CAUCAS VOL. XXVIII. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY. JULY 28, 1910, No. 29 EDITORIAL BRIEFSj .r: l thou, too, Pamlico.' "he Greensboro News' ideas of -;aier ethics need overhauling. this is an "off-year" In Demo poiitics, deliver uh from an "on ' . all thi, is Democratic harmony. w-r what a Democratic row ., ! look like? ih- Greensboro News objects to .. . 4 , i..-:eral bossism. Now. what do ,hlllk ul that? . Wonder who ordered the publica - ;,. of the White letter in the Greens- ,.,! News, anyhow? Wby not have the Governor order v,r the troops wnen trie Democrats1 !;,! in ((invention? A-ock's mocking birds are ex tie!!iI busy these days at certain , I ) iiioi rat i- conventions. I) inocr.itic "harmony" shall be maintaineu, even 11 u lanes iiij en- tire police force to do it. !i AV A 1. Prohahlv the Democrats expect to ' , . ,. . t , elect both of those candidates for , Congress in the Sixth District. Hereafter it would be wise to hold the Democratic Conventions where - , police protection can be securer. j ; By what right did Mayor Springer import his Wilmington police into j . lt. rigntsvilie to noia mm in me ; chair? .1UUIUCI tlM.w . ,cr experience with this same paper,; "red-headed" issue of the News andi7hich d fefus to publish a reply; ... , to an attack on him, sent the article Observer, and it will be unanimous ( fo a Democratic paper of! ' Morehead. 'Greensboro, who published it. The attitude of the News is the s I 't inocratic harmony seems at j : to consist of whacking the oth i'cllow over the head with a chair ! drawing a gun on him. The Fifth District Democrats can I , ,., of the longest convention, but!auspiceg paper started gubscrib. ; :!.. Sixth proudly points to the fact ; e(1 and loyally supported what they nominated the most candidates. I believed to be their party's organ.; ; How their confidence has been abused j , - t v, ' the reader can easily see from the ' Seven columns, front page, is the;. j foregoing. attention the News and Observer, The following is former Senator: uives in order to say something Butler reply: auainst Mr. Morehead's candidacy. j . j Mr. Daniels' "personally conduct city administration does notihoog and is issued too late to be seem to be entirely satisfactory to the editor of the News and Observer. "From the mountains to the sea, Democratic harmony prevails," says one of their organs.. Look at the Abbeville and Wrightsville conven tions! The opinion seems to be general that the Democratic "flatform" had more words and said less than any public document ever issued in this State. The "booze" that was in circula tion at the Sixth District Democratic convention must have been of the ?ort that causes a rabbit to spit in a bull-dog's face. After that Robeson County Con vention, alias "a drunken mob," it seems necessary that something must be done to "save Robeson." It needs salvation of some sort. A newspaper that will publish a signed article attacking a person, and then refuse to publish ajeply, sign ed by the attacked individual, Is not up on newspaper ethics. Wonder if the attacks of the Dem ocratic press on Congressman More head and favoring the "machine" have any connection with the busi ness offices of those papers? Things are getting warm when a Democratic paper calls a Democratic convention 'a drunken mob," and another convention is termed a Democratic ex-Congressman as a "disgrace to the State." A COWARDLY ATTACK. j Greensboro Daily ewi PubUahes At- j tark on OngTewiman Morehead 4 Violate lu Promts to lie Xon-5 i Factional A Spirited Reply From j Former Senator Hutler County Convention Rebuke Duncan Fa lter. On Friday, July 22nd, the Greens- boro Dally News, which Is known to fe ntrolled by National Commit- teeman Duncan, published a letter sigDe(j hy one R G WfaUe Iq whJch the integrity and good intentions of : Congressman Morehead were serious- ""Aliened. Mr. White, or rather tne ral writer