The Caucasian AND RALEIGH ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY CAUCASIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SUBSCRIPT105 BATES I 0s Yeah. Six Momth. Three Mosths. ti oo 30 SENATOR SIMMONS, HIS HAD HEALTH, THE TARIFF AND THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. The Democratic papers are con stantly crying out that we are now living under the worst tariff law ever passed and that the cost of living Is too high. Would the people of the State like to return to the Wilson Gorman Democratic tariff, under which cotton sold for four cents a pound? In this connection It Is no ticeable that Senator Simmons has resigned from the committee appoint ed by the United States Senate to in vestigate the causes of the high cost of living. The Democratic papers of the State give as an explanation for the Senator's action, that the Senator has been overworked and that his health is not very good. This is very Btrange in view of the howl which the Democratic press has been send ing up for months that the Republi can tariff was the infamous cause of the high cost of living and that the same should be investigated. Now, when the Democratic party has a chance to Investigate these evil causes and had the great Demo cratic leader, Mr. Simmons, on the committee to help bring out the truth and prevent the Republican press from hiding the truth, he sud denly throws up his hands and re signs from this most important com mittee. If the Democratic press is correct, how could Mr. Simmons or any Democrat render his party or the country a greater service than by serving on such a committee and reaching the true bottom facts? If Mr. Simmons' health is so poor that he can not perform this great overshadowing duty, then ought not he to resign as Senator? He certain ly has no other committee work or any other duties as Senator that are of one-tenth the importance that this committee' work will be to the peo ple, If the Democratic press is cor recL CONTEMPTIBLY DISHONEST. The Raleigh News and Observer continues to try to make its rpartprs believe that Marion Butler has been and Is still trying to collect fraudu- lent carpet-bag bonds from the State. To show how contemptibly dishon- est that paper is. we copy aeain a letter written by Senator Butler to the Houston Post giving the facts as they are. It is as follows: "Editor Houston Post, Houston, Tex. Dear Sir: A friend sends me what purports to be an editorial clip- t-b uvui. jum paper, wmcn contains the followine- the following: 'There is a Marion Butler, of North Carolina, at present en gaged in a conspiracy to bleed North Carolina for the bonds fraudulently issued by the car pet-baggers.' "There is not a word of truth in this statement, yet you make the charge as a fact and on your own re- sposibility. "I have no connection with anv cuux i io coiieci any or tne rraudulent o" , - naa xuyiuyea oc'ai years ago Dy tne noiaers or the North Carolina Second Mortgage Bonds to establish their validity and enforce their collection. The judg- "ieui ut me supreme court or the of Z: IT, , T a T Va"aity paid. They wrA r,nt mM.haJ bonds, and there never was any taint of fraud connected with them. They were Issued by a Democratic Gover- nor (Jonathan Worth) and a Demo- cratic State Treasurer (Dr. Kemp P. J Battle). The bonds were sold at nar and the State received every dollar of the proceeds. Unquestioned evi- "7" lo 'ms enecl was DeIore tne Supreme Court at the trial of that cause. "Since the judgment of the Su- is the &reatest number of schools preme Court in that case, I have been and the greatest number of dally pa approached by the holders of several pers read that there the Democratic w.ooco vii crpei-Dag Donas 10 repre- sent them as rnn,oi t .JBa thesB nartino t,f t L viva iuav j. rt ao uui iii lavur I of any attempt to collect fraudulent vaipei-oag Donas, and, besides, that 1 1 was sausnea tnat the Supreme Court " " uyuuiu uaeir validity. i "You have probably been misled by a certain n " olina, the Raleigh News and Obser- iuai paper nrst pubiisned the charge which I i .v, vuu uiu so, probably through Ignorance and 4ua"uu" recKiessness. The editor Ul tuat paper knows now, however, that the charee is fis- vet y,a j w i never had the honesty or manhood to lAiaao me correction, indeed, that! TQTIAI ViQd 4 1 mm. . . I aDnroval. knowing that if iH v.,i false. Besides, that paper, in a re- cent editorial, says: The recent attempt of the uuuu eynaicaie, wnicn iormeriy operated through the Republi can Governor and Fusion Sen ator from North, to induce Rhode Island, to sue North Car olina, has served to call atten tion to the venal acts of the car- bag leglalation that curaed the I South.' I This clearly i. an effort to charge by indirection