Cai3&Tlk TUT, illr BOMB Glass batMnbs ro FACTS. life of a mouse Is WIIICH, WOULD YOU BE. Little Miss Smile and Master Frown Went off for a ramble out of town. The skies were blue and the blos soms gay. And birds were singing along the way. "How clear and sweet they sing." said she; "But they make my head ache," grumbled he; "Oh, look," she cried, "at these roses red!" "But they prick my lingers so," he said. "See the bees in the cloyer." "But bees have stings, And those dandelions are common things!" Then scolding and scowling, Master Frown Empty-handed -went back to town. But little Miss-Smile along the way Had gathered a bunch of the blos soms gay, And she laughed and Jumped and sang for glee: Now, which of the two would you rather be? Children's Magailne. TED AND THE WOOD PILE. "I'll be glad when I get that whole pile of wood In. Then I'll be through with it. won't I mother?" "No, Ned. You know I shall want you to carry out the ashes, after the wood Is burned up," answered mother. "Then I'll be through with It motner?" "No, I think not," answered moth er, while Ned's eyes grew big with wonder. "You will scatter the ashes on the cornfield, and father will plow them in In the spring. Then you will help him plant the corn, you know. Then the corn will grow, eat ing the ashes and ground about it, and by and by you will eat the sweet corn." "Oh, we'll sort of eat the wood ourselves, and that will be the end of the old wood-pile." "Not quite," said mother. "There will be the cobs left, and" stalks of corn. We may feed them to the pigs, or to the cows, and that will give us meat or milk." "Well, I never knew before that there 'was so much in a wood-pile," said Ted. Zion's Herald. EXERCISE AXD BREATHING. "Limited breathing capacity is are common In Germany. The average three yean. The Emperor of Japan has thirty physicians. Asparagus Is the oldest known plant used for food. An Arab drinks nine or ten cups of coffee every day. A . single crow destroys seven han dred thousand Insects a year. Slxtv-four to the million of the ?d..of thl mf8t cmmon "i?1 world's population are blind. uis. says ut. jean wuuains in wo- To run the publIc 8Choois of New man's Home Companion for March. york wII1 uke $31,641,323 this "Poor breathers are found not only T among the sick of the earth, but also N,'ne mUlloa of coal are among the moderately well. All gumed clty of London every chronic invalids are poor breathers, eaf and it is quite likely that they never are two hundred and ty woum nare neen invalids u tney BpecIes of moS f ound tne BrItlgn iuu own guoa uruaiaeni. "Now here is the connection be- Islea. It fVwi flftv mnrlprTi vessels to lav tween good breathing and exercise. and look after the 8UDmarIne cables In order to be a good breather it is necessary to hare sufficient lung ca of the world. The fashions in women's dresses pacity. Suitable exercise broadens haye not changed ln Japan In twenty- sua aeeyeus me caesi, gives ireer ca pacity to the lungs and better fits Are hundred years. On a nrsnn in everv hundred them for their- important task' of thosand Ig kllied by Ughtning each supplying oxygen to the body and relieving it of the deadly carbonic acid. year ln the United States. In greeting a friend among the TlhMnnu It Is riistnmarv to hold UD "When in the fresh air. breathing the hand and gUck out the tongue. enlT. wa nbsorb ennurh niv?on tn I ... ..... w It is estimated mat more man forty-nine million food animals were deeply, we absorb enough oxygen to saturate the blood. If we are exer cising briskly at the same time time, slaughtered m the United States last we susoro more oxygen, aau are, therefore, just so much better off." year. HOW TUBERCULOSIS SPREADS. Just for instance: A young man who had been clerking for years In the basement of a huge department store developed a cough! And he was tired, so -tired that his sister suggested that he take a vacation in mid-winter. She was a dress-maker making good money, and she thought he needed a little rest. So he got leave . of absence and changed from the unventilated base ment of the. store to the over-heated and equally unventilated flat. To be sure, he took an occasional walk but most of the time he sat in the back parlor reading, and when this occupation palled, he went Into the work-room and chatted with the wo men sewing on pretty frocks for a score of customers. And wherever he went, he expectorated. There was a spittoon, a dry spittoon, in every 'room! But he got no better, the cough syrups did not cure and finally he went to see a doctor. The doctor sent a sample of this young man's sputum to the laboratory conducted by the Board of Health and had it examined. When the young man called again, he was told that he had consumption. The Board of Health was notified of the fact by the phy sician in charge of the case. The young man was sent to a sanatorium for incipient cases, the house was fumigated and the dressmaker mainstay of the family though she was heard some plain truths about shipping out frocks from this germ- laden home and employing a dozen