i State Netfs. vor.Nc; tnnu iiri:Ni:n to death. General Nerts. ma MiirMCvis or mqcor. A postal savings bank wai opened at Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mr. David Holder, an aged Con federate eoldler, -who lived near Mt. Airy, wat thrown from hii buggy a few days ago and received Injuries causing hli death. ThSrty-o car gtartc4 la a rac Nrw MeUxxlUt Churrh Two Sonr i1 Thrt- i:i4Tc I-truycl by Tire t Hrmlrn- Henderson. N. C. Jace 24. -As la Prate on Sunday, bat only oa ar the reitslt of i lla.nrouj fire in North i cjpilxcd and nobody waa kiH4. Henderion -ar!y this morning, a Mlf If ach a record Is maintained long, fvarre g 4.ad and the new Metho- racing will toon lows 1U popularity. dit fhyrch, two store nuiiamgii ana Apfrrtiralrf j 20.00Q0 GJit WhUltey Arc Utfffwl Aa-i1y t l Prohibition Territory. of three r-ldenc- are a majsa of imoul drSng ruins. The fire originated In the kitchen of one of the residences Allen Little, of Salisbury, was e- about 1 o'clock and had gained great verely Injured near Spencer Saturday headway when the fire apparatus ar- by being run over by an automobile. riTed upon th scene. The fiatsef Joseph Gallagher, tentenced la i'niiadelphla eight months ago to eighteen month for participating in Vaaingtos. D. C. Jun 3J. Ap proximately 20.000.000 gallons lmuor annually are iti5ie4 by et pre, principally f ro mail-order ' CoaslSo5er hnuwi Airtn-i t rr i riT In tra Ett. dilo ed the hlbitioa states. Morgan - Gsggeshelsi yo4icat .or Tal tanilog fact u detelo;- many acre of coal land ia Alaaka, to-4ay la an inquiry conducted by tbe reported to te won a dtuo- o ;r;Gf:xiii:DS tosK. frfrfixt of Inlrrior Di-3kf Ail- ALmJL C-U Ia Claim tioti In Affair. The tVpartnirat of the Interior, ia a drrisJoa banded down Monday by of the t-and CHtm Dea- tUlst of ta election frauds, died Sunday night at Interstate Coarnerc ComsaU-ioa is his home of a broken heart. Con vie- to proposed changes la eapres clsi tions are so few in Pennsylvania that Scations which resulte4 ia aa ad- lars. Fraud ia t iitung oi ie claim is alkged. The decision of the department was approved by The automobile belonged to a colored gpread o rapidly that it was soon Gallagher grieved nimielf to death vnce of rie oa packages containing retary of the Interior t .she. , no man and belonged in a diitant State. the above buildings realized that doozneW. The two-year-old child of Mr. and Miss Pearce. who lost her life in Mrs. J. W. Hood, of Kinston, fell into the flames, was thought to have made a tub OI scalding water iz ua; ner ?caie, anu iu it ; m.yci thinking about th otbr mcali hn Hauor. uccrde4 Kicharu A. ilaiiinger go unhipt of Juatice. The Commission held that the ex- Secretary. There is Co appeal from press requirement that liquor con- the decitioa of the Iepartmea. tx- Charles W. Fairbanks, formerly tainers ahould be packed in corrugat- cept to the Supreme Court, and It is Vice-President of the United States, ed paper cartons was reasonable, but not thought tho Interests will do ago and was so terribly burned that ttl that she had not left the house, lost the horseshoe-pitching champion- that the charge for transportation that, it died a short time afu-r the acci- heroic efforts were made to reach ship of the world, which he won last based upon arbitrary weights eigh- The Cunningham claims. In the tlf.nt nc.r i,ut to no avail. 'ar to John M. Studebaker. The teen pounds for a gallon of whiskey, public eye constantly for two years. Mips Pearce was seventeen years contest was held on George Ade's packed was unreasonable, and that brought about tho Ballinger-Pinchot William is. Smoot. a well-known old. Strange to say, she waa the first farm near Indianapolis on Saturday, the discrimination against stone Jugs investigation and the dismissal of attorney of Salisbury, died at a hos- member of her family to be awaken- Mr. Fairbanks had the reach on his also was unreasonable. Commission- Chief oreser I inchot. Loul u pita! in New York Friday following ,.d by the fire, and yet failed to get opponent, but the latter succeeded In er McChord. who conducted the in- Glavis, Chief of the Uand Offlce Field qulry and prepared the opinion of the Division, and several otner onciais. ' Commission, points out