7'3 H SI XI T VOL.. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1911. No. I7 1 EDITORIAL BRIEFS mocking-bird fear that ex- ::.r Ayco-ck may enter the en-j -.- - , ; race. !:; tf-t-n the tax asr-eor? ; worry, as will seel f i If.'nocrats in Congress arej a. regular wool pulling timet . ;-opie do the work, while the , : r.it'.'- politicians squabble over . . harem skirt may be all right, thy certainly ought to change The result of Tuesday's city elec tion shows that "Daddy Jim" Dor-.-tt is the real thing in Spencer. A man's vote may be worth ten iollarts, but the man who sells his vote is not worth a penny. Au exchange says: "We are what w. are." Guess that statement is true, strange as it may seem. Just think! If only one person had voted in the city election Mon day Josephus might have been mayor of Kaleigh. If votes are worth ten dollars a piece in a Democratic primary in Charlotte, how much are they worth ia State elections? Craig and Newlands are now in the race for the Democratic nomina tion for Governor, but there are still others to be heard from. Two men were sent to jail a few days ago for interfering with voters on election day. No, they were not tried in a North Carolina court. The House of Representatives is holding longer hours this week. If the members would cut out their campaign speeches the longer hours would not be necessary. They have broken up twenty-one blind tigers in Durham, and still the Herald says there is no scarcity of the fluid. There they must have had an over-production before. The Democratic organization in In diana have started a Presidential boom for John W. Kern. If they will get a good hold on his whiskers they may be able to pull him through. "la 1940 Asheville will have shak en off the curse of the blind tiger," says the Citizen. Probably the Citi zen thinks they will all be able to retire from business by that time. The Democratic politician, in Ra leigh who tried to win votes with chewing gum and bananas must have thought that the suffragettes and children would be allowed to vote in the primary. Birmingham papers claim that the commission form of government has saved that city $80,000 in two weeks. That may be why the Democratic pol iticians in this State are generally opposed to it. Three grand juries are now inves tigating the crime wave in New York, which is now raging under Democratic rule. Don't guess the mocking-birds are allowed to sing in New York either. Now some of the Democratic pa pers say that the protective tariff is "a local question." When the Repub licans were in control of both Houses those same Democratic papers said that protection was robbery! The State Agricultural Department has created another job known as as sistant agronomist. If you have pa tience and an unabridged dictionary you may be able to ferret out what ais duties are supposed to be. It seems that the Mecklenburg grand jury would not bring in a bill of indictment against the corrupters the ballot box in Charlotte just be cause the grand jury did not find con ditions any worse than they had been otner elections. Well does that maice the recent crime any less? TIMVKIJXG HALKSHAX HIW. CATim. I u Urn ah Car liomfd at I lock y Moan! anil Sr-teral Occupant Have S&r. row linear. Wilmington, s. C. April 2 7. Th Pulman cut "Yucca attache! to the Palmetto Limited, r.orthbound Atlas tic Coaat Lino train, waut burned at an early hour this morning at the do pot at Koeky Mount and M. J. Prob stein. a traveling salesman of New York, wa suffocated, while Flagman J. C. Hues and Mail Transfer Clerk W. F. Ireland were badly burned In assisting in getting the passengers from the car. The fire started from a leaking gas tank, being ignited from a lantern carried by a brakeraan. The alarm was at once given within the car and the sleeping passengers hurried out. It was thought that every one had got out safely, but when firemen went into the car to extinguish the flames Probstein was found and several fire men were overcome in endeavoring firemen were overcome In endeavor ing to get him out When removed he was breathing, but died a few min utes later, althought medical atten tion was at hand. Probstein was 30 years old and traveled for M. Flnkel stein & Son, New York. Ten passengers were asleep in the car, among the number being three women and one girl. Only a part of their belongings were saved. The injured men were carried to the hospital at Rocky Mount. New York, April 27. Mrs. Jacob Probstein, a bride of four months, was just about to start South to-day to meet her husband in Richmond, Va., to-morrow when she was notified by telephone that he had been killed. She left to-night with her father and brother-in-law to bring the body home. SAM. 11. UNDERWOOD RESIGNS. The Efficient Headmaster of Trinity Park High School Will Sever His Connection