Potioocion MEETING OF GOOD ROADS ASSO- Ioor Itarfcey Imagined Hinwelf Very Tn6 oauccibia.li ciatiox.- .inch. . I t AND UALKICill KMLKI'IUMK. I Kalrlsh, X. --t January 20, 1910. En ml at the Post-ofilce in Kaletjrh. N. C. iei 'inrl class mail matter. Local Matters Secretary Ha Called a Meeting to lie Held In Ualeigh, January 27 ' James Plummer. an xred nerro of Raleigh, was before the Police Jos '. lice Saturday morning on the charge Professor Joseph Hyde Pratt, State of vagrancy. The negro, who La half Geologist and Secretary of the North . wilted, was Indignant when told he Carolina Good Roads Association has; was a vagrant. He told the court called a meeting of the Association s that he owned the CItUens National The banks of Raleigh were closed yesterday in honor of Lee's birthday. Mr. W. S. Utley. of Raleigh, died Tuesday at his home on John3on Street, this city. to be held in Raleigh, January 27th, in the rooms of the Chamber of Com merce. The meeting is called for all those Interested In improved roads for North Carolina to discuss what can be done to assist the various coun ties throughout the State In putting forth greater efforts for the construo- The meeting will M. I. flonoral Vanarir of I tion Of good road the Seaboard Railway, Bays that $12, 500 will be spent on improvements in the Union Depot at Raleigh. The condition of Mr. Graham Hay wood who has been cofined to his tiv illness for several days, is improving. Governor ington last Kitchen left Monday to for Wash attend the the construction of good roads. Professor Pratt says there are va rious ways in which the State may aid counties in construction better roads, among them being: Ry appropriation to the counties for the actual construction of the road. By giving to the counties engineer ing assistance in the location and Bank, the Masonic Temple, and much other valuable property ia Ra leigh. Plummer did not tell the court that for some time he haa Imagined himself married and that hU wife was about to forsake him for- anoth er man and take all hia property from him. He has been to see the Governor and other State offlceri In regard to some "bonds" he holds. Plummer'a great wealth haa given him no little trouble for several years, but the court sent .him to the County Home where he will be cared for this winter. Conference of Governors with Presi- construction of public roads and in dent Taft. Mr. Herbert E. Norris of Raleigh has made formal announcement of his candidacy to succeed Solicitor Jones in this Judicial District. Mr. Moses N. Amis, who has been away from the city for several years. I convicts. building bridges. Ry using the State convicts in good road construction. Of these suggestions. Professor Pratt thinks the engineering assist ance to the counties-to be the best. He also recommends the use of State has returned to Raleigh and will re sume the practice of law here. The third session of the North PnmUna Ontical Association was held in Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. Frank All these suggestions will be dis cussed at the meeting and such ac tion will be taken as is thought will do the most good. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners will be asked Governor Kitchln Pardon Six. Governor Kitchin Monday granted pardons to six prisoners as follows: Wiley P. Black, of Ashevllle; Fred Ozement, of Guilford County; Bill names, of Wilson County: A. J. Olive of Wake County, who was serv ing a sentence of ten months on the roads for selling liquor; J. H. Mor gan, of Guilford County; Frailer Reavls, sentenced to serve one year in State's Prison, from Polk County, sentence commuted to thirty days In Jail and a fine of $100. Some Truth fey Rill Nye. Bill Nye had the trsth well when he said: "A rasa may ut a wart on the back of his neck for a collar button; ride on the back coach of a railroad train to save interest oa hU money till the conductor gets around; stop his watch at night to save wear and tear; leave his T or f with out a dot or cross to save ink; pas ture his mother's grave to sire com, hat a man of this sort Is a gentle man and a scholar compared to the fellow that will take a newspaper two or three years, and when asked to pay for it, puts it back Into the office and has it marked "refused." Shelby Aurora. IJRTTKIIS nSOM'nCLL. Laymen's Convention at Greensboro Succe. Greensboro. N. C Jan. 15. The North Carolina State Convention of the Laymen's Missionary Movement, which has