KOW TO CURE RHEUMATISU. ! The cau ct Rhmn-aihm and kin dred divuc u as excess of urio ell n Mftod. To cure thi terribla !-ir th1 zrJ J must be ex lulled anl tht- r'em ttn regulated that no more cJ l wiii be formed la excewlve ron- tt.-. i h tj T.a , "jtrn an Internal dl eva and requires an Internal remedy. 2Ju!h!tnr with OIJs and Llnlrr.entj will tjo? cure, 'iffordu only temporary re lef at L t. cau.M you to dly the proper tf-.itmn, ar.d allows th malady to pet a f:rm-r ho'eJ on yiu. Liniments m.-y f th r-a!n. but they will no more cure I'h"jmat!.m tr"n paint wiU (hanv the fY re of rotten wood. i-'cinff. l.aj at lint d!rrver'd a per ict and complii cure, which In ca leJ 111 uni.'ici'l'. T " t r-1 in humlreia of a." It ha 'ff'-ct'sd the rrost mar-vi-Sngj rir-; wr telleve It will cure yr:j. V.ha am!"- ! "ceta at the Joint from th' l.'iFl'i-.'' evipa 'h poior,i out of th- j-yat'-m, fnes up the rtom w.ri. r " lint f tho 1!vt anl kidneys arot rr.ak'-A yo'i well all over. fU.ejr.vjt io ":rikts the root of ;;' -ml removes its caue." Th'.j pn.lid rtmHy Is Fold by drugr i'iri nr.i) d'alr jrcnrally at 50c and Jl ;i ht!- fn Tah!"t form at 25c and r,0r. a i,a'ki;r'-. f)et a bottle to-day; delay are JariKorous. It ro,, more to fatiify vice than to feed a family. IiaLzac. pnoor fop. two cents. If Vou J-'uflr With Your Kidneys and Patk Write to This Man. r,. W. Winn y. Medina. N. Y., In vites kiuro-y mfff rf-r;j to write to him. v iu an woo eii"los9 j.oKt.'tiC'; he will TO' ply, telling how Dean's K'.tfncy Pilis cured him after he had doctored and j H .-.Lyl Lai been in two dlf- ' . f f'-rcnt hospitals for y '; V i k 1' t o o n months, i'v- .'v 8,1 fff?ri,,E incense Zty 1-aln in the hack. ';.'!' '''' lameness, twinges when Btooplng or lifting, l n,".r,or, dizzy apf.lla and rheu uiati.siM. ' !'. fore I used Doan's KSd noy ri!!",-' r.ajs Mr. Winney, "I vv'.Mhf f! H.'!. Afirr taking 10 or 12 hojte:i 1 wcih"l 1G2 aud was coro- p!lciy 'uri-:!." .''.old liy a!l dr-nlfiK. GO cents a box. Kostur -Mil burn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. So 'Twoald Seem. 'ou ilon't seem to consid er my opinions very valuable. KiofHi- tl Well, you don't seem to tl.'ink so, ei) i:er. ( ;;!.: i - - Why ! Krit'-bM t -J'.ccjiiisc if you did you woiiidirl -)'. i!;-m so freely. xi-;wsv .m:.m(;s. All U,o Gow Vitrei to the Vii; no;-.-! hav l,:on In- ll'sv.'.-:: in Mav. V i.'.io.T'U. Aokt I'l iii'fl tl'.at Iu liaf1 invited K"ar-A,:nriral ICvans and his licet to vi.iit J;..!:aii. Advicr-3 from Ilinscls hint at a complete (iiy;iri-(.- T, k :u hot ween King Leopold and t P o Conn; ) delegates. Tin.: St.urris lir;i!o;- law deputies vei-'i inohhr-ii by a n-oivrt of 1000 peivons durins a raid ?t Old town. Me. r.cvv ;i xln '''. ;'.( -, in t;.o Berlin Uni- "im- .'d (hinkin; rnci formed an vva y.z-iWnn to el:e ha'jit. The newspapers or Valperaiso. Chile, published artiek-s protesting n.taiiit the innni'Tratloa of Chines into tho United fc'iatas. Ircrea.dp.r-: pro- mTie an sent iment fn St. Croix n-I St. Thomas indicate a dcslro fo:- t'io annexation of the islands by the United States. Tlio Hepburn banking commission obtained data from v.hieh to recom mend le-i-pjtion putting a stop vo ontraerco:!s rceeivers'iip charger. Pre: -klent KookvcU, in bis niessass to Coi.-;rn-.-s. Pru i commended the consiruci tot; of tour lnUUcablns mors 'powerful thr.zi any now bcins'built. J. Pieri ont Morgan arranged for the j?n!e o: the Tenn-?.see Coal and Iron Company to tlio Steel Trust :nd clr-ared up tho v;hole trust situation. Tare.: r;;- rr.,; r.s of vadium been extra- ; I :,t Vienna from 10,000 Kijorrra.nm?3 of ritchblondo at or.3 ti'ird tao cost of previous production. President Trumbull, president o! the Colorado and Southern Railwav Company, -aid the u;ro3 earning of h?s road were increasing, despite the hard times. Th revonue of British Columbia is twenty per cent, greater than last year. Arrunsemer.ts -.ave bi-ea made wnb the Salvation Army to brinir over looy immigrants. TITI1 MONEY. "An artist." ?.