o The Caucasian AND RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Kaldgh, ..C, July 16, 10H Aorf i :it th lMit-m; 1n Raleigh. N. C, .lid in mail matter. ' Local Matters l h- HajjUst and Reformed Sun ,!,.. m IhkjIh of Islington ran an ex , w -ion to Kaleigh Saturday. Hm' July term of Wake criminal f . , i r t convened Monday for a two ;.s' term. Judge Walter H. Neal : ;.r-i-idlng. i ariiKTK from the Fuquay Springs . ?i!i report that a hail btorm -:.uht ly damaged tne tobacco crop ;,;.!, lay night. ' on-r Brothers, owners of the l: . ih Marble Works, have pur . h i the Statesville Marble Works, A:ih they will run in connection .. : h their plant in this city. i:.'V. C. W. Blanchard, formerly i tor of the Biblical Recorder, has ... '-pted a call to an important (i. rge in Manning, 3. C, and he wll v.:vc this State in September. Mr. If. B. Varner, President of the N'Mional Kditorial Association an- nnunces that the twenty-third annua meeting will be held in St. Paul Mint)., during the week of August 17th. ! Tin- grand jury of Wake County has imlit'd J. W. Parham, white! iimbr rliapter 816, Public Laws of l!u7, charging him with obtaining fooil and accommodations without paying and with intent to defraud. 'I his is the first indictment in Wake County under the above-named chap ter. Dr. B. W. Kilgore, State Chemist, U l't yesterday for the State farms in 1'ender and Edgecombe Counties on an inspection trip. On the Pender l'ariM truck is grown most extensive ly, while cotton, corn, and peanuts are crops on the Edgecombe farm Pecans are experimented witn suc cessfully on both farms. Power from Buckhorn Falls will be electrically transmitted to this city for manufacturing purposes. Tho Chamber 'of Commerce have been interested in this project for some time, but only recntly succeed ed in inducing the owners of the plant to close a contract. It means 1'iuch for the industrial growth of tho city. SHOT TO DEATH IS HIS BED. mny farmer of Union County AainatxJ by Unknown J'i tln. We Mutt Hare a CtiASge. I'&Ihi there U a radical chance the Booth will to rig&t alonj Tolls for men and for ta?r lht It do? not want. Ex. IW-mwrratic f ' ntkt V Not on the Water Vcm. Somebody m.14 the eonrenUoa was the caut of everybody being I skinned alire In the matter of water rent. That is a mintake. Toe con vention vat not on the watr wagon. Charlotte People's Paper. lUin and Fro Outlook, Charlotte, X. C. July 11. While ying In his bed about 2 o'clock this morning or probably while attempi- ng to rise to investigate the noise made by burglars In his room, John Morris, a well-to-do farmer living Just over the county line In Union, was assassinated by unknown men. his own gun being used to compass his death. The shot was fired not two feet from where Morris lay, and nts wire, ueing staruea irom Bleep l fr i v iiaii rame tn tnvn in by the noise, saw two men, one .he rain vesterdav mornine to advise wearing a woman's apparel, vanish Xhe Landmark that the Virgin Mary through the door, carrying the started on her Journey yesterday. smoking gun with them. The bed 2d. and as the rain was falling It is clothing was aflame in a moment UoDooeed she took her umbrella and and the frightened woman hastened r!0ak. This means forty days of to snatch the bedding from about rai. Mr. Hall further deposes and her dying husband, and to stamp 8aJ8 he heard the "kittledlds" call out the flames. Morris died without ine on the nleht of the 30th and this speaking a word. means front in three months Sep tember 30. Statesville Landmark. Hi Tremble MMp.y. An editor of a Wester exchasc recently begaa worrylsg bow he would set his satrt on over his wings after reaching jardte. Aa envious eoeteoaporary sarcasUcally observed that his diSetxlty would likely be la flsdicg how he could get his hat oa over hU horns. Renumber The Caucasian It only 25 cents for each subscription from now nntil November 15th. when sent in clobs of foor or more. Ask your neighbors to subscribe- l.N'CRKASB OF $12,000,000 Prohibition in Maine. In Value of Kiports That Were Han- jn Maine the Republican party is died Through Wilmington the I the prohibition party and the Demo- Past Year. Wilmington, N. C, July 11. For the fiscal year ended July 1st the value of exports handled through the Wilmington custom house show an increase of twelve million dollars; in other words, from $18,566,468 to $30,291,681, a very large per cent, which is a source of gratification cratic party Is wet. Prohibition has cut down Republican majorities from 48.000 to 8.000. In their con vention last week some one wanted to resubmit the question of prohl bition to the people, but those who opposed this carried the day. The Democrats will insert in their plat form a plank demanding resubmis sion to the neonle. and as a result Bet tho World Affords. "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bocklen's Arnica Salve." says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill. N. C: "I am convinced Iff the best salve the world affords. It cared a felon on my thumb, and It never fails to heal every sore, barn or wound to which It Is applied. 