(PAT K -4 A L RALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 24. 1910. No. 11 f vv ; V 10 A bushwacker which? or a soldier Peary found it almost as cold at the Pole as he did at Atlanta. If this thing keeps up. Peary's goose will surely be "Cooked." Is the great increase In crime in this State still due to Fusion rule? There has been no report of an escape from the penitentiary during the past sli hours. Baxter Shemwell's doctors say he has "a very bad heart." Ought not to take a doctor to find that out. And Just to think. Colonel Roose velt was once nothing but a plain ordinary, every-day Vice-President. The daily docket of the police courts In several towns in the State r.arf like an East-Side New York magistrate's court. M. E. Church, a Kansas banker, has been arrested for shortage in his ofonunta He Rhnuld be forced to change his name. Texas has three prohibition can didates for Governor. Wonder if the two who are defeated will still live up to the platform? These may be days of high prices hut it has not been necessary to open public soup houses to feed an army of unemployed. The President in Speech Give Seven Point of Advantage Itefonn Measure He Will Pree. The President in a speech Monday at Providence. R. I., made a telling speech from which we make the fol lowing extract: What Tariff Has Proved. "First It is the best revenue get ter we ever had. 'Second It has by the returns shown that It has the largest free 1st. "Third It has shown that the rates of the Dingley tariff have been materially reduced. "Fourth By the creation of a cus toms court it has proved a means for the speedy and just administration of the customs law. "Fifth It has provided free trade with the Philippines a measure of justice which should have been given as far back as 1900. "Sixth It has furnished to the ex ecutive, by means of the maximum and minimum principle, a leverage to secure from all foreign countries fair treatment for American products without any undue discrimination, evidences of which had been cropping out In the tariff laws of a number of nations. We are almost through with our negotiations under this clause of the law, and I very much hope that we shall be able to conclude without application of a maximum rate to any country. At any rate, this provision of a new law has enabled us to se cure for the -American trade freedom from the discriminations from which, at times in the past, it has suffered. Will Examine Protection Customs. The Norm Resolution to Change Committee On Rules Caused Some Excitement IN SESSION ALL NIGHT. Committee on Roles Enlarged From Five to Tea Member Members of Committee to be Appointed by the House Instead of by the Speak Motion to Depose Speaker Cannon Defeated by an Overwhelming Ma jority President Taft Watching Situation With Keen Interest Pe culiar ailx-Up in Smithfield Post- Office Matter. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C March 22. th a new tariff law has provided a permanent board. It Is my Intention soon to ask of Congress an appropriation of from $200,000 The fiaht which the insurgent Re publicans have been waging against Sneaker Cannon culminated in most remarkable and dramatic scene on Thursday evening of last week. The Insurgents, with the help of the Democrats, succeeded in passing resolution, after a long struggle, pro viding for the enlarging of the Com mlttee on Rules from five to ten members, the committee to be elect ed by the House Instead of appoint ed by the Speaker, and further pro viding that the Speaker should not be a member -of the Committee on Rules. This resolution was adopted by a majority of twenty-two. The Speaker Meets the Situation. Immediately, upon the adoption of this resolution, the Speaker an nnnnced that he would entertain a tlon bill, and