SK?TJB H'K A ' J L. P ! SI V Jg II VOL. XXIX. ' "JIW""!J-' - i in in. inn .. i TS, ' M - - RALEIGH EDITORIAL BRIEFS) WU1 J Ex-Kev. Bob Glenn may form a party to run hJra for the Sea- ;;:; many Hall still run a New y .rk Ik moeracy, but it cant ran this Many Changes Made In tin? Railway 3IJMI Service. 31. , N C. THURSDAY. APRIL 6, I9II. TIIE EXTRA SESSIOIJ No. 10 -woeja.eera to !&ikai a to.; phesidhits ssr.aiisttiit uaunpuuk trie Fint Demo-fi " J tx ta usiih Wh fe4 : rutk i?7ni ima to. : fee coaidr4 try the " N.w that the Democrats have Con they can't decide what to do a it. 1 1 s'-eras that he "Progressive l-r:;orata" are after Senator Over- Governor Kit chin Is now a "Red Simmons can now look out Indian war dance. for the borne of the politicians say that Kimraons is now a good Republican. Well, hardly a good Republican. Th Democratic officials have In enised expenses and now you may oxpect them to increase your taxes. era tic Speaker in Sixteen Years. MMfN unionmr leader I tpec-ii Deiaocrtle Jlosw dir &ot tatted' t fcsseadseats 'to any. of the railroad Irate regulation law foraerty jhj! Wa&hlngton, D. C March Drastic action wat tkn to-clglit by! Postmaster-Genera! Hitchcock in f-J feeling a re-organization of the rail-s way mail terrice. a round dozen of j change of th most important offl-j cers In the senric Wf re made by Mr.j Hitchcock as a result of a long and consideration. The most imoortanr The TentaUre IToOTm Ontlitw hr V11 Uwi oa ubjeu a: ' 2 w - - , r 1 V IMaMmI Aia a. . A M. I 3 MravMrsi aiiu yii ail oi tar 1 democrats lkKsi Xot Iclcidc ol Cosfresj Yesterdiy at Iloon t?k' f -II-4t t ,an tt&tjt ilia mm4 Viiuuxu if rirr. I y$t a4 nl f If 8 bf RepaUicaa Coarrwarfi, or to b llepuMieaa aaU-tnuti law, in thii! A uemocrmti 4&ott&c4 Use VEIIY SHOnT UESSAGE I that the But If they succeed In closing up all the blind tigers, how will the Democrats run their next campaign? Rven if they form a Progressive Democratic party they will probably have to label It so you will know it. It is to be presumed that ex-Speak er Justice will not help the Demo cratic party fight any more sham bat ties. The Raleigh Times says Washing ton is full of Democrats hunting pie. Thought the Democrats , were not pie-hunters! Candidate Locke Craig is probably losing sleep trying to decide which one of the forty-seven varieties to line up with. When they have to force a Demo crat to run for an office you may know he thinks there is no chance whatever for his election. "Progressive Demo may have to , force 6ome of the crats" say they Mr. Aycock to run for the Senate. Well, that would be too bad. change is that of Theodore IngalU, of! Kentucky, superintendent of the di vision of rural mails, who was .ap pointed general superintendent of the railway mail service in succession to Alexander Grant, who was demoted to St. Paul, Minn., as a division superin tendent. Other changes were divis ional. The affairs of the railway mail ser vice were overhauled thoroughly by Mr Hitchcock personally and the out come is the most sweeping change ever made in the history of the rail way mail service. While signing the necessary orders? to-night for the changes, Mr. Hitch cock said: "The railway mail service has suf fered greatly from poor management and lack of supervision. In certain of the divisions it was found that the chief clerks had not been inspecting their lines as was their, duty. Some of the routes had received no Inspec tion for several years. Instruction from the department indicating im provements as for example the prop er consolidation or, mall matter and the conservation of equipment re ceived only perfunctory attention. There has been a lack of co-operation also in carrying into effect certain re forms which I had indicated, and U was made evident by the inquiry that no proper spirit of co-ordination with the department existed in the railway mail service." The necessary transfers will be made as quickly as possible. the Any Amcndmcnu to Railroad Rate Regulation Laws, or to the 'An ti Trost Law, Which the Democrat Thought Were so Important Before tho Election Ways and Means committee Announces Committee Appointments A Hot Democratic Fight in the Senate, (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington. D. C, April 4; 1911. The opening to-day of the Sixty second Congress, called into extraor dinary session by President Taft, was not marked by any unusual incidents. President Taft did not send in his message to Congress. It is under stood, however, that the message of the President will be short and con lined entirely to reciprocity with Canada. refulatioa of the railroads that hasj een had in this country and ai! l lb prosecution f trust that feasj ver occurred since the foundation J ot