With That Institution Will Become Superintendent of Kinston Public Schools. Durham, N. C, April 30. Trinity Park School will lose its popular Headmaster, Mr. Samuel Bobbitt Un derwood, whose resignation is to be offered at the June commencement and which is now known to be in the hands of the proper authorities. While this fact is generally known on the Trinity campus, it has not been officially announced. At this writing there is no suggestion as to that gen tleman. Last year following the res ignation of Rev. Harry M. North, af ter his call to the Bdenton Street Methodist Church in Raleigh, Prof. E. C. Brooks finished out the term, and at the conclusion of it Mr. Underwood was called here from Hertford. He returns to the school work that he likes best. As head of the park in stitution he has been very generally successful and there is no objection able feature to the work. The Kin ston schools have been headed by Prof. Bruce Craven, who leaves school work to take up law, and Mr. Under wood will take charge of the Kinston schools. Mr. Underwood is a graduate of the 1906 class, winner of the Wiley Gray medal in oratory of that year and an honor man in his class. Mr. Underwood will, of course, complete this year in Durham and will take up his new work in the early fall. His going away will he a matter of regret. Though one of the youngest headmasters that the park school has had, his administra tion has been altogether successful. The Kinston people have as superin tendent one of the most efficient men to be found -in school work. R. R, SHOPMEN STRIKE. One Thousand Pennsylvania Railroad Shopmen Strike at Pittsburg and Altoona. Pittsburg, Pa., May 1. Without any excitement or rioting, 1,500 Pennsylvania Railroad shopmen un expectedly struck to-day. The grievance of the shopmen is that the company has been discharg ing men who have worked for the company many years because they belong to the union. The strikers and their sympathiz ers say that 10,000 more employees of the company will also strike. Later Report. A later report says that 10,000 men walked out on strike on Penn sylvania Railroad on account of the strike of 1,500 shopmen. Bridegroom Arrested for Beating Stepdaughter. Waynesville, N. C. April 28. Jim Davis, a groom of four weeks, is oc cupying a cell at the jail for brutal ly beating his stepdaughter of fifteen. He placed her head between his knees, then used three thorn switches on her nude body. The good citizens who live in the same part of the town as Davis put up the cash for a lawyer to prosecute him. DEMOCRATIC SPLIT On Protection or Free Trade for Raw WooL THE FREE UST A FRAUD (nuemor Wilcn Worrying the em tucratfc Ring Bumc Ring Hale 3!at lie Abo!ih-d fief ore the Peo ple Can Ituli The Wage of American Iibor Much Higher Than Difference In the Cut of Liv ing Here and in ling land Vital Facts Ignored by the Democratic Tariff Tinkers. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, May 2, 1911. The much vaunted harmony in the Democratic House of Representatives is fast disappearing; indeed, it is already In total eclipse. The member ship of the Ways and Means Commit tee, and indeed the Democraitc mem bership of the House is spilt wide open, with almost even division, on the question of free wool. Nine of the Democratic members of the com- mittee are said to be in favor of freej wool, while five members are for pro-i tection for raw wool. In addition to j this, it is reported that Speaker j Champ Clark has lined up on the sidei of the protectionists for wool, and itj is thought that a majority of the members of the House will stand with Speaker Clark for protection on wool. Speaker Clark Playing Politics. Speaker Clark is reported to have said on yesterday that there were enough States that were either now Democratic or which could be carried Democratic in the next election to control the Presidential election which were for a duty on wool, and that it was necessary for the Demo cratic House to stand for this duty in order to have a chance to elect, the next President. j This statement from Speaker Clark j is significant, inasmuch as he is an j avowd candidate for President, and ; inasmuch as the question of the eleS ; tion of a President has completely! overshadowed the Democratic the-! ories for free trade. j i Democratic Inconsistencies on Wool, ; Etc. ' It will be remembered that the; narf. nf thr nrpspnt T?fnnhlienn tariff I that was most viciously assailed by the Democrats in the last Congress was the woolen schedule. To judge from the speeches made by Demo cratic Congressmen then, for cam paign use, the Democratic party was solidly for free wool. Now, not only every Congressman who is from a district that raises wool seems to be in favor of protection, but here comes the Democratic Speaker and prospective Democratic candidate for