2 i - i 2 " " ia'f't!:i?' State Netfs. The Mliuiocxry Union of the Fay etteville Presbytery fi in ftestlon at lied Springs. Craven County has voted for the establishment of a Farm Life School In that county. -7- H. Weddlngton. of China' Mr. G Grove, committed suicide a few days ago. Ill health was given as the cause of bis rash act. Mr. John W. CroweJI, a prominent furniture dealer, died suddenly Tues day night in the hotel at Lexington, N. C. Rev. A. C. Dixon, pastor, of Moody Church, Chicago, formerly from this State, haa accepted a call to the Met - ropolltan Tabornscle In Londou. EnS - ' The WhlUviUe .Ugh Schoo. c.o.e. tiptf J-VMn v when th MChfra will ---ivswww., v-. . iioiiua, ouciu;, oiaic j a c u i Huuu .uaaiiui iur, proposeu to-day and defeated after return to their homes. It Is thought; inspector. A. W. Gilliam, Old Fort; l May contains the astounding state-j lengthy debate 'were to put the re that the school will run the full term Guard, Daniel, Barton, Winston-Sa- j ment that there is a dog In Hamburg,! districting power in the hands of th next year. L. C. Irvin, a brakeman on the; road from Winston to Mount Airy, was faUlly nurt wnue coupling cars at Rural Hail one day last week, and dying a few hours later. The Democratic ring ln Eizabeth City has received a hard jolt. The citizens ticket won in that city Tues day by a large majority. The North Carolina Rankers' Asso ciation and the North Carolina Mer chants' Association will both hold their -annual session ; Ilenderson vllle the third week in June. In the city election at Henderson ville, N. C, Tuesday, the Republi cans re-elected their mayor and also elected two of the three councilraen. Capt. James A. Cheek, of Hills boro, died Tuesday in Greensboro at the home of his son, Mr. Clyde Cheek. Mr. Cheek was on a visit to his son at the time of his death. Robert Smith, a young man from New Bern, was jailed in Wilmington last Saturday for forging checks on the National Biscuit Company and the Coco-Cola Bottling Company. A boy baby, about six weeks old, dressed in silk and supplied- with clothes, etc., was left on the porch of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jellard, in Asheville, one night last week. The American Cotton Association v.ill hold their annual meeting this year in Richmond, Va., May 18th and 19th. Mr. D. Y. Cooper, of Henderson, N. C, is President of the Association and will call the meeting to order. There was no term of Court in Sampson County this week owing to the sickness of Judge Peebes. The term will begin next Monday if Judge Peebles is well enough to at tend; and if not, probably some oth er judge will be supplied. The House of the Colorado Legisl ature has passed an anti-cigarette bill, making it a misdemeanor to buy, sell, give way, or have in one'3 pos session cigarettes or cigarette papers. The measure will have to pass the Senate before becoming a law. John Anderson, ono of the ginger cake variety, disappeared last Friday night and Mr. W. J. Fife, of Char lotte, a well-known merchant, is short a $100. The negro had been sent to collect a bill. He was given a hun dred dollars in payment of the bill and he skipped. On Friday morning a barn of Mr. C. R. Montgomery, five miles from Concord, was destroyed by fire. There were five mules burned to death, worth in the aggregate of about $1, 000. A lot of corn, fertilizer and other property was also consumed. There is no clue as to the origin of the fire. In the Federal Court at New Bern last week B. F. Sanders was sen tenced to the Federal prison at Atlan ta, Ga., to serve one year and one day for violation of the internal revenue laws. Sanders openly defied the of- ticers tor a year or more before he was arrested. Four other prisoners will be sent to Atlanta along with Sanders. a young wnite boy by name of .Robert Smith, son of a New Bern gro cer, was arrested in Wilmington Sat urday afternoon upon the charge of forgery. He purchased some gro ceries from a grocery store and pre sented for payment a $25 check, re