of the article, not on,y ,ntlraale1 but open,y chargwl that the Fifth District Congressman was being used merely aa a cat's-paw ' and that 'fleeted Chairman, he WOul(1 be trolled d used by oth- er men. ; Tho ,eUer wag timed t() Qave effec. upon the Guilford County Conven- .tion, but the effect was rather that - ... only endorsed Mr. Morehead for Con gress, but for the State Chairman ship as well, and instructed the solid delegation to the State Convention to vote for him The temper of the convention can also be judged by the fact that the editor of the News, who ; wanted to go to the State Convention ! as a delegate, was flatly turned UOwn. The utter unfairness of the Greens- boro News is better shown by the I fact that Congressman Morehead im- ; mediately sent a reply, couched in , . . . , . 4 . dignified and courteous terms, and requested that it at once be given publication, presumably on the morn-. inK of the 23rd, the date of the con-i venthn. which letter will be found in ; another column. This the News did 1 not (,Q Dut waited unU1 Tuesday the j 2Gth instant, to publish it, and then; not until it had appeared in other pa-' Papers. Former Senator Butler, whose i name has been unwarrantedly j brought into the controversy, also j spnt fl renlv hut nrnfiHnc hv a fnrm. t more represensible, in view of the ; fact that when it resumed publica- i tion one year ago, it issued a fore-; word that it represented no faction j or clique, but the whole Republican party. Believing this, many who were opposed to the methods of the "pie-counter bosses," under whose "Editor Telegram: "The Robert G. White letter pub- i lished in the Daily News this morn- ing is a cowardly fabrication of false- answered in detail. It is clearly fathered by the machine bosses or their henchmen, and shows their des perate effort to prevent Guilford County from declaring for Morehead for State Chairman on to-morrow. Morehead is the people's candidate for State Chairman, and he wears no man's collar. He is too big to be bossed by any one, and he is too honest and patriotic to use the ! Chairmanship for narrow and selfish j purposes. Every citizen of the State j who believes in the principle of pro- j tection and the other great funda-j mental and constructive policies of j the Republican party should support him for State leader, because of : these noble and patriotic qualities. ! The opportunity is ripe for a man j like Morehead as leader to carry the j State Republican this year. The an- j nouncement that the Republican State Convention had elected him j State Chairman would mean at least; ten thousand recruits to the party I the next day, and many more each j day thereafter during the campaign. "Morehead is in favor of throwing j rff Vik vaI-a rt rinff tm-i 1 r toViVi hoc ) cursed the party in the past and in favor of adopting an open door pol icy that will mean party growth and success. Those who declare for Morehead for Congress, but who give specious reasons why they are op posed to him for State Chairman, are, in fact, against his election and the election of more Republican Con gressmen. The fact is, Morehead cannot be re-elected for Congress, if the ring bosses continue to domi nate the State organization of the party. The referee ring is opposed to him because they know that his election will mean party growth and success, and because they, know that no man can control his actions for selfish and base purposes or induce him to betray the party as the pres ent ring bosses have done. "As to the collection of the honest second mortgage North Carolina (Continued on page 3.) . Apflftnciir a n fi av ifiUiltliLHU Uhi U.t Saturday a Field Day fori the Fifth District Con- l gretsman and PfOffres D Ul- l?e KepUDUCanum. . ifci'ii. tafPTOiivr BIG COUNTIES INSTRUCT Guilford, Chatliam, SUinJj, Pamlico aml Pender for 3forebead and North Carolina. This expression of opinion as rreeted with loud ap ProgTsiv