-.hi tl man v.'ith not think ftointe v.h!'V about mrtiry." "I Fiippcsf CumroM. "F.; ur? t-:e artist him from tli;: the rest cf Star. 'must nrt," answered Mr. :ry time I huy a pict vt.'iL? enough to keep ;1 in? about money for hid life." Washington BFGAX YOUNG Had "Coffee Nerves" From Youth. "When very young I hegan using coffee and continued up to the past six months," -writes a Texas girl. "I had been exceedingly nervous, thin and ery sallow. After quitting coffee and drinking Poslum Food Coffee about a month my nervousness disappeared and has Eever returned. This is the more remarkable as I aai a Primary teacher and have kept right on with my work. "My comnlexion now is clear and rosy, my skin soft and smooth. As a good complexion was something I had greatly desired. I feel amply repaid even tho this were the only benefit derived from drinking Postum. "Eefo'-e heginning n.s use I hal suffered greatly from indigestion and headache; these troub.es are now un known. "Best of all. I changed from coffee to Postum -without the slightest in convenience, did not even ave a headache. Have known coffee drink ers who were visiting me, to use Pos Jtura a -welc without being aware tliat they were not drinking coifee. . ''I lave kxjcnrra. ererjl to begin the nse of Postum and drop jt because they did not Doll it properly. After explaining how it should be prepared they have tried it again and pro nounced it delicious." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the booklet, "The Eoafl to Wellville, in.pkgs. "Thore s YOUNG LADY KILLED I A Horrible Sired Cor Accident at Charlotte. N. C FAIR YOUNG LIFE CRUSHED OUT Miss Aileen Kendall, of Shelby, &oa Orer aa.1 Initmtly Killed j Fast Moring Street Car Mr. C. B. Cabiniis Strode and Badly la jaxed. niarlutt, N. C, SjieeiftJ." Wis Aileen ("abani Ke!all, of Shelby, was rut, ottr and killed by an Eliza beth vtrfret car at the eoruer of f-ast avwuie and Myers street ?Toriday li'lit alxut 9:4A 'c'uek, aud Mr.. H. CtitzUa, of this city, wa rwiirfuliy hurt. Mr. Cabanis. who tss aer-ornpanyinp bi wife and niece, caped serious hurt by the merest ihauee. The accident is one of the most rlist reusing that ever happened in Charlotte. Miss Kendall had ju-t inived in the city from Haleiga, where hh-i had been a student at '.he Baptist University for Women iuring tlie fall, and was on her way bom t Shelby. For feeveral weeks a sha had been in ill health and Aas rcturtiitj home in order to re ;njerate. A niece of Mr. and Mrs. i'abanis-, she was to impend the niirht with them and continue her jour atv hoir. Tueslay morning. Mr. ttnd Mrs. Cabanus and Mis Kendall had just alijrhted from a Myers street car in front of the Kast A venu;- Tabernacle and were start tig across East avenue in the direc tion of South Myers street. After pas-ing around the end of the car Ihev stepped out on the parallel Klii belli rack at the moment a fn -' moving; car bore down ou them. 1'h young lady was caught before she could turn, and Mrs. Cabaniss vvps si ruck and hurled to one side like a stone from a sling. Owing lo the fact that the tracks were -!i pery with water, the motormar., Mr. A. I j. Baker, could not stop as piirkly as he otherwise would had lite tracks been dry. It is ha nil;, probable, however, that even if he 'tad ihiit the unfortunate young lady ivouid have escaped. She fell under temier and was diagged by . thc wfiien running board guarding; (he wheels for perhaps' KM) feet. Life was extinct when the car w;'s -.tnpp;:l, death having been tn- -trntiUH'ous. Mrs. Cabanis?, while u-taining no broken bones, was tcr lil'ly bruised atid painfully injured. Slv. fabaniss, who was jus! a little behind his wife and niee. escaped the narrowest of margins. A s-na 1 1 ln.y. half ti block down the ;i)eet, s.