The Iioj i ComJn' Home. I tell you it is busy times jeat now for me and marm, The boy Is com In' home to Bpend Thankegivin ou the farm; T is ten long years since he went West to mingle In Its strife. He's done flrst-rate, and, further more, he's got a Western wife. We got the letter yesterday, and marm she laid awake Full half the night to prase the Lord and think what she must bake. If I should feed the turkey now as she declares I must. Why, long before Thanksglrln' he would swell up and bust; r . , i I're had to grind the choppln'-knife and go to choppin' mince, And things are brewln rich and fine and fit to feed a prince. The boy, he writ for chicken-pie, "With double crust," says he, "And mixed with cream, that lovely pie you used to make for me." He wants a big red apple from the hillside Northern Spy, And butternuts I've got 'em 'round the stovepipe, brown and dry; He wants to lay the fire himself with maple hard and sound. And pop some corn upon the hearth when all are gathered 'round. He wants the things he used to have when he was but a lad; 'T Is somewhat strange, it may be, but it makes mighty glad. We're both a little whiter, but our love, depend upon 't. Is Jest as green and stlddy as the hills of old Vermont. It flustered marm a little bit at first about the Western wife, What she should do for one so fine and used to city life; But tucked between the boy's big sheets she found a little slip, She read it with a happy tear, a gently quivering lip: "Dear mother," them's her very words, "I write this on the sly, So don't tell John, but make for him a big, big pumpkin pie; I know it will delight him, for he still is but a boy His mother's boy and so he fills his wife's glad heart with joy." And so, you see, 't is busy times jest now for me and marm, The boy is coroin' home to spend Thanksgivln on the farm. Lipplncott's. Dr. Pleasum's Cliurch. Report of the Sunday morning service at the Pleasant Avenue Bap tist Church at Metropolista, July 3, 1920: As so many of the members of this wealthy and fashionable congre gation are away from the city on their summer outings, the genial and stylish pastor. Rev. Dr. Pleasum, who was lately called as the succes sor of Elder Ernest Faithful, was agreeably surprised to meet about fifty of his own members at the 11 o'clock service. This attendance of nearly one-tenth of the entire mem bership of the church at the first Sunday morning service after his in stallation, is very gratifying to the new pastor, and gives good assur ance that he can depend upon the cordial co-operation of his people in carrying out the new plans of church work, which he outlined in his in augural address the preceding Sun day. In accordance with his an nouncement that Scriptural readings and sermons would be dispensed with throughout the entire year, ex cept during the Lenten season, he delivered a polished and scholarly sociological discourse on "The Phil osophy of the Modern Maxim, Be Happy and You Will Be Good." The delivery of the discourse oc cupied about twenty minutes, and it was a masterly justification of the churches In the attitude they have taken in the last city campaign, in favor of a wide open Sunday from Easter until February, for all re spectable saloons and moral places of amusement. The change In the manner of con ducting prayer service was a marked improvement over which the mem bers are delighted. Most of the members had secured beautifully bound copies of the Epis copal prayer-book, and there were beat, but plainly bound copies placed in the pews, for the use of those who had none. The fine voice of the pastor beau tifully Intoned the prayers, while the congregation knelt comfortably and devoutly on the elegant and expen sive prayer cushions provided by the young people's "Help One Another Club." The following are the announce ments: (1) The prayer-meetings are all discontinued until cold weather or indefinitely. (2) All regular church committees except finance, social, and amuse ment committees, are given a recess for three months. ' (3) All the women's and young people's mission societies have voted to discontinue their regular meet ings on account of hot weather and absence of members. (4) A joint meeting of the finance social and amusement committees is called to meet in the church parlors, at 4 o'clock p. m., Monday, for the purpose of discussing plans for the proposed amusement and social club annex building on the vacant lot ad' Joining the church. The pastor de sires to say kindly but firmly that. as he has been informed that there are a few old people in the church who are eo old-fashioned and non progressive that they object to the