Ileublican Party piause. Guilford I nst rut t for Iloth Con- grei! and State Cliainuanhip Neighboring County to Duncan's Hoino County Goes for Morehead Chatham Instructs to Stay in Fight "So Long as He is a Can didate. Last Saturday the militant forces of an aroused and progressive He publican party had their inning and gressman Morehead, but who is not suggesting anyone else, a most pe culiar attitude. In Guilford, despite a cowardly at- not only in the west and the middle eoni foreot to tth " U oVlock '"' ' !'" "' sections In the State, but even in the Z J,X J n jim. I!r"'"'" k- - ' "' '"" '- very bailiwi k of the National Com- I , , f fencer U. Adams and , ueJ on , , ,n .ill U- It. a, ncht d4 Ikat t... mitteeman. who is onnosin J Con- ."'! !?'n?.,"t'? t..,.he. B,r f 'r u,. ,o 4 oVIck hen an adjourn- .(tor. ut.l t. mad- t ha.r . tack in the organ of the "pie coun-! of McLeansvillef for the House; W. ter forces, to which they refused M Perdew, of Qak Ridge, for sher space for answer; despite a most iff. prof g H HodglIf of Gunford foul and anonymous circular, claim- i ru 9 tV. o t in tn th ronv nf ,n fmm a Democratic paper, the aroused publicans of that county sent a solid deleeation to the State ronvpntion " . delegation to the State convention j Hi1ton f' r " r " ' ' ' ' ' inamy. or urunswick uounty. who way. ana one 01 tne oe-anown r.u instructed to vote for Morehead, and w L q ,, Par . made the ruling, and electing Wil- way men In the country, wu abot to make it more emphatic, also en-! surveyor. liam E Springer, of New Hanover, and killed by a burglar at hi home dorsed him for Congress. 1 f(ir.i1M(i cta,a n,,,. ! who then calIed the onUon to In Winnetka auburb early to-day. In Chatham, beyond a feeble i -oreiiead Stanly s Choice. . order. although Bellamy rapped The aaln reaped "peep" by a' Duncan delegatej Spencer, July 23. A big Republi-: loudly on the table and declared he Karly thla morning Mr. Rawa the convention was wildly en-' can ray and county convention was would not leave the chair; that he awakened her husband and told him thusiastic for Morehead and the I held at Albemarle, Stanly County, to-; was still chairman. j some one u In the houae. Mr. instructions to the deleates were to ' dav at which the special speakers , The convention met promptly at i Rawn, althouRh lmplorel by hit wife stand by Morehead so long as he was a candidate for chairman. Pamlico, just adjoining Duncan's own county of Carteret, gave her HpiPimtinn fo TVfoT-oHoori oQ pDn. der, another eastern county on which ' speeches for their party and were the "machine" was relying. Stanly, heard by a large crowd. in the Eighth District also gave' Tne old county Republican ticket Morehead its delegation. ; was renominated by acclamation, The day was practically the cruxiTne administration of Representative of the campaign for State Chairman, Charles H. Cowles was endorsed and and while the machine is still fight-i tlie county pledged its solid support ing desperately the result is nracti-ithis fall. Representative John M. cally assured. The action of the above counties will doubtless be fol - lowed by others this week. . TTvivixmrc r xinnmirm . Chatham County Republicans In-' struct Delegates to Stay by Him to the Finish. Special Corr. of The Caucasian. At the convention of the Chatham County Republicans, held Saturday, Jul7 23rd, at Pittsboro, the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That the delegates elected by this convention to attend the State Convention at Greensboro on August 10th, are hereby instruct ed to vote for John M. Morehead for Chairman of the State Executive Committee as long as his name is before the convention." j Each one of the sixty-seven dele-! gates was present at roll call, and ! the proceedings throughout were ' marked by the utmost good feeling j and harmony. A very strong ticket j was placed in nomination, the names and offices being given