workers in one room, without proper ventilation. That one case of tu berculosis could infect the families of the dozen sewers and the two dozen customers. It could spread out its death-dealing tentacles and touch at least one hundred and fifty unsuspecting persons. From Worn an's Home Companion for March. WHY HE WAS NOT PROMOTED. He watched the clock. He was always grumbling. He was always behindhand. He asked too many questions? His stock excuse was, "I forgot." He wasn't ready for the next step. He did not put his heart in his work. He learned nothing from his blun ders. He was content to be a second rate man. He chose his friends among his in feriors. He ruined his ability by half doing things. He never dared to act on his own judgment. He did not think it worth while to learn how. He thought it clever to use coarse and profane language. RESIG NATION. Resignation is the courage of old age; it will grow in its own season, and it is a good day when it comes to us. Then there are no more dis appointments, for we have learned that it is even better to desire the things that we have than to have the things that we desire. And is not the best of all our hopes the hope of Immortality always before us? How can we be dull or heavy while we have that new experience to look forward to? It will be the most joy ful of all our travels and adventures It will bring -us our, best acquaint ances and friendships. But there is only one way to get ready for Immor tality, and that is to love this life, and live it as bravely and faithfully as we can. Dr. Henry Van Dyke. Never, never do great thoughts From the point of view of good we can see and understand evil, but from the point of view of evil we can neither see nor understand real good ness. Annie Payson CalL FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION. sit llPYSPEPSra gfAMRRHOfSTOH He imitated the habits of men who I come to a man while he is discon- could stand more than he could. tented or fretful. There must be He did not learn that the best part quiet in the temple of his soul before of his salary was not in his pay en- the windows of it will open for him velope. Success. to see out of them into the infinite. Quiet is what heavenly powers move THE ANCHOR WATCH. I n " ia ln sllence tnat the stars I mnvA nti. and It is In mil At nri'r smils "I often recall," says an old sailor, are visited from on hi eh. Mount- it ceruun nigni at sea. A storm had ford a certain nignt at sea. A storm had come up, and we had put back under a point of land, but still the sea had On a Southern plantation the a rake on us, and we were in danger dairy hands were accustomed to do of drifting. I was on the anchor tbe milking, squatting down in a watch, and it was my duty to give primitive fashion, until the owner warning in case the ship should drag introduced milking stools with other her anchor. It was a long night to Improvements; but the initial experi- me. Placing my hand on the chain, ment was not exactly a success. The I could tell by the feeliner of it darkey who first sallied forth with whether the anchor was dragging or I tne stool, returned in a bruised and not; and how often that night 1 1 battered condition, and with an emp placed my hand on that chain! And 7 Pail- "I done my best, sah," he yery often since then I have wonder- J explained. "Dat stool looked all right ed whether I am drifting away from I me ut de blamed cow, she won't God, and then I zo and Drav. Some- sit on it!" times during that long stormy night i wouia oe startled by a rumbling Never destroy the faith a man has sound and I would put my hand on I unless you can give him something tne cnam, ana nnd that it was not better in its place. the anchor dragging, but only the tuuu i..mS against tne rocKs on The man who lives to him. the bottom. The anchor was still self win find that he has a hard uxiu. AnQ sometimes now m tempta- master Ram's Horn. uon ana trial i nna that way down deep in my heart I do love God, and my hope is in His salvation. And I want to say just a word to you, boys, Keep an anhcor watch, lest before you are aware, you may be upon the rocks." It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swensen, of Watertown, Wis.: "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last WHEN WE DISLIKE OTHERS. Safve cured it. sound and well? fa- Whenever we find, ourselves . feel- fallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, ing bitter against anyone, this is Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever Sores, probably accounted for by the fact Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c. at that we have been unfair in some! all Druggists. way to that one. The truth of this Is suggested by the following from the Washington Star: "What makes that man dislike you. so much?' 'I haven't the faintest idea,' answered the student of human nature. 