Tn A VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 19IO. No. 13 CA CT A AT EDITORIAL BRIEFS And we believe Mississippi is Democratic State! The towns in this State should quarantine against grafting, as a con tagious disease. Those Egyptian students who tried to frighten Roosevelt evidently didn't know their man. Shemwell is getting about as much fre advertising as if he had discov ered the North Pole. i'ress reports state that the apple crop this year i3 a "bumper" one. Hut what's the use? Hryan say he is for Gaynor. Now, isn't that a nharae, just as everything was coming Gaynor'a way? TENTH DISTRICT CONVENTION. That "bad heart" of Mr. Shem well's worked both ways. It got him in trouble and then got him out. If ill-health justifies the Shemwell "sham," is it not up to the Governor to pardon every man now in prison who feels "poly"? Mississippi is determined not to let the Yankees get ahead of her. She has a very loud smelling political scandal of her own. We haven't heard the Democratic press blame the Payne Tariff bill with being responsible for the erup tion of that Italian volcano. The editor of the News and Ob server seized the Shemwell affair as a very good time to make his expect ed break with Governor Kitchin. Congmtman (jrant Renominated by Acclamation The Courthouse Was Crowded and Meeting Harmonious Several Notable Speeches. Asheville, N. C, April 2. Con gressman John G. Grant was to-day renominated by the Tenth District Republican Convention which met here. The nomination was made by acclamation, no other candidate be ing In the field. The convention was remarkably harmonious, all factionalism having died out, and the program 'was quickly carried through. The court-house was crowded to hear Mr. Grant. Representatives Mc Klnley, of California, and Adna R. Johnson, of Ohio, spoke. The speak ers were enthusiastically greeted by one of the best conventions ever held here. C. J. Harris, of Dillsboro, was made permanent chairman. T. F. Roland who, as chairman of the Buncombe County Republican Executive Committee, did such effec tive work for the party in the last campaign, was elected chairman of the Congressional Executive Commit tee. He announced he would begin campaigning at once. The expected opposition to the adoption of resolu tions did not appear, and the follow ing were unanimously adopted: "The Republicans of the Tenth District of North Carolina, in conven tion assembled, resolved as follows: "We re-affirm our allegiance and devotion to the principles of the Na tional Republican party. "That we congratulate the country on its progress and prosperity under Republican rule, showing that the policies of the Republican party have brought prosperity to the nation. That we cordially commend the zeal and sincerity of President Taft in his efforts to enact into law the promises of our national platform. "Resolved, That we endorse the course of our Representative in Con- BR1BERYCHARGES Mistisiippi State Senator Of fered One Thousand Dol lars For Hii Vote. BRIBE GIVER INDICTED. If newspaper comment and the talk we hear in going around is any indication, all political "machines" are due for some heavy sledding. "The hippo, the dik-dik, and the coodoo to roam the wilds of Louis iana," says a newspaper heading. Evidently that State hasn't gone dry. The Beaufort County authorities brought their murderous "mocking bird" to the State Penitentiary Wonder if they wanted him to es cape? But Xo Action Has Been Taken Against the Senator, Though He Accepted the Offered Bribe The Matter Investigated in Secret Ses sion Behind Locked Door Re ports of Improper Conduct Against ex-Governor Yard a m an A Sens sation in Political Circle. Jackson, Miss. (Special. Monday night the grand jury indicted L. C. Dulaney, of Issakeuena County, a prominent planter, charging him with tendering a bribe to State Senator Theodore Bilbo In exchange for his vote for. Leroy Percy, the recently successful candidate for the United States Senate from Mississippi. The grand jury refused to indict Mr. Bilbo for accepting a bribe. Sen ator Bilbo declared that during the recent legislative caucus he had been approached by Mr. Dulaney and