-iid that he heard a man's void- cry nut at the moment of !; uilisioii. "My (rod. what lias hap-i pened'" There being so "'i'-''1 ' ifusion just ai lite time. he thought that someoiie l)ecn hurt. in the car hr.d State and Nation Clash. Montgomery, Ala., Special. The first clash between the Federal gov ernment and the State of Alabama ?ame when Solicitor Henry B. S teg all, of Ozark. Dale eouny. was cited under a rule issued by Judge Thomas IS. Jones, of the Federal court to ap pear and show cause why he should not be adjudged guilty of coutenij:' for his alleged misbehavior town id Deputy United States Marshal Pui hvai. The alleged misbehavior eon listed of a threat said to have been m:'de bv Mr. Slegall that he would hive the sheriff of Dale county ar ret the deputy marshal for afterno' ii'g to yerve on him the papers in the Ccrdral of Georgia case. Mr. Slegaii is cited to appear before Judge Jo'ies on December oth. New Orleans Exchange Opsns. ' New Orleans, Special For the imst time since October 25th trading in all bonds was Monday permitted on the New Orleans stock exchange mid Monday afternoon New Orleans. IJir mingbam. Little Kock and Beaumont. Tex., street railway bonds, were quot ed from 1 to 3 points higher than the cl hig bids October 25th. Georgia Farmer Fatally Beaten. 1 Americus, Ga., Special. Benjamin J. Ligbtfoot, a prominent planter re siding upon the Rylander plantation, near Americus. is at death's -door from blows delivered with a billiard cue by Marion Sims, another farmer Saturday night. Lightfoot's .skull waj crushed and he has since been unconscious. The affray occurred at a grocery store at Desoto and re sulted from a 'former feud. Light foot cannot recover. Train Derailed; Three Men Hurt. Mobile, Ala., Special. Every car except the diner in the Louisville & Nashville northbound passenger train was derailed at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon near Dyas Creek, 32. miles north of here and three mail clerks, Campbell, Wharton and Labon, were badly cut and bruised. The injured were carried to Bayminette for treat ment. J&znestow Exposition Ecds. Norfolk, Va., SpecS&L TJke -great Jaiaes'towa E3poikra closed on Sat trtaV -mg&i "with, apprQjSri&fe ee. ttere were 2,800,000 a4saiojis 0$ which 1,500,000 -wer paid. .While ?he finances , are not what the direc ors had hoped for, yet, if the prop erty can be sold for its value) there will be' enough to pay ont the debts, with a little -left for. the stockholders. CALL FOR SHOWING Government Will Ask Reports from National Banks. WILL BETTER THE SITUATION Comptroller df lit Czsttnc? is Ex ttctcd to Iissd It TbU We4k &sd tt RefeUtior-s. It li fcsliered Will Aid Blatrialiy in Etstoring C evi dence. N'e York. Special. A upon tae ratiot;al bas:k for a MateaKht of their cotiditiou of a very recent djte l expected by banker fcre to rome from ibe Cotr.pt roller of the Cur rency, thi week. Four of the live calls required each f;ar by Jaw have already bei-u made, tbt last having fchowu the coi:ditioit of the nt-lional banks on Auga-t 22d. It is possible that the call now anticipated ill have an important in Cue rice on the fir.a icial situation. It is txpeete! that it will reveal large reWrvei of cash in the conntry banks and this will tend to restore confidence amocg depositors to a degree which, will make it easy resume enneuey p.y metiis throughout I be fount ry. The