o VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, N. C- THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 19IO. No. 6 EDITORIAL BRIEFS Cotton-seed flour may be very good for the other fellow. Chatham County has worked the rabbit's foot on the high cost of liv ing. A Virginia woman Is seeking a di vorce because her husband snores. That is carrying woman' rights too far. Judging from reports of his speech es, ex-Governor Glenn has seen some awful sights for a Sunday-school worker. Will the Democrats point with pride to the number of criminals that have been permitted to escape from the penitentiary. TAFT HAS MAXY INVITATIONS. if Mayor Gaynor keeps up the lick in Now York. Tammany will have to erect an orphanage to care for Its deposed office-holders. If they don't mind they will string on bo many amendments to the pos tal savings bank bill that they will choke the thing to death. The sheriff of Iredell Monday ar rested a man "on suspicion" for rob bing a drug-store. Party arrested must have been drunk. Strawberries are selling in Greens boro at fifty cents a quart. It is a wonder eome one hasn't charged up the high price to the tariff. You can hardly blame the prison ers from trying to escape from the penitentiary after seeing a defense less fellow-prisoner beaten to death. John Temple Graves says only Roosevelt can save the Republican party. Well, who can save the Demo cratic party; or. Is It beyond redemption? If you stop gambling in futures won't that prohibit them from prophesying Democratic success, or Is such prophecy considered only as a joke? Will Address the National League of Republican Club on April U Invitations Extended by a Jjarge Committee on Which Were John Hays Hammond, ex-Senator Ma rion Butler, and Hon. John G. Capers. Washington Post. President Taft will be the prin cipal speaker at the banquet of the League of Republican State Clubs, to be held In Washington on April 9th. A delegation consisting of John Hays Hammond, Edgar C. Sny der, Gus A. Schuldt, William E. An drews, John G. Capers, George L. Whitford, Marion Butler, William L. Symons, Philip Buettner, and John Berg, called on the President yesterday and delivered the Invita tion. The banquet Is the sixth an-! nual affair to be held by the league. Nearly every one of the long line of visitors which President Taft re ceived yesterday carried an invita tion in his hand for the President to go somewhere, and speak at a ban quet. Representative Dalzell invit ed the President to attend the ban quet of the Pittsburg Americus Club on April 27th. D. Call, chairman of the New England Arbitration and Peace Con ference, asked the President to at tend Us meeting at Hartford, Conn., on May 8th. Many of the middle Western Con gressmen asked the President to amend the itinerary of his Chicago trip which begins on March 15th, so as to make stops at various places. The President yesterday afternoon agreed to attend a big International gathering of the four brotherhoods of railroad employes, at Worcester, Mass., April 2nd to 4th. The Presi dent probably will go to Worcester April 3rd. AFTER BEEF TRUST Six Companies and Twenty- One Packers Are Named in Bill of Indictment ACTION FEDERAL COURT MH. ROOBEVELT AND PARTY SOUDAN. f IN The ex-President Will Meet Mrs. Roosevelt at Naples Would Not Discuss Politics. Gondokoro, Soudan, Feb. 28. Col. Roosevelt and Kermlt, together with the members of their shooting party, who arrived here on the Belgian Conspiracy in Limiting the Supply of Meat and Poultry la Charged by New Jersey Grand Jury The Inquiry by the Grand Jury Began More Than a Month Ago by Inves tigating the Cold Storage Plants of the Company Prominent Mea to Stand Trial Grand Jnry Re sumes Investigation. New York, Feb. 25. The beef trust of the United States, embracing six great packing companies and twenty-one packers, several of them multi-millionaires, socially and in dustrially prominent, were Indicted by a grand jury in Hudson County, N. J., to-day, charged with conspir acy in limiting the supply of meat and poultry. The