the bill to strengthen the railroad rata regulation law. It is said by some that the Demo crats and the progressive Republi cans by this action have robbed themselves of their great campaign issue known as Cannon if m, and that the net result will be a victory for the regulars. However, nearly every one has a different view as to the effect of this revolutionary pro ceeding and only time can tell what ts result will be. A Peculiar Mlx-Cp. The status of Mr. Standi, the ap pointee for postmaster at Smithfield, Is Interesting and peculiar. Mr. Far- ker who had served but one term and most creditably to the patrons of the office and with a very fine record in the Post Office Department, was dis placed last summer and Mr. Standi, a man who lived at Benson, another town fifteen miles from Smithfield, was imported to that town to take the office and was given a recess ap pointment. The confirmation of Mr. Standi, however, has hung fire dur Ing the whole session of Congress. until recently, when the Postmaster- General personally went to the Sen ate Committee on Post-offices and Post Roads and urged his confirma tion at once. This resulted confirmation of The Conditions Are More Farorable For Republi can Success. BUSINESS CONDITIONS GOOD. BosineM Men Practically Agreed Up on a Protective Tariff High Coat of Food Staffs Benefits the Farm era Democrats Joining the Re publican Party and Are Welcomed Into lis Ranks All Past History Has Been Abolished Seventy Per Cent of the Young Men Join the Republican Party. The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer sends his pa per the following interesting inter view with a prominent Republican from this State: I asked a well-known Republican manufacturer from North Carolina what he thought of political condi- ln the Immediate Hons In the State. Mr. Stamcll. The "It seems to me that conditions tr always followed soat reference to a fellow's past history- 'One of the elder statesmen arose and moved accordingly that aU past history be abolished' and Immediately there was no more strife. "And so with us. all past history Is abolished, if the erring brother will Join In maklQg his State prosperous and giving the prominence that Its diversified interests merit. "Oar colleges are turalcg oat young tna who are too anxious to enter the race to listen to the tradi tions and prejudices and hatreds ct the past. "These young giants, instead of throwing away their time and op portunity in reading calamity-howl lea newspapers, are pushing onward and overtaking, aye leading, these great modern combinations while most of our press are crying to them that they are poisonous trusts. "Our young banker are too busy investing the largely Increasing de posits entrusted to them to listen to harpies, "You may say. without being in telligenUy disputed, that 70 per cent of young men who cast their first vote last election, joined the Repub lican ranks." The Issue Next Election. "What will be the policies your SOUND OF PISTOL Men ana The Mocktrif BirxT Kept busy Tryinff to Dodjjo iKe Bullet. DEPLORABLE CRIME LIST Ua Will ttu, 4Hd tlaiUl i.AUla 4 fcuai Gtr ! bf Afvnm fal Ibcmu , f UU-4)m Menlrrrr S-HLtyllj Au tcw u tnW i t lMt light ia C..tKr4 U ManW. l Kill Miw-i.tw mn! CM I. AhUU. N. c, iu:a i;.Cfcaa. Morris, a U;bs, Liu tr ail from Marion. it l,u:i( uu4 mu mothr-tu U. &t; tu iAta tu ova to-ear-tM cini4. ws.44 ii if, and turuw. u .ti . a is trt. Report I e-, r , rsi Lt that Murru ai.4 agreement the child lu fc. r party will present to the voters In the next election?" "Protective tariff, ship subsidy, ab RAlnte local self-eovernment in all next day a motion was made In the! are more favorable for Republican Senate and carried to reconsider the success than X have ever seen in xnrflrmoMnn nf Mr Rtanr.1. Tt la