CI ii ii ii' ii'' y x v i mi i i ; ; i s v i r f "v 1 i - r- VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 30. 1911. No. B2 -ii- JL JLLJJ AX V 70 K )) .-.igiijii up ii- 1 1 I 1 1 i ! wmni i iuwi iJUTIMWTO'jyiltWt-S'WVMMI1 W !lWiWBi':WIB'allTJ " ii, M- , npy!- irin i i wiw jimi ffc tfwii'in ijii i(g-irrwoM" ii"Viji m t,t,tn m. "" """ I """ "" . - m ii i ii ; : EDITORIAL BRIEFS And Progressive Democrat would be another new brand. They have reduced the size of la dij& hats but the price remains the am. Tbo extra session of Congress will rtat Tuesday and sorao predict it will last until "dog days." Then those progressive Democrats try to re-organize within tho party something is going to burst. lr. Cook talks about "the dogs of the editorial chairs." Dr. Cook Is probably fishing for more compli ments from the editors. Tammany doesn't seem to be able 10 fleet a United States Senator in New York, and still will not allow aay one else to elect one. If Justice and Daniels form a new Democratic party probably one of them will run for Governor and the other for the United States Senate. This war fever seems to be con tagious. Since Wilmington couldn't go to the Mexican border, it has de cided to declare war on the mos quito. A writer in the Charlotte Observer says that Senator Bailey preaches free trade and practices protection. But haven't the other Democratic Senators been just as inconsistent? If Tammany Hall can't have Shee han elected Senator they might nom inate him for President next time. He could be as easily beaten as any one else. If the Democratic Senatorial con test gets much warmer the mocking bird will again have to seek the tall timbers. A New England woman boasts that though, she is worth a fortune she has not bought a hat in forty years. That is probably why she still has her fortune. The Democrats are eo anxious to get hold of the money that they have decided the people must give in their taxes a month earlier. The New York Evening Post wants to know if Mayor Gaynor is a Demo crat. Can't tell you, since it has not yet been decided what is a Demo crat. The extra session of Congress will convene Tuesday, but the Democrats will have to rehash their campaign speeches before they can get down to business. Buffalo Bill, the circus man, wants to go to the United States Senate. If he lands he can engage Jeffries, Davis and Tillman and continue his three ring circus. A Washington dispatch says that a New Jersey woman has lost her teeth in the mails. She is now in a position to sympathize with the North Carolina anti-trust law. The Baltimore Sun refers to the leaders of the Democratic machine in that "city as political pirates. Politi cal conditions must be almost as bad in Baltimore as they are in North Carolina. A Boston paper says that "Peer less" Bryan spoke for two hours In that town a few nights ago and dur ing the whole time he never hesitated for a word. That Boston paper prob ably didn'.t know that talking is Bry an's long suit It must be that Senator Tillman wishes his party to commit suicide. He says he hopes the Democrats will tackle the tariff as whole, not In spots, but adds that every party that has tried to revise the tariff has gotten it in the neck. " Ex-Speaker Justice says that some "evidently belong to the Democratic party in order that they may con tuse its counsels and pervert its aims." And in passing It might be a!d that the class to which he refers now seem?to have the party by the mck with a down-hill pull. INSURGENT DEMOCRATS Much Interest in Washington Over Movement to Over throw Simmons and Kitchin. DEMOCRATIC PIE HUNTERS Saw Camping In Washington Wait ing for tha Distribution of Pie by the House Committee -Much IM satisfaction Among the Democratic Leaders Over the Chairmanships of the Various Committee A Divis ion of Opinion Over Tariff Matters -Mexican Situation a Much Dis cussed Question in Washington. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, March 29, 1911. The newly-ejected Democratic Con gressmen have been arriving here for more than a week, and, indeed, nearjy all of them are already on the scene for the extra session. The Sen ators and the older members of the House are slower in coming. The fight over committee places in the House has kept quite a number of the most prominent Democrats, who feel that they are entitled to committee chairmanships, on the spot contin uously. It is rumored that there is much growing dissatisfaction among lead ing Democratic members of the House over the unsatisfactory infor mation which they are receiving about their chances for 'prominent positions. There was a rumor to-day that there might be a fight