- H JL J I 1 I j nt VOL. XXVI. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 20. 19O0. No. 20 EDITORIAL BRIEFS. H-rnl a dull of ten subscriber for rjinpaign. Only 2", cents for h subscriber. Congressman I.illey, of Connecti cut, has turned out to be only an .inlinary water lily. That Texas mayor who receives a alary of only one dollar a year must ,r holding down the Job for the honor. .lust a? l his lime the Democratic politicians are not saying anything about rotation in office. In fact, mo t of the officeholders now think ihat it H ;i bad plan. Kiuhin spoke at a school com mencement, at Maxton Friday night ami did not mention politics or the aihoads. Strange things will hap ten sometimes. Is Craig from the East or is he from the West? We haven't any special interest in the matter, only that we lilie to be well Informed. Many of the Democratic politic ians of the State are after Mr. Jo sephiiK Daniels' scalp. It is their purpose to defeat him for National Committeeman at the Denver con veiition. POSTAL BANKS ARE NEEDED Would Prevent Panics, Says Former Senator Butler. SECRET OF FRANCE'S POWER Tlu Democratic trust busters , t...n!il ttrfii uwtpt gt t Qlmmnna I Hve Million Deoodtont of Kr4ni 'rait'. A cock combine. I Who Have Average of .() Each Establishment In United State, It in Declared, Would Mean the Kn couragement of Thrift Among; the I'eople -An AiitomaU-ic, Elastic Currency Xeedel -The ITeaident's Croat Policies for I plift of Farm ers and Conserving the Nation's Resource, the Highest Statesman kIi! -The People Should Demand Tliat He Serve Tlieni Again. (Washington Post.) Former Senator Marion Butler was seen by a Post reporter yesterday and asked if he did not advocate a system of postal savings banks when he was in the Senate, and what he thought of Senator Carter's bill to establish such a system "Yes," he said, "I prepared and Introduced a bill providing for a system of postal savings banks, and the bill was finally reported favor ably by the Senate Committee on Post-offices and Post-roads, and I un derstand that Senator Carter's bill follows the general lines of my bill." "When was that report made?" "My bill was reported in 1899, and is Senate Report No. 1504, Fifty fifth flnn?rpas third spaainn Hofnrp '7 . 1 - . I:il. :,, ..mntc Vwk nftvf I ' ww- preparing the bill I introduced a res- Legislature to pass an anti-flying olution, which was adopted, requir- mahcine bill so as to keep the poll- ing the Secretary of State to com ticians from shutting off our sun- municate with diplomatic representa ...... Itives of our Government in every for nature and operation of systems of Only 2 5 cents for the Caucasian postal savings banks, postal tele for the campaign. The paper fori graphs, telepnones, ana parcels six montths at half price. This is Posts not a money-making business, but It Reports of Foreign Systems lags banks the masses of the people would furnish such a fond. Approve President Plans. The former Senator was asked if since he has been president of the National Farmers Alliance tm had given any study to President's Roese veil's plan for the general uplift of the farm! as population as outlined In last Sunday's Post. "Yes he replied, and continuing said. "I have read with 00 Utile interest and pleasure the President's plan for making rural life less lone ly, more attractive, and more remun erative. "As president of the National Farmers Alliance, I advocated the establishment of the rural free de livery system, postal savings banks, and postal telegraph and telephones connecting all country postofflces with a view to accomplishing the purpose the President has In Tiew. In the speech I made In the Senate in support of my bill to establish a free rural delivery system I advanced similar arguments. Shows President's Foresight. "I am delighted to see the Presi dent will appoint a commission to in vestigate carefully the causes that are driving so much of the flower of the yeomanry