President, whose State produces but little wool, who wants, to save the woolen States to the Democratic par ty by giving them protection. It is true that all Democrats fav oring protection on wool pretend to justify themselves by saying they are in favor of a revenue tariff, and inas much as revenue must be raised on something, they are in favor of rais ing it by a tariff duty on wool. This is the same argument which the Dem ocrats have always made to justify themselves in giving as high a tariff duty as the sugar trust desired on sugar. The Absurd Tariff for Revenue Issue. This again illustrates t he hy procisy and absurdness of the Dem ocratic slogan of tariff for revenue. Such a campaign pledge gives the Democratic politician a chance to fa vor every industry that is his pet or his party's pt, with as high protec tion as it desires, and justifies him self with the cry that it is done for revenue, while crucifying every in dustry that is not a favorite of the Democratic machine, and claiming that he is doing this because he is in favor of free trade after having raised sufficient revenue. It was on this theory that the Dem ocratic Wilson hill was drawn, and the country saw the result. While some manufacturing lines were giv en full protection, hundreds and thousands of factories and industries were denied sufficient protection against cheap foreign labor, and were forced to shut down and turn their laborers upon the streets, begging for work and living at soup-houses in the meantime. Governor Woodrow Wilson Worrying - the Democratic Bosses. Governor , Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, is getting to be too practical and progressive to suit the Democratic machine bosses. AlS Gov ernor of the worst trust-ridden State in the Union, he put through more wholesome reform measures daring the session of the last Legislature of that State than the Democratic party (Continued on page 4.) urn: gmts RiXGon. mr. The Fir SHrtrO ta Hay JmS-j Ttf- as4 of Irofk Made ll&ww&f Ketfrr lltt4rMi ftkm ltrtrwfrdU Th i.fimtrl At ItXJWwv (jOO City Vmitr Martial U. Bangor, Me., April :o Pro;rty valued at upward of f was destroyed, hundreds of people made htiix:l and almost the entire baJI ties section of the city devastated duricg the conflagration which at midnSrht Sunday night vu btlleved: to be practically under control, al though the fire w still burning la i many place. On lite U known tu hare been lost, an unknown man who! was killed by a falling wall. Mayor Mullen called out the local J company of the National Guard and! placed the city under martial rule.' Portland, Lewiston, Augusta, Old-j town, and Brewer were asked for help! and they sent it. A score of buildings were blown up. in an effort to check the flames and dynamite was used liberally. The fire started in the bay shed of i J. Frank Green on Broad Street, and! in a short time was sweeping through! the city in a northwesterly direction, j Before midnight Sunday night both j sides of Exchange Street from York ; to State, both sides of State Street J from Kenduskeag stream to Broad-! way, a considerable part of Central and Franklin Streets, nearly all of; Park Street and Marlow Street were in ruins and the flames had made in roads of nearly a mile into the best! residential section in Broadway, Cen ter and French Streets. ; The burned area follows the Ken duskeague stream for nearly two miles north of the starting point and spreads out to a width varying from ! one-eighth to a quarter of a mile at 1 different points. j Spend Night in Streets. j Thousands of persons spent the! night in the street, some from choice but many because their homes were either burned or were in danger. Out side the danger zone they gathered about fires built in the streets and there camped for the night, getting what little sleep they could curled up in quilts and blankets that they had gathered up in their hasty flight. The fire is considered by insurance people the worst that Maine has known since the Portland fire in 1867. At lease a quarter of the city has been laid to waste. Most of the best residential section of the city was- swept away when the fire left the business section. It spread out like a huge fan with its widest part among the homes of the people. A change of wind and a downpour of rain solved the problem and the firemen gained control of the fire. The authorities attention was then turned toward housing the homeless and feeding the hungry. The destruc tion of the food supplies in the re tail district presented a perplexing situation. The nearby towns were asked to help, and as a result, every incoming train brought loads of sup plies for distribution among the suf ferers. FATAI RAILWAY WRECK. Several Killed and Wounded in a Wreck Near Kaston, Pa. Entire Train Consumed by Flames. Easton, Pa., April 29. Two