1 joJs CAoGASIAlNL " " ' " " " "' " ' ' , - ' " ; jpr- -- VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, N. C.f THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1910. . 'srn No. 4 1 I i f f i I ! I EDITORIAL BRIEFS Possibly the early bird will catch the hookworm. Some politicians think there la a pie that binds. It teems that the Democratic poli tician can not stand prosperity. Congressman Thomas is taking un usual interest in the welfare of his friends in the Third District. Dr. Cook has -at last been located in Europe. Probably he, too, will tome back with a new Idea. And still some people are com plaining because the farmer is get ting a fair price for his products. According to the Greensboro Rec ord Guilford County Is overstocked on candidates for sheriff, even this 'early in the game. As the campaign approaches every year Congressman Small renews his talk of increased waterways for the First District. An exchange asks what are Demo cratic principles? There is no one to answer until Mr. Bryan returns from South Africa. it seems that no one has yet dis covered to what brand of Democracy Mr. Simmons belongs. Wonder If he is still a Democrat? Mr. Bryan says things are not as bad as they might be. That is very true, and there is very little danger of a Democratic victory. A man in Virginia claims he wants to marry Carrie Nation. It; seems that Virginia is also unable to prop erly provide for its insane. If the Democratic party in Mary land gets much worse we expect to M e the Baltimore Sun come into the Republican camp for "keeps." Judge Lyon said while holding An- son County court that murder is on the increase in North Carolina. Car- ry the news to ex-Governor Aycock. Tom Watson wants to meet Bryan I on the subject of foreign missions, - I but just at this time Mr. Bryan is I , , , more interested in home missions. r, 1 1 X i 1111 ine democrats are sun tariff reform. Even if thev were tO . . . get in power it would first be neces- sary to reform their own members. The South Carolina Legislature is standing by the yellow dog. It re- fused to order dogs muzzled or to re- for the school quire a tax of $1.00 fluid I Ex-Governor Glenn has discovered that the Democrats au are hopeful. hopelul that the, Thev are alwavs ... i will get in on some one elses mia- IOriUne. A few papers in the State have suggested that a monument be built I to ex-Senattor Ransom. Of course, those papers will head the list of contributors to the fund. . i It is claimed that the tail Of t&e new comet is 50,000,000 miles long. That is almost as long as the tales the Democrats are telling about the the effects of the new tariff. The last Legislature could bave appropriated more for good roads in this State, if it hadn't first appro- priated money for increased salaries and offices for party workers. It was stated In Sunday's dallies that the annual report of the peni- ... . , it ot -t, v pd hpfnre. this Is eamDalsm year. Wh? was it necessary r tne . chiet cierK at tne penitenuary io b over the annual report of the peni tentiary's affairs with the Governor before the document could be made public? Anent the high cost of living, a Democratic paper in Maryland com plains that it Is cheaper to die than to live. And if some people would practice economy the world would be better off. A Charlotte paper says if Sim tnons Is defeated for tbe Senate --x overman, win De defeated iu uoes tnat mean Simmons will fight Overman, or. b.av thvl -V V V.. "ielB"?.eQ 111 ino realized that the Rennblt- that the RpniihnMno , - -u"6o f"o .... AFTER FOUR MORE DISTRICTS. Republicans Will Make a Vigorous Fight for Four More Congressmen From This State More Interest Manifested in Several Southern States. Washington, D. C., Jan. 30. It has developed her within the past week that the Republican leaders are determined to hold what congres sional districts they now have in North Carolina and add two, three or four more. Special efforts will be made to carry the ninth, third, sev enth and fourth. The election of Rep resentative Morehead to the congres sional committee was the beginning of this campaign. It is understood here that the Republicans believe that by making the right nominations they can certainly win the ninth and the third