THE CAUCASIAN TO BE ENLARGED NOW FOR 10,000 SUBSCRIBERS.- CAUCASIAN X 1HI IK VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, N. C.t THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1910. No. 20 -1 ! IS EDITORIAL BRIEFS THE WAV TO REPUBLICAN 8UC-CESB. Solomon Shepherd must be the man who struck Billy Patterson. This Insurgency business seems to be "ketchln' " with the Democrats. Every man may have his price but It don't follow he always gets it. Crow will be the regular blll-of-fare for some Wake Democrats after June 25th. Everything seems to be earlier than usual this year, even to the politicians. True, it is not a Republican fight, but you can't blame us for being interested. You can't blame the Wake Coun ty Republicans if they do say "I told you so," now, can you? Tennessee politics is fast getting Into the Wake Democracy class. They have begun "cjaain1 " each other. At any rate, those Wake Demo crats can't charge it to the Payne Tariff bill. After it Is all boiled down, the fact is that the offices are the is sues in the Democratic camp in Wake. lint We .Mut Hare a New Chairman and a State Organization Who Want to See the Party Win The (.'aim That Have Been Made in the State are Hue to Individual Ef forts and in Spite of tfie So-called Leader Thousands of Democrats Waiting to Join Republican Party When We Get Our House in Order. Mount Airy Leader. There are some interesting figures given in this Issue of the Leader, which shows important and steady gains by the Republicans in this State since the adoption of the Constitu tional Amendment and, if the same ratio of gain is maintained at the coming election, will place North Car olina in the Republican column, where it should be. These gains were not made by the management of the State organization, for that, unfor tunately, has been in the hands of men who do not seem to care for suc cess at the polls but give their entire time and attention to the distribu tion and acceptance of Federal pie. These gains were without a doubt, the result of a revolution In the sentiment of the individual voter. representing all classes, from the cap italist to WASHINGTON NEWS Railroad Commission to Pass on Rates Before they are Increased. FOR TWO BATTLESHIPS House Passes Bill Providing Mean Of course, if the Republicans had said It first, the News and Observer negg tQ all alike would have pronounced the whole thing a campaign lie. They've got it down in Wilming ton, too. One Democrat charges an other with fixing the elections, and the other says he lies. for the President to Secure Fig ures Regarding Comparative Cot of Manufactured Articles Both Abroad and at Home A Fund of $250,000 Appropriated for This PurposeThe Appointment of Bas nlght as Postmaster at New Bern. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, May 24. Chairman Tawney, of the Appropria tions Committee of the House, to-day succeeded in framing an amendment to the sundry civil bill providing the Prescident with a fund of $250,000 for the purpose of obtaining infor mation concerning prices of manufac tured articles both at home and the humblest farmer or abroad, that stood the-test of con- laborer, who feel that the Republican formlty with the rules of the House, party has something to offer the great Two provisions to accomplish this masses of people who are striving to purpose had been ruled out of order build up a State with wonderful nat- by the chair. The bill provides the ural resources. They are tired of the means for the President to secure old rule, handed them by Democracy, figures regarding the comparative and are looking toward the party cost of manufactured articles both that, in national matters, has