that the in- Pinchot and Glavis were dismissed for American dustry directly concerned is that of insubordination incident to their at- a serious operation. He had been ill out of the house before being over- ringing more posts, only a few days. Mr. Srnoot leaves a taken by the flames. It Is not known wife and several children. whether she was too terrified to find, A committee of the hr wav out throueh the smoke and Academy of Medicine, In session at the mail-order liquor houses. "It tack on former Secretary Baillnger. Mr. Samuel Hoiton, a well-known names or whether she remained be- Ios Angeles, declares that the large was the spread of the prohibition who, they claimed, favored the Cun mernber of the Durham bar. died Fri- kind to save some of her effects. The! number of suicides is caused by the movement." the opinion says, "that Ingham claims. Secretary Fisher. IJal day night. He was a Kon of Itev. cause of her failure to escape will prominence given this form of death gave vitality to this character of traf- llnger's successor. In announcing the Quentln Hoiton, a well-known Metho- possibly never be known. This morn- by the newspapers of the country, flc in liquor. With State-wide prohl- decision to-day, sId that new coal dist Protestant minister, and was a jng the coroner investigated the case The committee asserted that suicide bition came the interstate traffic in land laws are needed In Alaska if it brother of District Attorney A. E. and announced that no one was to is a private affair and that there is liquor. The decision of the Supreme is developed properly. Hoiton and Mr. Kufus II. Hoiton, of blame for the accident. no justification for the publication of Court that this traffic was interstate The secretary said the department Yadkin County. The body was taken to Franklin- tho details. The members of the and therefore superior to interfer- would proceed immediately to the An ton, from whence the family recently press are accessories to a crime, the ence by the State governments gave al determination of all the remaining Thirty-six prisoners received sent- moved here, for burial. committee says. the industry a tremendous impetus, Alaskan coal claims. He hoped for ence in the Federal Court at Wilkes- Mr. Hud Journegan was badly and the express companies as the modification by the next session of boro last week. The majority of the burned in helping the residents to es- A press dispatch sent out from carriers of practically the whole of Congress of the present laws appllca- defendants were up for blockading, cape from the burning homes, but his , Madison, Wisconsin, a few days ago this traffic. ble to coal lands. and the most of them were sent to condition is not considered serious. ! says: "The Assembly to-day gave "Jacksonvile, Fla., probably the Such modifications, he considered. final passage to the resolution calling largest shipping point for liquor in would permit development under pro upon the United States Senate to in-1 the South, sends out between three visions that would adequately protect vestigate the nomination in the cam-land four thousand packages of one and promote the public Interests, paign of 1908 of Senator Isaac Steph-i or two gallons daily, or a total of Mr. Dennett, in the decision that enson for United States Senator and about one and one-half million gal-t fraud was practiced, declares each his election by the Legislature of Ions a year. Chattanooga ships about of thirty-three entries was improper- Atlanta, while those under seventeen years old were sent to the Reforma tory at Washington, I). C. Woman Hit Oflleer on the Hand and Her Daughter Tore the Warrant to ierces. Because of recent advances made by the Southern Express Company, the North Carolina Merchants' Asso-1 ciation will soon begin a light on this fm Tin n v hrfort thf Crime irrit inn , . . T . c. . . I cer vesterday afternoon merce Commission. Overcharges on the published rates are also alleged. At a mooting of the State Hankers' Association at Ilendersonville last week the following officers were elec t ed for the ensuing year: President, J. S. Bras well, Rocky Mount; First Vice-President, Leake S. Covington, Rockingham; Second Vice-President, Goo. A. Holderness, Tarboro; Third