.n ' ' -- " . I . 1 1 I 1 RU)K OP FAITTI. Life is a whirr of wheels, A shrike of escaping steam; Life is a mumble, A roar and a rumble, A flash of the headlight's gleam. He hath much to dread, he hath much to fear. Who hath small faith in his Engi neer. Facing the darkness ahead. Someone with sleepless eyes Watches the lights. Thro the misty nights. While a soul sings its lullabies. He cannot count the gift too dear, Who hath great faith in his Engi neer. Josephine Page Wright, In Nation al Magazine. kinds of vegetables, such as pota toes, Hubbard squash, and pumpkins are imoroved by steaming rather than by boiling. Selected. HARIiO'S GOOD-BYE. "I came to bid you good-bye," said Harlo. "I am going to Decatur at 2 o'clock. "I hope you will have a pleasant time," Mrs. Dodda said. "I am sorry the babies can not see you; but they are still asleep. Of course, you will - A LITTLE GEXTLE3LLS. I know a well-bred boy who never says "I can't;" He never says, "Dor't want to," or "You've got to. or "You shan't;" He never says "I'll tell mamma!" or calls his playmates "mean." A lad more careful of his speech I'm sure was never seen! He's never u grammatical he never mentions "ain't;" A slnele word of slang from him would make his mother faint! And now I'll tell you why It Is (lest this should seem absurd): He's now exactly six months old, and can not speak a word! St. Nicholas. LEARNING TO SWIM. A professional swimmer. who be very busy all the morning, so you learned to swim in the Danish Royal had to come early." "Yes'm," Harlo said; "there's al ways a great deal to do when you are going on a trip. I guess I would better be going now. Good-bye." He shook hands soberly. He was much too important to be kissed to-day Navy, says that any person can learn to swim in fifteen minutes. This," he writes, "Is my method You are my pupil now, and we are standing on the beach facing the sea. First of all, the ocean Is your friend. It wants to carry you if you will but L. M. HORNADAY, Wheelwright and Machinist, Cardenas, North Carolina. SHOR AT JOHNSON'S MILL I build Log Wagon and Log Carta. Good work at beat prices. R'P3 all kind of wagons and buggies. Repair engines and boilers and Co all kinds of machine work. Give me a trial. THE ART OF BOILING. How rare li Is to find this simple operation well done, and how often do we hear the expression of boiled ham and beef: "Fine flavor, but so tough!" Few housekeepers know that the fault generally lies in the hasty boiling. Slow and lengthy boil ing in plenty of water is what ten ders meat. A fair-sized ham, if placed in the kettle at 10 o'clock In the forenoon and kept slowly boiling or simmering on the back of the stove or range, has abundant time to be done by 5 o'clock in the after noon. It is a good plan to remove the kettle. The same rule applies to salted beef. Corned beef is general ly a hard, dry fare, but if properly cooked In plenty of water it should be as tender and Juicy as roast beef However, what applies to meat does not apply to vegetables. For them, with few exceptions, quick boiling is necessary. Cut a head of cabbage in quarters, place in a ket tle of boiling water and boil until tender and no longer, as this vegeta ble loses its flavor and color if over boiled, and becomes rank, yellow and wilted. Green peas should be placed in boiling water with only Just enough water to cover them, to which may be added a spoonful of sugar, and when nearly done a very little salt, a generous piece of good butter and. Just' before dishing them, a half cupful of sweet cream. As asparagus is an early vegetable and often takes the place of green peas, it may be cut In inch lengths and boiled half an hour, but seasoned more