districts. Up to this time candidates have not been discussed but it is a fact that the districts have been canvassed by counties and those interested have concluded to make desperate fights in the ones mention ed in the foregoing sentences. President Taft's Desire. President Taft has begun to real ize the true situation in the South and will help in this movement to increase the number of Republican Congressmen from Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. There is a hitch between Mr. Taft and Postmaster General Hitchcock. Men on the inside in Washington say that Mr. Hitchcock does not care es pecially about electing Congressmen in the South, but is more concern ed about delegations to presidential conventions. Mr. Taft, on the other hand, is very anxious to have a Con gress that will carry out his policies. Recently the President has said that he would rather be defeated for re nominatlon than to fail to do what he thinks the Republican platform, on which he was elected, promised that he would do. In other words, Mr. Taft has Indicated that he wants1 to make good to the people of the country. It has become evident with in the last month that Mr. Taft has put a check on Mr. Hitchcock and his allies. Certain Southern ap pointments which should have been made some time ago have not been gent to the Senate Party leaders who have been in the habit of hav- Ing their suggestions carried out, are alarmed at the situation. They do not understand why certain things bave not come to pass Ninth District Promising. The ninth North Carolina district is . considered a fertile field for the largest manufacturing enterprises in a. v aw vuv vvulva v, vuv I tne South and it is a well known fact ii a ai. a a . T i tnat me manuiaciurers, as a ruie, , . iavor a protective larm, a snip suo- sidv and other Renublican nolicles. Xila wa8 plainly manifested dur iner th tariff f!nncrAss whirh nasseri aij-i-v, X30na Km Dnn,nt I the Aldrich-Payne bill. Represents- tAVA whh whn now renrfisfints that district is believed to be the strong- est man the Democrats can name and Republicans point with pride to the fact that "Mr. Webb went to Mecklenburg County, in 1908, with a very' very sma11 majority. If a man like Mr. Morehead a business man. a TriQn f nnroAnol tviqoti atiem on1 o C aaaCaU Sa SVUttl JliagUCtlkJiUi AUU man of clean record were nominatT by the mill men and endorsed by SSTTStS Te M'"?" t,," .lUl, mill men tie wouia stana a snow oi . I BltXLlUIL. i 11D ILCUUUllUail ICAUCl S I horo dularo that ha wntild Hoffaf- the Democratic candidate. They claim that if .such a man had been the candidate two years ago he would have had fifteen hundred more votes when he got to Mecklenburg than the records now show, and Meck lenburg would have given him bet ter support, and that Mr. Webb's .-. u i , . j tyr woum nave ueea reaucea to less than half what it was. The Third Comes Next. Next to the ninth comes the third on the list of probable districts, from the Republican viewpoint, in the com-! ing contest. It is argued that Duplin, WavnA and nthr p.rmntips if nrnner. ftrMnl.ftd. Pmild bft lnrtnfAd Hv J large Republican gains. Sampson County has-been held in line by the Republicans, by the Butler brothers P.nrnHna ia natiirallv n T?pnnhHfnT state - if the vote can be gotten 0ut and united in a great effort at the an.an oo t v. a it president Taft a majori- Ix - . it. - rv or i . i .mi. i nnsH w no nisr.nss ine - - possiDiiiues oi tne uia lNonn mate ..... . . rv, . m.i. point to u count, as .an I usu - " . " , ngut son oi management ana lueu. Republican Gains Cited. In the last election the Republi cans made a gain of 500 votes in Duplin. A change of 200 votes in! that county in the fall election would wrest it from the control of the Dem ocrats. In 1908 every county in the I third district, except Craven, made substantial Republican gains and " uL"at -lai be doubled. T- a. a iicDcuwuro iuuium WOU WitU a majority ui o,OUU. s.v. t im. o f nn The seventh, fourth and sixth dis- - ltricts in the order named, are being in l considered by the Republicans, who proper orgamzauon tney Z Bai"3" . , ' win tt " ."ou!xa' Zf. win Uit . "I . . . "'vu .visi ClgUU Congressional . i vvoutiiiuea on me 2.1 L00KINGJT0 SOUTH Republican