Vice-President, Thomas E. Cooper, Wilmington; Secretary, W. A. Hunt, Henderson. Spencer, N. C, June 22. Chief-of-Police John R. Cruse was bitten on the hand and arm by Mrs. Nannie ' Cash whom he arrested in East Spen- He also ar- r rested her daughter, Mrs. Janie White, both women being charged: with trespassing on the premises of John M. Freeman. The Cash woman met the officer at the door and at tacked him when he read the war rant. The younger woman grabbed ' the warrant and tore it to pieces. The pair were cited to trial before Justice W. L. Ray, in Spencer. They' 1909. Only the formality of enrolling the resolution now remains before it can be forwarded to Washington. 786,000 gallons; Richmond, 546,720 ly allowed because of fatal defects gallons; Petersburg, 268, 12S; Pensa- apparent on its face. He asserts the cola, 267,760; New Orleans, 255, S56; Government established conclusively Cairo, 111.; Emporia, Va., Ixmisville, the charges brought against tho Ky., Portsmouth, Va., and Savannah, charges brought against the claim- Ga., ship more than 100,000 gallons ants, and there is no doubt the agree- Five Negroes Illown Into Mississippi each annually. ment existed among them in violation and Drowned One Scalded to The movement is much more active of law. The value of lands embraced Death and Sixty Others More or in the South than in other sections of in the thirty-three claims runs high A FATATj boiler explosion. Less Seriously Hurt. Memphis, Tenn., June 2 4. Five negroes blown into the Mississippi River and drowned and a sixth so rof -iitir.fi T v 1Tn1nn V.an ns ( ;w n- ha d 1 v scalded that. hf died before sel. ; reaching the hospitalf and from fifty for the consumption . i population. White and Ford Sentenced. to sixty roustabouts, passengers and officers of the boat injured, are the the country partly because of the ex- in the millions. A number of promi- tont of the prohibition territory in nent men in the Northwest are among that section, partly because of the the Cunningham claimants. In 1902 large quantities of very cheap whis- they were enlisted in tho enterprise key manufactured and shipped there by Clarence Cuningham, who made of the negro filings and conducted the negotia population. . tions. uiaims at once were Clear The opinion concludes with the listed for patent. Final action was at the request of Louis It. WILMINGTON MAN MURDERED WIFE. Joe White and Charles Ford col-1 net re Qf a boiler ,'08lon to statement that although it is not thejheld up ored, who shot Capt. R. C. Bell on! Miiinni River naokPt i function of the commission to dwell Glavis. tlic ton r f liia froicrVit traiti eovoral I . . V IU I J k. 11 . ' A l-l 11 I. 1 i Ulll JT&14. ! . . J. r. . months ago, have been sentenced tol ' J it is considered that the traffic has j Capt. Jarvis neld Heroe's Medal, Yet ' ? 1 CP i i ! . Joseph while abreast of Lue 1Uitl Ul HutiWU,, ns rlnwn thp an evil effect on and is one of the two vears each on the county roads' . rival Horrible Tragedy m Which Mrs. I, of Guilford County. The Spencer; ( important factors in the race problem M. Sand , is Met.m of Maddened conductor, wao was vicious y attack- wa ga frQm destructlon by the ! of the South. Husband. ed when unarmed and in the dark- . . . . , . , TT -. , x . - captain of the ferryboat Charles II.; ncss. was conuueu to a uosiJitai ioi i , ......... t Commit tel Sucide. Seattle, WTash., June 2 3. Captain ; David H. Jarvis, formerly of the Rev enue Cutter service, who won fame Wilmington, N. C, June 27. L. M. Sandlin, an ex-merchan.t who has re cently been conducting a dairy in this city, and who separated from his wife about two weeks ago, this evening) went to the home of his wife and af ter a few words struck her and as Orcn n wlin run Vi i c' nra ft alnnsraiHo ...... . . ....... . r . . n n rl nnrl n p-nlrl mrr1r1 frnm Cfn crocs several days and still carries the bul-! T, " ' v : . . Ml x .u.HiutiiitH.in " . 7o"- 7 u 7 tuc UUJ.111U& vcacci, uiauucu inn y u lil yj a : . LyjL uciuiv, lcouuc; ui i u aiwiiv; !