started in a Democratic caucus to overthrow tho report made by the committe on committees of the new Democratic House. It is stated this evening that there will be a Democratic caucus held on Saturday night to pass on what will be done as to the commit tees, etc. A Great Rush by Democratic Pie Hunters. It is reported that the town is fill ing up with a small army of hungry Democratic politicians from one end of the country to the other . seeking for jobs of various sizes to be given out by the new Democratic House. It is estimated that there are already in town at least twenty applicants for every place. The Democratic Legislative Program. There is still much speculation as to what legislative program the Democratic House will adopt. One element is in favor of taking up the revision of the tariff on gen eral lines, and making a fight for po litical advantage and staying here, if necessary, all summer. Another element is in favor of tak ing up the reciprocity measure, with some possible amendments attached thereto, and letting general revision of the tariff go over to their regular session. Another element is in favor of go ing into the tariff reform business as to a few important schedules in cluding cotton, woolen and steel schedules, and letting all others go over to the regular session. These divisions of sentiment rep resents several more or less impor tant groups. In addition, there are individual sentiments, more or less different from these positions, from a large number of representatives. At this writing it is not possible to forecast just what policies will be adopted. The Mexican Situation, . There is - much discussion in the hotel lobbies and around the Capi tol over the more or less critical sit uation as to the future government of Mexico. - The Democrats general ly declare that they are in favor of investigating 'conditions and to chal lenge the right of the Government in sending down troops and threaten ing Intervention. ( Some Democrats charge that Wall Street is behind the sending of troops into the Mexican ' borders. There are others who charge .that still another element of Wall Street is behind the rebels in Mexico. There Is, of course, always talk that Japan or some foreign country was also iritefering in the situation which caused our Government to take such prompt and vigorous action. L It is proper to state, however, that the general senliment of the taost conservative, and best' informed mem bers of all parties is that the Presi dent has acted with due .considera tion and with just caiise, and will be vindicated when - ; all v the facts are known by the Democratic House as well as by the Republican Senate. W The Democratic Insurgent Movement C ; : : in North Carolina. , : . : , No little interest has been develop ed here by .- the Information thai there ? is being organized by' some body what is called a "progressive" (Continued on Page 5.)' MAM ... Greeted by a Tremendous Audience Uhere He Exposes and Denounces Sim mons, Daniels and Others. LYING, COWARDLY SLANDERERS Rflfl He Produces Proof Conclusive to Show That He 1 not Xow and Never Ha Had Any Connection, Either Directly or Indirectly, With Fraud, ulent Carpetbag Bonds He Shows That These Bonds Were Con ceived and Engineered by Conspiracy of Leading Democrats, and That They Looted the State, and Not the RepublicansHe Exposed the Miserable Record of Hypocrisy of Simmons, Daniels, Overman and Others He Proved That Senator Vance Had Denounced Sim mons as Being an Unscrupulous Politician and a Man Unworthy of the Confidence of the Peopleof the State He Showed How Daniels, With Baseless Ingratitude, Ilad Hounded to His Death a Man Who Had Befriended Him and His Widowed Mother, and Also How He Betrayed and Misrepresented Senator Vance to His Grave-The Speak er Was Given a Warm Welcome When He Entered the Hall, Was Frequently Interrupted by Vociferous Applause, and Was Given an Ovation at the End of His Speech. (Coi tinned from last week.) Locke Craig Also Gets Jealous. "Another Democratic politician, who has been a standing candidate for every office in sight and out ofja sight, and who is reported now to' uan m ms lown maae a uovern be especially hungering to again try I raent depository. Indeed, requests his chances for Governor of the State of every conceivable kind come to me Mr. Locke Craig, of Asheville, da after da and ar week, has also become jealous of the lead- 1 have responded to all of these re ership of Mr. Daniels and Mr. Sim- Qt where the, cause seemed to me mons. As the campaign has pro gressed, it is noticeable that he has tried each day to deal in more dirt and personal abuse, in order to at tract