always here and abroad, such articles being stood for those measures that en- affected by the present tariff law. couraged thrift, progression and pro- to lle Sanctioned By Oomrals tectlon, in all lines of industry, sion. which Insures Drosneritv and haDDi- The Cummins amendment to tne There are thousands of Democrats railroad bill prohibiting the putting in North Carolina today who are halt- Unto effect of increases in railroad ing between two great opinions, on rates until they shall have been ap one hand ready to break away from proved by the Interstate Commerce the old prejudices and traditions of Commission was before the Senate Democracy, but look with fear upon throughout tne session to-aay. the nast management of the ReDubll- uments THE -BOSS- GETS A JOLT. ilr. J. g. Basnigbt Appointed Post master at New Bern Hancock, Democrats and Other Trotted Out la Order to Defeat Basnlght, Bat They Were Left la the Banning. Washington. D. C. May 24. The Republican organization In the State received an awful jolt tils afternoon when the President sent to the Sen ate the nomination of J.; S. Basnlght o be postmaster at New Bern. Rob ert Hancock was the original choice of National Committeeman Duncan for the appointment, but when the charges were preferred at the White House against the present assistant postmaster, his candidacy was aban doned. Mr. Duncan thought of rec ommending for appointment several New Bernltes, one of whom was a near-Democrat, with the understand ing that Hancock should continue as assistant-postmaster. The President would not even agree to name a man as postmaster at New Bern who would continue Hancock as assistant postmaster, and finally decided to ap point the man whom National Com mitteeman Duncan has been fighting. Congressman Morehead has looked after Basnight's interests here, and the turn-down of the National Com mitteeman at the White House Is wa ter on the wheel for the opposition that seeks to bring about his down fall at the Republican State Conven tion. The loss of control over the patronage situation in the State to any considerable extent will go a long ways towards Duncan's undoing. It is predicted here that State Chair man Adams will be arrayed against him before the convention assembles. Duncan and Adams have been at outs for more than a year, though they have maintained a sort of armed truce. Vice-President Sherman promised DEFENSEJN PANIC Potecution in Sugar Trust Case Play a Very Strong Card. SPITZER ON THE STAND Was Pardoned by President Tail So He Oowld Testify In the Present Hearing-He Connects Others With IWrauding the Government In Short Weight and Hays Com pany's Office Knew of These Fraud Ills Confession Results fa One Xew Arrest. GEXERAL XKWs. The town of Msjavllle. Oklahoma, was totally destroyed by a tor&ado oa Friday, Sercrai lives wsre lost. The Senile has authorised the con struction of two new battleships, at a cost of tlx million dollars each. There U a general unrest la Cuba, and grave fears are entertained that another revolt will shortly break out. Gilbert Oliver, manager of a large commission house at Albany. N. V.. has eonfesaed to the theft of 00.0 00 by the use of fraudulent warehouse receipts. In attempting to arrest a negro desperado, Hilton Smith, a policeman of Columbia, 8. C. was shot sad In stantly killed. The murderer fied, but was captured the next day. The threatened war between Ecua dor and Peru has been averted by ths mediation of the United States. Ths EDUCATION SOUTH liberal Sumi Set AskU for Agriculhiral Demon tration Work. COLLEGES ENDOWED Tim tiearral !... .. W,U Xpg. pTtate M r" H-aa f;,,n, fr leg-, ami f.f fcM.wl-rm im the h.m,u,1w Work Win V t h f lr Kn,, ,f