dancing parlors, the card rooms .bil liard and pool rooms, and some other features of the new enterprise, he truly hopes such persons will have grace enough to stay away from the committee and business meetings of the church, and not disturb the har mony of the Lord's house by provok ing discussion of their narrow views. (5) The new pastory will be open Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, for the reception of visitors. All mem bers of the church and their friends are invited to meet the pastor and bis wife. The company will be ycry select, and guests will attend in full evening dress.. Music, dancing and cards on the lawn; supper at 12 p. m. () A committee of all the social clubs and B. Y. P. U. has arranged for a "bridge tournament" in the church parlors on Wednesday eve ning. Refreshments will be served, and 50 per cent of all the winnings must be donated to the charity fund of the church. Benediction by the pastor. J. W. ROBERTS, Reporter. Word and Way. A Boy's Sister. An elderly lady and two young girls, walking together on the street one day, met a boy known to one of the girls. Stopping to speak to him for a moment, she introduced him to her friends. When they had bidden him good afternoon and passed on, the lady remarked: "i tnink, mat boy must have a very nice mother and sister." "He has. Mrs. Lee and Nellie are both lovely. But how did you Know- replied tne gin, in a sur prised tone. The lady smiled. "I did not know it, but I guessed it from his manner. A boy who is snubbed at home does not act like that one when he is out. Only home kindness and courtesy and the train ing that love gives can make a boy such a frank, easy, well-bred gentle man," said she. The girls looked at each other for a moment, and then one voiced the thought of both.. "I'm going to be careful how. treat Ned after this. If people are going to judge me by him, I'll have to be on guard. And I know you are right about it. There is Will T When you speak to him he always shuffles his feet and puts his hands in his pocket and hangs his head and stammers. His sister Is always chasing him out of her way and scolding him, and her mother acts as if she were ashamed of him, and sends him off out of sieht when there are callers. I earnestly be lieve he would be as nice as Rob, too, if he had the same chance." "Quite likely," said the other girl. I know he is goodnatured and bright, when he forgets to be awk ward and embarrassed. I think shall have to look out, too, and make sure that my little brother is a living demonstration of my amiable dispo sition," and though she laughed as she spoke, under the laugh tone of real earnestness. The Class mate. Straight Talk on Tobacco. Women's tirades against tobacco do not carry much weight with the average smoker. Nor do the charges of its harmful effects by those whose opinions are dismissed as prejudi clal, unfounded, and extreme. But fair-minded men ought to be ready to consider statements of scientific fact presented by a trained and scholarly investigator. When one of the leading physicians and nerve specialists of the United States, for example, states that the effect of tobacco upon the heart and blood vessels has been proved to be that of an active poison; that tobacco responsible for arterial degeneration In those long habituated to its exces sive use, and Interferes with the proper function of both lungs and heart, finally paralyzing their cen tral nerves; that it acts upon the nerve centers, brain and spinal cord that it has a powerfully depressive effect upon the nerves of motion and that its chronic effects are t produce a poison congestion of the brain, spinal cord and nerves heart, lungs, muscles and skin- would seem that the rather positive disfavor with which some men and women view the use of tobacco not unfounded after all. These facts and many others, are given by Dr. L. Pierce, the well known neurol ogist. The chief excuse for using to bacco Is that it is so soothing! The process of degeneration generally Sunday School Times. is The Up-Look of Thankfulness. The Interpreter had them then in to another1 room where was a hen and chickens, and bid them observe awhile. So one of the -chickens went to the trough to drink," and every time she drank she lifted her head and her eyes towards heaven. "See," said he, "what this little chick doth, and learn of her acknowledge whence your mercies come, by receiving them stith look ing up." John Bunyan. Mind Your Business. If you don't, nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills- They keep biliousness, malaria, and jaundice out of your system. 