The Caucasian AXI RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. Raleigh. H. C.t September 30, 1909. Entered at the Post-offlce in Raleigh. N. C, s becond class mail matter. Local Matters JOHN ROBLVSON 0030X0. Rig Shows Will be Here Next Thurs day for Two Performances. The splendid reputation of the John Robinson shows is so firmly es tablished none will doubt the genu ineness of the promises made, and no one will be disappointed. This year the show has been enlarged so as to rank with any tented organization on the road. Thousands of dollars have been EDent In imDrovlne everv rfn- Every lawyer of the Clinton bar is J partment in naieisu "- ""e I It COSU about I3.E00 a d&T to mn cases before the Supreme Court. 8uch a bI cIrcuB. Therft ,Pft fi7n Mr. John S. Calvert left Monday I men with the show, besides 83 ad- night for San Francisco from which Jvance men, contracting agents and oint he will sail for Manila, where I bill posters with the three advertis- he has been appointed to a Govern-ling cars. merit position. I The Robinson Show carries 300 The sheriff of Pasquotank County I horses and 70 ponies, the lot valued has brought three white prisoners tolat $70,000. The eight big elephants the penittentlary. They are Scipio I represent a fortune in themselves. Jennings, Broughton Palmer and! with the monster show is Its own Albert Palmer. I surgeon, barbers, blacksmiths, elec- Mr. A. T. Grant, of Mocksville, has I trIcians and others. forwarded the Governor his reslena-l wo one wfio is not in touch with tiou as a member of the Legislature I the sreat show can form any idea account of having been appointed ot the immensity of It. It is a small city in itself, constantly on the move, but with all kinds of mechanical pro- BILKINS IN INDIA. on census supervisor In the Seventh Dis trict. Comrade D. E. Sims died Sunday vi8ions 'or iU running at the Soldiers' Home in Raleigh. He was a member of Company H, 51st One thousand pounds of meat are consumed daily in the circus dining 1902. Mr. W. C. Lee, who lives at Cara- Regiment, and came to the home I a i& Ui frnm HnhPnn P.onntv in Decern w Piaioes ana simuar spiles. All ...... - -"lllll. 1 1 J 11 .. in is is puiucittseu uaiiy. in me culi nary department are employed fifteen cooks and thlrtv-flix waiters, hR trips 1,111 T " 1 I l 1 1 I " ' - teign Aims, near, naa naa assistant cooks, meat cutters and two ueatns in nis iamny wunin ineDastry cooks . l, A A t A 1 I iui insi. anu nis younger uaugnier 8V8temnGrfect svstem Governer Kitchin was called to I the cars and in every detail of the Scotland Neck Sunday night on ac-1 work. Every man is held responsi count of the illness of his mother, Ible for his particular duty. Mrs. W. W. Kitchin. The Governor! Mr. John G. Robinson who accom- found his mother improving and re turned to Raleigh Monday night. Mr. Robert L. Gray, of Raleigh, has been elected editor of the Wil mington Star and will assume his new duties on October 1st. Mr. Gray has had experience in the newspaper field and is a versatile writer. panies the circus, has 26 assistants on his staff. His "office on wheels" is complete, being provided with all conveniences, even long distance and local telephones, electlc lights, etc. The laundry bill for the Big Show alone is $250 per week. The money carried out of town by a circus is the extra money brought Henry Bryan, a footless blind I in by excursionists who come to the tiger, was tried in the police court! show. The money received from Friday. Henry was adjudged guilty I town people is more than offset by and fined $100. He appealed to the! the sums paid out here for supplies Superior Court. He was already un-1 and other needed expenses. The Big der a $100 bond on a former charge! shows are coming to Raleigh Thurs- of selling whiskey. A special committee of the State Farmers' Alliance met Friday and decided to establish a semi-monthly paper to be known as the "Farmers' Friend." day, October 7th. Man Sold Ten Fictitious Bales of Cotton. (Continued from Page 1.) The pillars an' ceilings ov this temple air or pure white marble an' every inch ov