that I am connected with the New York syndicate, which recently presented some carpet-bag bonda to the State of Rhode Island for collection. In order that you may not be further misled, I take this means to brand that editorial, so far as It seeks to connect me with that New York syndicate or or any effort to collect fraudulent carpet bag bonds, as false and wilfully mendacious. "Yours very truly, "MARION BUTLER." This letter was published by the Houston Post on February 17th and has been copied by a large number of papers in this State. But the one paper, the Ralgh News and Observer, which has originated all these false charges, and which owes a duty to its readers to give them the truth, has viciously neglected to publish the letter. That paper has not only published these false charges, but it knows that they are false A STINGING REBUKE. Aroused by two murders occurring within a short time, and other crimes which have gone unpunished, the citizens of the lower part of Guilford County, irrespective of politics, have scathingly rebuked the Democratic county officials for their apparen lack of energy. The resolutions, in part, say: "We, the citizens of Julian and surrounding county, have become thoroughly disgusted and indignant beyond expression at the immoral influences and outrageous conduct of an ele ment existing near here, and which is very damaging to our community from a moral as well as from a religious standpoint. "Therefore be it "Resolved 1. That we greatly deplore the fact that two mur ders have occurred in this part of Guilford County in the past five months, also a number of fights, gambling, Sabbath-breaking and liquor-selling. "2. That we very much need the assistance and earnest ef forts of the county authorities to bring the guilty parties to justice and thus restore peace and quiet and make it seem oth er than a disgrace to live in this part of the county. "3. That we ask a more con centrated and earnest effort on the part of the officers of the law and those in authority to bring the guilty parties to justice and punishment." "LET EVERY LION DO HIS DUTY." When President Roosevelt first an- nounced that he would go to Africa to sPend several months hunting big Same a Wall Street magnate is re Prted to have said. "Now, let every llou In Afnca do his duty." When President Roosevelt emerg ed from the Jungles of Africa and reacned Cairo on last Friday, he was given a great reception at Shepherd's Hotel y the Americans stopping there and also bv the The press reports of the ovation h-on v,; anA . ,., given him and of Roosevelt's speech say that the President closed his re marks by saying "No lion did his duty," and that the enthusiastic audience broke into loud cheers and appreciated the joke turned on Wal Street. GLENN SLANDERING HIS STATE PEOPLE. Governor Glenn has been making speecnes promiscuously over the country as an evangelist. It seems , ttat in n6arly 6Very 8peech he has gone out o nis way to slander the Sod People of North Carolina, espe- claiiy in the mountain counties by lamenting their woeful ignorance Congressman Grant has come out vv itn a statement in reply to Gover nr Glenn, showing the ercativ in. creased number of public schools in . .. 17 uuuutdlQ counties or North Carolma' and also the -increased nunber of people on the rural free delivery routes who are reading the daily Papers; and incidentally the faot ' . "mentany tne act comes ut that wherever there nrtv la r-miiw ,., party 13 raPidlr growing smaller and the Republican party growine lartrr w o- Evei7 good citizen should pray that t&e good work should go on. 1Y m,,, . FIFTH DTRICT. Con " uvfvuau IC11S Lilt! Charlotte Observer that he will not ut a canaiaate lor Congress in the Fifth DlStrfpf Wo A vi m xi ul uiame him - With the organization knifine ulUi ana tne Democrats united, he nas little chance of being re-elected There is no )nsniraHnn v r.iuuuu iu uo m HUC- cessful Republican In North Carolina winston Journal. not De a candidate for What he said was that he would not seek the nomination. There is little doubt but that he will accept it If , ouu tuaL ue W1U De elected as he was hefnr oaa , -viic me a.miingj"s of a "united (?) Democracy" as well as that element of the Republi- can machine who do not want the a Party to grow. i THE POWERS OF TUB SPEAKER. Thl, nomrvmHc nreM and notablY K - d observer, hare devoted considerable space to the arbitrary power possessed by the Speaker of me auonai nous oi prr- Cdco wheaa certain minister tive. With characteristic tnconsis- wanted to get up against his congre tency and desire to conceal the real gatioa good and hard, And was look facts, it does not also say that the ing for a suitable tople upon which nn.ornfth.rnfouro.nLie. lt hi CaStigAtlon, one