herewith: Register H. G. Dorsett. Clerk F. M. Holleman. Sheriff J. J. Jenkins. Legislature T. R. Green. Surveyor Carson Johnson Coroner H. T. Chapin. Commissioners Abraham J. Lane. J. E. Bryan and A. W. Norwood. ... The former Executive Committee was continued, consisting of the fo1" lowing: J. J. Jenkins, H. T. Chapin. J. T. Paschal, L. D. H. Mitchell and ; R. Dixon, the latter being re elected as Chairman. J. E. Bryan was chosen as tern- porary chairman, with Frank Bald - win and O. D. Barbour as secretaries they being continued in the perma-; nent organization. Each mention of the name of John Motley Morehead made during the proceedings was greeted with loud applause, especial- ly when the resolution instructing! ly the delegates to support him through out the proceedings at the State con vention was introduced, and it was evident from the very start that the delegates to a man were in favor of his election. Before formal adjournment was had, Mr. J. A. Parham was asked to address the convention from the ros trum, Mr. Parham is 83 years old, vet able to make a good speech. He said in rart that he had been a Demo- crat until 1886 when he saw that the j tmtoq nf ttennblieanism were bet-' 04, AUVBf vw - a lr 4tt i &d r t& stt fi V;? coatr7-sd tM, vol4 h ; Republican ticket ever tlae, Aa- other veteran wai Introduced, Mr. SuVaJ-JSS hT tb fr trd fiction, but found that protection of the Industrie and of labor is necessary for tho goad of the country. Hon. J. a. CUe. of Durham, ad- ; dreed the convention and during th" courts of his remarks paid a hijth tribute to the fitness of John M Morehead for the State chairman- ship, adding that he fully expected to fe4 nlm ag lEe a?Il Governor of Guilfonl Fndoret Moreliead. Greensboro. N. C. July 22. The Guilford County Republican Couren- ticn met here this afternoon and nominated a full ticket and named delegates to the State. Congressional and Judicial Conventions. Hy a unanimous vote the Conven tion instructed the delegates to the S.ate Convention to vote for Con- gressman Morehead for State Chair- man and also endorsed Mr. Morehead the party as State Chairman The following ticket was nominat ed: J. G. Frazier, of Guilford Col lege, for the Senate; Dr. D. A. Stan ton, of Hitrh Point, and P TV fnhh U"C6C' . ' . 1 ... ' juourt; it. Ji. Haywortn, or liign ! point for" Register n' ifi ' ? r.r t i t !, m 7 J 1 usurer. Dr. J J. were Representative Ralph D. Cole of the Eighth District of Ohio, and Representative Charles II. Cowles of the Eighth North Carolina District. i Both Congressmen made rousing Morehead was the choice of the dele- ; Kates to State Convention for the State Chairmanship of the Republi- can party. The Republicans predict i big gains this year. . Pamlico for Morehead. j Bayboro, N. C, July -6. 1 he Ke- I"""""" U"LJ ;met here to-day instructed its five ; delegates to vote for John M. More - , head for State Chairman. The meet- i ing was largely attended and enthus-, Speaker after 8peakep mounted the where he made an addres earlier In iastic. Hon. J J. Brinson was chair-, pregg table in front of tne chaIrmaB.g ; h d Tne h WJU of a non. man and Z V. Babbitt secretary of,platform and declared that Buch a political nature. He .poke briefly the convention course was an outrage and pleaded here to-day. and during the progrem . . ith the chairman for the sake of cf the speech he paid high tribute Hertford County Instructs for More- , harmony not to purfiue such a courge. tQ e shook hand) Called Executive Committee. j with a thousand people. As we go to press, we are in re- ; , , . . . ' . . . . ,nnnnJff tLe This fight waged for nearly two ceipt of a telegram announcing that, s the anti-Godwin forces Ki.lo!nn t Fort MKinr. Hertford County at its county Repub-! nours- ften ine anti-Godwin rorces, lican convention, instructed its dele-: seeing that th chairman was deter- "Washington. I). C. July 21. gates to vote for John