THE CAUCASIAN, . f VOL. XXVIII RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 4. 19IO. No. 30 EDITORIAL BRIEFSi r-hoad spells more rotes. MIL MOHEIIKAD FOU STATE CHAIRMAN. IT IS r.lOREHEAD 1 Mr- M. IUjr lUrpHc to Editorial j In the Southern Republican. : n Motley wrote history, but his ; rUar. . . i4 - Charlotte Observer. .-:-ak is making it. ! . s n the last issue of the Southern ,-,. Forsythe Democrats are still 1 Jlf, i ..f,? lb ldla en-J . 4t a11 . . JlltIed Where McGregor Sit U Head d-rmg how it all happened. , of lhe TabJe .. wUh j jtrry Cbttaty lttlrKT tor MmwiumtL I tobo8. K. C. Jaly le Srry County to-day ltuructM for Jobs M. Morefcead for State Caalrsa&. CORRECT FORECAST f a r r m e ? i Into Line for Fifth District Alamance county for iirta tHarm asr r . 1 Man. irum ior ouue "i -' ' - ' - -- T'T I I -ITT ITl S lee Mr. nw hya.1. l rasarrsl tfrSM TJfl y Chairman. am Wake roller" County blew up machine last Sat iiican. of thi. t.nn V;; rr HIS ELECTION ASSURED mlnhslru f Present Tan aJ AM tmurkt v ai i lAwrr ' ur.;m flutinn h.. ;:v::: . i1 coar of congressman Mor l6 ?m fftiw,.ISif u " ""'suic ik me tan- ' ' r, ,4 . . v . J Graham. .V. C-. July SO. Tbe K- pablirani of A lama tie Cousty. ta IcoaTeotiofi here to-day. endorwi lhe MiflcAdtoff Statements of , nut Smm ; Grecmboro Newi and News and Observer Refuted by Facts. ; tst 4t!? t t& as& et rptrf tJt Mkfa4k4 &4 ftttft4i r:orticc aisa ta U tt facta a and imtructed for Morehead for vlV. ft . a fc. . a ft m. A Mk. . iTh; rhrrm..hrrf ?t,,,0ri"lmnce- "rngef .ttrry. Congreaa and for Morehead for State Machine Orffan a4 if lrmUc ter ul4ubca aa artkte. adr ki ; the Chairmanship of the Itepubllcan Tiie farmers are raising cotton and State Executive Committee. i m uhile the politicians are raising!, do not w,sh to "butt ln-" but do . 'eel, as a life-long Republican and tH1 citizen of this State, that I have a , . a . t uJrIgnt to be heard and to have an I Mr Godwin says he is in the fight , opin,on on maUerg Qf guch yUaI Jm ,t nniah. That's what it will beiportance. f,; him. I The editorial says: "Welcome.! thrice welcome, every such eood re-! Granville, Durham, m! Forsyth I Chairman. The contention wai ell Stand by Their Leader Union and ! HayMood in OUier Diatrirta la struct for Him Wake rrimarira j attended and harmonious. Ally Magnify !nirnifir&nt IU-tnrm 4S?Iay ha4ilfer ea Ha fro a I pit.. t l'oke-berry juice is said to be an crult to the cause of progress, peace.! excellent means of committing po-;and happiness But the! gorge comes wnen such an one ap-- Watauga for Morehead. Doone, N. C, July 30. Watauga Indicate Selection of a -ITogre- i CU"t y "epub,lcns bfld tbJIrfCOn- ' vention here to-day. John M. More- aive I&epublican" IHan and a More- head wai endorsed for State Chair head IelegaUon 3fe?klenburg j man' Gives Him I Jig Majority. litical suicide. Now that the Chairmanship fight is nettled, let us all get together and lick the common enemy. unworthy." I did not believe that When a Democratic says it, you the editor of the Southern Republi can quite make out whether it's i can, broad-minded as he has been in hominy" or "harmony." j Hertford County Republican Conven. Last Saturday. July 30th. was an- llon Endor,l Morehead. prises the company with which he 'other field day for the militant and j (Special to the Caucasian.) has connected himself, that he j aggressive hosts of progressive Re-! Ahoskie. X. C. July 27. comes, as a missionary, to Improve j publicans who have selected John The convention was called to order their moral caliber, and T90t Qut from j Motley Morehead a:their choice fori by the county chairman, and A. G. them such as he is pleased to deem t btate chairman and whose battle cry I Baremore was called to the chair as at!sU to ibot that It fsatiia HIS Cinintfc to a fait fr Mr. mill ctmtrol ta rUft ros&Ur al MorrlMad Tte Artttal Hrurr -tra cou6tr mill dostvltiate tfct eaa I'fldenre of tmple. I nlrrtAt- Soft rrCAr4j o( lb u&- of l ins Iletween tlunraa frhlo and and aa!a ttsat ppr earrtat . int-r$a from lh marhitsa tU, the iVmocrata Slwtn twHreU Md BeW aa UurtJw ner a iUl. Interview " ami simlllar Snaf mnt from the iida f ta re;! ho are opoed to rise rle. in IkHh Paper. The Caucasian can now state with certainty that Mr. Morehead will be elected State Chairman by a very lance majority. From the action of the eountlea that have already elected delegate. The CWreet IVrecaal. For thia reason fcave Ul& the trouble to tabulate the vote of each Coacreional District ta the State, and ran now gtra our readtrt a reliable estimate as to how the vote I 7 VUO I Mvj ai 1 1 r. am t : i vv V ;m M v iT h aa Vvff is "Republican Growth and Victory.' ; tPm