surface iz covered with fig ures of heathen gods, human bein's. animals, an' flowers. In one great hall maidens danced; in another war riors fought; in a third flowers bloomed, awl bein. chiseled out of marble in the best or workmanship. When the Mohammedans conquered and invaded India they destroyed some ov the beautiful things found In this temple. Lord Curzon, the Eng lish Viceroy in India, attempted, to restore the temple to hits former beauty. But he found that hit wuz not possible to find marble to match that in the temple, hence hit iz still a mystery whar that marble cum from. With awl hits riches India iz not happy. The "plague" still exists. This disease hez killed countless thousands in that country. It iz es timated that ten thousand people die dally in India from that disease alone. The best medical talent haz bin employed fer years tryin' ter find a preventive an" a remedy, but with with only partial success. Bombay iz the leadin' manufactur ing city in India. Here air many large cotton mills. These mills air owned and operated by natives to a large extent. But English capital and energy introduced the industry. The Parsees air a peculiar religious sect found in India, bein especially strong In an' near Bombay. The He brews claim to have been the first believers in one God. But the Par sees dispute the claim. Their sacred books give history dating back az much az three thousand years before Christ, that iz, history ov the Par sees. The members ov this religious order, an they seem ter be religious, dress in a neat but peculiar style. both men and women, known az the Parsee costume. The original mem bers ov the denomination wuz most ly Persians. When the Moslems swept over Persia, conquerin' the country, they tried to force the Par sees to adopt the Moslem faith, the Moslems bein' very much like the members ov a certain well-known political party in the United States, not religious, but arrogant an' in tollerant. The Parsees, or a portion ov them, left Persia an' located at an' near Bombay, India. For more than nine hundred years they hev pre served their Identity in heathen India an' hev made gains, probably havln' a hundred thousand members in the world. They hev made Hindu con verts. They use fire az a symbol be cause fire iz the purest thing on A man who gave his name as C. The first issue will make I E. Jones, swindled Barbee & Co., its appearance not later than Novem- cotton buyers, out of near six nun ber 1st. Idred dollars a few days ago. Jones 1 00 Tth am flro v bant Vn rn in9 In trtolr I ua v x nvpv mj a 111 11 A.J. tuvii Three new Datients have been eiv- sold Barbee & Co.. one bale ol cot- temples day an nite . . . . . i en the Pasteur treatment In Raleigh I lon ana was Slven a ucei a. me The Parsees hes a peculiar form during the past few days. The nati- Dia"orm snowing weignt wnicn waa Qv burial ov their dead. Just out- ents are: Mr. Codv of Mount Alrv. I to be presented to Messrs. Barbee & side ov Bombay, near the sea. they Mr. Pennington of this city and Sam I Co- for Payment. Before presenting I hev, in the midst ov a beautiful gar- Harper, a colored ooy, of Kinston. I tne cet Jones maae u reaa eiev- jen, their "Towers of Silence." These All the parties had been bitten by I en Dale3 ana c&angea me weigm 10 are iarge circular buildin's without a mad dog3. I correspond. The man was paid for roof. within the wall iz a circular w t v v, m eleven bales and the iraua was noi platform slopin downward to a deep W. J. Y. Thurston, white, and Gar- HBtAftted Iintn after Jones had left tLii w. wnut 1 A v. v, -i I I " -" t .u a xai- nn 3; L wn"' TTn t J Qttp towu- J Ernest Smlth' aon f Mn dles he or she iz Prepared for burial rnni if'l t t, i m MBrcellus Smith, who lives in Houses an. the body iz carried to this garden rJSln LJf Creek Township, was arrested Fri- or i2 placed naked upon Thev 'w: ; ;7i:r 0ffe?8e' : platform which slants in the di x- , ' , made the offlcers oeneve mat ne som rection ov the well. Az soon az the rtr l.r . y. u i"1".0 his bale to another firm and was re- friends ov the departed leave the vul y, ji