sparingly than green peas. The Irish potato, so generally used In most families, can be greatly im proved after paring by standing In cold water an hour before cooking. This common and nutritious vegetable should be placed in boiling water and kept rapidly boiling until it can be easily pierced by a fork, after which the water should be turned off at once. Place the kettle on the back of the stove, put on the cover and let them steam until served, and the family will be rewarded by a prime, dry, mealy potato instead of a soggy, insipid, water-logged specimen. In by-gone days the capacious pud ding bag, made from strong linen cloth, was considered a household necessity, as boiled puddings of some description often graced the family dinner table, especially among the farming class, with large families and good healthy appetites. They were often made from scalded corn meal, stirred to the right consistency, interspersed witn anea Dernes or cherries; the life of the pudding was in the manner in which it was boil ed. After being put In the pudding bag it was placed in a kettle of boil ing water; not for one moment must it cease boiling for the space of three hours, and the bag was occasionally turned over, lest It adhere to the side or bottom of the kettle. A sauce of sweet cream, thickened with maple sugar, usually accompanied this pudding. Among various other kinds, a ver itable English plum pudding occa sionally appeared, which was com pounded in the following manner: Raisins well stoned, currants well washed, one pound each; suet finely chopped, one pound; add bread, fine ly pulverized, one-half pound; three ounces of sugar, one ounce of grated lemon peel; mace, half a grated nut meg; three teaspoonfuls of ginger; seven eggs well beaten; half a cupful of sweet milk; the same of flour. This compound was worked by the hand until well mixed together, af ter which It was placed In the pud ding bag, leaving space, however, for the pudding to swell; after which it was dropped In a large -kettle of boiling water and boiled without a moment's intermission for the space of two and a half hours. Sauce, one cupful of sugar, one of boiling wa ter, one ounce of butter; this sauce is thickened with a heaping spoonful of flour. But, except In a -few in stances, the pudding bag has become obsolete; wisely superseded by the kitchen steamer, from whose depths quite a large pudding may be steam ed with less anxiety and care. But the same principle applies to steam ing as to boiling. Placed over a ket tle of boiling water, the ebulition must not for a moment cease. Some VV 11 ana. twuuo n s Kt.t-M.iie, - iaot hhv hA rame in aeain. "May 1 1 live m tne waier, you must ue uuwn bid Helen and Virginia good-bye to your wonc; you must su-aigmen now?" he said. "There might be a out your body run lengtn rD.t and t wouldn't ever see them I the fishes, nave you " ' . ... I ... i lfalff TV, o again." He kissed Virginia's soapy nsn mamug .. iuo little head and shook hands with water wm not suppon you n yuu uc Helen. "T suTinose they will both be I yourself In a knot. crmwn a lnt when I eet back." he "Lie down on your back here on said. "I am eoine to stay till Mon- the sand; straighten your body like day" Then he put the rubber kitty an arrow; raise your chin as high as in the rinii hiietrv. the rubber doll and possiDie. in mis posiuon me wmu the re doll on too of the kitty, and will float any numan Doay aimosi he and Helen played. But when the any length of time. Why? Because clock struck ten he shook hands every square men oi your Doay sur amin "I must eo dress now." he face Is spread upon the water, so to said, "and have my luncheon. I don't speak, giving it a chance to support want to miss the train." 