f fen VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY FEDRUAaY IOt 1911, HosO JrlJIi te. i o t f I i MAGAZINES PROTEST Claim That Rate of Four Cents on Magazines Would Bankrupt Them. PECIPROOTT .WITH CANADA Congress Flooded With lotions Fa TOiing and Opposing the Pleasure ftlll Talk of Kvtra Hew km ofi Conre Prominent Republican Comment on the IXcmocratic Dem agogic Position on Pre Text-Books In Common School. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Feb. 14, 1911. The proposition of Postmaster General Hitchcock to increase the postage rates on magazines from one cent a pound the rate which is now paid by magazines and newspapers to four cents a pound, has aroused a storm of protests from all of the leading popular magazines of the country. For the last day or two Washington has filled up with repre sentatives of these magazines who are appealing to the members of Congress in both Houses. They de clare, and produce figures from their books to show, that such a rate is confiscatory. A report is being circulated that the purpose behind this proposition to Increase rates Is to drive certain magazines that favor reform meas ures and which have been supporting the position taken by the National Progressive Republican League out of business. There are some who be lieve that if these magazines become embarrassed that large financial in terests would buy them up when they had reached the verge of bankruptcy, and this belief was strengthened by the proposition that the increased postage rate from one to four cents should be operative for only a year as trial. Of course, this suggestion is indig nantly denied by the Postmaster General and those who favor his plan. The positioa of the Postmaster-General is that he wants to wipe out the deficit in the Postofflce De partment, and that this deficit is caused by this low rate of postage which has been given to the maga zines. No matter what the truth may be as to the proposition and the va rious views with reference to the same, yet it seems to-day as if the Congress would not approve the In crease in postage rates. Indeed, this evening the representatives of the magazines who are is Washington j declare that they have won their fight. Reciprocity With Canada. Congress Is being flooded with pe titions both favoring and opposing the reciprocity treaty with Canada; besides, the national capital is full of people who are both favoring and opposing the proposition. On this question party lines are badly di vided. All of the farmers' organization of the country are protesting against the reciprocity agreement with Can ada on the ground that it takes pro tection from farm products while leaving protection for manufactured products. They charge that this is an effort to reduce high prices, and that this effort is directed almost solely against the farmers. On the other hand, it is suggested in certain quarters that the farmers seemed to vote with the Democratic party in the last campaign as a protest against high prices while they were the chief beneficiaries of the same, and that this proposition Is simply to comply with the voice of the people, includ ing the farmers, as expressed by the last election. The North Carolina delegation in Congress is very much divided on this proposition. As a rule, the Congressmen from agricultural dis tricts are opposing the reciprocity treaty, while those from city districts are favoring it. Of course, there are a number of Congressmen who have taken positions for or against the proposition, regardless of whether they live in rural districts or In dis tricts where cities predominate. Extra Session Still looms Up. With all of these questions and with the permanent tariff board prop osition and many other important questions yet undisposed of, it begins to appear that nothing less than a legislative miracle would be neces sary to prevent an extra session of Congress. The leaders on both sides and in both parties are making stren uous efforts to harmonize their difr ferences so as to prevent an extra .session, but there are only a few days left, and as each day passes' the solution of the situation does not ap pear to be any ne&rer. It As under , stood that President Taft will be cer tain to call an extra session if his -reciprocity treat alls. The Free Text-Book Proposition. A prominent Republican of North Carolina, who waa here to-day com mented with earnesiae and Intel! official. If we arc to judge the Dem ocrats in the Legislature to play pol itic! over the proposition to furaUh the children of the State with free text-book In the public schools. He said that the action of the Dem ocrats In the Legislature in refusing to pass a bill applying to the whole State for free text-books, bat declar ing that they were willing to pass such a bill for the Republican coun ties, would not fool the people of the State. He said that he was from a Republican county and he would be glad to have free