ten dered $1,000 if he would lend his support to Mr. Percy; that a part of the amount, $645, was to be paid im mediately, the balance after the elec tion of Senator Percy; that he ac cepted the tender to be used as evi dence in support of charges that ir regular methods were being used to encompass the defeat of Mr. Varda man, of whom he was a supporter, and that the money he received he banded to a local minister with a statement of facts. This, Mr. Bilbo declared, he told the Hinds County grand jury. The matter was investigated by the State Senate in secret, the doors -. i ili i i i 3 a il . gress. tne Hon. jonn u. urant. ana uemg anu uie approaches recoenize in him an efficient public guarded. This action has aroused servant, and we hereby ourselves to considerable unfavorable comment. do all in our power to secure his re Representative Johnson, in his Auaa nonorea ana msgracea. - i speech, defended the tariff, which he Albany, N. Y. (Special. Jotham declared all right. He declared that Allds went to his home in Norwich the Republican party was responsible Tuesday night a private citizen, GENERAL XEW3 ITEMS. The great army of enumerator. consisting of 75,000 oia and wo men, will move on April 15th and will coTer the cities in fifteen days and the rural sections in thirty days. Admiral Fournier, of the French Nary, in a widely read article, pre dicts an early war between Japan and the United States, and which will also involve the European na tions. The managers of the street-car company in Philadelphia and their striking employes having failed to come to terms, it is feared there may be another outbreak. Each side ac cuse the other of bad faith. At Pocahontas, Va., l)lmltrl Sana, a Russian, charged with attempt at assault on Mollie Magi 11, aged eight years, was given a preliminary hear ing and held to the grand jury by Magistrate Dillon. The two men arrested In New York for robbing the Richmond, Va., post office of $86,000 worth of stamps, have been indicted. From papers found on them, it was learned that they intended robbing tLe Asheville, N. C, office next. Two men were arrested in New York, charged with being implicated in the robbery of the Richmond, Va.. post-office. Both are old criminals. Of the $86,000 stolen, some $30,000 was recovered. It was the boldest robbery in the history of the Department. Three hundred thousand coal min ers quit work April the first, pending the adjustment of their wage agree ment, which expired the first of the month. It is expected that the ques tions involved will be amically set- A RAID 0J1BR0KERS Goverment Officials Get Af ter the Alleged Stock Gamblers. MADE SIMULTANEOUS MOVE. ADAH MAY NOT IND. Special Agent of the Department of Justice, Armed With Bench War rants, Gathers in Suspected Back et-Shop Men in Different Sections of the Country The Concerns ln dieted Maintain More than SMK Of . flees and Branch Offices A More to Destroy Backet-Shops Through out the Country. Washington, D. C. April 2. The Government of the United States to day made Its first but vigorous on-! slaught upon stock gambling, which. In scope, practically covers the coun try from the Missouri River to the Atlantic. Brokers' offices in New York, Phil adelphia, Jersey City, Baltimore, Cin cinnati, and St. Louis were raided simultaneously at 11 o'clock, Eastern time, to-day by special agents of the Department of Justice, who were armed with bench warrants issued by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Conspiracy indictment in which twenty-nine persons are named five of them said to be millionaires, and all interested in broker's offices in large cities of the United States, were returned late yesterday by the Fed eral grand jury of the District of Co lumbia upon evidence which agents PrnOdeot Intimatr TtuU lit t XH Copent---Ominliofvrr ChH! lke Xo Want Ilrtaae (Kbc Moved rYuta Stalest tile. The Charlotte Obrer on Sunday printed the folio let from Its Wash ington correspondent: "The Senate Committee on Iot oSces and Post-Roada hat appointed a sab-committee to investigate the charges against J. C. Standi, pott master at Smilhneld. Representative Pou will be called to testify. "President