ceiving twenty dollars In change. The check purported to be given by the National Biscuit Company. Loses to Virginia. vuaiiwucanuc, v a., Ayril 69. The University of Virginia debating toQTn f nnlnrTie a wii vbuau tu-mgut Bvwicu. a Yiutuij over the team of the University rof North Carolina in a debate on the income tax amendment to the Federal Con stitution. W. T. Jovner and W. A. Dees composed the Carolina team, hile Lewis Lyree and M. L. Levy represented-Virginia. .1 NKW cmUKIt FtMDLH tiTATB camf. e Merlin ln UiIas!oa' Frost caused some- slight darusef 5aa to fmhc ium Trmu 1 1 lb H crop on May 2nd in soe Washington. D C, April T A Lexington. N. C. April 27.Thei tfecUoss of Oklahoma, Afkaacu. and! bin protUl&s for th t&hftmtftt of firl Sute meeting of the Patriotic! Kaaaaa, ithe National HaW of fleprea Order Sons of America waa called to ;ut.vet from Jtl to 433 neobflrs, here this morning. The contention The War Department will not j aad tfc apportionment of the saea is for the purpov? of perfecting a -Lscdon Fort McPhersoa (In Ca.). as ? Kr t th. --,. c.-. Stale organization for North Caro-fa military pott a waa first reported Una. The town is fall of delegates! from all parts of North Carolina andi national officers from Pennsylvania. Virginia and other States. Meetings were held this afternoon and to-night when officers of the State camp were elected. After preliminary organization the following officers were elected for one year: i past State President. C. F. Caudle. J Lexington; State President, T. D. ! Brown, Salisbury; Vice-President, M. : T. lUy. Italt!Kh; Master of Form. J- W- Colloeb. Islington; Sute S - ireUry. SC. r. Smith. Fayetteville; Treasurer. T. Ivey. Cary; State Con! r. r- i u'i,i. ck.iu. o. lem; Trustees, G. W. Murray, J.j rranK Aaams, jemro Aimona; .a- Jethro tlonal Representatives, W. D. Gaster.i Fayetteville; D. L. Sides, Salisbury;! j Assistant Secretary, M, ! High Point; Chaplain, ! Halley. j The per capita tax was fixed at 7 j cents, of which goes to National j CamD. " The work of organization was placed in the hands of the Execu tive Board, which consists of the President, Secretary and Treasurer and Master of Forms. A resolution of thanks was tendered the citizens of Lexington and the local camp for the hospitality and kindness shown the vistiors. There are forty-seven camps of the order in the' State and each camp was represented to-day except two. Eighty-seven delegates were present. The membership in the State now amounts to about seventeen hun dred. Concord was selected as next place of meeting and the meeting set for the third Tuesday in May of each year. A SLICK FIRE BUG. Man Who Burned Masonic Temple and Several Other Buildings at Rocky Mount is at Last Doing Time. Rocky Mount, N. C, April 28. George L. Judge, the young man who was arrested a half-dozen years ago upon the charge of burning several buildings in this city, among them the Masonic Temple, when the city suffered a loss of about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, has con fessed that he set fire to the Masonic Temple, and the much conjectured point in which about half of the citi zens were divided has been settled. Judge was by far the slickest fire bug that this city ever had to deal with, and there were many that be lieved he set fire to the Masonic Tem ple, the Robbins building and other buildings in the city. He was taken upon the charge of burning a stable and feed room at North Rocky Mount and it was for this that he was convicted and sen tenced to five years in the peniten tiary, though there was little sub stantial evidence for the man's con viction and there have been many that have declared openly and above board that he was falsely convicted. P. G. Southern and Twelve-Year-Oltl Sold Found Guilty of Murder. Winston-Salem, N. C, April F. G. Southern and his twelve r old son, Herman, were convicted in Surry Court, at Dobson, yesterday, for the murder of Southern's son-in-law, John Wall, at Pilot Mountain, last fall. The senior defendant wras given