or 2 er cent.; an other kinds of power 2S.'J,4ti7 Lone-fK.wer or 1J r-r cent. The irnjortarjt pait of this T(r s that section i'w' how thi.s :- er was distributed in jreopratHiieaJ - di vision.-. Jix Middle Mate r!.ki. first in the amount of vrxcr, icport ine; 7N):',('j 1 oro-power. The (Vn tra! State weie second witii 4.077. 2fi8 horfee-fjower ; the Southern .c tate.i third with 2r1Sr'0; the Xew Eng land Mates fourth with 2.2.14 .2G-J: the Pacific States fifth with 474,307, und the Western States lat with 411. 037. Perhaps the most .striking fact revealed by these figures is that thi Southern States reported more pow?r itian .New hnpland. This has not hap- jtwl he fore in the history of fh wmliT. In this connection it is in teresfincr to note that the devl-p- n:ent in the Southern States has beeu hi the utilization of -team-r'w'er. In the Sonth S7. per cent, of th( rmW er was derived from stam end 0.2 per cent, from water, but in New I'virhind 1!l.3 per cent was from Me;.,:i atd 20.2 per. font, was from water.-- f harMto, N. C., Evening hronicle. THE TRAGEDY OF IT! The Sooth's Cotton. It was Mr. William S. Whitman o.. Jcorp:ia who drew tin- lonjr bow a the tueetinir of the "stall-fed finan ciers" at the bankers' convention i' Atlantic City this week. Ho took tin prwnnd that a panic is impossible a IL.. . r ii - , 4 M,iMiN in me year wnen tlie outh's cotton crop is moving to take its place of power in the world oi commeiT-o. "Yes," he told the bank-' TB. I left our nconle harvevtin IwHic.n bushels of ;rrin with which t feed the world. They are gather ing tlie only crop of sujrar this coun try prrKluecR and of all the rice we eat, while their exports of the grain crop this year will excel in value alt lev oid and silver which was mined from the earth last year, ttrin? to me all of the groin, all of the provis ions all of the feed Muff, all of the steel r.nd nil of the iron of the 47 States of this groat Union, which was exported last vear. and I will sell th f-otfon ri-np of 1007, and pay you rash and yet have money enough left to capitalize. 200 nationnl banks." That is new way of describing the vealth of the South in cotton. It is a novelty in lonp;-bow drawing al beit, it is altogether the truth. Ghai lolie Eveiing Chronicle. if A Record of Service. For forty-four years The Times Deraaerat, of New Orleans, has beta tbrt loyal friend f the South, doing oU within the power of a most able daily newspaper to advance the intei csts of its entire section. In point of completeness in every department that goes to make up a great daily, The Times-Democrat has few equals and no superiors. In its news ser vice it 13 full and exhaustive, and its editorial utterances are always safe, conservative and thoughtful, and -withal spicy and pointed. It is in deed a valued friend of the South and a bold champion of the best tra ditions of the people thereof. r' News Notes. "Th ree Cuban generals were arrest ed on charges of fomenting a revolu tion against the Government. A cr.bi.u; officer believes that Mr. Roosevelt w.. soon issue a statement final'y cteevii.-ii u. accept a third term. IliO iiistaliatuii of the telephone system of ,ui-iue control will prob acy delay the saiung of the fleet JiJMiary 1. Prince Charles of Thum nnd TnvJa -was killed as he attempted to slide aown ine Danisters in his regiment mess room in Potsdam. fi'tltJx? 1 GIVE. Cartoon from the New York New. UP COLLEGE ATHLETICS, OR $3,000,000 WHICH? Swarihmira PuxxUd Whether to Withdraw From lrttrco!lgiat Sports s a Prie Vr th BIfl Bequest of a Rich Quakeress. A Great Daily Great ia every featsure is The Col orstla State. Hith a cews aerrke rtacbisf to t& remotest oracrf of driJixatioo oc eaa Lrrp fall pott ed about the world's bappaisf by reading its eolasma. Its acmee it fall asd reliable. All over Sontb Caivlica The State- ba special eor- renondeBt who arm !ert Ln fnrei!i it with the first tathesiie axroust of all matters wortbv of recordicg in the bounds of ie Stata. It fcas a tpeeial Wasbingtoa correpjedect who