n VOL. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1911. No. 16 f--V" EDITORIAL BRIEFS . : !, Webb-footed animals are ,'- r CoiiKrfKaman Kitchin. nifi ixn.vnrm; oTit urr. Whltn Furniture Omipnny Shir of SIMMONS' MISTAKE tell the Carload Mahany Furniture for t.y.fi r a l iu Di ti;. (;Tmmmt-xi a riw h. Will Not be Able to Play His Jected. Mebane, i plenty of Democratic pa i when there 1 good pay at- to it. whether candidate Mebane, N. C. April 2i. The early bird or the White Furniture Company has hlp-; ped the latt of ninety-four cars of: solid mahogany furniture for the ; :ar Department. This furniture; j went to every State in the United ? i States and Hawaii; Porto Rico, Phil-; i lppines, to the homes of the army j . j officers and was al! of solid mabogony : r.creHsman Kitchin'H speech was j throughout and of high clase. The ue purpose of taking the tariff j Government Inspector, Capt. G. I. ! Johnson, who hag been detailed on I this Job since July, left tonight for j the circumstances GeoJ Philadelphia. ? Pnlniio! Tlnkr.r Tlonntv Oiiarter- White might not want to run for j CJeneral of the United Statf..s Cards in Another Primary Tin: fif;iiTh ts m:w youk. Two NalUlHtry tttlti ' 'Wc. tf $0O by lrirttl Xtm MnewVt In York, New York. April S4.- Two mm ; " from 8.!b.rr. n c . it. n, d ABOUT THE MAMELUKES akcieht history When t Queen Was a Novelty in ypttan Politics t mo mux in: ,nutrm. lrifr4 Wtlh ) In tmkmmtem ? ttiW&S. Ulfcfeti it t"tli 4 St rwwIM I cutter I J. T. Morc&n. reached town Saturday AY COCK MAY ENTER RACE ; nubi with $soo in thetr rortet and farmed with two revolver, their ob- ! ,. .... ., . it..l 3t being to employ a cumber of (Canadian Reciprocity Iaed IIoo-M"! female barber and revolutionise the by a I-rge Majority. Hut Not by j barber busine in Salisbury. Mun- a Strict Party Vote Two More! Xo-j av orth several thou- land dollars, the larger portion of table CW of Democratic Inroa- f hlch wag MtUed upon hUn by the of Simmons. i'. it under sbtency Democrat Ilefux Economic Wlier it Strike Ttiem s to' Southern Hallway following a wreck ! on that road In which he was badly "Ilw 1rraatt 1 Ttrir lU-wutj xtS Kit Soldier of The in -AKowt TrTntOar- ititkito Ukrw m Mli Dirriots ami Cirow inia-tjt ftr I n Tatoerte tin Crrl ttiUup&iu. . Apt 5J.-Ckr i mtlh fcjf4f 1 11- ? totr J, 1!0, ac;fcf lt 4eVk 2rV etryt?ira5jfrr of tatwr&a Acltlofs of HtUce a&4 rrt late ta4y l ta fc4r Knight of M. John Were ltml tr cf ofcaliAHott lu tkii city. .:iiant Governor. army, and in charge of the Philadei- . ; ihia depot, has advised the shippers thf-y are going to increase the, tuat lie ha8 not reCeived a single filiation of property then they complaint of any kind whatver, and I ,1 U .1 .. t , .1 tJ.. a i ... t . ( lujurea. jkiorsau rayi ne i rei Iemocratic Free JAt Bill They; estate man. Are Still Protecting U,e Sugar? their way from Washington t they met a young chap who told them Trust The Appalachian ForeM Ite-j tnat ne na(j been Jn tne navy and i was tired cf his job, was out of , Correspondt nce of The Caucasian- Fighter ure tf Smyrna. (Continued from lau iMue ) Biikinsviiie. N. C . Apr. 21. 111. , ii'! lower that this is the only furniture con- . .... i ociuintnrn eh.mirl nnss ! tract of which this could be truly i : ;i.v to ij'tter protect the life of .. .;:()( king bird in this State. said. Such an accomplishment by South- ? ern capital and Southern labor should Mrve. ! work, a good fellow and would show (Special to The Caucasian.) i them all over New York. To this Washington, D. C, April 25, 1911. proposition they graciously con?ent- The Canadian reciprocity agree-ied. The taxicab bill ran upward of ment passed the House of Hepresen-! $23 in a jiffy, according to Munally. tatives by a large majority, but not The couple then took !heir guest to ! by a strict party vote. Both parties ;a theatre, where he was treated to mri-ssman Kitchin's reciprocity; I show to the world that the South ; divided on the proposition, each Con tje best seat and other things. After can make good furniture along with ! gressman being for or against theitne show they went to make up for h .van not reciprocated by some . the bcgt in the worjd. 