a term of nine years in the State's Prison at Raleigh, while the son goes to a reformatory for four months. Mr. Southern is fifty-six years old, and if he serves his full term he will be quite an old man when he gains his freedom. Southern and Wall got into a dis pute over the storage of some leaf to bacco In the basement on the tetter's home. Wall was stabbed, and it was alleged that Herman Wall inflicted the wound that caused Wall's death a few hours after the difficulty. Bird Dog Robs a Bank. Kings Mountain, N. C, April 28. A bird dog wandered in the People's Loan and Trust Company to-day and picked up a package lying on the floor and walked out with it. Clerks did not see him. About a half block away he dropped the package on the sidewalk and tore the paper ' open. His action attracted the attention of a passer-by and took the package away. It was found to contain a de posit ticket and $18 in silver and greenbacks. The dog evidently thought that he had done something criminal, for he struck out post-haste down the street and went up stairs to a law office. We are not far wrong when we sav that the majority of people suffer irom ailments caused by disordered Blood. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy is a most wonderful Remedy with 35 years' clean record as a Blood Purl. fier and Tonic. Twelve bottles ($10. express prepaid) will tone up your system, give you appetite, irive von flesh. Ask your druggist, or write, MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CO Kittreli, N. C. General NeiVs. The Senate Committee oa Jud!cli ry reported favorably the House re - oiution for the direct election of Lnitet btatea Senators, j The proposed s!i of the House is Identical with that provided for ln The bank of Remont. in Hast-? the Crumpacker bill, passed by the lags. W. Va.. waa visited by robbers 1 House at the last session of Con Monday night. They blew open thetgress. but not acted "upon by the Sen safe and escaped with $1,500. ate. The Houston bill. pased to-day, I leaves to the Legislature of the dif The Democratic politicians of the! ferent States the power to re-arrange Northwest will hold a conference in j the Congressional IM.trtrt. in thtr St. 1-aul. Minn.. June J.t. Bryan and 1 Parker wlM b. among the .peaVer on i that occasion. tw 1 n- 1.1 ti i Germany, that can actually talk. The aog speaxs in uerman. Forty-five additional postal banks v. -""au, , " u luoiQiicu iu onuuu-viMs tusi- i J. C. Griffin,! offices on May 1st and on July 1st ! ithe service will be further extended to other second-class offices. ine uatn mud trust case will be heard by United States Circu of Appeals in Richmond on Judges Goff, Pritchard and Rose si;. Argument of cases have been sus pended in the Supreme Court of the United States until next October. The court, however, adjourned to meet on the 15th and 29th to announce de cision. Joseph Nash was put to death in the electric chair at Auburn, New York, yesterday for murdering his son-in-law. Nash was a prominent citizen of Waterloo, N. Y. A hundred and fifty thousand dol lars worth of opium seized at differ ent times by custom officers was burned Tuesday under the United States marshall's direction at El Paso, Texas. Benjamin W. Conoway, a young white man of Wilmington, Delaware, was arrested Saturday afternoon up on a warrant in which Conoway is charged with offering to bribe a voter at an election in Wilmington. As a result of orders issued Sat urday to close the steel rail mills of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Com pany at Ensley, Ala., 2,500 men were thrown out of employment. It is be lieved that the shut-down will be only temporary. Because of a suspected case of smallpox in the steerage, the steam er Haverford, from Liverpool for Philadelphia, was detained at the government quarantine station, near Philadelphia, and more than one thousand persons aboard were vacci nated before the vessel was allowed to go in port. The $10,000,000 collateral trust 5 per cent bonds issued in 1901 