the government have bea under J the laws enacted by, Republican Con-j gressmen. j Xoth Carolina Fares Well on Com.? mJUeea, limit 0!y l ith the Canadian !W mill , A4ut tmriary ? It is also understood that the Presi dent will call the attention of the Democratic House to the fact that a tariff board, authorized by Con gress and appointed by him, is now investigating the differences in the cost of production here and abroad as to each article covered by the tar iff, and that that board will be able to report on a number of important schedules by the opening of the reg ular session in December, and that he will suggest that it would be wise inot to act in the dark, but for the rrr the Immediate Iasa of! WaiUsts. Anl 4 CrU th imi-y th tX for f o XmTut uy J meat U lnrely Ikooomie and Oo- Trmtssry, t&zk t- cta t& ct mettte-Sbmimt Mem Ever Jaty Xhm -:!rtl4ftt tay. 'iTfce ta a 4ataUttil fey Ct et to Any Opening o CVnrreaaf W. 11, Crook. vtras dUsralas fif- Washlnnnn n n ' ?Cf ot lh l lmliat . . . -. . . v. W- , -T r m , idnt Taft twl.r n . Aarww rcrle m? ayaana Means committee l iJZZ 7" ! asotst thoi tmzU "Mtv" eiea oy a prior Ueiao- . , " -.- - jtc-jfoj fm 0 tvij ap. 11. . . . ! C ration of !hn M nnvH ntrt ritw t 44 v.auc caucus, announced 1U liiU oZinmr 7 t -'rS'r ",,aJI'.M aaid tha Prlit td va!t committee chairmen and members of the various committees. On this com mittee Is Congressman Kitchln, of North Carolina. It will be remem bered that Congressman Pou was formerly on this committee and claimed the right to be continued on it. Mr. Kitchin contested this right, and after a -fight defeated Mr. Pou, Or rather as a result of the fight Mr. Pou withdrew from the contest, and Mr. Kitchln was appointed. ! It was announced at the time that Mr. Pou woud be given his choice of some of the more important chair manships. Soon,, following this 'an nouncement, it was stated and pub lished that 3Ir. Pou would be made chairman of the Committee on the District of Columbia. , In a fewr days there was a denial of this announce ment, Mr. Kitchln contending that! no such agreement had Canada. He urged the paaaaee of it.Ti lions. The message was the aborted .. rVrtJt ever seat by any President at the; tary, leave the WhJta lieu to fet ching of Congreaa. conUinlnToni; f?Il uaTf " 578 words. Reciprocity wa the only Xli T.Y issue taken up by the President, L"0,. ?.f 18C! The message wa sent to Congress " Af:tUal &rT of immediately after it met at noon to1 "f alio took tha oath f day and a ftef routine bualneas in the . ,IU iUCce"or Senate had been dU posed of. the! T Ury iQ crJ Vtagh haa at reading of the menage began Mlf ' . Aa the Junior AaaUta&t Secretary Tfe Mesage. j cf the Treasury, Mr. Railey will b To the Senate and House of Repre-. SecreUrX. MwVeagVa right ha&d senutives: . maQ ,a ?TcraI of the most Important I transmitted to the Slity.first Con- of Treasury. H will gress on January 267 last. t"e ten bV tmm1 of th. of the reciprocal traie Wml .itftU9U which had been negotiated u ,IffTinft,rrTlCn ftCl,0a Cf direction by the SreJrV oi " ltrT with th mnmcnuH 1 rrlce nd the secret service. J. W. NAPIER AGAIN ON TRLAL. This Time on tlie Charge of Substi tuting Past Diamonds for Real Ones, and for Using the United States Mails to Defraud Jewelry Firms, , Congress to wait for the report of this commission giving the facts. Champ Clark and His Speech to the ' House. When Champ Clark, the new Speakerthe first Democratic Speak- t . . ... 0 . VS minion of Canada. Thr. a,r- ,a,,cJr wa lormeny a wata- 1 oeen made. .. " -".vv, in-ton t,.,, it A little later there was a further an-! 7" lDe, c!fumalIon of earaesl work as a ncMenifr bor riouncement bp Mr. Pou that he had I lrts' extnd,nK over a period of near- r a a mr W began ifot been forced off the committee on ways and means, but had been retired vrith an understanding that was sat isfactory to him. Pou and Godwin Get Chairmanships. I It now , turns out that Mr. Pou is well provided for. He is made chair man of the committee on claims, and 13 also made a member of the im- f ortant committee on rules. Major Gaynor is now defending the New York police force. The mayor is certainly taking a heavy re sponsibility on his shoulders. The tax assessor is now abroad in the land and you will probably be surprised next fall to learn that your Property has increased so in value. The Statesville Landmark thinks the present system of municipal gov ernment a failure. And, how, about the State government as now administered. At least the farmers who voted for low prices for their products will geit what they voted for if this Demo cratic Congress gives the country free trade. Some of the food chemists have decided that pie is indigestible and a menace to the