iu wit i.riu ol e- . . T.nthflr Thomnson. who was t- v., ef- 4- in Raleigh the aay "U. J. J ones soia Towers of Silence" swoop down up- w. K. Holmes, who on Friday as-1 the cotton was arrested Saturday, as on the corpse an' do not rise until saulted Frank Rogers, on Wilming-lthe offlcers believe he knows some- the bones air bare. The skeletons ton street, knocking him down with thing of the crime. He was required I finally fall into the well in the cen- an axe neive, was tried in Raleigh I to give bond In the sum or ?iuu. iter, where rich an' poor, good an' ponce court Saturday and sentenced I bad, mingle their bones together to the roads for six months. He ap-1 Wake Forest Man Killed by a Train. I aWaitin' eternity. A fixed rate ov five pealed to Superior Court. I m. . . nf wan. rupees Iz charged if the relatives air son a white man of Wake Forest, I aDle to Pay hit; if not, hit comes from North Carolina postmasters is nowwft, foimd bv the railroad track, a a common bu rial fund. Hit iz Indeed in session In Raledgh. Hon. P. V. j nalf miie from Wake Forest, early strange that a people who seem to be DeGraw, Assistant Postmaster-Gen-1 Sunday m0rning. Coroner Seapark, so intelligent, so religious, should erai, delivered an address before the I of Raleigh, was sent for to hold an convention. A barbecue was given inquest, but as the body was found the postmasters by the Raleigh! ,,, , th rnrnnti limits of Wake umDer oi commerce at tne air Forest, he stated that it was not Grounds yesterday (Wednesday) af-1 within his jurisprudence. Those who ternoon. !, TT nM Otot that ho moo tn a H rn n Vpn conditions. It is Wake Court Has Big Docket. posSiDie that he fell asleep oh the Wake County Superior Court con-1 railroad track and did not hear the vened Monday for a two weeks term I train approaching. He leaves a wife for the trial of criminal cases, Judge I and two children. Allen presiding. her adopted such a strange form or burial, The Parsees beleeve in education an' both men an' women her the same advantages. Some or the weal thy members or the order hev estab lished colleges, hospitals an other useful institutions. Hit iz doubtful if a similar sect kin be found any where in the world. English rule in India hez hits ad vantages. But hit awlso hez imper fections. India pays about two hun dred and twenty-five million dollars annually in taxes. If the masses ov the people were prosperous this would not be a large sum when the great population iz considered. But about one hundred millions or this goes to England never to return. Much ov the remainder iz paid to English officials who assist in man aging the country, and to English military officers and soldiers, part ov which iz sent to England, ov course. English civil officials residin' in India git about fifteen million ov dollars in the shape or salaries. Some day. perhaps, England will let up on India an the people will not hev slch heavy burdens to carry. Hit iz sed that one ov the reasons why Eneland keeps so many soldiers in India iz a fear that Russia will attempt to seize India. But that may be only a bit ov diplomacy. One or the real rea sons iz that the people or India air restless an air liable to attempt to throw off English rule at any time. England beleeves that an ounce ov prevention Iz worth a pound ov cure, an' she iz goin' to hold tight reins in India fer many years yet until they become loyal subjects. Well, I will now leave India to fight her own battles. Me an' Bob air goin' ter head fer China an Ja pan. After seeln' what them folks air up to, an' what they hev in those countries worth tellin' erbout, we will tackle the Philippine Islands, which air now sumpthin worth while. Az ever. ZEKE BILK INS. Autryville Items. Mr. Editor: As I haven't written any news for The Caucasian in a long while, I will now send you a few news-notes. Mr. Giles Hall, who has been ill with rheumatism for several days, continues quite ill. Messrs. Hinton Maxwell and C. M. Faircloth, of Clinton, were in this section some days ago. A picnic will be held at Concord church, in Cumberland, on Novem ber 5th, and