th0 lieri. meat Win s,.t ttttmdw tht. wU Weetll tr Nsw York. m lions of tEWr U.; made to-day i? it Uon Board fur work of vark . rlcbltural the apprui.ruiK !.. Central I'tiwti - Ar- for the amendment were can party in North Carolina, and are made by Senators Cummins, Borah. afraid to take the step that they hon- lnree prisoners maae tneir escape estly believe is tne proper political from the Wake jail Saturday. Even course. They, as a rule, are business they could not stand the Democratic men, with means, and interested in mudslinging in Wake County. and Dolliver. It was finally passed Senate Votes Two Battleships. Voting down 26 to 39 an amend ment offered by Mr. Burton to au- The editor of the News and server should now know who is urg larca onH thrivfn v pntprnrispR a.Td all that holds them to the party of thorize only one new battleship in- I ctn A nf 4-xtrr t Vi Cnnotn tn.nQ v naaa. PkK. Bryan Is the conduct of those who l.c"u A . " ' style themselves Republican leaders The ed the Naval appropriation bill. Will ! nnAn.nnn nf nl In th rnllrtlrm of those "carnet . v i s most $134,000,000. It was before - - gieai gaiua uatc uccu uiauc in synci bag" bonds. And It Is a Democrat! of them. There is ro disguising the fact or The man who tries to stand on trying to fool ourselves, any longer, the Democratic platform In Wake for it Is a question that confronts us County Is likely to fall in the split between the two parties and get se riously hurt. The Ting and the combine are both right. Both have been steal ing. One stole the salary now and, as Republicans, we must! meet the issue squarely. The State organization as it now exists, is a failure and the party cannot hope to succeed under the present leadership. It is indeed the crisis in the history of the party and the people who corn- basis Pose the rank and file of the party, plank from the Republicans and the ... . problem of near success or ultimate other the local self government defeat We must now move forward Plank. or we naturally drift backward and the Senate, for two days, the debate being confined almost exclusively to the battleship question. Postmaster at New Bern. This afternoon President Taft sent to the Senate the name of J. S. Bas nlght for postmaster at New Bern, to succeed Robert Hancock. The ap pointment of Mr. Basnight was very favorably commented upon by the North Carolina Republicans In Wash ington, and the appointment Is very significant for the fact that Nation al Committeeman Duncan had been urging the names of others in oppo- New York, May 23. Oliver Splt zer, former superintendent of docks for the American Sugar Refining Company, who was convicted of de frauding the Government by the false weighing of sugar Imports, appeared dispute Is regarding the boubdsry unexpectedly at the trial to-day of lines Former Secretary and Treasurer Charles R. Heike. of the Sugar Trust. A monument has been erected to this morning as a witness for the Samuel Spencer, the late prssldtnt Government with the announcement of the Southern Railway, who was that he had a pardon from President killed in an accident on hit owe rail Taft In his pocket. Spltzer waa sup- road, at Atlanta posed to be In a cell In Atlanta, and his appearance at the trial caused a For a second time a successful air sensation. tdiip voyage has been made between The defense was taken completely France and England. Count dsLes by surprise. No Inkling of Spltzer's &eps being the daring aeronaut, la a pardon had been given out. Paulbam monoplane Spltzer took the stand and testified that he was ready to tell all he knew a package containing $32,000, be- of the defrauding of the Government, longing to the Pennsylvania