indictment is drawn, under the law of New Jersey which pro vides upon conviction a maximum penalty of 3 years in the peniten tiary or a $1,000 fine or both. The offense Is extraditable, which means that practically all the meat barons of this country must either successfully resist extradition or come to Jersey City for trial. Pierre Garven, the public prose cutor of Hudson County, announced; to-night that he would forthwith no-i tlfy the defendants of their Indict ment and would be ready to force extradition in each and every case where the individual concerned la not willing to face trial voluntarily. None, he says, wll be spared defendants as named are as follows: The Defendants. BRIEF KEWS ITEMS. There It an epidemic of cog chol era la Mecklenburg County. A vote on the Postal Savin Bank bill will be taken la the Senate to day. The bank or Coaeto, of Coneto. Edgecombe County, was chartered yesterday. Another eaae of mall-pox was dis covered in Rocky Mount yesterday afternoon, Henery . Holland is on trial at Snow Hill this week on the charge of eloping with another man's wife. R. H. Shannon, of Charlotte, met death Tuesday by falling more than forty feet from the top of a telegraph pole. George. Hargrove, colored, has been pla-J in Jail at Salisbury charged a.ifc murdering his wife Sat urday nigh. Mrs. Ternle Lunsford, of Pine Creek, Macron County, was burned to death T mreday while burning a pile of brun. IMPORTANT ACTS Achievements Daring the Krtt Year of President T&f ft Administration. MR. MOREHEAD'S BILL For Reclamation of Southern Swamp Lands by Drainage- This, If Pa ed. Will Mean a Great Deal for the South- Hooae Votes fur Two New Battleship- ltwml North Carolina Appointment Two Dele gations In Washington to Oppose the Appointment of Hancock a Postmaster at Xew Bern. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C. March 1, 1910. The first year of President Taffs administration has elapsed and the moat Important achievements during this year may be summarized as fol lows: Tariff has been revised. Corporation tax law passed. Sugar trust directors indicted. Provision made for the Customs John C. Gorham, a well-known citizen of rayetteville, died sudden ly Monday afternoon while on a visit to a friend at Lake Charles, La. Corporations: The National Pack ing Company, Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Morris & Co., Hammond Pack- A color man, named Benjamin Betts, was killed near Hoboken, Pamlico County, Tuesday afternoon Court by falllna from a lor train. Beer trust prosecutions have be gun. Customs frauds unearthed in New York Maximum and minimum tariff worked out Tobacco trust prosecutions pur- The contract tor the new Govern- jaued, ment Building at Henderson. N. C investigation into cost or living has been awarded and work will be- etarted. gin within sixty days. The new build- Legal action against Standard Oil ing will coat $54,450. followed up Law is passed limiting approprla The four iaonthe'-old child of Mr. Hans for Porto Rico. and Mrs. G. W. Parker, of Washlnsr- Tariff board appointed to investi- ton. N. C was found dead in bed gate cost of production Tne Sunday morning. It la thought the I In addition to the above, it now child became strangled In the covers appears that three other reforms and smothered to death. measures advocated by this adminis tration have been added to the list, Two Great Northern trains were namely, a law to strengthen the In . . . covered In an avalanche near Wei. terstate commerce act, a provision to Hngton, Waah.. .yesterday. Sixty per- amend and strengthen the laws cov boat Boch. spent Sunday in resting Company, G. H. Hammond & Long are .dead. 