The Caucasian AND RLFIGH ENTERPRISE. Kftleigb, JS.C-, - iprfl 9, 190 Knuryl t th i'ot-oSJ to Raleif n, K. C, Local Matters The Odd Fellows of Raleigh will -!-brafe the 89 noaht fl. The Wakelon new school 'building will bv ready by the fall. Six teach ers will t' employed In the school. 4r. Hehry Clay Johnson died ad-( at Wendell Saturday morning. llf was a former resident of Italelgh. JiidK T. It. Purnell and United sr.iit-H Marshall Dockery left Monday for Washington. N. C. to hold United Sr;i?'S Court. overnor Glenn has offered a re ward for John Goodlet, colored, of Arfhville, who murdered his wife on April 11th. Mr. J. K. Iane, who has been In th- it-nt house for some time with an .ittark of smallpox, has recovered and h;n been discharged. Sheriff K. A. Martin, of Rutherford -mty, Saturday, brought Oscar J '.orders and Crowder Michael to the State penitentiary to serve terms for burglary. Mr. C. K. Iioyette, a student at Wake Forest College, .died Sunday, afier undergoing an operation for appendicitis. His home was at Mur fresboro. Chicken thieves entered the yard of Mr. IJ. Reiner, on New Bern av enue. Saturday night and stole nine fine fowls. They killed the chickens iti the yard before carrying them away. rel.-brate the 89th anniversary of that order at tho Academy of Music oil Tuesday evening April 2 8th. Mr. IMato Collins, of Kinston, will deliver tho principal address. The entertain ment will be public. STATE StSWS. -t; At the Davidson Cocnty JUpubU. can convention, which vat hld Sat urday, Mr. Zeb Yaac Watser wu unanimously endorsed for Governor. The Republican State Convention will meet la Creexuboro April the 30th, for the purpos of electing delegates to the National Republican Convention Eugene G. D lack barn, of Winston- Salem, was arrested In Greensboro Saturday, charged with stealing a diamond ring and other valuables from a local jeweler. The Repubfcans of Forsyth County held their convention Saturday to elect delegates to the State and Con gressional Conventions. Forsyth has 22 delegates that will go to the State Convention uninstructed. The condition of Miss Nellie Swln- ney, who was shot by her father at the Normal School at Asheville last week, Is reported as practically un changed, with the hope of recovery. If no complications develop. The Republican convention of Pas quotank County was held Saturday and Messrs. J. Q. A. Wood. J. P. Overman and I. M. Meekins were elected delegates to the State Con vention, which meets In Greensboro April 30th. There is a steady decrease In the percentage of difference between the Clearing House Exhibits for this year as compared with the first three months of this year, and for March the decrease was the largest so far. That is a very clear demonstration that better times are returning. Information has been received n Asheville from Elk Park that uther M. Banner, former Repre sentative in the State Legislature The JohUMj J. Joae Sbows la Ra irtgh All 3f eat Week. The Johnny J. Jones Shows will open a week's eaggejat la Ra leigh Monday, April 27th. This com pany has been to Raleigh several Umes and has always draws large crowds. The class of attrac tions they offer are far ba the average carnival attractions. The trained wild animal exhibition con sists of a collection of Lio&s and tigers, bears, wolves. Jeopards, Jaa gors hyenas, ail trained to perform la the large steel arena. Here will be found Her Von Waldo, the great animal trainer, and his troup of per forming lions, tigers and polar bears. also the daring Captain Wilson, the famous animal subjugator. The Esquimaux Village win be found to very interesting. Or ill see how these peopte live In the far away country, how they hunt, fish, and .live In their snow and ice houses. Baby Columbia, born at the w orld's Fair in Chicago, is a mem ber of this tribe of primitive people. The Mysterious Ozart will be seen at the Persian Theater. Ills wonder ful , feats, of magic and in escaping from the Austrian Straight jacket he may be truly termed "The man whom locks won't hold." Cantaras Working World will be found to be a very Interesting exhi bition and one well worth seeing. There will be several free attrac tions daily. Among these will be French Auranauts who will present their thrilling flight to the clouds. A portion of the proceeds will be for the benefit of the Third Regi ment Rand. Delaware and Pennsylvania for Gray. The Democrats of Delaware and Pennsylvania are in favor of Judge from Mitchell County, was convicted f Gra- of Delaware, for Democratic A three weeks term of Wake Supe- of the murder of J. L. Cline, a prom- ent lumberman at Boone, Watauga Coutny, and sentenced to a term of thirty years In the penitentiary. The Mecklenburg Division of the i Southern Cotton Association has dis-j banded on account of the fact that rior