u v; ;.iiii--------Si.!t-Hft-B vCL. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 3. 1911. No. 30 P1 " "" " " mmTmm """ " ""S JL JL II II j CAUCASIAN niTORIAL BRIEFS A FREE LIST BILL PASSED;"'" :v" v- ' " ' Former Mini! tati: i.x Ttioriiu- TRUSTS TO REORGANIZE in;ttM4 iMt:nwtt tutu ALMOST WATER FAMINE tr.- truB have -..-,.'!i'!af on their fV r.'lli !!- the State !: t ire that TVn Cormnand- Orifcinal House Bill was Amen ded Before it Passed the Senate rr of Vr-e-m Xorth (arJirua Conenr-nrr u Ar retted In Danville oti a vuvt!jrr of ; Cftarse f Fraud. Danville. Va., July A !eW gram received his afternoon from Knoxvilk-. Tetic . state that Her. D WOOL BILL HANGS FIRE P TaU fonaer prominent Metho dist minister, and more recently as Standard Oil and American Tobacco Companies to Have New Line Up clrr THa If irsre I ljBMN-1l ltttr Ijkm it Will Ietry Owifwa Ueufrtn teManry tn FivHr4 JHatc. ah obtain r-nse from a jrivu The Hill u.i Amended by the Senate I Now II ung Up in the Houe The Ixrimer Investigation hi Still insurance, real estate and rental agent of this city, had been arr lel on a number of charge of fraud In this city. The former minister, after ecur- jm A Confessed Bribe-Taker on inS thousands of dollars by question- .-. . . . . ; able methods, skipped from Danville V. Stand More Money Needed t: . . , . king-bird has heard j-lntol quite frequent ursb-Hs he has already the Democratic colons pas when they can't fo endorse the Ten Work of liaising the' gone several days before his victim thoroughly awoke to the fact that they had been swindled and notified the police. Since that time Tate has been on tho dodge. The Rev. Tate came to Danville in the fall of 1909. He had formerly I. tht Main Social it Would Care For All. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, I). C. Aug. 1, 1911. Ttfigh all of ti-4y is lb-w s B'up J?c4 to 10 4ro4 to UraJ ilfaii f r-hr a:lsut tt Cc4r0&4 cotton tart!? rtUia hill, itoi! Sit? the tirsr a fairs up by 4esi3 NolmidjirT pcatoa iUilor a&3 a a. !f :, factual atteapt to ecuf ih p Among Stockltoldrm of the larvnt iJeficleacr pprornaUoa pMiiWg for an extra tcorta pay ror cjpi?"e w? Coagre. Abandosins a j-r? :u r of thirty year taditg, the ? voted down the nu-t,dtnrat I I ta About 150 Cotton HitU Goi cd Down Monday tot Want of Power THEY WILL "RE-CREATE" The Stamlanl's I'lan Irwfid- TtuH Stork ia Thirty -Ilie HELD PRAYERS FOR RAIN Company Wan Will IU Perfect ed About Ikfccmher 1 A rneri ran Tobacco Craianf Will Ilecrrat Out of KlemeiitA Now ComKiGK It, f lm Vtrr Ik Um CtAlMk IUrc ll U ttlmlr Tht Tt Imi Wrrtlr Ar wt Hit tpiij tai-fl I ifm 1 tlrkr rk its a Few !. Uepreentative Amtlti. of Trcar- Ctar totjr. N Js!f II fee; Utter, of It hod t aland. ar;4 rltat le- tt ttaw ce4ettr4 4rw3tSs .ja. a, k. uret-n, ci juatfaenufeei:. ueaoanre-a ict ion it e-f tea-cifcc. " fe New York, July 31. Announce- the Underwood bill. a j I a jc that if diel and fcfty ta cott tullU f tlon ft to-dny tffw th '. f iS; 4. The woolen schedule which passed been a member of the Western North sient was made by the Standard Oil !aed it mould utterly detray t! the House spine days ago was amend- Carolina Conference, and the fact Company of New Jersey to-day in a cotton maaufacturluc industry in the tai lUur U o It fxtrtu ed in the Senate and the House to- that he still masqueraded as a Meth-; communication to its stockholders of: Tnltc-d States. They ured that there Uorr Company rnnt iapply t day refused to concur in the amend- odist minister, gave him a standing; She way it intends to re-orgasiie to be no tann legislation uuom a r-ii-ents that had been attached to the! and a credit that he would otherwise ! meet the provisions of the Sherman port from the tariff board, and Mr bill when it passed the Senate. The1 have had a hard task in securing. anti-trust