famishes its readers with pie ?ecial items from the scat of gov ernment. In its editorial otteranees The State is sound and able to a "de cree. The Sunday iae is always filled with article of special merit; in fact a single Sunday issue of The State is equal in literary value to our leading mazarines. Altogether the South has no better exponent of it wonderful progess than this truly metropolitan daily, The Columbia State. ProYergi and Phrases. A man is not necessarily an aero naut because he is often up in the air. He who has a good nest finds good friends. Portugese. Rewords and punishment are the basis of good government. Nepos. There is nothing worse for mortals than a vagabond life. Homer. Even wisdom is got the better by sell interest. 1'indar. Phllftdelnhla. TiV the Will nf Mlao Anna T v . . tne oldest and wealthiest of Pennsylvania Quaker fftmHies, Swarthmore College Is to receive coal lands valued at, possibly, $5,000,000 If It elves up forever all participation In Intercollegiate athletics. If the trustees sol c"y Pledge themselves to forbid every possible form of physical contest m u o learning, irom iootdall to lawn tennis, the lands i . 7 wjiiwriea paing n'.-vy royalties go to the Institution abso lutely. If they fall to do thl the Mi33 Jeanes was almost the last immediate member of he family and .ccnny m iim menus tiome, wnicn sne established. The surviving members of the family ara too wealthy to be affected by the disposal of the $4,000,000 she left. All are strict adherents to the.ancient faith and their vtemiu ua. come uoni ine increase in values of property acquired venera tions aaro. - Swarthmoro College is a co-educational institution, maintained by Wealthy Quakers of Philadelphia, on the outskirts of the city. It has always neen distinguished for the athletic prowess of its students. Its football. uaocumi ttuu mcrosso learag pariicuiany nave excelled, while it has Dro- nucea several intercollegiate champions in general athletics. Members of uiw jeanes lamuy nave xrom time to time helped the college, until to-day Tv,i anoui uu,uuu. Ansa jeanes was always opposed to oluico, uuiuiua mey aDsoroea too mucn or the students time and engen dered harsh feelinc.q between fnllocroe Rho mia tnnnrn t ...111 - ' . IV llu T 1 .Li l& 111 UC1 VVlil. vf ne 5ue3tion of accepting the bequest came up at the fall meeting of uuo.u wduaerB nnu a commuiee, consisting oi Joseph Wharton, v"lo,,ca jcukius auu nowara cooper jonnsou was appointed to invest!- i"10 "-" 'uu "u iuaK.o a report o ine Doara ai ine next meeting in December. Mr. Wharton, who is one of the executors of the Jeanes estate, read that portion of the will of the Quakeress relating to the Institution, and the board, several members of whlrli nm wnmpn, uifonr..i ttonHi-oUr xv. eaemed anxious to give up the money, but hone seemed willing to take the While the committee is investigating the pulse of the college will be felt. From interviews with men prominent in the Quaker college affairs it Iook3 as If the gift Would be" rejected. Dr. G. A. Hoadley, chairman of i-v.uiijr yuuiiujiiee on Ainieucs, saiu: "Athletics are the blood and bone of a colleffp Thev hnnM tint no . - - - . " " vui, vui iot any amount or monev. ' he raonitv ara nnnnH n y,a o.Anf. nnce Of the elft under the rnnfUtinno Imnnc " waller Uiotnier. rnalrman nf the Alumni Athioti. nrr.r.tn- bo far as his committee goes he does not believe athletics should be given up for any amount. He is also credited with having said that the college uum rsnuer win a victory irom tne university or Pennsylvania on the ath letic field than have the mnnw. ProfeSsOf Hoas. who renresenta the Hheml el emont nf the foojiltir said: "I talked with Miss Jeanes frequently about athletics. She was par ticularly opposed to football, as she said she had read so much in the opcio ttuuai me cicciuenis wmcn attenaea me game. She was also opposed tu gauiunng mat so irequentiy develops over games. " xierman i-ritcDara, captain oi the football team, said: "We would ratner nave