been In session here for the past three days, proved to be the biggest thing in the way of a fine as semblage of picked men of ail call ings and avocations from all sections of the State ever known here in this noted city of conventions of all kinds. Jolly, of Raleigh, was elected as the tQ appojnt two delegates to this meet- new President of Association. Mary McLean, colored, charged with killing a negro man near John son Street station last fall, was tried in Wake Superior Court Tuesday and the jury returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. The men involved in Six Forks dis tilling case from Barton's Creek were let off yesterday, except Nipper, who was fined $100 and cost, and C. L. Penny $200 and cost. Judgment was suspended in cases against other defendants. Mrs. Francis Kemp Strother died Death of Mrs. Ceyburn Harris. Mrs. Susan Harris, wife of the late Col. Ceyburn L. Harris, died Monday night at the home of her son, Col. I. C. L. Harris, in this city. Mrs. ing, and the Chambers of Commerce I Harris was in her eighty-fifth year. and Boards of Trade will also be ask ed to appoint a like number; also all interested in the work are Invited. A NEIGHBORHOOD DISTILLERY. Eight Guilty of Operating a Distillery in Barton's Creek Township. In the Federal Court Tuesday the ease against N. B. Nipper, Long Car rington, Weldon Jeffreys (colored), nd Oscar Chas (colored) was con- eluded, all the defendants being found guilty of illicit distilling. This is the case from Barton's Creek nd was born in Rutherford County, he was a daughter of the late John V. Logan and Martha Logan of that ounty, and Is survived by two chil- Iren, Col. J. C. L. Harris, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Blanche Lee, of New York I ... a. A A.M Christmas day at the home of her Township, In wnicn almost ine enure daughter in Abilene, Kansas. Mrs. neighborhood of Six Forks are in- Strother was a native of Wake Coun- volved. Luther Thompson, C. L. Pen- ty and was the daughter of Mr. Ben- ny, William Thompson, Allison Can- jamin House, who lived only a few nady, and Norfieet Hunter were also miles from Raleigh. indicted, but plead guilty. Others in the case who have not been tried are Several Persons Arrested at Wake Forest for Selling Whiskey. , Wake Forest, N. C, Jan. 17. Four negroes of the town, among them a preacher, were arrested last night and will appear before Mayor Caddell to-day on the charge of sell- ng whiskey. Those arrested are J. t. Trent, a negro preacher; Coleman .Vhitfield, Henry Ruffian, and Ran dom Baker. Tom Denton, colored, was also ar rested and turned over to two young Ben deputized to assist Policeman Brazilian Ambassador at Washington Dies Suddenly. Washington, D. C Jan. 17. Senor Joaauim Nabuco, Brazilian Ambassador to Washington, died suddenly this morning at the embas sy In this city. He was sixty years old. The immediate cause of death is said to have been the rupture of an artery In the brain. Price of Shoes to Be Advanced. Boston, Mass., Jan. 18. The price of shoes is to be advanced. A com mittee especially appointed by the National Convention of Shoe and Leather Industries recently held in this city has reported to the Nation al Shoe Retailers' Association and its findings recommending a re-adjust-ment of prices has been unanimously adopted. Two Railroads Building Into Bladen. Lumberton, N. C, Jan. 17. Sur veyors have started to work on the proposed railway from this point to If any one will coaspare the cod; of laws of car State for ISfS with that of .199$ they will he ready to exclaim: "Oh, Carolina, the ia ets are" core Into thine laaertUace, The two volumes of the code of lStl contain 1.35 pages, and ooe velum! of the code of ltS has MSI prl the other I hv not before tee. Anl such laws they are! The Justices la some counties ap pointed by the Legislature. In others elected by tie people, oa the hail of one hundred voters and fractions of a hundred. In others, one Justice to each precinct. And must I tell It? If the votrs of any precinct elect a justice not of that certain class who boasted when turned out by the people "if ever we get in again we will fix things so you will never get us out;" and to get la again, they seized ballot boxes la the dark hours of night, shot one poll- keeper, one of whom I well know, through the thigh, the ball missing the femoral artery, and h was only able to be up again after some weeks In bed. I taw in pants and coat the