population. It will take stronger evidence than this to break the Democrats. - Bx-Speaker Justice says he is tired being misrepresented by office- jaolders and of fighting sham battles. -CUm " . un Mr. Justice took part In just cn a camDaifim last fall. The disappointed democratic of- Sce-seekers now in Washington might 3oin the army and proceed to the texican border if they -wish to show their patriotism and lof for their tountrj. The News and Observer does not ike some of the juries that have been Administering justice in Wake Coun If ths Wake County juries will Persist in rendering decisions with out first consulting the wishes of 'the pws and Observer, then they may yxpect to suffer the consequences. A Massachusetts professor has dis- r rea a way ; to photograph faoughts and predicts surprising usei Jilness for , his new invention. No ubt there will be many surprises ti 6 k TeJ0T th0SG usinS the machine, jt by the time it causes a few mur ers and Several divorces it will fo&ably be debarred from further iulness. Charlotte, N. C., April 4. J. W. Napier is on trial here today in the Federal Court. It is charged that Napier did unlawfully and willfully devise or intend to devise a scheme or artifice to defraud the Southern Express Company at Westville. S. C, by opening a correspondence with another person and did on or about March 15 cause to be mailed a let ter in a postoffice of the United States at Charlotte, addressed to Daniel Lowe & Co., Washington Street, Salem, Mass. The preliminary ' hearing of the case .was conducted in Charlotte be fore a United States Commissioner, J. W. Cobb, on October 25, 1910. It is seldom that a more interest ing case than the one at hand is re corded. Napier, it is -alleged, used the name of James Parris in deal ing.with Daniel Lowe & Co., of Low ell, Mass., and another large jewelry firm. From them he secured cata logues, prices, etc., of handsome dia monds at the same time securing from imitation diamond houses of Terre Haute, Ind., and other places, catalogues of stones, weights, cuts specifications and settings. Real stones and imitation stones in simi lar settings were then ordered. The real stones were handled by the Southern Express Company, C. O. D., after inspection and the imitation paid for in advance. Along with Napier, W. P. Duke was included in the warrant, but Duke turned State's evidence. The two men used the name James Par ris. After some comment Parris passed the treasure to Napier, who would make examinations under a jeweler's magnifying glass. Napier would substitute the imitation of ex actly the same size and kind, jwith identically fac simile of a tag at tached. Some flimsy Teason was giv en the expressman for not accept ing the rings and the imitation was placed in 'the box and returned. At the same time' the charge of fraudulently using the United tSates mails was preferred against Napier, he was also served with a warrant charging that he and Charles Quar ter had violated the Federal law re lating to the white slave' traffic The two men were tried at Greens boro in January and released, Judge Boyd holding that there was no vio lation. Quaster left immediately for the North, but arrived In Charlotte Monday, to testify in this case. ; B'ZZtr my other chairmanship which with very enthusiastic applause. . On Arrested for Using the. Mails to De- : n: ' .' fraud.- :-- Y-:-7 ;- ' - :" t"- - :v- "a. .." New Ybrk, April .4.- Postal inspec tors today raided the offices of m. G . Motley & Co., mining promoters, at ,32 Broadway, seizing 15 bags of mail and arrested Motley, who was subsequently held . in $2,500 bail, charged with fraudulent use of the mails. - ' a formal roll-call Mr. Clark was elected Speaker receiving the united vote of the Democratic majority, while the minority vote was cast sol idly for Mr. James R. Mann, of Illi nois, Speaker Cannon having declined t be a candidate for the minority Speakership. Speaker Clark, in his speech ac cepting the high office, outlined the pledges which his party had made to the people and the legislation which he thought was necessary to keep those pledges in good faith. The key-note of his speech is summed up in the following sentence: ' "We are this day put on trial, and the duty devolves on us to demonstrate, not so much by fine phrases as by good worksj. that we are worthy of the confidence imposed in us by the voters of the land, and that we are wor thy of their wider confidence." Among . the distinguished . Demo crats who were present to see the election and inauguration of the first Democratic Speaker in sixteen years, were William Jt Bryan, three times the Democratic nominee for Presi dent, and a possible candidate for a fourth nomination, and Governor Harmon of Ohio, who