intercollegiate athletics than all the money left by Miss Jeanes. wi cveu tin mw money in wan atreet. swarthmore eniovs at nresent an endrnvment rf tonn nan An a At- -w - v ! v . vwvvivvv a.aa ca u u A tlon of $3,000,000 to its productive funds would place it at once on the uiaumug oi crown, irinceton, tne x or tn western University and the University of California, and within a million dollars of the University ui ir cuuajr ivuma. FTTS,St. Vitns'Dancie .??errot Difae per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve RfktirfT- trial Kikttlo anil trutiu f-w Dr. II. R. Kline. Ld..U Arch St, Phila., Pa. The experience of life -What a fool I've been! Punch. teething,sof tens thegums, reduces! nflamma- tion &11hv rntn.rTir'!i winrl rilir a little Ovtter Bav anounces that eentlc- man called Metv Tisrer has been an- a pointed to succeed Pleasant Porter ai first chief of the Creek Indiana. There is a shockingly carnivorous suggestion about the new chier name. Does hp pat 'pm Alive f M any rate, he lacks the soothing so norific and thirstallaviiiB nualitip,? . r 1 baptisimally accruing to his predeces sor. .Brooklyn kagle. A TEItRinrj-3 EXPEHIENCE. iv. i.imw !ftn were c?s .j a fn)rt!i iron! I &Ot tops trios coaer8eoce. twto taJas tbe N Ora ner- As to tie telfitrapb. tb 4ay m rotne wees the wireless process win t la sacA ceueral tase that there will lirtt K atu-h rxtmae 4errt4eoce op oa tne -wire and the key" a at pre tat. It Is tfce soJden failure or Utinic tahods aa4 aecie zcr sary to the eemdset of botst that forrs some rreat tmrroTement anJ sptrlal tnrentlo. This Lcpexcal Btudaess. Caesar thrice refnsed a kinkl crown, and that ended it." "What are you driving at now!" 'Rooievelt has to enter a fresh de nial every week." SLEEP BROKE BY 1TCHIHG. Eczema Corered Whole Jiodf For si Year No Relief Until Cttticura Ilemedle. Prove Perfect Saereea. "For a res I ksrt hd wbak tbey a3 ecxems. I hfcJ an ticking sil ovr say body, and whw I would retire for the night it would ket-p m aw&kt bslf tb aicat, and the mor I would crstdi, the toon H would itch. I tried all kinds of remedies, but could get no relief . I wad one eakt of Cutinlrs Sotp, ooc box of Cuticur and two ruis of Cutiurs ItMotveBt Pills which trmt ro s do!)ar sod twrntj-fir rniU in all, and am very fUd I tried them", for I was completely cured. Walter W. rg1ub. 207 N Rober St., Cnieao. IB-. Oct. 8 and 16. 18M.M There are countless roads on all rides to the grave. Cicero. WOULD CURB POWER OF FEDERAL COURTS Attorneys-General of Thirteen States Consider Means of cnaing state confuctSf IIow a Veteran AVas Saved the Am. putation of a Limb, B. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Roosevelt Are.j Indianapolis, lnd. says: "I had been febowin symptoms of kidney trouble from the time I was mus tered out of the ar my, but in all my life I never suffered as In 1897. Headaches, dizziness and sleep lessness, first, and then dropsy. I was weak and helnless. having run down from 180 to 125 pounds. 1 was having terrible nain in( the kidneys, and the secretions 4. I 1 . . ' . . iaoDcu oiiuusi iu voluntarily. My lert leg swelled until it was 34 Inches around, and the doctor tapped it night and morning until I could no longer stand it, and then he advised amputation. 1 refused, and began using Doan's Kidney Pills. The swelling subsided gradually, the urine became natural and all my pains and aches disappeared. 1 have been well now for nine years since using Doan's Kidney Pills." Sold by all dealers. 50centbabox. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. QA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE Macon, ga. Rnr MiMgssKBt Moti Erpad fisuty PI IT EST POSITIONS ' A 3TE RICA'S BEST" WRITE FOR CATALOGUE the roTTOM rmr.sa tktihubtfi tiMd all o the cotton erUon for tba fmti qaarwr of a eenturr v r can ignuu it miun m tho wd. or iup. 1 lr'n aad U flztur eotnplcie with pnnVtd ltruclloo and eut for those taat want V build tea wood wore tarrnMlvp. Write toweb acre. co. tatta . Teas. Old Domimion Horse and Mule Shoes tba Beet MalerUl-Tee tteei UnS d WeriMBeai IRON or STEEL Perfect Womanhood Tfee rreateat aoe&aee to omaa'l Mnatil nappLBeaa la life ia U afferisff that eoe from aotae de rssretaeat of the feminine rfa. Maay tfcoeaa.