Taft has intimated to recent callers that he was about con vinced that S. B. Adsms was not competent for District Attorney. ThU has been the talk about here for sev eral weeks. It begins to look as If Judge Adams would fall to get the appointment which. It Is claimed, was promised to him at one time. "Commissioner of Internal Reve nue R. E. Cabell has decided and ad vised against Winston-Salem in the matter of transferring the collector's office from StalesvlUe to the Twin City. Like the goat. Cabell had 'al ready voted' on this proposition be fore he knew the real situation. "Gen. Julian S. Carr of Durham, E. C. Duncan of Raleigh, and Habbi Simon, presented by Senator Orer man, to-day invited President Taft to go to Durham some time late In May or early in June for the laying of the corner-stone of the proposed training school for negroes. It the President can make it suit he will go. A definite answer will be given later. General Carr was spokesman. "Col. Walter K. Henry, of Char lotte, is here, looking for any good thing that is running loose." SOUND OF PISTOL A Number of Cold Blood Murder Committed in 'This isute. LAWLESSNESS WALKS THE STATE" shot l." Km-j-m, Cour.ll M.a rw, U1a. lKml u !leS, f u lJklmmmm Urmia right u,.h mm ym Family M.,.lFfc VadU.rx--M ,.,, , . tempting t rim!ai muu At- Vatiu to;, n r . Sainuel Tayk-. a i: of thU Llac-. & : tiuiea by Carl K-.Uj man. All inn--causing !.'.:.: .;-. but was U:-r lak. ROOSEVELT .MADE DEEP IMPRES SION AMONG EGYPTIANS. -at. a. f ' at4 4i.K k-J a t- awhile. ii Hiai-j i. m l a caute of th trt.-u Tayloe n 1 i r t j - age and uf s fine fc.:ij lrf to Utlm" V KockiUKlism. N C.A;rtlj -Tbi morning about 112' u ui, : Hob erdel. No. 2. & iiiiii t.rt hr. Pearl llrutuu j k:;. J tMr William after U-atin Li: t-rntlj with a chair. Wt! :;::. !u?4 but a few minuU afu-r Iv.n Urutou k-j tore -.-i '.Ur main IIU Forceful I Vr.milil v Profound! v i ireei ui lur ui, lurUftjr Moved People of All Nations Md night an altercation occurrrd ,riwu Creeds Ills Farewell Was an Ovation. Alexandria, Egypt, March 3i. him and it. S. lUrru. a in.i,).-i,l of the place, and lirutun u-2 a chair on llarrU in rt-turo r iu:,. fuul names Harris iVuod him i'.. ;l liar- Dr. Wood row Wilson for prosperity and good prices, prices branded as a bribe-taker by his for- belng better even in the darkest days mer colleagues in the Senate and by of Republican rule than In the bright- his own act no longer a member of est days of Democratic administra- that body. tion. He declared that the people Senator Cobb introduced a resolu- should forget, for a time, the name tion providing for the appointment of Republican party, "that they- of a committee to present to the should call it the American party, for Senate charges against Conger "grow America first, last and all the time." ing out of his connection with legis- Regarding tariff enactments, he lation and the use of funds to Influ said the Democrats declared for free ence the members of the Legislature lumber and free pulp wood, but or other persons with reference there- when it came to vote in Congress, to." There seems to be no longer any for the tariff except Kitchin." doubt that the present Legislature Congressman McKlnley followed will conduct a general "graft" inves- with a speech in which he enlarged tigation. . I a 1 3 A nn a tnr. Tho QPtinn nr rha Ponnhlinano In Saj'S that uPuli me xuea ui an ..luci itau jjai " . uu.uuU and expressed a desire to see the par- naving an open nearing ana wiae ty grow in the South, even to having publicity involving one of their own Up to the hour of going to press we have not heard the Republican party charged with being responsible every man from North Carolina voted for that bribery scandal in Missis sippi. of the Department of Justice had tied and the men return to work in a been gathering for more than a year, few days. The indictments were withheld yes terday on the request of Attorney- nn tho Panama r,ann is beneral W ickersham. so the Denart- blooming. The last edition of the ment of Justice dectlves might make The dominating personality of The- ru and William r dr.uhing Sat- canal records shows that more ma- the