( Tu a rJ sr. ATjt;. i , f t State Netfs, oomviv is mrrKitMi.vKD. A very destructive fire took place in the town of Panteo, In Beaufort lunn. X. C County, about thirty miles from thla terrjew to-day,, city between 3 and 6 o clock Monday morning. Xo Matter What Oflwr May Ito, He l in the Ilare to tfe Lout- "Farrwrir to Clark. General Nerts. Iredell and Columbus Counties are not troubled with race suicide. In Iredell, there are twenty-four chil dren In one family, and In a Colum bus family the number Is sixteen. Tuesday afternoon between C and 7 o'clock the grand-stand at Kanap olis was blown don by the severe wind storm and Robert Gunter, who was one of its occupants was killed. Bitten by a bulldog belonging to a member of the Haleigh band, the lit tle daughter of C. I). Bradharn, of New Brn was badly hurt. The dog was shot and the head sent to the State Physician to determine If it had rabies. The receiver, stockholders and di rector of the People's Bank of Chapel Hill, met last Monday before Judge J. C. Biggs in the office of Attorney It. O. Kverett and It looks now as If the bank will be put on Its feet and will open its doors again. Jealous of the attention her hus band was showing another woman, Helen Price, a Charlotte negress, shot and blowed off the head of her hus band, Oscar Price. She surrendered quietly to arrest and was placed In Jail. Leave of absence has been granted to third and fourth-class postmasters In North Carolina to attend the meet ing of the North Carolina State League of Postmasters to be held at Winston-Salem, September 23d and 24th. Ab Byrd, of Fayetteville, who is charged on July 2nd Inflicted the blow which subsequently caused the death of Fred Thomson, was arraign ed Monday before Magistrate Mc-' Lean. He pleaded guilty, waived! examination, and was remanded to jail without bail. i Wayncsville is just now in the 1 midst of the busiest part of the tourist season. Every train brings in crowds of visitors from the south and , east. Theliotels and boarding houses : are filling up rapidly, and It is quite i certain that the town will be crowded by August 1st. i July 2. In an fn Hon. H. L. Godwin matin the following statement. "I have received a letter from Hon. O. L. Clark In which he declines to submit the controversy between us regarding the nomination for Con gress to the people of oar district to be decided by them and In which he volunteers the suggestion that If I am dissatisfied with my nomination that I appeal to the State Executive Committee. I am entirely satisfied with my nomination since it came from the regularly organized Demo cratic convention of the Sixth Con gressional District as a result of the recent primaries in which my nomi nation was authorized by a majority vote of the people of the District, and I have no appeal to make. "Since Mr. Clark declines, how ever, to submit his case to the Demo cratic voters of the District, I have no further suggestion to make to him and whether opposed by him or sup ported by him, I shall use every hon est endeavor to carry the standard of my party whkh has been placed in my hands by Its convention to suc cess at the polls on the Sth day of November." Jona G. Carlisle, of Kentucky. Secretary of the Treasury ssder Cleveland, died in New York City last Sunday. Theodore Roosevelt. Jr.. west to work for a carpet company at San Francisco as a salesman. He sayg he wants to be known Just as a plain citizen. MNklng street car men In Colum bus. Ohio, forced the Governor to call out the State troops. Unlets quiet is speedily restored, he will pro claim martial law. Nine young men and six girls were drowned at Munich. Germany, when a boat In which they were taking a pleasure ride was upset by a storm that came up suddenly on the lake. yvi:xiu ,tuttTt:i ix x Fanner Fatally Stabbed. Apex, N. C. July 2S. Zeb B. Sat terfield was stabbed several times dangerously in the side by Charles Gibson, of Clarkston, S. C, this morn ing between 1 and 2 o'clock while curing tobacco for W. A. Williams, a farmer near Apex. They were hav ing a chicken