25c. at all Drug Stores. - When writing advertisers, please mention this paper. Maldags Other Thankful. Said old gentleman Gay, Oa a Thanksgiving Day, If yoa want a good time, then give something away;" So he tent a fat turkey to Shoemak er Price. And the shoemaker Mid, "What a big bird!" How nice! And since such a good dinner's be fore me I ought To give Widow Lee the small chick en I bought. This fine chicken, oh, see!" said the pleaded Widow Lee, 'And the: kindness that sent It, how precious to me! would like to make some one as happy as I I'll give Washwoman Biddy my big pumpkin pie." And, oh, sure!" Biddy said. "t is the queen of all pies! Just to look at Its yellow face glad dens my eyes. Now, it's my turn, I think, and a sweet ginger cake For the motherless Finlgan children I'll bake." Said the Finlgan children Rose, Denny and Hugh It smells sweet of spice, and we'll carry a slice To poor little lame Jake, who has nothing that's nice." "Oh, I thank you, and thank you!" said little lame Jake; Oh, what a bootiful, bootlful, bootl ful cake! And, oh, such a big slice! I will save all the crumbs. And will give them to each little sparrow that comes." And the sparrows they twittered as if they would say, j Like old gentleman Gray, "On a Thanksgiving Day, i If you want a good time, then give something away." Little Men and Women. A Busy Ten Dollar Bill. Mr. Brown keeps a boarding house. Around the table jSat his wife, Mrs. Brown; the village millin-, er, Mrs. Andrews; Mr. Black, the baker; Mr. Jordan, a carpenter, and Mr. Iladley, a flour, feed and lumber merchant. Mr. Brown took $10 out of his pocket and handed it to Mrs. Brown with the remark that there was $10 toward the $20 he promis ed her. Mrs. Brown handed the bill to Mrs. Andrews, the milliner, say ing: "That pays for my new bonnet." Mrs. Andrews in turn passed it to Mr. Jordan remarking that it would pay for the carpenter work he had done for her. Mr. Jordan handed it to Mr. Hadley, requesting his re ceipted bill for flour, feed and lum ber. Mr. Iladley gave the bill back to Mr. Brown, saying: "That pays $10 on my board." Mr. Brown again passed it to his wife, remark Wig that he had now paid her the $20 he had promised her. She In turn paid Mr. Black to settle her bread and pastry account. Mr. Black handed it to Mr. Hadley, asking credit for the amount on his flour account. Mr. Hadley again passed it to Mr. Brown, with the remark that It settled for that month's board, whereupon Mr. Brown put it back in his pocket, observing that he had not supposed a greenback would go o far. Osceola (Iowa) Sentinel. Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by (her-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by ail druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle HomeofSwamn-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad tress, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. COR SALE a scholarship in Draughon's Busi- ness College. An opportunity to get a schol arship in a good business college at a bargain for cash. Address Box O. Raleigh. N. C. Improved Schedules and Pullman Service on the Southern Railway. The Southern Railway wishes to call special attention to their Im proved service into and out of Ral eigh, effective with change of sched ules September 6th. Through sleeping car line has been inaugurated between Raleigh and Atlanta, Ga., this sleeping car ar rives Raleigh daily on No. 144 at 12.30 noon returning leaves Ral eigh on No. 139 at 4.05 p. m. ar riving Greensboro at 7.15 making close connection with No. 43 fast through train arriving Atlanta at 6:0 a. m. Eastern time; which makes connection in Atlanta with the different lines for all points. No. 43 also makes connection at Salisbury with Asheville, Knoxville, Memphis train, which is through train from Salisbury to Memphis with day coaches and Pullman cars. For any further Information con cerning new schedules, Pullman res ervations,' etc., call on or address, W. H. McGlammery, P. & T. A. Raleigh., N. a For the Fall of 1908 VlfH greet you in the name of a Squire Deal and Low Price. 