raids simultaneous upon the UUU4e llU08e,e'1 w8 UK"Kl Ui8" urday night, terial was taken out of the Culebra places suspected of being "bucket- Pla,el than on his long trip through lt Bi:vm)i tha. irulou cut in February than in any other shops." Africa, which was finished by his de- bothered with regue.t. to to hu previous month since ground first The men indicted are said to be Parture from Alexandria for Naples 8lore ou suuday and .ril, Jul was broken for the canal. It is plan- those financially interested in the cor- yesterday afternoon. He is the most moruing Oscar William cur t Uru- ned to have the canal In operation In poratlons known as E. S. Boggs & talked about man In Egypt to-day. ton-g boufce, which u rigLt urar tb 1912 Company, which has offices in New His Btron6 utterances at Cairo Uni- ,tore. When Urutou ta.e to tb York, Philadelphia; Price & Com- versitv are continuing to evoke doori hv y0li t..,. Ler to The American Telephone and Tele- Pany, which has offices in Baltimore hearty expressions of approval. He ral(MJ a futis meii mr t.uii?" graph Company on Thursday filed and New York, and the Standard also received severe criticism accord- .-oh uo- s&1(1 wuham. 1 Ju.t with Secretary of State Koeing, of Stock and Grain Dealers, which has in lo the religious, political or busi- waDt to fcfct, f0li New York a certificate of increase offices in Jersey City. Philadelphia. ne8S affiliations of the speaker or uruton rsplied: d -4 a -tu ov. of capital 'stock from $200,000,000 Cincinnati, and St. Louis. writer.. He put new heart into the m put your light out." aa4 grabbing to $500 000 000 This make it next The three concerns indicted main- English, both in the Soudan and in a beavy cbair troke it la or to the' largest corporation in the tain more than 250 offices and branch EsysU by his appreciative exposi- nls body world the United States Steel Corpo- offices located from New England to tlon of their reat achlevemenU In willlania .tagstr laiu tb itrt ration being the leader, Oklahoma. Kv.xiue, h, 1U lo get out oi tne ay. cm nruwu nu The theory of the conspiracy in- "K , , , ' iUl r v ' o lnto LoUEe' "a By a majority of 24 to 1, Colum- dictments is that every man who was . " moment tu& a wiLcat r.u, bia. S. C. on Friday.' adopted the connected in any way with the opera- , X ",Ta ;,' " w iniama. seeing commission form of government. The tion of the three firms, which did , , " Vl " " l ' not to bol aa lurJ u itawo ucnicitu iJ iuc nam nucuwQ run. HrUlOD ItiVU ISrt-'J lu wi there is hope for the Democracy, Thought it was about time to get candidates of the Republican party members contrasts with that of the the doctors to work on the poor, old for President from North Carolina, Mississippi Democrats who investi- thing. which he declared would receive his gatea one oi tneir memDers Denma support. locked and guarded doors Charlotte citizens are protesting Both speakers highly compliment against a proposed circus there in ed Mr- Grant's course and urged the secretary Ballinger to Sue Collier's October. That Democratic conven- people to return him. Congressman Grant is enthusiastic and In conven tion is about all it can stand in one tion pledged himself to carry the dis for Libel. Washington, D. C, April 2. Sec- yea; trict, saying he would make a stren- retary Ballinger this afternoon an uous campaign from county to coun- nounced his intention to sue Collier's I. ... . . i . . .. n i i U'ooVlv f rT 15 Hoi onH H a m a era a a a tYia Since Shemwell did not have to ty, district to aistnct, ana wouia not - - rest until the district remains safely resurt oi a series oi articles wnicn serve the five months' sentence in jail he will be free to do some "effective" work for the Democratic machine this fall. Republican. ROOSEVELT AND THE POPE. The German Kaiser will give Col. Roosevelt precedence over the royal princes. Quite right. There's a that publication has been running about him. In the current number Collier's has published an article en titled "Ballinger, Shyster, Ballinerer said to-nieht? "T rjrom- ml t . . A a a I - rue ex-i-resiuem iteiuses mviuanon ige Dring them tQ justice for maU UL1U UUbA UIU1UI abkAWOO