- lets of his assailants. Ilravo Colored Man Saves Life of a Wliite Roy at Spencer. Spencer, N. C, June 24. Olin she rushed from the room fired three Dunlap, a ten-year-old son of J. C. bullets at her, all taking effect and : Dunlap, of Norwood, Stanly County, and extinguished the blaze. At the United States Marine Hos pital, where the greatest number of those injured were taken, it is said that with the exception of Chief En gineer F. H. Morgan, none of the white members of the crew or the , -I i c.. x . 1 ers and who for many years was ac- 1 Will Pass Through Sixteen Southern .. , , - . -, i tive head of the Morgan and Guggen- j States United States Department heim enterprises in Alaska, shot and j of Agriculture Will Co-operate in! killed himself to-day in a room at the ! the Effort. Seattle Athletic Club. On an envel- : op found on his desk, he had writ- Washington, D. C, June 23. causing death instantly. She fell ! fell sixty-five feet in a well yesterday i pasSengers were seriously hurt in. j Plans have been formulated to con-i across the door leading into the front; ana was out sngntiy nurt. porch and her husband stepped over! " The well was being sunk by two her body into the porch, placed the j colored men who were in the well at pistol to his head and fired, but thej the time. The lad was playing around ten in a trembling hand: bullet, it was learned, when he was later carried to the hospital, only went through the bone of the skull and the wound is not regarded as dangerous. Sandlin made a state ment immediately after the shooting that he had done what he intended to do. Mrs. Sandlin had been mar ried twice and leaves nine children. Charlotte Citizen Placed in Jail for Contempt Released After Twenty Four Hours. Charlotte, N. C. June 23. W. C. Owens was released from the county jail this afternoon after twrenty-four hours' incarceration because of refus al to testify from who he has pur- the top outside. Seeing the boy fall ing, one of the colored men braced himself, stretched up his arms, caught the lad and saved his life. He was, however, himself crushed to the ground by the force of the body of the lad falling sixty-five feet. The colored man was taken from the well in a semi-conscious condition. Two Suspects Arrested Charged With Burglary. Spencer, N. C, June 23. Suspect ed of complicity in the robbery and assault of Mrs. C. O. Rozzell in Spen cer last night, four persons were ar rested by Sheriff McKenzie in various i parts of Rowan County to-day. Two I were re-leased for lack of evidence juries consisting mainly of painful burns and bruises. Morgan was bad ly scalded. Of the twenty-four ne gro deck-hands brought to this insti tution for treatment, nineteen are se riously, the majority probably fatally, injured. "Tired and worn out." He had been reading a book of Kip volume opened at "The City of Dread ful Night." At the time of his death, Captain ! Jarvis was vice-president and active Peer Thrashes Man Who Stole Brooch From Woman. London, June 26 Lord Lonsdale's pugilistic ability served him well on Thursday night when he went to the assistance of a woman whose brooch had been stolen. Attacked by the thief's confeder ates, Lord Lonsdale knocked the thief down, recovered the brooch and hand- duct an agricultural train through the sixteen States comprised in the territory of the Southern Commercial Congress, according to an announce-' ment made to-day by Dr. Clarence J Owens, commissioner of the Bureau ; head of the Nortnwestern Dranch o oi tne uongress. The railroads of the South and the United States Department of Ag- j riculture will co-operate in the effort. It is sought by this enterprise to in- the Booth Fisheries Company. In April of 1896 Captain Jarrls was married to Miss Ethel Taber, a niece of Hettie Green. terpret the agricultural resources of the Southern States through papers prepared by experts and to exploit teh pre-eminence of the section in the number of growing hours, in average rainfall per year and in the character and variety of soils. An effort will also be made to show the relation of j Four Sad Deaths in One Family. Yorkville, S. C, June 24. The I death of both Col. and Mrs. E. T. Atkinsom, of Chester, S. C, on Mon day afternoon within a 1ialf-hour of each other, followed by the death of Lowers Ctro yearn U v. o; !or X tr 1 esil ! pit, t :y - larked. -Mis;:-.t ra? Hi" . tar Ut Uh. t ly. rrise4 ul - CAH tc tifiitrr "WVil. U the txr .. ia thcte ;:u " 4 .u NoifolKiouihernRailr Tratel U IUlrt!i , i fei . nil Vnrfulk w....,t 'i: to nd From u iHr.t u 11 nx. scmkiii'Li: i. i:nnT ;lNt Jt N. B. The fi I lo : - r ure publihel a - . Rind are not guaranty i s Train Irwr luiiih $:15 p. m. Di:, t press," Pullman ; - , Norfolk. 