1 you property Give mv love to your Aunt Ida," "Your head weighs about twenty fr nndda said. "We shall be lone- nve pounas. xnow, me imuui yuu I . i J 1 X some without you." raise your neaa anu every oegiuuw Mrs. Dodds was putting her dinner does that-instinctively to see wnere nn tho table when Harlo. dressed in he Is you go down. You are simpiy GENERAL MERCHANDISE. To my friends and customers throughout this section : I am prepared to offer a better stock of genera! merchandise for the winter trade than ever before. HIGHEST PRICfcS FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE LINE OF SHOES. Call and see my stock. - EAGLE ROCK, N.C. FULL C. J. RHODES, ALWAYS IN THE LEAD! INSPECT MY 8TOCK OF Fruits, Candies. Confectioneries, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobaccos. A complete up-to-date stock all the season. Come to see me at my old stand (Spence Building), 126 East Martin Street, and ask for prices before you make your purchases elsewhere. Yours truly, strict) Plumes AT LESS THAN HALF MICE. - lMn. plumes $1.35, worth $4.00 18-in. " 2.75. " 7.00 22 In. " 6.75 " 14.00 WUW Phuaes. 14-ln. 35.50 1 18 In. 7 00 jP In all colon Send P. O. money order. Your money will be returned if roa are not pleased. DfliMaiJCrtirCoacjn l114. lfci.l.C. 3 .. his best clothes, came again. "I thought Mr. Dodds might be at home." he said. "I wanted to bid him good-bye." "I am sure I don't know how we are to get on without you," Mrs. Dodds said while he waited. "You are so good to amuse Helen when I get Virginia to sleep. "I am afraid you will miss me, Harlo said, "but I am tired from go- trying to break a natural law that re fuses to be broken. As soon as you raise that twenty-five-pound lump of bone and brain from contact with the water, how can you expect the water to carry it? "After this lecture, I take the pu pil out into the water as far as bis chest. Then I fling him on his back and tell him to do exactly as he did on the sand chin up, body straight, I i I 126 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. R. C. BA1CHELOR. Shipments made to any part of tho State at same price as at shop. MQMJMERTS COOPER BROS.. Hroprs H ftAUUOH. x. o OK NO ". CATALOQU t3sTWhea writing to Advertiser mention the Ca $1.00 EXPRESS PAID. f l.OO, EXPKKSS PAia "IdeaJ Alcohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Room, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light Hou neeping, or wnerever uas is nui avauauie or uesirv.i. IT MAKES IIS OWN GAS ABSOLUTELY 8A.VK Smokeless and Odorless, . Weighs Only Eight km CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS It Bolls a Quart of Water In Nine Minute. $1.00. Express Paid. $1.00. Express pHid Bart-Ward Hardware Company. RALEIGH N P. aoccoooooocooooooeoocoocooQoooocooQOQOooocococococooaa ing to school so long. A change will no motion, uvery time a wave be good for me." He shook hands threatens to break over him I warn with all the family and went away him to close his mouth. In a few aealn minutes he realizes that the ocean, Tt was almost two when Mrs. Har- wnicn ne reared, is reany carrying dy ran into Mrs. Dodds' house. "You him without the slightest effort on must come and help persuade Har-1 his part. lo," she said. "He says he Isn't go- "Now extend your arms sideways ine to Decatur, because you need land sweep them slowly through the him." "After all his planning!" Mrs. Dodds said. But Harlo was only ppr- suaded when his mother had prom ised to give Mrs. Dodds the time she usually gave to him. " 'Cause a woman with two babies needs help," he said. The Children's Tribune. IiOCE-AXG-EL-ESS Every visitor to Southern Califor nia is predestined to a tussle