&d of wooea baea r-Uae4 this too Ute to aaee the r acaita, barely la tle to aaea their Ueea. ... . , To be a uerwfal wife, to retain (fee love and adairtUn of ber hn bnJ. abowld be a wo: a s eoattast ta7 . . If a woman Cnda that ber ener- riesare Can j . that she geu easily tired, dark ahadowa apfwar nnder ker eyes, abe ha beekeche, head- aebe. tearicir-down aeuaetlooa. ner- roosseaa. Irref alarltlea or the "bin." ahe ahcmld atari at oaeo to build op her ayaiem try a unie wiui apeeifie powers, such aa w K r : ' ft 1 ..;v , , t ' X" iT ja 4 I iSi i .i .i ii i . tSatkA. ... U apeoifie powers, sucn aa I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound . . . Jt A. nmAMe ilia mmJt m V kf MVil. .rw V ..i the aad Expels T nmora at an eany aiaffw. t M Prostration. Eiheuitlon. and atrenftheaa aad tones the BWunach. r Headache, General Debility, ladbrestioo. A ltfTirntee Vh. - female sysem. It la an exaeileat nmlj far daraaffssswaU cf ut Kidneys In either sex. A Relief. r 'I believe I prefer the concert sin ?er to the operatic variety," "Why?" "The concert singer is not expect- wm io mase gestures." Now that the newspapaer corres. pondents have located a salt river ia Greece, will they please tell ua who is the Hon. William Jennings Hryau of that country ? Bristol Herald Courier. Let every bird sing its own note. Danish- So. 41-'07. TRANSFORMATIONS Curious Results When Coffee Drink- Inc Js Abandoned. . " It Is almost, as hard for an old coffee toper to quit the use of coffee as it is for a whiskey or tobacco liend to break off. except that the coffee user can quit coffee and take up Postum without any feeling -of a i0S3 of the morning beverage, for vheu Postum is well boiled and served with cream, it is really better in po:nt of flavour than most of the mrroo co,.,. nowadays, and to the taste of th 'con noisseur it is like the flavour of fine mild Java. A great transformation takes place In the body within ten days or two weeks after coffee is left off and Postum used, for the reason that the poison, to. the nerves caffeine has been discontinued and in its place 1 taken a liquid food that contains the most powerful elements of nourish ment. It is easy to make this test and prove these statemsnts by changing from coffee to Postum. Read "The Road to Wellrill. iu Pks. "Tre, a Reasca. t K.V fit. Louis. Action that .... . w .vuvuiu .uvi. iu aiuru utb auu corporation litigation, and which may bear fruit in almost every State, was lB"u m tuuveuuou oi Atiorneys-uenerai or thirteen States In Its final Eession here. A committee was appointed to draft a scheme of anti-trust legislation to be sent to all Attorneys-General, and as a clima the Attorneys-General adopted a resolution which is expected to aid in removing a thorn in the flesh of the State officers the Interference by Federal circuit courts with 4- AI M rl A a. a t.4io uycrauuu ui olalg 1&WS. PGrmanent nrcrnnlratfnn nlcn u-ca off ant & A iinrlor no-mA xt. LlOnal AsSAr.ffitlnn of A ttnrriPVQ. Honors! tVio TTntf Cfofn n .wi.M v .vw. s vwuxau.a va. vuc UUliCU WlalCSt CLilU. a UlliLCU front will be presented in legal actions brought by different States against ooiuo wi vuranuu or trust. The resolution is a memorial to Congress, and was framed by a com mittee composed or Attorneys-General E. T. Young, of Minnesota; Dana juaione, oi Massachusetts; A. M. Garber, of Alabama; W. T. Thompson, of Nebraska; W. H. Dickson, of Colorado, and H. S. Hadley, of Missouri. It follows lines nointed mrt hv Mr Vnimo- TYi nrs am nriol I a r a 1 0 1st tips - - - v - uiviuviint ao UO aUllUVTO. "Whereas, The efficient administration, as welt as the preservation, of A 1 . A -. M . . ... . uui uuu ojrbLBui oi governmeni requires tnat eacn sovereignty be permitted to exercise its function as defined by the Federal Constitution, unhampered