Court for the trial of civil cases the Farmers' Union, the new organ- convened Monday, with Judge Biggs which is spreading over the presiding At the beginning of the riaie uas nu" week there were 77 cases on the cal- Association's membership. The Union endar and 2 6 on the motion docket. W,H doubtless take the place of the : Association in a very short time. At Asheville Tuesday Judge Pee-j bles sentenced three boys to the Fayetteville is to have a large J penitentiary for horse stealing. They shoe factory in the near future with claimed they intended returning the nearly $200,000 capital, the major animals, that it was all a joke. But portion of which is owned , by North-' .ludg Peebles thought it a poor joke, em capitalists. At the beginning it , Is proposed to make 500 pairs of Two mules, a two-horse wagon and w Hailv T th MM,Uv w. harness were sold Saturday at the be increased to 6f000 pairs dally, court house at auction and brought When the fuH capacity is reached $20.. 50. They were the property of 800 hands w,n be employed. the late Paul Stephenson, and were Kold under a mortgage given to W. A. 1 Last week the Thomasville Elec tric Light and Power Company start ed their plant to running. They are furnishing an all-night service. The now plant is sufficiently large to fur nish power for almost all the manu facturing plants in the town, and it is learned that a number of plants will discard steam power and use electricity. nominee for the presidency. The Supreme Court has ousted the Standard Oil Company from doing business in Tennessee. Uw to Opm' Rode I!ol4 tfe boot wtta u back en a" snoots or covered table; let it frost board down, theft it tier, holding the leave la one hand an roa open a f ! at it huk. then a few at the frost, and so a alternately opealag bk and frost, gently pressing pea the section a till you reach the center of the volatae. Do thts two or three times and yua will obtain the bet results. Open the volumes violently or carelessly In any one place, and yon will like ly break the back and cause a start In the leaves. Never force the back of the book. A connoisseur many years sgo, an excellent customer of mine, who thought he knew perfectly how to handle books, came Into my oSce when 1 had an expensive binding just brought from the bindery ready to be seat home; he. before my eyes, took hold of the volume and, tight ly holding the leaves In each hand. Instead of allowing them free play, violently opened It In the center and exclaimed: "How beautifully your bindings open!" I almost fainted. He had broken the back of the vol ume and It had to be rebound. Modern Book-Binding. Subscribe to The Caucasian. THE MARKETS. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. J by ens. E. (Corrected every Tnartda Jonnsoo A Co. Strict food middling. strict miaaiins.. . W RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected weekly by R. W. King) Kggi 15 to l f spring Chickens 1 to&S Hens .. 5 to Itt Potatoes (I rich) i io Potatoes (sweet) 1 00 Hams (N. C)rew.. iv 81de meat -i2c H boulders .. J2y,c Lard lie Corn 8lc. sick bea t . ................. ......... . I io Peanuts T.:.JZJl'9oiTto'i l . 1 Cabbage, per hundred lb si 28 FREE TO Y0L MY SISTER THE GAVINESS MUJS6TQS, I. C. Sfew Baltdlag 5 Famltar, talac Jl4erw tcrs Is Uie mumh tV mm mt tMrts-gimm Mm a hmt eal to tae CAVLNESS. TW ttrmas te uarweiffis rKM i DB. J. E. CAVISDv. morKlCTOB. M. M. MOORC, BOOT AKD SHOE MAKER nxi tmmk til finnrnu mm WA.L.tZ'0 rsi. c eTbTevahs & soiis, stAT tVg "T.KALXLWW, RL.UM BERS. ( aa4 atoi ftsuas. a4 vt'ess. ft ri r at mmAmrm yxtawa. e 9 mm :m m t j mm inm mm mau0V i ii I .io 4: I '.""S mm rn t-m wit S Vfc ai m t e Sci:ntinc J3c2rtca. S ttm a ft Kimm m t. tu::.ico,'i:: iu i in a vonsv arP S a rorYcrt JOHN W. DROWN, RretJdont FjrTfcUtx: Si, H. J. BROWM COMPANY i$MCOIHBATmm FUNERAL $ $ . $ Corner South Osll&ury and Wet HMrgetl Street a t t i mania . oogwn AND cr.iDALr.icno ttALBIQM, N,C. pensive, to all. A word as to our prices.- Wc keep Coffins and Caskets from the cheapest to the most ex We positively guarantee that our prices arc reasonable and will tHve perfect satisfaction iiCOPl?UTtOi Myatt. There was an election held In Ra Msh township Tuesday on the propo sition to vote u special tax for the Italfigh schools and to Insure bonds to Improve the roads of Raleigh township. Both propositions were defeated. Clarence Mohler, a young white man who has been in charge of the It is said that the Thomasville news and lunch stand at the Union Female College located at Thomas depot has disappeared and It is al- ville, and owned by Mr. H. W. Rlen-1-ged that his accounts are short hardt, has been sold to Mr. O. R. nearly $300. Charles Perry, a crip- Cox. of Asheboro. It is not known pled negro who sells pies and cakes what the gentleman will do with the. at the depot says that Mohler bor- property, Dut H is supposea mai as rowed $40 from him before he left he is a mill man he will built and Free te You ad Evary Sister Sufc faring from Woman's ABments. lama woman. I know woman's anffeziBSS. 