THE CAUCASIAN TO BE ENLARGED NOW FOR 10,666 SUBSCRIBERS. UCA H 4 RALEIGH, N. C THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1910. No. 19 CA VOL. XXVIII. i 4.- GENEK.1L NEWS. EDITORIAL BRIEFS King or Combine! Which? With all bis faults, they lore Jo sephus still, and the stiller the better. Just think! It was Dimmycrat talking about Dimmycrat last Saturday. The slogan for Republican victory la, "Down with the pie-counter ring!" It seems that the other fellows wanted to try an "experiment," Major Bernard. Bailey's comet was not busted. after all. It shone In all Its glory on the fourteenth, sure. A DUNCAN FROST. Does any one believe that the pie counter bosses want more Republican Congressmen elected? The Evening Times asks: "Have you seen the little boy's slate?" How dart you, you Democrat? The Democratic party has Just dis covered how very rotten It Is. The people have long known It. Mr. Joslah Bailey wants the Wake Democracy to shed its skin. But how can the leopard change Its spots? The imperial edict promises the people of China a constitution Janu ary the first. Why not say April first? Lost, Btrayed or stolen, a boomlet for the legislature. Reward If re turned to R. W. Winston, Raleigh, N. C. The Patronage Machine Maas Meeting a Fizzle Member of the G. O. P. Hank Says That Only Eleven Men Showed Cp at Big Pow-Wow Held in Greensboro Looks Like a Re volt Against the Machine. Observer Bureau, Congress Hall Hotel. Washington, D. C May 11. "National Committeeman Duncan called for a Republican mass meeting I mean one of the Federal office holders, pie-hunters and machine cogg at Greensboro, on the 30th of last month, the day on which the stockholders of the Dally News met. but by actual count only eleven men showed up," said a Republican Just from the State. "I was told that more than five hundred letters, lnvit lng the boys In for a pow-wow, were sent out. "Those on hand were: Represen tative Cowles, of the Eighth; Post master McCaskill, of Fayettevllle; Postmaster Ramsey, of Salisbury; Postmaster Brown, of Red Springs; Postmaster Wallace, of Wilmington; Collection Martin of the Eastern Dis trict; Revenue Agent Malloy; R. E Tharpe. of Statesville; J. R. Joyce, of Reldsvllle; J. D. Dorsett, of Spen cer, and Mr. Hanna, of Gastonla. "I heard that Mr. Duncan made a hot speech, denouncing the office holding Republicans, charging In gratitude for not responding to his call "Why. they tell me that Chairman Adams, who lives there, did not at tend the meeting." A letter from the State declares that the revolt against the machine Is quite as strong in the eastern as it Is In the western portion of the State. "The rank and file are tired of the old crowd." said the writer. "They want to win victories at the polls." TACT'S MEASURES Urging Postal Saving Bank, Conservation of Natural Resources. In a mine disaster at Whitehaven, England, over one hundred miners were entombed and slowly died. The mine extended far out under the sea. In the 2 4-hour automobile test race at Brighton Beach, two men were killed and two others seriously lnlured in arridsnti Several minor A VERY GRACEFUL ACT Undents occurred also. Heavy earthauake shocks are still - - Appointment of Former President being felt In Costa Rica, where the Roosevelt a Special Embassador clty of CaU WM aoyed. loia Kooseveit ait special .imu by the presd dispatches last week. to Represent the United States at Thousands are fleeing the country. King Edward' Funeral Has Been Owing to the fact that the funeral Universally Commended leie- o the lale Kln Eowari iB to be gates in Eighth District Appointed beld on May 20th, tte execution of Walter Ross convicted of murder in to State Convention When no Call 0ttaWEf Canada, has been postponed Had Been Issued for That Purpose until the next day. ANTi-RING TICKET Wake