fry, got hold of some hard cider and a dispute arose over a trivial misunderstanding. Gibson's trial came off this afternoon and he was bound over to court under a $750 justified bond, which he could not give, and was sent to jail. Sat-; terfield will not live, it is thought. Gibson w orked on Jacob Clark's : farm. Oakley Brothers Arrested. Durham, N. C, July 30. The Oakley brothers, Frank and Will, charged with the murder of Mrs. Bet tie Carson at Shakerag, Person Coun ty, December, 1909, were arrested this morning at Hunt's saw-mill by Detective A. P. Sprites and Officer Former Speaker and Secretary of the Treasury, John G. Carlisle, Is at death's door, due to an attack of In digestion. He Is seventy-five years of age and has been in failing health. The gossip is that Janitor Wend ling. arrested at San Francisco Sat urday charged with the murder of Alma Kellner, of Louisville, Ky., will be taken there to-morrow. He still claims that he never saw the girl. , The Minnesota Democratic conven tion nominated John Lind for Gover nor, after he had repeatedly refused it. After the convention adjourned ne persisted in his refusal and the Democrats are now at sea as to what to do. ine presidents of Brazil and Chile are expected to visit Washington this month at different dates and Presi uenu lan win leave nis summer home to be on hand to greet them. ine visits are entirely personal and have no political significance. unarged with keeping their ten- year-old son in a cage, Ora Lewis and wife, of Frankfort, Ind., are locked in jail. They claim the boy was bad and given to evil companions and they took this means to prevent him. They were nearly lynched. More than sixteen thousand deaths have been reported in Russia from He Admit Ht identity, bul Ihrai All Knowtedrr- of tlx CHiwe A San Francisco. Cat . July 30. Jo a Wediic, the Lowisvllie janitor acced of slaying it-year-old Alma Alma Kellner. at Louisville. Ky.. was arretted here to-day, He dmPs his identity bat -denied his guilt. A world-wide heat for him was be gun. It was thought he might re turn to Europe, having come from France but a few years before he e curd the job of janitor at St. Johns church. For the arrest of Wendllng. $ J.- 000 reward has ben offered 11,000 by Fred D. Kellner. father of the pretty S-year-oId victim; $S0O by Governor Willson. of Kentucky: and :30 by Colonel John H. Wbak-n. i politician and 11,000 by the city of ! Louisville. ' The little girl disappeared Decern 1m r Mh. For months it was believed that she had been kidnapped and the entire Middle West was scoured on j various clews, several letters de manding ransom being received by her relatives. At the end of May the girl's body was found hidden in the basement of a parish house of St. John's Catholic church, a short distance from her home She had been trapped while on her way to church. Then It was found that Wendllng had disappeared on January 14, when he believed the search was growing dangerous for him. Where is the Place Clothing. Shoes and Hats for the whole family - . mt t X A. A. . shipment 01 new iorn laiesv up-to-aatc reached us this week. You should get into more of these garments. styles one or $11 Any Man's Suit in the house. $1 down; then $1 a week. Ml 500 Any LacJio Suit, Skirt, sv,: - or 11 at. c - 50c a wit Just think of the largest clothing company 0f the kind, then make a dash for 114 Fayetteville Street. Ask the man, he will tell you the name of the company. MASTERS AND AGEE COMPANY 114 Fayetteville St., Near Southern Express Co., Raleigh. N c Kir.IITEE.V KILLED IX n act: riot. TEXAS The committee appointed hy Gov ernor Kitchln to make an investiga tion into the management of the State tuberculosis sanitarium at Montrose has begun its investiga tions. The committee, is w r V W J V I of B. C. Beckwith, of Raleigh, and j It. F. Beasley, of Monroe. ; r- ' Lewis Stewart, a farmer, was j found unconscious with his skull fractured in one of the stalls at a to- j bacco warehouse at Winston-Salem, j The supposition is that he was as- j saulted with a brick by a negro