TIIC CAUCASIAN. State Netfs. Two farmer Institutes are to be held at the test farm near Rocky Mount on August 23rd. The Southern Hell Telephone Com pany is preparing to re-build 1U plant at Spencer. Col. V. L. DeRossett, a leading citizen of Wilmington, died on San - day last and was burled on the fol - ,ria.,. j-., I?y direction of the Corporation'"011' Commigf ion a new railway elation la j to be erected at Shelby in place of? Tho new Flrgt DapU8t Churcb the old one. j building at Lumberton narrowly es- A wireless telegraph system Is to be started at Thomasvilie by B. F. V. Bryant, manager of tho electric light piant at that place. Fourteen of the men belonging to the High Point Hlfles are reported by their commanding officer to be suffering from tho bookworm. hile riding his wheel in Ashe ville, last Friday, Thornas Justice, aged 1C, collided with a delivery wagon and was seriously hurt. Sufflcient money has been raised for tho completion of the Memorial Church at Durham, nearly $17,000 havine been subscribed to date. . A new division of the State Naval j duriS which time his parents, be Iteserves was mustered in at Hert-! lievers ln Christian Science doctrine, ford on Monday night. C. W. Mor-! ref used to cal1 In a regular physician, gan will bo the officer In charge. I wIth the result that the boy died in j terrible agony. At Llncolnton last week a small j child of S. B. Hunnicutt fell f rom j A raco riot hich (for a time an nnnpr window nnH rfpoiv-pd in. ! threatened to assume Very serious Juries that are expected to prove fa tal. The Coast Artillery Corps of North Carolina, in camp at Fort Caswell for ten days for annual practice and drill, left for their several headquar ters on Monday. On August 2 4th, T. A. Stephens, of Macedonia, will give a barbecue to the farmers of that neighborhood. Dr. J. M. Templeton will be one of ! tho speakers. j corn ana mucn loader was destroyed. I The lowlands throughout the coun Bequests are being received from I ty are completely inundated and many State for the bulletins issued there has been much damage to the by the North Carolina Department of I crPS- A number of washouts have Agriculture on the subject of can ning fruits and vegetables. In Wilson County last Sunday Cal vin Thorn and Zeb. Griffin became involved in a brawl and Thorn wras struck by an axe and cut with a knife in the hands of his assailant, dying shortly afterwards. Keport comes from Montgomery County that a Republican paper is soon to be established there. The curious part of the report is that the publisher formerly ran a Democratic paper in that locality. The coroner's jury in the case of John McDougal, colored, of Isling ton, charged with the murder of his wife, has returned a verdict of guilty and the defendant was bound over to the Superior Court without bail. The proposed Salisbury-Asheville highway is attracting wide interest and plans are afoot for a big confer ence at Hickory of all the townships and towns along the line. The meet ing will probably take place Septem ber 1st. A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Wake Forest College was held on last Monday in Raleigh, with a full attendance of the members. A com mittee was appointed for the pur pose of procuring additional instruc tors in English. Preparations are being made for the opening of the fall session of Trinity College on September 7th: For some time a force of men have been at work renovating the dormi tories and making general repairs about the buildings. An order has been issued by the Federal Court restricting the sher iffs of Currituck and Pasquotank Counties from levying on any prop erty of the Norfolk Southern Rail way Company until an investigation can bo made on September 6th. It is stated by The Tribune, of Concord, that Mr. E. H. Morris, for merly editor of the Record, at Mocksville, will arrive in Concord shortly to consult with the local Re publicans about running a Republi can paper during the campaign. The Peoples' Bank at Chapel Hill has been re-organized and an order issued by the court dismissing the receiver. The depositors will lose nothing by the temporary suspen sion, the full amount of the doubtful assets having been made good by a committee appointed for that pur pose. An order has been issued by Gen-! eral Julian S. Carr, commanding the vo.i uii.ua jjivisiou 01 me unit ed Confederate Veterans, calling the attention of the members to an invi tation from the Norfolk, Va., Board of Trade to attend the annual re union In that city on September 6 th to 8th. ru&t fear been drawn for the," erection of a large warehouse, at? Itlcbnond, Va., by the It J. Key-; fjoldi Tobacco Company, of Wlaftos-i Salem, this State. I King Victor Emanaf. of Italy, tt " ta!d to be fa dally dread of ajajl- Announccment was made yetcr-; calon iCj extrm precautions are bo day that Murdock Strickland escaped fiJf uken to guard again! It. I&st Saturday from ibe convict camp5 at the Halifax farm. Ha was under a ?ntence of eight yean for larceny. I r a til m i-itt Iouri, as caa oeen bis hik uu;ji- jfm a ... ai. m 1 - capei serious damage. 