text-books for his county alone, provided the Legisla ture would establish local self-government in his county and allow the Republicans of his county to elect the County Superintendent and the Coun ty Board of Education. Continuing, he said: "But I am not In favor of having a Democratic Legislature to pass a bill of their own framing and wording to apply to my county as to free text-books, while the management of the schools In my county is left in the hands of Demo crats appointed by the State Democ ratic ring and my people are denied the right to select their own school ojcials. If we are to judge the Dem ocrats by the action they have al ready taken In the Legislature on this matter, then the Democratic of ficials in my county would try to make the free text-book proposition work a failure in my county for pol itical reasons." POWER DEVELOPMENT I.V OAROLINAS. THE! There is 300,000 Horse Power Driv ing 152 Cotton Mills in North and South Carolina Plans for Great Interurban System. (Correspondence of Manufacturers' Record.) j Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 8. Dreams; of empire that fired the minds of the greatest generals in history have hardly been of more far-reaching scope in their effect on the civiliza tion of their day than are the plans for the development and utilization of the greatest forces of nature which are being worked out by Mr: J. B. Duke and his associates in the Pied mont section of the Carolinas. Under the name of the Southern Power Company this great interest has, with a present expenditure of some $13,000,000 to. $15,000,000, developed water-powers aggregating 101,500 hose-power and having a total of 300,000 horse-power avail able. At present, transmission lines cover a section 335 x 125 miles in area, with something like 1,380 miles of lines in the aggregate. The power from the present devel opment drives 152 cotton mills in North Carolina, located in fourty-five towns, and in addition power is fur nished for lighting the towns as well as providing power for small indus tries, and the power that runs all the street-car systems in , Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Salisbury, Charlotte, Greenville, and Anderson. The Duke interests have also enter ed the trolley field, the lines in Char lotte, Greenville and Anderson being under the control of Mr. Duke and his associates. The immensity of the Duke plans is evidenced in the fact that they are considering the construction of trol ley lines throughout the entire zone of present transmission lines, so that there will ultimately be an interur ban line reaching from Durham to Anderson, a distance of 350 miles, with a net-work of branch lines ra diating throughout the district. Lines are already projected from Greenville to Anderson, and from Charlotte to Kings Mountain, and plans are under discussion for a line from Belton to Greenwood or Abbyville, a line being in operation now between Belton and Anderson. It is not mere flattery to ascribe to Mr. Duke qualities belonging to a really great general. He has imagi nation, the gift of prophecy, and with an enormous executive force and ability of a most unusual kind. The work he Is carrying forward in the Carolinas is of world bigness; there will be no such interurban lines anywhere as his system when com pleted. The effect of his enterprise on the develoument of the section really staggers the Imagination. New and modern towns are already being built at power sites, other towns and cities will be constructed or re-constructed with the develop ment of his trolley lines and water powers, and there will come to the entire section eventually a degree of industrial prosperity and universal development unequaled outside of New England, If duplicated there. Why Hero State Judges if Not More ' Federal Judges? Lincoln Times. 3 Congressman Webb is opposed to any . more Federal ; Judges. How about any more judges here in a pro hibition (?) State? Ah, well When the Democrats get the Presidency, guess he will be for more Federal Judges. MARION BUTLER'S . BALH6H SPEECH: Greeted by a Tremendous Audience Uhere He Exposes and Denounces Sim mons, Daniels and Others. LYING, COWARDLY He Produces Proof Conclusive to Show That He Is not Som and Xeeer Ha Had Any Connection, Either Directly or Indirectly, With Fraud ulent C&rpcthag Bonds He Shows That Ttee Bonds Were Coo. reived and Engineered by a Conspiracy of Leading Democrat, and That They Looted the State, and ... " . mio juuenuiie ccvrvi j upwrur ot Mouaofii, iMateta, Overman and Others -ne Proved That Senator Vance Had Denounced Sins moos a Being an Uncrupnlon Politician and a Haa Unworthy of the Confidence of the People of the State He Showed How Daniels, W.U. Insr-iU, Ul Horded u ,U, D-Oi . To Had Befriended Him and His Widowed Mother, and Also How He Betrayed and Misrepresented Senator Vance to Hi, GravThe Speak- er Was Given a Warm Welcome When He Entered the Hall, Was Frequently Interrupted by Vociferous Applause, and Was Given an Ovation at the End of His Speech. (Continued from issue of February 2nd.) "Butler and Bonds' "We come now to discuss the real questions for which this meeting was called. So far we have been discuss- ing the real live issues in the cam- paign, both State and National, which should have been discussed by both parties through every newspaper and on every stump in the State, The rord of thA Democratic nartr for inrnmnptpnpv and hrnlrAn nromisps. and its failure to meet the people not only on its record, but also to state its position on these live ques tions, is why they have declared 'But ler, Booze, Boodle, and Bonds' to be the real issue in this campaign. 