M. Morehead ! mmed in his stand- decSde3 to ad- Eight dead, two fatally injured, four for State Chairman journ and the motion was carried, others les seriously hurt, wai the re- I the convention taking a recess until ;sllt ef a big Kun explosion from "un- J. HRYAX LOSES OUT IX COX VEXTIOX. i Came on Test Vote on Platform Plan Xo Individual Planks Once Peerless Leader Relegated to Rear. ! Grand Island, Neb.. -July 26. Amid ed to order than Terry Lyon, the ' rnencment of tudent officer' battle a tumult of cheers from the former ; secretary, mounted a table and read j practice, with twelve-Inch gun. from i followers of Wm. J. Bryan, perma-j a cal1 that had been issued; that the , probable premature explosion. r Inent Chairman Smyth, of the Demo-! chairman was notified and refused to;guitjDg ln tDe death of eight men : ; . ! 1 1 VI at In a it : cratic platform convention, to-day j read the result of a test vote of theor be present, ana mat Dy virtue or; Tbe practice was to hare been the i gathering practically taking from! Power given in plan of organization, j most spectacular yet held In the , Mf Bryan tfae Democratic leadership ! committee was called to order by the!corpg. Five big gun batteries were of Nebraska, which he has maintain-' Eecretary. manned and ready to fire at the I . J v,,hu .-kk . w-. The vote came on a motion by ' . Congressman G. M. Hitchcock, candi-1 ?Jnne thea f6 l the f!0nt date for the Senatorial nomination of Paviln for the purpose of re - and in effect was to eliminate theiftorinK order. bu5 pandemnoium Idea ,atf lankSf wlth accom. j panying speeches, unless submitted no . t.Q mt.nritx, nr. m, nority representative of the commit- . ,i.,5t,o T w, , nnt n Vnr,t lmTns u,pea UDl UT wres WTinnepeg, Man., July 20. The town of Three Forks has been com - Jaff ray and Baynes Lake are reported to have been destroyed by forest! nres in tne sioan District, uanaon, in the same district, is said to be lam broke loose again, Robeson and doomed. Fires are also raging over Harnett plainly showing that if pos 250 square miles intbe Kootenay dis-!sible they were going to prevent any trict. jthlngfrom being done. For some Gentleness at all times, even when? things go all wrong, is a mark of gooa Dreeamg ana a Kina neart. RIOTS AND BOLTS Sixth District Democratic Convention Breaks Up In Rioting and Disorder. , POLICE ARE CALLED IN j ilin Forte. A limine In fair Treatmrtit, lUAt and un Hi 1 Clark N'omlnalrtl by tMltrr Coueotion Folic Ordcrrd lYom Wilmington to prrvrot PuMibte Murder iltalrman IWdlamy ut 1 The Mtt IMgrreful Cmet. tion of the Many Held In .North Carolina Thi Year. WriKhtM'Ule Heach, July 21 - N"i-Vr lfnrr in hutiirv O.. SUth CoIlf.r,.sskmal lhstrict h;llt xhert, hven jiUch a ronventlon aft th one that was called to order to-da ment was taken for two hour to al- low the committees named to awl and prepare their report., there was hardly a minute when there was a semblance of order. The trouble arose over an effort to deprive Cumberland and New Han over counties of their entire vote. This effort resulted in the executive committee of the district meeting aml i"ln Chairman George H. Ilellamyt of nrunswirk County, who ; 12 o'clock at Lumlna with the larg- est attendance of any convention ; ever held in the dlstrlce, and In a J very few minutes the storm broke forth thut looked for a time like two candidates from this district. The secretary, Tery Lyon, of Fayettevllle, was instructed to call the roll, and i all counties In the district responded, After the call of the counties. J. C. Clifford, of Harnett, arose and called the attention of the chairman to the fact that the Cumberland and New Hanover delegates, as shown by the credential were "appointed" and not "elected," as he claimed was necessary under the Democratic plan of organization. . Storm Breaks Loose. Chairman Bellamy promptly ruled that Cumberland and New Hanover Were not properly represented