prepare for a eall by sttenijtheriinjr tbeir cash; in onlcr to make a good showing, not only to the Comptroller but to their ciiemts. Their ijtate ments are required by lav.' to be pub lished in a local paper, and they are also forwarded to Washington, where they ate compiled by cities and States. The effect of call for rejwrt of eonditioij on a fied date, which is usually a few days before the call by the Comptroller, is to enabla the bank to release er.su after the call, with the knowledge that another call is not likely. In the natural ord r of thing.-;, for about two mouths. In the present situation, it is declared by New York bankers, the call will show that hoarding is not being dono by New York bankers as indeed their deficiencies in required reserves already indicate bat that many of the interior banks have reserves run ning up to fcueu proportions as forty or fifty pjr cent .of deposits. The facts wiii reach the public for iudi vidtnd banks through publication lo cally and the:) will come to the public generally through the compilation made by the Comptroller. If la i,x: r.-serves in lawful money in 'heir own vauits are revoaleti gen erally by Use report?, it will af once inspire confidence in the strength of the banks and create demand which they will no longer be disposed to re sist, after sending iu their reports, for the immediate re-:u nqdion of cur rency payments. c;;0 c-jiuoi Chainuau Fowler, of the House ittee on bs;il:i.;g and currency. made the following .statement re specting' the outiook for financial legislation in the Sixtieth Congress: "There should certrinly be some remedial legislation and 1 can assure you that, the members of the coai mitlce on banking ;md curreuev will l.,,rwl fl.tl. 'in.ma i,, ihitt .'tl-l ht v:c shall be able to nceornptish no man can answer, urgent need for But that there is help no man can deny. "At the dinner of the American Bankers' Association at St. Louis, a j year a0, 1 predicted thcA the tiling j which has happened, must happen j unless some immediate action was taken; that there was not a banker in the United Sudes who would not regret it if some thin? were not done. "At the-close ir:sL sctision of j Congress 1 said that the condition of ; our finauees and currency was such I that it would., of necessity lead to the j destruction of our prosperity. KUied in Ar.to Crash. Reading, Pa., Special. Marry M. Sehaeiler, aged 21 ycur.v died here Sunday as the result, of Injuries sus tained by his automobile colliding with a telegraph po. lie was the son of Charles II, StdiaroiVer, , presi dent of here. the ational Uni Dank Detroit, Mich.. Special. A Fret Press special from Eschmiaba, Mish.. says: Capiat r Frank V.. Dent, oi Company LTwentieth Regiment, Yvis consin National Guard, was instant! v killed in an automobile accident neai here and four others were injured Sumner K. Prescotf, vice president and general manager of the Prcseott Iron Works, was internally injured and it is feared, he may die. Isam Stephenson, Jr., nephew of United States Senator Stephens mi, Lad ot arm broken, and -.Ijspe'i r.u!ntr.v suffered fractures of hh; coil.-;r bont and one arm. Albeit Itoismist vva badlv bruised. StUl Another Victim. New Y'ork, Special. Earle Ira T Donald, of Holly, N. Y., was killec when an automobile, which he v.'Bi driving in company .with several corn panions, collided with a sand pile ii Bay Ridge. McDonald, it is said would have come into an estate val ued at $150,000. His companiofis es caped unhurt. ' Drowced j. io a Bath Tub. v.Ossingicg, N. Y., Special--C!hajrlj Ii. Tergu-ori, Jr. was droWe"d in t Bath tub at his hdaie eaj.,iSua3 reafgoD in I&sj&s?. ft 'Kew York, was rnaniei 'tvfo jnoslhs ago. Sunday he vas bathing