of the country from the farms to the cities and to propose remedies. "This move on the part of the President, together with his purpose in calling the conference of Gover nors, shows statesmanship of the highest order, and these reforms are more important than any others which are to-day being considered by the American people, because they are fundamental. "The President's foresight and broad wisdom shown in these last two moves for the general welfare will cause the people to desire more earnestly than ever that he should serve them again as President." I'm tryln ter make clear is. that Messrs. Simmons, Poo. PrtUhard, Kitchlo. a& them other fellers that hev tuk holt or the coo a try by the nsp ov the neck an the meat ov kits britches an air tuftsin hit eroond at sleh a rate, will overdo the gade work. This is a big country, but hit U young ytt, an hit may not be able ter stand ska a saddest Jar as they air erboat ter give hit- George Washington, Andy Jackson. LI eery Clay, an' lots ov fellers hev had the country la hand in the p&st an' they would take hit up on their knees an give hit a gade spsnkin now and then That awlways did sum gude. The ministers ov the gospel hev tried ter persuade the peeple ter do rite an live rite an sorter encourage the country. lint hit is the Latter Day Saints sleh as Simmons. Glenn, Poa. Pritenard, an' sum others that hev planted their number 12s in the sands ov time an' hev called on evil ter go an return no more. An' the preachers an' oth er gude peeple air tryln ter git in site ov the percession. But they air havin' a hard time ov hit. Simmons, Glenn, Pou, and Pritchard wuz built fer runnin. and they air so far ahead that the rear guard can't do more than keep in the trail before hit finally grows up with thorns an' this tles. Hit iz not only possible, but his lz probable, that sum time in the future the ministers will find the trail grown up with underbrush an' wreckage which they will hev ter clear erway, fer pollytishuns only run in the chase az long az the game iz in site. They may even return by sum other route an pretend that they wuz jlst out gatherln' blackber ries or fer their health. I see that another fly in' masheen hez bin wrecked. They will keep on playing with them flyin' masheens till they will git one that will go shure ennuff, an' then the world will begin ter go backwards. Just think what a time we would hev with the A TAFT DELEGATE Says Party Faces Defeat nd the Country Business Deprcssica ROOSEVELTMUSTBEDRAFfED Fifty IUftUeaa CbtagrrMunrsi la Danger of lief eat Defeat of Ami-Injunction LrgUUUon Add to Dang' r CVmgn m-a in Haav Clu Districts and LoctglIedrd iVlltlriaus Join the People la De manding ltuoftcvt-lt Ltacuta'B Advice, "iXm't Swap Ilorwr la the Middle, of a Stream.' lite Slog rl taataf as? Vi via ealr fUKiwrreft. Tt a3t TM- akiate fcto4r W-t tasUt trrtVe f U. U tik frtw n4' ! a a tWt ft a at f etajfcW? l, mi tUysa rrobsbty iMsase mtth tu taaa ever before. tVcre tts 4 tbe Jtefblka party betsg tu4 tftsm pef 1th tke rMi'laH si tied roaiUtoas. a pslllt mtc4 h4 4 vltk tear sad forettedlac. ic ta kt tirsim aswt si ee rstte (oaalr taifftt 4a. tfce aU h 4h s & i&epl tim is this rostrr a It ku Swt4 as 4 tur halt a tvetary. Wlia ta HV lira a fMirty afcorw4 frm cwatr4. t oid tot gif 14 cmim a tb daiUr tur tasl laililoa diiUr tutth of property that yo U!f ). Aad Gu Cartla potato 4r(uiK ally at th Ball) and lh rt t taclurd lstaWr sed tt ptU ut crat lags. "No man la the NlUa o caaa ia th Heputlkrsn prt r. prv vent the; dacger of thlt utrpt on, sad that one U PrildrBt lltfrlt. What U wrong with lb cwaotry ! day It the fact that It fvars that a ill not be notnibaivd. aad that Mat od c1m will b. b4 lba th country tnui att t(ail till November to xt th uulrotn; sb4 It that should fall at th t-ulU. It must alt, and til. U luoaths and uiooth Uryuod a ar. sod mi)l more, to m ht cm the new tteertmsn at the hlm atll take. It It wre known today thai Theodore