KkyVMJ. Rome, April 5. Ex-President me. They have sent agents through- Roosevelt arrived here to-day and put the country to traduce me in a Every sug whole lot of those chaps, but only was given a most enthusiastic recep- campaign of villification one "Teddy." new form has all the essential feat- business in the District, had entered ures of the Des Moines and Council into a conspiracy to relieve people of T In ft nlo n c There a ro ft TTiavnr and I tho. r mnnov Tho finuorrmniit motn. fft,aio,1o',i .nmmi all ipt- tin that r Oiio h.vot.w missionaries by the aid he rendered Williams was dead in about A luln- ed at large and who serve four years, transaction of the local brokers thf f1 Bisers ,an? P,rot- utes after abot. lii. body a. There is the initiative, the referen- named was the act of each and every dum and the recall. I person charged in the indictment. In a prepared statement issued to- In one of the most daring as well day, Attorney-General Wickersham as remarkable escapes in the criminal expresses the belief that the return Colonel Roosevelt left Cairo this three times and VHUaa. fell arroaa morning. He delighted the Catholic th Mtrt-et Liercd by t bullta s by the aid he rendered J Williams as dead in aUut five Bitn scan sisters and the Prot- after bine abot. body a estants by his visits to the various cot removed until after tLe coroner's missions, where he expressed his inqUegi, which ai beli at 2 o clock, keen aproval of their work and en- sheriff Iiluson acd Deputy Paimr couraged its continuance. at once arrested Brutoa snd Disced "Long live Mr. Roosevelt," "Long hlm tn jail. He n.ade no atteuiH U annals of Virginia, two negro mur- of these indictmenU therein will do "c , X T e8Cape' aua q 7 , derers sentenced to die in the electric a great deal toward destroying the TM CrIe3'.. "ePre8en" cers to take him. , . . ... , t, . , , . ' tatives of the khedlve called to pre- (it.jr wiliiama cam to Uobrdl chair, and a white man, charged with operations of bucket-shops through- . . . . .X , Oscar ttiuuw htrhwav rnhhprv freed themselves r.t tho ,n,,ntrv sent tneir respects and those of their tTQm Moore county two or thram , . ... , m t.A xr-fiir pnn chief and to bid him "God speed," V(4ara HBQ .nd j mlued In th Friday night from the Norfolk Coun- violation of the law. uDon convic-L ,v..f, ' years ago v ' . t 4olt In Dnrtnnth hv cnttln? tholr ... " " . aul1 lu ""c11 mw)i mauai wi mHl . ODeratlTe. Il - s.-r 0 uont eniaua a maximum penalty oi Wnat he has don for the cause of . vouemmI lust war tnrouen tne root oi tne onsoa m aaa . . - aau iw vui.u.v-. - - " " - f j,v,vvv uuo auu inu jreaxa luiyi isuu and lowering themselves to the ground by a rope made of torn bedclothes. The Busy Hum of Traffic. Union Republican. Lee Falrchild, "professor of ethics dicted ly at Roosevelt Hospital, New York. One of his widely quoted points was ment. An effort will be made to have the trial fixed for all the defendants be fore the District Supreme Court ad journs for the summer recess, the in tention being to arraign them in the several groups in which they were! n- clvilization in this part of the world. LIQUOR HOUSE LVDICTED. one week old. Tb body wm De taken to his old boa la Moora Coun ty for burial. Drains .Neighbor With Aie. w n t mm Clinton. N. rcu .w 114 Counts Against a Richmond Concern Charged With Receiv ing Illicit Whiskey. At. 1 1 a Lh h Hosa ilaynor, the wpoa usea ujiuucui, lutiuuiU5 ill wuuu, n i head WaS brought in to-day by the grand Jury being an axe. Dead ng s n - j , . I -.,c..a The men xell out over oi tne umteu ataies uisinci uouri night in the northern part of Ssmp-in- son County Mehero D-nalcg was kill- Friends of Dr. Frederick Cook Dies From Hydrophobia. made in the campaign of 1896, when wnsnT1 Anr,i a rwmhor 2rd k.. .v. tkh n n Lioaine of a cart road by Daaicg - I .. .... " . - .1.1. v. Q ir.tavviinfal ' ' uic, 6'"'- ic l . . .t lirrt tion by the populace. He and Mrs. gestion m this current story about Fu lMt Wesley Artist and Julius Rowe Dany (inc.). a well-known Richmond Maynor nea sea . Roosevelt were escorted to the Royal my alleged irregularity while I was 7 the noise or passing trucKs. i were