'injured or missing as ring injunctions, and also a provis up, tnelr experiences during tne past days in search for giant elands hav lng proved rather fatiguing. The individuals Include J. Ogden Armour, A. Watson Armour, Louis An effort was made to secure from F- Swift Edward Morris, Ira N. Mor- the result of the avalanche. lon ror estaonsning postal savings banks, will be enacted into law at The administrator the estate of thl session of Congress. The WTlnston Journal says the pen- Colonel Roosevelt a statement on politics and public affairs generally, but he emphatically refused to dls- itentlary Is getting to be an unsafe CU8S matters, as he said, he had com ris and fourteen others. Ira N. Morris sent a lawyer to Jer sey City this week from Chicago to inform Prosecutor Garven that he place to send prisoners. And this. pletely lost touch with the outside had re"red from the directorate of m s n t a a I wnrtrl Ma aHripri that ha r. iviuiria 5C U., UUl nevenneiOSS H9 too. under the reign of Democratic qulre an opportunity fully to review was Indicted. L. V. Dunlap ; has instituted suit in Anson Count.' CourtTagalnst the Sea board Air Line Railway for $30,000. Luniap was Killed last year at a railroad crossing. The February term of Davidson Recent North Carolina Appoint ments. The following appointments for North Carolina have been made for the past week: W. E. Logan, Marshal Western good government. public affiars before expressing any opinion. The Americans will leave here to morrow for Mongalia, where an en- Frederick B. Cooper, James E. Countv Court, which was convened I District, Mnnrtav hv inn nim. rtiniirnrf Uiaudius uocitery. .Marsnai eastern Congressman Murphy wants a bill passed to prohibit printing proceed- lngs in divorce cases. It would be thusiastlc reception awaits them still better to enact laws that would prohibit such divorces. Mrs. Roosevelt Arrives at Naples Hartwell, H. B. Darlington and A. A. Fuller are said to be officers and Eastern agents of the National Pack ing Company, while the others nam- Naples, Feb. 28. Mrs. Theodore ed are eitner directors or officers or t v i a. r if w-ti4fA a A- X . on account tr the prevalence of v-v. small-pox to that county. ney Eastern District. rostmasters: wauace w. nonius. Tha sneclal committee in charae Asheville; - Byron J. Luther, Bllt- of the State Exepriment Farm has more; miss Mary u. j ones, rairview; Roosevelt and her daughter, Ethel, ?Tr directors or officers of the K establish a dairy at the O. D. Wallace, Carthage; D. Luther who are on their wav to meet the National Packing Company. Capiases An exchange says it is impossible former President at Khartoum, ar- for the arrest of all the defendants to lose ex-Governor Glenn. If he rived here on the steamship Ham- wu De lssuea immediately and tne run against Mr Morehead for Con- bur&- whIch saIled frm New York Srand wil1 resume its Investl runs against Mr Morehead for Con- Hambur was nations on Wednesday next. Cooper gress some one will have to loo M L & day by stormy weather; Is the New Jersey Manager for Swift .-"Va unan mou. Tenort N. Hill. Scotland Neck; Benjamin T . . . . . . , i a t :n i i t ytt 1 1 -. n m very nign seas Demg encountered - favorinsr the resolution to amend the I "wu T a T M 1 A . . "nf tfA Pender County farm, which Is situat- xouni' L,nro,nwn' MT v- ed near Wallace, N. C. Twenty-one I oorougn, iuisuurg; cows will be placed there. Russell, Troy; A. W. Davis. Walnut uove; AiDert Miner, iaurange; ai- palr ship, two Sett rollttre aa4 fowr ubnarlccs. This lacMe la th eqaSpmctt of the a -jrati prscuciiy tne same ak nas4 ed by PrtNildetit Taft an Myrs. V.t7 Woald Derlare Menbre of Tltat F&gttlree. SELF-DEFENSE CLUB RprentaUTe lU&ry, of Tia. introduced a bill la the Hou to day, nihkh. It passel, wonUI declar the members cf the beet trnst re cently Indicted la New Jersey fugi tives from justice and compel ttlr extradition to New Jersey to stand trial for ailfged Ultgal comblnatios and monopoly. Representative Htary expialaed that the object ct the bill was to overcome the plea rt!d by erta!