4 ww we announce our stocK now reaar. unuuuoeoi v ooien r Dres Goods, plain and fancy Silks. Percales, Gingham, Shambry Suiting, Outings, Calico, Pant Cloth- Underwear for Ladies Children and Men, A Urge stock of Domettic and Apron Gingham, very cheap. . SHOES !SHOES !SHOES ! i 4 WE have every thing1 that Man Woman or Child want. For Men we carry the Famou home made Brogue alo Dean which we guarantee the nicest and best Vict Pat and Gun MetaL For Ladie and Children we have the best to be found in the Godman & Irvin Drew, we also carry the Johnson Bailey for Children. Prices range from 75e. to $2.iAX We invite you call at any time. . - Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. We Sell Pictorial Review Patterns L M. HORNADAY, Wheelwright and Machinist, Cardenas, North Carolina. SHOP AT JOHNSON'S MILL. ill kinds of wagons and buggies. Repair engines and boilers and do all kinds of machine work. Give me a 9CGOSCOOCOCOCOOCOCOOOOOOQGeeCOOCOO( 8 WE PAY THE FREIGHT. Durham Marble Works DURHAM, N. C. k Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets. Granite O ft r 1 sr i m e i jj Work and Marble lile tor Building. Write for estimates or particulars. : : Established i SOCOSO9OQOSOS0O0OQGOGOGO0OGO0S Antlcephalalglne The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia. auu nu cs. uoiues. io ct. uose at Fountains. There are a number of new preparations on them all in elegance and efficiency. : ; FOR SALE BY GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To my friends and customers throughout this section : I am prepared to offer a better stock of general merchandise for the winter trade than ever before. HIGHEST PRICtS FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE FULL LINE OF" SHOES. Call and see my stock. C. J. RHODES, ALWAYS IN INSPECT Fruits, Candies, Confectioneries, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobaccos. A complete up-to-date stock all the season. Come to see me at my old stand (Spence Building), 126 East Martin Street, and ask for prices before you make your purchases elsewhere. Yours truly, 126 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. BRIDGERS TAILORING CO., Inc. HIGH CLASS TAILORING AT REASONABLE PRICES 210 FarettovUI street BAtEIOH We give yon the Latest Style, Perfect Fit, and Best Workmanship. All work made in our own Shop. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. Call and see our FaU Line of Woolens. :: :: : :: :: CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE FOR A SMALL COST ALTERATION A SPECIAXTT $1.00. EXPRESS. "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light House "wm, ui humcici ao is nut atauauic ur AcslXcu IT MAKES . ITS OWN GAS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs Only light Ounces CAN CABBY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Bolls a Quart of "Water In Nine Minutes. $1.00. Express Paid; $1.00. Express Paid. Hart-War d Hardiare Company, RALEIGH. N. O. . . trial. in 1878. The on. that hu stood th. Tost for yun. cts. the market but Anticephalalglne still lea s : : : : : : : : ' : : : : : ALL DRUGGIST EAGLE ROCK, N. C. THE LEAD! MY STOCK OF R. C. BA1CHELOR. Om Olarach't Cafe $.100 EXPRESS PA TIIC nOElTH STATE C'OIir.lAL AHD Uzstjfczift fcj Stxti f:r tin Eisit&J ef to Wksej cf &rt& Car&a Jf ; .li - 4 v J) - To Write LIFE PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OP NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. More than $50,000 Last I All Money Kept at Home and salaried officers to support, Apply to Raleidb Mlarble &Dork$ FRANK T. BOYD TYPEWRITER MECHANIC I Repair all makes of Typewriters and Talking Machines. GiOe me a Trial. The Only Typewriter Mechanic In RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA. Bell 'Phone 653. Norfolk and Southern Railway local time;table. Goldsboro and Beaufort, N. C. Effective Saturday, December 1st, 1906, at 12:01 A. M. Bead Down. STATIONS. Bead Up. 8 1 2 , 4 . Daily Daily Eastern Time Daily Daily r ' HE pTm 8:40 8:00 Lv Goldsboro Ar 11:20 7:55 8:50 8:13 Millers 11:07 7:55 4.01 8.21 Best's 10.58 7.87 ! 4.18 8.31 LaG range 10.47 - 7.23 4.25 8.43 Falling Creek 10.35 7.13 4.40 8.56 Kinston 10.22 7.00 4.52 9.18 Caswell ' ' 10.08 6.48 5.02 9.23 Dover J.58 .8 5.16 9.41 Cove 9.11 6.20 5.26 9.61 Tuscarora 9.81 6.10 5.31 5.56 Clarks 9.26 6.04 5.48 10.10 At New Bern Lv 9.10 5.48 5.55 10.15 Lv New Bern Ar 9.05 5.40 b.18 10.34 Blverdale 8.43 5.15 6.22 10.88 Croatan 8.89 5.11 6.86 10.59 Havelock . 8.27 4.59 6.52 11.06 Newport 8.U 4.43 6.58 11.12 Wildwood 8.05 1.37 7.02 11.16 Mansfield 8.01 4.33 7.20 11.30 Morehead City 7C 122 7.40 11.50 Ar Beaufort Lv 7.10 4.05 P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M Daily Daily Daily Daily Bv B. E L. BUNCH, . Traffic Manager, Goldsboro, N. C. CAROLINA INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE J. L FOUST, Prca Greensboro, N. C -. .. fir". "VJVW " -"-frfi r INSURANCE for the Paid to Home People Year. Paid Only to Home People. No high H. E. EC INC, Sec'j-Treas.. RALKIQH. N. C, Bom 32 Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MONUMENTS COOPER BROS.. Proprs. RALEIGH. N. O 8KN O P-OF CATALOGUE. BTWhen writing to Advertisers mention the Caucasian. tl By H. 0. HUDOINS, Gen. Freight Agent, - Goldsboro, N. G.