1 cause of their past year's experience The majority of the North Caro-j jn a dry State. After ail this and measure as he conceived that itjthe lost time that the two Southern- wniilrl hnln rr hurt his. Cnn trrASsional s t ; , , .1 tnnif,tr ihan l. 5 Pontrrncc .. .. . " .. ;Clo icrt,iiru ao ..- - rrouMM iiifmiD iii vuub.w. When one considers tne magnitude District , of SUf.jj a contract and or so high a . i i Ihiltintrtn Sill Tl C:US T II ill . i 21 1 . , 9 V . . 1 " ' j graue oi luriiuure, mat &um ui lUc ; iina delegation supported the proposi-f gome more had happened, the three l ai ii' larw is not ua.iit-n. i.m. Cilrs ui rouii lumuei iusi as uiuu. aa j tion. Tnree oi tne delegation, now-; Wpnt tn the Hotel Taft Their euest until Dalzell gets after o,sau, uiat me couiraci. a3 -"-. ever, Messrs. Webb, Doughton, and ; who said hls nanie Was Fred C. Pres- pleted on the day agreed without the Gudger, strongly opposed it. They : nait went up to spen(1 tho night with i rejection of a single piece and with-jmade spirited speeches replying to tho xorth Carolinians. thinks the I" u iuuuiouii, i tne strictures maue agaiusL mem, auu Grief followed their lirst nap wail ('uneressman Webb m-iiiof ratic party is badly hobbled, and going in the wrong direction at that. t'ongressman Kitchin and ex-Candidate Bryan are about to succeed in reading a number of them out of the party. FHEF LIST IX CONGRESS. The Wilmington Star says there is really no politics in city admin istrations. You ought to move to Kaleigh or Charlotte. i jected to rigid lnspecnou di uwu-, others who supported tne proposition, when they awoke Presnait was gone nation as wen, ne can appreciate me . on the part 0i- congressman Kitcnin.and their bank rou and pjstols were efficiency of such a great Southern j Congressman Kitchin, in his speech j ago miSSjng. This note Pres nait establishment. I in support of reciprocity, went outMfr hhind- of his way to make a spirited attack! ..To my dear friends: am gorry upon Senator Simmons who has an-j l had to trim you j expregs my re nounced that he was opposed to re- j grets tQ you both j need the guns ciprocity. ! aiso go I will take them along. Hop- Comment has been heard upon j ng tQ remain yours, I am, X." Kitchin's speech, to the effect that hej Through the kindness of a physi may have been prompted in his at- cian livInK at the hotel and who said tack on Senator Simmons in his de-jthat be wag a Southerner himself, sire to help his brotner, uovernori dff f th further stay of the We might invite some of the Veathen missionaries to come to North Carolina and try fo reform the Democratic politicians. Some of the Democrats would like to beat both Simmons and Kitchin. Well, leave it to the Republicans and they will pick you a good man. Congressman Webb calls Congress man Kitchin a peanut politician. And to think that the Democrats have such politicians in their party! The latest news from the firing line between the Kinchin and Simmons forces is to the effect that all peace regotiations have been declared off. Mr. Bryan says it is too early to select a Democratic candidate for President. As a matter of fact, isn't it a needless performance anyway? Democratic Measure Now Before the House- May Not lie Acted on lle fore End of the Week. Washington, April 2 4. The Dem ocratic tariff bill including agricul tural implements, cotton bagging, leather, boots and shoes, harness, meat, lumber, flour and many other articles on the free list of the exist ing tariff laws of the United States came before the House just before adjournment to-day and will be taken up again as soon as the House con venes tomorrow. A final vote on the bill w ill not be reached before the end of this week, and House leaders are in doubt whether it will come before the fol lowing week. Chairman Underwood, of the ways and means committee, expressed the opinion in the House this afternoon that the debate will last four of five days and Republican leaders expect that will take even longer. Knterprie. After the asAisi nation ov lh? young ruler ov Kgypt. 