with the pronounciation of the name in the center of our Italy. Mr. C. F. Lum- water until hands touch hips again. You muct turn the palms so as to get a purchase on the water. Simultan eously, you must raise your knees, not out of the water, but spreading them as far apart as possible while raising them almost flush with the hips. Now give a long, striding kick, so that your heels and your toes get a purchase on the water. The kick propels your body forward. "When a man has learned to float and to swim on his back, he has learned enough to practice on for some time. As soon as he is pro ficient at swimming on his back, I begin to teach him the side stroke, M gents Wanvlked To Write LIFE INSURANCE for the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. WE PAY THE FREIGHT. Durham Marble Aorks DURHAM, fSI c. More than $50,000 Paid to Home People Last Year. All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. No high salaried officers to support. Apply to H. E. .KING, Sec'y-Treas., RALCtGM, M. C. Box 22 mis, editor of Out West and public librarian of Los Angeles, is the most ani wnen he has mastered these, the redoubtable champion of the correct tmdgeon and -the breast strokes." pronounciation. He has written to I The Scotsman. several newspapers in an effort to set The Wonderful Headache and Neuralgia. The om that ha stood ti Test for years. 25 cts. and 50 ct. Bottles. 10 ct. Dose at Fountains. There are a number of new preparations on the market but Antlcephalalgine still leads them all in elegance and efficiency. :; :: :: :: :: :: : rOR SALE BY ALL DRUOGIQT people straight. Mr. Liummis says that "it is a curious predicament when the very inhabitants of an American city call its name In no less than twelve different ways, of which eleven are wrong and five are barbarous. This unhappy and prob ably unique distinction belongs to Los Angeles, Cal. Yet It Is old enough to be known better. It was properly pronounced for more than a century before the new immigra tion set up so tall a "Tower of Bab el." The following local jingle, the librarian says, covers the case rea sonably well: "The lady would remind you, please. Her name Is not Lost Angle Lees, Nor Angle anything whatever. She hopes her friends will be so clever To share her fit historic pride The G shall not be jellified; O long, G hard, and rhyme with 'yes And all about Loce-ang-el-ess.' Selected. OXLY A LACK OF FACILITIES. Clara's aunty took her for a visit to Niagara Falls. After viewing the great waterfall for some time, and the little girl failing to make any re marks, aunty tried to draw some ex pression from her as to what she thought of the spectacle. Finally she said: : "Clara, don't you think the falls are beautiful, wonderful?" and was amazed at the child's nonchalant re ply: "Oh, yes, I s'pose so; but I fink our creek at heme could do It If it had a place." Woman's Home Companion. E. B. EVANS & SONS, NO. 8 EAST DAVIB. ST., RALEIGH, RL U M BERS. . Oaa and Steam Fitting, and Gen eral Repair Work. First-class work at moderate prices. NAILING IT FAST. Once, when I was a little school girl, a visitor said something in a speech he made to us which I shall never forget. suppose," saia he, "you. were building a house, and instead of put ting the shingles and weatherboards on with nails, you fastened them in place with tacks. It would be a fool ish way to work, would it not? For the first high wind would send them flying off in all directions. None of I you would do so silly a "thing as that. I am sure. But how are you doing your school work day by day? Are you Just tacking the lessons on so they will stay long enough for the recitation and then drop off your memory, or are you nailing them fast, so that they will stay on for life and become a good, sound part of your education?" King's Own. FRIGHTFUL FATE AVERTED. "I w6uld have been a cripple for life, from a terrible cut on my knee cap," writes Frank Disberry, Kelli her, Minn., without Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, which soon cured me." In fallible for wounds, cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old Sores, Boils, and Skin Eruptions. World's best for Piles. 