' The Wind. He's a trumpeter In winter, And oh. how loud be peals! The yellow moon grows white and faint When after her he steals; Evens the forests deep and still Ring with bis music wild and shrill. He scares away all sturdy wings. The sparrows and the crows'; He shouts about the village doors Through ail the flying snows; He rouses the white, sleeping forms. And leads the wild dance of the storms. Id spring he drops his trumpet And plays a violin; And oh, how sweet his cadences. When sunny mists and thin brood o'er the hills and make day dim, And silvery bluebirds answer him! And weird and strange its music Is When night-rains sob and fret, And willows whisper witches' tales Down; in the marshes wet, And frogs, those minstrels most grotesque, Blend with his strains their wild burlesque. And then for summer's ear he pipes A flute as soft as sleep, Like the sweet syllables of bees Within the beam-flowers deep, But quickened to a waltz when show ers Beat suddenly upon the flowers. He blows to listening woodlands; He trills to fluttering corn; He plays to voices of the larks In the sweet flush of morn; And then within the grasses tall He sleeps, and lets the light flute fall. Susan Hartley Sweet. now It Feel to Fly. pit tor Books far XTiaUs: - Summer fading, winter come Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs, Window robins, winter rooks. And the picture story books. Water now is turned to stone Nurse and I can walk upon; SU11 we find the flowing brooks In the picture story books. All the pretty things put by. Walt nDon the children's eye, SheeD and shepherds, trees and crooks. In the picture story books. How am I to sing your praise, Happy chimney-corner days. A Deadening Habit. A fault-finding, criticizing habit Is fatal to all excellence. Nothing will strangle growth quicker than a tend ency to hunt for flaws, to rejoice in the unlovely, like a hog, which al ways has his nose in the mud and rarely looks up. The direction in which we look Indicates the life aim, and people who are always looking for something to criticize, for the crooked and the ugly, who are al ways suspicious, who invariably look at the worst side of others, are but giving the world a picture of them selves. This disposition to see the worst Instead of the best grows on one very rapidly, until it ultimately strangles all that is beautiful and crushes out all that is good in himself. No mat ter how many times your confidence has been betrayed, do not allow your self to sour, do not lose your faith in people. The bad are the exception; most people are honest and true and mean to do what is right. Success. "Human flight Is a new physical and mental experience, and Its sensa tions and emotions are so unlike or are so much more intense than what Is felt on the earth's surface that go ing up In an airship for any length I sitting safe In nursery nooks. time Is really living in anotner woria. i Reading picture story books? We have all been so busy trying 10 fly and trying to imagine what ef fects flight will have upon life upon the earth, that we have failed to rec ord the effects of flight on those who fly." Capt. Thomas W. Baldwin, writes David F. St. Clair, In Harper's Week ly, whose dirigible balloon has been purchased by the United States Gov ernment for military purposes, pro nounces this opinion of the sensa tions of flying. Captain Baldwin has spent more than twenty years on the problem of aerial navigation, and during that period has made a hun dred ascensions and voyages In the unchartered realm of the air. The first experience of flight," CaDtain Baldwin continued, "is the most wracking mental and physical tension. Indeed, going into battle, facing a storm at sea, or struggling with a fire, does not equal It for try ing the nerves. There are, of course, situations of suspense when the ele ment of fear will more unman one than that felt during the first mo ments of flight by a beginner; but nowhere else is such Intense alert ness demanded, and nowhere else does one seem so helpless against a fatal accident. This feeling will be shared by every one on his first voy age in an airship. "But the reaction on the nerves of the aeronaut when he perceives that his machine is working and that he is not only actually flying, but con trolling his own flight, is simply in describable. Some of us know what the feelings of mastery is In driving an automobile seventy-five miles per hour on a smooth, clear road, or what It Is to drive a locomotive en gine at a like speed. Multiply this feeling by a hundredfold, and one may get a faint conception of what the guiding and driving of an air-car through space means. The sense of physical, mechanical, and mental mastery over one's machine, over! chills. 