Democrats NameTicket to Oppose the "Ring" Candidates. TWO TICKETS IN FIELD meet that be both "bought and atol. votes." as argaat at arcs of t!ie cite; that they had pasted a bill Increasing the salary of the sheriff by 2.iuv. which fact was not knows for a year after It had passed (which, by the way. is a serious reSection on the bar of the county ) ; that they had altowed a till removing the Slate cap ital away from Raleigh to be read twice In the senate, which would not have occurred If Wake County had bn represented by a "man" In the senate. He charged the county officers with the groseit mlimansgesat and favoritUm. particularly In road matters. He cited Lr roads had betrn built for miles on which there was either none or at best only one He declared that the Was it a Trick? And Was Such Action Legal? (Special to The Caucasian.) Washlneton. D. C May 17. 1910. Chas. R. Heike, the "man higher up" In the big sugar frauds against the Government, has been placed on trial In the Federal Court at New York. Several others have already Since our last letter, the President been sent to prison has taken hold of the situation re- uripptln? the nostal savings bank bill. So cIokp wan the result of the first headed Bailey Flays the Democratic Machine. Hi Arraignment of Mr. CaddeU. Editor of the State UvuiiH-rmt, was Severe SaJd Ue Paper was Subal- sidized and Connected With the or (Wu houtee County Treasury Why the Paper ytem must go; but he did not Has a New Kditor He Open Charged County Commissioners two years ago declared for that very thing With Groas FavortU.m Said They chargtjJ ArtaUtad Would Have Fair Flection at Pri- Jones with conduct unbecoming his , , high office, declaring that he had pro- maries or a Funeral. , , , . .. faned the verv temde of Justice It- The meeting of the Wake County self by cursing and violent language. Democrats, pursuant to a call signed and that he should be Indicted. Ie by forty "prominent Democrats," charged others with having debauch- by J. William Bailey and ed the ballot; that one of the leaders "A fair election or a funeral." Those are the alternatives offered by the reform "whlng" to the "ring whlng." MIWI'I I IIV I lift IIIIN1HI A V A U aVD U & I III IK Urn rt M 111 I Wn 1111. Sift 1 II n IIBt.l'kAMWW m J . i -" - rf - a i . I , . I v i iv i 1 vt I On f "nine'1 was rtAt aran rswif rs In In the same arm dux. aipiomauc mau primary between senator aiuerro juepuu uauivi, uv.u iat ui iuc t.u ..w-.. ... m. a. 1 9 kA a . i .a t.i4Aif 1.. HlnAllfan Uoll Tha flrof nJ Kv thtt nrfftDnrA tf hist flM f.thT ner in wnicn ne iuuk. uuiu ui -iaaa iormer Lro vernor urowaru, oi uiua; iu ia;ia uuitau av i VJ " rlntr rnturi "with a whUksr raiiroaa uui ,auu iv uu iwuns ma r lunaa, ior ine iormer h urai m iue ui-iu, v. w i 0 tha arimtniRtr&tlon will succeed In United States Senate, that a second which broke up in riot and scenes bottle In his pocket." . .it.-!. . n.ooonra : i , I r.h a ra olurl iaA a a a "Hlairn t'l trk thfl He rhareed th "rlns" With alSOi State" by the press, selected a com- having connected the "State Demo- The President Is also actively at Frank W. Rollins, a former Gov- mittee to have charge of the second crat , a local paper, witn tne punuc hUmnr of w HamtRhir. and an meeting. As stipulated by the News treasury. He called It a Journal worn. 10 secuie hjitoiucuw - - - - - -. , . , . . . . . tween the contending factions as to author of note, was arrested and held and Observer, which has been for- ' conceived in sin. born of Iniquity. Km o fair in hail at New York, ch&reed with warding the movement, only Demo- and would die of starvation when dls- Drosnect "of success as to that meas- attempting to smuggle In dutiable ob- crats who were in favor of ousting connected with the public teat." He , jects in violation of the Federal