i The Caucasian AXD RAUEIGH ENTERPRISE. Ilaleigli, X. C, March 17, 1910. EotreJ at the I'ost-ofTlce in Raleigh. N. C. second ciass mail matter. Local Matters Mr. C. Mann, of Saxapahaw, is critically ill at Hex Hospital, follow ing an operation. Mr. V. C. Douglass, of the Haleigh ,aY has withdrawn from the judge ship race in this District. There were five defendants in the Ualelgh police court Monday to an swer to the charge of being drunk. Mr Mark Chamberlain, son of Mr t it rhamberlain, of Haleigh, is ill with uneumoDla at Wake Forest Col- f leg'. Mr. S. L- Rogers, Corporation Com niiHsioru r, has announced that he will not be in the race for re-election this year. Kx-Cov. Chas. B. Aycock ha3 pur chased the residence the residence of the late T. M. Argo on North Blood worth street. Mr. Chas U. Harris, of the Haleigh bar. has announced his candidacy for Solicitor in this District, though he doesn't say on which ticket. Chas. Freeman, colored, was placed in Wake jail Monday after ' noon on the charge of retailing whis key. He was committed by Commis sioner Nichols. Mr. W. B. Snow, who removed to Lumberton a year ago to practice law, has returned to Haleigh to live. Mr. Snow is a son of the late Geo. II. Snow, Esq. Mattie Powell, a colored woman of Henderson, was found dead in bed in this city last week. The cor oner was called but after viewing the body, gave a certificate of natural death. C. C. Gardner, white, an employe of tho Haleigh and Southport Hail- way, and Marcus Huffin, colored, were ' bound over to court by Justice Bled soe, charged with the theft of whis key from the railroad company. Governor Kltchin ha appointed a - number of delegates to attend the Good Roads Convention of Alabama, ' which meets in Montgomery this week. Maj. W. A. Graham heads the delegation of twelve members. Mr. C. G. Morris died in Durham Governor Pardons Two Prisoners. Madison Woodby, who was confid ed of fa le pretense at the Septem ber, 1908, term of McDowell Superior court, and sentenced to tenre eight years on the roads, was pardoned. conditionally, by Governor Kitchin Monday. John Simpson, who was convicted on two charges of selling liquor and sentenced at the November, 1909, term of Forsyth Superior court, to serve four months for each offense. was also granted a conditional par don. Ieath of Mr. V. II. lUehardson. Mr. W. H. Richardson, whose resi dence is about two miles north of Millbrook, this county, died at his home Friday night. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and two sons Mrs. R. F. Gordon, Misses Anna and Minor Richardson, Messrs. H. G. V. and C. R. Richardson. Mr. Richardson was a prominent Mason, a loyal member of Neuse Lodge No. 97, A. F. & M. He was buried from his home Sunday, the services being largely attended by his former friends. MR. McXIXCH FOB CONGRESS. SUDDE.V DEATH OF W. . ALLEN. Dropped Dead in Nash Square Tues day Nigh For Venn County I toad Supervisor. Capt. W. G. Allen, for a number of years superintendent of Wake County public roads, died suddenly Tuesday night in Nash Square. He had been suffering from indigestion during the afternoon and was walk ing in the hope of getting relief. He seems to have taken a seat on an em bankment, and was unconscious and sinking fast when found. He died before medical aid could reach him. Captain Allen was fifty-nine years old, and leaves six children. lie spent two years at Lumberton as su perintendent of Robeson County roads. The funeral was held from the home yesterday afternoon. Capt Allen is survived by four sons, Messrs. Dan, Paul, and Frank Allen, all of this city, and Mr. Will Allen, who is now in business in Kansas City. His surviving daugh ters, three In number,are: Mrs. Har ry Pool, Miss Hazel Allen, who re sided with him at the time of his death, and Miss Martha Allen, the youngest, who resided with her un cle, Mr. E, L. Allen. Captain Allen recently moved to Raleigh from his old home in Bar ton's Creek Township. He was a cousin of Judge Oliver II. Allen and Allen, also of Captain Former Mayor 8. 