and ; robbed. Mr. Stewart was removed i to the hospital. His condition is se- rious. ! ! w. L. Martin, of Roxboro, being tak-; the cholera, out of a total of thirty en there to-day. ; seven thousand cases and the plague The men are supposed to have ! is sti11 spreading. The government ; been blockaders and their only mo-: is taking drastic means to stop the ! tive to murder is the belief that Mrs. j epidemic, but with little success, j Carson reported them. One of them ! is now under bond of $300 for re- JL,r- uook, the explorer, whose .tailing. . -claims to have discovered the North Pole were found to be false, and who Arrival of Troops Quell the Hostil ities How Trouble Started. Palestine, Texas, July 30. At least eighteen negroes were killed in a racial clash in the extreme eas tern section of Anderson County last night and to-day, the culmination of an enmity between the races brew ing for several weeks. Eighteen is the number of dead. according to the more conservative reports which have reached here irom tne isolated section where the disorder occurred. Other reports place the total fatalities at between imriy ana iorty. Jt also was report ed that several white men were eith V 1 1 lrtl 1 1 . ivaicu ui wuuiHiPH. niiT oarn ni mor as to the casualties among the whites have met a denial. The ar rival of the soldiers had a wholesome effect and to-night the belligerents are reported to be dispersing. Fur ther bloodshed will, in all probabil ity, be averted. rCOOATt0 er.ttlud n tv m c o r n . t i r. i irt , ( Special Summer Rates Now On V'uV!? frora 19 to i - -.f College Journal tU all about oar GREAT SUMMER OFFERS. Write for iu AddrrT. N" KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlottr. N. c. nas oeen in hiding for months, has been discovered living quietly in lirooKiy. He made thousands of dol lars before his fraud was disclosed. Eloped Couple is Freed From Custody. New Bern, X. C, July 29. Miss Nellie Small and "William Stone who were arrested in this city yesterday' r,,, , on nation received from BaU ZSZLmZ Tl!"" flop- catur, Ga.. (or hoId 111 lO UiUllilllt 1 HlHHSHtl I rll TTl ' - . eimtortv na , CrT ;car ana KU,lnS the motorman, at the cusiouy. i he warrant, l nnn whtrh . th0v -flrfl i,m u . : same time seriously wounding the ; . lo , "6 "C1" tUdl8eu inem conductor, whom they robbed The rr1.?' !"d.! 'h"e s! wounded conductor witnessed the ex- vtiucuvc, tuum ii ul ue. neiu. hanged and death in De- up a street ecution. Killed His Mother. Boston, July 29. Louis Restelli, a quarry owner, became Suddenly in sane this afternoon and shot and kill ed his mother, Mrs. Rose Restelli. and Charles Hardwick. He then shot and wounded Theodore Hardwick, Benjamin Bishop, and his brother. Jasper Restelli. All of the injured ;i wm recover. Kestelli escaped after the shooting and has not been tured. MEREDITH COLLEGE Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in the South Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and laclu l:-- cictmo iuuioco iu uuuiauuu auu uiuio wuiCU CUUul IOT I II O ' i. gree. School of Music, including Piano. Pipe Organ, Violin and V culture. School of Art, Including Decoration, Designing and Oil V i ing. School of Elocution. Academy which prepares students for col lege courses. Physical Culture under a trained director. Full liu-rarj course per year, including literary tuition, board, room, light. ' Lei: physician, nurse, ordinary medicines and all minor fees, $210 '.:,' in V. ni..l. r A rr v 1 a. . . "" " iuc uuu, ov iu oo jess. iexi session Deems sent. 14 sin i PRESIDENT It. T. VANN, : : : : ; : : : o!ce Raleigh, . c. THE NORTH I CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September. 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information address, JULIUS I. FOUST, President. Greensboro, NT. C. cap- J. W. Davenport, a merchant of Rocky Mount, is held for court, j cnargea wun assauuuig auu cuumus ; mies Mrs. Agnes Rose. The woman, wno was in a delicate conditions, is seri ously ill. There is considerable feel ing on both sides, Davenport's friends claiming that there is absolutely no grounds for the charge. Xegro Kills Another. Rockingham, N. C, Aug. 1. 