law. the "ring" were Invited and appar- said that it was not a legitimate . ... entlv the sugeestion was heeded. newspaper, that it had no subscrlb- The President s measure m tne in- nvornr onjottA nf California. There were oresent probably four ers, being supported only by the terest of the conservation of natural petitioned by the or five hundred persons, many from "ring." and that its sole purpose was resources has passed the House has hurches preyent th0 Jcffriea. tne country. The hall had been di- to deceive the people. He made been amended in the Senate, ana is . T.,w au o.,r,a vaoA ntr w tnnohins thonp-h some crave charces aeainst its editor. J. int to win victories at the polls." expected to pass that body any oay. q them no(. repre8ente(lf if tne c. caddell. whom he charged with It will be seen from this that the and hf8 every assurance of Decom- gQ flght m heM fieatlng of tne delegate8 was an indl- betraying his home and his friends w in the North Carolina wing of ln a law at this session. caUon T R Moseley and Police and Rtated that he had documentary o r t nnmr. o mapHiv nr, Thus it will be seen that the most i, ,,,.., 1 n .aFitn nr th Pn&hin in Hero stmnarh artpd as ushers, di- evidence to prove his charges. Indians to obey an order of the court recting affairs generally on the floor. He said that the present move- a i, - nt an Tnian unrig. Tho nitv Hoipimtps wprB Rpatfl in the raent was only one of the Democratic lng in New Mexico. The territorial south side of the gallery, the north party to change Its "skin like a ser mintia was nrdArwl out and for a side beine alloted to spectators. pent," and that It would emerge from " - r - . - i . .. v . . - . . , m ii. i a v0 TK.ih lirtnr u. Qn not for t it I tne ooeraiion uener man vvivrv. ne 11 xii e it was imixi tru tucTi u . j u a mc i uuuu wuui . mwww.w. I was half nast the hour before the called upon nis nearers to ngni cor- mtinir n-oa naMoA in nrrfpr hv Joae- runtion at the polls." as that was the The "holy war" In China, which phus Daniels, who stated that he only way the ring could hope for row the G. O. P. camp goes merrily on. Charlotte Observer. HER INITIAL BATH. Thus it will be seen that the most important of the administration s great reform measures are now in a fair way to become a law during the present session of Congress. This would make a greater record of af Launched Great Crowd Was Pres- firmative legislation to carry out the Dioodshed. I rofnrm nlorfiraa rvf tha national nlat-I em, i i"'"o'-" r i . . ... . i Pol Roosevelt Is suffering with a New York May 12 Flying the form inan ProDaDiy oiner na; The "holy war" in China, which phus Daniels, who stated that he only way me ring coum uupe wf Col. Roosevelt U fferliig with a New York United Clonal administration has ever had haa cauged Europeans and converted had been selected by the "open air" victory. He pledged himself to do throat trouble. Now if that had been to Its credit. Chinamen to flee to the coast cities meeting (one of the three held on battle for the next forty days. He Col. Bryan we would not have been fc17" V ' TZ surprised. Chinamen to flee to the coast cities meeting (one of the three held on battle for the next forty days He rr v, im. Kv,a ooainn ftf tha rintintr rf Anriilsaid that the Dresent movement "was perlal troops are powerless to atop it. U 0th) to call the present meeting to flying the white flag of Democracy. . . m .i. v , I j n - n nthai- moat, rivine thA insinuation that the other foat of her fiopt-linp th battle I . i tiunareas oi uunsiiau v-uiucoo uawiuutr. no ibumiwi . " ""- "ww i . I ieei Oi ner Ueta-llUe, IU Uttinwi r v DusMunt Toft Qa I .... . . . . v. rtomnrrtU. t.ort flaw The Charlotte Observer calls H tne Florida tb hleeeat of the American uo"1 ""been murdered. ing. whlcn ne opemy cnargea