nor rv rbairman An motion, a ., i. m. -v,.k ..ifrora each District will itaad in the j ' axu iiuui iiuui luituuu "mm v w v- Practically every county, and all of ; committee of one from each township received, that we consider entirely ; hut Convention, aa followa: the big ones, that is those who cast i was rhospn on normanent orraniia- ' t iho n First District. lth 17 votef. will I vtiawli aw M v ua " Unless the pokeberry juice is ex hausted we may look for another red headed issue before August 10th. "Bryan does not show the slight est chagrin," says a press item. Why should he, he is used to being licked. the past, was capable of imputing to , large Republican votes and many of iuon and the committee recommend- be taken on next Saturday by the re-, u to oraa4 41. Mr. Morehead such sinster motives. Mr. Morehead is nothing but what the Republicans have made him. They nominated him for Congress in After all, it is only a matter of principle and brains. Even the op position could win with more head. "Mr. Bryan at last meets his fin ish," says a newspaper headline. That has happened so often we re fuse to believe it. Will the co-partnership between the News and Observer & Greens boro News be dissolved on August 10th? Now, just to make the thing unan imous, won't the Greensboro News publish one of those black "White" letters? The Halifax Democrats have split and are fighting. What particular kind of sheol this will develop is awaited with interest. The other fellows seem to be tak ing it for granted that all of the uninstructed delegates are for well, who is it, anyhow? Two South Carolina politicians railed one another liars and got to fighting. They must have thought Fhey-werein North" Carolina. The editor of the Greensboro Newrs must have a dual personality. He claims residence in both Greensboro and Raleigh at the same time. which are strongly Republican, en-;ed A. G. Bazemore for chairman and T,ti ft . .f rt Second District, with It votes, will dorsed the Fifth District Conrgess- j a. S. Mitchell for secretary. The re-, that Mr. Morehead will not only be!sUo t0 Morehead man by their actions. port was adopted. elected but that he will have over rd i11. wth H1 Alamance, in the district which ; On motion of J. S. Mitchell the ...... t.i r " to Morehead 7. the Fifth District, these same Repub-;he redeemed two years ago, calls s convention went into the election of eleven hundred and twenty-six when Fourth District, with 91 votef. lll licans elected him; and, since he has j upon him now to lead the State delegates to the various conventions the convention meets on August to Morehead 75. "made good," the Republicans of his ; forces to victory, as he did his dis- For the State Convention, A. S. lf)fh ThP ari th fart nflh Wtrlct. with XSI votes, will district, together with a host of oth-j trict. Orange, in enthusiastic terms, Mitchell. 11. A. Hobbs and J. H. ' . give to Morehead 47. . - - -- i uiuuuuaici;, a iif;i- uu wwi J . . . makes the same demand. Surry, one ; Evans. ! rwi .i.n.n.i.nt ,nn h Seventh District, with 11 votef. of the banner Republican counties of j For Congressional Convention. A. Greensboro Daily News and the Ra the State which gave him a magnfl-; G. Bazemore. O. P. Snipes. G. H. ,eigh Newa and observer, its ally ln cent majority iwo years ago, aiso . Mitchell. B. S. Liverman, J. II. Hollo- thls flght to perpetuate calls to him to lead the party, be- man and J. H. Howard. news as to the political cause mey Know oy past experience For Senatorial Convention, R. H. ig noticeable that both the News and wnat ne can ao. watauga, anotner j Holloman, J. II. Eure, Jno. A. Par Republican County, passed strong Uer, J. D. Godwin, J. E. Overton and resolutions and instructed her dele- t. W. White. gates to vote for him in the State! For Judicial Convention, W. M. convention. Granville seiectea aiCorwin. J. T. Colston. H. S. Liver- . w- j ' - ' : ur ianeu iu imiii lue auu iuc Morehead delegatiorn the report from manf isaac Newell. I. P. Outland and ; actlon of guch conventions. On the i there saying there was "ut one Dun- j j. Rawis. j Qther hand tQere u not a conven. ; can man in the convention. Hert- The convention passed strong reso-; tIon held tnat declares for Duncan i ford, .one of the eastern counties re- j lutions endorsing President TaftBj.n(i rnI? rni that a rpnort is not I lied upon to back up the , machine. : administration, and instructed its ! published lu both papers and unduly uuiucb oui, iui progressive xvepuuii The dignified Charlotte Observer does not approve of Democratic at tacks on Mr. Morehead, especially when appearing in poke-berry color. Cy Watson was not the man who should have cried at