by the other; therefore, be it "Resolved. By the convention of Attorneys-General of the several States here assembled, that we earnestly reeommend to the favorable considera- wuu m ffesiueni pnu me uongress oi me unueg pcates the enactment of a law providing that no eireuit court of the United States, or any judge exercising powers at guea circuit courts, shall have jurisdiction In any case brought to restrain any offleer of a State, or any administrative board of a State, from Instituting In a State court any suit or other appropriate pro- cuiwito luq iaw oi aucu oiaie, or 10 euiurue any order maus Dy auiuuuibiBuia uvaiu, uui miuwiug uuj i;bibou or corporation assert tlon or any law of the United States to have the decision of the highest court of such State reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States, on uuw uroviaeu oy law. Wa Alan rowimmOTiil tViar enlta In oral nlrii1f nnnvt VkV nn.pn n tn. .vvvu.iMvuu wuuv uuxv .u. uivuii. x.uu. ki j ycisuuB in terested ln corporations to restrain such corporations from obeying the laws Of Sfjlfpn In mhfph their o r o ilnlnir hnolnoco Via n-nfifVitQi4 " NEGRO STRANGLER'S STORY. I CHEAP FARES IN CLEVELAND. Chicago. Richard Walton, m. no gro, has confessed that he alone mur dered Mrs. Lillian White Grant hv strangling her as she lay in bed at her home. Usinz Police Tn Hunt as a dummy Walton Illustrated how he had tied an undervest about Mrs. Grant's neck and choked her to death. Afterward he stole her watch and money and fled. He was arrPfstari in Springfield, 111., by a negro police- Cleveland. Ohio. The ClevPlflnt? Electric Railway is now selling street car ticfeets at the rate of seven for twenty-five cents. The announcement of the company says the experiment is made to show the public that the company is in earnest in its effort to give the Cleve land public practically . three and a half-cent fare, which, it says, would be permanent if its proposition to the city is accepted- No New3 in The Paper. Frequently vou Dick un nnp nf flip local papers, and after glancing at the headlines wearilv. thrust it nsirlp. remarking, "Nothing in the rtaoer to day." Did you ever stop to think what that phrase nothine in the na. per today means? It means that in tne day no misfortune has befallen any one in our citvt that nn fir ha. wiped out a neighbors worldly goods.r mat tne gnm angel of death has crossed no threshold of a friend ; that no man driven bv liouor. hatred nr fear has taken the life of a human that no poor devil, haunted hv the past or the misdeeds of some nther. has crossed the great divide by his own hand, bo the next time you pick UD a PaDer that doesn't nnrmiriw a tragedy, give a little thanks instead of a grunt because there is no news.' Nevada, Mo., Mail. A verbal pyromaniac is what is known in common speech as a hot air artist, and unfortunately such cannot be sent to the Home of Incurables, hence they are sent to legislative as sembles. Richmond Journal. To Irnore Kansas Order. ChicntA. Til., Special. It is stated th.i! leading railroads hxiay he.id- qr.aiici in this city and operating ni Ksns have decided to ismore Ihe railroad commission of that Stale and refuse to obey its order for a two cent passenger rate. The ftommw- sic-n ordered the rate to be put into effect. This action was taken on the 8'Ivice of the irenerfl! rtm .m-1 of th cllT'ient -roadi who ;lr;-'-irn ibnf. the oiuub of th cow:ni?-i.i cunnot be cntoiced. mm mm ? A Bumper Wheat Crop. To produce a "bumper" wheat crop, it h absolutely nrctMr that you upply to your land one or more of the three e!ement oi pUi.i food which your toil o badly needs : pboiphoric acid, niirogca (( ammonia and potah. The liberal ue of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. (ay 200 to 500 pounda ta the acre) will meet thit deficiency. Von know the highet gradei are alwayt cheaper, at they produce greater yields. The fertilizer! on account of the photphoric acid they run tain, promote the growth and development of the grain and haten maturity ; the nitrogen or ammonia of which they are a part, iirrr the growth of leavea and ttalk and its potash gives strength to the ttxik and assists in the development of the grain. So use Virginia-Carolina Fcktilizers and greatly "Increase ynr yields per acre." Don't buy any substitute brand, which some dealrr may till you "Is just as good. If he cannot supply you, write u direct for the goods and tell us your dealer's name. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, SALES OFFICES! Richmond, Va. Durham, N. C. . Baltimore, Md. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. Shrevrport, La. PORATABLC AND STATIONARY Guaranteed to the dealer as well aa the horse-shoer If your dealer doe not carry them in ftock, write us for price; 1LD DOMINION IRON & NAIL WORKS CO, Bella RICHMOND. VA- AND BOILERS Saw. LatU and bhlixrle Mill. In)etor. Pump and nttlnfti, WoodSsws. "pllttars, Shaft, 1'ulle jrg. Beltinir, Gasoline Eogtnes. .stocc LOMBARD, Fiundjy, Machini and Batlar Works and Supplj Stsra, AUGUSTA, GA. CUMBERLAN0-EVERBEARIK6 I07 KCCOBD APRIL 20 TO JULY 4TH. f A bo at Noted People. Senator Chauncey M. Depew, with Mrs. Depew, returned from Europe. Tho Siamese King bought $ 3,0 00, 000 worth of diamonds and gold and silverware In Berlin. Professor Albert M. Lythgoe, Egyptologist, has returned to New York from Europe, after an absence of one year. Conservatives ln China have been shocked to learn that "Duke Con fucius," direct descendant of the Basra The Field of S porta. Pennsylvania had an easy victory at footBall over North Carolina. George Bonhag, the American champion. Is taking a short rest. Contests on land and on the sea now pale In interest before those in the air. "Jack" Johnson outfought "Sailor" Burke In their six round bout at Bridgeport, Conn. Captain C. E. Ide, of the Yale varsity eignt, will not return to col Into a business enterprise in San Bishop of London Speaks. Richmond, Va., Special. A histori cal mass meeting was held at the city auditoriam incident to the triennial General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal church, now in session here, and the public was given its only op portunity of bearing the bishop of London during his visit to Virginia. An address was delivered also bv Bishop Randolph, of the diocese Southern Virginia. The capacity ine Duilaing was taxed. HOOKS AND EYES. Sing a song of shirtwaists. White or blue or black; Four and twenty hooks and eyea That fasten up the back. And the language father uses When clumsily he tries To fasten mother's hooks. Only opens mother's eyes. Harper's Weekly. 01 of Mica Axle Grease t I II lengthens the life of the I In wagon saves horsc- Per time and tem- i 1 per. Best lubricant ia WW WW WM WWMMAA powdered mica which forms) a smooth. hard coating on axle, and reduces friction. If you want your outfit to last and earn money while it lasts grease the axles with Mica Axle Grease. STAX3ARQ CU. CGSiPAHY So. 41-'07. t4 but Ho. pImi Ai. n 0 "Horn to bmmuuf, Umm:" jj V. TSl CUS8EBUI0 BRS U J V LirtTOiJtsTB. TM-y. y V , v m'f v m.yf z rieueu aiesBorec all nreUi&c la to m 4f ; effects prrmtntat evrs f a ftA A mm TrUllrutffirtl write Dff.ii. M. b.ttn 1 HMisJIsts. Bi Atltnu. 0s CURIO W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & S3.50 SHOES tEWSld CS?6HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF -97, THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRJOE8. O IZ 911 ( Tp mny emm mrho amn nrowm V7. L JjGO,UUU Doualmm coe nsf fnmhr, A mill Reword i7cro Wen'f5S hoa ilc s than mny otkur mmiufs.ctvrmr. THE KEASOX W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more ropl In all walks of life thun uj other rnako. is bosace -f thHr exoe.lr.t style. eay-fittirr, and superior wearing qualities, rhe selection of the leathers and other materials for ea h uart of the shoe, and ererr detail of the making Is looked after br Sfi!"0 vCompleteor&ani,;Uion ot "uwrintendeDU.ff.rMiienaija sktlleil shoemakers, who receire the highest wages paid In the wi I " wurnraHinnii cannot be escellea. and show yon how carefully W.L. Iionglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of grttUtr vain than any other make. MmWmW e9 mfm f mWm m mT A9m m AW m mm m ii Tr'trxTi "rf. r VHm e cannot bm aauMlIif ml mny arlTO. CATJTIOIJ roe Kenalne have wL. !x,urls naiuo and prW atrnmpSoa bvttJi... 