'Inasmuch as they have made me and the bond question their issue, then I have accepted them at their word and challenged them to meet their issue face to face. The cow ards have run because they know that they are lying. Since Mr. Daniels and Mr. Simmons have COnStltUtea the Democratic machine in conduct ing this campaign of lying slander, I especially challenged them to ap pear here to-day. If they were here you . would have an opportunity to hear both sides. It is not my fault that they are not here. Since they are not here, I will give to you and to the State the facts about 'Butler and Bonds' which they dare not deny except behind my back. "The editor of the Raleigh News and Observer began his campaign of '. lying slander on me by charging that I had accepted employment as coun- self from a lot of bond sharks and speculators and had brought a suit in the Supreme Court of the United States to collect a lot of dishonest, fraudulent carpet-bag bonds. This charge was made and repeated time 0f security and the income on the after time. I prepared a statement same, without taxing the people a showing the falsity of this charge, dollar. That security is so valuable which that paper refused to publish. tnat out Q it couii be paid the prin Therefore, those who depend entire- ctpai and tne interest of the first ly upon that dirty and lying sheet for mortgage bonds and also the princl their information, no doubt, are still Dal and the interest of the second fooled. - The Facts About the Bonds. "The facts about the bonds which I, as counsel, represented before the Supreme Court and helped to adjust and collect, are briefly as follows ThA hnnds knnwn tho vnrth Carolina Ten-Share Second Mortgage RondR' vptp nnt Mt-hnfr hnnds. There never was any taint or sugge- hifld tnat these were nonest bonds jer In all the several States of thej Raleigh, with request that it be re tion of fraud connected with these and that the state was not only lnj Union. It has always been a bad bit f erred to the Appropriations Corn bonds. They were not issued by a hoEor bound to pay them' but that I of political tatics and has often been I mittee. Republican Legislature. On the oth- er hand, they were issued by a Dem- ocratic Legislature, when Hon. Jona- than Worth was Governor and Dr. Kemp P. Battle was State Treasurer. They were not onlj issued by a De Hi eratic Legislature and signed by a Democratic State Treasurer, but they were advertised and sold to the pub lic and brought a hundred cents on the dollar, every dollar of which the State received. The State made sev eral efforts to sell these bonds at par, but failed to do so, and then it was that a Democratic Legislature, in 1886, passed a supplemental act au thorizing the issue of these bonds, in which it was provided that the State would mortgage ten shares a thou sand dollars worth of its stock in the North Carolina Railroad as curity to guarantee, the payment of each thousand dollar bond then of fered for sale. That act also de clared that this was done in order to enhance the value of the bonds and to induce the public to buy them at par. "In the suit brought before the Supreme Court of the United States to test the validity of taese bonds, Dr. Kemp P. Battle, the Sate Treas urer, when the bonds were issued, testified that he did advertise, these bonds and advertised that this se curity was . pledged by the Stat to SLANDERERS RAN f Not the RefmbUeaas lie Exposed ! . .. . . w i Not only every cotton planter and U, fr DUI T guarantee the payment of the bonds,; every railroad in th Cotton Belt ill Mr n"tl to Incorporate toe Nort& and be further testified that on the j interested directly in the adjudica-i Stte Company. stength of tMs security he was en-jtion of the cases, they are regarded he Judiciary Co rani tie rport$ ab,ed to seiI the bonds at a hundred j as of so much Importance that Judge unfTorabljr 3ttsr rrUUcg to cents on the dollar- Clements, chairman of the Commis-flh rlhu nd "Abilities of marrlsd ' we see that lf there was everfsion, himself will go South to hear! momen ed offered a tubfUtnU for an nonest Doaa lsaue r this State, ur any ?tner ?tate' and tnat if r the credit and hoaor of this Statel ab Peagea " Soa "im to