8. McNlnch Deing Mentioned In Connection With Ue Republican Nomination for Coo greas in the Tenth District Senti ment Favoring Candidacy of an In fluential liuftiness Man Particular ly One Who Would Appeal to the Independent Element- Charlotte Observer. The name of Mr. S. S. McNlnch, former mayor of Charlotte, and one of the State's leading business men. Is being quietly but insistently men- tioned among the influential Repub licans for the nomination for Con gress by the Republican forces In the Ninth District next time. No propo sition has yet been made Mr. Mc Nlnch for the very manifest reason that such an overt act would not be timely, but the fact remains that in fluential Republicans, particularly those of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, are rallying about him in greatTtashion. Mr. McNlnch voted the Republican National ticket In 1908 and previously and is regarded as one of the leading business men of the State. It is the purpose of the Republican leaders to select for im portant offices, particularly in closely contested districts, such as the fifth and others, business men of standing and influence, especially such as will appeal to the support of what is term ed the independent element. Hence the suggestion of Mr. McNlnch's name. District Meeting Called. CAUIOUN AND WEBSTER. Former Antagonist Now Stand Fare to Face In Scene of Pat Rattle. Washington, D. C. March 12 The Capitol was the scene of a notable erect when in the presence of a dis tinguished assemblage, a statue of John C. Calhoun, the great South Carolina Separatist, was unveiled in Statuary hall. The unveiling ceremony was con ducted wholly by South Carolinians. The cords holding together the drap ery' around the marble figure were loosed by Mrs. Brat ton and Miss Gist, both daughters of the Palmetto State, and immediately afterwards. the verbal ceremonies were begun. Governor Ansel presided, and former Governor Mauldin delivered the prin cipal oration. The statue is a bold piece of work, depicting its subject in strident at titude. It is placed on the south side of Statuary Hall, and directly, if not defiantly, faces the effigy of Web ster, Calhoun's great antagonist, which stands calmly on its pedestal on the north side of the hall. The ceremonies of acceptance took place In the Senate and House after the completion of the exercises in the hall. It was in the two houses that the representatives of the two ante bellum belligerent States met to once more bury the hatchet. the great conservator of fret rpeeda was locked up by the Jog of the Federal Court for contempt. Will he try to work Judge Coon or In the same harness? Let him beware of the cat ta the chamber If he doe tfaU. This cockatrice, the sinserrator of free speech la our State, who as sumes to talk of a "banting Repub lic was to be made the honored Governor of North Carolina for his boldness In assailing a judge of on$ of the highest courts In the land. More anon. A SOLDIER. 1IKNRY SP1VKY HANGED. Mr. Jake F. Newell, chairman of the Republican Executive Committee for the Ninth Congressional District, issued a call yesterday for a meeting in Charlotte Wednesday, March 23, at 2 o'clock at the court house. The purpose of this meting as the circu lar reads, is "for consultation and or ganization." The letter adds that the meeting is not for the furtherance of the cause of any candidate, pres ent or prospective, but is simply for the purpose as stated of consultation and organization." The members of the committee are Messrs. J? F. New ell of Mecklenburg, chairman; John J. George of Gaston, George V. De Priest of Cleveland, C. A. Jonas of Lincoln, Donald Witherspoon of Ca tawba, L. A. Bristol of Burke, Charles E. Green of Mitchell, James A. Hyatt of Yancy and James White of Madi son. Sunday morning and the remains uorn hrmieht to Haleigh for inter-. Judge W. R h wqc th mother of Mrs. I Nick Allen, of Auburn 1 1 1 v 1 1 t , uuv t-- - L. J. Blake, Jr., Mrs. W. O. Scott, and Mrs. J. r . .Morris, an oi uub vnj. "TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY," The State Fair Association has ap- Purman Wallace Killed by Father-in- Law. Lumberton, N. C,, March 15. Sheriff McNeill and Coroner Rancke have returned from Blue Springs Township, in the upper end of the county, where they went yesterday morning to investigate the killing of Furman Wallace. Wallace was shot and killed by his father-in-law, Eli Southerland, and is, supposed to have been the result of whiskey and wo men. Southerland is said to be one of the best-to-do colored men in the county. While the sheriff did not succeed in arresting him, it is ex pected that he will come