Congressional Campaign Committee Think the South an Excel lent Field. CONG. MOREHEAD IN CHARGE Will Capture Other District in This State Action of Committee Will Mean Thousands of New Recruits to Party in. the South Macliine Talking of Patronage Instead of Party Success President Taft Unifying the Hitherto Warring Factions in His Party. Washington, D. C. Feb. 1, 1&10. Special to The Caucasian: President Taft has, during the last week, made considerable progress. He is daily unifying the hitnerto warring factious in his party to unite on at least one thing, and that is to put through legislation in harmony with the pledges made by the Repub lican party in its last National plat form. One of the reforms to which the party is pledged, namely, to establish a system of postal savings banks, has already been favorably reported and will soon be favorably acted upon. It is believed that this measure will pass at the present session of Congress. It is understood that other im portant bills regulating corporations, etc., will also soon be reported. V The Congressional Campaign. It is understood that the National Congressional committee is already actively at work mapping out the which winning fights are to be made districts in the United States in which winning fights are to be made to elect Republican Congressmen. With a view to off -setting the Re publican losses, that may be sustain ed in certain western congressional I districts, the committee is lookine to the States of North CarolinaVirginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana and Ainham in t,. maL- motQ.i,i gains. t is thought that at least ten or twelve Congressmen can be elect ed from these States in districts that have never before elected Re publican Congressmen. In short, it is figured that North . , , I ugui to eiect five or six Republican Congressmen at ieast Congressman Morehead in Charge of South. In tnis Connection, it is most Sig- nificant that the National Congres- u.b sional Committee, in electing an Ex- 11 v, v'ummillw' tu cu,e1' cuu duct the next campaign, has placed " Con8ressmaa Morehead of .nuiiu caioxiiia. it was coiiaiuereu i so important to have him on the active Executive Committee to con duct the campaign that Congressman Longworth, of Ohio, " resigned to make place for Mr. Morehead. This means tnat Air. Morehead will be us'Tampa not on Tn Ms own State, but flso in aU the Southern looked to to push a vigorous vigor- States . xais acuon on tne part oi tne National Congressional Committee 6"c iC"cYC" moyno renewea activity in every itepuoacan in the South who wants to see his party grow. Besides It will mean thousands of recruits to the party. A prominent Republican from North Carolina, here to-day, com- mentine unon the action of tho Ron- . " " " TCI gressional Committee, remarked that it was nntirMhiA that fn nnMn mvp nut a whnio rfti,,mn inwiow to the press of the State from Wash- inrtnn a fw v, Qtr onrt in u there was not a suggestion of bis sympathy and co-operation with this movement to elect Congressmen, but that nis whole Interview was a squeal and whIne about tne distribution TJ? an a, v 10 uiuv i uiui au uuu v-vxj-l mented on that State Chairman is now in town? and has been here a week' and yet' so far as any ou fuos ue, nas not en any part in the conferences or shown any gressmen irom ine biaie' ne- l0' lit is said, is devotins hls whole time i j i ii m. i auu tain, to tuts uisinuuuuu ui inil- - ' Co cZ it in m mv i ii ii iiiv u ii ii ui ft l w i i tpTOr,t f th iintaA statoa i . i Old Nick Williams Company Must - ,. : ray ior lcirauuing me uovern- ment. Washington D.C.. Jan 2 8--Tbe case oi mo uiu lviuti. tv uuauia ULa- tilling Company of Yadkin County, North Carolina, vs. the United States, involving a charge against the com it of defrauding the Government out of a tax on spirits, was decided ht tha snnrpmfi Hftiirt nf thA TTnitPrt I r I Stntpa unfmrnratilv tn that rnmnanv ' v " -wwmfum . iuSuw MCa mouiu km isusy. I President Taft thinks the States can do more than the National au- thorities for conservation. Now. wiU . 