25c. at all Druggists. CHESAPEAKE STEAMSHIP PANY. COM- Superb Service to Baltimore via- Chesapeake Line. Palatial Steamers "Columbia and "Augusta." DINING ROOM ON SALOON DECKS Elegant table d'hote dinner, 75c; club breakfast, 25c. to 60c Polite attention and the very best service In every way. WANTED Success Magazine requires the services of a man in Wake county u look after expiring subscriptions and secure new business by me ns of special methods unusually effective; position permanent: prefer one with eipe rience, but would consider any applicant with good natural qualifications: salary $1.50 per day with commission option. Address with references. R. C Peacock, Room 102, Success Magazine Bid.. New York. THE $2.00 RATE Portsmouth-Norfolk on Sun days Will Continue Until Sunday. 3ept 5th. - The low Sunday rate of $2.00 from Raleith to Portsmouth-Norfolk via. the Seaboard which have proved so popular this summer will be contiuubd on sale SUNDAYS AUGUST 22XD-29TH AND SEP TEMBER 5TH, 1909. Tiekets are sold for No. 32, leaving Raleigh Saturday night at 1.10 a. m.. good returning . only on No. 30 leaving Portsmouth at 9 p.m. on date of sale only. The $2.00 rate carries to Frankllnlon, $1.75 from Klttrell and Henderson, 81.50 Norlina to Vaughan. $1.25 Littleton and Weldon. A delightful Sunday outing and opportuni ty to visit the Virginia seashore resorts. Special cars provided and trains' run In sections if necessary to comfortably handle the tourists. C II. GATTls, D. P. A., Kalkigh. n. C MONEY COMES IN BUNCHES To A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell, N. Y., now. His reason is well worth reading: "For a long time I suffered with indigestion, torpid lirer, con stipation, nervousness, and general wuuu 1.1 weunesaay ana mnaay, o:ou p. m. ip,.iuiu no appeute nor amouion. for Baltimore and all points North; Bicw wCer every aay m spue oi i arrives Baltimore 8:30 a. m. WE SOLICT CRITICISM OP OUR SERVICE. Leave Norfolk 6 p. m Old Point 7 p. m., dally (except Sunday) ; ar rive Baltimore 7 a. m., connecting with rail lines for Philadelphia, New York, and all points North and West. "YORK RIVER LINE." Elegant Passenger Steamer "At lanta" leaves West Point Monday. ail medical treatment. Then used Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles re stored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to business every day. "It's a wonderful medi cine." Infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kianeys, Blood and Nerves. 50c. at all Druggists. Steamers call at Gloucester Point, Clement's Clay Bank, and Allmond's. R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. C. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A., Norfolk, Va. C. L. CANDLER, Q. A., ' Norfolk, Va. Ba tuno' Steam Packet Co. OLD BAY LINE Baltimore and All Points North, East and West U. S. MAIL STEAMERS Equipped With Wireless Telegraphy Florida (new), Virginia (new), Alabama. Lv. Portsmouth. High St .... 2-5.30 p. m L.v. Norfolk. Main St . 6.30 p. m Lv. Old Point, Hi reia Pier 7.30 p. m Ax. Baltimore. Light St- Pier 7.00 a. m NORTHBOUND P.R.R. j B. A O. Lv. Baltimore f T.56 a. m. 1 7.55 a. m Ar. Philadelphia 110.15 a. m. 10.15 a. m Ar. New York ... 