attention to himself and to get, if possible, in the class of those two low grade hybrids, Simmons and Daniels. For some days he content ed himself by repeating, parrot-like, the base and slanderous charges and the low abuse which those, two men had originated, but within the last few days, judging from the reports of the newspapers, he has Mr. Overman, to , out-herod Herod. "He is reported in the Democratic press not only to have repeated all of the false and lying, charges about 'Butler and Bonds,' but to have gone even a step further and denounced me as being not a citizen of the State, but as an outsider, who dared to come in and dictate to the people, and also as having referred to me as not a North Carolina citizen but as :a cheap common Washington lobby-, jSk , a single case where I ever lobbied for Mr. Craig as a Hired Lobbyist. hIm, or against and charged a fee. And yet this man Craig, this self- "To this young, small-sized, itch- confessed lobbyist, who is now suing ing politician I want to say, that it for a fee that they say he didThot comes with extremely poor grace deserve, dares to refer to me as a from him to refer to me, or to any- comm0n hired lobbyist, (Loud ap body else, as a cheap hired lobbyist i piaUse.) I brand the charge as false even it the charge were true. With- an(J denounce the author of it as wil- In the last few weeks, the newspa pers have published the account of a suit which this man Craig has insti tuted against certain people, at tempting to recover a fee which he claims they offered to pay him for lobbying In Washington last winter and spring. The defense, I under stand, will be that they did offer to pay Mr. Craig a lobbying fee, but that he turned out to be so worth less, even as a lobbyist, that he did not earn - the - fee promised. The suit is for a fee for lobbying dur ing the fight over the tariff bill In Congress. . "While Mr. Locke Craig was in Washington as a self-confessed hired lobbyist (and . who is now suing for the fee which it is said he did not earn), I was also. there, and if I did any lobbying it was for the benefit of the people of my State, and I did It without charge of any kind to any one. More than one person from North Carolina, who were Interested In schedules In that bill that affected the welfare of the people of North Carolina, came to my office for con sultation and advice and help. Every one who came from the State inter ested in any schedule that protected the capital or labor ,of North Caro lina, go the benefit of my advice and assistance free of charge. (Loud applause.) Butler Has Always Given His Ass is t- c' ance to His Fellow-Citizens Free of Charge. "Fellow-citizens,' since this ques tion has been raised, I want to take this opportunity to say that no North Carolinian, either while I was in the Senate or since, has ever appealed to me to help him In the State or In any matter in Washington or, elsewhere, that I have not freely given him my time, advice and assistance, and done so without the charge of & single cent. When I am in my office in Washington, hardly a week passes often a day does not passthat some one from the State does not write me or come in person and appeal to me lina, and while I was a Democrat, in to help about some matter in tho In-J which party I was born and my an terest of the State or the people. (Continued on page 3.) wmil l "One will want a free rural deliv ery route established. Another will want a site in his town selected for Puolic building. Another will want just and proper. I have been tender ed a fee In hundreds of such cases, but never yet have I accepted a dol lar for such services. "More than once I have been ap- - Proached by two seta -of attorneys irom one town wnere tnere was a rivalry over the site for a public building, each side offering to em ploy me as attorney to assist them. In every such case I have looked into the facts. First;'- which site is most convenient for the Government ser vice, and most convenient for the citizens of the town. When that question was once settled to my sat isfaction, then I would offer to help that side and oppose the other. I would not be employed in such a case on a side I thought was not right, and on the side which I thought was right m . . - m whatever my Influence and efforts are worth have always been gladly given, and free of charge. I challenge any man in North Carolina, from moun- tains to the sea, to point his finger to fully making a false and base charge. As to the Charge That I Am Not a Citizen of the State. "The fase, cowardly and insidi ous charge that I am not a citizen of the State, that I am an outsider, and that I am daring to