1 monues tor conservation, now, win 1 iVo, ntntoc t. irrntnn nAnti.ii.on v BRIEF JCBWB ITEMS. Columbia. S. C. reports the first negro woman dentist titer. The South Carolina Senate Tuee day killed the Mil for Stats Prohibi tion. A three-masted chooser from New York was wrecked off Hatteraa coast Tuesday morning. Sid TInsley, of 8partanburg, S. GL, has been declared Insane, doe to an attack from pellagra. Ten men were killed and several Injured In a mine explosion, near Draekesboro, Ky.. Tuesday. Lonza Hinton, of Little Hirer township, has been placed in jail on the charge of selling whiskey. The graded schools at Newton were closed a few days ago on ac count of the smallpox situation In that town. FIsk & Robinsoa, bond dealers and members of the Iew York Stock Ex change, failed Tuesday for one mil lion dollars. At Greensboro Monday a burglar broke into the home of H. P. Brady and stole a watch, $10 In cash and a diamond ring, and made good his escape. William Moses, the Wayne County negro who was charged with roast ing his wife to death, was acquitted by the jury which tried him a few days ago at Goldsboro. Baltimore was visited by a disas trous fire Tuesday afternoon. A large lumber plant and nearby build ings were destroyed, the loss amounting to a quarter million dol lars. At Primero, Colorado, February 1st, more than 100 miners were en tombed by an explosion at the Pri mero mines. It Is believed fully 100 lost their . lives. Many mangled bodies have been recovered. Allen Green, a constable, fatally shot Bass Browning at Waynesville. The men, who were neighbors and related by marriage, engaged in an altercation in the i Bank of Waynes- ville. Green shot Browning In the left breast, the latter dying where he fell Thomas M. Osborne, of New York. who was born and reared in North WUVI TV CIO UUl ia CfcaJLU, a vwl Aaa, aSWU elected Dresldent of the general committee of the Demo cratic League of New York State, at the formal organization of that body at Albany a few days ago. a nnA of TQ-a rfrnffl a . . . , . . overnow 0f the river Seine), which . OQ00. tha 1ftaa nf on 'h erty and life, and rendered thousands homeless for the time being, is at itg ebb thig wee and nQrmal CQn , j uiLioas are uopeu, ior soou. Next Wednesday, February 9th, there will be a meeting of the trus tees of the University of North Car olina, at which time, it is understood, the selection of a successor to the .V Unl' "ereitir law scho01- wlU 9 made- Senator Simmons this week took on a degree of legislative activity 1e l oil ttiteuipi. 10 bcuiq uio icycai ui the law making a tax on oleomar garine "the poor man's butter" which he claims is "as healthful as butter and should net be discrimi nated against." Mrs. E. M. Saunders of washing ton'. N' C., recenttly gave birth to Lni"e18' uu luls WBCfl- 8ue WiUI'0 letter to Governor Kitchin claiming a PP08 Prize for 8UC? evidence of uuy. one was reierrea u ex- fref!denJ J0!"?"' UP bl8 f11 to we uuiieu oiL a tew moutuo nence. A "cyclone" Is reported from ureenvnie, Flu county. Dut tne ex- tent or the destruction wrought wasrepije(j tne demolition oi a negro scnooi - -4 ?. J? the keeper of a restaurant. Several chimneys were torn down and the glass skylights in a tobacco ware house were broken. ovi Ex-Sheriff J. V. i i . i . . nnora. i pnn . wno nas i list ram iiihl- uAi n cat t An x r rna in xna xi ijourt, in connection witn tne lyncn- of the negro Ed. Jonnson at . I PhaiTannnirii rr ol , - C.h n tt n n nnsra wss wlpym H hflmp Monday by a great crowd of demon strative friends and sympathisers. It ig gaid e capUin wm nQW gQ ,n for politics heavier than before, believ ing he is more popular than ever. . The Seaboard Air Line Railway nas been mulcted heavily In tne W&7 OI damaeea DT Suits In Moore I ' I CniintV- Inst tftrmlnfttftfl. Tn one r r . the actions Thomas Coore of Moore County, a brakeman who lost a leg In n apflAant nPCtirprf TPrrtlpt 5 00Q In another. E. N. Durall I Portsmouth, Va., a baggage master. got a verdict for S 0.000. Dnvall I was permanenux injurea in xne was permanently . . . . . . . . .Mna Ka mV mt nn1n w.n COTTON JWILL JUMP Noted Bull Operator Says It Will Climb to Twenty Cent. LOOKING FOR IT EVERY DAY YV. I. Brown, of New Orirana, Close btudcnt of Cotton and IU lleiaUoa to the Wealth of the World, and a Famous Rail Oper ator, Citee Out ait Interesting In. tertiew Says lktuand Will Force L'nprixedttiueU Price for SUort Supply la