xvhel his wife retired. It was several houn later when Mrs. Ferguson awoke ant found the body. The coroner decide that Ferguson had fainted and slip .ped belcrr the wrtr. . Late JVetv In 'Brief HLhOI MATTERS Of WTERLST t Tbronfb Premier Stolyfun th Catar knooanerd to the IVjtcs that be i till ftutoeral of nil the Hnsian and that Parliament U exjeted to do fcj bidding. Hfrr I Ui. tl r SK-tali-t leader, tnaue an n-'ie-iv . .prn jn Gernuin Kftfh-tag. the I'rin f v.j lluf'nw. th hni'iir. gave a re n-n mam V forcigs re!atiM:' iirtn.an of (5er- the Reicbtag. e!iiitor F'tlv-. L.. an- noume b;U'-t!f a cat didaie for the IJr pub:'-f n iiouun.itiii !r atid sdrou:!' :;t!i;cki . it: Preiiiei;i a Hoe- a dinner Preside;.! Vtlt jiici. PrtHiden: K.Hevelt guv and reception in honor n Aiiad'r d" ra;u na. Tbe Treasurv n ccivid a iai: Oer Ol IVl (lie I a::iua uv.-i4v-, this being the last day fr su!rerip tion. Mr. M ry forty, " e:ti oj.', v,-l.-o v.; s a -T.'!t -d y li' ! o ie in Kieh niond bv .T nihn Ho' r. a negro, i iu-pt :- .: g and '. e :". ny rce,,vr. Cb't'ie Hili. IJi'd'tnond negro u.pected f crtni-d as-ult. was or dered tcica.vd by the Virginia Su preme Cf.urt. v.oi. h d' ided that the polk-' could t ot i !!'! a man s a "suspiciMtts chat act er. Tie immense plan; d' the Hope Natural (Jas Company is ready to begin pumping natural gas from the West Virginia fields. Five persons were killed and n num ber of other;? were badi . hit' t u hen an extra freight train struck a trol ley car in Waterbury. (Vim. Cen. Leon Jast rvn-ki, Confeler ate veteran eanditiaie for the Demo cratic nomination for Covernor of Louisiana, is dead. t T!'e Reading company. !:r.ft, has struck c in d living voou- coal a ve; New York Retvab-iean.s are di.-po-ed to ;eseut what t':ev rlt-e-u the inter ference of Prcsidt fit Ui'o-e- ;! to sidctraek the Hu'h"s boom.. Te ?d ;'::U !-ict urei-' AsSms i:".i m i if Y(Mk. i';: and held its attp.ind .i.-ct ir.g i ! ie-i Cii acw u s sniiir ier win nus V i1 ' r in Fiiis Cotey i'i Mab: ! '!! S'd) n't i r to ;i tl ; v - Jii" i:;; ( ie i ' i pi t:;e :t v. e:.o".i. I ot 11 nie o save Xe Haven, Conn., g weiconu' Y?iliiU;i J. tb:iu 12.(;i' !,M ste;i:','' Mien-- V1!I li-.iviug s:,!l eV i ' -!' this week. More inti i e-f iug testimony v; i'eved in the Miit .aln. t liie T i Tvu.-t in progres s in New York. Sup -erne C ;!: Jtisiire Sve.bai po: Lite :. ? ec.'ivcr.s i i: .ev. Man h ve 4 ' .i 1 City ICiiiv..y and Street lfailwav. for C:e an eivei.- Ut.eO .1 era! co.o. :. f.b'1'Uian C;;aiM-.-!!::r k'oi, y!;ciow m Re iei; stag de e T'Irrpci.::-. . . u 'i Algiers ci-i-h g.irrisoa. ; w il f the iendet ! i i ,: vi!- nsid tl v.y i r-'." ;:eu i iV',': o i;:lir drivo;i a.' e.l bur Ti e Cauudir.n Parli cned bv Loid Crrv. - on- Coliiips- a Lop-i ' : '. oil ffirder at u hr: !'': . : 1': rd lie' m drov:i:ed. Banditf Treasury sai : a r m "Finn nee. A ' iei iei'ii complained f. inlh:x of .T.ir. ; O !Ut j -rr' States. Ntt less than 4') children have besn kidnapped in Meco City. Seci'ctarv Cov'cl i ..-;-:';'teii to issue oniv $')5.0'.)0.n00 of l-'o new gv ermnent debt cet ti'icat; s. President Amador rf of Pcnania. arrived i i A mUrhtv ifliii;iu the Republic. Y;:sbi;urP n. c?!o:ist rtuioii tuiskcl Thr.nk.-g Mr: D;ti Jantesiovt 1; ci'nosition. lie Dr. Thomas W. S iiiil . for 30 years phvsk'iau at DeiiisJ Mi' i.'