HooMvelt would b nom inated at Chicago, you ould tb faltering footstep of rotirlli quicken to the firui. rrg-ilar. and elastic stride that It krU up far eleven ucclfe year. Danger la Tafl' Milition. "There Is danger to the Itepubll can party lurking In the nomination of Tsft or of anybody rle. Labor unions are unfriendly to Taft. and the colored voters are again! htm. This latter amounts to nothing in Southern Htates. but It come In fuY verv aerinua conideratktn hen the The Bandwagon is Loaded Re- sunshine az they sail erround er- upon such a dangerous tendency. could be eIected. Ihat the House Is I intelligent colored voters of Indl- formers Abroad in the Land and formin' the earth an' the fulness This will make it difficult for a num- m erae oanger or going Democrat- aDa niinoia. Ohio and other North- thereof The legislater orter take ber of ReDublican Congressmen to IC un,ebs itooseveii snail be drafted t.rn states are considered. The men Special to The Caucasian. Washington, D. C. May 25, 1908. Congress is reaching its closing days, and it seems certain that it will adjourn leaving unacted on the most Important reform measures which the President has been urtng enacted. The anti-injunction bill, which the President has most strongly urged, was beaten in the Republican caucus by a close margin. The labor vote of the country is especially ag grieved at what they term the gross abuse that has been made of the in junction by the courts to dlsorgan ize the labor organizations and put ibem to a great disadvantage in the contest between them and cap ital. Besides, it is pointed out that there has been more than one glar ing example of where the Injunc tion has been used either to nullify law or to go a step further and lass had rm4dat ftUaavlt; that, la tsraiag a this light. fe had r&- 4t4 the psji the wry great eevk, for he pat theta ta a ptmU tioa to latelZLgeatly a4 wiiy eor rrct aba and tna&sge their oa aSsirs in the Uterc? of a,al ). ti to all, and that tali rtka oa his part had aroaMed the bitter asd cnrelesUcg ofUto of the pt Utorr wealth a&4 the rrtataal rkh more than any other art of hts administration. Mow light )! De Taraml Om. lie called aUcaUua to the tart that the Prvaideat had only twgua tsretag oa the light, and that It was of the grwateat importa&c that he should be re;atned ofctli the pearrh light of truth a as turned to tb very bottom f ttery corner ut croukedneaa and corruption. Another called attention to the fact that the President no doubt thought when he made his fa mo a election night statement that he would not serve again, that he could suXaciently turn the light on during four years, o tbst the people would be sure, in the light of fact, to elect none to office except thoa who were pledged ta stand and vote for a "square deal"; but that it was clear to the President now, and to the country, that the Uak was too great to be accomplished In one short four years. The President has accomplished wonders, but the taak was greater than the people thought or the President even dreamed of. Finally, it may be said that there is a general concensus of opinion that the President was wrong in calling the piece of a term to which he had succeeded as his first term. It was, in fact, not his term, in whole or in part, but that the Pres ident has served but one term, and there is no reason why he should not serve again, being in the very prime and vigor of his manhood and legislate bv Judicial order. This un usual exercise of ludicial oower of ww;r uu lue people aesirtng bis atmosphere full ov pollytishuns an the injunction has aroused the at- 8ervIces wilh 8uca remarkable and moral reformers. Why, we couldn't tention of the- country, and has unprecedented unanimity. eit ennuff sunshine ter cure the made all law-abiding citizens feel 11 14 tDe general concensus of SDrlne and fall hay croDS. fer them that Drudence and safety reauires o10011 tnat ven 11 nie other He- ; The Burning Question