Immediate Future. There has probably been no more conspicuous figure in tha coatrol ui tne bull market during the cotton season than Mr. W. P. lirown. oi New Orleans, a Southerner, who ha for a long number of ear. bt-n a close student of cotton and its rela tion to the wealtfi of Uie world. The statement which he makes mat cotton will yet go to cents may De considered ligntiy by tnose wno cannot figure that ihe lieecy tuple can reach such a big price, but Mr. Brown, in an interview in the Atlanta Constitution of jester day, gives a plausible account of his attitude which is very interesting. " I am more bullish than ever. 1 don't believe this country has seen high prices for cottonyet, I wouldn't be surprised to see it sell for 2v cents a pound in the immediate future.' "These were the short, snappy sen tences spoken by W. P. Brown, the millionaire bull operator in the New York and New Orleans cotton ex changes, who spent twenty minutes in Atlanta yesterday afternoon, en route to New Orleans from New York City. "Mr. Brown, wearing a gray suit and black derby hat, was among the first to swing from the Southern ves tibule as that train rolled under the shed. He stopped on the plaform to speak to his lifelong friend, Joe Bil lups, general agent for the West Point Route, who came to the plat form in a roller chair to see Mr. lirown. Mr. iilllups is recovering fron a broken le&- I Aiici uo uau uyicsscu uis uc- ugnt at seeing Mr. iiiuups again, and UIH regret acciuent. ue turaeu to e newspaper men who had ask- ed for an expression on cotton Serious About Cotton. ' 'I don't know anything I can say thst will be of interest. You know. so many men want to treat cotton and its sale flippantly. I don't care for that. Cotton is a serious propo- ... , , . , . . . sition, and should be treated serious ly. I don't mind you boys saying, "W. P. Brown said," and then go on and state facts. So here goes: Just say I am en route to New Orleans to pay a brief visit there at Mardi Gras time, and then I am going back to New York City. I feel more bullish than ever. This is based purely upon a matter of sup ply and demand. I believe the crop -"' consumpt on is a ' name of 13.000.000 bales. From this It is is as has been published 10,300,000, easy to see that the price will have to go up. I don't believe we have to'seexn,gll prices for cotton yet. I expect to see it sell higher, and in the immediate future, and I would not be surprised to see it sell for 20 cents a pound. The Government's Estimate. ' 'The United States Government I recently issued a statement, showing that up to the first of December the consumDtion bv the American spin ners was ereater than a year ago. whlch was the heaviest known. All o thi3 eoes to show the demand is greater than the supply, and the prIce must g0 up. W, are going to I iqtto V ? crh or 1 pvpI q gnnn How about the recent slump in cotton?. he wa3 asked. -That was to bo exDected.' he i wac it firnnrht ohont hv manin- u.ationf he was as.ed. Unloading the Longs. " No. I wouldn't say that. " You must remember I am a member of both exchanges, and want to be very I careful how I am quoted. I think i . . i i - inR h iimn was canseu u t uiuiiy uei- hPins- lone, and when thev be- - V ' un,oad. the price broke. But o 1 w - It Is going up again.' "Just at this time Fuller E. Calla I IA. u j 111 I . X I . V. IllH Jill I I M I l I ' " 7" . ' 7" iaOWH OU tUO IfttiU WitU DIU, - returned from the street level with the afternoon markets, and reported the market closed from 14 to 29 points off. At once, Mr. Brown was all at tention. 'What caused that?' The fact was bad enough re- pHed Mr. Callaway; 'I didn't look at I th rans 1 Xf Drnn nV hM nf tha n. nfln. h. V r1 I ww - r 1 yci , AUU kUCU A.w, . j them after we get aboard. He pull- I ed out a split-second watch, and said fnr UV.t na ehnnt 1itav4nr Mma Thrt of arty broke up. and In a minute be waa en route to New Orleans." i If vtvVt mrtat liKirl nflim wrong. H. Knight. THE tXT OF UV1XO. Vrmm Should pmfit by tW !. frend IHrr IUi All Ytmr llotn Stspfdie. Tbr is much talk Jat at prr nt ia rrrd to ta 4raac4 evt of Ulcf. It U positively tra tht lb cott of litinc hat adtaccd la ts sifhborhoo4 of SO pr cat la the past fw year. It Is a diJScult mat ter to