law. Auuin declared that the Underwood Speaker named a conference commit- He wore his clerical garb here, and The plan provides that stock In hill had been drawn by a lot of tee to reconsider the bill and the Sen- j was very active in Sunday-school and about thirty-five subsidiary compa- yrs w ho knew nothing abou: the ate conferees will be named to-mor-1 church work. He experienced little nies shall be distributed ratably tarit!. row. The "Farmers Free List Bill"! trouble in entering the insurance, among the stockholders in the parent.. ; 77-; passed the Senate to-day, but not un-!real estate and rental business. He! company. Dissolution would be about CHAUCiF.h WITH SKVF.itAL ! K; til after the original House bill! passed numerous worthless checks, j December 1st. FUIKS. nkables to fall back on had been amended. The House bill ! and appears to have borrowed from The detailed plan showing what was defeated en a tie vote. The bill anv one who would loan him. ; Pro rata snares in the subsidiary! nun, " 'nM' , y Home refuses to dls Tiie. Colonel has learn i,;if j.olitics is not anion? i:;(!ti!itrie. is also threatened with a I sut, then, Baltimore , .'. ater gives out. Lri- the people sui posed to ,1! a Deinocratio platform h.-n the Deii.o;ratic poli ho hcli'c-d to make it give it interpretations? was then reconsidered. Senator Kern Among those who endorsed for; company the Standard Oil stockhold offered an amendment and the bill,! him at the banks and who loaned ; ers may expect under the re-organi-as amended, was passed. j him money are quite a number of his zation will be made known later. The original bill provided that i associates in church work here. It, '.neat produc ts, Hour and cereral prod-j is alleged that many of his real es-i nets from nil rountrips should he. srt-itate transactions here were criminal,; a HU Home, i Held for Court. plant Hb nif. tt It r-t?injtr.. that TC.otfO op?at5r afr ;hrv n out of rruplo) s:.-tif. it : e4 that work f!S b jrry5:e4 If f da It tNn many r-k '- rin any cor.Maurtirv h falirn. n4 local either bureau r-erd ho now a d n!ticy of 1 p t rm n precipitatSon for tht !2or! Crrk which hau not eon dr tn fort5 yar ar nsud-hole. and 4i!r mitted free of tariff duty into the United States. The Kern amendment want a speech made in your provides that this free admission v 011 any subject, you cam shall apply only to meats, flour and cereal products "coming from any foreign country with which the Unit ed States has a ricoprocal trade . ;:.:.. :!. : a v'unmodated by sending a grape it I kram to any of the Senatorial l:dates Ilichmond, Va., July "Ye. ! anionic the rural popuUtk.fi dern- am guilty. I don't know why. though, dent upon the ater of rlii u I must have been crazy." declared Kra- Crop In thU Iramod-aff "- Harry L. Britt, aged nineteen, who tl11 ar- burning up in the Hetdt and fiavR hi home i in U.ihlsrh. S C. inany farmers in thl and adhSalnc and that he sold property to which 1 re-creating the American Tobacco .hen he was arraignej ln police counties. depairini? of a corn rrop. he had no title. The police have five j Company out of the elements now ; C(),;rt lhig moruinK on a charge of hav. -hopped down the youns rrn warrants asrainst Tate, two of which composing it, in harmony with t.h-' . wnrthu, rh(.rk for ii:r..and are utlng tt for feej. hii- th Tobacco Trust to IU"-Create. New York, July 27. Steps toward are for felonies. The amount of money secured by Tate is variously estimated at from $15,000 to $25,000. It is not known whether he will consent to agreement and which shall admit from the United States free of duty, j return to Danville without requisi !:- cotton mill men who wrote rotton. corn, wheat, oats, horses, and'tion. article- last year favoring the Demo- j hogs." This amendment will apply only to era tic platform, probably