25c at all druggists. THE CAVIHESS I BOOT AND SHOE MAKER ULUMiTOS. 3t. C mm Slew UIUIT, rrmltre. Ulac X&ttrm, Stkm ta Um fkoetfc is mm ot umtim CAVINESS. DR. J. E. CATISESS. PEOrEIETOIL --" $mi I I mm. in unnnnu rn j RAUC'OH, M. C. I E. B. EVANS & SONS, ! i . 1 Ts A isWav ''B'sjisJ sMI w M m m Tin phi-- m " yvi'w 'tTL PLU MBERS. waU Ufir wa. r).fi scitnnnc minm. -, .rT, " o;;nRCo.",t--iitficfi iHaM iimmk. aSt W wm JOHN W.DttOWN. RrosJsfent Estsusuko S4. ft7. BROWN COMPANY Special Rate Via Southern Railway. Winter tourist round-trip rates from Raleigh, N. C. when the great business depression the Maine Republicans have on their during a part of the year is consid- nan(jg the hottest flght in years and ered. The value of imports also thev mav be defeated in the fall shows an increase, while the expense eectlons Lexington Dispatch. of handling the business through the Tammany's Outfit at the democratic National Convention. custom house has been sligntly re duced. Collector B. F. Keith, who has just landed a $500,000 custom house for Wilmington, naturally feels very good over this splendid showing. Klevcn Pounds by Post to Itritain and Ireland. T Dangerous Convicts Make Their Kscaje. The State's prison authorities an nouiice that the prisoners, Frazier Before the convention met at Den ver there was talk in some quarters that a prohibition plank might be inserted in the platform, notwith- Cireat I standing that Bryan was not friendly to the proposed plank. However, the plank was not inserted and Tam many's paraphernalia, as described by the People's Paper, may have thrown a damper on the proposition. The People's Paper says: "The Tammany gang left New York for Denver in five special cars. The roli call was answered by 600 men. Here is wnai uiey tuuu&ut Columbia, S. C $10.55 Tate Springs, Tenn..... 15.10 Houston, Tex. 66.10 San Antonio. Tex. 3.45 Jacksonville. Fla. 27.46 Deming, New Mexico. .. . 83.40 All year round-trip rates from Ra leigh to Hot Springs, Ark $ 43.60 San Francisco, Cal 136.80 Extremely low rate one-way colon ist tickets will go on sale Feb. 29th to April 29ch. Inclusive, to California and the Northwest. For full information concerning any of these rates, call on or address W. H. McGlamery. P. & T. A., Yar borough House, Raleigh, N. C. t i 9 9 Comer South Ottlibury and Wott Msrgmtt Otrewts, 9 0 4ts3S rADtVO P. DBOWM 0er A Ttosb FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EKIOALKIERO fTAUSiQM, W. C. A word as to our prices. We keep Coffins and Caskets from the cheapest to the most ex pensive. We positively guarantee that our prices arc reasonable and will rivc perfect satisfaction to all. Postmaster General Meyer has in creased to 11 pounds the limit of parcel post packages to Great Brit ain and Ireland for the purpose of improving her commercial relations with those lands. The limit hitherto has been 4 pounds and 6 ounces. This makes the twenty-third foreign country with which we have the H-tney raight be able to worry along pouna nmu. on. Tce 35 tons: champagne, 4,200 nnarts: beer. 30.000 bottles; whis- llearst Not for Bryan. I. 1 fi?-A nuarts. and 175.000 cig- New York, July 11. That W. J. ars. That was about the best they Bryan is not to have the support could do in view of the fact that it of William It. Hearst is indicated to- would have been a little inconve day by the attitude of Mr. Hearst's nient to have taken a still and a two New York newspapers, the brewery along. American and the Evening Journal. "How does this strike you 2 4- Tho twr nnners announce a loss OI I horse twwer. ayea-in-me-wum, pi" THE MARKETS. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Thursday by Chas. E. Johnson A Co.) Strict rood middling H75 Strict middling .- U:)m A School with a Reputation for Doing High-Grade Work. One of the best equipped schools in the South. The lAtffit, the liest. The strongest faculty. More graduates in positions than all other schools in the State. Ilookkceping, Shorthand, Telegraphv and English. Write for handsome catalogue. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, M. C. - - or - - w.. - We also teach Book-keeping Shorthand. !Vnman.hlp, et.. r mall. a .or o, ' Jones and James Joyner, escaped fnnn the convict camp in Hyde Lonfldence on their part both in the hibition Democrats and Republicans? County on the morning of the 6th Democratic party and Mr. Bryan. I Don't it make your mouths water?" inst. Frazb-r Jones is a negro murderer from (Juilford County. He was first sen fenced to be hanged, but his sen tence was commuted by the Gov ernor to life imprisonment. Joyner was sentenced from Greene i County in 1907 for ten years for an assault to commit rape. RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected weekly by R. W. King) E trs 16 to 17 spring Chickens 18to86 Hens 45 to 60 Potatoes (IrlBh) . 1 10 Potatoes (sweet) 1.00 Hams (N. u.) cew 10c Hide meat . 12Vc I Shoulders 12c Lard 11c Corn 8c. mack Wheat fl 10 Rye ..8&c Peanuts 80c. to f 1 10 Cabbage, per hundred lb $1.26 Tkree Navy Deserters Arrested at Juiiford College. Winston-Salem, N. C, July 11. Mike Jones, Jesse Powell, and Thom as Martin, three white men alleged First Car of Gold. The first car load of gold ore ever shipped from Lincoln County left here last Saturday via the Seaboard Air Line for Pertb Amnoy, in. j., where it will be refined by the American Smelting and Refining Company. This ore comes from the property of Mr. R. D. Smith, four miles southeast of Lincolnton. The mine is on the land formerly known as the Hoke, or Detter property, and one mile from the S. A. L. Railroad Mr. E. E. Connery, of Minneapolis, Minn., and others, are working the in r.o-oneration witn Mr. deserters from ships Iowa and iv.mLlin -it NTnrfnlk. were arrested I mine, at Guilford College last night while Smith. This mine was worked thirty attemntine to beat their way on a two years ago, when there were no t. ?t noil I fafiHHos for treatine sulDhides asi train. iiie men, uu mo i" j i. - here, confess they deserted from the now. The percentage of saving at navy. Jones says his home is in that time was irom iu 10 u yei Greensboro, Martin says he is from cent by running the ore through Baltimore, and Powell from Okla- stamps and ore plates. The nearest homa. The men will be held until smelter was at Swansea, Wales. . . . . n i 1 tTTnv i.c- innotad in Tiear-bv navv omciais at AonoiK are iieciiu 1 ilu smcireio av.v. territory and modern methods tne saving is now practically 100 per . . . , cent at the smelters, with a very Case Against ira waiuey, uuargcu "- r vv 0CT Insane Woman Tries Drowning. Mrs. Peter Brown, who lives east of Donnaha, near Tobaccovllle, left home one day last week and, making her way to the bridge across the Yadkin, leaped into the river. A ferryman who was taking a passen ger across the stream got a small boat and the two men went after the woman and caught her half a mile dnwn the river. She was floating and still alive, though almost dead. She was put on a train and carried to Tobaccoville, where her husband awaited her. Mrs. Brown is insane She is forty years old. Lexington Dispatch. Begin each day by tarrying before God and letting Him touch you. Rev. A. Murray. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THE BEST Agricultural & Mechanical College FOlt THE COLORED RACE. Greensboro,:: North Carolina. Practical instruction given in Agricultural and Mechanical branches. Excellent facilities fnr instruction in Electrical Engineering. A new Department under experienced manage ment furnishing excellent training for teachers. Six well established Departments. Successful graduates. Comfortable and spacious buildings- Unsurpassed laboratories. Free tuition to County students. Write today for application blank or for catalog to PRESIDENT DUDLEY, Greensboro, N. C. ...3 BALES OP COTTON TO 1 ACRE... ONE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF FERTILIZER FOR COTTON IS With this Guano Mr. W. A. Simpkins, of Wake County raised three bales of cotton on one measured acre and was awarded the first prize by the State Department of Agriculture; also first prize for best Stalk and Seed. :: :: Nome's Best-Caraleigh Speca-Poc7c The Big Three that made " CARALEIGH " Famous. from. With Arson and Murder, Has Been Continued. The preliminary hearing in the case of Ira Oakley, charged with burning the home and murdering the family of James Underwood at Fuquay Springs last February, was to have been held before Justice Se park in Raleigh last week, and many of the witnesses were present, but as one of the strongest witnesses for the prosecution could not attend the hearing the case was continued. The attorneys in the case will meet July 2 7th to fix a date for the hearing and the witnesses will be subpoenaed again. Solicitor Armistead Jones is as Fisted in the case by Messrs. Hold ing and Bunn, and Col. J. C. L. Harris and Mr. Charles U. Harris represent the defendant. Oaklev was arrested in Danville, reasonable cost for transportation and smelter charges. Lincolnton News. It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers is experi ence. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Elec tric Bitters does all that is claimed for it. For Stomach, Liver and Kid ney troubles, it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden is right; it is the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at all druggists. 50 cents. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE! Maintained by the State for the Education of the Women of North Carolina. WffiStiSffiS Arts and Domestic Science and inKSS5, si. rVSV-7-ral capacity of the dormitories is limited. orjwiir, jr vnr catalomie and other information address J. L FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. Other brands to suit you. If you are not a "CARALEIGH" usei, right for this year and give us a trial. :: :: :: Caraleigh Phosphate & Fertilizer Raleigh, North Carolina. get Works Raleigh and Southport Railway Notice to the Public. Effective at and once, the one-dollar Va., and brought to Raleigh. tieisauzruay remained at Fuquay Springs some rates are wnnarawn. i w r. At. ia -fi yc "vi V ? Vi Tiro c nri oi- I Effective Saturday, November it, 1 1 lilt: auci Liij liiv,, nivu, ITU.? .xii vi, and each Saturday thereafter until Hull V LUUUgUl -U uaiC UCCi-i cv-v.a ... a. tn 1J dental; but when opinion changed I further notice , Uckefc , wU be sold and there was talk of an incendiary from ail stauoua origin of the fire, and of the exist- Fayette?lle at rate , of one Jare for ence of bad blood between Oakley rouna-inp, wilh iuuu. and Underwood, suspicion attached cents. , llCHCla Will US Wax oa. tot. 0- "' SIMOM PURE FACT About North Carolina's Leading Afternoon Paper, to Oakley and he fled the State. The fire occurred at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when Mrs honored only on the morning trains; and will be good to return only on Underwood and her mti. son were date -i?2" alone In the one-story dwelling, her agency stations will be charged ten tents extra. J. A. MILLS, President. Raleigh. N. C Not. 11. 1907. &geMs W audited To Write LIFE INSURANCE for the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. Notice of Administration. husband being at church about 200 feet from his house. Before the fire was discovered some one heard a solitary pistol shot. Shortly after wards the fire alarm spread, but when the people emerged from the t "wt rrn.fli Tn4 Havmg canned as administrator More than $50,000 Paid t0 HODie PeOple vestigation it was discovered tnat or Memn nan, Mrs. Underwood and her child had ty. the creditors of Ws estate are no- LaSl Yt&T . a iv.l- ololmo in Trial " w been cremated. There was evidence, tinea to present, men w it was thought, of a crushed skull, or to my attorney on or - The body of the child was found be-1 15th day of March, 1909; otherwise An Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. Nohigb hind the snot where the bureau had tnis notice win oe picuc stood. The lining of a pocket-book I of their recovery. salaried officers to support. was found, but the silver which had been in it was gone, and no molten silver was found. It anneared thatlJ. three crimes had been committed robbery, arson and murder. SIDNEY HALL, Administrator of MeWn Hall. C. L. HARRIS, Attorney. -Raleigh, N. C. March 7, 1908. Apply to- M. E KDK1C, Sec'y-Treas, RALEIQH, N. C, Box 22 TEE EVEMMtS TMMES9 RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA. 1. The Times is the only afternoon paper published at" !$ the State Capital. - J 2. The Times is the only afternoon paper in the State with a leased wire service 20,000 words a day. 3. It has double the circulation in Raleigh of any other paper. 4. There are Eight Trains leaving Ealeigh between 3:00 and 7:00 carrying The Times in every direction. & JChe best section of the State is within a radius of 100 miles of Ealeigh, and The Times is the favorite pa per in this section. 6. Ealeigh has a population of 29,000, and is growing rapidly.