112.43 p. m. 112.35 p. m iDaily except Sunday. 'Dally. Meals a la carte. Menu Includes every dell cacy oi the season. Hot and cold, fresh and salt water baths. - Tickets sold and stateroom reserved upon application at Company's Office, ld9 Main Si.. or on board steamer. For further Information, apply to - J AS. . BR YD, Oen'l Pass. Agent Baltimore, Md. ' . W. BROWN. Jr.. So. Pas. Agent. Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets. Granite Work and Marble Tile for Building. X II Write for estimates or particulars. : : Established in 1878. j scoccoococea Norfolk & Southern Railway Harry K-.Wolcott and Hugh M. Kerr, Receivers. DIREC T ROUTE -TO .THE- Great Atlantic Ocean Resorts Morehead City and;Beaufort. North Carolina Attractive Low Fares For Season 1909 FROM THE GAVINESS LILLINGTON V. C. New Building, 5ew Furniture. Ererj' thin? Modern. No town In the South the size of Lllllngton has hotel equal to the CAVINESS. The patronage of the travelling public Is solicited DR. J. E. CAVINESS PROPRIETOR. Raleigh Division Raleigh, N. C Knlghtdale, N. C Kagle Kock, N. C. Wendell, N. C Zetmlon, N. C. ... I Middlesex. N. C I Bailey. N. C. Wilson. N. C Stantonsbur g, N C Walstonburg, N.C Farmvllle. N. C. . Greenville. N. C. Griniesland, N.C. Chocowlnity. N.C ran, lie o Dituub Vanceboro. N. C. Frederick, N. C... Washington. N.C, H. STEINMETZ FLORIST RALEIGH, N.C. Roses, Carnations, and other choice cut flowers for all oc- ' ' castena. - 'BoBqufct and Floral Designs.' Palms, Ferns, Large collection of imported bulbs just received. Hyacinths, nar - cissis, tulips, and many other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. Mail and telephone orders solicited. :: :: :: :: GO TO THE BARHAM HOUSE AT rBQUAY 8PIU3TG8. K. V For Health, Convenience and Com fort Katm. tl.00 per day or 16.00 per week. B. 8 BARH AM, Proprietor, Fug nay Springs. N P. Oocond Hand Hall's Gafe For sale at about one-fourth cost Address, Box 374, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh & Southport R'y Schedule of Passenger Trains. Effec tive Oct. 4, 190SV 55 61 p.m. ajn. 1.15 6-00 1.54 8.42 .11 6-59 8-S3 7.14 2.35 7. 28 2.55 7.45 3.15 8.06 3.41 8.28 4.31 9.15 P.BL a.m. . STATXOHS. Lit Raleigh Ar. Lv.. .McCullers .Lv. Lv Willow Spring Lt. Lv Varina Lt. LYFuQuaySpringBLv. Lv Kipling.... Lt. Lv LillinctOB -Lt. Lv Linden Lt. Ar. Fayeuerille .Lv. nrnsoao fair 52 54 a.m p.m. 8.yvf 3.45 7.53 3-03 7.37 2.45 7.27 2.34 7.19 2-as 7.00 2.0S 8.41 1.44 6-15 1-47 6.30 12.30 a.m. p.m JXO.A.flILLS. Pres. When writing advertisers, please mention this paper. To MOREHEAD CITY and Return Sussa lickrts Mi Daily Ex. Santay limit Oct 31. 'OS S6 45 6 45 6 45 6 45 5 05 4 95 4 35 5 80 3 45 2 60 S 60 Ftvt-Dar Witk-Esi Tickits Tickitt SsM Oilty Soli Sat Ex. Msoay m4 Sanity tisutta a si Trait Fht Days Limits tecladmf Fatlatiaf Data of Sato Tsatdiy SO 4 50 6 50 4 50 o 60 4 50 6 50 4 50 6 60 4 60 5 25 4 40 4 U5 4 25 4 So S 45 4 35 8 45 4 35 3 45 4 35 3 45 4 00 3 45 3 55 3 05 4 25 2 75 2 30 2 10 3 00 2 60 3 35 2 DO To BEAUFOKT ani J U-turn rtn Da Ssoiay Sams I Tic eti Tickets Tickits So Bati Soli Smsay Soil Daily ti Sai4ay Dtfy I U SOSSif unit UMitwi Uita4 lnt Oars Date st Sal Oct It. 09 tncarf tf Dat st Sail 32 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 25 1 50 1 60 16 65 6 65 6 65 6 65 6 25 5 15 4 55 4 00 3 65 2 80 3 80 Wort iH ; Tickiti Sacs SaM in Tcms ao4 Swtfty St a. st li. to Cwitrt Una fe'kwi.f btid Sat F 70 & 70 5 70 6 70 6 70 6 45 6 15 4 55 4 46 4 55 4 55 4 20 3 75 3 45 2 DO 3 20 3 65 4 70 4 TO 4 TO 4 TO 4 TO 4 t -0 4 V) :t u 3 3 I) 3 til 3 7- 1 'j 2 :vi l 3 13 pa 2T !S fX ITS IT4 JTS 238 s ae l s tv I 3 1 1 70 1 4T 1 T9 in Fares tor children five (6) years o( ace and under twelve (12). hall of above farm. sit and Five-Day tlckeU on sale May 15. 