r&d&r, December 22. 1910. TO IS CAl'OAfllAft. The Caucasian A.VD K-VLEICn ENTERPRISE, 1010. l-,.,rw3 tM i'ott-oa In lUIelfh. N. C. j .Si dL. j local Matters. - Lula Jones died Monday at v ,.' -ome on Harp Street In this city. Mr. S. V. Whiting, formerly of ti -"'firm of Whiting Brothers, is crit ically Hi All th; public schools in this coun ty ill flofce for the Christmas holi days on Friday afternoon and re-o;'-i. Monlay January 2nd. The case against the Standard Oil Com;. any, charged with stifling com je i'io:i, is still being heard in the Hal-iKh Police Court by piecemeal. At the meeting of the Baptist Fur- Mission Board, in Raleigh Thurv-iay night, the sale of the Bap tist I'.ook Store to Mr. W. G. Separk vas authorized. Mrs. J. H. Gill passed away at her homo in Raleigh, Saturday after noon. Mrs. Gill was a sister' of Messrs. Fabius and Marcellus Whit aker, of this county. Rev. T. W. O'Kelly, pastor of the First Baptist Church, at St. Joseph, Mo., has accepted a call to the First Baptist Church in Raleigh, and will ciovo to Raleigh in January. A certificate of incorporation was filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Friday, by the D. H. Greene Co., of Oriental, Pamlico County, which is to manufacture paper pulp and paper. Arthur Mills, of Mecklenburg County, convicted at the February term, of larceny, and sentenced to one year on the roads, was Thurs day pardoned, conditionally, by Gov ernor Kitchin. The Governor, Tuesday, honored the requisition of the Governor of South Carolina for Meredith Head, wanted at Union, S. C, for an as sault with a deadly weapon. He is now under arrest at Charlotte. Charles Isaacs, of Watauga Coun- j ty, who was convicted in 1906, of the : crime of murder in the second de- i greo and sentenced to serve seven j jears in the State's prison was Tues- day pardoned, conditionally, by the Governor. Mayor F. N. Tate, of High Point, President of the Carolina Municipal Association, has called a meeting of the legislative and the special com mittee on commission form of city government to be held in Raleigh next Thursday morning. Yardmaster Frank Smith, of the Seaboard Air Line, in Raleigh, was attacked by three colored men Fri day and was bruised up badly by his assailants. John Sturdivant, one of the party was afterwards arrested, but the other two assailants made their escape. Roy Sanders, of Monroe, a mem ber of the freshman class at Wake Forest College, died in the college infirmary Sunday night from heart disease. He had an exceedingly weak heart, which he strained in the gym nasium some days ago while playing basket-ball. The body was carried to Monroe for interment. The case of JohnDean and Sadie Thayer, charged with living in adul tery, came up for trial before Police Justice Stronach Monday afternoon, and both defendants submitted. In the case of the woman, judgment was suspended, while Dean was made to pay $75 and costs. Dean was then tried on the charge of having as saulted the Thayer woman and was fined $5 and costs. Death of Mrs. A. B. Hawkins. Mrs. Martha Bailey Hawkins, wife of Dr. A. B. Hawkins, of Raleigh, died early Monday morning. Mrs. Hawkins was in her 72nd year. Pleased With The Caucasian and Its Premium Offers. One of our old subscribers at Lit tleton, in a letter, sending us a new subscriber, says: "The scissors received, and please accept thanks for them. My wife is delighted with them. I like your pa per and hope your subscription list continue to increase." degress Exhorter Charged With j Stealing Negro Boy. A special from Greensboro to Wednesday's News and Observer says: Yesterday afternoon Adam Avery, colored, of Raleigh, appeared before Judge Eure and swore out a warrant for Rev. Mat, aHas Lizzie