per sons lost their lives, eight are miss ing and believed to be dead, and half a hundred others were injured this afternoon at Martin's Creek, N. J., in a wreck of excursion train carrying one hundred and seventy school teachers and friends from Utica and Syracuse, N. Y., and vicinity, to WashingtOior a week's outing. The train was one furnished the teachers by the Delaware, Lacwawan nia and Western Railroad, and the accident occurred while it was travel ing at a high rate of speed over a stretch of track controlled by the Pennsylvania Railroad. The locomo tive jumped the track, the cars fol lowed, toppled over and were set on fire by exploding oil, the wrecked coaches having side-swiped an oil tank along the track when they left the rails. The entire train was quickly en veloped in flames and completely con sumed by the fire. The eight missing persons, seven of whom were women and lived in Utica, are believed to have been burned to death in the wreckage. The finding of charred bones led the wrecking crews to the conclusion that they are dead. tlailroad Clerk Mysteriously Disap pears From Wilmington. Wilmington, N. a, April 29. T. B. Taylor, a clerk at the freight de pot of the Seaboard Air Line in this city, mysteriously disappeared Thurs day night and efforts to locate him have been fruitless. His wife is In New York on a. visit to relatives. Tay lor came here from Florida, where he was formerly connected with a rail road. His health became very bad in Florida and for a time he had to stop work. The police department was to day asked to make an effort to find the missing man. He Is about thirty five years of age. AKCIEOT WSTO.IY ror oooc Itmc Ice Rulers oft Eypt Were Wcaklir DID THE WRONGTi 1 t Twrkry Rtaird Kcyf AUnt l! Mameluke aS tic smn ltthcll TWj ;inrJ A Ic Youth Who PrartirjJly !lrrtMl Lsyptian Thru, ltttt Kudiknttly !it-AtWjUi-r War the Sacred City. (Correspondent of The Caucasian EnterprU. ) Bllklnvilie, N. C., May 1, mi. For more than a 'lundrrd yean from 1405 to 1517 there wui bat little worth-while history mad in Kgypt. The monarch who ruled were a lot or weakling who. if they did anything, hit wui apt to be the; wrong thing. No reason U ciren for this radical deteroriation ov Kryp tian manhood or citUen&hip. But nations, like families, her their dull dishonest (sometimes both) adminis trations come and go and nobody can icn wuy uia Rijraniic misiaKe are made one time after another. At the nd ov the period ov bad luck Egypt became a province ov the Turkish empire. That fact alone tx or wuz proof that Ksypt had reached the very bottom an a further decline ; slonera was changed and this la wfctra wuz out ov the question. I the trouble occurred. Soliman (not Solomon) succeeded ln other place the mayor is voted hiz father, Selirn; and be began hU i for direct, but here the man recelf rule over Egypt an Turkey by crush-jing the highest vote becomes mayor, in the rebellion in the various prov-iall being candidate for the cSc. inces. Hiz name wuz terrible among; The recal! provision require that the nations. He even overthrew the) petition ghall be signed by thirty-fire power ov the Knights ov Rhodes. Butj per cent of the entire vote for a can things didn't last. Egypt wuz divided j didate for the office of mayor at the into twenty-four districts. An of- last preceding primary election. This ficlal called a bey had control ovj would be an enormcus total, as each each. lie could collect taxes or trib-j voter voted for ten candidate in the ute az he pleased, an not a few ov them sought popularity by makin' the taxes low. But they awlways man aged to guage the cash receipts In proportion to the size ov their own trouserloon pockets. This meant that the Egyptians had to do some diggin. When tax gatherin wuz over in the fall the pockets worn by the beys would resemble balloons. But hit it quite likely that their pockets "swunk" up just az quickly az do bal loons when the gas (money) wuz ex hausted, for most ov the Turks were "high rollers," an they hev not got ten over that in our day. The beys became unduly important on this ac count an favoritism wuz notorious in that day. By indulging the mem bers ov the regency, the beys in creased in power until they obtained the complete disposal ov publick af fairs. Every bey had had originally a few Mamelukes or- slaves at hiz command, for enabling him to make his authority respected in the pro vince where he resided; but az the power ov the beys wuz enlarged, they increased their attendants, an ln proportion to the number ov slaves or Mamelukes, so wuz their strength. When a vacancy occurred in a prov ince the bey would fill hit by puttln in hiz favorite Mameluke. Naturally the sharp beys soon had things com in' easy. The Mamelukes finally be came the real standln' army ov Tur key an' Egypt. All this wuz