1909. to and Including -sept 30. IWitt. V-k-Knd tlfk"" on sale May 15. 1909 to and Including Hept. 25, 1909. "isunday tickets on ie lor -uBay morning trains, June 6th. 1909 to and Including Sunday. August 29th. 1909. Ur!n nW irlt Kalelgh. 6.00 a. m., Wilson. 77 a. m. Green vUle. 9:17 a. Waahlnnton. 9:45 a m . on tb dates direct for Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C. Returning, train leavt-s w auiori p. m., Morehead city, 6-25 p. m. same day, stopping Intermediate Stations I'aiHgti to N Bern. Inclusive, In both directions. fNo stopovers In either direction will be allowed. ' bairgage will be checked on tickets sold on Hunday fares. "tBathlng. aalllntf arid lihlct IThrough express trains. lThe Atlantic Hotel. Morehead City. N. C will be oim-w-A It U season June 1st. 1909. H. C. HUDUINS. General Passenger Agent. Norloik. Va. Norfolk & Southern Railway Harm K. floleoU and Hugh ML Kerr, Receiver. DIRECT ROUTE : TO THE Great Atlantic Ocean Resorts Morehead City and Beaufort, North Carolina v ATTRACTIVE LOW PARES rOR SEASON 1909 FARES FROM Beaofart Dtriaio Ooldsboro, N. C. Bests. N.C LaOrange. N. C Falling Creek, NC Klnston. N.C Caswelt N. C Dover, N. C Cove. N. C Tuscarora, N. C .. New Bern. N. C Rlverdale. N. C Croatan. N. C Havelock. N. C NewDorU N. C WUdwood, N. C Orital Brmach Reeisboro, N. C Grantsboro, N. C. Bayboro. N. C I Stonewall. N.C. Oriental, N. C To MOREHEAD CITY and Return Tickits Saii 8a0y Oct 31. '83 34 00 3 75 3 50 3 30 3 00 2 90 2 70 2 35 2 10 1 60 1 40 1 20 90 60 40 2 60 2 70 2 90 ni-Day Tickats Sail Baity Uattai Fin Days lacMnf Data sf Sale! 13 10 300 2 85 2 75 2 60 2 40 , 2 25 2 10 200 1 60 1 40 1 20 9a 2 10 2 25 240 250 2 65 Wssklsi Tkttts SsHi Sat Lssftri Fattswisf KSPsa sat SsMfar a . Iran liaitas FaMaekof Tsstsaf 12 25 2 15 2 05 1 95 1 85 1 75 -1 65 1 66 1 45 1 35 1 25 1 15 - SO 60 - 40 1 45 1 60 1 75 .1 85 ZOO Ssasay TKSttS SaM Sshsay Liswtes- BatssfSais To BEAUFORT and lieturn 31 60 1 60 1 60. 1 40 1 25 1 25 1 15 1 10 1 05 1 00 95 90 80 60 40 1 10 1 10 1 25 1 25 1 25 Saasas Tckrts SaM Daily laaRa Set 31. tt 14 30 8 95 3 70' 8 60 3 20 3 10 2 90 2 65 2 30 1 80 1 60 1 40 1 10 70 60 280 2 90 3 10 Fto-Dar Tfckats Sawastff laattas fwt Days Oats st Saia S3 30 3 20 305 2 95 2 70 2 60 2 45 2 30 3 20 1 79 1 60 1 40 1 10 2 30 2 45 2 60 2 70 2 85 Tickits Sa Sat jaaM I (!( TMS FatktKiaf jjjg j Maasay j a as SaatV lm4 ".J?"SataK l won i Fadawct TaaMay 2 45 2 35 2 25 2 15 2 00 1 90 1 K 1 75 1 65 1 66 1 45 1 35 1 10 70 60 1 C5 1 60 1 95 1 OC 2 20 tia 1 IT ! !5 1 I 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 1 1 I . .F6" Jof children five (5) years of age and under twelve (12). ball ol above fare fJ and Five Day tickets on sale Mar 15. 1909. to n in.inn. c't:. aunu a.--k t-nd i-lfIt.. on sale May 15. 1909, to and Including Stpt. 28, 19C9. Sunday ticketTon sale May I& 19J, tnl5fPt toPo;" to either direction wl bi aTlowed. b"JZl will Be checked on tickets sold at Sunday lares. Bathing, sailing, and flablng. i!?lDf CmJL8e.rTlCvl!elwen Ojeenaboro. N. C Morehead city and Beautort. N-,- rJLVi?J,ti,VGoW'boI0' .N- forehead City and Beaufort. N. CX. will tntA lmU. n?" Trta Service between Nor (oik. Va- New lra-i& head City and Beaufort. N.C Th Ati.nti ut.i r, t,i k,wbw the season June ut. 1909. r w.. H. C HUDGIXS, General Passenger Agent. Norfolk. L. G; GILL BALEIGH. S. a CLOTHES PRESSED, CLEANED OR ALTERED ii limiMWli I ItaTe opf)ni3d In New Bern. N-jJ an, up-tcMlat broom and m&ttrw factory. Brooms and Mattresse oi grades and sizes at the rery Ww prices. Tours for buslne. r : O.T. txsssr- Address crders to Box 4Sf.

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