that Fifth Dis trict convention. Ex-Judge Jones should have done that, for he paid the freight. Those poke-berry editions certain ly did help, for it showed the Repub lican voter the real reason of Demo cratic opposition to Mr. Morehead. They fear him. That politics makes strange bed fellows was never better seen than the News and Observer and the Greensboro News wrapped up in the same bed-spread. The simlliarity in the political news columns of the News and Ob server and' the Greensboro Daily News, when referring to Morehead, is strikingly apparent. They say Chairman Bellamy made the first big mistake at that Sixth District convention. May be, but that was no excuse for everybody to fol low suit and try to make a bigger one. Having been turned down and hu miliated by his own party five suc cessive times, Mr. Cyrus B. Watson is now ready to resign his title as "the most popular Democrat in North Carolina." ers throughout the State, appreciat ing his great victory, desire him for State Chairman. If a majority of the Republicans of the State prefer him for State Chairman, they should and will elect him. If they do not want him, he has no power to force himself upon them, even if he were so disposed. Hence, if you believe in the old principle of majority rule, how can you criticise Mr. Morehead? Is it a sin for a Republican to seek preferment at the hands of his par ty. In North Carolina, unless he has the O. K. of two or three men who have grown fat off of its patronage? Is it a sacrilege for privates in the ranks to rote for Mr. Morehead? Simply because these two or three men want to continue in complete party control? If so, I beg forgive ness. We need recruits and must have them if we ever expect to carry North Carolina. We must put party suc cess above the control of party pat ronage. But we dare say that if the chairmanship carried with It no pat ronage nothing but hard work and sacrifice for principle Mr. Morehead would have but little or no opposi tion. Harry Skinner would, doubtless, have been appointed to the Eastern Judgeship, instead of a Democrat, but for the opposition, yea, I might say, treachery, on the part of some of the very men who are now oppos ing Mr. Morehead for Siate Chair man. Instead of the criticism and abuse that is being unjustly heaped upon the head of President Taft, the responsibility for this appointment ought to be placed where it justly belongs. We should put party success above party patronage; throw open wide the door of opportunity to all intel ligent and respectable men; and let it be understood, distinctly, that our souls are our own, and that we can vote and act as free men and not have to bow at the feet of a man in the East, or a man in the West, and say: "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" But, on the other hand, we have seen the sorry spectacle of some of our leaders standing on the bank with a club ready to whack every man who dared to stick his head above water. Let us get down to business, gen tlemen; elect Morehead for State Chairman; send him back to Con gress from the Fifth District, where he will work in perfect harmony with McNinch, Cowles, Grant and the oth er Representatives we will send from the Third, Sixth, and Seventh Dis tricts; and, then, two years from now, inaugurate him for Governor of the grand old Commonwealth of North Carolina. Let us do more than this: put North Carolina permanently in the Republican column, and there by give unto her and her people the place she forged for herself in this great Union of States which was welded together in the furnace of hu man liberty. CHAS. M. RAY. No Better Man Than Morehead. Lincolnton Times. We see Congressman Morehead says be will accept the Chairman ship of the party in the State, if thrust upon him. The Times believes no better man could be selected. Wilth him as chairman, the party would grow and prosper and succeed in carrying the State. Will eventually do it anyway, sooner or later. Observer and the Greensboro Daily News either misrepresented the ac tion of most of the large counties that elected delegates for Morehead, will give to Morehead 85. KlRhth District, with 171 votef. rine rule for U1 Ive to Morehead S7. situation.' It N,nth &1,tr!ct wIth 153 votef. will give to Moreneaa 9 4. Tenth District, with 157 votes, will Rhe to Morehead 109. Total for Morehead SI 4 Total for opposition 312 Grand total 1.126 delegates to the State Convention to i matrn(Ap(i canism and John M. Morehead and vote for the Hon. John M. Morehead instructs her delegates to stand by i tor stat Chairman. Magnifies Insignificant Thinas. him. Craven, one of the old-time! Convention adjourned to meet on reliances