6:15 a. m. !:: r,: Washington and N,.r' .t Parlor Car service L and Norfolk. C:i5 a. m. Daily. .;, for New Hern via .' . T lor Car service. ' 3:00 p. m. Daily. , , s. for Washington. Tmitt Arrive IUUih T:1'0 a. m. Daily 11 : daily except Sunday an 1 ;; daily. Trains Iavo ;li!.f.r 10:15 p. m. Daily press" Pullman S! ,:?, v A Norfolk via New Hern. 7:15 a. m. Daily Ur ! and Norfolk. Parlor Car Washington and Norfolk. 3:20 p. m. Daily fur N- Oriental and Beaufort, Par . Service. For further information ar. 1 r vation of Pullman SN r.r Ctr space, apply to D. V. CONN. General Ac Raleigh. N. C. W. K. HUDSON, W. W. CiLOXTl'N, General Supt., Gen. Pass, a? , Norfolk, Virginia. ATTENTION Boys 'M Girls 4K n t7 phnsAfl whiskpv. Tn nrrtorin, hi rplp9 th nffiPrs! and tw are held for investigation. A 0 .v. " II T i 1 1 s J - ' stated that on account of his age andj """ Kuue auu cmbei werejiIng witn the coronation crowds yes-! physical condition it was not advis-!fund to"day ;n ,the r.!m occupied i terday, was relieved of his watch and I able to hold him in confinement. ! -f usui 1S chain. He offers a reward Mr. John Atkinson Steele and his ed it to its owner. The crowd, oneducation to tlie agricultural life Gf mot&er' Mrs' us A' Stele two recognizing Lord Lonsdale, gave him!the and to define the attitude I ouff apart' being four deaths in one such a strenuous ovation that he was t znh t-rri imiti ! family. Mrs. Steele being Col. Atkin- compelled to take refuge in a police! I son's sister, is an almost unprece-j station. ' denetd occurrence in this commun-j The Lord Mayor of London, ming-! Famous New York Preacher Elected : lty. I 7 President of the Alliance. Owens is a man of family and persis tently refused to give the informa tion the officials desired, and was committed for ten days for contempt of court. Lightning Destroys Power Plant Near Gastonia. believed murder,, as well as robbery, wras anticipated. The injured woman,! who was knocked senseless with a bed-slat by the burglar last night, is resting well to-night. Found Dead in Bed. -The Newton, N. C, June 24. A terrific Wilson, N. C, June 2 6. The news comes from Kenly that last Friday night Mr. Will Williams was awaken- Terrific Storm Does Damage at New-! ed by the crving of his baby who was sleeping with his wife in an adjoin ing room from the one he occupied. ton. Philadelphia, Pa., June 22. Rev. ! Dr. Robert Stuart MacArthur, of Cal I vary Baptist Church, New York City, was to-night elected president of the Baptist World Alliance. Other officers elected included: Sec retaries, J. N. P. Prestridge, Ken tucky, and J. H. Shakespeare, Lon don; treasurer, E. M. Sipprell, St. John, N. H.; treasurer for Europe, Gastonia, N. C, June 24. He called his wife but got no re-HerDen Marnnam' i-onaon. sponse. He made a liht and fnnnH! Among American members of the Power. Company, which-furnishes the ! f 3 o'clock and wrought considerable j his love one stark and stiff beside i executive committee are W. M. Lan Colonel Atkinson, the first to die, passed away suddenly while chatting' with friends at his home in Chester. Thirty minutes later, as a result of the shock occasioned by her hus band's death, Mrs. Atkinson died. On Tuesday Mr. John Atkinson Steele, a nephew of Colonel Atkin son, died; within a few hours the announcement was made that Mrs. Susan Steele, the mother, had passed away. A O m OCO fT1 Vi -v TT1! 