1 have found the cure. I will mail, free of any charge, ray heme treat neat with full instructions to any sufferer from woman's ailments. I want to tell all women a boat this cure you, my reader, for yourself, your daughter. your mower, or your sister, i want to tell you now to core yourselves at home without the heln of a doctor. Men cannot understand women's sufferines. What we women know from experience, we know better than any doctor. I know that my borne treat ment is a safe and sure core for Leucorrhoea or Whitish discharges. Ulceration. DisDlacement or Falling; of the Womb, Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growths; also pains in the head, back and bowels, bearing down feelings, oervousnns. creeping feeling up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, hot flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. I want to send you a complete ten day's treat tnent entirely free to Drove to you that vou can cure yourself at home, easily. Quickly and surely. Re J member, that it will cost yon nothlnir to cive tho ! muKcui m wiuywiwi wwi . hii u juu BfHJtuu wish vo coaunuo, lit win con you oniy aoouv im cenis m vreek. or less than two cents a day. It will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send ane your name and address, tell me how you suffer if you wish, and I will send you the treatment for your easo. entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. I will also send you free of cost, my fcook-"WOMAN'S OWN MEDICAL ADVISER" with explanatory Illustrations showing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says "You must have an operation." you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It cures all, old I er young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple home treatment which speedily suid effectually cures Leucorrhoea. Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always results from its use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all women's diseases, and makes women well, atrongr, plump and robust. Just send me your address, and the free ten day's treatment is '"ours, also the book. Write today, as you may not see this offer again. Address e. A School with a Reputation for Doing High-Grade Work. Que of the bot equipped schools in the'South. The ljxrgeit the liest. The strongest faculty. More graduate in positions than all other schools in the State, bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and Knglish. Write for handsome catalogue. Addres KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C. - or - - Chorlollo, N. C. We also teach Book-keeping Shorth ud. Penmanship, etc., bj mall. Send for our Home Study Clrcmlar. MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box H Notre Dame. Ind.. U. S. A. the city. operate a mill on the property. Mr. Cox is one of the richest mill men of the State, and will move his fam ily to Thomasville. The Raleigh and Southport Rail way have inaugurated a new sched ule of its trains. Trains now. leave Raleigh and Fayetteville daily at 6 At Hickory Saturday morning, a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Tne tram leav- Jake Hoke, colored, shot and proba ing Fayetteville at 1:30 arrives at'bly fatally wounded his wife. The Raleigh at 4:30 and the train leaving 1 night before, when Joe went home, Raleigh at 1:30 arrives at Fayette- his wife hit him on the head with a ville at 4: 30,tmaking connections for poker and fractured his skull. He To Write LIFE INSURANCE for the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. Wilmington and other points. Louis Alston, who is ex-treasurer of a colored fraternal order in Ra leigh, was arrested Tuesday on a warrant sworn out by the new treas urer, charging a shortage of $57.03 in Alston's accounts. He was ar rested and put under bond. Mr. Vernon McCrary, a Raleigh boy, had a narrow escape from death while trying to board a train at Greensboro Saturday while trying to mount the steps of a moving train his foot slipped and went under the train and the heel of his shoe was cut off by the wheel. was taken to a neighbor's, where the wound was dressed. When he went home Saturday morning his wife was still in a bad humor and threatened to kill him, but Joe decided to use preventatives by using his pistol first. He gave himself up to the authorities. Why Chicken Thief Can't Wake's Jail. Get in More than $50,000 Paid to Home People Last Year. The Wake County authorities have refused to put Henry Bryant, col ored, of Oberlin, in jail, though he has the reputation of being the most notorious chicken