.rv Academy in Virginia, i:- dead. Southern R.iiiw ' tiain .m.. whieli ran ir.io ''reidetit S pev!r'er s car last Thanksgiving Day. him and severs I friends, rr.n kiliir.g down three negroes cn the Staunton river bridge. Th? ?p!endid new church of the Blessed Sacrament "dicatcd at Harrisonburg by ver. -op El! There is a general belief among Russians that the coming of Secre tary Trft portends a war between the United. States and Japan,, cud many Museovites are offering their services as soldiers. "Ollie'' Reed dropped dead at a dance given by the Mercantile Club, at Wheeling, West Virginia. The warships to make the cruise lo the PaciSa will not form in New York, but go direct to Hampton Roads the rendezvous of the fleet. Joh'n Whitney, a stove dealer, shot and Jailed his wife and then jumped out .of. ike windcrw of his apartment on' the ninth floor of the Hotel Bel Utl&ire, in New; ; York, being picked up 3ea3 : ': '" . - Itfrd 5aa Jfetttefid - to Nw Sffe'Wt wis that he wul 0m bat: to I&glanH Dennis O'Sullivan, a-Bowery lodger in New York, who fought under Lee and Grant, is dead. 5 Pronounced dullness is reported in the eteel and iron trade of Pittsburg. S i, , Hart- i. rr.Ck lroteu t&t fKsstcs reft. Tl5 tta bHea ti trie prointtt s4 that at t:cfe i U rre4 to cf uer U too rt- As ceo fetiecice. fassUie Lave ct 4om Ibelr daily ans4? Tae Srt day c4 ti e inere la pr1oe hr e8 coc14erb'e redartioa. Ab4 11 milhoat doobt wilt mJoU!e4 t A treat ettenU The pHf of It ! that Is naj lr famine tfce babi w8 tsffer. Thy sct bT their tcllt. Put lo the crJiaarr Suwho!4 St will be i!b!e to reduce the Quantity Uken tr!r tie ei tunic rte rate e$ub!ibed by tbe raf.k cctcbtn. Til Woaaa't Up. "Now, we nut admit," brgaa Wood by Wise, "that woman it natur ally more hopeful than man" "Ye," interrupted Marry a, "there' mi wife, far instce; evry time that ihe's bought fisi siac we've been married sbe has akd the dealer if tney were frt4i, bopuag, I suppose, that Mice day bell Majr 'No.' " How Eitraordiaary. "Mrs. Popley wa telling me about her baby today." "Yes? I met Mr. Newmater to day and tdie was telling me about hers. She Kays it's juf-t the sweetest and cutest little thing in the uotid. "How odd! So is Mrs. Popley'." Back Talk. "Let me see," bearan Mr. Henpeek, "the woodeu weddiug is the fifth an niversary, isn't it?" "No," snapped his wife, "when one marries a blockhead it's the cere mony itself." WHEEL CUrPOARD. Is constructed as a help to the wo man without a servant. The dinner prepared in the kitchen may be placed in it, with the empty dishes on top The cupboard is then wheeled into the dining room, where the dishes are served from it, thus saving the many steps back and forth to the kitchen. The cupboard may be made with little expense by any man who has a plane an i a few other eoramcn house hold tools. The wheels? and axles may be taken from a discarded "go-cart." or bought at tho baby-'-irriage factory. A list of items for Its construction is a? fol lows: Sixty feet one-half inch white wood, ?3; 4 wheels and 2 axles, : 2 pairs bras hinges, 30 cents; 2 roars knebs, 15 cents; screens, glue. etc.. 25 cents; sta'.n, L'O cents; total $.".!'. Mrs. E. B. Bradford in the Boston Post. SORES AS B!G AS PENNIES. Whole Jlend undXeck Covered Hair All Cam Out Suffered O Months Curerl in :j Weeks by Cuticr.ia. "After hr.vt:i the nte;is!es lay whole head and were covered with aoaly sores about. ;.s ;s 11 pcn:y. 'tie.-. wer-3 jest is t!dck as thy could be. My iiiiir all rntiH? 'i;t. I Set the trouble rso: along, taking ti; doctor's blood lt-jiirdic-'and rubbing on salve, but it di'i not sciu to got r.ny Letter. It. t:. cl that way for about six itionti.s; tlicn 1 got a ut-i of the Cr.ticc.ni Ileine.iit'-, and in about a week 1 noticed a big HirTerence, and in tbre? weeks it was well entirely and 1 have not had t'tie trouble any more, and as this vu seven ye.ara aj;o. I consider myself cured. Mrp. 'l?my i'orter, Albicn, Neb., Aug. 25, '06." A peti.knt person own ii cflicicncv. advertises his Taylor' Cherokee Kemdy f Swet Gum and MtiUen is Nature's reat reme dy 'Hires Oouu'hs, folds, Croup and Con Bumoiion. an 1 all throat and luns: trouble. At druggists, -Ou., 50. aud f 1.