& members of the trust that ther had cot done any iruaicets la New Jtnty. and, therefore, had not violated acy law In that State, notwithstanding they were incorporated In the Stt. Police Failing to Suppreu Thtm!f;c. MA XV PERSON 1U Rltl) IX SXOW. TvrnyFonr Pniih In Rrgloa of Mining Camp la Northern Idaho lAes at Other Palate. Spokane. Wash., Feb. 28. Twenty-four persons are known to-night to be dead as the result of vnow slides yesterday and to-day In the mining region of northern Idaho. To the nineteen who perished in the avalanches at Mace and IJurke. Ida ho, last night and early to-day, are added three more who died in a sim ilar disaster yesterday when the camp of the Carbonate Hill Mining Company at Mullen. Idaho, was de- A SERIOUS SITUATION Ladl. UU I rtw d.u a4 Lr lh lmtUr Ma, f KJrta "UU U4hlm U4Ure rru Ur H4 t.f llUtret aa4 Mkr Hit l.. with hSrh &;t ho!J-u; c-f . : tiA9 tHXi . Mtfc& I He- -; ajtra aa) f t fir tlajg, tKu 2k fl cii.-uea with msy C of J i.rt. Lt, t!tg tj U6ld6li- Dtd n-Krt-. ttr lou.tn tt CUrMl are KmA!!. an, , tor pTx,Xm. tiun. It la ta:.nS tn-ds tkl s rtoisr club UI I- ra!l ij brg,tJt i i ..... . ... stroyed and two killed at Dorsey,!1"1 ui&m4 to shot rBoir. : t hit &d fctil. toe. Tbe i.L r. fci irarticsllj vsry cate Uri; u-Acit- to tb th eituatioL ut,y tf it atiarks of thU kind rr ia tt fshlubstl and fcuUt:.;:) r-'.dLt uburb and tbc cc;n iu thorougbir arourrd, fti.! ihn mill U l ttuall araiy of ua.ru n urgr.lil. for self-jjrot.- Uvu iibout the aid of tbe uier n.tkir iu&h, tut trusti&g vctirw iy to iLi-ir ;rufM nul Ut the pr auaiive rajdty uf tu little Ivory handled tv:$ huh will be car ried tv. but rJy for action at a moiueLt Loik Charlotte. N C . ilsrch l. Kol Ion Ilk th lout i.t: cf purv-saauh- lCfc operatltL It polics to-n!gUt ha Juki ifit-.fU Lurrjr call froA Albany, N. Y., Feb. 28. With the Dilworth. Cbsritttss iitudkome resi' streams tributary to the Hudson I deuce suburb, ttst u unkaowa &ro River swollen by heavy rains and J crept up ou tL porch vt the rl melting Enow ana wun me nvnr ris- uenco or ir u u. liinson, on a ing at the rate of about eight inches ruaia btr-t. kumthei tt front wis an hour, at 8 o clock to-nignt one or cow and n&tchcd s parse irost a the worst floods In recent years la Italia jut irnlJ. 021trs bars tesa predicted hero. has!T.d to the meet, and will tnak a mrnuoui ?ort to locat the mas The frequency of tb attempts has Little Falls, N. Y., Feb. 28. The thoroughly alarmed its toa village of Herkimer is cowering la terror to-night, shrouded in darkness and rain. The electric lignting plant I Toe lrsnton-baitai journal says ha3 been flooded and all the lights thst Knn-!h uro n. s pecial police are out; the fires under the boilers man of Salm. natcLi Ilk from the of the pumping stations have been! baud of a mixta a fsw days sgo sal quenched and there is only twenty- mads h!a nci four hours of drinking water In sight for 8.000 ceoole. All manufacturing Idaho, to-day The fight against tlnio and cold at Mace and at Burke has been waged bravely and perslsteatly by the little army of men who hope to find unier the heaps of ruins some who have es caped death. Many Hundred Ilomelees. . Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 2S. At least two dead, many hundred home less, scores of factories preparing to close down and property losaes reach ing into hundreds of thousands of dollars; these are the main results of the flood which has devastated the State of Ohio during the last two days and which has net yet reached its full volume. Cold Weather Only Hopes Little Falls in Darkness. rolicrtnaa Rot Lady. ! wlrnr la Greeoebor. from Greenaboro up after the election. nlanta hura Biicnonn(t inn two The House Judiciary Committee vIn s- Wlllis- Morehead City;- Eliza gcnooU are cloae(1 , M aBy p,r80n9 flej Monday's Charlotte Observer, .ays: I W T frill fl . 1 . J Ik 1 m t a A A I n 1 T I I a t I . . . 