by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, and the $4,651,000 collateral trust 5 percent bonds issued by the same company in 1904, matured Monday and are being redeemed in New York. The officials of the road, say that it is now in good shape. r W A w I 1UC ""vicuuns in iNonoiKinim as a merchant Several Con va.. unaer tne new statute for nan. dering or defaming- one's own wife for pecuniary gain, went to trial in Norfolk Tuesday, when John Ander son, after trial, was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary and fined $100. Joe Epstein, who entered a plea of guilty and threw himself on the mercy of the court, was given three years. Resolutions embodying' appropria-' tions aggregating $35,000 for special religious extension work were adopt ed at the executive session of the Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at its meeting in Richmond, Va., last Friday $10,000 goes to Seattle, WTash.; $10,000 to Oklahoma City, and $10,000 to the mining districts of Eastern Kentucky, and $5,000 was appropriated for work at Key West. Ohio Bribery Charges to Be Investi gated. r 1 voiumDus, Ohio, May 2. The Franklin County grand jury met to- aay to consider the bribery charges involving about forty memebrs of the Ohio Legislature. On Governor Har mon s advice, the matter waa taken Deiore the grand jury instead of the legislative committee, to prevent the accused members from escaping pun- a&ument tnrough Immunity plea. Balked at Cold Steel. "I wouldn't let a. doctor cut my "5" "aId H D' Ely,-Bantam. Ohio, although a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. Instead I used Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cured." Heals Burns Boils, Cores, Bruises, Eczema, Pim ples, Corns. Surest Pile cure. 25c at all Druggists. issuvtiiGK notsi;-MctnRnsiitr. i mis ic Hoe twurrmmltur lt , U of the population shown by the rm JV.t . ' .J h0jm early this err&i&f fir j efforts of members of both partiea to , aEsend it In important Particulars. 1Z j t.on ta... of 21 1 877 of Inhabitam. ! ThV .'n Mm,m, . . . j Governors of States, when the Legis i latures had failed tn rt- an iimiti. 'the House In the future to a member- Uhip of 430 or 433. leavine future r appoiniments to tne Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The increase of th t thi ! House was agreed to by members of I both parties, but many Republicans ! attacked A resolution calling unon th At- torney-General to give Congress all facts in his possession relative to an investigation of alleged violation of the Sherman anti-trust law by Frank B. Hayne, William P. Brown, James A. Patten and Eueene Scalps In th formation of a combination to ad-1 vance the price of cotton was re-in '-Vf ' bI t?o , It on the Ground that it t?nit. k.. , r i m e the "OU8e raor irrrv-rH wins .. ;, .";, .,:, , , P w thought of in thin uos j io investigate itton Trust. 'r,T n ' 8taie1 inaM funeral will take place at Kni4, In;XTT J . T V V'isfactory. and with the high price of a7; r. , V , ..ecuus me c tt farmers decided that there ie."!!:mi.tolMU,tUte a? in"l8 moi money in the fleecy stable ..t)ul.vu.uvu aC5CuuuuSp,iat7 uu ue pari. 01 persons not named to reduce the price of price of cotton between August, 1909, and June, 1910, and an resolutions were referred to the judi ciary committee. The Army Shoes. A senKatlon was sprung in the""0 . luey "ou,u susuun y sai House to-day when Representative Gardner, of Massachusetts, intro duced a resolution of inquiry in re- sponse to a charge by Representative Diffenderfer, of Pennsylvania, that money and influence were being used to give an Eastern manufacturing concern a monopoly in the contracts for shoes for the army and navy. Mr. Diffenderfer said he could prove his assertion, and as a result Mr rjr.i'- n,n .vo i tarTofThevy to'r all poj A New Precedent in the Chinese "Exclusion" Law. Washington, D. C, April 27. A precedent which may be itnerpreted to lead to liberalization of the Chin ese exclusion laws, has been estab lished by the Department of Com