'Prob ably he has played me some under hand trick that I don't know any thing about' " We are so uncom fortable over our own wrong-doing SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedules of Trains Leaving, Ra leigh, N. O. N. B. The following -figures'" are published only as information and are not guaranteed: No. 111. west. 2.00 a. m., for Dur ham and Greensboro; handles Pull- in being unfair to a f ellowman, that I man BleePin6 car Raleigh to Wlnston- we try to relieve our minds by as-loaiem' wnicn 18 Pn at s.oo p. m. at sumlng that he is wrone. and there- unltm Station for occupancy, con- fore a fit object of our dislike. It isnectInS at Greensboro for all points a good deal like the ostrich's sensible North, South and West. move for self-protection by hidine its! XN0 1 WMt :35 a. m., through head in the sand. Let us have the traIn witn cnalr w toT Durham, good sense to look for the cansA nf I Greensboro, Salisbury, and Asheville. our personal dislikes in ourselves connecung ai Durham, with train for and when we have located the J Oxrord. Henderson, Norfolk. Keys- ticular Injustices of our own that ville Richmond, and Washington, at give rise to them, let us have the reensDoro r points North and courage and the character to make the handsomest amends that we can. No dislike can survive under such j heroic treatment Sunday School i Times. God. Gladstone. South. No. 139, west, 4:05 p. m.. handles through Pullman sleeping car for At lanta, connects with train at Durham for Oxford and Keysville, at Greens boro with through train for Wash After sixty vears of T "ammwB muaueipnia. ana hold more ctr,i , OJOU conmecis at wreens- wv.wubJ K.110.U. cvci LU LU6 hnrn rnr A ot..lll. tr 1,1 -., . " ' icamjr, 1 rvn. 112. east Q 0-1 tne nearness, and the personality of ma and Ooinsho Z "Z. ma with A. C. L. Railway for Wilson and Rocky Mount, at Goldsboro for Habits were never formed in a dav. Wilmington; also for Kinston. New ana tney cannot be mastered in a I Beru. and Morehead City. day. Time, with heart and mind No- H. ast. 12:30 p. m.. for Sel united in determination, can conauer I ma and Goldsboro, connecting at Sel- any evil nabit, and make or strength- ma wim A- C. L. for points south eu any gooa one. . na nortn; also at Goldsboro for Wilmington, Kinston, and New Bern. A Man of iron Nerve. no. 22. east. 6:30 p. m., for Selma ndomithTe wni 0a , ana ldsboro, connecting at Selma ..... v ucmcuuuus en-iror nolnts smith rm a n t ergy are never found where Stom- Und t mTkT" .r: a"way: ach. Liver. Kidneys W Bowels are Rocky Mount matchless regulators, for keen hrin ' w "c"i5u"- and strong body. 25c at ail Drue-k Tr" r7 tZ V?! AJUtugU, Si. U. M i M With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis, it requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years . experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark is on every baa n Shipments made to any part the State at same price as at shop. M0MMENTS COOPER BROS.. PropT55 BALBIQH. K. O POR CATALOQut Wbea writle to ASrenJen meoUon th,. f l.OO EXPRESS TRADE MARK REGISTERED F. S. Royster Guano Co. NORFOLK, VA. urro Business Locals. WANTED Several good agents t solicit subscriptions for The Cauca sian. Write at once for terms. Ad dress The Caucasian Raleigh, N. C FOR SALE A Sun typewriter at a bargain. Has been used only six months. Address "P," care The Caucasian, Raleigh, N. C WANTED All farmers who grow Simpkins Prolific Cotton to bring their seed to me at any time Warehouse 315-316, S. Blount St., Raleigh, N. C. back of W. A. Wyatfs store. W. A. SImpkinB. FOR SALE CHEAP A $40 schol arship ln Draughons Business Col lege. Will dispose of it to person making the best offer. Write at once for particulars. Address P. O. Box "O", Raleigh, N. C. JOHN T. PULLEN, President CHAS. ROOT. Cashier THE Raleigh Savings Bank STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT 09 STATS 1.00, EXPU J "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove "RVir TrnvPlAML Riclr-Rnnm. fjimn. f!hftflnc Dish f ; . .. a. - . 1 - W . i, vi t ij Availing WA ttuccica uoo to uvi aiauauts ur JfMrfi f IT MAKES IIS OWN OAB-:ABSOLUTELY SAFE. I Smokeless and Odorless, Weighs Oolv Eight k CAN CARRY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Boils Quart of Water ln Nine Minute $1.00. Express Paid. $1.00. Express f. Bart-Ward Hardware RALEIGH N O. Compao;, To Write LIFE INSURANCE lor the PEOPLE'S MUTUAL BENEVOLENT ASSOC OF NORTH CAROLINA. BIG MONEY TO A HUSTLING MAN. .. . -. ......... p More than $50,000 Paid to Home Peo; Last Year. CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION. T AU to Whom The Pretnto Mag Com Greeting : Whereat, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated rect rd of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited ln my office, that the Standard rurpentlne Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office Is situated ln tbe city of Raleigh, county of Wake, State of North Carolina, (Dr. Norwood Carroll being the agent thtreln and ln charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has compiled with the reaulrementa nf Chan. ter 21, Revlsal of 1906, entitled "Corpora- "w""v j buo iaaum ji bills Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. BRYAN GRIMES. Sec retary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 7th day of October. 