re- Knrth Carolina before." he said. V. fnlAnVinnA wi a a on era vmi r I "tknn o-V, I An nnt maVfl it a rule to I matter. And lafitlV. '. men WhO yui icu tua i a icicyuuuv a tocugw biiuuu a v w - - - porting to come from the White mix my drinks and I am here on know the worth of our State and House, was received by the Senate business and not politics." will make It greater; men who dare Committee the next day urging that "On what do you base your and do; men who will be satisfied Standi be confirmed again. In the claim?" only with seeing their State the great- meantlme, however, it is said charges -Oh. this is not a claim, but mere- est in a greater South; men who will of alleged attempted bribery against ly the trend of matters as I see lt and not stand for dictation; men who Mr. Standi had been received and hear from the business element with know not how to fall, filed at the White House, the day be- which I am thrown. This element "The Republican party will ask tnra tfco tocr nflrmfltinn aaoma tn, h aatiafled with business every intelligent voter to adopt the Tt fa said that Mr. Abell. a nroml-Lnnrtitinns from the Dolitlcal stand- motto. "Take the broader view, be- nent lawver at Smithfield. sent a let-Lnint" cause our State will never come Into U- algal 7 ha! a H.t m.'.r u:t tutu, lfciC M. lltrd. oul) ikiA& y. TuU mortal. iUi,; utUKk Mor ris, etldcbW; eurir4. to IlirJ bou. broke ni a a t4rr4 tloof a&4 openrd fire, ttw t.n a uts., Mr. lilrd died lutUatij. a ail l& tfclM Mrs- Murrtt u.; t.ti'wlr rr. while Morru iwi !tvr lh ilf inflicted uukJa mr a.4. Morris u iw l t.L of the Clerk ot the iVuri ,! UrloU County. Mik Ma KilU UUr. to $250,000 Dr. Stiles has taken up his resi dence In Raleigh, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he thinks we all have the hookworm. Rocklrjghaii.. N C. March it. ition of from SZOU.OUU , " . . . . nem lawyer ai mituuem, bcui poinu 7. , , Mrs. cisuae ai .Lot ana ai- to enable this board to motion to declare the chair vacant L contalnlng the charge8, which What are the conditions which Its own until every one of 1U "ns in.ianily kiiw Lr lt hu.bsad 10 eiiduic luio uuaivA j tn ie0t a tiaw Sneaker. Prompt- . ... w o ttl . j j unn-1 'Tl,a tho hrr,Hr tUw ' " . . while aULdlug la tte -loot ol br I get at the truth concerning the pro- - n .r" made were 10 1110 ene,cl inai Mr' you tninic nave prouuu tu .sp-- terted industries of this country, so UiUUUU , T J ottered to pay congressman rou a of satisfaction!" llitl: wJ TJn hale occasion to W Congressman Burleson of Texas, Lertain gum of money to 8ecure Wg WeU( primarlly the slt. luui. " - I qtiH this Tn-iTinn wan nnuii I v huuuuil- j x j it. - i .. . , . 3 . a , 4- ! o, TOni Have the "uu - . . connrmauon. it i unaemiuou i.uai.1 uaUon. preaicaieu uyuu bwuuu revise me wuu I A yv tha nomnorats. but the lnsur-1 .. . . . o - . . . . GENERAL NEWS ITELS. home ulkiLg tu a ;hKUn this morning aUiut .2u oiki. Youtig liAi U-t-n ma with la- red. tO 1 . , oo-olnct Honrtnlnir - oiatcn ouiicuie uui iu wv- vunutu The Baltimore Sun says it is but "Under this new law we have pro- ,f ine, voted . tg, ia uSn that a member of the committee In- a matter of fact, our people lected M arbitral0r of the boundary This m The Baltimore Sun says it i Und er ne a er wge Speaker Cannon, taking the ' Itton ired of the Presiaeilt if he had re- are more thoroughly studying and di8pute CoBta Rlca and Pan. m4n aM two weeks more before the day of eeeded to great prosp y 8 :hat0thei' flght wa8alt ceived and considered the charges of understanding the great Issues be- Mra. Yo judgment for the Democratic party, earners h ave a 11 tne: y , Speaker personally, but for the ftttempted brlbery, and it thn devel- f oro them. The t n0,,,nBorMHv unusually high "tee of pay. There inciple of