In and give himself up, as he will have no trou ble in giving the required bond. Sheriff McNeill states that while he was searching for Southerland he went into a room in the neighborhood in which he found fifteen or twenty two-gallon jugs, Of course they were empty. Last Legal Hanging Occurred at EUaabethtown. Eiizabethtown, N. C-. March 11. Promptly at 12 o'clock to-day Sheriff J. JL Clark, of Bta4en. pulled the fatal lever and Henry E. Spivey. the negro convicted of killing his fath- er-inlaw, Frank Shaw, near Clarkton. In this county, several months age, paid the death penalty for his crime in the last legal execution upon the scaffold In this State, the law desig nating electrocution as the means of Imposing capital punishment having gone into effect a few weeks after the negro's conviction. Little Tobacco Plants Say: "Mr. Farmer: Give u a plenty of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers They will make ui grow big and healthy, anj tjJUI ja. crease our yields per acre. Thcic fertilizer, are plant food for us, which mcam bread and meat for you. They will put more money-pronti imo youf pocket. (signc(j) Your Little Tobacco Punts." Ask your fertilizer dealer for t copy of our ircc 1910 Farmer! Year Book or Almanac, or tend ut the coupon 'LETTERS FROM HELL." 'A Republican paper in North Car- nthpr nrominent eentlemen. in the olina is publishing letters with the District mentioned for the nomina- above title," says Jo-see-for-us. This tion , along with Mr. McNinch, are observation is worthy of the "smart Messrs. J. Y. Hamrick of Cleveland, set. it sounds as it the Kepuhiican Dr J. M. Roberts of Marshall, L. L. paper referred to might be published Jenkins of Gaston, and others. way down in Currituck or way up in t v,w hiiovoH that Mr Cherokee. The fact is, this paper is Yates Killian of Catawba, census supervisor, will be in the face, as some had thought probable, as it is Philadelphia Car Strike SU1I Unset tled and State-Wide Strike Now Threatened. The great strike of the conductors and " mo tor men in Philadelphia, which caused a sympathetic strike among other workmen, and which has practically destroyed business in that city, is still unsettled. The riot ing and bloodshed has abated and both sides have settled down to a hard fight. The workingmen are principally demanding a recognition of their union, which the official re fuse. It is possible that a State wide strike of the Federation of La bor may be called. Tiled to Hum Husband and Then Attempted Suicide. Hamilton, Ohio, March 15. Mrs Edna Summerton, seventy-six years old, fearing that she would be com mitted to the Dayton Insane Asylum, to-day poured a can of gasoline over the bed in which her husband was sleeping, and kneeling over the bed, set it afire. The woman leaped head first from a second-story window, alighting on a fence. She was fatal ly injured. Her husband is probably fatally burned. published in a stone's throw of the office of the News and Observer. It may be that Jo-see-for-us has found ine oiiiit- ran - i Dumc -""o- 1-1 f f witu ooiodin "that a wild pat nronriated $10,000 to erect a build- National Association Selects Sunday, knowp that he desires to return to f wun &aiaain inat a wua cai ne-at .the fair grounds to be used ex- April 24th, for a Nation-Wide the next Legislature, He can go to in.a Camber is more dangerous han ing at the fair grounds to be used ex clusively for agricultural and horti cultural exhibits. It Is expected that occupancy next fall. f Ex-Judge R. W. Winston and fam- a lion in a distant desert." In these letters I am giving, in part, my own experience of the men who have been the special pets of the organ of the dominant party in North Carolina. Of one Republican, I may say that April 24th, for a Nation-Wide the next Legislature, He can go to Movement. the House from Catawba or to the Th. vMni AnHHnn for the State Senate from the district em- T the new building will be ready for study aud Prevention of Tuberculo- bracing Catawba and Lincoln coun- sis announces that on April 24th, tie-. 