8hajir Aldor, a smart but mor or ! wirkrd young woman, ttwame qu-en ov Egypt. A q ut-n u: then sort ov a novelty in Egyptian politic but created something ov a tlr in on way or another. MUs Aldor us in debted to the Mameluke f r her ele vation to the Ihrone. Ax the Mame lekes may not be mU known to awl ov your readers perhaps a brif f--nlitnntfnti will not lie out ov tdace. The heroic Sal.idln, the previous ruler had gotten up the oldler who were termed Mamelukes, and they camo ( rlginally from Georgia and Circasia, countries conquered Salad in, being a portion ov the large num ber ov prisoners taken by that war i like ruler. Even yet the inhabitant' or Circasia ar enoted for personal beauty. A few years ago life "Cir ! casian beauty" wuz a feature ov ! every well-regulated circus sideshow f in the United States, and they at i traded no little attention, especially! j on account ov the beauty ov their I hair. But automobiles and other second-hand junk hev destroyed the Tbr srra&t fr tit rret t 1nm4 cu an i&4ictmrt!t fsife4 by a CTafcS jrry la. After! a4 iff4 by William J Burt:, a ltctli. rotnpnaiM t l&4UtiKlU 4t tiviHk, Bum bt ost!4 tart t- r.Uht for tvtMi Afccrl tilth XJrNa. ra, Uoufnor Marahali httltf orrd result It Ion ppr. B-pon!bUtty for other 4 r u c tiv riplofiorm In dtSTeresl pru of the country toubl b placed at Ihm rrikult of an InvrttgatUm no la proicrc. Burn a!4 H ad 41 that J B. M Samara, brother of John J. MfKamara. and Otto MeGonlglo ?r tthlay di!itiHl br lb joilc fa Chi rago a hut inc Vnoedce of lht ctr-rumtanr- ot th Io Anfilca Tim- exptotun. lirgimiing f Jrtat Criminal PrMfs. rution. "Thl i the Wginnlnc of one of th great t criminal procutioat the country hai known." Burnt paid. After th arrest of McNamarm. Burns and other detrctlvr aearched the offices of the aseociiitton of bridge and structural Iron worker and de tained there other oRiclaU of th a soclatSon during the examination of papers and record. When tb? detec tives entered the office a meeting of the executive board of the organisa tion was In progre. The detective declined to y KUhh," In W. fight for ihe Senate, ..ndl"1"' ot th. old-f..blonI lm , whMh or Bot lh.y h.d Mw,M to succeed Senator Simmons. One! o ils0alW wMlce headquarters ! that 'ou and 1 5aw wh! "Idenc acaln.t MrS.m.ra In th.lr observation made was to the effect; "V d.We I.hmldt came ! . Ano br I, that be , tninttlm f .locution'. that the purpose of such an attack was so apparent that it probably and detecti over immediately. Te detective said ! that he hoped to make an arrest on would do bimmons more gooa manithe clue furnShed by the special re-harm. Two Notable Cases of Democratic Inconsistency. merican girl, even if she ien't bald- j ancr. headed, can buy hair and add to her; The warrant against McNamara own crop until her head iz az large j cnargeg him with murder and cora az a flour (barrel. After puttin on j ri,cty !n tre dynamiting of tb I-o a hat that cost a little fortune, a hat Angeles Times building and further at least three feet in diameter, tbe.nlkff,M thnt hl WjlB connected with Stopped Making Coflin to Kill a Man. j Americah girl iz plum out ov eight lhe cxl)0glon Qf the Lewelyn Iron When the bill providing for the! Bluefield, W. Va.f April 24. At j shure enuff. But I was tellin about workg( Los Angelen. December 24, publication of campaign expenses be-j cracker Neck, Russell County, Va.Jthe handsome soldiers called the 19 jo. Detertive Burn, in a Mate- Richard Ball shot and killed Layfell j Mamelukes durin the reign of Queen aftcr the arrcft of 3!cNmara Congressman Webb and Gudger have paid their respects to Congress man Kitchin