25c. at all druggists one's environment, and over one's self is so complete, so buoyant, exhlliaratlng, exalted, that one feels more fearless than he ever did with his feet on the firm earth. Indeed, one is in another and a higher world mentally as well as physically. One feels that a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders. His body is stronger, his mind Is infinitely clearer. He sees himself riding up on a sunbeam or a starbeam; there flashes across his vision the snow- flake or the raindrop In its helpless fall; by him passes the cloud at the mercy of the wind, and on the crest of the storm he walks as a god upon the waters." -Robert Louis' Stevenson. , How She Got Even. A certain lawyer, famed for high charges, had Incurred the enmity of an old lady, on account of the same. Wishing to get even with him, she consulted him about drafting her wIlL As she was a very wealthy old lady without near relatives, she had many charitable associations to ben-j efit, and the accurate draft of the will required much patience, skill and time. Among the provisions she made a generous bequest to this lawyer and nominated him executor. After the execution of the will, she called for her bill, whereupon the lawyer, with the vision of ample fees In the prospective settlement of the estate, and the memory of the gen erous bequest, told the old lady that under the circumstances he should charge nothing, but finally, to satisfy her business scruples, made out a re ceipt in full to date for one dollar, whereas the smallest sum he could have properly charged would have been one hundred dollars. The old lady marched home with her will, set herself to work, copied it out carefully word for word, leav ing out the bequest to the lawyer and nominating a new executor. In the course of time she died, and the disgust of the lawyer at the con tents of the will was so great that he inadvertently let out the secret, to the huge delight of his brother lawyers. Leslie's Monthly. Don't Get a Divorce. iil ai For the Fall of 1908 E greet yon In the name of a Square Deal and Low Price. we announce our stock now reaay. uwiuunj w Tin cianA. Tilaln nd fancT Silks. Percales, Ginghams, Shambrys Suitings, Outings, Calicoes, Pant Cloth. Underwear for Ladies Children and Men. A large stock of Domestics and Apron Ginghams, very cheap. W ' Tim Konni cnnoLirjA STATEOnfM AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE U3tes:M!:s Stets fcrtts Edstato cf t Vten ct Keith Cxrc!aa. in SpecUl Oeumaecred ta Tmc&cr Tr;aic. Maic Mas&1 Am aa4 tXt&U &ctar u4 Kt taiUoa HWie who mw to Mefc ta tfe cfeooU of North CpoUea. For fnMHtaittoatfefrau litt.n rer. . . TboM dMlriaf imr ftboakl mwif etrir rSti. Tfc easily of Um dorwiwrr w- For eutlott scfetber Information fc&lms J, L FOUST, Pre, Greensboro, N. C SHOES ! SHOES !SHOES ! WE have every thing that Man Woman or Child wants. For Men we carry the Famous home made Brogue also Dean which we guarantee the nicest and best Vici Pat and Gun MetaL For Ladies and Children we have the best to be found in the Godman & Irvin Drew, we also carry the Johnson Bailey for Children. Prices range from 75c. to 2.00. We invite yon call at any time. " " 71-: Hunter Bros. & Brewer Co. We Sell Pictorial Review Patterns L. M. HORNADAY, Wheelwright and Machinist, Cardenas, North. Carolina. SHOR yT JOHNSON'S MILL.. I build Log Wagons and Log Carts. Good work at best prices. Repair all kinds of wagons and buggies. Repair engines and boilers and do all kinds of machine work. Give me a trial. SCOCOOCO WE PAY THE FREIGHT. nurham MarbleWorks DURHAM, N. C. Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets. Granite Work and Marble Tile for Building. b Write for estimates or particulars. : : Established in 1878. A Western judge granted a divorce on account of ill-temper and bad breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented it. They cure Constipation, causing bad breath and TJvpr Tronhlft . the ill-temner. disnel colds, banish headaches, conquer O Write for estimates or particulars. SoooooooaosoaooooooooeocooooooooooeooooGOOoeoooe 5 Wanvltedl To Wita LIFE INSURANCE for toe PEOPLE'S MUTUALX BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OP NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. More than $50,000 Paid to Home People Last Year. All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. No high salaried officers to support. Apply to H. E. KONG, Sec'j-Treis., RALKIQH, M. C, Bom 22 Success. Mr. Meyer's Fleece. The Rev. F. B. Meyer's biographer tells this story apropos of his early ambition to be a preacher: While he was still a child he long ed so earnestly for some certainty that this might be God's will for him mat one evening, unknown to any one, he carried out to his own little liot, in a far corner of his father's large garden, a piece of cotton-wool, which he spread on the ground and left out all night, praying, with a childish application of the