'VaHnnal Til hprni lnsls Sundav." will " 1,18 " Ily have moved into their new home be observed in an tne cnurcnes From camp rumors circulating it is the organ of the dominant party was on Aortn mourn sireet. mo 'r i uiiuu6uuui mo uuucu i.0. evident that the KeDUDiicans exueci kiuq ana gooa enougn to KeeD me ' dence was formerly occupied by Mr. Following the campaigns against tQ make a not fignt in the Ninth record of the number of rotten eggs Sherwood Higgs and family. It was consumption that have been carried restrict next time. Dr. Warren Vines thrpwn for eleven years, so as to be purchased some months ago by Judge on in the churches in hundreds onfall, official statistician, points out able to tell precisely what each one Winston and has been remodeled into cities, and sermons on tuberculosis th t President Taft came to Mecklen- cost the railroad company: such was a very attractive residence. that have been preached thousands or b County at the last election with the zeal of the editor of the organ Citv Attorney Walter Clark rep- congregations during tne pasi year, a a majority over Mr. Bryan of some- of the party to conserve free speech y ' I movement has been started for the In., rocatitintr the oitV Of lalein. nES I llUUg lltLX; oiaic, um mnu w " .ovn...e, J " " ' I oc.tr.Wlonmont nf a normdnont til hor- I . . . j... caused warrants to be issued against " - - w-. Bryan's net majority m me eum the local agent of Swift & Co., the -"1"010 ou"Utt" " nnn nnn district- wtllcft MecKienDurg saveu United States rhiam ne chartrin them with r1 CVC1' .uorvrrv for him and tor tne uemoerauc W 9 - - - o t I nhnrnh-o-norc in t ho I niTPfl JsraTPS I i i d c a T ,iu nfit for fnnrl Several cause generally, was omy 090. ui. Bluing, "- "....v v.,.. thn (rncnc.1 ap-anst pnn- .. .. . ..x.i. instances of alleged violation of the - C' 77 1" Hal1 .say? inai. .ine Ul would go ttepuDiican oy sometuing THE MARKETS. Don't Break Down. Severe strains on the vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause break-downs. You can't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or run down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless tonic medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van de Sahde, of Kirkland, 111., writes: "That I did not break down, while enduring a most severe strain, for three months, is due wholly to Elec tric Bitters." Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction Dositively guaranteed. 50c. at all druggists. socie- fraternal like 1,500 votes If Charlotte, Gas- ut . - snmntion. Anti-tuberculosis la" are fUU Pena,ly D6inS ties, labor organizations, 1 ' orders, together with churchmen of tonia and SnelDy were omitted. The The National Guard Association 01 the various denominations, have or North Carolina is to hold its annual fered to join in the movement meeting in Raleigh in the Hall of RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Thursday by Chas. E. Johnson A Co.) Good middling .....14 3-16c. Strict middling 14 3c. RALEIGH PRODUCE MARKET. very fact that the district went Re- nublican at the last election with the! t uno. ' ii5 t a. 1 1 1 tUmta I r . '"uu"u6 it, una uceu yiaL, PXPft ntion of Meckienbure. ne says. n wo . 1. ir...c.n t r V anracan rat ivac nn I n j. . : l o ,1 V. mv v a --. f n Knr I ... " me nuuoc ui uuvinow.v-u inai on ym nu. scuuuua ui gjves the Republican leaders gooa April 6th and 7th. Officers of the culosis and its dangers be preached grounds for hope that with some sort regular army will be present and in an the churches. Literature will of eyen br5ak 0f iUOk, the district ...411 n rl H itnnn r r A A PDAnlQTmn fY TTlO I 1 Jl.i.ll...4A4 nmnMfv th m KnO S T I . M win auuicao ov"1- v". I Do UlaLIluuicu auiuiig uicujucia w- i should send a man tO UOngreSS. X3tt0 90r relation of the National Guard to the congregations of all cities, towns, WQr,0 tho efpnrt that ia helnir made 1 c , -rw I I 4. lUVV VAV wuw w ' r ni-n .......... 1UL, iu ir&uiai a.m,, uvx vt "- ana communuies. t0 induce Ex-Mayor McNlnch to run. Eeea ..171c Department to the National Guard. Clergymen who desire additional lt thoueht he could do a great ' V isi. Information comes from New Bern information will apply to the local as- dQal toward bringing out a large in- Hena ' ' ' ' 'm ' m ' .'40'c. 50c that the United States authorities 1 BU"a"u"3- dependent vote. As a woricer ana g . e chickens 30c. 35c have seized a quantity or corn-meaii organizer he is Known to nave iew gweet potatoes 75c s for violation of the pure-food law. (colored A. & M. Graduates in Much equals in the State. If Mr. McNinch Peaa $1.75 $1.85 The goods seized