Of hi islature is just as great, just as arbi trary and just as liable to abuse as the former power of the National Speaker. The Speaker of the Lower House of the General Assembly appoints all committees. He also designates who shall be chairmen of those commit tees. He is also ex-officlo chairman of bis own rules committee, the great objection to Speaker Cannon, of which he is now deprived It Is therefore reasonable to pre sume, and it would not be natural were the case otherwise, that the Speaker appoints his friends to those Important committees whose ac tions have greater bearing on the conduct of public affairs. It is also to be presumed that he ig nores the minority in such advan tageous appointments. It Is also a notorious fact, that in the past Legis latures, Speakers have ignored the minority far more mercilessly than Speaker Cannon has even been ac cused of doing and no one is more fully aware of this fact than the editor of the News and Observer, who, in one legislature, at least, per sonally dominated that body and its speaker more than all. In criticising Speaker Cannon, it should be borne in mind that the same rules, the same alleged usurpa tion of authority, were practiced by the Democratic Speaker in the years that party controlled the Lower House. Here in our own State, "Cannon- ism," so-called, exists In full flower. But you hear no objection from the Democratic press. Would such be the case if the same rules, the same practices that now exists, be carried out in the Legislatures that should happen to be Republican? Such a shriek would go up that it would sound as if Gehenna were let loose. A BIG SWINDLING SCHEME. In another column we publish copy of a letter which has been received by a prominent North Carolina citi-, zen, from Madrid, Spain. We have information that similar letters are being sent to other American citi zens. The Caucasian has forwarded this correspondence to the Depart ment of State with a request that the swindlers be brought to justice, or that their scheme at least be ex posed. Inasmuch as the same letters have no doubt gone to a large number of North Carolinians, The Caucasian suggests that the papers of the State should copy this letter and warn their readers. THE BOOZE PARTY. The Greensboro Record maintains that Charlotte got the Democratic State Convention because it had the uuuze. mis is pretty nard on which? The convention or Charlotte. -Union Republican. Thus, the so-called prohibition party has become the booze, party - - V w ,J , which is the same as saying that the is. Another illustration' of this truth is the fact that the party that howls most against trusts has not prose- cuted a single trust It is reported from Washington that the patronage machine boss has I at last decided that it is not safe to have Hancock nominated for post- master at New Bern for fear that -...i - . . - uuuiu not do connrmea, and that the boss is now looking for some dark horse to name as postmaster who wil agree beforehand to make Hancock his assistant, and no doubt also with the understanding that Hancock is to run the post-ofilce and be the rea postmaster in fact. Such a schema is surely in keeping with the methods of the patronage machine In the past. We take it that if the machine sue ceeds in this move that they will next try. to have Hancock re-elected as Chairman of the Congressional Com mittee of the Third District, so as to make it so that no Republican Con gressman can be elected from that District. We received a letter yesterday from the Republican chairman of a Republican county in this State, in which he said that The Caucasian was the best paper published in North Carolina. He showed his faith by his work, as he enclosed one dollar for a new subscriber. Get your neigh bors to subscribe for The Caucasian and they will afterwards thank you ji ;our Kindness. T. ' "MWTW aaPts as slogan ior 1912: "Out they go, in we go, Then we'll be in cWp,. v meat in the COCOi That is the meat in the cocoanut. " "u" wm De hunters" and "pone chasers" then? TELL IT TO JOSEPHUS. Democratic Politician After IMsj Franchising the Xegro Try to Us Uloi In Their Elections. DemocrmL deacons suggested that Judas Is cariot would be a good subject, as he had no friends in the church. The Republican party Is regarded In much the same light by many in the State. And so we frequently see it stated that one of the things which the party has in view Is the giving back to the negroes the ballot they have lost. Passing by any discussion on this point, when the truth Is told, it will be seen that most negroes who have been allowed to register and become voters since the passage of the amendment have done so through the efforts of Democrats and not Republicans. We dislike to say