11 not total ce- etructlon, by fire Monday afternoon.; a a resun ui spontaneous coaous - tion. A brakeman named E. D. Howard. runuuiK ouuiucm - t r , a i rt. 1 1. train, was Kiiiea at bpencer fn August nin.. wiling unaer me wheels of a freight and being liter- ally ground to death. John H. Haeke has been arrested charged with an attempt to burn the Newton hosiery will near Hickory last November. His arrest has caus- i ed considerable sensation in the vl- j cIn,ty of the alleged crime, ! The 'ounS 6" of M. C. Heath, of ! Xew Berne, suffered from an attack of typhoid fever for several days. 1 proportions, occurred one night last week in Southampton County, Va., on a mixed excursion train returning from Norfolk to Greensboro. As a result of the trouble Tom Stanley, a young white man of Guilford Col lege, was shot in the breast and per-! haps fatally injured. The heaviest rainfall of 15 vears j occurred at Bladensburg on Monday! t f A Via lasting over nve hours. Bridees were swept away and cotton, been reported on the railroads in the county. CHILDREN KILLED BY TRAIN. Sad Accident Near Thomasvilie Sun day Morning. Thomasvilie, Aug. 14. This morn ing about 8.30, Vada Cook and Hazel Myers, two little girls between 8 and 10 years old, were killed about five miles north of this place by north bound passenger train No. 44. The two girls, accompanied by their mothers, had gotten off of train No. 11, from High Point, at Lake, and were coming up the railroad track to a Mr. Freedles, a relative of theirs, who lives a mile north of Lake. As they were coming up the track they met a freight train going south and getting out of tha way of the freight train got in the way of train No. 44 going north. The two little girls were struck in the back of the head and their skulls were crushed, kill ing them instantly, the mothers bare ly escaping death by being only a little further away from the track. The remains of the two children were carried to High Point for burial. The inquest will be continued on account of the lack of witnesses until Wed nesday morning. Cononer Dr. J. W. Peacock started the inquest at the scene this morning. Dr. Clarence Pickens Kills Two Brothers Near AsheviUe. Asheville, Aug. 13. As the result of a dispute over office rental, Dr. Clarence Pickens a dentist of Weav erville ten miles from here, to-night shot and instantly killed two brothers,-Rome and Furman Capps. Dr. Pickens claims that he had to shoot in self defense. He is now in the custody of officers. As best the facts can be obtained at this time, it seems that some days ago Dr. Pickens, who rents an office from the father of the Capps boys, had a dispute as to the, rent. To-night this dispute was re newed, Pickens claiming that he had paid the rent in advance. Then he claims that the Capps boys jump ed upon him, cutting his coat in sev eral places and making several flesh wounds, when he was compelled to shoot in self defense. Weaverville is all wrought up about the affair. This makes three of the Capps boys that have been shot to death. It was last fall that the first was killed by young Ben Morris, Jr., near the Mor ris home on the road to Weaverville. After being clearedby the coroner's jury on the grounds of self defense, young Morris was re-arrested and tried, and is now serving a year in the penitentiary at Raleigh. WON'T NEED A CRUTCH. When Editor j. T Cornelius. ly, it started an utrlv snr rnv salves and ointments proved worth- less. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed It thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at all druggists. J - Ai,,IOB' 01 'MaeT,lie' "'.pria ; tni ' U be electrocuted for moHa ? - dr on February 24th. has decided Inot to take an appeal to the Supreme; T General Netfs As extra session of the Louisiana Lg!iUture has been called for the purpose of making tuSlcleat appro priation for the exposition to bo held New Orleans In 1515. he body of an infant turned to toRe was found recently In the ; coal bin of a Brooklyn apartment f lately vacated by Stephen Bute, a waiter, and the man is now held at lhe Haipb Avenue Station pending a f urtber examination. i Th .frlt-lr,- -In lr.mVr In Vw I York City number more than SO.000 . men an(j WOmen, according to a brief gubmlttcd to the Supreme Court s there by thelr employt?rS; wno tQ haTfi the un,on restraIned by j injunction, i Tobacco men from all Important markets gathered at the inspection tables of the Burley Tobacco Society in Louisville, Ky., this week, to ex amine samples of the 120,000,000 pounds of 1909 tobacco offered for sale ky the society. A dispatch from Massena, N. Y., dated August 15th, says fourteen men were killed there by the falling of the concrete foundation of a power-house and an Ogdenburg dis