were from the I Demand. could be induced to acept tne nomi- Corn 80c. Mountain City Mills Companq of Ten-1 t T. , ft , A J nation it would be a ten-strike lor nessee and was declared to be short " ' the G. O. F. leaders. unaouDteaiy : in weight as well as Inferior in qual- John D. Wray, a graduate of the Mecklenburg County is the pivotal ity. This is the second seizure by class of 1909, writes President Dud- county of the district. In connec- Government officers within about two! ley that he has just received a tele- tion with any forecasts of ttie vote weeks. Mrs. Margaret Deveraux, relict of gram from Dr. B .T. Washington ask- hn the next, election, the fact should ing him to accept a position at Tus- not be forgotten 1908 was a presi- 1.aaa nn thof V a ? o An rnnfa t r Vila I A tUl AlAtlAn roo r a ti A honfA ttlA of the late Maj. John A. Deveraux of ritn. . i,ao Thio i men. .this city, died Saturday last and wasl a,11Qtoa nf thia Sf.hnni arU m ' n, wira fl. oub was WlUOljr auu . , v Ml, I A A X3a wiiiiilUK sucaas nn v '"vr uiu mi ca auuio ncio cm uuuwu. a1 buried Sunday, SinTi T f TSr;: eil nation of the North Carolina Agri- conclusions, however, are- generally Hinsdale of Raleigh, Mrs. Samuel , KIni .... V . . ..... IX- 1 also shows tnat mere is quue a ue mand for the graduates outside of the State as well as within. Ashe of Charlotte. Mrs. Burton Boston, and Miss Annie Deveraux of Raleigh survive her, and two sons, John Deveraux of Guthrie, Okla., and Thos. P. Deveraux. - State Republican Convention. The first electrocution under the new law will take place on Friday ' next. The condemned man is a Rob- King-Jones. There is a very strong sentiment favoring the bringing of the Repub lican State Convention to Charlotte next July or August. It Is certain At the home of the bride's parents, oammittee of leadine ReDubli tvt i orl Mro CI T Tnnes in f!!en-l ... . eson County negro, convicted of rape. 1""' . ,;,ca Toossip cancans will appear Deiore tne btaie He was first sentenced to die in Sep- ?d' Mr'.a 5l5!?f "AJ?.1" 6 Executive Committee at the proper tember last but has been four times ; reprieved by the Governor, due to -the non-arrival of the death chair. All electrocutions, which supplants Jones were united In marriage Tues I day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The home was decorated with time to extend an invitation from the Queen City. In view of the fact that the State Democratic convention is to ferns and cut flowers. There were assemble here. it is very proper that Jgta thU Uite a e:?LT friendS f the St;te Republican Convention take place in the State prison. young couple present Mrs. King is a young lady of at- The brandy still said to have be-1 tractive person and lovely character. longed to Robert Burns, 'which was Mr. King is a son of Hill E. King, stolen from the State Museum Fri-1 Esq., formerly of Onslow County, and RepuDiiCans in August. uay , was lucamu oatui ua.j tuu re-11s a young mail ui aiciimg wunu. ' stored to its proper place among the J The young couple have the best 1 other relics. It was found in the I wishes- of a host of friends. yard of McMackin's stables by a col- Woman's Age often does not agree with her appearance. Pain and suffer--Ing add to the years till many women look much older than they really are. Many women, avoiding pain by the regular use of that ef- Ufectual remedy, for women. Wine of Cardui, keep their youth and beauty. Attractive Round Trip Rates. Account Annual Reunion, United Confederate Veterans, the Southern Railway announces the sale of very cheap round trip tickets to Mobile, Ala., and return. Tickets on sale April 23rd-2 4th-25th, with final re turn limit May 2, 1910, or by de positing your ticket with special agent at Mobile and paying a fee of fifty cents, you can have final limit extended until May 19, 1910. From Raleigh, N. C $15.75 Goldsboro, N. C $16.40 Selma, N. C $16.00 Durham, N. C. ' $15.65 Oxford, N. C $16.30 Henderson, N. C $16.55 Chapel Hill, N. C. $15.65 Burlington, N. C $14.95 Rates also in proportion from all other points. The Southern Railway Is the only direct line to Mobile, handles through cars and makes quickest time. For further information as to rates, schedules, Pullman reserva tions, etc., ask your nearest Agent or address the undersigned. R. H. DeBUTTS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. mm