una - w - Th.,. lan-t ,; "T.' .., f, WQO tn special amDassaaor io represent and Stripes at her stern and a string I of gay signal pennants along the 520 feat of her deck-line, the battle The President's Graceful Act. The appointment of former Presl- waKe county reveia. men, iau t -ureaanougnts" duiu mu iar. was. . ...... QtntQQ at tho fltTiaPa, ftf much "revelry" to those la smelling successfully launched at the Brooklyn been unlversaHy distance of It. koan rtaii?nadlT broken ud by t!ael the black flag of piracy. I . I T r TI.I1a nnnolillOnir Mf a winz th. N'ftw York bank- "rine wine" of the Democratic party. upuu .r. dcj lUuu..u.u, ancrftsafullv launched at the Brooklyn t A. Melnze, tne 4New lorit oaxiK- -ring wing oi me uemuattut yauj. " " NavTYard to VIL haS been er and western mine promoter, was He asserted the present meeting was Daniels moved that the temporary . TT,..J commended and approved as a most ... - . tKQ vw Ynrv courts of nM on of insurant but of Demo- organization be made permanent. tne vice-rresiaeni. ot me unueu graceful act. It Is under-r"1;" " V : Z" Z W AT.",7" 77.7 nn, ni, was done and for some time the Z a, States the Secretary of the Navy UmeIy &na ffraceiul aci " 18 unuer: over-certifying checks In his bank. C. crats who loved their party and not This was done anoior some ume m Prof. Slkee. the "combine candi- states, me aecreiary oi me avy, stood that this actIon wa8 suggested . . nar.tnar. a in thft Afl. .. QnH whft WArft determined to convention proceeded without a sec- dntA for th Anat. aava he doesn't tQe naval atcn.e8 a" tne. powe by the Ambassador of Great Britain. ' ' AflQT,f ' aorvintr -V ,nntmi from thP nraent crowd retary. until Mr. E. E. Britton, the ' and o crowd or 5U.UUU entnusiasisi , ...l""' - w.. 0 1 .. M 1L. ok....a care for office. He needn't worry. whnm 1ftJne kip8 and intermit- ana Inai OI co . e meL.lue. ueitl years for a similar charge. who had been running things with a city eauor oi me uu c... . . . .... aoDroval or president rait tne mo- . v,and Qnd who did not consult called attention to nis cniei mil- A! o T,!i,t nt Lk rxi. Ma HopinrpH that nomi- take, and proposed the election of a L..f! V." :!""i5ir! f?! able to the Government of Great! , 21.000 feet and being without I nations had been made and township I secretary, which was done, by the I I U3l iCil IU iiauiaA uu luuioun;! uuiil lu lini l J lilts iuuuuci tcu ia- .. .. . , I I . . I i . . i ., , T r ot.hiir rf ,t ,n ,,hmond on Frid.v. inch guns-the concentrated big gun B- . . . .. food for hours, A. Holland Forbes, committees appointed "m tne DacK 1 seiecuou 4 . . I . . .. . Tf la SOUND OF PISTOL Cnroes Continue to Increju Under Democratic Good Government MORE THAN ONE A DAY Hob wkUw l.uJi, Huda fte Wake tVat)b HtA?a 1 M lKirtim ( rl Kll, (Vktl rf Urdcrin4 Ku, i.,ur iUrnm Kill Tu u StackhouM bct v.i:i gaai Mor rison at th tv.a f Artrter rioy4 this mortitac i. .. tr', a saoi gun was vJ M rr;& rti hundred atd f.': yrd froa th house and f;i ; utile foa4. All part! ar cokrJ, Morrttoa b iag a broihar of w:ur Mornwa wko was recenllr . trtuia-1 la Ka!a!gh Stackhou urretdrj ti.! moratag tod is In Jail at Lur'-uc A ShiM.tln la ( rJ I Yancytrlll. N " . j4y u ia u southern part of t.. Caall Coun ty, to-day at ol u SvAk. l.ui Hhaw. a negro, ihot an1 cortaUy wounded C. 8. Hurti. a aroorytraa from Dan ville. Va Mr Hurtt i cobdlUon U eitreme!) rr!tiri it ngro alau Inflicted a flh wuund in tb arm of Dennis Andri r, a ttrhly rftprted colored man. Thi dtprat went- rence wan. tk far at rouM lx ltarced. without provocation The nrro Bhaw is at largr, but l t-;r. aoufht for by Sheriff Finch ar.4 a poaao A lU'j SUImi Man. Durham. N C. May 17 11. O. Rlgsbee. a yuuLg uiau of taly-two. and Herman Cole, a you&ftter of fourteen, yeaterday tgaga4 la a scrape tbst caused th boy