bitten by. a mad dog near Stan- liquor dealing company. In each of IT7f.Mi Tiia Palace and were entertained by the practicing before the United States am not going to talk: any more be- tonsburg Both men were gent to the 114 counts, the allegation is that Killed in iTee-For-Aii ngni " have made up a purse of $175,000 Courts in Seattle is untrue." cause tne passing u-ucks mase too RaIeIv wnere they took the Paateur thi .. w,,iv varioua ouantl- Ballinger would not commit him- much noise, he declared. But I treatment, being discharged on De- ties of whiskey on which the tax had for the Doctor's use in proving that the invitation to visit Pope pius, as self as to wnen tne suit would be in' !L Sa7v I T, -v- fJ!wr cember 27th as cured. Friday night not been paid, without making en- he discovered the Pole. But even if the latter made as a condition that stituted or the amount of damages ""5"5 wuu fc. . . Mast, Artist was taken Tiolenly ill, tries as reauired by law. King and Queen. Colonel Roosevelt refused to accept he should prove it. is it worth the the ex-President should agree not to visit the College of the American Methodists, between which and the Vatican there has long existed a bit- he would claim. to drown a baby's whisper. price? CORN MEAL SEIZURES. ur. Ur,an ritien nairman tep quarrel CoL Rooseyeit felt that Virginian Goods Taken in at Wilson WWt Bl suffering, the Ylctim begged Oysters cannot longer be fed-or asl ere more 0r less hurt. Mack requesting that no demonstra- it was an infringement on his rights bv Officer . II Blacweier agea Iori7' m those about him to kill him and put the trade term goes, "floated in I I I OT T riB TTl rlKT W1I1H IV H 1 1 1 1 W 1 1 rKKllIKIl L I . - 1 m I , Family Shooting ncri. Killed by Lightning. Asheville. N. C. April 2.- -Mr. when physicians were sent for and after a thorough examination they! i diagnosed the case as hydrophobia. Between paroxisms of the most in- Xer WlnUm. Roanoke. V.. March free-for-all light amocg drunken ne groes on a Norfolk and Western es curslon train between Roanoke and .... . n l,t Eirht. JIO Woods Oyster Floating Barred. i,.-- . Halr.ton wa I was cui iu seriously stabbed, sad over a cr tion be America Mr. Bryan's wishes in this matter will be complied with. of the most widely known residents made over his return to I as a private citizen to dictate who ml J 1 i. 1 a . i x I Viv tnV Ml CVirnlrl "NT TT Olf TVifl mere is no uouui dui mat .ium ""' , . . I nrtnt, Bavart, itHQi ctnrm incident, while causing considerable ""B Z"-??n7Zr "ft::" ""Zs ZZ Seizures under the pure food act of this section, was killed by light- comment, was not provocative of any ill feeling. A traveling hypnotist boasts of his ability to cause a man to lose power j to see, smell, taste, or think in an instant. The Democratic machine may employ him to work on the vot ers before next election. Swept Cartridge Into the Fire. most daily by the Federal and State I this afternoon. The deceased was I authorities. I alone In the house at the time and At Wilson United States Marshal was found t7 neighbors an hour la- Dockery, on complaint of pure food Iter. inspectors, has just seized one hun- him out of his misery. He frothed I brackish water" before they are of at the mouth. It took seven men to J f ered for sale. The Department of hold him. who. after a while took I Agriculture shas ordered that the him to Eureka tied, where he died I nractice must stop at once. The or a few hours afterwards in the guard-1 der affects all the house. I United States and port an ce to dealers ,...wn v. C. April 1. lafor- eL.-. cached here yesterday of a at once. The or- '"' Vsnr in the Smith's Ftrry oyster trade In the tntJ Monday. Frank is of immense im- .ectlon r mornlnc QUarrel- Chapel Hill, N. C, April 1. Withdred bags of meal at Goldsboro in Woman Burned to Death. Needs Investigating. no serious effects resulting, Mrs. Jas. hands of X T. Ginn. and fifty Fayetteville N. &. Aprll 2. The Clinton News-Dispatch. If the condition at the State Hos- Pendergrass is suffering from a pe- of the Wilson Grocery Com- Laaody' of Mrs' Kate Howell . .. Jnanv flfWilsnn hci-!i,i It la o1laH Cnarrea DOuy OI Airs. iVHie rlOWcll, I ?L; du 2 Jo made o, damaged -grarnrtre"! ,r, rautht up her t wo rn w . . . tM Har- SIx Miners Killed. r.ntha'-old child and ran Wilburton, Okla.. March Sl.