Railroad. This announcement threw attorneys was mysteriously stolen from the Ex- of Heike and the other five defen- press office at Oil City, Penn. There dants Into a state approaching panic, is no clue to the robber To-day he gave testimony directly 1 arnitansr twn nf TTpIk ft five rn-npfptl-1 Tko .AV.rnm.nt Visa rrA mrmA war Congressman Morehead to-day to de- dantg of al(JIng hm n fllng Bcale8 Lh,pg to Chlnege ort In order to aver beverai pv.iuc. go that tne snipments of BUgar would protect the American residents whose North Carolina during the coming fce under.weighedf and he freely con- lives are in danger owing to the rell campaign. He will probably be heard fegged that he nad helped tQ lavent war now going on. some of the schemes whereby the Trust was enabled to steal vast sums. Mrs. E. H. Harrlman, widow of the He told of a trick which hereto- late railroad financier, has presented fnrp hna not hppn mpntioned Stuf- ha nt Vaw Vr1r with 1ft AAA Republicans Nominate Charlotte .Man flng paper under floorg Qf tne of for r.nuius.asiic - "-" scales to affect the weight. When one million dollars to equip it puoiicans new m oucn,,. Deputy Surveyor of Customs Vail Charlotte, N. C May 18. Former took office, he said, these devices in memory of his father, the late Mayor Samuel McNinch of this city were abandoned and the steel corset King Edward, the new King. George was nominated for Congress on the spring adopted. v. of England, grants remission of I "' , 1" ,1 " ,u" .k vtmfK mJ t HiftnflH f, mo .tnn tw L . . I contributed in all to wtDiy colleges. trict Congressional Convention held he had received unconditional pardon and commutation to many others. n Shelby yesterday. Mr. J. Colmaujon May 19th. He would have been Ramsay of Madison placed Mr. Mc-j unable to testify otherwise. I fn excavating In an old cemetery. Nlnch in nomination, pledging a ma- The history of the alleged cheating iQ Philadelphia, the body of a man jority of 1,800 for him in that coun-lat Williamsburg as far back as 18941 waa unearthed who had been burled ty and seconding speeches were and 1895 was gone into by the wit- alive. His fingers were chewed and made by Hyatt of Yancey, Bunchanan ness, under-questioning by Stimson. bitten off and all of his hair pulled of Mitchell. Jonas of Lincoln, Ham- He declared that then he found tne out rick of-Catawba, and others. There checkering the weights by placing were no other nominations and the! bags of lead on the scale-beams. J Made Insane worrying over the Convention approved the choice by a I Spltzer did not directly connect comet, Milton Hughes, a prosperous rising vote. Heike with the corrupt methods In negro farmer of Florida, killed his The convention was the largest in his direct estimony, out assertea mat father and brother. He waa cap- at Charlotte and Greensboro. McNINCH FOR CONGRESS. clllnn n IVft TJq on 4 crVl t Tho Ponilh. we can no longer stand in one place Nationa, Committeeman is fast losing his grip It has been heralded in the papers Success truly awaits us, provided that Denver. Colorado, went wet at a we embrace the greatest opportunity recent election. Is that another bid ever offered, and a new deal is w' I ARRANGES HER OWN FUNERAL for the next Convention? National Democratic we need. A new chairman, surround ed by men who care not for office, and a ticket composed of representative business men of the State, clean men It is almost a dead certainty that or all elective offices and a fight to the Hon Locke Craig will not send! the finish, founded upon the prin- any more money to Wake County to I ciples of local selfcgovernment and hi rhomtorii ranrHriaf-v a those Ideas that allow-thapeople to ,,. control, and