come into the State to dictate to the people how they shall vote, is being circulated, I am informed, quietly by many of the county and township Democratic poli ticians from one end of the State to the other. Only recently my atten tion has been called to the fact that the authors of this dirty campaign have stooped low enough to give or ders to, their local henchmen to in dustriously and insidiously circulate this story among the voters in their respective precincts. C "Fellow-citizens, what are the facts?, I pay more taxes in North Carolina to-day than a single one of the cowardly hounds who are bark ing behind my back and dare not face me on the stump. I am not a leech on society like many of them are. I am, on the other hand, a wealth-priucer. I am helping each year andch month to create a part of the wealth that has made this a great and rich State and which has made this the greatest and richest country in the worlds I am trying, and I am succeeding. In making 'two blades of grass grow where only one grew before., I- raise more cotton, more corny more pea3, more hay. more fruit, snore cattle and hogs, and sheep, than anyone of the lying das tardly " cowards who are slandering me behind my back." j(Great ap plause.) Why They Want to Crush Butler. "Fellow-citizens, this vicious and unscrupulous personal attack- upon me is nothing new. The Democratic ring is not; abusing and lying on me simply because to-day I am associat ed vwith the Republican party. They began this attack as soon as I first appeared in public life In North Caro- A ucnmoiE disaster One Hondrcd and Fifty Per- ish in Ucxt York Factory Fire. tlAIIY JIOED TO DPATfl ialtvSLrULen Girt tp I3erenthwf7 to lasja Des4l Ml tpoa t tl Boitding Kot Provided With Hre! C.09 n4 fMtlf caSfeg Ue nsrspe levator I4hfi ad!dlh of M SSstl Worn Fire in Xew Vortt Sine.' Thm gr urfd at t U a. ts. t3 The Steamship earrai Was Horned la lXl. KewTork, March 254re huedred! A $ U w? and fifty souU nine-tenth of thetaf !ar,i!o1 J21, girls from the Kau Sl4e mere; Rrt?ea, " t0Jl3JL , crushed to death on the pavements,!. J U,UU,8f tety Ut ls mothered by tmofce, or shrircled; eaaa rscew. criip this afternoon la the worst fire? 1 111 New Vork has known since the TORXADO DAJ&IGE steamship Siocum was burned to the! ' waters edge off North Brother 11-1 and in 1904. j Nearly all, if not all. of the victims wre employed by the Triangle Shirt- waiit Company on the eighth, ninth! and tenth floors of a ten-tory loft 1 Monroeville, AJa., March JTv building at 23 Washington place, onfTwo men were killed 14 29 pfftosi the western fringe of the down-town! 'ere Injured by a tornado which wholesale clothing, far and millinery wept through this part of tfce EUU district. The partners of the firm.f ytrdf evening. At Joeet Mill, Uaac Harris and Max Blanch, escaped l Stephen Byrd sad Alexander Sfe unscathed from the office on the tenth j Croy, farmers, were killed acd IS floor, carylng with the over an ad-j Persons more or less serfoosly hcrt. joining roof Dlancks two young) Several buildings were blown down daughters and a governess. There Und a cumber of persons injured at was not an outside fire escape on the j Excel. 'At MaaUte, Ala., Dr. 11 1L building. j Harper and Miss Alice Lambert wero How the fire started will perhaps badlr ourt never be known. A corner on the! fUUzard Sweeps Washington, Pa. eighth floor was Its point of origin1! . and the three upper floors only were! . Washington, Pa.. March 27. -A swept. On the ninth floor fifty boi-nn"rd iwepl "hlct0 ies were found; sixty-three or morei0 to-night and the thar persons were crushed to death by ' nmmeter dropped 30 degree. In eight jumping and more than thirty clog-! h,oura 8,fy f dcks at McDoa ged the elevator shafts. The loss tojald were lwl-" cauatnAT lota ot property will not exceed $100,000. j 125.000. Oil operators announce Pedestrians going home tnroU5hj tnat the wrecked ttrnctares will ba Washington Place to Washington! " ii-n teei ones, ai 7ccs Square at ten minutes to 5 o'clock.) bur tombitone were picked ap by were scattered by the whiz of some thing rushing through the air before them; there was a horrible flop on the pavement and a body flattened on the flags. Wayfarers on the op posite side of the street shaded their eyes against the setting sun and saw the windows of the three unner floors; of the building black with glrls crowding to the sills. There were no fire-escapes "Don't jump! Don't Jump!" yell- . . t. . A alternaUve. The pressure of thfe! maddened hundreds behind them and tjie urging of their own fears were too strong. They began to drop to the sidewalk in a .terrible rain of flesh and