Long Branch, Cedar Creek, Pleasant Union and Autry ville classes have been invited to convene with them. Capt. J. L. Au try, of Autryville, Route 1, and Mr. John A. Oates, of Fayetteville, are on the program for addresses. A protracted meeting closed at Autryville on the night of September 23rd by the pastor, Rev. W. J. Jones, of Salemburg. Mr. Jones is a fine speaker and seems to be very popu lar among the people. A protracted meeting will begin at Hall's Chapel on Saturday, October 2nd. The cotton fields are looking snow white. Cotton is selling in Fayetteville for thirteen cents per pound. That looks like prosperity. D. W. HALL. Autryville, N. C-. R. F. D. No. 1. For 75 Cents. Mr. A. V. Dockery's book on Fish tells all about fishing, baits, how to build and stock fish ponds. For sale by Commercial Printing Co., Raleigh, N. C. (adv4t). When writing adrertlsers, please mention this paper. There are 179 cases on the docket. There are some capital cases which are expected to come up at this term. One is against Dan Mizzell, charged with entering the home of Special Rates to the State Pair. Secretary Pogue says that the ex hibits at the State Fair this year are expected to outclass the exhibits of past years, and that many free at- 5f- o-,-?a i- AitTrmnt forma. oma XJI1 IZQl Ella Johnson, near the- Soldiers' I - tlta ani0itotnmBnt f th . fi "Uv. 'nTor Tie' raU- alias Bob Jones, of Barton's Creek Township, charged with the mider of his own child. It is alleged that roads are offering special rates to the Fair and several of the roads will run special trains for two or three llb 7.a!,!l?Pn!tPar: days during the Fair. The prospects ,7" are bright for an unusually large at 7 VI'UK . ".tendance this year. let hi3 wife go to the child, that Keith grew tired of the crying and went to the bed and choked it or slapped it on the cheek. The baby Giren Chance to Reform. Thirteen-year-old Marie Pulley, of hnchA fmmtnfw a ttlJ Johnston County, was placed on trial l OUlllUuCiu nub w iui uiq iuut- next mother went to the bedside morning she found It dead. Lovie Upchurch is to be tried for der of her foster father. Pulley had maltreated the girl, and she was not IT t T V t . standing she was to be placed in a I at Johnson street depot. There are also cases against -Foster Evans, Gordon Evans and David Jackson for the murder of Sue Hold ing, a negro, near Rolesville. Daniel Gill will be tried for rape and at tempt to commit rape. reformatory. The Unlucky Thirteen There were just thirteen cases called in the Raleigh police court Monday.. The charge against ten of the defendants was for being drunk and disorderly, while another was Giren Six . Tears in Jail. Hillman High, a white man of Wake County, who eloped with his neice, the daughter of Mr. James Markham, of Durham County, was tried yesterday fer forgery on three counts and sentenced to six years in Jail. iffift ammnnia in ilifforitnt forms, finm A slow, some active, to provide gradual Up&A and continual food to the plant from start to maturity. There is one fertilizer that does this one that is Nature's own provision for wheat crop one which contains ingredients that the chemists have never been able to put into fertilizer. It is genuine old Peruvian Guano Old farmers of Virginia and the Carolina's recall the splendid crops grown with Peruvian Guano years ago. No fertilizer discovered has ever equaled it tor producing enormous yields. Your land probably needs just such a soil improver. Order one or two tons and compare the results with those from any commercial fertilizer. Write for prices, and full information. . Agencies still open in some localities. Peruvian Guano Corporation, Richmorid, Va. Charleston, S. C. President Taft at Seattle. Seattle, Washington, Sept. 29. nlared imrfpr a hond of 1200 on the President Taft to-night reached the charir of retanw - iracmc coasi jusi iwu ww mm nis start irom uosion. xi wui wb Seattle for Tacoma on Friday. A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Mr. Druggist! Quick! box of Bucklen's Arnica Salv Here's a quarter For the lore