story of National Customs. When Sir Charles Napier was ex ercising military rule in India, he showed extraordinary skill as an ad ministrator. He availed himself as much as possible of the framework of a government previously existing, and used a wonderful tact in answer ing the Hindu mind according to its own form of thought. "Make no avoidable change in the ancient laws and customs," he said to his subordinates. "The conquest of a country is sufficient convulsion A Boston firm recently offered a prize for the best definition of what constituted success. A Kansas wo man was awarded the prize, and this was her answer: "He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of lit tle children; who has filled his niche, has accomplished his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration; whose money a benediction." Exchange. cts. The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia. The one that ha .tood the Tet for yean. and 50 ct. Bottles. 10 ct. Dose at Fountains. There are a number of new preparations on the market but Anticephalalgine stiu lea s them all in elegance and efficiency :: :: :: :: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOGIQT Gideon's fleece, that in the morning I for the people, without abrupt chang- Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Ow-Wort Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only j urinary and bladder troubles were to be J traced to tne juaneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important ! organs. J The kidneys filter and purify the blood J piles of their husbands; and he not Vt:L-v career. - Then his lips were unsealed only put his foot firmly down on it, wndS " v .ui u mv,b i iucv ,vruui.v.i guuiwui u iii i nuicklv vour entire Doay is anecieti auu. uavo uccu lauuiuaiu lu uia I uuijr luauuci uubsiuib. I how eveiV OTau SccniS tu I all lu uu ilsi ; Tne custom had been formally I duty. abolished by Lord William Bentwick in 1S29, but evidently it was still practiced a dozen years later when Sir Charles was in India. When he proclaimed his Intention GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To my friends and customers throughout this section : I am prepared to offer a better stock of general merchandise for the winter trade than ever before. HIGHEST PRICbS FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE ILIISE OF SMOES. Call and see my stock. - EAGLE ROCK, N. C. FULL C. J. RHODES, It might be either wet or dry, unlike the ground about it. But In the morning he found no miraculous sign, and he went on de siring, hoping, praying in secret, un til the time came when it was neces sary for him to make choice of some es in their habits and social life." One custom, however, he did abol ish, and his method of doing it show ed his wisdom in administratorship. This was the practice of sutteeism the burning of widows on the funeral which life. He was praying in his room at Streatham, asking that God would show him what was His will, and ask ing, especially for some assurance as to .his-powers of speech, when, turn ing to his Bible, it fell open at Jere-lof suppressing sutteeism, the priests came to . him to protest, on the ground that all nations had customs waS one of them. Napier affected to be Impressed by the argument. Be It so,'r"said he. "The burning miah 7: "But the Lord said unto me. Say not. I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall sendheeatd be respected, and that sutteeism and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.' . With indescribable emotion he read It again and again, and accepted it as the answer to all his anxious ques tioning. He was the child. He would go, where God sent him, and speax wnat uoa Dade him, never donhtlng that God would he with him and touch his lips. Exchange. If von are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's bwamp-Koor, Decause as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your, kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all of widows Is your custom. Prepare I druggists in fifty-cent Tomorrow the Devil's Time. When Mr. Moody was holding meetings In Hartford, Conn., many years ago, he urgef a man one night to accept Christ at once. Finally the man replied: "Well, Mr. Moody, I will promise you this: I will attend the meeting to-morrow night, and I will accept Christ as my Saviour then." That man never reached home alive traveled ran off a bridge at Tariff the pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive, we hang them and confiscate all their property. My carpenters snau tnereiore erect gibbets, on which every one concerned in a wld- owrs burning shall be hanged. Let us all act according to national cus toms." Youth's Companion. and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home of Swarap-Eoot. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad tress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD! INSPECT MY STOCK OF Fruits, Candies, Confectioneries, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobaccos. A complete up-to-date stock all the season. Come to see me at my old stand (Spence Building), 126 East Martin Street, and ask for prices before you make your purchases elsewhere. Yours truly, 126 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. R. C. BA1CHELOR. BRIDGERS TAILORING CO., Inc. HIGH CLASS TAILORING AT REASONABLE PRICES 316 Fayettevlll. Street RALEIGH Over Glerach'0 Cafe We give yon the Latest Style, Perfect Fit, and Best Workmanship. All work made in our own Shop. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. Call and see our Fall Iyine of Woolens. : :: 0 LEANING AN1 PRESSING DONE FOR A SMALL. COST ALTERATION A SPECIALTY 31 A Horrible Hold-Up. "WANTED Success Magazine reaulres the services of a man in Wake county tc look after "About ten var a?n mv hrnthr I expiring subscriptions and secure new business aooui ten years ago my Drotner I by mean8 of special metbods unusuallv effective: was held up in his .work, health I position permanont; prefer one with expe and happiness hy what was believed writes I dajr with commission option. Address with references, k. j reacocK, uoom luz, success Magazine Bid?., New York, to be hopeless Consumption,' W.x R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He took all kinds of remedies The train on which heland treatment from several doctors, but found no helo till he used Dr. ville, and many lost their lives; and King's New Discovery and was whol- among tnem was tne man who prom- ly cured by six bottlesL He is a well man to-day." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, and Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe. Asthma and all -Bronchial affections. 50r. land '$1.00..' Trial bottle free. Guar- Ised Mr. Moody that he would re pent the next night: "That expert ence," said Mr. Moody, "taught me a lesson: Never to let any off with a promise, but to press them hard for an immediate decision; and if that failed, to show them the peril of even anteed by all druggists. a nignrs delay." To-morrow is the devil's time uont trust mm. He Is a deceiver SCISSORS FREE. ana tne "father of lies from the he- ginning. '-Union Gospel News. J- Read our offer elsewhere in this is "r r r J I sue of a pair of scissors free tw nnr Write for rates to agents, also for subscriber who pays a year Jn - ad- uuu . ivance. " L. G. GILL RALEIGH, N. C CLOTHES PRESSED, CLEANED OR ALTERED - - at abort notice. Dyeing a specialty Satis faction guaranteed. To The Public I have opened In New Bern, N. C, READ OUR OFFER OF A PAHt OF au uP-to-date broom and mattress laciory. Brooms and Mattresses of all grades and sizes at the very lowest prices. . Yours for business, ' V - G. T, FENNER. Address orders to Box 425. $1.00. EXPBESS. 5-100 EXPBE4 P v. Ideal Aleohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light House , Keeping, or Wherever Gas is not Available or Desired. IT MAKES IIS OWN GAS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs OqIf Eight Ounces CAN CABBY A VESSEL. WEIGHING- 100 POUNDS. It Boils a Quart of Water in Nine Minutes. $1.00. Express Paid. $1.00. Express Paid. Ear t-W a r d Hardware C o m p any, RALEIGH N. C Raleiglb Marble &Porft$ Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MONUMENTS COOPER BROS., Proprs. BALEIUII. Iff- O flTKND P-OFt CATALOQUK. g3T"Vhen writing to Advertisers mention the Caucasian. ""Sl FRANK T. BOYD TYPEWRITER MECHANIC I Repair all makes of Typewriters and Talking Machines. GiOe me a Trial, The Only Typewriter Mechanic In RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Bell 'Phone 653. Norfolk and Southern Railway LOCAL TIME TABLE. Qoldsboro and Beaufort, N. C i - Effective Saturday, December lftt, 1906, at 12:01 A. M. Bead Down. STATIONS. Bex) Up. 8 1 2 4 Dally Dal Eastern Tim Daily Daily . A. M. I. M 3:40 8:00 Lv Goldsboro Ar 11:20 7:55 3:50 8:13 Millers 11:07 7:55 4.01 8.21 Best's 10.58 7.37 4.13 8.31 LaGrange 10.47 7.23' 4.25 8.43 Falling Creek 10.35 7.13 4.40 8.56 KInston 10 22 7.00 4.52 9.18 Caswell 10.08 6.48 - 5.02 9.23 Dover 6.58 5.36 5.16 9.41 Cove 9.H 6.20 5.26 9.51 Toacarora 9.81 6.10 5.31 5 56 Clarka 9.26 6.01 5.48 10.10 Ar. New Bern Lv 9 10 5 48 .55 10.16 JLv New Bern Ar 9.05 6.40 b.18 10.84 Blverdale 43 6.15 6.22 10.38 Croatan ' 8.39 S.I I 6.36 10.59 Havelock 8.27 4.69 6 52 11 0 'Newport 8.J1 4.43 6.S8 11.12 Wlidwood 8.05 1.87 7.02 11.16 Manafleld 8.01 4.33 7.20 11 30 MoreneadCUy 7.6 .4 22 7.40 11.50 Ar Beaufort r Lv 7.10 . 4.05 P. MY A: M. A. M. P. M Daily Daily Daily Dally , Bv R. L. BUNCH, " Traffic Manager, - Goldsboro, N. C. By H. G. HUDUINS, Gen. Freight Agent, Goldsboro, N. O. f i --RW4r.s'ifiSSWW'--l,

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