merce and Labor in the case of Lem Thung, a wealthy Chinese of Wil- tT X " t luw fnnippine mington N C nmese 01 w Islands than for those in the South- Thung has 'been held at Boston.' air' where the immigration authorities CZV f Martha S. Gielow, found he was attemntimz to ri'P attempting to re - enter - this country with irregular papers. ' SpprPtarv Nani h,o aj v. 1 m ' u. o-l-l", gressmen made representations In his behalf. The record in the Department shows that Thung, who is part own er of a National Bank in Wilmington, the owner of a large laundry and a farm, had a New York Chinaman ar range credentials for his re-entry in to the United Staes after a visit to China. He could have claimed the right to re-entry as a returning la- borer. Heretofore the Department has de clined to recognize laundrymen, far mers and the like as merchants. Eight Persons Burned to Death in ' Their Homes. in the fire in which his mother, Mrs. J .H. Nunn, and seven children per ished. Edward Nunn, a' brother, is in a critical condition, while Miss Le lia, an elder sister, who Is suffering from injuries, will recover. The bodies of the mother and eight children will be taken to Martinsville, Va,, Sunday morning for burnal. One thousand dollars was raised by sub scription to-day. Oklahomans Order Preacher to Hunt Another Town. McAlister, Okla., April 29. In censed over his remarks on last Sun day when he preached against danc ing, twenty-five prominent citizens of Indianola called on Rev. John L Tin dell, a Baptist missionary, to-day and told him that he must leave. They offered him a buggy and driver to transport himself to other parts. How" ever, the minister was allowed to eo to the residence of another preacher for the night. - - . r- Farm Topics I Tt Utl attrta etpitsrt! from lb air ever e la Wa4San wa received If Mr. Jaae A- Lk ia f dr aro. Tb 12b Manufactor ies Company, of Maxtes. mfx&& la cri& a assail ass on a l of the fertiliser from Germany, which they divided with Mr. Leak, letting him hat ah-eut sixty poaads. The oil tare Is a n bUck powder aad sat lit like coal tar. It Is said to aaalyie IS per cent ammonia, about half f which becomes available almot Im mediately after it U put la th soil.- Wadesboro Messenger and intelli gencer. The Department of Agriculture estimates that there are C20.000 acres in wheat this season In North " ""'T .1 ' L"lV" I, 7 .. . J fJV"?"!. h fV"" vw w rv v. snow, but reports from the principal wheat sections now to the State IV- f part men t or Agriculture are lBai - ' her is rapid development, so thattnd .h 1rtJ. ..: - of 95 is about a comparison with the estimate of - -i . ..." t found their daughter on tit ' . A special from Spencer. ltoan'(iR,H fm , Kltiu, , 5 County, to Sunday-. Charlotte Ob-.teBp. She left a note ".U r ; seaver. says: "Engineer V. A KIs-1 , , llred of Tlnc aI1., , s;; 2l3h, well known on the Southern! aa for strawberries in this section of North Carolina and Mr. Klzzlah is receiving congratulations on account of his efforts in this direction. There will not be much more than half of an average tobacco crop liiauicu ill LUUIllJ mis not get plants. Another cause I. that last season the price paid waa unsat than the weed Strawberries, of the Klondyke va riety, sold in Tarbor as high aa $13 ed. It is now thought that the berry crop will be short, and this accounts for the high prices paid, and which will more than make up to farmers VlS Inn. i. U . t J . t . . . shortage. TO INSPECT TEST FARMS. Experts Leave This Afternoon for the East Good Apple Crop. Mr. A. Connon, of Henderson County, a member of the State Board or Agriculture, Is In Raleigh. He S3V8 that onrtlaa tit 111 T.n. nl.t f 1 t ms section of the mountains thu Dr VSiS' W memDer 01 tne uoard, and they will leave to Inspect the test farms in Edgecombe and Pender Counties. Mrs. Gielow Says We Are Doinj? More for Foreign Children Than at Home. Washington, D. C, April 28. Americans are doing more for the fYl fir? TT"1 rt f!llrn A A 1 nL11! jn ' 1""? nhiM llru- oue saia children in the Southern mountains. of Tennessee were compelled to walk- flnSnnn ?ho1' More than ThrSA Pullman to AtlanU. 