pay aa honest debt, that it was in this case. A. S L A. A. 1 a. f A . . . The fact is' wnich everybody knows and which no one will deny who has: any regard for the truth, that the State could never have sold those bonds for a hundred cents on the dol lar had it not been for this pledged security which induced the public to;clared nlmself agalnst a Kerryman - ouy tne bonds. . The Value of the Security Pledged, Now let us look for a moment atL t. ' the security which induced the public to buy these bonds. That security j h f monv vooh haon rutlnr ? J v.v an income from this security (its stock in the North Carolina Railroad) large enough to pay the interest on the first mortgage bonds, and have left over $46,800 each year more than enough to pay the interest on the second mortgage bonds. Has this money which the State has been re ceiving and is now receiving ever been applied to paying the interest on those honest second mortgage bonds? No. A Democratic Legisla ture repudiated these bonds and re fused to pay the interest as it became due. .Years went on, and the hold- ers of these bonds not only received no interest, but the bonds became due. and still the State refused to pay. "When those bonds became due the State could have paid them out mortgage bonds and then the State j The samr UQfalr would have a clear two million dol-j advanUge of the party majorUy lars and more left over. T . , . . . I tQe Legislature to make as many "These are some of the facts that gafe Congressional Districts as possl were brought out In the suit before j ble, that animated Governor Gerry the Supreme Court to establish theand his fellows in Massachusetts a validity of these bonds. Is it strange a!"e.'SuP'?mi? Coxxll ?f 5hf Un!H ed States, with these facts before it, tue WUI" 1W"601 ""M he Iaal,1e ec U,W 1 n la?e Jncome from it which honestly be- luujeu io muse wag uaa ueea in duced by the State to buy its bonds? Is there a single honest man in the State who wants to see his great Commonwealth refuse to pay such an honest debt? , "Following the decision of the Su preme Court upholding the validity of these bonds and declaring that the State could no longer refuse to pay them, and could no longer hold back the valuable security and the income from it to those who bought her bonds, what happened? The very next session of the Legislature be ing the Legislature of 1905 pro ceeded to make a final settlement of se-l41168 bonds. The Legislature ap- pointed a committee, all of whom were Democrats, and Instructed them to confer with the Governor and the Council of State, to consider, the li ability of the State and to recom mend a settlement of these bonds. A report of that committee will be found in the House Journal of the Legislature of 1905, on pages 1,149 and 1,150. It recommended a settle ment of th bonds. The repcrt closes as follows: M4We believe this settlement ' is both honest and just, and we there- (Continued on Page 3.) fisrorce Tin cwstsfraai mn ft motto. Tjo Htm tsspnrtaat C3mm 'flsfrtn . i 3fwi ( rf Hoae Countf EsteUkicd Cut fotf t6trtt 0trt CtaW? rgriKLJ CI 3 t4 iuurrh Cuab timet Wataisttoeu D. CL, tVV 13, To? of the sou iarrunt r;-(IAnnTT! tTtPKTPt lA CTT in the si?taat and eoarrertoVet ! UAWlMfcU UUlAT5 & 510 Wfare the !&!m! Coamert Cos! mission to-day r aural for harisr at Moatts:ry. Ala-. bt&. ning oa March 3rd a&4 at AtUeu. G.. beginning oa March th. The rase are those of the Com mercial and Industrial Association of Union Springs, I .a., against the Cat- j traJ GrSl Itailroad. and Uaer carrier, and tbo Itailroad Comala- ilon of Alabama aialcat t& Ceatral . of Georgia Railroad ac4 others. Both cases effect the rates on the! shipment of cotton from every pn Of lhf Cotton ftlt in thm stS mt I only to &oinU of comnrmmlon bet trt!115 of t!M tot Kit CUltt i ZimtiuluM'toll "Bc i i- Und in Europe. The complaint in 11111 8chol l Ofeaioro. aa4 1 lh firt Caf a15 dUcrtml-j yeaUroorUJI nation sgainst cotton buyers, cotton 7 protiae domUory merchants and com press r. and Ue!ao4 make o!hr Irmsstat laprsve- second avers that the railroads in-? voke unreasonable and dlecrtmlna- tory regalations repecUn the trans-i 1 portation and compression of cotton. the testimony in themj "GEIlUVMANDEir OHIGI- XATED. Term Was Firt Ucd in MaArhu- Kelts and Means Unfair RedUtrict , ins of District. that Initiation $1,000 for the pay. Hon. Joseph Walker. Speaker of?,ent of U debt' P3 the House of Representatives of the Si1' ... Massachusetts legislature, haa de- j der of the gtate whea lhft Ujne CQme9 j to make a new apportionment un- ; Hot trio tact raneua T r msblni i VIa ttuuuuuuemeni oe cans aiieniion 10, the fact that this is the centennial place of the method of apportion ment which has come into use all over the country, and which is known everywhere by the name gerryman der. And that brings up the story of how the name gerrymander earn to be attached to this particular bit of political unfairness. A