of the Hour Candydates would cut off awl the that there shall be some check put publican candidate for President LETTER FROM BILKIXS. the World is Growing Better Danger of Overdoing a Good Thing. quick ackshun an save us f rum sich I explain the failure of Congress to to lead tne fl8b-. here in my mill are not fort Taft. Bilklnsville, N. C, May 23, 1908. m. a mt A rTVt AAwt wl-tA nrinnnf I t . , . . a 1 4-h a VAvanftrkn- Ttte! I r ' T w s. ThnA I n 1 An re ti'lf Vi V f o tin en i yA t3Arrvt ranks continues to grow warmer. ruus" tuiuunucc ipun iz erooui me warmest ining inai L"c " 1 iLiii c uupe, U5 uiu a '"ff"" " I pnntnlim lihArnl vtrnct3 from thf rp-1 nm inom v. niira to oiolfer we can't eit rid ov the nnllv-1 him. has aroused fear in the breast Simmons has declared for Craig for T" " :iZ' Z"7:Zt" r,cl u" . ". 'ZLu ''l, ' 7. - . v. ipons lrom luese couiillies. I peeple WHO air pronlDlSnuniStS nOW j llB-uu"3 "lanci wurcu vaxy we i ui cci j vuugirsauiau uu uclb a. i.overnor ana wnai some 01 ine nn vnn think th fnitenr nf ,k. fl0, KafnM a r,,, vote other factions are saying about postal savings banks would be help- them can't hardly recoernize them- unimons would not iook wen to mm n" " icucviug ui picveuiiu& a. muu- selves, ine reazon iz mai nit iz awi Hit iz a game Az ever, ZEKE BILKINS. m print. ey stringency?' I so new an untried. 'Unquestionably. If the money, Uney never played before. Tney air that is to-day hoarded in stockings wurked up az mucnFfcz If they wuz S4l I rrnlfl ho hrrmorht intn oirnnlattfin I hnVS coin' ter a BTimft OV hasehall on v,v.u.u "v. u.wub..v " " I - a disaster, fer the seasons air glttin' J respond to the President's call for A Taft Delegate Declares for Rooe I There are 500 men In these moun- muy oncenam anyway; an' nit iz a remedial legislation along this line. velt. tains out of a job now. Tney are job ter raze a crop. But the trouble 1 , , r, iiot favorable to Taft. Oo among r. 4v. j i -. m..,.. 1 ..- .... . wvui i,c . uuruu. une oi ma i . .... . , , . . . . v. r l : l I I a. juu inai viic icKiaiaici ia uuuci I . . I . I UlrUI auu rr. nui inrj arc iui vi.. ..e. i uUM iw.u -.u..a - ExhausUve reports from every Correspondence of The Caucaslon- control ov the very fellers who air ,mnger WI "eieau mosl Prominent and successful k,.-,, Thev believe iuudlcltlv uqiuuiuaii own-. rniintrv hnvinet ench svstpms were re- auieipnse. rinnln the desneratA mttia ov nnllv. This failure of Coneress to unhold i ui ev v irgtuia, I , ,ua m,fl ,n i. .u.Urb A a ceived, and my bill was prepared in The prohiblshun campane in these ticks, an' they will not allow the an- the hands of the President in his "a8 oefn eieciea a Taft del- DugIne8l Inan ot ,itenre intereu. The fiidit in the Democratic . tne itgnt. or tne experience or tnese diexins iz warmin ud. In fact, hit "-nyin" masneen Dili ter pass. Atieuort to esiaonsn a square, aeai. 1 - : . v-..ivu, x beuy,. wltn tbeut. Tbe great business interext of this country the honest, conservative, legitimate enterprises of this Nation believe in Roosevelt, believe In hi pollrle. ind believe In continuing both In prestige and authority, i found this full grown In the minds of big inter ests in the East with whom I have come In personal contact quite re ceutly. They realliw the danger that threatens this country by a change of policies and admlnUtra ttdjt at this time, and tbey realise. too, that the only way to make cer tain of escaping It is by nominating I Theodore Rooserelt The Roosevelt iiollcies are un derstood and approved by the American people. Tbey want them continued to be applied and those which require furthering to be com pleted by their author. They don't want another, even though vouched i i r i, ,i . .1 iui vj A - 'v i m.m..... j in Rowan, New Hanover. Forsyth. Mate President McKlnley that he "?s11 ?nt,ment-, 1 knW- th,l don't like that Idea, either. I may w - , m a. nil in i ii-vii a ac in a w vnaavntTna . . m I wouiu serve ouv tne remainder oii-,- - 7 r 7 " I say. on the part 01 tne President in- """"'" I the term as McKinley's term and not r?r . " . wia puui:na oi T hla anrl that tha PrAaldont I " Virginia. irent hla nrnmlu In e-nnH faith not I have not arrived at this DOSi- Plele' w tn in.n.otin.r ta ou without seriously thlnkine uuii a ii uu a, a u. uukui km. biiit, w aaiab itj i vii.h...' .