1 k direct to factory. Shoes sent eTery whora by mail. Catalog free. WU)ouiIm. Erection, M-. PUTNAM FADELESS BYES can qy. any g.rn,ent without Hpp,n, apart. Wm roe fr ni.6i.tw irs wuuns. Mrs, Flatdweller Enllshtens Mr. Flat dweller en the 8ubJet. Mrs. Flatdweller has a bad cold; one of those long, lingering colds; and lately she has had, to add to her dis comforts, some coughing spells; and Mr. Flatdweller has tried to be very sympathetic; and when he hears somebody coughing in the flat over head he says: "Hello, there's somebody couehlne upstairs, now." "Man or woman?" says Mrs. Flat dweller. "Man or woman?" repeats Mr. Flat dweller, 'why, how should I know?' 'And he adds with what is Intended to be pleasant good humor: "I can't see through the ceiling and the floor, you know." "You don't have to." Mrs. Flat- dweller says. "I should think you could tell that by the sound of the cough; they don't, cough anvthine at all alike." "They don't?" says the astoniahprf Mr. Flatdweller, "what's th differ ence?" and then says Mrs. Flatdweller: "Why, one coughs with a man's voice, and the other coughs with a woman's voice." And at that Mr. Flatdweller said nothing aloud; but he said to himself tnat that was the first time, he ever knew that the sex of an unseen cougher could be told by the sound of ue cougar-ew xonc Ban. Prima Faclo Evidence. The men had all crowded into a iertain corner where Faith, Hopo end Charity stood in all their beauty and radiant loveliness. Sitting around in groups were the wives of the men who were taking an. interest in the three graces. "Land sakes," said a middle-aged lady with straggling , chin whiskers, "did you ever see anything so out rageous?" "It's perfectly scandalous " ad mitted the stout woman to whom her remark had been addressed. "I never saw such brazenness in all my life." "I wish I had a horse whip!" 'What fools men are!" "I supose they think those crea tures are just as innocent as they trv to look." - J "I wouldn't trust one of them for a minute." va ?at fIght have tney t0 here, I d like to know?" "I d.1Ike to J1" scalHns water on them!" "But," said a man who had ap proached and overheard them, "those ladies represent all that - that is good all that ia worth striv- ijs ior m wis .world." "Bah!" renlied, both . -If they are decent tell us why all the SL? ma er al0De M If real ness . didn't count for vt morercago Rrd-Herald! ' VPTIT.ATinV Persons who are moderately la:?"! gent on other topics appear to r little thought, or that very perverted, on the subject of hygiene ln tbr sleeping rooms, and especially thos occupied by children. The ventilation of a bedchamber cannot be too care fully attended to. Yet nine moth -n out of ten will carefully close a!l tb windows, "for fear of coldi an 1 r.iztt air," and leave two or three chiMrn to sleep in a stifllne Atmosnhrre, ad see no connection between th rol and throat troubles they have an l tfc vitiated air she compels thm to breathe night after night. Let the morning air and eur.rh'sA Into the room as soon as p' s?:-''e after the occupants have risen, an-l. if there is no sunshine, and it is nr. raining, let in the air. Do not n.a' ur beds, too soon aftr they cr va- CAfA Vrit mov out -riiir hni;;"!' til" - ry- led sooner, but It is neither nor healthful to nn?lr nack UP clothing until exhalations of the sle: ers bodies have been removed by ex posure to air.New York Journal bi A Jersey woman whose husband was attacked by a bull saved him from injury by throwing pepper in tn bull's eyes. She also vindicated n?r sex, notes the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, amf refuted the sland er that a woman cannot hit a bud eye, '

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