1 A - - k. to higher land during the daylight to Hasn't "Democratic good govern-jare wen ment" allowed matters to get in bad shape when the ladies In some cities in North Carolina have to carry pis tols to protect themselves. throughout the voyage. All on board SOLOMON SHEPARD HAS BEEX RECAPTURED. The Indictment, which bristles in its arraignment of the men named! also refers to "divers others", as be ing responsible. These latter, how ever, are not specified. The fore going names, it will be seen repre sents the very backbone of the great I hours and to-night armed guards pa- "Rwnily :al Grniboro wo- men nave xxm attscnej srier nifm Constitution to change the date of The President has announced that lQ boatg thfl ctnaU Ujat laleiy fall by an uaknewn oogro. wboaa m. VW4UV41 niBm vi viii a. a wue iiiMt vu a or Asneviiie, juage m me rsnauiB Canal zone. 4th to the last Thursday in April. - M ntirrv.ai ffprA street On hiindrid and nrtT I vu' "'c houses have been vacated. of tar! eommlite4 early lat nit&i. a Mrs. uumer Opposition to Hancock. New York Democracy declares that It favors an honest revision of the tariff. If that is the way they feel Was Arrested Near Burlinton Sun- tmh inot n ha r murder of Bell Frizsell. Childers' aay Alter a nveiy unase iiau containing as it does two Armours," "JT" Z' t -Ti " the city to-day and will go to the wnen i-wo norses in Alamance. three Swifts and two Morrises, all Burlington, N. C, Feb. 28. Solo- for the most part residents of Chi- I ou v i l pacn er ui cjugmeer iioil ana wno a tew "6u,cs mc n"u- the job to the Republicans. As a matter of fact, the "Demo- weeks ago was sentenced to serve a together with less important in the packing world. Their indictment brings to a cli- was in progress, but the trial pro ceeded and the prisoner could not go to her. bedside. ROCIUNGHAM FULL OF DRUNKS. Cnerry aoi brutally hassled I by a atrar se negro sa abe was walk A delegation of Democrats and Ke- . x. . ing from the Summit Fluid Followed by Flghta, Etc. White House to-morrow with Repre sentatives Morehead and Thomas to Elijah Childers Is on trial in Jack son flu Deri or Court this week for the A ,4. inn.4- in ni.n Ta r n r it . . . v ti . . imn aifiui car abort distance tsp Chetnut Street The negro approached Mrs. Chsr- Rockingham, N. C.. March 1. Sat-rr auddenlv. and telsisg her by the protest against the appointment or urday was neia aay for tne near- demanded her money and threw Robert Hancock for postmaster at beer saloon here. As many as thirty-he.r muaMr to tke around. With one miss ammie Harrison, youngest i maw Bern. The Democrats will ask five drunken men were on our streets hmnii n hr throat, he filled her thirty-year term in the nenttfintinrv. I max the first concerted effort in theldauat6r oI Mr. "a T. Harrison oflfor the aDDointment of some good! by actual count, and the scramble! mm.,K ith mud and threw her tato and who escaned from a raiiwav East !to fix responsibility for the I Plymouth, N. C. attempted suicide renresentatlve man .while the Repub- for the stuff and flgtit incidental .v. vrs. Cherry screamei cratlc good government" officials I construction camD near Laurinbure. I prevailing abnormally high price ofl0""7 nigm ot asi weea Dy jnmp-ijlcan delegation will ask for the ap- thereto, grew to such proportions uhe .... thrown to the groand ouaht to make money off the Denlten- gave the people of Alamance jl lively commodities. ' .. k. ling into tne river, raends rescued pointment of Mr. J. S. Basnlght. that the proprietor voluntarily closed -j-iaclng hU knee upon her ah oul s s s in a e am a am ii e a. in i s . . . ... tt f.m. a hv iaro. chase yesterday and was finally cap- r.ftl(, st wh " " .i41rr p.m.tin nt cnnthrn srn,n tne aoor8 ROOUt o cioca. noMderMsicioklajfitr.tk. Brute, wita - - " i. . x . , ., i v--. ineaiin wu mTen ai ua cinaa oi nr ,,u i ii,,n .ma fmrr, i .. ...w ..u if rw. v. . turea ana reiurnea 10 me uennen-i I I t iruwwu nuciuo wy uivi i vile oaio, ' - I T A . . I M .-W n . I.