success is'assured. uurui cnua areaas me ure. PYRE. Resorting to Three Slethods to Take Her Own Life, Yonng Catawba County Mother Finally Succeeds With Fire. If you didn't see the comet this I JOHN C. DAVIS CONVICTED. Hickory, N. C. May 19. Resort ing to three different methods to kil herself while her family were asleep around her. Mrs. 3, H. Deal, who lives a little over a mile from Maiden time, you only have to wait seventy Former Wilmington Man Convicted I committed suicide this morning be- in Wasliington of Obtaining Money I fore day," saturating herself with ker five years before It comes again. That comet must be a Democrat. Look how it fooled everyone. Under False Pretense. osene and setting herself on fire Her husband was awakened by the flames from her dress and ran to her Washington, D. C, May 18. After o oAnaoTtnTtQl tiiq1 TrtriTi C HoV?a H7Q a convicted here today of obtaining rescue' but to late to ( The problem of "an Irresistible money under false pretense. In pre object striking an Immovable one," tending to make investments for cus- & ' . tomers, mainly women. He obtained problem of the "Ins" wanting stay in and the "outs" wanting to and made an exhibition in the court, - ... get in. calling on the Lord to prove his inno cence, until the judge ordered him removed. -A$triri t !-i.tt0s sr 'r,ra! 4uc Sum jjsefet of rt atii far 4- are. I-aatlUe, Ky . Lexlngtot. K 1 1 In addition to :t tut aprropri atsd for CLtrai I i;r.t7. s ltks amount utt. at the last meeting of thr j& addition to tht lua.i, mtkt appro priated for ork ta sg riculture in th ..-.h jefier ths pervliion of Dr Sn,u a Knapp. of the United Ma! i-;.artr&axu of Al ricultura. Thu u u-:giis to sup plement the . rk th lpartmnt especially in the srat uutiids ths territory affettej ly boll nt11. to which the In ; 4r?:r.Tit not extend this (rk. Another a; iri;.r;('.n made, to-day wsa S3 1 .4 1 for j r.r.ors of aeron- dary education m ih. South They are member of tfc farultiea of tsrt- ous State iiDU;i:!ii. bo, undsr salary from the itotrd, establith high schools as f--Vri fr the univer sities. I'nder their direction aven hundred anl thr public high schools have Uen etitatlishsd In the South within the lt r.v years and 616 new bu i l'i li. k hate Un srectsd st a cost of $S.:.,7mj The Genera! K4ut!un ilusrd has gifts totaling $6,177,500. Twenty nine appllcatluna for sndowmscU were consider! st to-dsy meeting, but no dsflsttt actios was taken thereon U"ET? WIX WILMINGTON. The AnU-ProitiblUon torn Carry City and County by Largs Majority Graft Charge Fall to Defeat Furlong. Wilmington. N C . My 1 In ths point of interest and attendance that the tricks of the dock were well- tured after a hard struggle by a primary electioneer tere yeawrajF. has been held in the Ninth District known at the company's offices in sheriff's pbsse. Jonn J rurU,ri- tu P"0 .u. r,fi0o Won stroot corder. was re-elted over A. - in vears. tne moumaia cuuuue, 1 on onccw wttioh re heavilv Renublican. and His confession resulted in one new were Prm n tv j I annrv AAA 1 over suu,vuw. 10 Tin-trio nnOAO a a a ralifflAlia HiaVAtOO razor and an aze were lying near. She tried first to cut her throat and then to cut her head with the axe. Ill- health was the cause. She waa years of age and two children sur vive her. n.AAVM w Pni.m.n - ti....k Waddell. reprwenting the "reform' fewhlch had been reported to be op- arrest to-night. James O. Brzezlnski, cierk of the National City Bank, of element, by uer - ,,ajor"'' 'ur A .xt1v.