(0 per bottia. Castles in the air cost a vast deal to keep up. Lytton. 11-h .iu e l in l?anily lotion. SO minutes by Wco'foid i Never fails. At druggists. To your son give good name and a trade Spanish. r Jivir9Tonnn Cleanses tKe System Efect uatly.Dispels Colas end Head ackes clue to Constipation: Acts naturally, acts truly as a Laxative. Best forMenVvmen and CKiU- ren-younand Did. f 1 Wit 1 has ine jull name ojthe Com pany P CALIFORNIA JiGr .Strup Co. am it is manufactured. printed on tKe front of every pQcknge. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. one size only, regular price 50 r bottle. To conTtnce any woman that Pax. tin Antiaeptle will improve her health e and do ail we claim for tt. W. win send her absolutely free a larce trial tlOT of PlTtfna ifh WV . . . . W ' g Hons and gemtine testimonials. Send a your cama and addre&s a a postal card. cleanses and heals 1 II III.. 11 DSfnit. si e jd fecaons, such aa jjasal catarrh, pelrio eatatTh JSA lnflagirriaUon causedlryfeiiij- uin.!!jlII2J 8are:.eycsr throat acd raoufh, by direct local trea.tpie.nt. its cur ative powv over the so trohCs Is extra oraicary. and cjvea lrtmediata rfeiief. Tficcsanqa I women &re cshrs and reo osaacRdiag iwaty yTfiO cents l dTaggistsorbySKia. IT COSTS Yi U- etsemDer.however. rrv am aw a,f Tllii S. P. Boaton. a&aa. aid?r w ... " wnt waliiltoiBiia' rr .1 .. . i v Alwavs buv tKe Genuine Hkic PJU VaniaV EOirVflFVll unaim... w f Ttm tnrtv c Ire&tJ KT -!!? 4erc4f UrfU" tf an top ran ti pvi :;: Irvzlzt in tU: f U tnHt cnf. Uul If , ! ii ii tsore tarl te Mb4. It j tbeii hc;i!W 10 tn3 tfc ir cl Ur at eer. It i th aJrUb to Iroa ttraUrht Uc4 out!! dry. 9' thra tbo outer prt cf th ecUar by pUrtse It Into sh 00 the uV a4 Ircnlsf it actll wfth and dry. Th collar, rr rib 1 k? itrmUht Co. tar, but htoT MJJr.s over they hou'! be fcl.tbtly tUatjl rn tf rpc(5 ble. here lbe feU U lr b m.J-. anl a hot irys r"4 otrf the The .earn tlrcueh t!- far fcM niak'nc i! l?thtly o!t. atJ preterm tb oftlf Un-n cracV'.nr It ! fcMe I. -th'.i j.r -rv;rt tl e Collar N York Prc-vfc- Afraid of the BowWowi. Sav," grwwled the firt bobo, 44vrhr didn't ver go np ter dat bi? bu.4, le I "told er to, an' git handout ' . "I started ter,'' replml Kr ial. "bat m miniiter-lookiij jcur giunne a tip not ter. He i.ejc: 'Tunt from yer present path. foolih men; vci goin' ter de do. " COTTON OIL. A Perfectly Clean, Pure and Whole hosce Cooking Fat. Cotton (Wl iuiptovcs the flavor m all foodn in the pteparatiu of wbic: it is usd ai a fat, and suiads, bread... cakes and patry made with it. -tempting', because f the evt. nult flavor, imparted from a perfectly pure and ed'rbvs fat. An unlimited nuntber of rombit!., tius iu salads, is jx.-ible with th use'of Cotton Oil alone, or a- an iu gredient of the arii.tts sals.l dress -jns, whether made of meat. tisi'. chicken. ve?c -table or fruit, as u loundation. The Woman Hater. "Professor." said Miss tlidday coyly, "you have such irreat knowl edge of human nature. I'm sure yen can answer this question. At what a;e does the average man of intclli-ifemc- marry?" "Dot aire," promptly roplietl ciabbed old pnd'essor. the Fame is but the perfitme of heroic deeds. SocEnte. FITS. St. Y j ttis" Danco :y .rvms i i tea ne pc" maacnt;-eurediv Dr. KLnesMrcat -en-e Restnfr. W trial IMtle and trentt-e fre. Dr. H. K. Klitip. IaL.W. Arcb.St. l'lLi., Ih. Don't budge if you tit at case. - Herman. So. 40-'07. - - - - - - Mrs. Winsiow's Soot bins Syrup for Children teethinp.fMtftenstheKUtns.j-edtH-eHinr'u'MiUTiu- k.on,ulliiys pain, cure wnut cejjc, -.k 1 ''ts' Lxaniplo is better limn preccp.. Johnson. CAPUDiN CURES I ttfromoTri