and come to think about it, they were not so respectful either. William J. Bryan charges the editor of the Richmond Times Dis patch with being a tool of the inter ests. Well, isn't he running a Dem ocratic "orgin An exchange says that the North Carolina delegation in Congress are now in the lime-light. Yes, and in the next campaign they will try to use that lime for whitewash. Blind Horse Kicked $200,000 in Dia monds Flying in All Directions. New York, April 21. The tradi tional bull in a chinashop was run a close second this morning by a horse an aged and totally blind horse which kicked his way through two big plate glass windows of a jewelry store at Maiden Lane and Broadway and sent the $200,000 worth of dia monds in the windows flying in all directions. Precious stones by the tens of thousands of dollars worth were swept into the street, buried in masses of finely broken glass. Policemen had all they could do to control the crowds which pushed into the thick of the fray and watch ed the proprietors and clerks of the jewelry establishment in a mad scramble to pick the gems out of the debris and save everything possible. The jewelers said it would take an inventory to tell if anybody had scur ried away with any of the gems. fore the election was being pressed by the Democratic leaders in the House, an amendment was offered by Representative Johnson, of Kansas, a progressive Republican, providing that campaign expenses incurred in primaries as weli as at the election should also be published. This prop- ositon was so fair that it took thelof tne cniid. Democrats by surprise and was! adopted before the leaders could or- Another Deniocratic Presidential ganize to oppose it j Boomlet. Mr. Johnson nan snown now in a The Wilmington Star says the Democratic party is showing signs of knowing when it is loaded. Stiil it hasn't improved much as it seems the party, or portions of it, gets loaded every time they have a city election. In the Nation th Democrats claim to favor a reduction of the tariff. Locally they favor raising the tariff on what you raise in order to make you pay more taxes to mn Democratic "good government" in North Carolina. The Democrats now use dentists to extract stroing Ifeatures of the laws before they are enforced. Sev- eraL political dentists in the Legis lature extracted all he "teeth" from the anti-trust law and now Charlotte TV . democrats have elected a dentist for mayor. Xorth Carolina Girl Finds. Check in Bottle Cast Up by the Sea. Pittsburg, Pa., April 22. A check enclosed in a bottle and thrown into the ocean from a vessel off the coast of the Carolinas by a Pittsburger, on March 18, just to see if it woud turn up again, was received by the Lincoln National Bank this week. The check was for $1 and was made out to "hearer." Pearl Etheridge, a 11- year-old girl, of Kitty Hawk, N. C, found the bottle near Kill Devil's hill on th sea coast, april 12, and sent the check to the hank and the money was forwarded to her. Twenty Girl Students Made Sick from Oil in Milk. Coshocton, O., April 21. Twenty girl students of West LaFayette Col lege, were taken violently ill early today and President Back feared that an epidemic had broken out when it was discovered that college hoys as a prank, had put oil in the milk of the girls' dormitory. Physicians worked with the girls all day. Eighteen of them have recovered." The other two are still very ill. Expulsions will follow, if th guilty young men are discovered. number of Southern Congressional Districts there was no real fight at the election between the Democratic and Republican parties, but that the real fight to determine who should be Congressman from a certain dis trict was carried on in the primaries, and that at these primaries large amounts of money were spent to get the nomination, and that after that not a cent was spent at the election. There was no answer to this ar gument, and therefor no one at tempted to make an answer, but the