3li4-TT V -v r- J i-, 5 11 town of Gastonia with all its lights . - on ..ri whi.h frnth!was unroofed and a lot of hosiery UUU " V utiAVA A a - v. . ItiV ---v- kJ. Lad Fatally Shot Chum. Pmncti'inl- XT T T. - o hsi child. It is a singular coincidence; TVittB W tll ' his brother m Elm City lost his ; anas: H; Jf- ? nl' T!' ! tally shot in a shootin Hallrv t. power for a number of factories in V1' , --- U1U" u wife about four years ago in the same ; epnena. uu, a. -. iu u, , RlvergId ReCreation Park six rnil ke county, is to-night a mass ofj an dthe box factory damaged. ; manner. It is indeed a sad 'death. i Manitoba, and S. J. Moore, Toronto.; Sri ruins, the work of lightning followed!, Jf J Williams is left with no one to Five "Pati to Uie xecutivej. boy ia to Mt't ThQ rmnrhlv octimatofl icuv"' wc-v.oCo, mmcja helD him look aftpr Alffht i1 ! COllllUlLLee CI CllU-Cil i.1 Uiil X-.Bl.U J . . . . , . . ' at $20 000 - !at,uul eerytumg eise movaoie were j dren. 1 You can get a FOUN TAIN PEN. guar-ttwi for one year, 1mJbW5J fre by sending ui t new yearly Bubscrii! to Tho Caucasian. Ct. you may Bend ui IrJ new subscribers for ti months eacb, or new subscriber for three months each. 7V Caucasian has beta en larged to eight pif and is the best W paper published at ti State CapiUl. The prid is only $1.00 a yer. W your father or br&U to subscribe, and U get one more subscr.U? and the fountain pea h yours Why pay fi lar for a fountain when you can get one free? It is eii.T ,J get subscriptions to Tit Caucasian. Try It Show a copy of ti paper to your fries- Send the subscri?11 to whirled about by the young cyclone j and people were badly scared. About 3 o'clock this afternoon lightning struck the building, which is located about seven miles east of I Gastonia on the South Fork of the TexS Woman Wear Death Catawba River, and in a short while it was practically in ruins. Man Charged "With Criminal Assault Gets Only Two Years on the Road. ' Greensboro, June 24. Caleb Hay nes, who was tried .in Guilford court for criminal assault, was this afternoon convicted of simple as- t. He pleaded guilty to carry- aled weapons and, another ous nature, and Judge road sentences of , Wills Point, Texas. In a letter from Wills Point, Mrs. Victoria Stal linjgs says: "I was afflicted with wo manly trouble, had a dreadful cough, and suffered awful pains. I certainly would have died, if I had not been relieved by. taking Cardui. Now I am stronger and in better health than I ever was in my life. I can't say half enough for this great medicine." Do you need relief? Cardui will help you. Try It for your womanly trou bles. Its age Is its guarantee. It cures. j Steals Body of Son From Grave and ixeinters it. San Francisco, Cal., June 2 6. Amazed at her discovery in Holy Cross Cemetery -that the body of her! ' Snftt. at tho inmntniT 1 tt and one each from Austrlia, China, !","".,. " " rtan" Germany, India, Japan, Russia, andl0?' Sweden Vice-President, were chos- l!- he bullet pierc- en from unions in alt parts of the mS marofi-shead. world. The Caucasian, Raleigh, N. C THS International Correspondence Sclc OF SCHAXTON. P--will traf tou. durlar -spare ti' . - . flnm-.. nnstHnl DT tOi . . . . I , i a A. t ft kt linen, t cu nn !fn I r . I M t i m er salary tham you are no That ,o-v x,t im i ror inn inioraiu'. ! "-"o. vasmer at xarooro wpnt . . . n ! Democratic by $50,000. - Clinton ! up. Ea ffia1' Tpti Farmers' Bovs From Each Dar News-Disnatrh I va3nmgXO- omce infant son had been stolen, Mrs. Blanche Gallagher, of 221 Ellsworth Street, hastened to Judge Graham with her story, pleading for assist ance It developed that the father, James Gallagher an iron-worker, who for three years has been separated from his wife,, had broken into the grave, removed the little coffin, and had placed it beside that of his dead mother in a plot some distance away. to be Given Free. Washington, D. C, June 23. At a) f'lLES ' CURED AT HOME BY- of the State directors of the MHii ADOflOnYlfiii ' Corn Clubs of the South to-j"fcii wuwwUr I lUfl Hit I HUH. meeting Boys day the onstration M. D. Haaley. Sunt. "I. C b 1 Ington. D. C OSce 6U . . v- W ' yivama avkcu-. uear sir: rieasr e ,i I plan was approved for a dem-i Jyu snSer from bleeding, itching blind 3n in honor of the victors of SdTuTr " cat!o a? to how I cas Dec .'tnentlo- , v.- t- J tfnjt. h f!me gtuay i - .j. i : i w cure TOursif t ' i tne sou at me iiwi uuui Luueuuuu,--0 uy xm new absorption treafanent; and leaving my Dreseut work of the Southern Commercial Con-1 T jyd some of this honuSnSJ anaimed gress. The ten boys in each State JSJ ZJSif fToT?or uaIlfled- making the highest yield of corn are S'nTLin My am ,a to be given a trip to the next conven- j F!J5 te others of this offer.. Write Street and No. ; uaers, Box P, Jiotis Towm fcd State

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