and had no standing in the convention. ;Wnen tng ruI wag maJe the storm broke loose In all its furr. :4o o ciock. . When the large crowd of dele- j gates met again it was hoped that1 iin the Interim some amicable adjust- . Jii nit? jiinri im cuiiic auiHauic aujuti ; ment had been reached, but it wa j only the lull before the storm. No sooner had the convention been call- ; eilDer ca11 lDe commmee logemer j broke loose worse than at any stage of the convention- Bellamy waa? wildly waving his arms and declar- !In thatt he chairman of the convention, and at the same tlmef poundlng on the table in front of;hua Shepherd, a prominent youn ; bim with a large cane. The ball re - sounded with the cries of "Bellamy," : "Bellamy." and "Springer," Spring - !er" from the two factions. j IkHl,am 1Uign P- At 6:15 o'clock the convention was again canea to oraer ana Dea- i reason the committee on credentials bad not completed ita work and an - other adjournment was taken, the convention convening again ai 7:3U'roei. o'ckKk. Itarsett ! :art.c st to rai o k Msi tkal r vrnticn to 14 ft $fwr4, Vtl 4 14 act I ft: CVsIrstaa $;tlzttt rl4 ?at all 4lc! Lo 414 aot tale lhlt tu vcJ4 t reo4 fne tke 2 pe. as4 its o2tfr frosa Vilsnif tc. ltk tt ekief f poller. re rlS4 t lkl ordr was lrv4 t lark Xnwtavl4p4- As a rf.rl tM-cU&a afut rc!in ia t! fUttSi IHstiift Csx?. h1 Cc6rctioa i8fe( to fWr I. CUrk, of HU4ea Ceiy ca tl Mt ballot, the csaifcsli!i voU tis rait by lio. id trt3C TM eate Clark 12 lm aad tfcea rr xhT fOU(J ot of CVlaafea. 41. cask. hi vt'te 14a T f.e tallct talcs at 1 20 r m Th lth ballot f ulfrd Clark. McCiamtst. I. Cook. 40, ! la I'iil Tho ;! Sn Vooirtitloo" a called t cmler at l.uuilaa and. hf derlaring that Godwin hou!4 ta !!" of N Ilajsoier oir aa4 ft It of Cu m ler latl J a . Bomibatrd ll&B- nlhxi I. Godwin, of HarsHt. oa th nrst t,llt. Suportrr of (iojultt dclare that r submitted to the State eitcutir committee m a itrnni.11. Hail mm) President shot In lll !! Ner Ctiicagi Ilel In a Few Min ute. Chicago, ill . J Rawn. Fre.Sdent of way. and one of th. July 20.lra C f the Monon ItaU- a . ii not to go down talr,a!!pped on a j bath-robe and Inveatigated. The , moment after he reached the foot of the. stairs two ehota were heard. Rawn was fuind In a dying condt- tion. blood Rowing from bla brtal. He attempted to speak but could not. He died five minutes later, it ba later developed that Rawn wa ahot in revenge, he having testified in the big stealing raes of the Illinois On- tral Railroad, Tin: pri:siii:t cuipplfh. Sprainsl Atiulf While Playing Golf Friday. hllswortb. Me.. July 23. PreM- . . dent Taft is scarcely able to walk to- day on account of a sprained ankle. The President twisted his ankle yc - terdav afternoon while nlaylnr rolf. e ls re8tinK to-nlKht at the home of : R .. . , tiA en rr.A r. -h niin t iimror known caue" at Fortrew Monroe fhortly before noon to-day." The following official report of tb accident was wired to the War De- aCCJdeilt W38 W jpartment by G j sistant chief of ien. W. H. Carter, a- taff: j "Rrret tn rrort accident at ram- , and probable faUl injury of two. across the Roads at a distance of U.000 yardf. . AJ, of tfae dead wefe membenl of . Uje suty.nInth company. Coast Ar- , Xegroes Waylay Iromlnent Man, Spen cer. N. July 20. Colom- inian of Washington. D. C, who baa ! been visiting relativea in Salisbury land Rowan County for some time. ; was set upon by two negro high- waymen one mile east of Spencer to night, beaten into insensibility with j rocks and robbed of two hundred dol- lars. snepnerd was round uncon scious by the roadside an hour later and removed to the home of Lum Kesler, a relative, where it is said his condition is serious, but he may re ! cover. Bloodhounds were put upon ! the trail and a posse headed by the sheriff of the county Is after the ne- I ! i 4 A I I fr a M i --- " mm i aM .

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