Democratic politicians soon recovered themselves sufficiently to re-commit the bill, and when the bill appeared again this amendment had been stricken out without any reason or explanation. The progressive Republicans have ever since been twitting the Demo crats for their rank and bold incon sistency in this matter. Following this proposition, the Democratic majority put through a resolution to pay the members their twenty cents mileage rake-off and other important perequisites. Mr. Mann, the minority leader, twitted th Democrats by charging that they; had been crying loudly for econo-! my, hut when it cam to determine their pet perquisites that they voted themselves exactly the same that the Republicans had been doing and which the Democratic leaders had been denouncing as extravagant and unwarranted. The Free List Bill. Following these propositions the Democratic leaders prepared and pre sented what they called a free list hill. That bill is now under discus sion in the House. It was noticeable that when the Democrats brought in their free list hill and announced with a flourish of trumpets that they had Included in this hill only the articles covering the prime necessities of life that were largely used by everybody, and especially the articles controlled by th great trusts. 1 In running over the list, however, it was noticeable that sugar, one of the most widely (Continued on page 5.) McFarland yesterday because, as he j Aldor. The young men who com- faId further development were ex alleges, McFarland interfered with i posed that portion ov the Egyptian ; pected to disclose the perpetrators of him while he was preparing a burial j army came from Circassla, and with ex,,iogjons jtl this city. Omaha, Neb., casket for a child. Ball claims he! their fair, rosy complexions, their Columbus, Ind., and other place. 1 1 j r . tt cifrnH ! haoiiHfnl eves and h.iir. thev were in xireu 1 11 fceu-ucieuac. "c ouncuti-! , . . . t ,t marked contrast to the dark soldiers "' who composed the bulk ov the army.. Detective Burn superintendent of Twelve thousand young men were; Police Hyland and Chief of Delec pcrchased" by the ruler ov Egypt t!ves IlolUe tonight found erenteen in 1230 by the Sultan, Malek Selah, j. gticks of dynamite and two quart who had succeeded Queen Aldor cans of nitro-glycerlne In a barn near while the matter wuz bein consid-1 here owned by T. II. Jone. a itruc ered, for things moved slowly in ; tural iron worker, which Jone ay Egypt in the early days and a mat-j vs placed there last January by Me ed to an officer after he had complet ed the arrangements for the funeral Indianapolis, Ind., Apr. 24. Lead ing Democrats from over the State rret here tonight and launched a t er ov tnat kjnd might be talked for vamara. . -1 1 C T T I J dno . J ! . . . presiaenuai uuum iur uimcu , a generation Deiore nits nnai aaop- f Burns ays Otto Mctionigie, wno Senator John W. Kern, of Indian apolis. A Kern presidential club was organized and it is said similar clubs will be organized throughout the country. was arrested in Detroit yesterday told him where these explosives could be found and It was upon thi informa tion that the search a made to- Booker Washington and Associates May Buy a Railroad. Dallas, Tex., April 20. Booker T. Washington, negro educator, and negro financiers of the North are planning to buy th International Great Northern Railroad at the re ceivership sale to be held In Pales tine, Texas, on May 15th, according to a report printed today. It is said that Washington wilLattempt to op erate the road with negro labor ex clusively if he gets control. No Decision Yet in Standard Oil and Tobacco Trust Cases. WTashington, iApril 24. Another week will pass before decisions in the Standard Oil and Tobacco trust cases can be handed down by the Supreme Court. None was handed down today and the court announced that on next Monday a recess will be taken until May 15th and that the terms will end on May 19 