patch says that probably fifty are dead and that many are entombed. Directors of the Standard Oil Com pany held their midsummer dividend meeting August 16th, and declared the regular 6 per cent dividened, wThich calls for a distribution to the Standard stockholders of $6,000,000. Official announcement that the twenty-first reunion of the United Confederate Veterans will be held on May 16th, 17th, and 18th of next year at Little Rock, Ark., has been made by General Wm. E. Mlckle, Adjutant-General, and Chief of Staff. The condition of Mayor Gaynor, of New York, who was shet and se riously wounded on Tuesday of last week by a discharged employee of that city, is now reported as decid edly improving, with the chances in favor of a complete recovery at an early date. To determine what lands in the national forests in Arkansas can be thrown open to homestead entry un der the forest settlement act, Prof. George L. Clothier, of the University of Mississippi, has begun a scientific investigation of the national wood lands in that State. Reports from scattered localities in the Houston district in Texas tell of a heavy rainfall the first of the week, at least temporarily ending a drouth which threatened to seriously dam age the growing crops of w rice and cotton. In Houston the precipitation measured 1.43 inches. Several different posses have been scouring the country in the vicinity of the Virginia-North Carolina bor der line, five miles south of Danville, searching for Jesse Watkins, a ne gro, who on Saturday night fatally injured William Nash, aged fifty years, a farmer of Purley, N. C. Gibraltar, Aug. 16. Thirty-two passengers and seven of the crew of the Spanish steamship, Martos, were drowned to-day in the singing of the ship off Tarffa Point The Martos was in collision with the German steamer, Elsa, in a dense fog and foundered a few minutes after being struck. MOTHERS! Dont fall to procure Mrs. Whjslow's Sooth ing Sykup for your chlloien while cutti teeth. It soothes the child, toft ens the rums allays all pain, cures wd colic, and Is the bet remedy for diarrhoea. T wenty-fi ve cents bottle. l X'-" - - e East Carolina Teachers1 Training School A state school organized and maintained for one defi nite purpose : Training young men and women for teach-m- The regular session opens Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1910. For catalogue and information, address Robt. H. Wright, Pres., Greenville, N. C. i A Spitl. Tcssu'dUpatc thxt fa x at as early hmr Tu4ay Bora hs t radically twept Ibe bs!ncaJ inortlca of tbat tira casting tots rttlatd at f i:?.0O. well covered by insurance. A ccntber of the html b&Mces bbuH-s were destroyed. Tbc origin of the fir U a nsyitcry. More than a thousand men, worn ca and children ;nt a perilous half boar in Hell Gate. N. Y.. Monday, -hii the steamboat Sam Sloans, with an excursion party aboard, be came disabled a short distance above the Astoria terry slipt. shortly before noon, and went drifting into the dangerous currents that boil and surg" through the Gate. A holo caust was narrowly averted. The unpredeccnted flood In Tokio, Japan, has already claimed seven hundred lives according to an esti mate made there- The death list will probably run into thousands as a result of the destitute condition of sufferers and the inability of the au thorities to render any but the slow est relief. Reports from other cities show conditions to be bad as in To kio. $3,000,000 More for Census. Washington, Aug. The appro priation of $12,000,000 made by Congress to meet the cost of the thirteenth decennial census will be too small by about $3,000,000. Of the $12,000,000 only $5,111,617.18 was balance on hand July 1, and much of that has since been paid out. Approximately 5,000 of the 70,000 enumerators employed are yet to be paid. Congress will be called upon to supply the deficit. Will Not Use Pass Books. Washington, Aug. 16. Certificates of deposit in place of regular pas3 i books are to be used in the postal savings banks, it was announced to day at the Postofflce Department. The certificates of deposit under consid eration are similar in principle, though not in design, to coupon bonds. The Postmaster General to day approved a design of a stamp of deposit for amounts less than $1. A Spanish aviator named Moissant has crossed the English Channel, car rying a number of passengers, this being the first time such a feat has been accomplished. en Sick Women suffering from head ache, backache, pain inside, or nervousness, or any other ail ment resulting from female trouble, should get Cardul and use It regularly. Cardul has been found, by thousands of ladies, to relieve female weak ness, by restoring to health the weak womanly organs. IB) Mrs. F. S. Mills, Murietta, Calif., tried Cardul and writes: I don't think anyone can recommend a medicine more highly than I can Cardul, I had a mishap, followed by In flammation, I positively be lieve