having the Rulea Com. President had never B,naa mn are nracticallv a- o.n ?..!..! ea uy tue wem"a, the next day, after the senate ror tne and freedom from the many isi gent Republicans, with the exception gecond time had confirmed SUncll, wnici1 formerly beclouded the sky. of nine, voted against deposing . . memDer of the committee In- Aa a matter of fact, our peoj Get the goat-house ready, rl:::::r.lZ President had never ..Buslncss men are pracUcally a- ;;reeV hut t do not think they haver eiec- Jjr" rZ'.l0Le the letter, but that it had been greed upon a protecUve tariff which theK" V,;, . to cause suffering. wluua a iw uiu referred to the Post-office Depart- allows u8 to turn our raw material That recent electrocution at been so high as to cause sunering. ker was robbed of a large part V 1 .1 if nna nrisnnPT n- AnnnnAnte have heen attempting I ... . A lL. .1 I ueuiieuuaij , 1 uui uvi'u"v-" v" - , I ol HIS DOWer. ana at luo baiuo uuio yy jt 1 l v,ii nrioes tn the new ta- . , a upon less who is liaoie to escape auu ue a w w's - menace to the community. riff law high prices to the new ta- I eltt" vote of conft- upon. ..im8 "W"M" .VJ Z brln us miB GOUDie 1Ice on aaTICe 01 aocior8- Tiut their hleh nrlces have "M 6""" " 0 copy 01 tne same iener nem5 thus making our people prosperous. - 1 nanrn. 1 91.1. 11 rtMaA niMf aa 1 a ao If the Democrats would pulf off their campaigns in the winter time possibly the people would not so riously object to their "hot air heen in those industries with respect ta which the tariff rates were either How the Trouble Arose. with the Senate Committee) a reso- and it prosperity to enable us Helen Bloodgood. daughter lutlon was promptly . off ered in the I Q sea the brighter side of life. j Df wealthy New York parents, escap- : , " .m'AVof . .- senate ana passea requesnus "We are Dracticany unanimoua vu 1 0a fTnm . sanltorium while insane. time 10?;W tCrPffit W -kS President to return StancilYomlna- our Bupport of the Panama Canal. a three days' search she was Zn 5o se- tariff bill i -to use a moderate ex- 0r rognl Vn l f' Lhtnne and ship subsidy, which U sure to fol- found drowned. havlng committed not'beeQ dc0tlluly lJlb.b.d. nression-unjust." sent Swlut on from the Census done and th matter noW h,anf ?f low. and why should we not be with gulcIde. ,ftrr l9 0-( P lLL His Proeram. ttTioVin consldera- Are in that shape pending an Investl- lmmense traffic it will bring to Uih, luto tb. , President Taft then proceeded to tion, on the ground that the ComU- ga 1 v . . . he tution provided for the taking of the cratic State Connt.ou wui e ''SSrOM that, therefore, anything nn one side and wet on the other . rnnnontpd with takine the census This is probably the most remark able condition of affairs connectea with an appointment and a confirma- rhlef TiiRtlre Fuller, of the United irrtnim fur Mitral da) aud Dr. Frank States Supreme Courtfl has been se-Jcovlugtou had kta aucudiuf him. UloruiliK Ins cailrU j lb Slid aa Le a ieailiiC th Lout UUg followed Uiiu to th door. The two er u&dli.x at the door Tn on "anlti A an at Sin I t.lltln k)m r 1 Vmil r f.ril ffulll lb upon a protective tariff which! Francisco, five couples of the seven jroom. The buii-t truck Mr. Young no n. tit-r-n nn r raw material I 1. a a a vntirfl and I .a . w. 1 1 ik. t.K ..irini rmi. ttUUHB uo fcvr vuaa v " I WUU DLB1 UBUWU Ulictu " I UU U5 atn lu V " J . into a finished product and, thereby, I Blx minutes until stopped by the po-j dying in a fe miautea. 1 1 . V. nnr1a nrnflt and lain a l . A t .1 I LnknoMn Wfiiu Ma A UnnpU Mr Winston, N. C . March H With sinister purpohf tui Uh unateaa aUty has Uat nlcht a lew Uiiiiuu -.f'-rr 10 ocioca fired a 4 4-ca.llbre LuiU-t luto the houie of Mr. J. T. St-arborouch Main ui.oat frfif-i tli.