to stab the man a&d tadly Itjure htm. Mr Rlgst U la tha hospital and being treated. Hli ttjurtes. while not dangsrouily lnilctal usleaa oem pllcatloss aria, art to a vital pO near tha ribs, a&d wr made by a knife The eaus ct tba ouarrel Croa his standpoint could &ut be learaed. as he wa l& tb trl a&d gave ao tatemot. Toufcc Tola makes de fense that he wai U!cg attacked by the boy Jght yearn bit aantor. and says he draw hU knife and atabbed him in the aide it snowed In Richmond on Friday, inch guns the concentrated big gun "1"- A M I food for hours, a. nouana roruee. committees appomteu m u,. 1L hucu iix kiuuiuuu ' I I Tf announced from T.ondon th at I i. ,, nnH o onmnanlnn WPrALnnm rt a 1 a wvpr n office in thf I APCX. and the Democrats raised well, a r . nve ordi.nary.-a;. thia action on the oart of the Amer-Lo.w, to rth in a balloon near Lhadow of the court house." evident- Mr. Alexander Stronach. the police IKaiUCU Uv TV la til V Tf Ck J O VV UV Ota Uiuu I J i J - .. I Inan flAVorrirriant nMinloH with thA n.A. TTt TVitt oononarl OQ th ATI IV I lw infair!nar tfi QnHpitnr -TnTlPR atlQ hlti NriidAd down thA wavs to the strains tnis action on tne part or tne Amer- dashed to earth in a Dauoon near shadow or tne coun nouse, eviueut- ... ""7" " glided down tne ways to tne strains J . a wl, . 8 oaiiim Taa Qr,d hi- indee of Rale eh. then moved the Luiuaj. i 0j "Star-Spangled Banner, play-lultu "uveiumcut, iuui"cu -" i center, n.y. iuey cauapcu ueam uuj iiy reicmus lu ouih.uu! - -- 1 . . .. , Z. I HtatincriiiBhod nAraon ftiit v of thft f or-1 iroMa hut hoth wrA badlv I aon stntA Spnatnr W. B. Jones. He (Continued on Page 2.) ed by tne Navy i ara ana lwemy- ..v..v,, It is said that if one ties a heavy nlntn infantry Bands while the mer President, will make it assured injured. also spoke of other meetings that weight to a mule's tail it will stop crowd cheered and hundreds of river that he will rank In the ceremonies had been held in the hall they now his braying. Won't somebody try craft tooted their noisy welcome. with the visiting kings and monarchs Mr8. Philip Gunther, the wife of a 8at in, and invited former State Sen- ms urayiug. vyuuu aomruu j emit iuut 7 ot Europe. wealthy commission broker, of New ator Fab Whitaker to the temporary that on the Democratic mule, please? Tm Was it a Trick? York, caused the arrest of her hus- chairmanship. TAVUIVS ilVtvrurxx.AL wik avmuiii i ' ... ,1 . , ..... I I i .s .1. .V r, T-cra thot acor alnpo I Tk W Vi ( t q lr or waa n littlA tlaZ- .1 i . . ... m v. . I 1 1 m fill iiii Lue uuaifv fcutn. . . i iui . . . " " - A delegate in the Saturday meet-1 a prominent uu thlPtn veara aeo he hadUid hv his entrance into the lng announced that he was "a oUn' --fT " her into a life of shame. Gun- llmc (Continued on Page 2.) THE MECKLENBURG CO.WE.N'. TION. but he didn't know what he was a; votln' for." A true Democrat, that man. Vn nfHf-TTolder Named as Dele- gates to State or Oongreesioaal Conventions The People in Con trol of the Party. Charlotte, May 14. Office-holders ilon Republican Favors a i-rogres- Eighth Congressional District, who , T rt , " ' . . ,QD ,n fVlo aUe Man for State Chairman- WJf3 here toay, said that the people forced her into a life of shame. Gun- iimeiight, and his n l tti " . . . thar dpnifid the charge, but was held 1 main were hardly audible to the main says is t vix wunoiTM" i qi M3 District were generauy sur- - . rftfrftd to ..feller Seatiinent AU Over the State-A prsed at the move made to have the us. Democrats " and kept his eye glued In Mecklenburg County, followers of I r7u ,Tfc "";;t By the lack of one vote the House on Editor Daniels, who sat nearby the great O. o. r. eiepnant. ran i Union Republican. elect delegates to the State Conven- r l"e ML m. ,- intiv md his an anti-offlce-holdlng meeting of the Prof. Slkea. Wake', "combine" We are printing in to-day's issue tion, which convention has not yet c""" ... . 