- nnnatinn fnrmariv on omnlnvo nf th Trpasurv Ipk,i,i nfDU niA.f n.iit tnllong represtntel the antt-pronioiuoa posea 10 sav. :J . r ' " " -""e.. A " I Tr him renorts . . m a - a s A a A j4 iinnnva w v r n n n rxxvr a ri iti t n naraiu 1 asa- aoi..aivM w aiiiii 11 11 11 acu Liuivu v - Were entnUSiaSUC lor mux auu yiatcu ucyouiucui, " k",,ulv- "-vvv luunug luai luaiuuuuu ui ww,www, - In.Jn him in nomination. Speeches by va- tive, was locked up In the Tombs. and was sentenced by Judge Hale to vre circulated wine tun e ,B" rlous delegates showed the party In charged with perjury. 15 years in the Federal prison at At- uating that he n t v m V . . 1 i 1 ji .. v.. ojs Trit Tionicron , bribes from blind tifers. toe anwa- nne snape. as weoo was uaui uai- 1 umuu5 u i...Bu,. iauitti en OUtSlQe OI Viaanuue iyvv jcais inu vi v-v. "" - 1 1 a t , . a a . - .-. ago, and as McNinch is immensely fied them as men wbo used tne in a special train of fourteen cars, . . , tlrkf.t .jcted i.x - .-k4m v 4 iu 17 n'RAn r no t Ta n10 warniiL. riA a A mi 1 1 n v v v . s M a a r 1 a uo a. - ms 8Ut- TiU6 111 """" autte wuiuia... a w c.. i tyia .nf,.nrohibltlon element. cess seems assurea. air. aiBniuiu uuwiwbu. iiue mie igiaiaiure, auu iuwv u 1 - ,iafrT .iiaivuly dsfsatln othrt, thft statement that he The payment of extra salary by the the citizens of the city of New Or- 0eo H lZUi7 . . Q' vvuw I . . - .... ..I - would accept and would wage an Trust to Spitzer from tne time tne 1 leans, journeyed to Washington to be aeeresslve campaign.- I springs were discovered, in Novem- j represented in legislation regarding ber, 1907, until he was sent to the I the Panama Canal FUNERAL CORTEGE OF KING ED- Atlanta penitentiary, was one of the WARD VII. details or Ms story mat attracted Frank W. Rollins, former Govern- much attention. He said he was dl3-1 or cf New Hampshire, plead guilty In Most Imposing Ever Held in England. I charged from the company's employ! the Federal court at New York of al A SnATlal United States Attorney 1 19 nnn rnrlinatidid wralr hr thai bound train. .o. 1, ron London, May 20. Sovereigns and lHHTn QoM thl. nftllPnftnn. I - .. si tnn Rala'th and Washlflgtoo. was dtrall- representatives of the powers of all s simDiv one of Lv h .mi .rfiri. ' ad six mile blow here this afur? the world paid last tribute today tol ... nan,anna ,a mnfeSjliAn nrton .n4 twetty-nre persons wtre . J I DMiil1VU V0..X I I . M Eneland's great monarcn. warui o Bft1l,nf5PT whtio hoi . . mind. Tbs toa 01 u. . w - w -r - - I 1 na t An r rii asm n jar 11 u 111 a i Fred W. Boniti for the Sensts. SEIUOIS IU1LWAV ACCIDEXT. . . it. Passenger Tram nw awa Southern Derailed A amber la Jnred. Bst None Killed. Hertford. N. C. May z. North- McNINCB FOR COXGRESS. um IT: ...m . unknown cause Hi. - t, was in prison at Auania me "eaiR Creua caught fire at Schan-I w" ue'"'r' ' . A 27 George's Chapel at Windsor Cas e. wWch the gugar nad forced aj ftnd caUaed Vum - where the bones of Edward IV, theL . . . lov CA haIT, nlacUdy' N' Y:' ftmX CaU8M ..r-ntion of the engine. Only Sixth and Eighth Henrys. Charles I. r " ::. " thflt heGtermlned to ? V"?' T' ""I..: the .kill of the snglnesr In bringing - " I . . 1 .. nil CI IIOD BIVW Uevsrai I Tha track was jthe Third and Fourth Georges and &n Re begaQ wrklng hU con- ntnii TIT AVtj-am HaI I J ... f "VUIU William IV are entomDea. I fMion while in Drison. and when we London's mUlions filled the streets heard Qf we had nlm gecretly have been killed. .... . .... . I 1am nf manr live- were badly injured, ana tne una -he tsf gags and mall car. totally destroyed. .a f!rKt-clas patsengsr moaer cars, turned turtle. Th only wsriosuiy injure v. .mm .,f w. H. Banaerun, 01 iw- A Fiam Afo tl r nTthonffn nrr f ulna o . TT , years, and be will proDamy receive u. or a festival. All tne pageantry ioai meQ fle caUg nis .boys of primaries. However, It Is the