- ijnl-oniCe. ra. dlltk . u ... . the eastern section of our State." The Cost of Living. After many years of litigation. Mrs. Robert Ingersoll. widow of the ,-nlt Irnnwn atrnnatlf reroTffren a feel t . j . . i . t . .. ... I a, 1 1 .r T1 .-. aV. rt nFinncinnTI Will he Dili lu I m ..on nan V.A aA . I' I WakU Ola ajiyumvauvu. I DUl laic 1 uuoivu ..... r - - I QI f 100,20 1TUU1 U1B CTUlie Ul II Ijirid NITS A Hi 'T) fft iU UW I UOaaa tion that has ever occurred in -the vour Darty that tariff has increased mfn.r for -hom her husband v'... v . ... ... nri. Lut - I " I IUlU WttltU laat u"- history of the Senate. the cost of living!" acted as attorney. L nna hurt 5T,r the rietaila of the connected with taking the census with nrobablv a deluge In the middle. I maiaraa ln nraotirallv the was a matter of constitutional priv m - i v a i iuuo aaicoLv a f , -ht Pnrhostpr lleee and should have preceaence same laugutigc o.o 1 - . . ... . , i j .. : nmn. . . ,,a i. tt uraH holover the rules 01 tne xiouse. xuv aUUOk aaca.x. " - - o I DUCCLU W a lasb " x,xa. 1 - . a . . . . x. (immDacker resolution was enter -ratip refen that the rule was estao- naa attempieu as mutu - . r . . a. lished that it took ten mills to make to carry out the Roosevelt policies, tamea ana aaoptea nJfrom stiff prices and you can hardly m June. Immediately upon the return He asserted also that he was at- As quick as this was done, Con- The Men Get Recognition of Their "o beneficiarie8 to vote to Lf the former President to this coun- a cent. PHILADELPHIA STRIKE OVER. "True, in fact too true, but ours are an agricultural people and all pro-l Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Miss .we are reaping great benefits Eleanor Alexander will be married Gambling I-1 t" Tragedj. Lexington. N 0. Mrch 20. gamblers tt q ocCOrteri also that he was at- As auick as this was done, Con- The Men Get Recognition of Their Irom ! . ' aVl. while a Eanr of r.ffro I aaa - - .... emert tnese Deneucianco iu iuto . 01 lue luriucr ncsiucuv mi vaa- . , . . tempting so far as he could to carry gressman Noms, of Nebraska, rose VnSmtt the Main Point at Issue, by profits I was about to try The young man Is working In a plied their trade this 'l'rn ia out the pledges of the party plat- to the floor and said that he had a Reinstating Discharged Fellows. S &nd the carpet factory havlng commenced as the woods aouth of ton dic"llJ form. He referred to tne postal sav- resolution w wnsuiuuuua w6- PhUanelnhia. Pa.. March 19. AL1T,cottien conditions which would a day laborer and supporting himself, arose veiu ings bank bill, the Interstate com- to present and demanded uau probable settlement of the street car ceruinly follow Democratic success. Henry Moore merce amendments, the conserva- consideration, and pointed to the fact t Jn BignL a ..Furthermoref farm products de- j. C. Mabry and thirteen confeder- Moore shot Ha kin. ac tion. Statehood, and anti-injunction that the Constitution provided that numerous conferences mJmd 8UCh a price that every one ates were convicted In the United f77. Matiu bills. the House should make its own rules uit aftern00n and are KSran will bealn to do a little farm- States Court at Council Bluffs. Iowa. Munll in lr Fight. " "Ar both the labor unions and the and that his resolution was 10 carry tn-n.i?ht. a nroo-1. a - nf frond in "fliln" renorts of horse t,.,.rn v C . March 18. J. Press reports seem to matcate mat manufacturlng Int , t0 . out " !,-' Ula has heen devised wh.ch ta .Eten the m The "Whip Saw" says that "So cialism is but a departure from bar barism." Yes? But in which direction? . . . AS. A M. Staley. a eii-snof n T.cc Pnnrto cam tn in rioat P. that I - . i..nto coom tr hp 1 rn t that PonstitUtlOnal DTO YlSlOn Dj ... , I 0 I . . ... a i ao awaa., waa. v manuiactu rmg