1, several ! TVa d T- n i i"c oyamsu government, repre- Last 1 sentmS a nation that is almost wholly Saturday night at a negro picnic ' L'atnoIlc has broken with the Vatican near Roberdell Mill No. 1. several and nas recalled her minister. The from Rockineham. Virtor Wn fact tnat Spain has granted religious mack shot and killed George Dock-! freedom and permitted the establish ery, firing two shots into his bodv ment of Protestant schools is respon- TIT a nb.X rYALli suui-gun. uotn men are ne groes. Whiskey and women fauPr1 trouble. the By communicating to Jailer J. M. Branch a conversation overheard be- tweea two negro prisoners, Rev. T. oam Jones and a mule he was plow H. Alston, the preacher-tailor, and ! ing were killed by lightning during George Green, both colored, and sen- j me storm or Wednesday. Jones had tenced to terms of the county roads j taken refuge with his mule under an I for false pretense and forgery, re-1 apple tree, where the bodies were I spectively, a negro woman probably j found lying side by side. The trag- i saved the life or serious injury of the i edy occurred three miles from here. ; jailer at Wilmington and prevented j . m sible for the break. resident Taft has approved, with out comment, an opinion by Attorney-General Wickersham to the ef- Hendersonvile. N. C. July 29 fect "iat there is no provision of law- Sam Jones and h0 ! u' WUICQ ine slae ot General Rob ert L. Lee, in Confederate uniform, can be removed from Statuary Hall in the Capitol at Washington. Killed by Lightning. Women Women who snffcr frea female ailments, frequently neglect their trouble, till a general break-down follows. Don't wait till your case is as bad as that take Cardnl In time. It is a sale, reliable medicine, for ail women. the esecape of the negroes mention ed. The negroes had plotted to over power the jailer when he entered the corridor with their breakfast, secure his keys and make their escape, but the timely information of the negress caused their plans to be frustrated. Stedman is Named in Fifth District. Greensboro, N. C, July 27. After an all-night session, the Fifth Dis trict Congressional Convention at 11:05 o'clock this morning on the 438 ballot, nominated the Hon. C. M. Stedman, of Guilford, he having received 277 votes, the number nec essary to secure a nomination being 204. The result of the convention left many bitter feelings and heart-burnings. Judge Jones, who had resign ed his seat on the bench to canvass the nomination for Congress, ad dressed the convention in thinly veil ed words of contempt and anger, par ticularly directed at the Guilford del egation. His county, Forsyth, had declined the judicial nomination, ex pecting to secure the nomination of Mr. Jones for Congress. Cyrus B. Watson, Judge Jones strongest sup porter, was unable to address the i convention, bursting into tears. The convention adopted no plat form, either due to an over-sight, or else the delegates were too tired with the long session to care for any. The action has aroused considerable com ment. ' - - - Right. Greensboro News. Some Democrats are "tickled to death" over what they view as pros pects for a sharp contest in the Re publican State convention; and they are making the most of it in advance. They are in sore need of something to araw tneir distressed minds away Ira G. Rhawn, whose death was reported last week, and stated to have been the result of a burglar's shot, is now found to have suicided, because of his being involved in the big steals from the Illinois Central Railroad, amounting to millions. Rhawn was Dresident nf tho Af JX uuuu Railroad. Take THE International CorrespondencelSchooIs OF SCItAXTON, PA. will train you, during spare time, for a Government position or to fill a re sponsible technical position at a larg er salary than you are now getting. For full information, fill out the coupon below and mail It to our Washington office. M. D. Hanley, Supt.. "I. C. S.," Wash ington, D. C. Office 619, Penn sylvania Avenue, N. W. Dear Sir: Please send me infor mation as to how I can become a (mention posi tion) by spare time study without leaving my present work until I am qualified. My name is Street and No Town and State THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts The State's College for training la dustrial workers. Courses in Agri culture, Horticulture, Animal Hus bandry and Dairying; in Civil. Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; In Cotton Milling and Dyelny; in a dustrial Chemistry; and ia Agricul tural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county Beat on the 14th of July. D. II. HILL, President, West Raleigh, N. C. Seeking revenge because he been discharged from the fire partment, Bert S. Duncan, at had de- San from their own internal HionD;n i Dieero. Cat lnnd na . (tally injuring two others, and beat Democratic Candidate for Congress ' Ms Wife and cnild to death. Brought Against Public Schools. ! to bay after man-hunt through the Greensboro Daily News. ,f Shot himself t,. t, t J laeaa ln tne Plaza. Duncan sent in The Democrats are very quiet ; a false alarm of fire and shot former about their frothy mouthed candidate i companions whef Uhey responded. lul v,ju6it;ss in me rnira District me man who would annihilate the negroes, and stop all public schools, even those for the white children. The Truth of It. Lincolnton Times. Democrats hate Butler more than any man in the State because they fear him most. MOTHERS! S?v!procure Mks- Wikslow's SOOTH tth ?tUJJ? yor c?udren while cuttl'g i?f. "oothes the child, soften the rtuni allays Ml pain, cures wd colic, and lVthf atUe?ylrdUrrh0Ba- TwtmflvenU Mrs. Rena Hare, of Pierce, Fla., tried Cardni and after ward wrote: "Iwasasoi ferer from all sorts of fe male tronble, had pain In ray side, drawing pains In my legs, conld not sleep, had shortness of breath. ..suffered for years, na til my husband Insisted en my trying Cardnl. The first bottle gave mc relief aid now I am almost weILw Try Cardnl. It will help yea." ' B 43 The Improved BLICKensderfer y Typewriter, WON'T NEED A CRUTCH. When Editor J. P. Sossman. w Of Cornelius, N. C, bruised his lee- ha 1J atanea an ugly sore Many salves and ointments proved worth less. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores! Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at all druggists. i i E ast Carolina Teachers' Training School A state school organized and maintained for one defi nite purpose : Training young men and women for teach ing. Ine regular session opens Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1910. . For catalogue and information, address Robt. H. Wright, Pres., Greenville, N. C. V I o V n Dr. S. P. Morris Dr. S. L Douglass DENTISTS fill ttm&fat V"- i O CROWN v v BRIDCtl , WORK C?)v Misting Teeth spoil your smile, your chance with the girl of yonr choice mayhap your opportunities for success in life. We'll supplj the deficieccy in dental equipment most effective ly and charge you only reasocablj therefor. Come here when needing- dental attention, fiaaiejticf tow. Drs. Norris & Douglass DENTISTS 228 mmvniu mitt, - ialdsm. h. c A machine at half the coat and twice the value. More real imprtyvrmtut than any other make. 150.000 aatlafied tuera. Write lor cataloe and cet prices before buy typewriter ire save rou money. The Bfickensdsrfer Mfg. Co, 4tk Kitistal tlii, Atlitta. fia. DROPSY CURED Belief at Once. Address DR. JOHN T. PATTERSON ATLAJTA, : : . . ncnnmi When writing adTertisera. nic HOTEL BANCROFT Cor. 18th and H. Sts. II. W. WASHINGTON, - - D. C Cars pass the door to all parts of the City. Near War, State, Narj nd Treasury Depts. A first class modern hotcL Aroeri can Plan. Moderate rates. Rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath. The service and cuisine of the Hotel Bancroft combine every con venience known to hotel manage ment. RATES American $2.50 to $4 00 per day. European $L00 and upward. n. H. BENSON, Prop. mention this paper.

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