In- DaVi8 i3 well known In this State, The Lincolnton Times. ' marked the burial of Victoria was as them arg tQe checker8 now on triai. direct cost of primaries that is now where he lived in Wilmington. Pos- Tne Republicans"" did the right naught when compared with the mag- Hg Delievea tfcat by his confession he giving the Democratic politicians the ing as a aevotea memoer 01 me thing In nominating Mr. S. S. Mc-1 nlficance of todays spectacle, wuicu, fQrce tnege checkerg to Uke a 1 ihnrnh QTin o-ivin r nrirn hiiiiim 1 1 1 1 tj v. ttv. ctAm hAivht vo oa An rnrmipn n. nniiiiLUUB 1 most concern. S!ni! mtUt the Ninth District is "MoreheadJ "d open places as tQ anotherp rUon. In ?lB ized" He Can Be Elected,; Held on a Serious Charge. Weldon. N. C, May 24. A sensa-1 haT6D bicg badly bruised about the tlon was created to-day when Chas. w..'w a. Lee. ct Norfolk, bag- church and giving large sums toNlncn Wednesday. Some thought It though it passed through a multitude . f m d tnu8 h opea t0 Mlnshaw. a well-known citizen of mter mernal Injortss. utnsr cnurcn worK ana cnarxues, ue cum-1 rather soon. But it's never too soon 1 of husnea peopie, reveremiy "ljthem from long terms in prison. ll,,er' wwu Injuries were niatoiv fnniprt thft nfionl of that city I .tw. ka th vas o. cnionrttrt in its accomDaniaments I I fore Justice Robertson, in Enfield, ruts. An unprlncpled demagogue, an ,,efrJ,ded manr. On being ar-U ,w, w w hA ron.Lr crun enahes. brilliant uniforms Li n a Jthe serious charge of being lmpli-1 ',.,f0rs to ths scene of the trou- MU w I VUG llfSUb vu4Ub n v -va-'w w I wa, 0- .w ' 11 linillllf E.UU lJCUlA,lli sa-ava avo .- I .1 AAStyWa . . . ignorant ass. or the paid hireling of rested he plead Insanity and was con-land wlll accept the nomination. We and decorations. I other With "Fixing" Election. jcated in the murder 'of bis cousin. I D,e 1 at no one was aiusa was baleful influence," is the way a Kan- flned in the State asylum tor six 1 do not know nim personally, but are The order of precedence in tne pro- , John s. Jlinsnaw, on tne nigni 01 1 BlraCuloua sas man talked of his opponents in a years, being discharged as cured. He reliably informed that he is a broad- cession was governed by kinship, " April 16th. rrumlnent A.bevllle Democrats Fight. Aabevllle. N- C May 2l.-Chari Ing Former fouce tr. .unMnr and failing on hit OtaiO ua. iuviiiuvu 10 w yy ncoiucu AVw- . - . j aV . I HTOw U ss - The statement that Charlotte's Lexineton. N. C May 20. Newslour next Congressman. The Times ous in the procession ong worB - ""r" reflecting on mm. ro -a- speech at Washington. With a little training that man will be eligible to join the Wake County Democracy. immoHintoiv hAinin the old operations I waf haahIaV i.t tn th position of the sover-1 the last rally held by the citizens or- Qn the night of April 16tn John - o - , luiuucu, M-- I . I , , TV,mv- ... - . . ..1- I in woehiTurtnn Oitv 1 tt t,o. iAn- ft Ui. TTia ncial pnvovs of tne ganizauou uunuB i Minshsw lert Tliiery in a nuggy witn .u ,.uau.uBuu w.. . IUUUi I1C U1U UWb BCTU. fcU. uvruw , tiilGlgu. " ' I , "f I I sought him. As the Charlotte Obser- United States and France occupied crauc primary, air . k,. his cousin, Cbarlle Minsnaw. me rhim R.tMi tn. rtAAth In Ram Near e wkk t 0 wMH.n Ui,. r,ts parriP and although ex- one oi Wilmington s proiumeui. "-natter claims that While driving along v.u.u i it-i uu.c saw v t.vww, w " uio .to"v" o I - V. -.1. I . .1 Lexington. ln the stars" that McNinch Is to be President Roosevelt was inconspicu- zens, in tne coure ot w t,a i dark road bis cousin Jonn was snot . . I a1 -m TT.. V 1TT.llaia a WAllAnnvn 1 mavor is eoine to dptati a sneciallnf n. horrthi nceurrence