ol""" " " ' , ositlon has been uevisea wnicn is ..Vv.n the man who lives In town racing, tnereoy aeirauuiuK mau; pv- vj staley. a eii-"" ----- Roosevelt has carried Khartum, Su- opposed to the anti-injunction bill, reorganising the Committee on Rules e favorable to both sides. hi earden his chickens and pie of thousands of dollars. The h boSpltai to-Jar. s result of dan and some more of the back coun- he said. "It must be a fair measure, and . The proposition submitted Is sub- biita. maximum penalty Is a $10,000 fine " m a central fight u nt rrratin nnnosi- and I hope It will pass." was one of Constitutional prlvl leg e- tantiali. a8 follow8: keep a cow ana. lt ui j- and two years' Imprisonment. wblch OCCurr near Julian. thl tries., in spite of Democratic opposi ana i P declared be Jt was apparent that the insur 8A5 e arTto be taken back a pig' . fc . . . . mav - unty suiej horribly beaten tion. . J tn mvpv axATita were all in the House in full aii Stnaers arts i "While on this subject, I may say , , county, a i . . ... xiic x icoiuuw i .. . u,.,,- i .,111 All Strikers are w u tan.u cause he had attempted to convey gents were all in the House in full possible, given their his views, to Congress "in some de- force, and tnat neany every -Tbose wbo are not "While on this subject, I may say that I encouraged all our mm em- . a i .ir.i frrtured. ar- a. . . a -11 i-.nr mill CTTI- I -w ' I UD ttUU aa.a a , his views, to Congress in sum - , w reeular runs. Those who are not l"" -.v- " - councUman of Pittsburg. Pa., maaes t bave vD lMUi ior Up at High Point the water main L thfirfi had aKain arisen talk of crat was in his seat, while many of "S"" . plr ln thelr old DO, ployes to do all of these things and Ba.rtlI confession Involving pwt "... rhh at hce house the af- burst and the Greensboro Record executive usurpation. the regular Republicans were out o are to be placed on the extra their tac""J" and present members of the city , savs residents there began cooking their seats and a number of them out JJ0 $1.50 a day until they answer whether It Is successful Louncil9 Ia 8erious charges of brlb- u un4er,tood that a blockad. sajs resiaenib mwo u" 1 ,...ar nn' I v.Q nv it uras clear, therefore. 1151 ana Kaveu x.au . j i .ollt vftll are sneaking mostly or . a. 11 18 . .v.. ,.tr GRAt has airxivx w - ' Uet a reeular run. The matter oi J r r. ery. rorty-one inaictmenis u .till figured lam-u mr.'W -w 4- V. 4- 4T etmA VAO I IITIATI TXT Q U Ull I I I t-tl ID" - I M n i nn n I Tr.ll r1 aB n f 1 W I'M. 1 1 LllCfiC L U. I I - - v liUJIJba JbtJlV. tliac 11. uxxc o-a. a, " . I av; Ko,.lr the 17 to a vote at tnat time it wouia ue : - - - - av efit your party in a roca-riooeu I .. a...... mi. wife. Henderson County Republicans Ap- carried. This caused i the regulars a to be paid ocratic . State?" It w announced by official, of ' , TOune wblu ffiAS. prove of the Congressman s u, pruu - -v . ftll be 2, cents an hour, to go into I . . . i j "-Spanish War veterans tnat wnen tne '; ' bot bU T.ii,rtinff All His appointmente. lengtn so as noi to lorce me " " . . nt. an honr things in a Droaa Yiew uu w--; invention of that body convenes with liquor Point! All aboard for High Wonder if the next Democratic Na tional Convention will point with pride to the way their members in lengtu so as not w wire me coaci . .0a ,,. , . effect at once and a half cent an nour ... r 10 - i aann vpar utilii Hendersonvilie. i. iuaicii u. i . MC,nit(nn until nhaent mem- 1 WlionolUU talc iwuiuiavai aaaa.a. Congress voted on the postal savings The Henderson County Republicans be gotten to thelr seats. bank bill? held a county convention nere tu-ua, j"be Democrats and the insurgents with a large attenuate, v- . i,h...ed that tj,e Speaker and his R. H. Staton of the County Executive