4,000,000 American children, she leaves Raleigh' 4.05 p.m.. arrive! At said, were being brought up without lanta 6.25 a.m.. making close co educational facilities of any sort, and nection for and arriving at Ha pn7tnlL ,f mCaS WUb "ttle that 8omer3r lowing day after leaviu tend toward civilization. j Raielgh, 11 a.m.. Mobile 4.12 aju . , " New Orleana 8.30 p.m., Birmlnifl ANOTHER DEMOCRATIC SCANDAL 12.15 noon, Memphis, 8.05 p. lirihe Fund Raised to FinoT Votes of and connecting for all other poiiU Regular Democrats Sensational This car also makes close connectici ieiopment in Tennessee Legisla- tnre. Nashville, Tenn., April 28. Out of Tennessee's politico-legislative dead- lock this afternoon came a develop- ment bordering on the sensational hv the publication of a dispatch from -.-uuaiu, ui . County, by Judge E. Ci Rnnri.' pasture of Livingstone, providing MrJ Greensboro for through Tour McDonald agreed to bind himsAif t'SleeDer fnr n-nfi, noints. rr !ll .. me so-called "rocri-. Democrats on all questions coming before the Legislature. The alleged agreement in writing, McDonald n K was ne asserts. on December 31st of last year, but he explains, for fraternal and political reasons, he withheld a revelation of ;.uc ulcBea onoe attempt up to this ULUC. in a statement to Oia a0 Press at Birmingham thfs atteTno PILES SUHED AT II0r.1E oy np absorptioh mm, home by ihTr,! yourself at Jffl alao send tM. vtretlaent; tod free tor trS SS LLhoma -Tr. Pn-anent cure ui o Dame, lad, . Suimaea, Box p, Uoto Mr. McDstSJ. psu" flita!r. wt m to p tztt iLy"- a tertb was Strta tm fi71 b oi4 with th "ttur't crati la the tuixizt9i defate4 la la Ui G;n contest bf a fsslon J t .t ocrm? and UepahUcar tern 00 a. aid held crihe4. He dea!el tii v? a written t-ea a pledged Heprwnuti Mt-jv vote for the repeal of th and a Bute liquor u. f Goodpatture declirts MtiJ.?lt cot sign It and Godpit-.-rL5j asserts there was ro ( sideratlon Involved. f Ml IaIm !Urriarr r (Vmmiu ui.u- New london, April : M . Rarringer committed saici home of her father, mfeo u,r ' mile west of this pUcr. tfc, & n . it i,i her sister were In th rAA momenta after her iuter Mt 7 of a 22 rlfl v it: ! rushing to the room, thr ...l Oflicer F. C. Wnialiui Fuuml (.U1li; fur Killing John Hill ItunUnC. In Buncombe County Sur-n-r Court yesterday the jury in th raH of State vs. Watkins, charRa t the murder of John Hill Iluntint. t a Black Mountain hotel aboyt $ years ago, after being out all nsRt!, returned a verdict finding th if fendant guilty of mantlaughter. This was the second time th ra had been tried. The jury could tot agree at the first trial. Mr. Pa.i Collins, of Hillsboro, who wai verely wounded by Watklns at U time Bunting was killed, wa principal witness against Watklm FINE JONIC FOR WOMEN. SOU1TIERX RAILWAY. Direct Line to AH Point Nona South, East, West Very Lo Round Trip Rates to All Prindp! Resorts. at Salisbury for SL Louis and otttt Western points. Through Pullman to Washings leaves Raleigh 6.50 p.m., arrive Washington 8.53 a.m., Baltimore 1C.02 a.m.. Philadelnhla 12.25 boos. Xew York 2.31 p.m. This car iaaW o vuiwigu, auu POinU North snrl wh;L and - " WV- I tor all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Ashe! leaves Goldsboro at 6.45 aia..f" lelgh, 8.35 a.m.t arrives Asi with the Carolina Special and tm , ing Cincinnati 10 a.m. followluj 4" after leaving Raleigh, with close nection for all points North Northwest. ' Pullman for Winston-Salem Raleigh 2.30 a.m., arrives Gree boro 6.30 a.m.f making close coc tion at Greensboro for all V& North, South, East and West Jf car is handled on train No- J leaving Goldsboro at 10.45 P If you desire any Inform please write or call. We are hcr furnish information as well as WJJ T. P. A., 215. Fayetteville St- tickets. W. H. PARNELU T- r H..P. GARY. General -"- r WM FOR I; Agent, Washington, a-b I :

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