is 'being groom ed by the conservative Democratic eement for the Democratic nomina tion. The Democratic Program. The House Democrats met in cau cus on Saturday night to elect the chairmen and members of the stand ing committees of the House and to outline the Democratic program of the session. This work had all been prepared for the caucus by the Democratic committee on ways and means, which had been selected by a prior Demo cratic caucus several months ago. The program announced ta the caucus by this committee provided 'for doing a number of things besides considering the Canadian reciprocity bill for which the President called Congress Into extra session. The program includes the consld- eration of The election of United States Sen ators by the peope ; Legislation providing for, publicity of campaign contributions before and after elections; ; The re-apportionment of the House on the basis of the last census; , Investigation of the executive de partments; v The admission of Arizona and New Mexico; And some pop-gun revision of the tariff, including the woolen and cot ton schedules, and any other matters that may be authorized by the Demo cratic caucus. This report . was unanimously adopted by the Democratic caucus the North Carolina delegation gets goes to Mr Godwin, who is chairman of the committee on civil service re form. This is not an important com mittee, but some surprise is express ed that Mr." Godwin should pull off even this small plum of a chairman ship over the heads of the other members of the State delegation. The other members of the delegation, however, are fairly well provided for with membership on more or less im portant committees as follows: Mr. Webb .on judiciary; Mr. Page on appropriation; Mr. Small pn riv ers and harbors; Mr. Gudger on pub lic buildings; Mr. Doughton on bank ing and .currency; Mr. S ted man on foreign affairs; and Mr. Faison on merchant marines. On the whole, since North Carolina could not secure any more chairman ships, the Democratic members can not complain of the importance of the committee assignments secured for them by Mr. Kitchin. A Hot Democratic Fight in the Sen ate. t While the Democrats in the House seem so far to have adjusted their differences in a more or less harmon ious manner, yet there seems to be serious trouble brewing at the other end of the Capitol. There is a stiff fight and line-up between what is called the insurgent or progressive Democratic Senators on the one side and the conservative or Tory Demo cratic Senators on" the other. Bailey, of Texas, wanted to be the leader of what is called the Tory wing, but finding that there was no hope for his election, that element, it seems, compromised on Senator Mar tin, of Virginia. The progressive Democrats, however, have opposed his election almost as strongly as the election of Senator Bailey. Today, the progressives claim that they are in the majority and have twenty-one votes, while the Tories claim that they have twenty. The list claimed by the progressives is as follows: Bryan, of Florida; Chamberlain, of Oregon; Clarke, of Arkansas; Culberson, of Texas ; Davis, of Ar kansas J Gore, of Oklahoma; Hitch cock, of Nebraska; Kern, of Indiana; Lea, of Tennessee; Martine, of New Jersey; Meyer, of Montana; New lands, of Nevada; Owen, pt Oklaho ma; Pommerine, of Ohio; Reed, of Missouri; Shively, of Indiana; Stone, of Missouri; Smith, of South Caro lina; Terrell, of Georgia; Williams, of Mississippi;. Rayner, of Maryland. Those claimed by the Tories are as follows: . Bacon, of Georgia; Bailey, of Tex as; Bankhead, of Alabama ; Chilton, 1 V .1 VPar ntl fhn nrt rf hnt K rnv. ments to effect a trade arrangement,! which, supplementing as it did thej amicable settlement of various ques-1 tlona of a diplomatic and political character that, had been reached, would mutually promote commerce and would strengthen the friendly relations now existing. , The agreement In it Intent and in its terms was purely economic and commercial. While the general sub ject was under discussion by the commissioners, I felt assured that the sentiment of the people of the Unit ed States was such that they would welcome a measure which would re sult In the increase of trade on both sides of the boundary ines. would open up the reserve productive re sources of Canada to the great mass of our own consumers on advantag tous conditions, and at the same time offer a broader outlet for excess products of our farms and many of our industries. Details regarding a negotiation of this kind necessarily could not be made public while the conferences were pending. When, however, the full text of the agree ment, with the accompanying corre spondence and data explaining both Its purposes and its scope, became