filibustering; and then .r h'iiT,1! convention of that hodr " rnJ .ncrease Is granted each year until a-naPP.a . Col ,n8eP..mher n; wn ?';hMtltt occurs a h tx-octoo rear-h 25 cents an nour." I " consolidate witn aiuea orginiwuonB " iA it i nn "B " - I "Tho neirrft is OUT OI DOllUCS SUU . ..... . . . . I iiiillr.i hfitT.?. ai i"" . ... A .9 I m the white man can choose along tne I . Vf. - .. Li-r.tond that Bluings wm ... I ea commanaer-in-cnici ui mc uun . . . ro. line of Drindples; whichever party Z"" influence of liquor nd had jaat rr . " a..." - 1 ho I OOUICB. . . ooT.TaEGE SET O.V FIRE. ' "'. bodies. innu ----- f . fh. . u w xt n Ton t i liic vjuuuij a. - , jtiik..'anir ini rneni I i tv.. whita man riiiea nnn i iiki e i i. , t-,, r nLiii - A Buncomhe County man neggeu " ,0ng 7t"ruge. eTci T.ie I . L ra7o loer to violence . , Q ' h, tad peuivcu-i . t, nriTifrressional. Juaiciaii' , a v.. t. inccnaiari awwup -o I . . a .v ...i Af a uuiuimuuo vu.c aaa , .. lie oeciowa www . , i trying to get every aosem meiuucr mi - indiir-lor iraua at eiecuona anu mo iuu.oi a . a to live and Senatorial Conventions. The dele- yote m re- School-Wte Citizens Are Indig or Improved that Court of South the judge to send him to the tlarv rather than to force him ... . . .. i . . t,a a v.a irr trroflsi on ai lion veil-1 .. . .. . j l with his wire. aViayoe De aggers i gates w mo va . 1 stilt was tnat tne nouse stayea m that he could not escape from the tlon, which mee ts in Asher "f; pr" Uession all night and all next morn- instructed to vote solidly ... . Mah0i in the l-aa I a.aa, - ..a. latlLr nant. Due Wrest. S. C, March 17 2nd, were Instructed to vote souaiy i untn a truce wag reacbed in the port of the burning of Harbison Co I yigabUity of any Federal election law for John G. Grant ior re-nuaixiuc. whereby the resolution lege at Abbeville, ana an attempt. 10 "v. , ii Resolutions were adopted endors-l modified to limlt committee burn the president's home also, was "We are getting an ei Spivey. the last man to be legally K the action of Mr. Grant in the Ruie8 from fifteen to ten mem- received here to-day. Three negro opposite party who l election law 1116 ir,ai 'Ci V " , . -rrr.s around nis n 1 election law. testImony ,n negTQ.m baTing ber rtts element from faTOr, In that no examination was pleading . flfed tboU. xo believe In niade of the woman at the time of drew a re vol ... the alleeed assault. one of wnicn hanged in this State, expressed pleas- Federal appointments in this restrict, &nd th& game was submItud to men were burned in the fire one principles and are honest enough to ine auegea assauiu domen, ablle one of the balls went . . . . I. .is.. OTtiiih he has nlled. I . . . l . ... l a n-n I ... . t I I . v mrt of nlS own ure at the fact he would at last oe in every uun.c " " I a vote and carried. The rules wnicn from cnanoite. ou j declare tnis Deuex. nriean. laat week had a "dark through tne cured ot indigestion. There .111 " Lth"s modified were the same and one from Ojntt Sew neulu Welcomed. day when at noon chic.en. nt arm-" ... a , euiuusiaauv.aiij itne w pen ruies ana ine same as uic i r ne SLiiuciita rctcucu tvajx&u , . , . . he manv however, who will be anxi- Vi, 1T, the county 1118 neeaUies . . . btuuc" , . I ,, how about the man who de- to roost and it was necessary to light ' ' jjavery xvcyuui . .. I Democratic rules unaer speaaeri lumping out oi uv wiuuwws. i . . . l j ..t was urged to go to Asheville on April fire was of lncendiary origin. serts his party -to .join .yours ."7.;"" I a a at,..,-. nne0TirT1VA in I zna ana greei. mcii a v-. ous to take the "cure.' IS Ul aaav.v-aaa.ataa j aa a0a . . . I . . T.J . . .. n n v Vi ln T I l.M.l.a.a ... .. . I .i vac rnnnrt nnnrwi in nai luru i gusviviuun -a-' uu.u-u .i .ii - . . a i aa nriiKV 