I would have died, had it not been for Cardui, When I began taking it, I could not stand on my feet After tak ing two bottles, I was cured, and I now weigh 165 pounda." Try Cardui it will hep you, Sold everywhere, B45 $25 A WEEK If you earn less, I can increase your salary. Let me UYL yon how to prosper and make money. I want to send you my big cata logue. It tells . how more than 100,000 others have become pros perous and are right now making more money. Clip this ad and I will send Catalogue FREE. We also teach By Mail. -7 ADDRESS A. M. FISHER, Manager DRAUGHON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, k C Where is Clothinn. Shoes and on installments at lowest cash prices- A brand ntl shipment of New York's latest up-to-date styitl reached us this week. You should get into one 0r more of these garments. $11 Any ManV Suit in the house, $1 down; then $1 a week. Just think of the largest clothing company 0f the kind, then make a dash for 114 Fayettcvillc Street Ask the man, he will tell you the name of the company. MASTERS AND AGEE COMPANY 114 Fayetteville St., Near Southern Express Co., Raleigh.N. C J- wcoMATt x(enrnced fuStj Special Summer Rate. Now On "T:?SlffJSS' College Journal tella mil aboot our GREAT SUMMER OFFERS. Writ for It. A4dm KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, :: Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N c. MEREDITH COLLEGE Among the Foremost Colleges for Women in the South Course in Liberal Arts covering nine departments, and including elective courses in Education and Bible which count for the A. H. de gree. School of Music, Including Piano, Pipe Organ, Violin and Voice culture. School of Art, including Decoration, Designing and Oil Paint ing. School of Elocution. Academy which prepares students for col lege courses. Physical Culture under a trained director. Full literarj course per year, including literary tuition, board, room, light, heat, physician, nurse, ordinary medicines and all minor fees, $210.50; ia the Club, $50 to $55 less. Next session begins Sept. 14, 1910. Addresi PRESIDENT R. T. VANX, :: :: :: :: Raleigh, X. c THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session begins September 14, 1910. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information address, JULIUS I. FOUST, President. Greensboro, N. C. THE International CorrespondenceSchooIs OP SCRANTON, PA. will train you, during spare time, for a Government position or to fill a re sponsible technical position at a larg er salary than you are now getting. For full information, fill out the coupon below and mail It to our Washington office. M. D. Hanley. Supt, "I. C. S.." Wash ington, D. C. Office 619, Pena sylvania Avenue, N. W. Dear Sir: Please send me Infor mation as to how I can become a (mention post tlon) by spare time study without leaving my present work until I am qualified. My name Is. ... , Street and No... Town and State, The Improved BLICKensderfer Typewriter. A machine at hall the cost and twice the value. More real improvements than any other make. 150,000 satisfied users. Write for cataloe and ret prices before you buy a typewriter we save you money. The BOckensfJsrfer Ufg. Co, 4tS Nxttoaal BWj,, Aflasta 6a. DROPSY CURED Relief at Once. 1 Address DR. JOHN T. PATTERSON ATLANTA. : . .' tncrram-.i. When writing adYertlaer. nlftaju V the Place Heats for the whole lamiL Any Lacits'Wuv Suit, Skirt, s. or Hat. cck dc-. 50c a wcrk. ' n id rUo to . weU wtiUtsi room. Fi-J n. Modern :t? trtnjr, runrt)rti.. .r THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts The State's College for training la dustrlal workers. Courses in Art culture, Horticulture, Animal llzh bandry and Dairying; In Civil, Elec trical and Mechanical Engineerlss; In Cotton Milling and Dyeing; ln In dustrlal Chemistry; and in Agricul tural teaching. Entrance examinations "at raa county seat on the 14th of July. D. II. HILL, President, West Raleigh, X. C. Dr. S. P. Norris Dr. S. L Douglass DENTISTS O CROWN JA BRIDGE W WORK 0000 Missing Teeth spoil your smile, your chance with the girl of your choice mayhap your opportunities for ucces ifl life. We'll aupply the deficiescy In dental equipment moat effectiTC ly and charge yon only reasonably therefor. Come here when neec' lag dental attention. Luntotica frit- Drs. Norris & Douglass DENTISTS 221 FATETTEYIilE STREET, - - IA1HSH. t C HOTEL BANCROFT Cor. 18th and IL Sis. II. W. WASHINGTON, - - D. C Cars pass the door to all parts of the City. Near War, SUte, NaTJ and Treasury Depts. A first class modern hotel- Amexi can Plan. Moderate rates. Room single or en suite, with of Midway II 1 n : h jiff 1 m ; w without private bath. The service and cuisine of the Hotel Bancroft combine every con venience known to hotel manage xnent. RATES American $2.50 to $4.00 -per day. European $1.00 and upward. R. H. BENSON, Prop. mention this paper. -

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