1809 file ln my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on flia in m said office as provided by law. InTemtimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Ral eigh, this 7th day of October, A. D. 1909. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State All Money Kept at Home and Paid Only to Home People. Noi salaried officers to support. Apply to- H. E-. KING, Sec'y-Trea, BALCIGH, N. C Boi' DROPSY CURED Belief at Once. Address Capital and Surplus, Deposits, ...... $ $0,000 $700,000 4 Paid on Deposits Interest Compounded Quarterly. NOTICE! New Method Shoe Repairing. Having Installed the latest Improved and up-to-date Shoe Machinery. I am now pre pared to do all w rk in my line on short no tice. Very best White Oak Leather used In all work. AU work guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction. Your patronage solicited. Work called for and delivered. Moore's ElectricShoe Shop Fayetteville St. under Powell & Powell's. THE NORTH CAROLINA State ' Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of 'North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September iSf tgo9. Those desiring to enter shonld apply as early as possible. For catalogue ana other information address J. I. FOUST, Pres Greensboro, TS, C DR. JOHN T. PATTERSON ATLANTA, : : : : GEORGIA. For 75 Gents. Mr. A. V. Dockery's oox on Fish tells all about fishing, baits, how to build and stock fish ponds. For sale by Commercial Printing Co., Raleigh, N-c- (adv4t). YOUNG MEN, LEARN TELEGRAPHY! TELEGRAPH OPERATORS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND 1 1 ' E. B. EVANS & SONS, NO. 8 JEABT DAVI. ST., RALEIGH. R L U M B E R S Gas and Steam Fitting, and Gen ral Repair Work. Flrstclu wort at moderate prices. FOR RENT. J. H. GILL, Iron Foundry, RALEIGH, N. C. Orr, .A. WHITAKER j , lO.S. IUX.IIOH, A. O. "When. -writing adYertisers, plcaso mention adrertlaera. ROYS, THIS IS YOUR OPPOR TUNITY, to learn a first-class trade that pays a good salary every month in the year. There will be a greater demand for Telegraph Operators thii Fall and Winter than there has been for many, years past The prominent railroads of the South and other parts of the United States are writing us to qualify as many young men of good character for their service as we possibly can. We trust that the re liable, ambitious boys of. the South will rally to this golden opportunity. Our students qualify for service In only four to six months. We maran- tee positions. Graduates begin on $45 to 65 per month; easy and pleasant work; permanent employ ment; rapid promotion. Our tuition is reasonable; board at low rates; .Newnan is extremely healthful; fine climate; excellent drinking water. Write at once for our nw illustrated catalog. A letter or postal will bring it. IT IS FREE Southern School of Telegraphy. Bo3L 272 NEWNAN. GA- SUBURB SERVICE TO BALTIMORE VIA Chesapeake Line Steamen "Columbia" and "Augusta" Dining Rooms on Sale n Deck. Elegant Table D'hote Dim 75 cents. Club Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polite attention pand the very best service in every m WE SOLICIT CRITICISM OF OUR-SERYICE ArJiVeBaHjr?0 Jackso Street) Daily (except Sunday) 6:11 pt . NeYork ,? X rlSJJ1 "ith'rail line, for PhUacelpk. Sonadarew P ESt Dd We,t- For a11 information and rwer. C L. CANDLER, GL A. F. R. McMILLIN, T. PJ Norfolk, Virginia. " ' I ITT! Tn. . i uin rtMALE COLLEGt thHl t08 8Uccessfnl t equipped boarding .choo!i llr !Ju hot water heat, electric light, and other modern impro' ments. 28th annual session will begin Sept. 15, 1909. Wf v-ne aaoressj. M. RHODES, President. LitUeton, N.C Th Wonderful Headache and Neural? la. ti. , . , , . . sn4 W et. Bottle.. 10 ct. Dose t FooSIm. lkt hm ,tood ' mUir10011 ?? ket-but Aniicephal.rine .liU ' . n ro OALB BY ALL DBUOQtBT NORFOLK . a SOUTMERt RAILWAY WooTT & Kbr, Receive. New Short Line Through Eastern North Carols Express train service between Raleigb, Wilson, Greenv Goldsboro, Kinston, New Bern, Morehead City, Washington, P-V outh, Elizabeth City, Virginia Beach and Norfolk, Virginia. FARM FOR SALE -A fine tobacco farm and good resi dence, located on public cross roads 65 acres land, large dwelling, barn stables and bnggy honse. Nice stor bouse located 3 miles from Wiitw on Durham & Southern road. Al buildings new. Applv to - DAVID SPENCE R.D.F.Ho.2, - - HoBySpriajj. Via Norfolk to North and East Via Ral6lflH to South and West H. a flUDQIKS, jfu w CBOXTOX, General Passenfer Igeirt, Assistant Geseral Pae'B?tfir -' SOBPOLK, TIBGIXIA. Plymouth Rocjc and White Iregborn eggs for sale. , These Chickens are all right in every particular. Price of eggs f LOO per setting of IS. Orders bj mail or otherwise will hare careful attention. J. R. H O U 0 E , R.F.D.2, :: IUlt-rL II. v. QO TO Tut BAR HAM HOUS' AT IUQUAT STUD"' For Health, OonTealenc nd ca Rana-fun per day or V , - R 8 BABHAM, Froprf, mjnarrrlB'V When . writing adrertisecfc mention this paper.

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