1 1 f 1 1 . " avuuu w m. a.. ... The Charlotte News says that 2, Congress. M, Orant, LHHj;-L, front ,a veranda of h.l Not at all: J- SSS", Pr.acl.rt- Chargrf With Ar. Volcanic dust from the SallBb'-HT. N- C, Marcn n in Mexico and Central ltb siting ere to ,y8 that 2, Congres m J, St that the new committee should he e front halT an hLTwi op "nd ."he America comh.rTed wilth hVavy cloud. K. ...... .. f o?nfa DisfrSj -dHon. Ada R. JS, Tto ff?2& AbST wTSS wltme wh.ch should .wait the con- caused the phenomena. Qrry U. ?JXZ As. son f tne Tentn ohIO District " 'S deSoTTndtn. this afternoon denouncing the hum- vert who sees the light even at the - 20th. Bev. R U Bi (j of the patl- wio be the principal speakers at JSiZ Ing. Five hundred doUar, was sub- eleventh hour. An order . W"" th X . bond of 500 whiskey prescriptions were sued in that city in February of course, only a portion ents needed whiskey, Charlotte's to-j the convention. tal sick list for February must have been appalling. Verdict Against Physician. Charlotte, N. C March 20. Find- .future legislation of the House seems Ing. Five hundred dollar, was suo- e.eveutn Bur Harry Thaw held for trial under . bad hoTitr iirvraT. the resntt. SCrtDea Dy ine town cuuncn ui auurr, -- .i,,!. 71 t Parker i in aaa-wa. - i .... . . m i .ia v. f M m nvir nn we sire no-iin innar oeiurn 11 aaa t iiiiu. a. u .... ITllie as a re warn iur ui; vayiuic v tn , - - . i - - i T the .mtif nartr Idly becoming a party in which the In a suit to compel one of his former nty exalt him; for mark you, we are rap- 10 appear oeiore n iu IZ.uyy. o- - " T" of coiapHc- ldly becoming a party in which the In a suit to compel one of his former anty Jail under charge oi Interest. 1 office seeks the man and manhood attorneys to restain rrom couecung lty Ia the Darnms- I I . ,j frnm hf etate. rlres Thaw I -.ertntennent of roads ot the defendant was guilty of The President took no hand in Deanand for a .e a noVliving In the past and hope that he may be able to have the Kills Six-Teard Child. I negligence in nis examination ot ma mis struggle, out. no m wi. wuiw . mhmi m rennened In the Federal ... uarch 18. Wake County died last Tuesday night f. gboulder ta dlagnosing the watching the situation with keen In- New Orleans. March 21.-The de- "5, with Sure7oglUlore WUmington, V C.. March 1 and before Saturday night there I complaint as rheumatism instead ot terest, especially as to how It will mand for babies here has reached . I. JJJJ illwtrate this with Courts nadSonse ln Following fUo A0m 0f were a dozen candldatea tor the Job. a dislocated shoulder, the jury in the affect the reform measures which he such a proportion that It is feared a tale J?- werc m. ew York. who had gone to the home o r ner Of course, these dozen Democrats are U- of Miss Daisy Long against Dr. is urging upon this Congress to that there will be a serious shortage J, NeW Yo father. Clem tr two" hi dden vi .wamre, waaoi uv"u aujwaw a I .ll.n(, m.1r..vlM. n a T, I. nMJM m.n that In tllA inDDlr. . - atttt latat enCOUBtCt, W1UCU CttlMOU taVllir hCT tWO CBU31"Ca not pie-hunters, it Is only their Pa- Tof tbe defendant, returned a it harmony Is not restored, tiat it A car-load of babies from the New the people to assemble to make some The most expensive things la the Ml is a negro, at a inuuDiu s.aav vuo. wavaa. " i TeroiCi, awaraixiK mo piainuTi x,-1 win result: lu me aeieai ui uie pgs-i auu. luuaiuaiais a a.. .--. . tnnt Inned OH 6V . . 1 ..... I ., . . a. vn. av a. .a 1 -a 1. waV I "Tt w nert1n tw. that the a hoot-1 Kitw4 I (ConilBU' their services to the county I 000. tal savings bank bill, the anti-injuno- j was given away here last week. "It was ascertained that the shoot-1 Selected. If !! is f.

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