followed by an era ov reckless politicks an Egypt an Turkey were soon goln toward the end like two wild steers yoked together. In this state or affairs an active youth among the Mamelukes who wuz brought from Mount Caucasius, grew an became both prominent an' pow erful; in fact, he finally reached a point where he wuz the ruler or Egypt an Turkey, probably the only instance ov the kind since the real ancient days. He must hev been a gifted politician. But while he had risen to great power by some means, he wuz not well received an soon found that he could not collect trib ute with any regularity an that a self-made man wuz not wanted upon the throne, at least not by those in high authority. Hiz name wuz All Bey. In the bitter struggle to hold hiz footin,' All Bey wuz forced to flee from Egypt to Palestine. He be came objectionable to the Turkish di van an hiz life wuz sought by high officials. But in 1768 the court ov Constantinople declared war against Russia, an' while the ottomans were employed in defendln their prov inces against the Russian invasion, All Bey got busy in Egypt an reduced the people to obedience. Then he quickly sent an army into Arabia for conquest an to pick np anythin not nailed down. He soon attacked sev eral Turkish cities an captured them. Then he went to Jerusalem, or hiz soldiers did, and havin formed a junction with the troops ov Sheik Da her, a noted soldier ov the day, the combined forces entered Damascus. (Continued on page 3.) nuns coxencftft ntzrr. tt wut w rmi sw TJTJr r iu:i;str. U4 ill t& $4y tvi TV ! N!iHSJUl ots.r tia war If 6t Tft U1 u ptx.it at looi-4 forr4 to ua tMr la f tHe !io&l feav I fvutcuta. wrturs Atv4 4acatom iU dlcsi U ariot I prtrfcleBi reUti&s ti tftttraattoftt! r ;tliratJoa. XUny mtr ui msd r?- rrn!tite. IKFKT IX CITY CHAUTKn. Wtlmit CUaaot Hat IWrreskSaai and limit. Wllmlnctoa. P ihrii day a defect was foaad ta th coa- misiloa fovercment bill rfcclly, adopt! and undrr which tt first city election will tx held Monday, which nuiUfir the recall protUloa and also that of tb refrreaduta. Ttm fact very largely was drawn sfUr tht IX' Moines plan, but in Joins . cer tain sections retatiro to what prta tage of the votes shall sijcn th peti tion for ecall was broucht forward sa in the plan of other cities, but lha manner of votinr for the corneal. primary, and Xho result is. It de stroys the recall and referendum pro visions. The election Monday will probably Us hotly contested. Engineer Turned Turtle and Ilniooed Englner Under ft for Throe Hoars. Greensboro, N. C, April 28, While speeding along the Atlantic and Yadkin track, four mile south jof Greensboro, this afternoon at four o'clock, a freight engine overturned and pinioned under it Engineer U. B. Ferrell of this city, breaking both his arms and one leg and otherwise bad ly injuring and bruising him. For three hours the injured roan lay crushed under the engine, though be never lost consciousness and was able to direct the men ln the work of dig ging him from under the engine and removing him to the waiting train, which brought him to Greensboro. Upon reaching Greensboro after dark the wounded man was carried to St. Leo's Hospital, where he was attend ed by surgeons, the broken bones set and his other injuries attended. The physicians express the opinion that Mr. Ferrell will recover. White Man Attempt Criminal As sault on Asheville ClrL Asheville, N. C, May 1. The po lice are searching for a white man who, it is alleged, attempted to crim inally assault a 14-year-old girl In the Montford Avenue section of the city this evening about 7 o'clock. It seem that the girl, named Datlon, was ln the woods with several small er children when the man attacked her. He threw her to the ground, but her screams and the cries of the other children aroused the neighbor hood and the man made hii escape. A description of the man was given to the police who are working on the case- New Kern Han Make Third Unsuc cessful Attempt to Suicide. New Bern, N. C, April 28. Late yesterday afternoon Ferdinand TJ1 rich, who resides at No. 5 Berne Street, attempted to commit suicide by taking a number of grains of bi chloride of mercury. Fortunately bis rash act was discovered in time to save his life. This is the third time that Mr. Ulrich has attempted to kill himself. It Is supposed that despon dency caused him to attempt to com mit suicide. - Surry County Boy Arrested on Charge of Assault. ML Airy, N. C April 29. A white boy, aged seventeen years, was lodg ed in jail yesterday, , charged with having committed rape upon the lit tle nine-year-old daughter of & Mr. Watson. It is said the boy was the son of George Hodges. If the story as related is true, the case it a dark one for the young man. The child was brought to the doctor in this city for treatment. t : t fa i f m f s- i f . I j t i