plac the caae cf this nor sioai lcrreae la the cct of llTteg. The farmers ifcould take and gotrn thmeivea aceordi&ciy in the lat analyti of all vcoaomic 4ueUona and problems the farmers hold the oiutlon. If our bor iU raise ail their hou.e supplic the hlh tout of mil amount to noihis with them. If they do not. hoaerer. the cot Ul mean the dl3rt-&ce be twa a successful year and a year of failure. No matter hat tbo price of cotton may be next year, you will not be able to make as much clear money on an all-cotton crop at jou will be able to make if you raUo your home supplies first and make cotton your surplus. Ueids, if you raise vegetables, meat, chickens, and have eggs and other produce for a!e. you ill get good price for them through the Produce Exchange, and in this way make as much, if not more, clear money than you can if you make cotton your main depend ence. All happenings seem to be In fa vor of the farmers. The high cost of living should prove a bletniug to them, for it will force many to lUe at home who would not otherwise have done so. The lesson that these home-livers will learn will be a strong one, and will prove in actual experience more valuable than hun dreds of pages of theory on the ques tion of making your living at home The plans for the present year should be based first on making all your home supplies, then plant or raise anything you see fit as a sur plus and to sell. This method Is bound to Insure prosperity and plenty for the farmers. While, of course, we feel a deep interest in the welfare of the working men In the cities, we are compelled to follow the law of nature and look out for self first. After this is done we will be in bet ter position to help our city brethren solve the problem . of high living prices. Make your food stuffs at home and avoid the high prices which are bound to prevail in the fall. If you are short on corn and meat you are bound to be In a bad fix next year. Provide for this now and avoid all strife in the future. Union Guide. NEW CHARGES AGAINST GOVER NOR HASKELL. Hill Introduced in Oklahoma Legisla ture to Investigate His Manage ment of State Funds. Guthrie, Okla., Feb. l. In addi tion to the sworn charges filed against Governor Haskell alleging misappropriation and misuse of State funds accusations similarly attested have been filed with- the Legisla tive Investigating Committee against the School Land Department by Representative Humphrey, of Ato ka. It is declared that $205,920 of the funds of the School Land Depart ment, Ed. O. Cassidy, superintendent, have been misappropriated and used contrary to law. This Is based on the official report of State Examiner and Inspector Taylor and opinions of Attorney-General West. Governor Haskell said to-night he was glad the charges had been filed as the people of Oklahoma at last would "have a chance to learn the whole truth." The charges against Governor Haskell were filed in the Lower House of the Legislature by Representative L. A. Morris, repre- Ssenting the Republican minority. In general, the charges against laskell are that he mismanaged the public funds under his control In whole, or in part, and has wilfully and designedly authorized the mis appropriation of said funds. Representative Maris calls atten tion to public money paid by Gover nor Haskell to A. T. Smith, his law clerk. In addition to the latter's reg ular salary which Mr. Maris charges was not for State purposes, but in the private Interest of the Governor, Attention is called In the affidavit to an alleged similar payment of $500 to Wr. T. Hutchins, a Muskogee law yer, indicted with Governor HaskeJ in the town for lot fraud cases. W. B. Anthony, the Governor's Pri vate Secretary, is also a member of the , Legislature, and Representative Maris asserts in his affidavit that It is contrary to the State Constitution for Anthony to hold the two posi tions. Sheriff Shipp and Co-defendant Fin ish Sentence. Washington. D. C, Jan. 29. Fin ishlng their sentence of ninety days less the regular communltatlon for good behaviour. Imposed upon them by the Supreme Court for contempt of that tribunal In connection with the lynching of the negro Johnson Sheriff Joseph F. Shipp and his two co-defendants, Nick Nolan and Luth er Williams, early