hole made by the hall. He was a man of family and good char acter, and knew the man who fired the shot, as his mask fell off. hut no grand jury or magistrate would take any notice of the crime. Would a law in England that re fused to the people the ancient right to elect their Justices in one county and allowed it to other counties be tolerated for even a single election? And yet, they have no written con stitution, but one written In blood. The people are told here: "Put us in this time and we will fix things so they can never put us out again Could you find one, a single one, of the illustrious Governors of our State in the days antedating the time be fore we were told "peaceably If we can, forcibly if we must, we will car ry this election." Who would enter tain such a thought? And they carried It by force, and intimidation; and this writer hear ing men say to tenant farmers, "If you vote that ticket you shall leave my farm before the sun goes down," and this to men of families. Is It not true now that justices are allow ed to have only one copy of the code MENZ EASE Elizabethtown. It is proposed to furnished them in order that they may Two members of the Salvation y h. Ray (colored), Jack Ferrall, I Bobbin In front ot Fowier s stames. Army Camp of Charlotte arrived in J and Ellis Grissom Raleigh Saturday and applied for per mission to solicit funds from Raleigh I REPORT OF ROARD OP HEALTH citizens. Mayor Wynne refused their request and they departed for other fields. January 2 ith will be "Seed Corn Day" at Cary. The meeting will be held under the direction of the Far mers' Co-operative Demonstration Large Per Cent of Children in Rural Schools Have Hookworm Disease- Small-Pox in Twelve Counties Other Diseases. The bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health, just Issued, reports Work, and judges and coin grower I cases of small-pox in the State from will he present to help select seed Corn and make talks on corn grow ing. The voting son of Mr. E. D. Bar tholomew, who lives five miles east of Raleigh, drank some strong blue stone water Sunday afternoon and was unconscious until Monday after- They were stopped by C. E. Fowler, who asked them a question about the arrest. In a moment the negro threw a gun on one of the officers nd Fowler is said to have declared 'ie would shoot the one who touched him. The negro with the gun back ed off, and escaped. It is said that Fowler was drinking. Other arrests will probably be made later. Fowler says there was no gun used and that the men In reply to his a . i : nr. . A i tViV ori a In bpvpti. . . t, fOTro 1t1 question said they did not have 1V-LWO CUUIlties, ttliu lj .,v,i .... ,J t, nooomhor I warrant iui iuo ucgiu " sixty counties during Pneumonia was reported from thirty one counties and the new and much discussed pellagra from only one county. The latter has three cases in Rowan County. In the course of an article on the several times, but the hard work of importance of teaching health in the two doctors saved him. Pblic f113' 1 13 T on eonta. ' lerence to prevalance of non-contagl- A small house on West Street wasous diseases among children, that 15 told him to go home. Tom Denton was found at his home this morning and arrested and tells the same story. Warrants have been issued for seven other negroes who have escaped. The arrests is the re sult of work of Detective G. W, Burns, hired by the town. Later The five men arrested were tried before Mayor Caddell this morn- complete the road by April 1st. The Raleigh and Southport is also busy from Fayetteville to Elizabethtown. Over a Million Dollars for Improve ment of Norfolk's Harbor. J if i J Tfce SKoet for Fafmtr. Mc chimes And Railroad Mn. in Plain Toe. Comfort List. Un lined, Dut Exc!udcr. ik!lo Tonjuc. BUck Elk HUcfctr. S Double Sole. Wean From One to Three Years, Pr;c? $3. Ghildrens Shoes That Wear SOc. to $3.00 HERBERT ROSENTHAL THE SHOE FITTER 129 FoyetteOille St., Raleigh. N. C. COT7 - SMITH FuFmltmire Co., osALsaa in FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS All kinds of Stoves and Ranges. Bed Room Suit. ni ie U anything needed to furnish your heme. We are the exclusive agents for th Lynchburg Ssnitsrj Spnrc Felt Mattress, the best known to man. Get our prices before placing yonr ordtr. Oar ttnsa r CAfR or CREDIT. 