- - .... I tlary to-day by Officer Q. L. Patillo jwney uiy, as a com nongs ceih . I tne near-neer Bottles, or wnetner woald klj D9r jf IB creme4 ag sin and Deputy Sheriff C. D. Story ofler' heTQ tne packing companies of I . i Congressman Morenead, on yester- there was a near-eyed tiger In bid- Mri cherry told her sssallsnt her Burlineton liaQ west maintain vast warenousesi nenry j. nnon,.a iormer poace aay, introduced a dui proviaing ior nr Dat our cititens became disgust- n.,ra- n her closk pocket a&d Ex-Governor Glenn says he has! Shenard first made hi nnneamnpel in which countless thousands of I magistrate In Brooklyn, New York, I the reclamation of Southern swamp ed at the sight of so much drunken-1 .v.. rouid hsre what mosey she seen men swapping wives "like in In this section near Efland, where he pounds of meat and poultry are was yesterday found aruilty of accept- lands by the drainage of the same ness. The trial of the proprietor of ktd ,f b w0ttld release her. The ne- wBrtv rn. iM stole a horse and buggy and started stored' Proved a fruitful source of ing. a nriDe. Tne minimum penalty under the plan In operation In the the saloon. Porter, was postponed 0 allowed Mrs. Cherry to rise. ' 7., , T.T:' west. The owner of the team, upon investigation. More than a month la Ave years' Imprisonment. Fur- West for the reclamation of semi- till next Saturday by reason of the bu. be kept bis hands a her. Mr. uienn mignt runner enngnten thg dIscovery of tne tneftf started ag0 the inquiry by the grand Jury yong waa once very prominent in arid lands by irrigation. The bill fact that the ordinance passed by the .. Maalt was committed al the public by telling Just where hein DUrsult and with the aid of sev- was started, cold storage plants were I Brooklyn politics. not only Includes the public land! Board of Aldermen had not been moat directly In froat of Use reel was to witness such a curse against leral Mebane citizens, overtook the m pectea wllnesses were examined, States which have swamp lanas. dui publicly potted r0r five days prior dence of Mr. Julian HeadrU, and society. Inegro in a body of woods where helana loaaLY ine maictment was nana-i ai Hiimmgwn ounaay mgni nre also. an otner soumern states, in- to the time the license was lssuea. when he heard the woman scream. had tied the horse and retired for ea UP ln tne Supreme Court before I or unanown origin destroyed one ell eluding North Carolina, even wnere wendrlx rushed out of nls house. That Winston-Salem policeman sleeD and rest. Several shots were JU5Uces llT ana v;arey. me pre-i-wu uw 4raw iorage warenouses tney nave no pumic lanas. Jlwlern lUllway Appliances fravea turnjCg on the electric mat oo me I I emto ftAtis rt V. a ilwkitMAnt -mill m am I ftf tha Cofl ffVsa Trt A I v T tea I ma. j ,.MKnU 4Af Of a ao I -v m a wa 1 ...a efthtfe m ,., i e fmm ka , . flred at tha neern. hnt he madft pnnfl " uuvuiusuv mu wwu - - intjro i a ifwuu uict oi imniTite. I nren as De came ouu ai tuw ouivuo .w vt " . I f, K V Mnlnlro- nt.fl. r... 1 I I . . vi. . 1 4 .... his escape. Nothing more was heard I "J J ' Ul BWU" Ui ' "D iwrm uu"w" I vnv v.,,), 1 rniom rati-lture tne negro ri " breakers with farms. which to work the sheds, containing lara-eliiVa ... . . m . iiiim tKi'.iiH- rviii iiiiiie 1 1 1 1 1 r m wmu ri v'A rn I . - w i . . ciuzen nae a nuscuuwyuou ot me I. . " . . . Z. I nromtnent men tn the TTnltod StatM i amounts of fertiliser rnnRtUnAnta I mnnv fmm tha roiamatinn fund nfl u,m v .-a .rrnti a wm.rM.tt . lor mm until ne turnea up m-ura-i'" . - - . .. . :irn nnltanra talll off death tin- airs. v.u - term grart. uraners are not sup-iboT ara . WQQ ,nwor vQ cnarged in effect with cheating thel ine loss, wmcn la approximately I the Government for the purposes or I . . t . . t. soathera Rallwsy track J ..... " nnvtln tv,, a,, - tuAAAA . atamjI vw i mv aer tne streets ot xora uity w accomplish the end. I Adams. He was seen to pass through I storae Burlington and Officers Patillo and The Democratic papers delight In I Story gave chase after "phoning Of talklng about a few Republican graf- flcer Cook, of Elon College, that he Democrats Responsible for High Cost of Living. can be borrowed either by the State "Y .AU!7,:" T Pne Familr lived o Wo Until TfcA w. Tv.n.mA- n ... t-n,. nuasoa ana aiaaiuia iimw; vwu- ' Inquiry, which baa 'been investlgat-1 by private corporations under certain i day. There was a collision on the Hudt monly known as the Hudson Tun- ters In New York, but when Murphy. w Headed that way Officer Cook Yellow Jacket. i ancmpicu iu Biicaii uiui, uul was the Democratic boss, consented for struck twice