-j Unnwn n the RnoRevelt nollclea" abUt It. I know I Will be Criticised oidic yi uiiiuitiuu was carrieu m - , I -J 1 . 1 . 1 n I I PROHIBITION IS CARRIED Tuesday's Election. The IVmocratic politicians the tariff will be the paramount is- such a stringency would at once be Easter Monday ;ue this fall. That issue will be relieved. Until we have a system Ov course, you now an' ; then meet for public consumption, while the 01 P"ia savings, tueie wm tousiaui- up mm c w 6uiu. 1 I lv )in m o r v mlllirtnc nf rirra hni i-H- I the Other WRV. ft n H a few OV them real paramount issue will be the of-I . ... , A I i n then this situation always will be But in this county, az well az in most 1 ucrc "vrc ITiauj ourpriSCh IU aggravated by a greater withdrawal seckshuns of the State, most of the of money from circulation. But peo- men folks air pollytishuns, an' they pie are not afraid of the Govern- air ready ter jump on the band ment, and a financial scare would wagon, no matter which way hit iz not cause them to withdraw deposits goin,'. If they could figger that the State iz goin' anty-prohibishun ter the tune of sixty or seventy thousand votes they would not all take the stand they do. They would go the nthpp wnv an fact that vnn frmlrtn't studied the financial system of that ketch up with them with a pacfc ftV country, and especially its prosper- Greynounds If anybody disputes OUS system 01 postal savings uau. fn t kin ivfi RfltttsHcka that will There are about five million people prove that j am correckt They Ix lice they are seeking and the emolu ments thereof. Mr. Simmons took up a column and a half telling why he is support ing Mr. Craig and then did not give from postal savings banks." his real reason. Durham Herald. Mr. Simmons was trying to muddy the waters in his effort to appear as a martyr. close district that he may be defeat ed by his Democratic opponents in the coming election if Roosevelt should not be the candidate for President. There are forty or fifty Congressmen thus in danger, and it is noticeable that many of them have recently begun to seriously think of urging the National Convention to force the President to serve again. Roosevelt Their Only Hope. declared a few dars since, that Roosevelt must be nominated. Ilia attentiou was called to the fact that he had been Instructed to vote for Taft first, last and all the time. Taft SwitJnmeitt Artificial. And so I was," he said. "And 3" fic iiiv coiieatfue ttnr n-a were selected not because we were raft men, but because we were Roosevelt men and would favor the candidate of his choice. There was no genuine, heartfelt, deeprooted Bentiment in the convention for Taft or any other candidate. The canea lait sentiment was as artl- Secret of France's Prosperity. "When In France last summer, I Rpcpntlv a nnmher of reasons have been advanced by some of fic,al 38 u ,s possible for sentiment these Congressmen and bv thoueht- 10 ue maae- 11 was Taft sent! fill nnlitirlana whv the convention ment on,y BO far as it reflected MAJORITY OVFC .10.000 hmiM tk oh tne known desires and wishes of I I 'TP K -v ,J tr 1 One has said that the President luew,WB noose veil. 11 was a neg promised the country when he took atIve not a Positive, sentiment for interest Centered Chiefly In Result the oath of offire n Riirressor to the "- positive sentiment is a Wake, Durham, and Counties Returns Very Tammany Hall has invited Gov ernor Glenn to New York to deliver who have deposits in France, and the awlways insinsrity in politicks, an an address beiore tneir ciuo on 1 average ueposit is a uttiw uwib mau At Tf tho