-Slx home of an old 7' .... . . ..j i i .iit nirara. v miners were Kiuea nere to-cay vj . u. -if ift the house The Greensboro Telegram says the her household duties she swept a 32 " SLL found near her home In Carver's Mr. Crabtree. and we believe he Is "plosion in the Great Western Coal Soon ax calibre cartridge into the fire, and as TiltllZZJt' Creek Township, this county, where telling the Gospel truth about It, too. and Coke Company's mine No. 2 f" 0 the old negro's house it exploded, the ball took effect in D Booth & Company of Petersburg, i e p Att'Ant' It is not known what caused the and tf 1 f to come out. V.. eHn Turfntf cAn1 InAha n. allU O. 2. I 5C VOlUDailT. OI SUr- - I w k1.r V ft lot ennnAaorl tr Viai'O DH I ttUU V4C M . - m w medical profession has sprung a new der the'skin. The bullet has not folk Va- wno wiU e prosecuted disease on us known as beriberi. eTtraPtod ! S: S. Y & Cpan the omcials and attendants llTi i f polbSP -"ed to hi. wife to come v wh wm h . est fire Thursday. James Darden, a should be transferred to that Instltu- b.last- bu.1 ,n.PI'08ftf .fe!Ta. Uhi. he refused to do. and he surv- Nothing new about that it is simply the pains the Italians have when thevl eat too many green apples. An Alleged Kidnapper. i .. . . . ..Ta-i i nil e Li - w neiehbor. heard her screams, but It inn with wall .mnni it h "e re511 ol a 8UOt souis after her. The w i . . i . .. . i rnrciv uict 9i rn mtn wnn ware wu ,j "b""" dww o " " maue io wear uio Biripes. A"- Sure ifemedy, : But! Sb-em-well should move his resi- Fayetteville, N. C, April 1. Flor ence Holliday, alias Kate Vaughan, I We have no doubt there is one sure I wanted in Goldston for kidnapping remedy for high prices. It is easy, I Lizzie Wilkies, a thirteen-year-old not investigate. Waldon. N. C. April 2. Judge ton Times. f n 4 9 Vk a avh a. -a. ta I ;i. e I . . M . ..! -mr. .. . A . . a i i a.a vug kuumi v aa mHii v its i rv 1 1.. i w mi m ?iri who nrvDCTon nava vn 1 1 i woii usiitst uii tvafi i 'aiivt r ma i it vn a rrora nnr nnw mAMiiw vrinTran . ngton to some Potot I Simply take the tariff off of every- ternoon. After her arrest, which mornin imposed a line of flftr dol- and ienorant a RenubHcan is. he be- Greensboro Newa.J 1 1 I II H rvk l l rria r -nr fr . - A a.'w a. I av 1 I - I - - 1 o iu iai trains I miag. x ne wage-earner's job will was made as the result of a telanbone lam and costs on L R. Carter and a I cornea a saint and a oatrlot If hn roe turely just as the men, who were on ea m - w r0 wa. the nieht shift, were leaving Vthelr handed her baby to t work. The bodies were recovered man and seuea s It to ber aboalder .v.. ... the door and threw it w mis oitcj uuuu. . I . ,nn WU iw - and urea. '--.. ,od ot UVk In Democracy Hotbed. rugrarn ... kJ.d CJlJ IBalUrd ' " rftborhbod What's this? Democrats in Missis-1 IBaiiara neJxhborhood a - 1 " - ja waa i v uxau7 tto wu rCBIUI. Ui tt t.OjyUOZie I !& XIU, CUS&JB Qtt XV. VyaUcr &U.UL WL 1 CUlUCa Ob MUlb &UUL make regular Btops so it will not boliah and he'll have no money to 1 message from Goldston. it was learn- sentence of ten days in Jail on C. T. to the Democrats. necessary xo noia up tne conductors 1 tttl"ier rl8fs aitea uai me woman was xormerly a I Lewis for attempting to influence! Bat it matters not how pure a err and rascality in the election of a slre in order to eet off at hia homa in iu ru m xau m notonoua resident of this city. Both Venireman L. A. Daniel in favor of Democrat is", he is a blackened wrti.fc nnlt st.t eo,nr Th h fnl - - prices wuuia DO Bometnine fierce. twill be neld nltlnr th ...i .! - . I . Z ' I : -v.- - rww , - ,v,-i time for an early supper. Rockville (Indiana) Republican. . the cUld's fatter 7VVt" " lor 1 Koe to tne .tepumicans. This donkey, ear. grow longer every IngDr 1) . . . ... lib s..( un sippi cnarging each other with brib-inci wnm,n i. dangerous- slitee. t ,-cnrery Is exceed- United States Senator. The poor old ly fciJarec t

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