Dermot Shemwell, as on of Bax ter Shemwell, went before Governor I was small should meet here also. Such was the experience of 1908. The Democrats held their memorable convention in the great Auditorium in June and the It was a matter of speculation as to the at tendance of Democrats at that con vention. The crowd was variously estimated from 5,000 to 6,000. Owing to rains, the Republican attendance The crowd was estimat- ored boy employed there. There is no clue as to the guilty parties who the unllro n K ,o,l,!n i ivntiun aiuuuaj i uiBo. a. paiuuuicu i auuui. ,w. . " a,u -r. oi ii i- 1 : .1 J Vl 1 iui uia uiucr. xii..;i oueuiweii is i iicau cuuicuuvu is uuu udc, . luic , i under a six months' sentence for l will be a prospective attendance of . threatening to shoot a conductor on 12,243 delegates and 2,243 alternates,' la Southern Railway train near Lex-1 enough to tax the capacity of the , lngton. Shemwell will have to begin I hotels of the city. Two great gath- the case. MOTHERS! Dont fall to procure Mas. Wrssixws Sooth- m . a v -k wi Mioottte wlU held ln Charlotte, ifj .: nil tiktri. cures wind colic and la the I or nor ohmild erant a nardon rr I thn Renuhlican hosts decide to meet I beat remedy tor diarrhoea. Twenty-flve cnt aantannilL tn -. Ii,.,- I Mrs. Annie Vaughan, Ral eigh, N. C, tried Cardui and vrites: , "1 vas sick and vorn out almost unto death. My sister finally persuaded me to take Cardui. Before J had taken five bottles I vas veil and strong." Try Cardui. It is fof vo men. Its tonic, building quail ties should restore you gently to health. Thousands of vo men have found It to give them lasting benefit. - ; 4 :f Try CarduL For salo everywhere, t B 47 James L Johinisoini m Opp. Post Office RALEIGH, - - - N.C TEEPS every thing usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Fine Assortment 01 GARDEN SEEDS Special Attention to All Mail Orders. MB HtVliCnM COMVASfT. ttmmtt' Ytaf ft at coat. auu omcra. CMki. a c. tta. a. c. wiMwttkt. a.c. ClMtHMt, t C UMtlt. Ck. MniH), Ala. Inwn. L. 1 WOCCOiwa.l IFmirinialtiyire Co., DBA LB a O IN FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS All kinds of Stores and Ranges, Ded Room ftut!. r.vl in fact anything- needed to furnish your home. We are the ezclutlre agents for the Lynchburg Saciurj S;tit;j Pelt Mattress, the best known to man. Get our prices before placing jonr order. Our tens trr CAftli or CREDIT. 128-130 East Martin Street, - RALEIGH, N. C. Keep an Eye On Our Eye -Openers for This Month. Look at Our Solid Sole Shoes for Rain or Shine. Peer Into Our Reasonable Prices. . Herbert Rosenthal " The Shoe Fitter " 128 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, N.C smith's Easter! CAFE We Furnish ths Best that Usnsy Can Bay. Everptmno In Season Meals Served on Short Notice tor prices sr ressonsbls, sad th serrics is unexcelled. Oar two dining-room hare 1 nicely fitted up, sad sre kept neat acid rlysTi, Smith's Cafe No. 9 Eacliange Strt RALEIGH, : : : NORTH CAROLINA rs nt trr sersirso Millinery Dress Goods aod Slippers ! You Hire Onlj Two Wetb Before LVster!! Cmii tsi lit B tut Eml Chlldren'a HaU. all prtce. LadJea' Slippers, f 10 nd op. CbJldren'o 8llpp. nd 9 250 Good Stories. I .Jaa 09 n1sntnM satuf hmtatffV OtM KLaaT 0V scribe so escape from accidental pertl. aootbsr a strange eoeonoter miw wuu crwMuw-n u.n. ctnrtM mr trne M to facts. Sn4 JOAII J v. m w ww oTrnnps of soch stories will be pWUeorlnjr J910 A soamon to nesnj o " mZ72 stories In sit and no two alike, Andtals lsnot .w ai .tAiHM vhii it im beuerea will be considered by old Companion nsders as taenestTbeuompanion nme erer imi-- Tnia to mend t once the I1.7S tor the new 1910 "Venetian" Caleoder (or 1SUX Utbosrapaed ta unrwea town am gma. Dili bu um tmmm i v. Tbe Companioo tor the reaalains weeks of I la, from the tima the sabseriptioa is recelred. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. I Companion Balldlns; Bosrox. Hiss. New Subscriptions Beeelred at this Ofiea. wxtttnc All Kinds of Dress Goods C. L UPCHURCH & SOU mm, S 110 1 Hariett sirteL HICKS' CAFE Open Day and Night Quick meals at reasonable prices. Give us a trial wnen uu Rfllenffh- J. M. HICKS, Prop., Cor. Salubttry ana ' RALEIGH, N. C CLOTHES PRESSED. CLEANED OR ALTERED nslsart nolle". Vj tiuitAi caaraiitae tag ipeelalty amUa- W. IH1LI.1H. VbMl