novemor j.rrentU50. If we had such a system here, we wouia nave more tnan ten mu- fluencing the choice of his succes sor. In their Judgment It Is not within the spirit of American Insti tutions. Roosevelt can hold the American people for himself and for July the invitation he should be careful ilon depositors, and even if the e 1 III I sa-sv- S vw 1' v Sr . a 1 1 a. v BuiiiK . w 1111 win a 1 sa 1 vvi m v nnai. 1. . . . if any odds, hit crops up bigger in Tuesday election. The mainritv can aunnS e years ana a irac- - A. - policies, but can ne noia mem an eleckshnn whar a moral nnestion l . . ' . " . tion of that term, but actually going .T ra "r for somebody else? I doubt It serl iz involved than in any other. Sum ? " tiuie-vvu t th t t of k , hIs -- ;hT"L"B 1 uav as me returns are not com- tinenfiai official tamiiv tne same 1 J - nuuti iu in u i 111 ti a vena u 1 1 n iiuj 1 1 11 w - - r and not go over to Coney Island average deposit should be only $50, thig But jist keep your eyes peeled Plete. The returns from the towns Cabinet officers as appointed by " ap-oin with tVA "hnvft" aftpr tho show I if wriiilrl malrp tht cum nf iO 000-1 . .... - . . . .1 .. . ... . I T.r.4Anf -fxriTti Ar a tKinr ttnvAK I " again with the is over. after the show lit would make the sum of $50,000, 000 I feel safe in saying there is more money than this large sum hoarded in small amounts in this country to-day. "Are there any other reasons in J how an see if the old man iz not glvin' of the State show, a majority of about President McKinley a thing never tion's mandates. Let those who ant to take that view and criticise Ex-Governor Aycock, of Wayne county, some weeks ago declared for Craig for Governor, but the result favor of postal savings banks? in the Democratic primaries in I Wayne Saturday was overwhelm ingly for Kitchin. Will this fact reduce Aycock's standing with the combine? me ft thev wish. T feel nocitiv j. . j - t a. i i none nv anv v ipp-ktps npnr npinrp - ..,, vtaterTav 4P00' bUt Wh6n thS retUrM are aU This same pty further called ' the Rb"" of v a u-h vtrt e-atj. M i azn x a x i i in n ihis n onn in riAs fiao . af I wuz talkin' with an ole feller nbl t"e iUiai U1SU,US 1W "attention to the fact that during tne - . V"T" "'v ."iiii Li ik.i il. i. it I . , . . -r. x , uearu. ieei aa i no snout it a ni uiuugui mat iub majority win not oe time mat tne rresiaent was serving i ... - I I .... . I Will flnnrove nf mv fronlr trnthfitl. iv ninVoV..,n ..... nn i en trraat n.AoVi,. K.. A aaa nut tnat niece or a term, tnat tne i . ' - mo c1Cv,Muuu U1 BUi-s I 6, Viua.ui3 auuuu uv.vvv, f - - - even if xnttlK of th.m the 26th. I, ov course, counldn't however, that is imnossihle to esti- WU8U ana Predatory weaun oi tne AlZZZZZ T-TT. "1 v if ohllmnnf f 4. i tt j i vl ' loountrv were ronatantlv referrlnc to I ui.jcuuii. tuuiacreetx ecu -u.u.uvuv ieu mill, xie bbu ue umui care mutii i rpi,a i. a .,,.i v J " I p.ikw ir r ju... , postal savings banks would not be how it .goes, fer he had bin downP ULC' J J the President as an "accident." and '' 14 x """'w lor materially beneficial In preventing or with everything frum mumps ter m ine reault In Kowan. wew Han" as "not being President in his own v K1, ' OT ously, as many do. Therefore. If that le true, it is the safest plan. the only sure way against risk, to nominate Roosevelt himself. relieving such stringencies, yet there I rheumatism, an' he guessed he could over, Forsyth, Wake, Durham, and! right" They did this to try to pre- cherished aspirations for public hon ors. But I am free from all of this. Could Not Decline. "You say he would not accept?" replied Gen. Curt in to an Interrup tion. "How could he help himself? What has he got to do with it? lis is a patriot and a soldier. If he Is drafted, he must shoulder the gun and make the fight. Roosevelt, the teacher of good citizenship, must are abundant reasons why such a stand a case ov prohiblshun about Johnston. Rowan went dry