of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned him self, terribly Johnnie cut his foot with the axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Billle has bolls and my corns ache. She got It and soon cured all the family. Its the greatest healer on earth. Sold by all druggists. WE WANT AGENTS. We want good agents in erery county in North Carolina. We are still working to secure ten thousand subscribers before January 1, 1910- and we must hare them. If you are open for a good proposition, write us at once. Address, THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh. N. C. DEALERS IN FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS All kinds of Stoves and Ranges, Bed Room Suits, and in fact anything needed to furnish your home. We are the exdnsire agents for the Lynchburg Sanitary Spring Felt Mattress, the best known to man. Get our prices before placing your order. Our terms are CASH or CREDIT. 128-130 East Martin Street, - RALEIGH, H. C. Pardoned, Bat R Arrested. Governor Kitchin baa had Will lata Lawder, of Morganton, whom he pardoned in April, arrested, and the prisoner must show cause why his pardon should not be revoTed, or he will resume his term. Lawder was convicted at the March term, 1908. of Burke Superior Court, of selling spirituous liquor without license, and sentenced to jail in three cases for terms aggregating eighteen months. On April 10, 1909, Governor Kitchin granted him a pardon on condition that he remain law-abiding and of good behavior. It has since been made to appear to the Governor by affidavits and otherwise that he has repeatedly violated the condi tions of his pardon. NOT IN THE CIRCUS TRUST mm 4 Big S" Wild West-3 Menageries RALEIGH THURSDAY 7 Bu siness Locals. SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE of furni ture and housefurnishings. A 10 per cent discount on everything In our store until October 20th. Come In and see our bargains. Goodwin-Smith Furniture Co., 128-130 East Martin Street. Raleigh, N. C. TEX PER CENT DISCOUNT on fur niture and housefurnishings at Goodwin-Smith Furniture Co. , It is time to get busy. WANTED Several good agents to solicit subscriptions for The Cauca sian. Write at once for terms. Ad dress The Caucasian Raleigh, N. C. FOR SALE A Sun typewriter at a bargain. Has been used only six months. Address "F," care The Caucasian, Raleigh, N. C. KEEP SICKNESS .Out of your homes, hotels, restaurants, mills and factories, by using Woodhouse Nickle Water Filters. Fit any faucet. 25 cts. 3 for 50 cts., 6 for $1. Dozen, $2. Sent by mall everywhere on receipt of price. Order today, and commence drink ing pure water. Henry Francis Woodhouse, Elizabeth City, N. C, U. S. A. Box 30. WANTED All farmers who grow Simpkins Prolific Cotton to bring their seed to me at any time. Warehouse 315-316, S. Blount St, Raleigh, N. C, back of W. A. Wyatt's store. W. A. Simpkins. FOR SALE CHEAP. A $40 schol arship in Draughons Business Col lege. Will dispose of it to person making the best offer. Write at once for particulars. Address P. O. Box "O" Raleigh, N. C. 100 Noted Artist-100 Hew Acts-100 Feature Acts GREATEST RIDERS. MOST NOTED ACROBATS. FAMED GYMNASTS 50 Clowns. 10 Menage Acts. Troupe Trained Horses HORSE BACK RIDING SEA LIONS. TROUP JAPANESE AND ARABS WflRRFM TRAVR champion heavy weight lifter WrtlULli IIVHVIO And Strong MaQ allowing Xwo Big Maxwell Automobiles to Run Over his Body at Same Time 3 Complete Wlenageries-3 Herds of Big Performing Elephants KING'S COMPLETE WILD WEST THE MARKETS. How Is Your Sole? If it needs reoairiae brincr it to me. Can repair your shoes on short notice. work guaranteea to De nrst ciass. J. H. REAVIS, Shoe Maker, No 8, E. Morgan St., Raleigh, N. C. FOR RENT. Two. four, or six-horse tarm. Bight party i J L- 4. A n n 1 T a can mat tuw uuiu ji'i J. H. GILL, Iron Foundry, BlUlOH, N. C. Or F. A. WHITAKEB R. F. O. Vo. 3. Ralkioh, i. C. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Thursday by Chas. K Johnson A Co.) Good middling, 12 c. Strict middling, 12 c. Middling, 12 c. When writing adyertisers, please mention this paper. Southern Ry. Schedule. (In Effect March 14, 1909.) N. B. These figures are puhlished as Information ana are not guar anteed. 