wish now; hr. thev had not written those arti- Tlu- last Legislature should have .lid the foresight to pass a law pro- Canada if the new reciprocity agree ment becomes effective between the two countries. The liorimer Investigation. decision of the Supreme Court of the United States were taken to-day,; when announcement was made of the formation of protective committees by holders of the 6 per cent bonds, the 4 per cent bonds and the prefer red stock. The chairman of the 6 per cent on a local jeweler and one for $35 on nl winu? ar Paying natoc sm roi a clothing firm on Broad Street. ,on- Britt showed a telegram when he Cities and towns to the north and was arrested purporting to be from a west of Charlotte are facing the or Raleigh bank stating he had $1,500 deal of a water famine that th! city on deposit there. is now experiencing. At Greentboro, His case was continued until next Salisbury, Concord, Spencer. Monroe, week to give his brother time to get Wadesboro and other platen the Confederate Veterans' Reunion in Wilmington This Week. j bond-holders committee is Alexander; Q Tfa H declare similar ter supply problem hai reached a low "euipuiu, pie&iueut ui in uudi-j charges are held against voung Britt Mage and meanure of economy are anty Trust Company. His associates Vnrth rflrn11n beine rieidlv enforced. The; !tu. Wilmington. N. C. August 1. Include Albert H. Wiggin, president Confederate veterans from alU parjs the Chase National Bank and De- Georgia Farmer Kills Wife, Then -materially, though the authoritie t Hon in Charlotte has not Improved Xhe Senate Committee is still in- tccting the mocking t:itf. Y birds in this! vestigating the bribery charges! of the State are here in large num bers for the reunion which will be held to-morrow and Thursday. Up on know wcock is on the against Senator Lorimer, of Illinois. to 8 o ciock to-nignt Aajuiani i.. ou Know AycocK on me rnnf. Leon, of the local camp, had register- hustings again. ' . , ' f Legislature i ed 1,200, and several hundred more tho will arrive on night trains, oesiaes; me .News anu uoserver nas worn that elected Lorimer. was on stand all of to-dav. He stated that many others will come in to-morrow. out several cuts of Bryan and now, it!ne received one thousand (dollars foriSome of tne veterans are accompa it doesn't use it more paper will have to Wood row Wilson. , J ie-etveu one inuusdim tuuiidii, u L7h rnimtwM of thpir family so bonds- of which Charles H. Sebin,;reac ore sparingly, that ; his vote, and also told of the distri- nied by members of their family, so, Guaranty Trust hav( orderanewcutofibution of the general corruption there are over 2,000 -vxstiors here al-, ?UJ? vui i.uyier, oi rnnaueipnia. ine. Commit Suicide. are working night and day on th committee's notice refers to the de-l 8 problem. Feeling that the dUtrea sire of the American Tobacco Com-. Oa nesvile. Ga July .9 After f the Jg nQt a8 pany to comply with the order of the j shooting three shots at his wife, caus- Uy ag WM hop bv mm of Supreme Court and urges united ac-l ing fatal injuries, Addle Green, on:tank tra,Rg from th, 'r Moynt tion on the part of the bond-hold-j of S. . D Green, a well-known 'ar-;Holl the offers of r fmm fJa8. i mer, committed suicide here this ai-',. . . , . . cla. i , tnnla ho hv ami ! Ifiniltitnn a. n rn Similar representations are made icruuou. urus du umt ;to.