hundred; years ago Elbridge Gerry was Cbver-j unfavorably by the committee Tb nor of Massachusetts and was instru- bill reducing the cost of Pullman mental in having formed a Congres-j berths was also reported u a favors sional District consisting of Sails-' ble. bury, Amesbury, Haverhill, Methuan, j ran,, introdmoed. Andover, Middleton, Lynnfleld, Dan-i vers, Lynn, Salem. Marblehead and!, ,lke,: To provide nddiUonal-tltr- Chelsea. Tho creation of aueh district was so obviously for parti san advantage that it called forth a storm of criticism. Gilbert Stuart, the artist, while looking at the dis trict as outlined on the map, was re minded of a salamander, and with a few strokes of his pen emphasized the likeness. An editor of the day, to whom the drawing was shown re marked that it looked "more like a gerrymander,' and so that name passed into the political history of the country as a' designation for an linfair annnrtinnmpnt ! hundred years ago has made the eer- rymander part of the tactics of every I political party that haa had the now- so shamefully used as to cause the downfall of the party practicing it. Now that a leading figure in the Leg islature of the State which invented it has denounced It, and declared himself against it In its centennial year, it is hoped that his influence will prove sufficient to cause its aban donment there, and that other States will follow the lead of Massachu setts and banish it from the politics of the country forever. Exchange. G. Houston Dove Gets Ffre-Year SeiteMJo'Appeals. Sunday's Durham Herald says: "Judge Daniels yesterday morning sentenced G. Houston Dove, of Gran ville County, to a term of five years in the penitentiary for the killing of Joe Roycroft. "The attorneys for the defendant gave notice of appeal, and the bond was fixed at $5,000. Until yesterday evening it had not been raised, but it is the opinion of Dove's friends tnat It can be gotten up this week. He has some property, but could not lift that amount without a great sacrifice. Mr. Scrapplngtou: There would be fewer divorces if more men were like William G. Diff erdaff er. Mrs. Scrappington: Why so? Mr. Scrappington: He Is a bache lor. Smart Sat. , 17ITI1 TLT devU4 dtftfCSsS That kat IU4 Hm Civ e Cbttti Vrer Mlt9f Taa r I Merited IVoo Tm Osca. rd I afsvxral4irajNIWer g;,. rd (hat in ScaateXirw tksr tVn tloe, la th Sst TSssrsday, Peuur llobcood. of Cssilford tatrodaeed a Dl1 protl4ia for an aaaa3 eai Sator Sikes introduced oas a. rropliUnc lh tltO.OOt far ! flr"Proof State tmUdin. fthe bill, allowinr married weae t contract at If unmarried. The bill to establish Avery Oos&t? passed third reading asd was seat I to the House. Th bill for the relief of th Ap- I Pa,cnian Training School, givlax UfJ UUI Pviaing ror tfce creation ! of P1mont County was postponed to a later dny. A racMagft from Governor Kite bin ! recommended an addition in iv. clerical forr in th -m - of one aR!atant at a lalary of $900 In the Honae. Only one "bill vai voted on la th House Thursday and it was killed. Representative Marshall, of Surry, Introduced a bill for free text books to the poor children of the State. The bill requlric railroa.l. i null mileage on train. aiIC sawuuc ror tne Governor. Marshall: To provide free text, books for children attending pi bile schools who are unable to pay for same. Mr. Marshall asked that this bill be referred to the Committee oa ProposIUons and Grievances, (tat It was sent to the Committee on Edo cation. Thome: To amend the reviaal re lating to cost of criminal cases la Justices of the peace courts. Carr, of Durham: To appropriate money to pay off debt of Soldiers Home. Carr, of Durham: To provide headstones at graves of Confederate soldiers at Raleigh. The Committee on Pensions re ported favorably General Carrs bill to appropriate $10,000 to erect a monument to the women of the Confederacy, in Capitol Sonar at me bill to create Piedmont Cosn- ty failed to pass by a vote of ayes z, noes 54. Senator Cotten's bill establishing the Torrens Land Title systeia, warn reported favorably by the commit tee on Agriculture, but at their sag. gestion referred to the Committee oa the Judiciary. The following bills passed third reading. To tax dogs in Caswell Oouaty. Amendment adopted and bin sent to House for concurrence. To prevent the shipping ot live coots or rice birds outside of State.. Sent to House. ; To prevent loud or obscene lan guage in New Hanover County. En rolled for ratifleaUom- r Taxing dogs in Gastoa County. Enrolled for ratification. The bill amending the act as to the recorder's court fa Wilmington was the subject of a lively discus sion. The bill was finally passed. It allows the city to get rid of its present court recorder. The Piedmont County bin was tabled, which meant Its death. The following bills . ere tiitro dnced: - s . . i ' S. B. 630, by Mr. Hobgood: To (Continued oa Page t.)

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