blood. Four alarms were rung within fif teen minutes. Before the engines could respond, before the nets could be stretched or the ladders raised, five girls had fallen from the eighth and ninth floors so heavjly that they broke through the glass and iron roofs of the sub-cellars and crashed through the very streets into the vaults below. In an hour the fire was out; in half an hour It had done its worst; probably the death list was full In twenty minutes. , , Seven hundred hands, 500 of them women, were employed by the shirt waist company. They sat in rows at their whirring machines, the tables be fore them piled with flimsy cloth, the floors littered with lint, the air country are credited to the two coa itself full of flying, inflammable dust. cerng Ia tne lagt few yeart an explosion. Operators died In their A UnIteT sutes coambsloaer held chairs, their lungs seared by Inhaling ArcaU winner In $7,000 bail for the flame. Others were crowded Into the Fcdera! grd jary; Emmett a Wis elevator shafts after the cars had Eer ,a 5000 bail, and G rover, & made their last trip. Still others Tmu jn ti,500. were pushed off In the inadequate in- werc comraUted to the TtaaU terior, fire-escape. Tne caarge the mails to de- " In such a horrible stream did the fraud by selling wortMess stocks, bodies overthrow from the windows The specific charge I that the Wis that the fire nets, stretched by thef ners through mail correspondence first companies to arrive, were ioon: gorged beyond capacity. Twelve bod ies weighed one net to the bursting point, but the bodies kept on thump ing to the pavement through meshes that could no longer support t&em. "JImmJe" Lehan, a traffic f squad Doliceman. dashed no e!?ht flfehts nf stairs when the fire was at Its height,! braced his shoulders against a barred door and burst It In. I He found a score of girls mad with fright. He ordered them down the smoked-filled stairways but they balked. He used his club and beat them down to safe ty. - Not one of the number perished. Big Steamship Jin to Operate Be tween New Orleans and Brazil. . New" Orleans, La., May 2 7.-Bra-zil has tentatively agree dto co-operate with New Orleans and other Mls sissppL Valley cities In establishing a $3,000,000 steamship line between this port and BraalL?;" The South American government will send a representative to this city to Investi gate the feasibility rf the project. f. Aifes&r, s Hanife it, rim jteitttef xttf !o4y dtnsTis ii ! swept by a hl& lad &cims Izut ctlKK roarts to i!e c44 wIsul Two Men Killed and Twenty tnjered in Alabama Stora Xtain Jlcf U Damage la IVnajylvanU IttUs&rd t WhlaguB, ls. the wind ana carried from a ceme tery Into a road some distance away. Philadelphia. Pa., March 27 A severe electrical storm, accompanied by a high wind which at times blew with cyclonic force, swept over the Northern section of this city shortly aftt; 6 o'clock to-night leaving de- tmctlon and death In Its The Pol,c tAt,on at Tacocy was demolished. The evening squad of PolIc n"nJ?PtlJ?JXlZ for their, beats when the roof of the ,llTmr. wa blown off and every window broken by a sudden burst of wind. Many houses In this auction were unroofed or completely demol ished. In the manufacturing district of Kensington leTeral factodei were de stroyed, while numerous, buildings lost their roofs. Til BEE STOCK BROKERS AR RESTED. Plared In Jail on Charge of Using the 3Uils to Sell Worthless Oil Stock. New York, March 27. In a raid today on the stock brokerage offices In Fifth Avenie ncctipied by Wisner & Company and te Standard Securi ties Company, pr-MoCce , inspectors charged that Irregularities amounting to more than $2,000,000 had been brought to lleht. Transactions in ex- of throarhont the rcpreiented to stock purchasers that the California Diamond Oil Company was actively at work when as a mat ter of fact,' according to the charge, the company was dormant and had lost title In 1908 to the property it was claimed to be operating. Twenty-two Piowr Manufacturing Companies Merge. Mollne, III., March 2T-A merger of 22 plow manufacturing coapiales Into one corporation with a capitali zation of $50,600,000, was announc ed to-day "at the offices of Deere tz Co. The name of the consolidation will be Deere 4k, Company, and Its headquarters will be In Mollne. The concerns which comprise the new company have factories in sev eral States and Canada and the scope of the industry will be eactended to include the manufacture of all kinds of . Implements.' M: l ; . ' . -.;rA'V feature of the consolidated In dustry will be that employes will, have an opportunity to acqulro stock. '

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