was received I honestly believes ne wlll De: mat leave mm maraeu aueuuuu . v-v- .. . police force to attend the Wake dele- here this morning, telling of the this progressive and business age lunch at Windsor Castle after the Democ r at, Llilothat gation at the Democratic Convention burning to death of a small child of here in the Piedmont demands it. funeral, seating him, with eight other about tne eieci jjr" is not yet officially confirmed," says Arthur Leonard, a well-known young Two years ago Mr. Webb received guests, at his own table. JnniH i i fruitless and he the Raleigh Caucasian. How closely farmer and school teacher. Two of 16,530 rotes, Mr. Smith 13,504, giv- nJ 0JZ,Vwfc: wanted j . . a. .. . . i-.!. , ttt-i o mi 4 t . . - t. (Covington) aeciarea mat ne waniea auu lu now maca aavantage some ms scauaren sei nre w Buwsuv.a mg vycuu ,uj.o uiojuiuj. x i uuaens vume numo w nw.u j tiv. Tfoiia-Q a oolfwnn- eii i v v. r.xJ j i t I T7., m,t arn xf r- l I to brand Hugn vv anace as a seu-cou uma maiiiigu tu a.cj up n iiu wo i yeoieruajr auu wucu me iapiu Diiicauiruw iuuivii uut j a xrowa -i I rty 1 . . rtl I . . . I.J X IV.. I Tf!iLIn n.Ati. C At A rm IVIiCCUOWViv . j uowa: uuanoue vjuserver. ioi tne names reveaieu iw mew iue niicuiu s uiajuuij w.-xx-s. WILMINGTON'S DISGRACE. As Bad Over the State as ln Wllming- f ton. fessed thief. 1 . .. I . m lntf (4n faH h i ii i- j J .V lf...t,... In n noma rttetiT turn I T a ou-S JlTlrt I IhSrVr ftVer I toh The Caucasian is always abreast of navoc luey uau UB.CU y rrrr-"V 1": "7 " Wallace to-day. and Burlington State Dispatch. mm as-. mm.m TflTIl im ta ssrvrvM it tne reporw fu " wu""w- k e th nartr. although the I re true, and we donbt them not, w w a . . AM.aa.ttA4 sat I met him on tne street sou insulting epithet. Blow, psssjd. Brown slipping ana iauuia kXth were placed undsr arrest and fined before a magistrate ..I affair has crsatsd conaMsr. able local feeling anu th lit tha hnm Tiar nv ana craw lea unaer l vears aero, overcome uai anu waa raisea its ?uiw m y'uii ... i- . i .r.iM the Umes, brother, and presuming on tM"BM'fMf whinnine from elected by 290 majority, a gain of cratic cheating Republicans at the complaint na. '-" --"-.TT: ai a l n a,m1 ptrtn I .. ... n . . i Ip mv. . . r r-'KTtAt. li.ulnnlla wa -navav hoard Oi it but. nOW uie uaium yiuyiwi sum ovt i tneir iatner. aoon tne nre uegauio.tu yulcb. oimx-mm. T . , . - t,-n cin 000 dsmsces. gave recognition to the rumor eating its way toward the barn, and an easier task inis DlStrict tnan , tnat wr,Sw , , - - .1 VT T.rfi.v Huf. unt.tion In the Drlmsrles so as not I - to be cheated by the other faction. I Durham Herald. . . a t m al. ja. I T 4P VsT w nHaan States the Case, if the Ucket named by the tasur- rary. We hope tare uarreu a wbumj aaiztpea I i . ... ,il there In fonr months, and apparently ge" ln Wk Cf.X iTaLd effort made to enforce the law. in the primary - -There are other nlaces in vArt. . men who fathered the movement Li .tntKfnnl rnrAhpad liad tn nis two Tears aeo, started by a Democratic eontem,,. cnanottes mayor ftg!ftn bt the younger. 8tm fear- To thU our duty's can. . - " r ... a.r m r,mm. .ri. ."".r" TJ allowed ft voice la affairs. i -f'o c.fatT . ' i nv finuntlea win tals tail: I KCltor uan . " .77.. " 1 i uiuiajwu. I wsrw -- .v. . i r. will De as tt w iiu w. - . Til in answering their rolls, - I think that cnicaens snouia comeusuauis shjuwij jei, uu-i au uuubw , no enons are made tol you woma .. aH name as Ita leaoms ur larmer auu i.u . V . . I . th. to roost. - I "on nas neen maae oi iu luneann tne business ham Herald. I finally caugnt ana row paper always . -

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