witn an axe, one of They VTeat Insaae. a. ,. - T.., I . . . .. .lnels. but steel cart and safety de-l nnr'inrton. vt. Feb. 27 l" "-P urownvnie. rules and regulations guaranteeing . - MMtftl, ..inr .r. , ITl" . ..v tft aid and toe Texas, naa completed its work of I the repayment of the same oat of thel . r 5V 7. ; V " .... aia lv. " " " -l "j." --k i- a i.a maiea snaiterea wooawor v -"M-roud to neg. gathering - testimony and will soon I nroceeds of such reclaimed land. John A. Dooner, a Democrat office-1 make Its report. It la believed in I if this bill becomes a law it means -irond none of the thirty-five passesgers J Mng three of them chadrea. for sustained fatal Injuries. Eighteen, I tbre4 7MJt hais been livlcg oa gar. - - . I hnlriAi1 nnn aw rvririircav In Xjatit Velr I TJLTafn TswAeUA4 ta I. . j , s ai. r a t nv nngy- c;onners to De re-eiectea which blows struck the horse also, . w ,7, 1. . , riwuwfc Kreai aeat ur me oyuiu. AUS1C however six of thtm women, were W hirh the father of the fatally. State Chairman, it shows that a bad and- broke the handle of the axe. lo iSS- T f? iJ badfy Siat tSey wire re- vear. h dallV collated odor is smolder ing in the Demo- Mr. Cook left thrnegro and started uar-efal; dof - yiw t will he sustained, odor is smouldering in the Demo- ters, eight brook trout, boiled, two! . cratlc camp and that Murphy is try-1 ntrft!n aeOT,a a WQ I portions of picked crab meat, one sir ing to hold down the lid. of being drained than there U land I I in the West capable of being lrrl- raoved to hospitals. finally surrounded In a body of woods loin A mnn v tVi An.M. V... I a v. J steak, three portions of cold I by the Supreme Court la the case of at a less cost than land can be lrrI. I Tbomasvllle JQj Sues lor sv5,uw for Alleged Insult. Salisbury, N. C, March 1. from yards In thU ely, otteosioiy to feed his -pigs." , This was the startllag fact reveal ei lo-day when the local acthorttlee SfV-ee hv nfflrera Pattiin stnrv fnv I asparagus, five baked potatoes, one! the SUte vs. Whadbea from Union, I rated ln the West, and when once If. TT . 1 a 11. - m. 1 I X7 Vi rvla tint- mtnoul nla Ana anil I In st Uk - I . ' . . . - -ii. aeuvi' vmrikBuu, ui lu uar-1 jjr shepard, where he was captured! m-. juujmoui iniou. uiao&e, wm do uxuca more Taiuaoie.i ca.iimuu.ij, nuui i mli''l9-lti women. lotte district, announces that he wllll without resistance, being thoroughly! v tuami"'i',c' xMer uu u www mr. . v. naeaoee, an ai-not only on account or tne great rer-img mat sns was groswy muwa, ,T mrmA f-ther and three r 1 v . I been holding a Democratic lob atltor&ey. of Pwranlmwsw Conntw. wl nut r th hnt nn iAnnt Arl&Anitei nfrrwd inilfmltles bv a I wl flows. inr i . . ut a.Kt.iu run lor ine omoe r ka.i cudi.ovi uuu uuaiuieu. i . . i . . - . - - - -1 licitor. But at the same time it is an- nounced that five other Democrats in the District are willing to serve their party ln that capacity. Democratic offices do not have to seek the man. President of Panama Dead. $2,000 a year and says he drinks I charged with false pretense , la ob- there being no future cost necessary prominent railroad man while under children, four. r four quarts of champaign a day. Now I talnlng aubscrlpUona to the atock of ho maintain the same. the Influence of whiskey In a Pull- of fe:. . A- ZZ If that don't sbow tliat th rtaranmig I i Komi not a flMnriH. rAmMii : .. m nttcnMkiblC diet CPOH WBICa lu9 WO- PV 5os om1 are responsible for the high cost of Columbia. S. C. and heteif f ouad Xw Battleship, r H"Ve7 f "Thomlsrine V C.. ! men. Mr.. M.ttie Slpples andMra m' "vns ?y ea toal! Committee on Naval ha hmnrht unit afn!rf tha cnth Emery Leavttt, have wMBiea wr wm eal yoV shlrl fn SaT Vted fr the conatroc- Company and the Pullman thirty- montts. Is ;Urtbata4 th.if wm eai yoursnirt. . a nw trUL uon of two new batUeshlps. one re- Company ifor 125,000 damages. present insanity. de Obaldla, President of aiea irom neart disease at 2:301 pie's share for o ciock tnis afternoon. ft n

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