this morning caat a farewell glance at the brown-stone walls of the District jail which had been between them and liberty for almost ninety days and were sped away In automobiles. i . B1LKIMS NEAR POLE The Major Hat Pautd B. fond AH Human Habitation. GREAT "SCOOP" HOW BREWING lloit tttftt, lWBih U ,U1JM llUtK . v a a . . . LipJoirr U lit liemU Pule. 11U iJiurta to t.ompufc4ciA i-tiirri'rk. Ou li.v K. .i : . r 110. -'lit l.:a au tL ,Ng!u j llie la l tu4cL, a .t pObUrnt VkUu U f.i ( trip lik ttiu. t.t tno grvaleal ft I.. - u.l-Mria&t atir tu record u 1 bv potiiiaif ; 1.U: a f cr au lLt,a.tct t, wiiy, aiileU mm it. it... inxAUim, tha lie lipi-t;li;a to lm tL u.b.t oi nuli. bt.r ov carrier it-vi. mui Urn loa.4 U. O tUem to turn lef uili amount. I crr) tteu ia a tmmil Hire cttuf. iLc nut. uu r lcaked. no mattrr fr fruut hoiuw, alii at oui Cj L-..k Luili without a lop. ii.jr iT uwta euougU to carry tu wf tit powt.U an ny rapidly, a U.a i,ur mil not atlh more tbu to uuqc. one ov the biriia i,m r.i.AUi with the letter tkd to t:u nek, a&d fully eipckt LLt a tnrd aiil rtach Elah lu.iJ ov & f Lour. az tjie earner pigt'oa tu i;ly mmkm 0 to 30 uititm pvr tour, poitly morv. ILo Lakiiiio Lulu.iir a ill be on the lookout fur u. bird and will see thai th lur c- forward. Ov course, tbu It a tuikll in&itr. Dut hit ink), au' po.tl duti tuaan great deal, lit rel etpiorr. the scinllck UJ. Lor mm hmmt a mile a hen hit cou. to c.k:n' geo- graQcal aud other ol.rtUoaa, fr don't know Lb di"reuc tta barometer an' a pouud ov raUlnt. But I do know that hu a man flu three or four hundred miles from nowhere, uith notbia' but know an ice in site, be hkd betur put on his thinkln' cap and brub tfc cobweb off biz brain. 1 believe awlso that theso carrier pigeoct might one's life, fer if we git wbar we ckn't neither go forwkrd nor bkek, on ov them mite be rek-kted with a not tied to hit, an' probkobiy bring aid in the shape ov a rescue party. At any rate when one pUn prove a fail ure, hit it well euuff to try another. Well, me an' my Ktilmo air mak- n' gude headwsy. The ice lz better. not so many crscke. But th know an' ice hummocks sir az thick at stumps in a frenhly cleared field. But we bev plenty of UfbL. Th 'Northern HgnU," composed ov gk- es or vapors, long a feztur of arctic regions, air now no near that ther z but little difference between day an' nlte so far az eeln' how to trav el Iz consarned. These light air awlways stronger in winter than la summer. The light, or th reneck tlon from tbem, czn b noticed a n the United Bute at Uom, pe- clally when there lz a deep know on the ground. I he? noticed tne re flection eever! titnea In my nr while at hy hone in North Carolina. Bein' visible at ach a great dUUnc. you can guesa thkt az you approach the North Pole they air a ill to be hold. In fact, the viewt you get la this region, when the sun shine, air worth goin' miles to . id oa hour you can eee a vast field brilliant with countless spire ov ice. botb a great fog will envelop everything. This fog looks at time like hit it composed ov a grekt mass ov beauti ful pearl with awl the color ov a roint,r in a very snort urn scene iz completely changed, az the sun peep forth in splenoma tmgnt- nes you will again ee im tmi b ov Ice. But hit will not look to be the same, for you hev travelled distance in the meantime and the brilliant icy iplre. lookla like tall church steeple, set with great dia mond, ruble and emerald, will present an entirely new picture, and hit will be so beautiful that no wri ter can describe hit an no artist can paint hit. So far az I know this, the greatest how on earth, hez bin. givln' these wonderful performance daily fer thousand! of yean. And just think! In awl these year there hez bin no one here to witness the splendid performance or P1"'' BUICUUi I" - -eW ii where it I so cold your breath freeze before It can get from your nostril, where no human beln cai to attempt to lire. toT month; where, when you spk. your own Toice nearly startle, you. "nature" bez bin l!rln' eoW. cbeerle... bat a riotott. II f. awl these year. Here daHy. a nightly porkma show thkt men and women ould give a .mail fortune to witness for even an hoar. (Continued oa Page I.J

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