Burnett, charging her with kidnapping bis seven-months-old boy, Lindsay. The woman was soon located and ' in de fault of bond was locked up. Steamer Sinks and Twenty-Four Are Drowned. London, England, Dec. 16. The German steamer Palermo is a total wreck off Cape Corrubodo on the west coast of Galicia, Spain. Her five Passengers and crew of nineteen were lost. ' Advices received to-day state that e vessel Struck and went to pieces during a fierce gale last Sunday. BIG FIRE AT TUOJ1ASVLLLI1. Cramer Furniture Company looses $200,000 In the , CoulLaratlcm 300 Employes Out of Work. ThomaiTlile, N. C, Dec 20. TM afternoon at .30 fire was discovered In the machine room of the Cramer Furniture Company, No. U The alarm was quickly given and every possible effort wax used to save the plant, but the wind was blowing a gale and the flames engulfed the en tire building, destroying the machine department, boiler room, two dry kilns, also filled with lumber, nearly 200,000 feet of lumber In rough and in course of manufacture on the yards and in the plant. From the main building, the fin ishing room, a building nearly three hundred feet long caught fire. The building was half brick and half wood. Every part was filled with finished chairs ready for shipment. The wooden part, with contents, was totally destroyed. The brick part was saved. The flames spread so fast and sur rounded and burned the hydrant house, this cutting off completely the water supply and everything was left at the mercy of the flames and every thing was reduced to ashes in less than two hours. Near ly $200,000 worth of proper ty is destroyed, 300 employees are thrown out of employment Origin of fire unknown. It was the most disastrous fire in the history of 'Thomasville and will take years to regain the loss. The plant's weekly payroll was nearly $2,000. The destruction of this plant will be felt all over the town and in every line of business. The machine room was two stories, 400x GO feet In size, and was by far the largest plant here. HEAVY FIRE LOSS AT NEW BERN. Several Nice Dwellings and Business Houses Burned. New Bern, N. C, Dec. 19. Sunday was a busy day for the firemen. At 6.30 in the morning fire broke out in the property of W F. Hill, next to Trent river and between South Front street and Metcalf. Nine houses were destroyed and the entire block, with the exception of N. F. Vincent's store and the store-house of the Hyman Supply Company, was. burned. The plant of the Coca Cola Company was destroyed. The entire loss to Hill was about $5,000 with no insurance. Vincent's store was badly damaged by water. The loss on the Coca Cola plant is not known. Last night about 10.30 the J. F. Taylor house on National avenue, oc cupied by Mr. Marshall, of the Roper Lumber Company, was found to be on fire. The flames spread and the new home of J. O. Baxter was burned on the north side and that of Henry Ep ting on the south side. Part of the furniture in each home was saved, but badly damaged. Loss on the three about $15,000, partly covered by insurance. Big Plant of Neuse River Lumber Company to Be Sold. A special from Durham to Sun day's Charlotte Observer says: "The trustees of the Neuse River Lumber Company, now in bank ruptcy, are offering for sale at auc tion, Wednesday, January 18th, at noon, one of the biggest outfits ever sold here. "The timber and mill property con sists of a tract of 16S acres in Dur ham and 512 acres in Wake, six tracts of, estimated, 6,000,000 feet of lumber, eight miles of railroad track land with steel rails, a thirty-ton lo comotive with all of the accessaries in the shape of trucks, logging outfit, cows, mules, horses, wagons, mer chandise and other properties. The company was forced to go into bank ruptcy