by about vent the President from taking any I irom 01 ims- and will abide the call of duty otroforv. chmiM -ho octohlichoH In nrHor I i i t I I nrotrresslve nosltion. and also with I "-""iscreet . rrom a DUSinesS ana I . ,t K -nmA. rnt nnlv from spim 6uuum uc cawuuucu iu u,ucl az long az me neii man. - in f00. New Hanover went wet" ahont 'lUfe'" ' . I nnrtv Btannntn la u to encourage our people to save and through the war an' more than a I ' " " a view to trying to beat him for the Z' ,h;"t" V, t sT teach them the habit of saving. This dozen preserdential campanes. an I j majorityForsyth -went dry by nomination of President In his OWR fJiLn ? 'rom which I have to a call that comes not only from the man with the hoe, and the la- t.HB ft A awmas T1 thai Adams is no oouDt aeugmea French people U,,eS t tin tanrt rho,,t a mi,rh over 1,000 majority. Wake voted right. taken my view. mln and mUl aa welL That Roose- that his incompetency and repre- the thriftiesi, on earth. We make as prohibishun az any man livin an "wet" by about 750 majority, and "Don't Swan Horses in the Middle Buslness In Demand Roose- velt Is honest and sincere when he hensible management has driven Mr. much money as the French people, hf hit cums ter the worst I'll die like Raleieh went wet bv 77 votes Dnr- W. T. Morgan out of the party, but we ao not save, we are a waste- a man This same Adams has made a spe-fu People. of a Stream.' velt. says that he will not accept the I thought he wuz erbout rite. We ham went "wet" about 625 and John- cial effort to drive Senator Butler and his friends out of the party, but mi tmo. nmi! ston voted "wet" by over 1,200 ma- s "s-k's'w I un vui isuv vuasi.19 aivuv w I strmgency t-' what iz the use ov worrying over jority. 'France to-day is the soundest hit? The pollytishuns air gom on We will not give the vote by coun- "Here i a town th f nomination, no one will qaestlon. I Another party quoted the wise ! "Tf towa that I hare I for Wm an InolTldnal: rMrn.K T innnln Iha Affdit THQT I v. vuav IUI1I AUU I .... ... . he is but a servant 01 me peopie. 11 in that case he undertook a job too country financially on the globe, and such a rate that they air drivln' awl Ue8 as only sixty-eight have been nrncrh of T.tnoln to the effect that iuul,ucru BUU "-"re -a- DH" na it is not wise to "swap horses in ondIer Jth';re R tbe WOods fonr the middle of the stream." He point- hundred families dependent upon ed out that we are in the midst of me u"u ooo jugment in bust isn't a matter for him to decide; that belongs to his fellow-country men to representatives or tne big for him. V " Ti. ness. above. all noon th nrnTwHtvl raen " rICTtr"""tIT" . v IU Deoole are generally most pros- the snakes out ov the State, anyhow. .. . , , a reai ana seous stream, uuuusU country" and th. Tair wn,cn "8 n!s;W,r and us peopie aie geucianj- ui f i ' I heard from and the returns from I wv.fr h the President t rarrv the!01 inis country, ana tne gray-nair-1 " . , 1 vi ;mrwvr.riKiA vai iir ri v t mnnn wnrs wn wi 1 npv 1 1 "a- -w - 1 a . . . . 1 ncMusrTfiaiv iiuuajr trria. uiiu aawauvicu . gency such as we have had here. Yet, reform iz abroad in the land, was very quiet and orderly all over enforce the law and to secure "e to emnhaslM th the State. WILL MEET JUNE 5TII. If Adams and Duncan gency such as we nave naa nere. 1 ,uu there was any danger of a single , think Congress should devise All ov them, includln Judge Pritch Republican Congressman being some plan to provide an elastic fea-ard an James H. Pon air out preach- elected this year they would have a ture to our currency system that will in the gude ole perUUkal gospel. spasm of cold chills down their supply just the amount of additional an' the world iz getting better fast 1 A.,.,ar..v ncQorv to hankie the I Thev hain't bin so much exsitement uaCKS. L.ei tne people laKe UUVaut- . . in, Ulnw the Suh-Trenrv Sitreetn wont age of this fine opportunity for Re- "u anyone that wiirau o- awl