tti cin. ric.thM tli nervM bu.1 GOLDS AND GRIPPE; Krtih- ni. it :orM tM tfflC.5. J", 20 awi bottles. (LNVIO.) Car rianu OF EkD gsSFft Late Flat Dutob. i rj.OOO to O.OUO. 131.25: lO COOatd tit wards 91 w l?z3&iZ&&5 plaaia are all grvwa nar talt wawr and will ataufl mn o without injury. I UK UAKK-( AULi OX O , Micntl,l.0 (Ml)(gODtIDd73T0 U tfp WakcaHd. tfc Uticluii. Stni I m i " "I 'ZjASTTO HAT WILL MAKE ,n9 Ear'y Jere . Wakefield -f LArr, Henderson Early J"1. Type Wakefield lAl Knmtiioa Wiaaiaar SUtdt cunjxr I am located on one of the Sea glands of South Carolina, our climate u just sufficient cold to harden an. tcause plants to stand severe freezinff ater aettfnr out fas tho coMer aectiona. I gut Khi satisfaction or matey rtfitndee. Fxptst rete$ to ' PO3 fry . CXf XJXXt to 54 h at St JO; SfiOO to 9J0O0 at 51-25; 10jx6v Special pricea on large lota. Send your orOel jfe X". "W . TOV ,iT.T!H. Maaaar Plantt Grower Tilesrialfttta.ltaaj-xJjjKi.r.c. Mrl s SHOES AT ALL A airr rna a-uvBw ntn'a 7&q, S3UJO and Of taawoald. TnaM- . i . 1 frao. bookkeepjjtg M Mwinala.l Timi .1- j . . . . - . w IMlll fc.a, a 1 rm . . T I tSZl . .r- r- " meant, TUUm ami BBU uia yoi Jon Horts and Mule SHotj '""tW IRON or STEEL Caajxrrteed to ttir? t'cV, r f. the hvrie-k.1. mm m U ymr mmaltr mo mot csr y 1 1, no mia m i kih a It 2 1 Gt Grown from ;u. ir-d Qualitr a-i.i'i . - j - Frly Jrto V.'-i-'.: ,. t 1 rii T r i i.. lut, h: Lx !"at I"- 1.1MX) to 5.U0O at 1 j t 1 5,0u0tol').niat 1 1' i 1 10, 000 to Li. Wi a t '. . -) . r : . 20,000 or ovor at at 1 c . : : fouf afi!-r), r'.ir it . s ARTHUH W. PEf.RY Yoonc's till 3d, ". C. Bropsyl CVPIO tf ei Click ttf. Iriajf -".i2 in II lo M 1y : - in . t 4 ! !S llfM 1 ir ( 'i f)!- -1. Tn.Iin,' l l fr. 7 -i '';'-,?: i . tf W -i iw K i' .Oil f't . ' j ' 1 j , '07. 4 GA.-ALA. BLSINEnS COLLEOlI MACON. GA. 1 p It Hir.art7!;nl Hjd tipei fKiity P0SITIOS9 "AMSklCA'S BEST" WRITE FOR CATALOGUE a T YPEWRITER? I r -ml jr Im rtriy I ualavt mud fl la - k . ktrrk u ihataB4 -in All icttwl f. Mil ifuriaOil At iklit, aiajr fir. Writ for !( nil lUriala Htl. taavalr If aaaaa !! lrrr. I.r(tl ! la la arU TII TIl'KHKITt I:.IIAXUK. . unrb An. VV. lilac Marlla la, laa & a f. y.i iu m. uitiiMuf. a. ah n I I HAmAVER r oMiK i aL m4s ABBAGE PLANTS We are atla raif to fill vrnif Or4f for CACBaOE ael RKF.T T ASTU. ar all OltO a N FHOM 1 HE HAME OKiDS Vflt HSTOUU CROP FROM. W bar all oftM la4ia Tarlatlw EAfiLY JCBSET WAKEFIELD. rj Wf, CHARLESTuN WaKEFIELD, about tan day latfr. la fial . . . ft u 1 -4 1 1 . . 1 fihfkrt 4'Ma Price a follwa: l.O O u 5.OO0 tt 60 If So, Send Your Orders to TOWLES, Youngs Island, S. C By ma!L teleeraph er telephone Fricaa: 1.000 to 4,000 at J1.60 per 1.000 6.000 to S.000 at $15 pr L0tX 9.000 and over at 11.00 per I.r 00 Special pncea to thoaa itn Ure auantitiaa. Satlaf artion and rood cunt ruan'1 ... Fianta ready for ahipment from Dec lat to April W. If to, yon no doibt reeenred free, one of th Iwttona from tho S. C exhioit. given you by tho N. H. FliUh io.. tf largest Veeetatla and FUnt farm combined In th urria. Wo will le glad tobava your ordera for cabbage ar.drHn plant of all kind . raised in tho open air. Fpectel exprea tatrt. Pilcea at to&ws: 1.C0O to 5.000 at $1 SO V IjOMl; J.KO ''to at f 15 per 1,000; orw 10 000 at $1.00 per l.tO0.f.o h. cprcw cfc- Mrtvtt, . C. inrfcoU r-ni.t. m ft li -' HrnJir..a tncmioo i Pulca ritM of tub- f aU wdara to M H BLITCM CfJ.. MenaetLS.C. LJ Patat. S. C tiat iaaet nm, Martia-i (milo iJ522m&& ricota .To-anyP- Shoea Bliea lima - ifui, XTLAS, BroCttM: vr. i aar bl aa7 " B. . m av 8 Vr--? S m.1 'V Mim "av a M SHORTHAND I eraaaaaaraaaaaiaoakt hf $mt& aoa7ljaaartUalraa. Baa O0 CMOfli, Jf SWJiAJSa OA iu -vww wkitiAt.urs rfftTrjLir!?. 1 1