some months ago, having then liabilities amounting to about $60,000, with assets large enough but in such shape as to make money hard to secure. "The attorneys who are appear ing for the trustees are Bramham & Brawley, and they are advertising the sale widely. It will be perhaps the largest of its kind that ever took place here." RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. British Steamship Libelled for $20, OOO Damages. Wilmington, Dec. 19. The British steamship St. Jerome, Captain Hal-f lam, was seized to-night by United proceedings instituted by Jashua Moore, administrator of George Moore, a negro stevedore, who was killed several days since by a heavy iron bar falling upon him while at work in the hold of the vessel at the wharf of the Champion Compress Company. The amount asked in the proceeding is $10,000 damages. RockefeUer Gives $10,000,000 More to Chicago University. Chicago, 111., Dec. 26. John D. Rockefeller has completed the task he set for himself in the founding of the University of Chicago. To-day public announcement was made of a "single and final gift," of $10,000,- 000, which includes all the contribu tions that Mr. Rockefeller had plan ned to make to the University. This sum, which Is to be paid in ten an nual instalment, beginning January 1, will make a total of approximate ly $35,000,000 that Mr. Rockefeller has donated to the University. T17EI1TY THREE AWIESTS Charted Vith Using tue U; S. flails to Defraud the Public Nlnrtrva Arret ta fhlUdetpM, Ttim In IUrrUtmrg, ami One ml Fort Payne AU. CTUclt-Qtskk fklifme. Philadelphia, Dec If. Nineteen arrests were made today la towns la Pennsylvania and New Jersey la the Government's crusade against per sons accuted of using the mails to defraud. The arrests were made by postal inspectors and all the defend ants were given hearings before united States commissioners and held In bail for trial, or for further hear ings, on charges of using the malls to defraud. Among the more important de fendants with the resolU of their hearings are the following: Chain Shoe Store Syndicate. Louis T. Rice, president, Philadel phia; Andrew C. Patterson, first vice president, also president of the Ex celsior Trust Company of Philadel phia; Edgar Pohlig, second vice president and treasurer; George H. Brooks, third vice president, Phila delphia. Each was held in $1,000 for a further hearing. Pine Heights Company, Robert G. McMorrls, Philadelphia; Harry F. Stanton, Ocean City, N. J. Waived hearing and held in $500 bail each for trial. According to Postal Inspector Cor telyou the Chain Shoe Stores Syndi cate was capitalized at $2,000,000. It had advertised that It was estab lishing retail stores in large cities, that it was purchasing shoe factories at bargain prices and that the com pany was able to do business cheap ly by eliminating middlemen. The Pine Heights Company advertised and used the malls for giving away and selling lots in Southern New Jer sey, which, the Government alleges, are practically worthless. Lewis Conrad, Conrad Lotz and William Bingham, officers of the Cor respondence Institute of America, at Scranton, $1,000 each for further hearing. This organization has no connec tion with the International Corres pondence Schools. Conrad, Lotz and Bingham are res pectively the president, secretary and treasurer and manager of the Corpor ation. Postal inspectors allege this concern procured lists of high school students and wrote them, stating that their names had been recommended as those of persons with artistic tal ent. On this account the institute of fered a $42 course of art instruction under its full faculty of fine artists for $18.50. It was said there was no factulty of artists, but there were 00 mm We have