RlK Cotton Mill Merger In South Carolina, Columbia, a C. April 4. South Carolina's third cotton mill merger within a few week U now btlng made, the Issuance of a commission to-day to a $750,000 concern which is to take over the Dillon group of mills baring followed cioitly the $10,000,000 Parker merger and the $12,000,000 Smyth merger is the Piedmont "Dillon Mills" Is the style of the new Pee Dee corporation, which Is to absorb. It is said, the Maple mill and the Dillon mil! of Dillon and the Hamer mill of 1 facer, with, perhaps, certain agricultural, cotton seed oil and mercantile prop erties, and which may establish a plant for the manufacture of carpet and a fertilizer factory. Ilrfre Right to Cut Rate cm Patent Medicine. Washington, April 3. The right to "cut rates" in proprietary medi cines In this country today received the approval of the Supreme Court of the United States. That tribunal In an opinion by Justice Hughes, de- known to the people through the! dared that to do otherwise It would message transmitted to Congress. It was immediately apparent that the ripened fruits of the careful labors of the commissioners met with wide spread approval. This approval has been strengthened by further consid eration of the terms of the agree ments in their particulars. The vol ume of support which has developed shows that its broadly national scope is fully appreciated and Is responsive t r Vi nnnnlaw will " Resolution to Admit New Mexico and Llfl8 "on5e 01 uepresentauves or Arizona to Statehood. uie jsixiy-nrsx uongress, alter the afford the manufacturer of medicine an unlawful monopoly. The question of the right of a man ufacturer to control , the price of hi article to the consumer arose in a suit begun by the Dr. Miles Medical Company, of Elkhart, Ind., against a wholesale dealer In medicine la Cin cinnati, O., John D. Park and Son Company. Ida; Foster, of Louisiana; Johnston, of Alabama ; Johnson, of Minnesota ; Martin, of Virginia; Overman, of North Carolina: Pavnter. of Ken- ( Continued on Page. 5.) ful text of the arrangement with all the details in regard to the different provisions had been before it; a they were before the American neonle. passed a bill confirming the agree ment as negotiated and as transmit ted to Congress. This measure failed of action In the Senate. In mr transmlttinr message of the 26th of January, 1 fully set forth the character of the agreement, and emphasized it ap propriateness and necessity as a res ponse to the mutual need of the people of the two countries a well as its common advantages. I bow lay that message, and the reciprocal trade agreement, as integrally part of the present message, before the Sixty-second Congress, and again In vite earnest attention to the consid erations therein expressed. -I am constrained In deference to popular sentiment and with a real izing sense of my duty to the great masses, of our people' whose welfare is involved, to urge upon your con sideration early action on this agree ment. ' . - In concluding the negotiations the representatives of the two countries bound themselves to use their utmost efforts to bring ; about the tariff changes provided for in the agree- Washlngton, D. C, April 5.- -The first fight between the administration and the Senate insurgent to-day when - a joint resolution by Senator Norria Brown, of Nebraska, calling for the approval of the constitution adopted by the constitutional conven tions of the territories or New Mexico and Arizona and admission of those territories as State of the Union was Introduced In the Senate. There I little opposition to the ad mission of New Mexico as a State but Arizona has proved to be obnoxious to President Taft and many Republi cans Ja the House and Senate. of West Virginia; Fletcher, of Flor-fment J by concurrent legislation at Washington and Ottawa. I have felt it my duty, therefore, not to acqui esce In regulation of action until the opening of the Congress in December but to ise my constitutional prerog- Thlrteen Soldiers Seriously Injured in a Trolley Accident. San ; Antonio, April i 5. Thirteen United States soldier' were hurt, several of them perhaps fatally when a street car In? which, they wer rid ing turned over late last night. The injured men were rushed to hospit als and several of them .were able to leave within a few hours. Others are suffering from concussions and in ternal injuries which may prove mor tal. The trolley car left the rails, turnlngover. . Negro Cavalry to Be Mo red. Washington, Dl C, April 4. The War Department announced " to-day that the ninth negro cavalry because of friction in San Antonio, would soon be sent on patrol duty along the Mexican border.

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