this, but it Is true, and It's now a matter of record. And this is the unfortunate part, that it Is a matter of record. The negroes who were put on the books for the sake of carrying some local matter are now on the books, and are there for all time, except some who may commit crime which shall disqualify them. The allowing of negroes to vote In prohibition elections in order to rec ord a local victory ha3 been the en tering wedge, which, if pursued far enough, will destroy the safeguards and the blessings which came as the result of the Constituional Amend ment. A negro can well afford to vote any way, once, in a local election, provided by this he becomes a voter in all subsequent elections. A ne gro who is qualified to vote ought to be allowed to do so, but to make an effort to have them come to the bal lot box will lead to voting them in discriminately, which simply means a return to former conditions. Another Sample of "Democratic Good Government.' Clinton News Dispatch. Oh Democracy, Democracy,, the party that has not ceased to brag of what it has done for the poor in sane people of the State, the party that has spuandered so many thous and dollars of the people's hard earned money and when you get right straight after them about it, they throw up their hands in holy horror and about the first word they speak they begin to tell you that they spent the money in order to take care of the insane of our State, and they brag about how nice they are doing it. But, alas, alas, we find from a report of a Wake County grand jury that they recommend that the Insane be taken away from coun ty homes and placed in the asylum. The report goes on to say that the State is collecting annually a tax for their care and maintenance and the State should be made to do its duty. This is just a sample of Democratic good government. Not Exactly Right. Yorkville Enquirer. The Charlotte Observer mentions the fact that Minority Leader Champ Clark is filling lecture dates, although an important session of Congress is on. And he is not the only one that has pursued such a course. This thing of Congressmen going around the country and making speeches when they are paid to be in Wash ents, may be all right, but it has never seemed exactly that way to us. Predicts Success for Morehead. The Winston Journal says: When J. Elwood Cox, Republican candidate fnr flnvprtinr cnnVo hara .W.WBMW., W V in tQe f all of 1908, he declared that ".v, auu o uuu un. luureueau uaa jointly l ant A art tn vim "l i Lressman. Thev did it M, Morehead is now representing the mn District. Incidentally the Con gressman is Demg groomed for Gov ernor, and if the Republicans rally V. Z 1 ;n . ... TtTftiiLi!i!iv w nomi- head, who ha irpHir j WWIrU. VAX W Adams crowd, will be the Republican leader The feathers will be removed rom ine nests r Spencer B. and Uncle Carl. "The Angry Howl." Greensboro Telegram. The Caucasian, the Marlon Butler Republican paper, this week prints one of its characteristics editorials, reproduced elsewhere in The Tele gram, savagely assailing the Repub lican machine. ' It urges the rank and file of the G. O. P. to rally and send their "best and truest" men to the State Convention. Assuredly, "the angry howl in the woods," trans ferred to the floor of the convention. ought to make a spectacle of absorb ing interest. New Editor of the Lincolnton Times. The Charlotte Southern Republican. We see from the newspaper re ports Mr. J, F. Click has been elect-, ed editor of the Lincoln County Times, published at Lincolnton. Mr. Click is one of North Carolina's gift ed sons of newspaperdom, fearless, though gentle ahd kind. w i9 o born gentleman and one of God's no blest works "an honest m9n Here's wishing for his that of the Times, too. PILES CURED AT HflMC bv NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you BllfFer from Usui;.. n-v, . or protruding PAesT gendinl' lg',,Dl and I wiifn -v.6 your add win also send mm. 1 ree for trial, with M- own localitr W," "R oax i im w -unmeoiate re lief and permanent care assured. . money, bat tell it.!. STATE SEW8 ITEMS. M rnt rnn firm a.t Rocky Mount Friday night caused a loss of 1 12.000. A moreiatat looking to the erec tion of a bonded warehouse at Wil mington is under way. W. J. Blake, wanted in Laureaburg for murder of Hector Stewart, two years ago. has been arrested at Co lumbus, Ohio. Benj. G. Barnes, of Henderson. committed suicide br takinx land nam on Tuesday. Luther proctor and. Chas. Holt, young white men of Greensboro, were sent to the roads for six months for celling whiskey. Henry Stanbury. an East Durham youth, killed himself by taking a dose of carbolic acid. He is said to have previously shown signs of Insanity. W. A. Hipp recovered $750 for injuries and W. A. Austin $1,900 for the loss of his son. against the Cham pion Fibre Company near Asheville E. E. Powell, of Halifax, who kill ed Officer Dunn and wounded Sen ator Travis and Representative Kitchln, will be placed on trial to day The Southern Railway announces that It will shortly begin extensive improvement on the passenger depots at Raleigh, Statesvllle, Sanford, and Marlon. Reports Indicate that the truck crops In the eastern part of the State will be unusually large. The Fruit and Truckers' Journal predicts that this will be one of the most success ful years ever known. Charlotte is in danger of losing the United States Mint, Franklin Mac Veaugh, Secretary of the Treasury, has a plan to curtail the expenses of his department and the century-old mint of the Queen City is marked for slaughter. In a suit brought by a Texas bank against Brodie L. Duke, at Durham, to secure $4,000 on a note given by Duke to Alice Webb, his alleged wife, the jury found for Duke. He claimed to have been mentally irre sponsible at the time he signed the note. While beating his way on extra freight train No. 575, northbound, passing Thomasville Thursday even ing, Charles Looabill (better known as "Chad"), who lives in Lexington, fell under the moving train and was cut in two across the stomach and died almost instantly. W. E. Logan, recently appointed Marshal of the Western North Caro lina District, will assume office April 1st. He announces that he will make no changes in his official force. J. M. Baley, acting Marshal, will be come chief clerk. Aroused by a noise in the early morning hours, Mr. J. Harens, a prominent . resident of Washington, found Charles Johnson asleep "in the dining-room. Johnson claims to have been drunk, but he is locked up un der a charge of forcible entry. The millers of North Carolina have organized under the title of the North Carolina Millers' Association." J. D. McNeill, of Fayetteville, is President, and at a meeting called for May 24th, it is hoped to have the 450 millers in the State present. Salisbury citzens have issued a call for a meeting In the interest of local option. W. A. Self, of Hickory, who addressed a similar meeting a few weeks ago at Henderson, has been invited to speak. The movement, which is being pushed all over the State, is for the abolition of the pres ent law and the, re-establishment of the local option plan. Suit for damages against Jeremiah Goff, of Charlotte, has been formally instituted by Mrs. M. ; W. Christen bury, of Derita, as a 'result of the death of her husband who was run over and killed on the Derita road several weeks ago by the automobile belonging, to Mr. Goff, driven at the time by -George. Evans, the negro chauffeur. It is understood that the amount of damages asked for will be $20,000 or $25,000. . Hunter Bros. j ' 1 I ! I SSSSHSSM SSSSSSSSSS9 Invite You to the Prettiest Display of SPRING In the O-ll Tin 6 w j.n.o3 uuuusi, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Ginghams, Percales, Lawns, Suitings, Etc. We also carry a full line of Men s, Ladies', Misses', Boys, and Children's Shoes and Slippers. Make our store your stopping place when in town. BbVHbbVbssbIBRMbbbbsbbb; ' " IP BROTHERS & BREWER CO.. THE CAgf ASIAN Uncle Remus Both One Yeafor Only $1 Uncle Remus's Home MagaiineJ was founded by Jcl Chandler Harris, the author of the fncle Remus" stories, and U the best magazine of its class Jiblished In the, Unite,! States. Jack London. Frank L. Sttn, and other prominent writers contribute to this magarln It is published In Atlanta every month and the subscription i-ce is $1.00 a year. Th Caucasian Is the best weekly nei ;iper published In the State. Why not have both of the' excellent publications lr. your home? Subscribers who are Ij arrears must pay up an l renew their subscription In order to take advantage of thU exceptional offer. This Is the best bargain In reading matter we have ever been able to offer to the reading public Send in your subscription to-day. Don't delay but do It now. Address. THE CAUCASIAN, RALEIGH, X. C. LILESVILLE FIRE SWEIT. 33 Stores With Contents Completely Destroyed Saturday Night. Wadesboro. N. C. March 28. The business section of the town of Llles ville, five miles east of Wadesboro, was destroyed by fire Saturday night. Thirty-three business houses with their contents were consumed in two hours. The loss is estimated at $250, 000 and so far as known the total in surance is less than $15,000. The fire was discovered at 10 o'clock and a general alarm given, but the efforts of the citizens were of no avail and the flames spread until four solid blocks were burned. It is thought today that the flre was of incendiary origin. Flagman Robt. Beville, of the S. A. L., was killed at Neuse on Tues day last by being run over. The Lash of a Friend. would have been about as welcome to A. Coper, of Oswego, N. Y., as a merciless lung-racking cough that defied all remedies for years. "It was troublesome at night," he writes, "nothing helped me till I used Dr. King's New Discovery which cured me completely. I never cough at night now." Millions know its match less merit for stubborn colds, obsti nate coughs, sore lungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whoop ing cough, or hay fever. It relieves quickly and never fails to sat isfy. A trial convinces. 