over the State reUevIn' distress Republican National Committee- Call- lt was never more timely and im- publican success and administer tolmatically retire the same when the I an givin evrybody relief that hadn't th notrnna maphine the dose occasion is passed. But if this should bin reieevea. My private opinion iz ism w mov 1 - m . not be done, or until It IS done, It tnat n sumuuuy auui yut iue uraaes the Treasury Department had from on, the pollytishuns will be ready fer enactment of new laws where neces- 'fep of his hand to emphasise the rf I nIAMM it. . - - m hor and canital. nrodncer and con- lUB muuuullu oeiore mm. a- ar 1 rvx S a a a. -a w nmer and all the neonle. He sald limes naTe een tignt, DUl 1 nave that If there was any force or wis- KePl y men at worK Decause 1 dom in this advice of Lincoln's, that h11 that tneT naTe " as long as 1 can. iney are a responsibility that it needs. ed to Meet in Chicago to Hear portant for the people to observe it I than now. n.a nna.M I . 1 Another called attention to an- Mntional Phalrman Hnrrv S New I other mUCh-OUOted Saying Of Lln- five hundred to one thousand mil- the millenium before the millenium I has called the Republican National I coin, "that you may fool some of t . . . n : 1 . ... . 1 1 w. . 1 rnm-mta. moat tn fVtinarM tvi.i tho neonle an or tne time, ana an in looKing over a ueu.ut-.au. - lions of d0llars on deposit in postal um8 i.uuB, t z tuav. , - - Z .1 11 17 7t thB imo w employer understands that, then the change a few days ago we noticed it savings banks, which is to-day hoard- woum sorter complicate tnangs. now. nay. -uu u, y r 7 ,TT C1 clitics of hU country take on a -a . .mm 1 1 I irMi vn ' wrn v a. wm! m w a w w 1 a OAmmirroo Wl II n O VO liiOT Tlinu I Villi I'TlIa lltlL S Iff 11 Ail an liir UTUUSG I " rontAlned nerlv a nnfre on nrohibi- ed in stockings, it couia enecuveiy jvju uxju i. Bftunuuu8uuuc.Bwuu mc. iu,; wu.wv "... -- - - r ' . I erave and serious asoect containea nearly a page on proinui i .,jlwnn ,v i whiv ienAa of I all of the time" He sad that nolKrl,ve aua 8er,UBil aspect tion and on another naee were two relieve such a situation as we - 'i" "kT LT' "T Z TtTe nTZn " Th hftrv of our govern. "A change in the policies of this - a na.l-rr otA Trt rr fk ra nrOQ IT 51 Tl V I LU111C&. J. U 11&.C IC1 UC " UCLltRr 111 Y I LUC i,UULCaLQ S saa'C WUICUSMUt 1 auuu 0 deservedly honored him assembled In convention. Third term?" There is nothing to that, either, lie's been one elective verm. c uui iuir and a half years belonged to Mc Klnley. and Roosevelt carried out McKinley's policies, as he announced that he wonld when he took the oath at Buffalo. If McKlnley had served three and a half years and Roose velt six months, could the six months be regarded by Roosevelt or any body else of sane mind as a third term? I think not. Tho third term is bosh and bugaboo. Onl Safe Solution. ..' to me that I cannot evade. Their welfare is mine: mine theirs. Our lives and our fortunes are indissol- ubly linked together. I know what work to them means; I know what Idleness for them means. . When an "What confronts the Ef?-lll?n ier u.;- iuc wuicaw, vn". i I ,or . I ' large whiskey advertisements telling ln th monGV market that self, an I'd be glad ter see awl the So far there arc k thirty-two conteets ment had done so much to turn on I f, l.7i T"tr " ..7 1 prosperity and happiness is what Is m mm a. m. m m. a.ii aA m n a" as a. a aa a. a wu v v u au - dl11 w uoi ucan a aaaaa enjoyin the and the number may De much larger line ngnt so iuai a i we uwu i - tTiT But the Dint by the Ume the committee meets. would not be fooled any .longer u". p.c.i wiiu- of the eood liouors carried bv the would ever arise. Tf the Govern-1 balance ov mankind liquor houses In Virginia. ment will only establish postal sav- same grate blessln . party as guardians of this country's erlty and happiness is wi (Continued on Page 2.). f H ii If n 1 f i t I: it I t i Ji i; -1 It If