128-130 East Martin Street, RALEIGH, II. C. not see the many score of closely print ed pages that comprise the election law, and thus keep the people blind as to how local self-government Is to be permanently taken from them, a privilege so dear to every English speaking people. In this way they are to be deprived the custom and precedents ot Washington, Jan. 17. A $1,712, 000 improvement of Norfolk harbor and a S4fi.i.00n exoenditure on the ot Newport News channel in Virginia English-speaking people, comprising If J waters were recommended to Con- some five tnousana volumes oi iaw , gress to-day by the War Department, these customs and precedents swept ; away oy tne stroKe oi a pen in uit? ( Governor of Virginia Favors Income hands of a Legislature elected by a Tax , certain class that dare say: peace ably if we can, but forcibly if Richmond, Va., Jan. 17, Cover- ,, we are coins to carry thi? PUT V0Q . 1 j, A. A . 1 T nor swanson to-aay seni lu iue ik- election.' islature of Virginia a special message; on the proposed income tax amend ment to the Federal Constitution recommending its prompt approval. A SOLDIER. 4Ef Ibis Dependent on the Farmer. The farmer is the producer, and if , the farms of the State can be made to produce twice what they have been yielding it will mean as much j to the State as all the factories that may be built in the next ten years. Durham Herald. ra ai""b , I . . . t1 T" T4- almost destroyed by fire yesterday to 20 per cent of all school children mg ana nr ui V wit? ill a 11 t V 11 1 CilClU , MUU XVCUAOvru ker were bound over to the next term a -1 s r n. 1 Jt TTnn need attention, and that "in JNonni - y .. . v I rv Tiuffin. who turned State's evi oai vs iju.cs i ov jt hookworm disease." -morning. A woman was sweeping I have defective ears. 5 to 20 per cent the floor when she overturned the I Dave adenoids, 90 per cent teeth that oil can. To get the oil up she ap plied a match to it, with the result that her home was almost destroyed before the fire department could respond. LUNATICS AT COUNTY HOME. dence, was held under a bond of $25 as a witness. Denton, who was the only one of the negroes rho plead not guilty, was held under a $100 bond. Mr. Fowler will probably be tried Tho Vu-mcol Tlintict PhnrpVi ham rnrnhveoA n W nn Twcnn nnrf Tin. Wake COUntV Grand JUiy is Astonish . .... . . I vl IWlava h RtAtA Should be vie street and win erect a cnurcn. Tw.nriHHse for resisting an officer. This church sprang off from the Fay- -""" l" All the negroes gave the required etteville Street Baptist Church some I w,ull"nuu'c' I bond but Whitfield and Denton, and months ago, when the pastor, Rev. P. Th rand iurv of Wake Superior! hey will probably be carried to Ra G. Elsom, was not allowed to preach I Court made tneir report Saturday in I eigh to-night and placed in jail at as ne saw ni. tie wm De pastor oi l .tich th stated that Wake now is .hat place. So far as is known, Whit tne new cnurcn. I paying something like $5,000 perl field is the only one of the negroes Silas Edwards, of Raleigh, was! year for the support of insane per-1 that has ever been in trouble before. tried in police court Tuesday for the! sons at the County Home who should on one occasion when he was a wit- larceny of electricity and was fined I be under the care of the State in thelness in a blind-tiger case he refused one dollar. It seems that Edwards, I State Hospitals and recommended I -Q give evidence that would convict a who rents a stall on East Martin that some steps be taken to have the Street, had tapped on to a wire and State take these, charges in hand was using an electric light for which without further delay. The grand he was not paving. This is the first jury also gave the Wake court-house case of the kind to ever come up inja severe criticism. iney aeciarea that the grand jury was without de cent place In which to sit, and that the great numbers of witnesses who have to await summonses to testify have to crowd together in the poorly ventilated corridor where the stench is something awful as the day ad t vances. In regard to the insane house at the County Home, the report says: the Raleigh court. defendant and, as a result, spent wme time in iail for contempt of ?ourt. Serious Charge Against Young White Girl of Durham. Mr. Geo. W. Wynne died suddenly in the depot at LaGrange Tuesday night. Mr. Wynne, who lived in Greensboro, had been to LaGrange with the body of his wife.