th. tion. The Sultan caused hiz fore most military leader to take extra care in drillin the "pretty" soldiers, and they became th special body guard ov the Sultan. So far az I ! night. The dynamite and nitro-gly-know he wuz th only ruler whoIcerjne were found burled under saw selected soldiers because ov their j just In the barn, beauty. In such a case the soldiers j Joneg tbe owner of the barn. ald might justly be termed "band-box" f the explosives were placed there last soldiers, a term often applied to tbejJanuarr 3nd tbat McNaroara and boys in certain local military com- j other men made varJoug trjps to the panies in our own country. The j barn wlln BuU caseSr but De dJd oot Egyptian ruler certainly had a band . knQW tbe purpose cf their vliu. of beautiful soldiers. But like the Jones gayg lhat Mcxamara rented bU ancient soldiers ov Rome, they o-j barn and paid him $25 a month for ten gave laws to their masters. Cn- itg UE ,t u gjluated about t bree der the next ruler ov Egypt tbeiquarters cf a mile wegt of tbe cHy Mamelukes "entered politics," az we; Jn gearcning the basement of th say In North Carolina, became an bundnK where the union's oHces are impediment w iue 'j located tonight, the oncers found 64 eelf Sultan appointed Ibegh, one ov their ownone dozen 8mall aUrm dv, and a number, Sultan of Egypt. And tbejleather case made to carry a ten Mamelukes were strong for they j pound CSin cr nitro-glycerine. were strong, ror tney ruieu rsypt 263 years. j mher ArrPU 3Ud' Toward the end ov the twelfth They nnany assassmaiea inejgUckg (about 0 pound3 Df dynamite. 1, Turan Shaw, in 125 1, and j 2Q0 feet of fu&e -00 dyDamte cap. Appropriation BUI to Fight Boll Weevil. Washington, April 24. An appro priation of $200,000 for the purpose of fighting the ravages of the cotton boll weevil is provided for In a hill introduced today by Representative Tribble, of Georgia. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized by the bill to direct the work. New Minister to Switzerland. Washington, April 2 4. President Taft today sent to the Senate the nominations of Henry S. Boutenn, Illinois, minister to Switzerland, Ed win V. Morgan, New York, minister to Portugal, and . V. Swensen, Min nesota, minister to Norway. century BIbars and Naser Mahomet each tried a hand at rulin Egypt, but they didn't last long. t About this date the Sultan Calib wuz awlso on the throne, for a brief period, and hit wuz durin hiz reign when the city of St. John d'Acre wuz taken from the Christians. The attack wuz fierce and th defence brave; but the Mussulmans obtained possession of Acre, and the whole ov Palestine, in 1291, after much money had been spent and many lives sacrificed in the wars and victories ov the cru sade. Soon afterwards, the Knights ov Templars departed for Europe; but those of St. John formed a set tlement in the Island of Rhodes. From this secure retreat they made many short trips Into Egypt and caused much trouble, bein able to retreat before any considerable force could he collected to oppose them. Indeed, about this time the county (Continued on page 3.) Chicago, April 22. James' Mc Namara and Ortie E. McManlgal charged by detective William J. Burns with being Implicated In the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building yesterday. They were turn ed over to the chief of police and a detective of Los Angeles and left to night for Los Angeles. The men were arrested by Detec tive Reed and BIddlnger of the police department, who were assigned three weeks ago to aid Burns In his search for th men. Union 31en nave Officers Arrested for Kidnapping. ' Indianapolis, Ind., April 24. ' Walter Drew, counsel for the Erec tors' Association; W. J. Ford, Assist ant District Attorney of Los Angeles, and Frank Fox chauffeur, were ar rested tonight on affidavits charging them with having kidnapped J. J. McXamara, secretary and treasurer (Continued on page 2.)

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