thief in Raleigh. Bryant was a fugitive from justice, but is now at the home of Ed. Hun ter, a brother-in-law, who lives in Oberlin, near Raleigh. On March 2d he escaped from the Wake County roads, where he was serving a two and one-half years sentence for lar ceny. Several days after his escape Gov. Glenn granted him a conditional pardon, not knowing that he was then a fugitive from justice. The Super intendent of Roads had not notified the sheriff's office, and it was several days before the news of Bryant's es cape became public. The Governor then revoked the pardon. But Bry ant could not be found and the first news of him was from Hunter, when he went to the Governor's office Sat urday and informed the private sec retary that Bryant was an unwelcom- ed guest at his home. Both of his feet were cut off by a train at Roan oke, Va., a month ago. As he Is in capacitated for work the coanty au thorities do not want him and just for this reason Hunter does not want him at his home. The condition of the South is the best of any part of the whole coun try since the panic. Though they have not felt the stress of this as much as the people of the North, they have come out of it quicker than could be expected by the most optimistic. One may not think this to be true but just think of the many new industrial plants, the enlarge ment of business firms. There have been so comparatively few firms that have failed in the South during the panic that it has not been noticeable. One of the most optimistic parts of the situation is the banks are all, for the most part, in a sound condi tion, but for some weak spots in some, there are no safer banks in the world than the Southern. All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. No high salaried officers to support. Apply to Mi E, KING, Sec'y-Treas., RALEiQH, M. C, Box 22 YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST J i 1 NOW TRY THE BEST 3 BALES OF" COTTON TO t ACRE... ONE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF FERTILIZER FOR COTTON IS IHI)18IZIIE' IB IE ST GaUMfcH $-3-3 With this Guano Mr. W. A. Siuipkins, of Wake County raised three bales of cotton on one measured acre and was awarded the first prize by the State Department of Agriculture; also first prize for best Stalk and Seed. :: :: Home's Best-Caraleigh Special-Pacific The Big Three that made " CARALEIGH " Farnoui. not a "CARALEIGH" user, Other brands to suit you. If you are right for this year and give us a trial. get Caraleigh Phosphate & Fertilizer Raleigh, North Carolina. Works A dispatch from Columbus, Ohio, says: "It is probable that the forty- seven thousand miners who are now; idle in Ohio will resume work about April 16th or 1 6th, following the conference of the miners and opera tors at Toledo next Tuesday declared William Green, State President of the miners, on April 10th. It Is probable that the wages scale in ef fect up to April 1st will be re-adopted, he said. All of the locals will send delegates and there will prob ably be 150 from Ohio at the confer ence. A total of five hundred dele gates for the miners are expected for the four States. The Senate Committee on forest reservations has made a favorable re port on the bill authorizing the Gov ernment to acquire a national forest in the White Mountains and South ern Appalachians. The bill carries Frank T. Boyd Raleigh, N. C. Expert Repairer ol Williams and other Makes Typewriters. Give me a Trial. Satisfaction ruaran teed. Office on Morgan Street, near Capitol. SIMON PURE FACT About North Carolina's Leading Afternoon Paper, It Does the Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clin ton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve: "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured them, Used it for chappedv hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a soar behind." Twenty-fire cents at Kafleogfe Mart He Jcrts Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MONUMENTS COOPER BROS., Proprs., KAXJEIOH.N. O ' SEND FOR CATALOGUE. kw" when writing to Adveftiterf mention the CkucmIu." m i 1 1 THE EVEMMG TIMES, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. 1. The Times is the only afternoon paper published at the State Capital. 2. The Times is the only afternoon paper in the State' with a leased wire service 20,000 words a day. 3. It has double the circulation in Ealeigh of any other paper. 4. There are Eight Trains leaving Ealeigh between 3:00 and 7:00 carrying The Times in every direction. & The best section of the State is within a radius of 100 miles of Ealeigh, and The Times is the favorite pa per in this section. 6. Ealeigh has a population of 29,000, and is growing rapidly. MEW-CflHCULATON-ABVEOTIIMG. an appropriation of $5,000,000. all druggists.

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