1 a fi.v.L,fw. trt oott th.nM M straight. Mecklenburg County Republican Con- candidate for the Senate, aays he letters advocating the election of been called. He said that inasmuch l UnloQ tQe questlon tnougn in the main, the body was in- ventlon here to-day. two prominent doesn't care for office. The "ring" Hon- A. E. Holton as State Chair- as there was no opposition to Con- e a a fte inaueu. dependeiit and often asserted itself, office-holders being defeated for dele now has Just cause to queatton his man' Fr1om formation that has gressman Cowles for renomlnatlon o Resident and Vice-Presl- Mr. Whitaker closed his remarks by gates to the approaching State Con now ass jusl cause tu i"i rom ta this office from nearly every that the neople generally took very ruuuu v. . . . T m t-, ,,., tr. h. VAnttr. i - i . i . m Moinn Am to inn ia.aL na i iit nnnn ivi r. j. v . oaiioi 1 Democracy. section of the State, the sentiment little interest in the primaries and "?1" " . . , a i h I iotm0tr inhn R. SDence. of m, tn iw almost universal that conventions that were called to be Thursday in April. aress me uug - L . essd dat I - i I - i loitQ uuaiiuitc, ThP (JnTftrnnr tr Others in aUtnOr-1 .m tt T r irn,11aa1 nr- Mf 1 V, r nnminata (ioloiratoa to f hp 1 Hvvv"' I . . . . m eiuer nou. j. jm. - " " 1 TT n WolVor convicted of wreck- niTva anAwh from h 1a stand- Ior ine nominaiion iur ueicSw Ity should issue a proclamation for- Holton should be the next State Congressional Convention, and t, J-Wator, to nX r w a riVw adSly the State Convention.. However, hi. bidding the aale of firearms in Wake Chairman, and this meets with the therefore, the sentiment of the , peo-1 g SeUvereT 11 right hand man. assistant postmaa County until after the Democratic approval of The Republican for in pie in the various counties and vot- ompa1dii7undred3 of tPhou. fmS arraignCnV D? the ter. W. B. Bradford, and Dr. E. Q. .. . our opinion the time is ripe for vie- ing precincts of each county was not thtt w..r !!ai J! 1 .m.. Houston, postmaster at Davidson, an primary puuea on. tory . tQe electlon of either of represented in the selecUon of dele- - ":"Te uem.ocr'"c 4""lJr.r-4 " r hmnortant office, were nominated for I., .i . .. ci i pany. oi aktou, uuju., uwuvOU ment or tne couniy s auan . c i ' ... . . . mese gentlemen is an assurance that gates to the State Convention P J. penitentiary by not hesltate to call a spade a spade State Convention delegates, but were CUU1 "w luiuuct w.u TnoPnrH Wnlkpr Will SDOeal. UnH Ko fforod to nrOVft hl8 aTleSCa- I U4U'' ucaici. w t, " --o room of fne lawyer's office" in Ral eigh any worse than one made in the back room of another lawyer's of fice in the same town? that the action in electing delegates and he offered to prove his a?lega- badly beaten. It was an utkfl . a v T-t ha holders meeting, whispered the Sentence Imposed on the Grafters. to the State Convention before a call ronvirtPd Liod that h was not a candidate leaders of the meeting after it was . . . c i. U.J moHo Kit- tha T7ontihlian Juu . rawo, , viTToniirfr 'n iviHV seuLHUbeB i uau uccu uauo j , i i . v... ninc (n l an uict, - ' ' i . . i at V llminEton. . . several jeaisi ior any uiux, uu wo 6wub i ott ffTiooj n 1 RtntA f!nmm tt for such a conven-r1 ii"l"B-" . ' . . . . . . .. - vi Pint t Wclo imyuocu iu-ua iui wu.v-v- i " mA imnoaod to-dav for offenses in State Committee for such a conven- " - - C a. ht f hi But perhaps the most signincam e same iuwu: - i . ...... . . . aero or aeirauaing me pruyics, uut ciear nis uct,m ." " - , . . . . v, I tr, with th ronoTit hrihrv tion was illegal, and that the right of eu . . . I ... ., k iny" I of all business transacted was the Ivuuucvwuu " ' i - , , . I who escaoea punisnmeni ay ueiug i nie, mat ui. uusuug mo 1 ... , 0 scandal. Leaders in financial, busl- such delegates to sit in such a n- p Washing- Lf the Democratic party from the election of ex-Mayor Samuel S. Me- . J Hf. noro In. Ivantinn roilld ha fillOfASafllllT COll- 4-,a,cu ' ...... I . . .. . .. it. I V nrh aa a daloPatA to the State and Mr. Newtand-. c.ndldr tor 'Xrl'.: : h. -C.. charged with alng peo- con rol ol waKe U Democrauo notation tor Got- tnrther. he observed j- m- had ended in rioUng and dLordTr. t.on,. the conrenUon for the ernor that Craig has been "promised A. A. vilsack. former cashier of that, in his opinion, nearly every ,"uie rharelne the "ring" leaders with its Ninth District to be held in Shelby it." Who promised it, pray? German National Bank, eight months county in the Eighth Congressional resDonslbllity and in solemn tones de- next Wednesday. May 18tn. In iail and 15.000 fine. uistrici, 11 noi every ue, was iu x- that thv had deliberately set ' or mauy iiiuum. iue ine siaiemem vnat vyuai o Dormer v;uuui;iiiiiei v"io - - o - - - mayor police force to attend the Wake dele gation at the Democratic convention is not yet officially confirmed. tatement that Charlotte's Former Coincilmen Charles Stew- vor of a re-organization of the M??umt,l1. .tW6v two out to murder and but for the cool- McXInch has been discussed a. the . ..... r.A tt-k T?orr,,Qon wak fined and the election of a State Chairman h ashington last week to the two uw iu .. narl n. RenUblIcan candidate from the Xlnth mg 10 Pi BO and sentenced to eight months w would work squarely In har- Pole heroes. Pulaski and osc V? J thererm leaders (meaning himself I District to the next CongTess to flght orce to attend the Wake dele- ou".ana sememe t c B,. irMD.ri ko. who foueM for American inde- tne reiorm leauers vujeauius w.hh-. t hut in jail. muu .a " oUant T,aft nttndPd and Editor Daniels) "Diooa wouia uB.Mou.-- " . ' " Dr. W. H. Weber, former council- for the election or more uongress- 7 .7 L P,ibi nn have been shed and murder done" Mr. Mc.Mncn tnrougnoui. naa mm- 2 ' 'a .9Kn od ix months' men and for the eeneral growth and both and spoke at the Pulaski un- have oeen sne 6f sphynJL JaliML success of the party; hut that the ex- veiling. The occas on au . election as delegate TV. r v.o rh0orVor nnAiAd xr. r. m Dot Tr0ron nression of such sentiment had been for the meeting oi me rousu iwiuu -,.-,.. will not onlv Dut him on the floor and .'una wuv. v- r r uiiuoi vuuuuimnii .. I Corruption aiiu nauu iu luu wvruuu.i - - . .l . .v. .. 1 A oeft monthQ' im. very ImDerfectlv demonstrated in thelal Congress. I . lQ,t,a that in the Coneressional Convention, but io mem not xo smasu mo uulcuiuo, i w uw uv auu a.uua - - i ioi me y i iuiai ica "- - ... . .. i .. ivAvi i I uiiuiiiiica uc&u iu oi.ii uaca.vo wv, I i . i A , v. n ,ama men vnn 11 m f i 111 : ia wi. - but to select "a new engineer. Give Foe Councllman Morris Ein- the Congressional Convention for the Alabama Democrat Expected to De- overthrown in the city last hU candidacy by attending the State you one guess who it wanted tol tnA . mnnthe tn I rpaaons already stated. I clar for Local Option. , y ,ad Convention and demonstrating what Dfc.u. uvmvvvv- w syriUK nucu a,uc - i . , ara Mav 1 5The L?.irAd thv "would have a fair sort or Kepuoncan ne is -ya-. . , , .,,, thft mavine. The Repuhucans aesire m state emocrauc ueuuuu u,.u eieCu0u ur .."1 TT I . rt-i. - htm-. worklne can- meets here Tnesaay is expec- jpeopie .JdTda.. and. while the Mecklenburg New IUrn Shting H r. New Bern. N. r . My IC Mr. U. W. Meredith, a former mployee oi the Norfolk and Southern, called a Mr. Gray, a new n;ati. a scab and struck him. Gray tbn bit Merec.ui on the head with two boiler pluft. tied with wlr. wttcb ha had la his hand. Mr. (;aon ?ulford. a by stander, and alto formar Norfolk and Southern employee, then knock ed Gray down and Maredlth then ahot him. lnflictlnc a -h wound la tae thigh, which U -ot cocaiderea aen trmh waa cut on the head and bled comidarably and waa piaoed under bond for hU appearance to day. At tha hearinr this aUraooa Meredith waited aiaasmauoa aaa was bound orar to court under a two yArA .T bond. Gray was alao tried and bound ora? to court uadar a one hundred dollar boao. -airoc- wat tried for aa utaoil. guilty, and waa fl-ed Are doUara aad coit. Varith aad Gray both gave bonds and were released- Fatal Cutting Hcrape. -tti- craie occurred at Garn er Saturday night at 11 o'clock and resulted la lb. death oi a ery named Perl JonM. Hnoerx Mrymaw white, who U charged wua ooa " cutitng. Is t . It seems that a Bah fry was glvea and veral ware Invited to atuad including Bryant After the fry it U aaid that Bryant ana a juuu named Ed. Young aaa a r u-.. were returns hoe la a bufgy. hen Mr. Toung and tne negro o- bad m oras. auu a rock. The negro icea wTOk . x....ww lad eansht hold around ine of Mr. Bryant, the latter getting of the baggy- lwV , ' together and Jone u nearu w -Sir Hubert cut me." When the phf .iclans arrived Jone. was found to be disemboweled ana u condition and be died Sunday Bona- handle the throttle. It's easy. jail and pay a fine of $2,500. Thirteen Lives Lost. Who Said Pie? Durham Herald (Dem). i St. Louis, May 12. It Is now declare that the Democratic party, af- removed from the county anair. If the "ring wing's" battle cry & "holler like hell." and the "com- bine's" is "work like the devil." we if they want to see how quick it known that thirteen lives, most- ter a trial of State-wwe promoiuon. wen. nis jear 91L till at ,Ton't be accused of "cussing" if we would he gobbled up they should of women and ch remark there'll be the deuce to W.'- I f Wftillo. t wntr-flve mlle be- O'Neal who vu nominated for Got-I He paid HI. re.pect.m no u,- , tfc,TitT I ernor In the primary or May Sna aa-1 tain languaare -r- lOW tUlS CUT. , I c .. . ,,aIi .-.. nMnt arrattrir tll.t h PrtMi. 1 -k w.i of thA men. who al-laert mat tne so per cwi m - - - . vr I . , onmnriM tha COOVAB I Wlka COUatT Qia BOC BSTa Uimn cratic primary Mr. Bailey saxa mex cot Tlmea.l . - Unlink to tte orT caused UorarTfor local opUon. Montgom- in the Senate. H. charged them of ... Aiaetion or a funer-l -u nftneaaian Is to be enlarged, the gang-plank to tha s&ore. causea i oniiur ... nmvthlT rnonalbllity of electing "Nick" r The Uf insurance companies It ought to have twenty thousand the at of al. The -i-, fj-omlgubscribars. It is worth ouble lJ'J k its recent history. charge, with having made the state- Republican, hava looked favorably tnti iur. McN'Incb. there has beeri an unexpressed and silent though MW .mv .: -rf mam WUUUe. might not rally to Mr. McXInch, and so they ares till waiting to see what they shall see. The Mecklenburg faithful, headed by Colonel Jake p. Newell, will go to the Congressional and Stata Conventions not committed and altogether la a receptive mood. log. . . Bryant la about twenty i-v - of age and Is a member of a good family. nd up to the dittculty to day night had been a man of go reputation in the coramuim. Cari Kelly Convicted of Harder. r.ahlnrtoa. N. C. Mr 1,rP- jury in the case of State Can J. i?Hr charged with tha aorder of T.C after daUberstlaC for about forty-eight hours, to-day. .at 20 o'clock, returned a vardict. eon vi'ctlng the defendant of mardar U S; second egrea. The Jadgmsat of the court was that ha be confined ta the State Prison for a term of thirty years. . , . i ir.llv was taaen io najaiga wu -veatoi train to-day and will be aWrvlsg nis santanoe wiawrrvw. I snouid aa a wuu i i w now until luae ... Ar-v l

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