- who was buried there Monday afternoon, and was at the station waiting for the train to return to Greensboro when he died. Mr. Wynne was a former resident of Raleigh. Democrats Raise Officials' Salaries. We note that salaries have been raised in the offices of the State De partment of Agriculture. If it were possible our Democratic friends would create some new offices, but during the intervals between legis lative sessions, are necessarily con tent to raise the salaries of those who are holding down positions. Oi'UiiCVlUUS Spanking does not cure children of tfed- 1 .string. There is a constitutional causa ' :r thi3 trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box , Notre Dame, Ind., will send free to any 'other her successful home treatment, with Jl instructions. . Send no money, but If her tTc?y if your children trouble you 'us wv-. Don't blame the child, the -jcosr i can't help it. This treatment o cvrs r-dults and a?ed people troubled o -vi-v? d:i5.culties by day or night. THE MARKETS. If Men Would Vote as They Think, Democratic Party Would Go Out of Business. Durham Herald. If all who favored protection voted the Republican ticket the Democratic party would have to go out of busi ness even in the South. A thief broke into the meat store of Britton Pearce, on Wilmington Street, Saturday night and had help ed himself to all he could -carry when discovered by a policeman. The of ficer gave a lively chase and fired at the thief five times without effect, ex cept that the negro dropped the beef, fish and oysters along the street as he sped on to freedom. Norfolk and Southern Opens Rridge Across Albemarle Sound. Durham, N. C, Jan. 18. In the Recorder's Court yesterday afternoon Tordan Mangum, charged with retail !ng, was acquitted and his case was the last of the day's work. The first and hottest of the fought cases was that of State vs. Emma Collins, chareed with concealing the We find to our astonishment that I birtn cf a child and later disposing the Home for Aged and Infirm of the o it Tne girl who did not take the county is being used to care for the ,tand, had said that a colored wo lunatics of the county, about an av- a took n away, but nothing could erage of thirty-four being cared for he &ainei. Judge Sykes held her there during the past and preceding undQr a $500 bond to Investigate years. Their care entails much more more fully tne circumstances. She Is cost per capita than the aged and in- a nice-iooking white woman and her firm, and is annually costing the tax- man partner is being searched for. payers of the county about five thou- There was no real evidence sand dollars. There are many epilep- 9gainst the girl, for though she has tics among them the most danger- said the baby wag buried more than ous form of insanity. We Know oil month aeo. it cannot he found. She Autryville Items. Mr. Editor: I will now rite a few lines for your naner. as I haven't written you any news in a long time Enclose find a money order for $1.00 to pay my subscription to The Caucasian from . April 12, 1909, to April 12, 1910, according to the la- RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Thursday by Chas. K. Johnson A Co.) Good middling lc Strict middling 131c. Middling 13 c. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedules of Trains Leaving, Ra leigh, N. C. N. B. The following figures are nublished only as Information ana are not guaranteed: No. Ill, west, 2.00 a. m., for Dur ham and Greensboro; handles Pull man sleeping car Raleigh to Winston Salem, which is open at 9.00 p. m. at Union Station for occupancy, con necting at Greensboro for all points North. South and West. No. 21, west, 8:35 a. m., through train with chair car for Durham, Greensboro, Salisbury, and Asheville, connecting at Durham, with train for Oxford, Henderson, Norfolk, Keys- vllle, Richmond, and Washington, at Greensboro for points North and South. No. 139. west, 4:05 p. m., handles this section, spent the holidays with relatives The Norfolk and Southern have opened their long bridge across Albe-j marie Sound and are now running tho hriH 5ctooH f asylum authorities no law permitting insane people to be put in the Home. The commis sioners of the county have simply put them there in the goodness of their hearts rather than let them stay in says it was dead. "Russian Immigrants. Eight Russian immigrants are In Mail until thpv pan be received DV tne I t,i t-v, 1 m nr?ti a -o-iour tr lnratiTifir on j bu.. - - 1 xj vl A uau mm ..v.. - tj farms there or nearby. j "The State is annually collecting a TiO fPP i n Vi xt'rx c fnrm or! xr n carl tx! fv aaa o v rnQfntonQIIAO