of the now broken-down call of chairman of the county exem machine, was in the hands of the , tive committee to nominate county ! true friends of the party, and the ! officers machine boss, "little boss" made a i pitiful speech and admitted he was "down and out." Duplin, in an enthusiastic conven- For instance, when the county of Edgecombe, with only two vote in Union County for Morehead. the State Convention, is captured by the ring, because the party Is so small that the ring and their hench men can easily control, the fact if These figures may be slightly changed by the action of conventions on next Saturday, but our readers may clip out thin table and preserve it to check up at the State conven tion and tee how accurate la The Caucasian's information. Mr. More head will not receive lesa than $14 votes; we feel sure that be will re ceive much ln excess of that, for our estimate Is ultra conservative. It will be noted thai Mr. More- Waxhaw. X. C. Aug. l.. of i raMed from one end of the SU.e tion endorses Morehead and instruct, ! the t enthusiastic Republican j " VJZ, I trict. e.cen, the .eeond. ,nd that It PnTlOn wast hp n at nn. tuonnuc aiiu ao a ucaiu nuctt iu i S , .UnJS h, ,hJ Morehead and the ru.e of the people, i " P ' " her delegates for him. In the primaries oonvi held, Durham't-i uruI ! Pr,,t,niiv nn .ffrtrt h. wHand is a typical machine district, went for her old favorite. Morehead. no oe 'or Morehead ! "UU the exception of a few conn- Morehead, despite some opposition by I e come t ion as gotten , , tle8. a few old-time "pie counter" men ; to iest and in a bus! Jn u h? CoweM , dlitrkt and at the county convention to be ; nne who are striving to re-organize theiln lch ring bos,, nominated held next Saturday a solid Morehead ! na'mD! P!Tg' ! narv and head it toward victory have ' In the la8t campaign a postmaster delegation to the State convention ! ""T" " , "1; been concentrated in the counties i r Congress, and In which the Iem will be chosen. ---- ! ... a . Ponnhl!r9n VfttA wW j ocratic majority n. lnrrraeL lisr wnpn rnp rnairman ana pxppii- a-- . - On Monday, the county conventions ; tive committee wjn put out 'a full ; the People could rule in spite of the of Union, Person and Haywood in-j tlckeL The following delegates were i attemPted domination of the ring structed their delegates to vote fori . A . A -ibossps and their henchmen. Morehead for State chairman, while sVte Con7entir to S Si These twin organs hare gone even- -t W ring method. MPf ennnrc n i ion w rn rrn ro no n- . . ' r,. -4 , r- in v, r u ; . o, , Greensboro August 10th: J. D. A. ers wno worked tootn ana toe nan gecrest. C. J. Braswell, J. E. Haigler, County, in saying that ior Duncan, give i m u fourteen , T c Bra8welI j. L. Condor, J. W. delegates to the Fifth District man ; Wall Leonard Latham, IL M. Bau- while the Republican majority waa greatly increased in every other Congressional district in the State. The stronghold of the "machine,' (Coin, J. W. Hasley, M. C. Haigler, J. J. Parker, W. B. Love. Wake County, wherein are located iue org inteiuai icvcuu omctr, tiic . noiOMtM wprp instrilCtpd for J large number of postoffice employees, , parker for the Sventh Congres- ring results, and if the ring - t A l i . . - It had df i tw-lu n in cr7 luuin; . - a J - t a t clared for a continuation of the rlng,!coun nu eer ouKrr.B.onai aia when, as a matter of fact, the coun-jlrlct In lhe Slate UBt what h ty had declared for Morehead. ; Pened in that Congressional district j two years ago would bapien this An Inspired "Interview." Recently, a staff reported of the S In North Carolina. This Is another year In every Congressional District illustration of the marshals office, all of which com- . , , , i Raleieh News and Observer was in i bined to defeat the will of the people, Tfthn L I Morehead City. He sent an article why the Newa and Observer and the was swept by the militant Republi- j 31 ' -vloreuedU u ion the Republican political situation j Democratic ring if so greatly Inter- cans who favor Morehead. Desper-; j to that paper which was published j estea in tne aereat oi Moreneaa ana ate efforts were made to defeat Les- j Person County Endorses Morehead. ' In great headlines on the front page, the success or Duncan and ter F. Butler in his home ward; the; " "The substance of this article was an henchmen. his representative of the "big boss," i Roxboro, N. C. Aug. 1. The Re thniifrh nvfnc in anothpr ward, went I Dublicans of Person County held a out and made speeches and worked night and day. The vote in Raleigh, despite the large number of office holders was strongly for Morehead. The county convention on Saturday will elect a Morehead