more calls for office help than we can supply. Your hands earn from 50 cents to $1.50 a day. Your hesd, when pro perly trained, csn earn frcm $5 to $20 a dsy. DRAUGHON'S will fix your head qualify ycu for the $5 to $20-a-day class and find the job. Clip ad. for FREE catalogue. Call, write or phone DRAUGHOU'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA, BOX 40L IRaleiflK mBartle PecCss r $1.00 EXPRESS PAID. "Ideal Alcohol" Gas Stove For Travelers, Sick-Boom, Camp, Chafing Dish, Light House Keeping, or Wherever Gas is not Available or Desired. IT MAKES IIS OWN GASABSOLTJTELY 8APE. Smokeless and Odorless, Wekb Only Eight Oances. CAN CABBY A VESSEL WEIGHING 100 POUNDS. It Boils a Quart o Water in Nine Mlnntea. 01.00. Express raid. 01.0G. Express Paid Hart-Uard Hardware Company, RALEIGH N.O. TtM arran, it it cftta for a &eatfe.a&4 kali. Waa&sftoa, Dec. H. lafarsA Uoa was reit4 t: ttr&lgt y Foctststcr (federal Hitchcock naA Chief Inspector Si-arp, cf tte arnwt of E. C. Drew, prettiest of a AU batsa Electric Serrte Cospaay at Fort Payne, Ala., oa chanri of sif ts the United State saiU for tie conduct of alleged fraadaleat stor prises. The general chars agalsst Drew it that he used the mail to exploit la a fraudulent way eoapaale in which he It Interested. It is alleced that he sent attractive circulars and other advertising matter through the mails to Induce the recipients to purchase stock In fals companies. He represented, it Is charged, that he proposed, through tho Alabama Electric Service Company, to auppty electric power to Birmingham and various place la northeastern Ala bama, Chattanooga. Tenn., and At lanta, Ga. HU company, of which. It is stated, he Is practically the main stay, was represented to have a cap ital of $3,000,000, being Incorporated for that amount. It further waa rep resented that It had taken over the Fort Payne Fuel & Iron Co., a Louis iana corporation with a nominal cap ital of $5,000,000. The latter cor poration is said to have been organ ized by Drew. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec, 16. Abram G. Stauffer, Oscar A. Stauffer and Abram S. Stauffer, prominent resi dents of Palmyra, Lebanon County, were arrested there today, charged with using the malls to defraud. Their operations, said to have been in several States, are reported to have netted them thousands of dollars. The Stauffers are charged with having been selling instruments to locate hidden wealth, one of the ar ticles being the "Spanish needle." They were sold at from $10 to $15 each and about 1,500 are alleged to have been sold in the last year. Charges of the sale of obscene liter ature through the malls have also been nade. Thi men were held In $5,000 bail for c art. The arrests caused a sensation in this vicinity, as their reputations were of the highest bus iness standing. THE DREADFUL WOUND from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fire-works, or of any other na ture, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chap ped Hands, Corns, or Piles. Twenty five cents at all druggists. JOB? Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. MOMJMEITS COOPER BROS.. Proprs BALEIOH, If. O 8CND pnoft CATALOQUB. When writing- to Advertisers erection the Caucasian." $1.00 EXPRESS PAID. cfcok &4 If ft wd tU aot&f. craasmw tiouniY iutes via Oa ftccoemt ef t& Cnsiss, Hl days Tbm taevtbrrii Hallway will ry low trip UtaeCa to all pol&ti t4 kf item $&M&$flit?