4.30 a. m. No. 112 for Goldsboro and local stations handles Pullman sleeDlne car from Greensboro to Ra leigh. Connects at Selma and Golds boro with A. C. Lw and with Noriouc and Southern for Morehead City 8.4S a. m. Wo. 21. through train from Goldsboro-Ralelgh to Asherille, handles Southern Railway Parlor car. Goldsboro to Asherille. Con nects at Greensboro with Main Line trains North and South. 12J&Q dw nu No. 144 for Golds boro and local stations, handles Pull- 20 COW BOYS. 20 COW GIRLS. TRIBE INDIANS In Every Known Kind of Western Sport and Pastimes Company of U. S. Cavalry In All Kinds of Monkey Drills and Riding. Grand Free Street Parade AT 10 00 A. M. DAILY, R-lN OR SHINE. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY. DOORS OPEN 1 AND 7 P. M. CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS man sleeping car irom Atlanta to Raleigh. Connects at Selma with A C. L. North and South end at Golds boro with A. C. L. for Wilmington and Norfolk and Southern tor More head City. 4.05 p. m. No. 139, for Greens boro, through train stopping only at MorrisTille, Durham, University, and larger stations. Handles Pullman sleeping car through from Raleigh to Atlanta. Connects at Greensboro with Main Line trains North and South; at Salisbury with AaheYllle Knoxville and Memphis train. 0.30 p. nx. No. 22, for Goldsboro and local stations, connects at Selma with A. C. L. for Fayetteville and at Goldsboro with A. C. L. North. Han dles Southern Railway Parlor car Asherille to Goldsboro. 11.59 p. m- No. Ill, leares at 2 a. m. for Greensboro, connects with Main Line trains North and South. Handles Pullman sleeping car to Greensboro, which is open at Raleigh for occupancy at 9 p. m. S. H. HARDWICK, P. T. 1L H. F. CART, G. P. A., C. H. ACKERT. V.-P. ft G. M-. Washington, D. C. R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A-. Raleigh, N: C J. O. JONES, Raleigh, N. C. Norfolk & Southern Ry. Ilarrr K. Woloott and Hugh M. Ktrr, Keoetvera. WEEK CNO I0UR9 TMP UCU8S10K TICKET! TO NORFOLK, VA.. At Attractive Low Rates lor Seaaoo 1909. raox. mocTK. nm Ralelch, N. O, Via N.A S.Ry..... $b 00 Wendell. N. C " ,mnm po Zebulon. N. C, t co wuson N. a.00 Karmvin. N. C.... too Greenville, N.C .... 1.00 Orlmesland, N. C... " too Ooldaboro. N. C, s.70 Kinston. y. c," . . s.70 New Bern. N. C 1.70 Vanceboro. N C Via. S.A K.Rv S to CboeowlDltF, N. C.... " qq Washlncton, N O... " . a. 00 Pine town, N. " ..... c0 Plymouth. N. C, . " ..... . is Marker's Kerry. N.C. 4.10 via N.taRi direct or via Uoldiboro and A.C.LH.K, Fares for children 6 rears of as and u&dsr 12 ball ol above lares, Tlcteu on sale lor morning trains only at urdar. Mar 2Mb. ISAM, and every Saturday thereafter, to and tncludlns Katarday. fiep Umber 4. 1B0S. Tic kefs Uiultd three dart, tncludlns date of sale. No stopovers allowed In either direction. The only Una In Eastern North Carolina operating trains Into the city of Knrfcuk. Ks preas passenger train service dally, tinqtt Hunday. between Goldsboro. N. OL. Kinston. New Bern. Raleigh. Wllaon.OreenvfUe, Wash Uurton. Plymouth. N. O. and Norfolk, Va. tiectrtc service to Virginia Beach and Cape Henry. Va, round-trip tickets tb cents. Traine leav City Hall avenu. opposlta MoatlosUo UoteL, Norfolk, Va, every half hour. U. C. UUDUINS. Oen. faas. Agent. Norfolk, Va. A VERY LIBERAL OFFER! In Order to Double Our Large Circulation We Are Making Subscribers the Following Offer: Splendid Self -Tightening Shears FREE r - 'uw "v r m m - Gmtu rm uoavumx . I f ACCfMPAMCSUCMPASI J ' 4 n 1 k sUPIUE0OfaiAlUTC0BY To each person who sends us one dollar for a years subscription to The Caucasian, Same offer is open to our old subscribers. All subscriptions must be paid in advance that is the way we pay lor the shears. These scissors retail for 8o cents, and are guaranteed for five years. All subscribers outside of Raleigh will please send 15 cents extra to cover cost of mailing, packing, etc Address . THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh, North Carolina.