delegation to the State Convention. In the United States Marshal's ward he was de feated for a delegate by a vote of 14 to 4. As we go to press, we received word that Morehead City, in the home county of National Committee man Duncan, and only a few miles from his home town of Beaufort, went solid for Morehead ln the pri maries. Orange for Morehead by Big Ma jority. - Hillsboro, N..C. July 30 Prompt ly at 1 o'clock p. m. to-day in the court-house at Hillsboro, W. E. Ham, the Chairman of the Executive Com mittee of the Republican party of Orange County, called the County Convention to order. Upon the roll call it appeared that every township in the county was-represented. Resolutions endorsing the national administration and the course of Congressman John M. Morehead were adopted by a large mapority. The delegates to the State Convention were instructed to cast the vote of the county for Morehead for Chairman. Interview which was, no doubt, given by Mr. Duncan or inspired by him, toi largely attended and enthusiastic the effect that the machine would convention on Saturday. j have every delegate in the three The following county ticket waa j strong Republican Congressional Dis- nominated: Legislature, F. O. Carver; Regis ter of Deeds, M. W. Satterfield; Sher iff, T. D. Winstead; Treasurer. O. L. Satterfield; Commissioners, A. P. Clayton, J. P. Wade, and David Long. Clerk of the Court was left open to be announced later. The convention endorsed John M. Morehead for State Chairman. Durham for the Favorite. Durham, N. C, Aug. 1. The most non-partisan of the Republi cans believe that In the coming County Convention Congressman Morehead will get fifty delegates and that about thirty will be against him, this estimate being based upon the result of Saturday's primaries. The delegates to the State Convention will be solid for Morehead. Yadkin Favors Morehead Yadkinville, Aug. 1. Yadkin County Republicans In convention here to-day were addressed by Hon. E. A. HoTton. There was , a large and enthusiastic attendance. A full county ticket was nominated, but not without considerable contest, involv ing some feeling. On this account, (Continued -on Page 3.) tricts In the West, namely, the Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth, and that the large vote of these Dittrlctf , with the other counties that had been cap tured by the ring, would give them a majority, even If they did not se cure a single vote in the East. The nameless Interview proceeded to state, also, that Morehead would get only one county ln the East, and that would be Sampson, and that the rest would be solid for the machine. Since that Interview was published every eastern county that has held a convention, with the exception of the little county of Edgecombe, with two votes, and the county of Vance, with only six votes, has elected a Morehead delegation, and in Vance County there Is a split, with two con ventions, and we understand, of course, that there will be a contest ing delegation. The people of that county are against a continuation of ring rule. When the county of Duplin held Its convention, the largest ever held In the county, with the Hon. Thoma Settle present as a speaker, nnkint? the occasion a notable one, neithe the Raleigh News and Observer no the Greensboro Dally News carried b line about the convention o:r the speech of Mr. Settle. cr the fact that NAILING X LIE. Falne Report That Haa Been Indus dustriottsly Circulated By "the Pie CJouater Machine Nailed By Mr. Morehead -A Dignified Response to a Contemptible Lie. In the present campaign. In which the machine forces have striven so industriously to defeat Mr. Morehead for State Chairman, they, finding nothing true to bring out against him resorted to Democratic methods and published lies. One that was most literally circulated was to the effect that Mr. Morehead, If elected Chairman, would favor the appoint ment of Democrats to oSce. To the numerous letters written him re garding this, the Congressman makes the following dignified disclaimer: Copy. "Spray. N. C, July 23, 1910. "Mr. N. C My Dear Sir: Your letter stat ing that a report Is being circulated in your county to the e-ect that I am In favor of Democrats holding the Federal offices In North Carolina, etc., received. My whole course la my roiitlcal career gives the lie to this latest organization tale of the machine gang. As a matter of fact, my efforts have been bent toward the preventing of the bosses ifrom having (Continued on Pago 3.) j, I f I J i h If l.f v I I & 'A r ! 1 i j J .-1$ hi i f 1 afi - .- .. : -, - . - " .'." .....i.m in .1. . in' I. IHI.M in ! ' ' j

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