$4 &4 SMtnstii of Ue 0i askS IN? ItTCf. Tickets ca tale, Dc I Si. IltX ITlh, 3 1st, 52al. 23rd. 3 It. 2ith, as 4 31st. 11, Jaa. lit. 1MI. Flaal retsra UsUt, to r&a erttl cal starUsf poiat ml Uur t&aa night. Jan. Stfc. XflL Ask for a ItetnKt Trip ticket. For farther lsfcrtatii$a, aak year Agai. or write tV. 1L PAI1XKXX, Trv. CiM. Agt, Ilaleigh, X. e NORFOLK SOFTHKILV RAILROAD. Gretly Improved Shale-o. 1 1 and 12 Now Operate Kttnday oa lUldcfe IHstrtct. Refinnlax Sunday, Dcctabcr ISth, Raleigh District, trains Ko. 11 and 12 will fee ofratfd daily. xc?t Sun day between Raleigh and Sew Rem, via Washington, and on Suniajr be tween Raleigh and Wathlngton. Beaufort District train No. 1, Night Express, with Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk, will leave Gold boro at S:4S p. tn., leave Klnston 9:40 p. m.. leave New Rem 11:05 p. to., arrive Washington 12:35 p. m.; arrive Washington 12; 3 5 p. in., arrive Norfolk S:00 a. m. Train No. 15. "Night Exprest," will leave Washington 4:15 a. za.. leave New Bern 5:40 a. ra.; arrive Klnston :58 a. m., arrive Goldsboro 8:00 a. m. No change In schedule of "Night Express" trains Nos. 5 and 6 on the Ualelgh district. Suffolk DistrictTrain No. 20 will leave at 7:00 a. m.. same as at pres ent, and arrive Suffolk at 9:20 a. m. Additional Trains on Belhaven Branch. Leave Belhaven 6:10 a. m. and 11:00 a. m.; returning leave Mackey's 8:30 a. m. and 2:15 p. m.. dally except Sunday. Columbia Branch. Leave Colum bia 7:00 a. m., arrive Plymouth 9:25 a. m.; leave Plymouth 9:38 a. m,. arrive Edenton 11:00 a. m., leave Edenton 4:45 a. m.; leave Hertford 5:06 a. rn., leave Elisabeth City 5:56 and arrive Norfolk 8:00 a. in. Motor Car Flyer on Currituck Branch. Leave Munden 7:35 a. m. daily, arrive Norfolk 8:55 a. m.; leave Norfolk, daily, except Sunday, 10:00 a. m.; leave Munden 12:40 p. m.; arrive Norfolk 2:00 p. m., lesve Norfolk daily 3:30 p. m., arrive Mun den 4:50 p. m. W. W. CROXTON, General Passenger Agent. DROPSY CURED ReUef at Ones. Address DR. JOHN T. PATTERSON ATLANTA, : t X : GEORGIA. tud International Correspondence Schools OF SCRANTON. PA. will traim you, durimg spar time, for a Government posltioa or to fill a re sponsible technical posltioa at a larg er salary than yon are now gettlag. For fnll information, fill ont the coupon below and mail It to our Washingtoa office. U. D. Hanley, SupL. "L C. a," Wash ington. D. C. Office 619, Pens sylvania Avenue, N. W. Dear Sir: Please tend ma la for mation as to how I cam become a (nentloa peti tlon) by spare time stndy without leaving my present work uatil I am qn&Ufled. My aame is.... Street and No., Towm and Bute BAKER a STEWART ABOUT YOUR Carriage, VJagon and Buggy Repairs WE DO EVEET KIND OP Uptclstcrini, H:rs2-Sfc::bz and V22C3 RepEirnj Wc also do up-to-date PAINTING and RUB BER TIRING. Our prices arc right and we guarantee every job wc do. If you have cot had your Buggy done for the Spring, see US. Baker 4& Stewart 131 &rfft IBM BU BAUSSZt, K. C CJcst Back or W. A. Utaits Sroax) THE MARKETS cALrxcrt cotto ttussrr " . B-tur ...SCt3 Lard lf cgxt.... n UlSL Uit. Ifesa ...................4IOJC irisf tUttsj 35 0tt3 S tt petals I LC 9 Con ........ ...........tic SMITH'S CAFE -.3 Fcmbi tb Cat ti:t tl Everuttilno In Season L:s Scrnd C3 Strrt H:t Ho. 9 Cxckuf. SItmI RALBGIi, : : : IIOBTtf CAHOUtlA eOODBIH- SMITH FURNITURE COMPANY DEALERS CV Fcrntoo zzi Rc2S9 Fcrrihbis AO ktada of 8ivm mI Riam, rnml iwm Salts. J la tmei. Mrtbfoff MM to fvrekJt your ben. Ww UMdn tr mmmu tmr iriCHicw umat mzz rat Eimus TBK BEST KSOWX 10 MAN Gt Oxxt PrieM Bfor VUeittg Yoor Onr. OUR TEE&S3 ARE CASH OR CREDIT. 128-133 L tetli St, RALBGII, IL t E. B. EVANS & SONS, If O. tW DA VII. HT, HALIIUU, PLUMBERS. Gm mod HUtm rmxof.&a4 Ua ral IU pOr Work. rtrwtt work at modrat I Opp. Pot t Office RALEIGH, . .. N.C JEEPS every thing usually kept in a first class Drug Store. . Fine Assortment 01 GARDEN SEEDS Special Attention to All ; Mail Orders. L. Gi GILL - RALKIQU, If. C. i r : i CLEANED OH ALTE0ED Smith s Gfife Jainnies