50c, $1.00. Trail bottle free. It's positively guaranteed by all Druggists. Dr. S. P. Norris Dr. S. L Douglass DENTISTS O CROWN 8 bridge: WORK Missing Teeth spoil your smile, your chance with the girl of your choice mayhap your opportunities for success in life.. We'll supply the deficiency in dental equipment most effective ly and charge you only reasonably therefor. Come here when need ing dental attention. Examination Fret. Drs. Norris & Douglass DENTISTS 228 FAYETTEYIULE STREET, - - RALEIGH, N. C. & Brewer Co. GOODS A 'DAT ray a mm WXiW, tiaa Hte Magazine i TUB International Correspondence Schools OF SCRAXTOX, PA. will train you, during spare time, for a Government position or to fill a re sponsible technical position at a larg er salary than you aro now gettiii For full Information, fill out th coupon below and mall it to o.r Washington office. M. D. Hanley, Supt.. "I. C S ," Wash ington, D. C. Office, 61 9. Penn sylvania Avenue, N. W. Dear Sir: Please 'send me Infor mation as to how I can become a (mention por tion) by spare time study without leaving my present work until I am qualified. My name Is Street and No. . , Town and State. Raleigh and Southport Railway Cc. SCHEDULE OK PASSENOEK TRAINS Effective Sunday. October 10, law. SOirUBOUNB. DAILY. NQITHBOUN). DAILY. No.64 No U'i 8TATIONS. NO.&& No.&l P. M. A. M. 4.15 8.00 I.v Raleigh Ar 4.25 8.10 " ...CaraleUh 4.48 H.35 " ... McCuIlera... " 4.63 8.46 " Bank " 6.04 8 62 " Willow Springs " fi.'JO 9 04 " Varlna " 5.28 9.14 " Kuquay Springs " 6 60 9.35 "..Chalybeate-." 6.05 9.40 " KIpllnK " 6.08 9.63 " ....Cape Kear " 6.16 10.00 " ...Lllllncton ... " 6.23 10.08 " llarnfatt .... " 6.28 10.13 liunlevel " 638 10-23 " Linden " 6.49 10.34 " Lane " 6.64 10.39 " Slocomb " 7.10 10.66 " Tokay " 7.20 11-05 " A. O. L. Junct'n " 7-2S 11.10 Ar. -Fayetteville- Lv. P. M. A. M. M. '. 10-60 10.40 10. IK 10.17 10.09 10- W) 9 00 9-Sft U-1H . 1H W.ll ttol 8. U'i 8. 4'. 8. XI 8-28 8.12 7.06 8. 00 7.10 B.4 .37 .'2T. 6.14 fi.Ofi 6 60 &. 4.1 ft. 20 6.IH 6-OH 602 l.TI 4.40 4.3T) 4.17 4.10 4. Of. A. M. M CONNECTIONS. No. 64 connects at Varlna with Durham and Southern Hallway for Apex and Dur ham, and at Raleigh with Seaboard Air I .Ine lor Henderson, Oxford. Norllna. Weldon. Nor folk, Richmond am the North. No. 66 connects at Raleigh with Southern Railway train No. 144 from Greensboro. Dur ham and the West; and with S. A. L. train No. 41 from Norfolk. Weldon. Norllna, Oxford and Henderson; and at Varlna with Durham and Southern train from Durham and for Dunn. No. 51 connects at Raleigh with Southern Railway train No. 112 from Greenftboro and the West, and S. A. L. trains from the North and South, making connection at Fayette vllle with trains for Sanford. and main line train for the North. No. 62 connect at Fayetteville with A. C L. trains from Wilmington. Raeford. Savan nab. Florence. IJennettsvIll. Max ton. lied Springs, and all points South, connecting a. Raleigh with Southern Railway train No. ill. with Pullman sleeper for Durham and Greensboro. Nor. This company will endeavor to make schedule and connections m outilopd above, but does not guarantee same. J. A. MILLS. President. Raleigh. N. C. The Improved BLICKensderfer Typewriter. A machine at hall the cost and twice the value. More real improvrnumts than any other make. 150.000 satisfied users. Write for catalog and get prices before you buy a typewriter we save you money. The Blickensderfer Mfg. Co, 4ta Katioul Hi i, AtJaiti. Ga. Very Attractive Ilonnd Trip Rate Via Southern Railway to New Or leans, LaM Mobile, AlaM and Pen aocola, Fla.t on Account of Slanii Graa Celebration. Round trip rate from Raleigh to New Orleans, $26.75; to Mobile. $23. 35; to Pensacola. $22.90. Tickets on sale February 1st to 7th, Inclusive, with final return limit February l&. 1910. Tickets may be extended to March 7th by depositing same with special agent at destination on or be fore February 19th, and, upon pay ment ol $1.00 at time of deposit. For further Information and de tailed Information concerning sched ules, Pullman accommodations, etc.. call on or write J. O. JONES. City Ticket Agent R. H. DeBUTTS, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh. N. a m II