transport the trains across the sound. ! l"1 a. f "tlrfZ A FRIGHTFUL WRECK t tA ,,.. , j . and the Constitution of the State do-1 wtZ 7;LT x-clares that the insane shall be cared of train, automobile or buggy may ior at me cnarge 01 me oiaie. j.ueicau&e cuus, ui uiaes, auioowiu, otjuwj-a 1 State should be made to do its duty. I or wounds that demand Bucklen's "We recommend that the Board of I Arnica SalVe earth's greatest heal MOTHERS! t County Commissioners take-immedi-ler. Quick relief and prompt cure .,,. ..,, c ate steps to remove them from the 'results. For burns, boils, sores of Dint fall to Drocu-e Mrs. winsmw 3 Pooth- tt , . , . .1.. ... , . . . . rso sykup for your children whii cuttii Home for the Aged and Infirm all in-jail kinds, eczema, chapped hands and weiQ. 11 fooiota me cuhu, whtu, iui (nun sane person mcarceraiea inerein ana . lips, sore eyes or corns, 1 ls supreme. KUa.su all pain, cures wind colt and is tho c. ,w frrr i tii. t.i.icn.f u m K Mt m. -11 UC1 JLL mj payu. 1 t 1aaIto? q fr At. Miss Mittie Sessoms, of Duke, r lanta, connecia wim uuu at ui for Oxford and Keysville, at Greens boro with through train for Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York; also connects at Greens boro for Ashevllle, Knoxrllle, Cincin nati, Louisville and St. Louis. No. 112, east, 4:30 a. m., for Sel- ma and Goldsboro, connecting at Sel ma with A. C. L. Railway for Wilson and Rocky Mount, at Goldsboro for Wilmington; also for Kinston, New Bern, and Morehead City. No. 144. east, 12:30 p. m., for Sel ma and Goldsboro, connecting at Sel ma with A. C. L. for points south stnrl n nrth: also at Goldsboro for Wilmington, Kinston, and New Bern No. 22. east. 6:30 p. m., for Selma and Goldsboro, connecting at Selma for points south on A. C. L Railway, and at Goldsboro for Wilson and Rocky Mount. For further information as to schedules, Pullman accommodations etc, address the undersigned. R. H. DeBUTT3, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N- a merly of Christmas here. Miss Mamie Darden, of Keener, be gan teaching a school in Dismal Township on Monday, January 3rd. Mrs. Giles Hall is being treated at the Highsmith Hospital at Fayette ville for the past five weeks -for a cancer on the face. . Mr. Hall has also been afflicted with rheumatism for several months. not beinz able to be out of doors much of the time. The two-year-old. child of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Everltt died on Saturday nieht. December 25th, as a result of drinking carbolic acid. D. W. HALL. Autryville, N. C. - and will greatly facilitate the hand ling of freight. be. remedy for bottle. fcrrnwir iMMva mS refuse ndmiBSioa tt tmem la the fu- j Surest pile cure 25 rents at all tuiU l&ru&hVtk. his Ry Word of Mouth. Brown Gren has wheels in head. Jones How do you know he has? Brown Well, I judge so by the spokes that come from his mouth. GeneologieaJ. She ''How farcaa. your ancestry be traced?". He "Well,' when my grandfather resigned his position as cashier of a county bank they traced him as far asi China, but ae & erwayv" Pittsburg E. B. EVANS & SOUS, ISO. S KABT DAVOS. ST.. RALEIGH. R L. UMBE RS . Ou and steam Ittttns, and Ocn- ' era! Bepafx Work. 71 . wbtrk at i&bn&rfets prlbes. With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. Sec that trade mark Is on every bag TRADE MAK ftcGISTCRCO F. S. Royster Guano Co. NORFOLK, VA. NOTICE! New Method Shoe Repairing flavins Installed the latest Improved sad up-to-dtte Shoe Machinery. I am now pre pared t do all w rk In mr rne 00 anon no tice. Very be While Oak Lethr need In all work. All wo k suaranteed to five per fect aatlsf etlon. Yonr patrocace scUeited. Work called for and delivered. Moore's Electric Shoe Shop Fayetteville SU under Powell Powers. PURE BRED Plvmonth Rock and White Leghorn efK for sale. These Chicken are all rijtht in every particular. Price of ega SLOO per setting of 15. Orders by mail or otherwise will have careful attention. J. R. HOUSE ILF.D.2, IUleiA ICC FOR RENT. Two, foor. or iix-bor- tanas. fUcnt pan; eaa make good bargain. App.y to - J. U. GILL Iron Fcoidry, Kalkioh. . C. OtT. A. WHITAKKB 250 Good fttoriea. only otasa- rUV ot mart ot .cb r . Xr.-' coet.aa -1, uMn ot t&irveea co!o u4 goJS. bt ail UNr imf The cowiaieo tot torn - . THE VOCTH COMFAJtlOK. Companion BuUd.n. "'" "T New Sdlmerii ocs ReteJted at tfc..OCU. tmi.miiM.rt uu. tesr. u& THE Raleigh Savings Bank Cpitil vA Sapis, $ jxm 4 Paid on Deposits I