(iay accepted and tank j by the committee for the 4 per cent j rated some time and met to-day to . hro,,Kht Ia to.nifiht nftr t fund for the legislators. Wrhite an nounced that he was a Democrat in The Democratic politicians in this! National politics hut in local matters iui nit: ucoi mau, State are having a regular monkey and parrot time of it, and still, dur ing the next campaign they will call it Democratic "harmony." reach an agreement as to who should e possession of their only child Company, is chairman, and the pre- i which J. N. Wallace, president of TRDDPS KILL rUUIl I thlJ I AnY RIIRMFn Tfl nFflTH th. Central Trust Company, i, chair- lnWVO rUUIllttll ready man. Governor Kitchin's case seems to be of a very serious nature and may prove fatal. Senator Lockhart says the Governor has a case of "self-aggrandized, exaggerated ego." The News and Observer says that the best signs of the times is that waving the bloody shirt does not now make a politician popular. Then Sim u.ons is a goner this time. complete the raising of the wrecked j battleship Maine. It will probably! take $250,000 to complete the work.! train houfcsnd gallons from each place. This U be ing pumped Into the city mains di rect by means of fire engines, and an additional steamer borrowed from Columbia, S. C, will augment the lo cal fire apparatus In this work to- The three committees join in; mnrrow it u hnn.-t! hv w?dnilar i requesting that certificates of bonds Bloody. Scenes Enacted at to secure an economic tervlce Was Returning Home With!- -t later than j of n a c, Escort From Church Sun- Lawyers representing the commit-' MTi'ro Special prayer services for rain . r tees to-day expressed the opinion that; j weTe nejd In churches throughout the, day Afternoon ; harmony on the part of the security, .igection yesterday. There was a brief . . . ... . ...... 4 . 1 1 ' . 4nL'A.l Toil uml I- nuu 1 ' i nomers win accelerate tne dissolution r.a . 'shower this afternoon and rain is Prisoners Which Were Uelnjr Held falling lightly to-night, with atmos- There American Women Hurrie! i condltlont that promise re- ! Her. More Funds for Raising the Maine. Senator Warren, acting chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs,' has reported a bill whereby the Sec-! retary of War is authorized to takej from an emergency fund extended by I . . . . . . ... - e... ,vf f',vnn rAimtv and re-organization of the Tobacco! vana whatever amount he needs to Miss Maggie Suggs, of ureene count), .. ,i company in tne manner yrescnoeui Meets a Tragio Death Escort j Dy the united States Supreme Court. Made Vain Effort to Extinguish the! It is understood that the protective! j committees were not formed until as-; HameS. : cnranroo n-oro rfot vart that their pf-' From the Scene of Danger. A correspondent of the News and Observer says that the Democratic candidates should declare themselves. That isn't so important as it is to find a Democratic politician who will stay "declared." Socialist Wrould Care for All. El Oro, State of Mexico, July 31. (hie Democratic County Airala for Kinston, X. C, July 31.- Victor L. Berger, the Socialist Con gressman from Milwaukee, has in troduced a bill to-day in the House I church in a buggy with Mr. J. .VotprJ forts would not interfere with the; In repelling a mob of striking min Federal Aid. Senator Simmons says that a report ft one of his speeches in the News and Observer was outrageously un-faiT"- Mr. Simmons did not find out that the News and Observer, is out rageously unfair until it turned on him. of Representatives to give pensions from $2 to $400 to every man and woman over 60 years who has been a citizen of the United States sixteen consecutive years, has not been con victed of a felony and is not in receipt of income from any source averaging $6 a week for twelve months before the granting of the pension. It is estimated that the adoption of the bill would cost the Government $370,000,000 annually. Mr. Berger has not told the House just how all this pension money could be made available. Im o trnm f rom I United States Circuit Court, to which VA t.v..w", o , , , I . I, . church in a buggy with Mr. J. b. !ine worK ol re-orgduuiug ic Carris, Miss Maggie Suggs, of Greene; can Tobacco Company had been dele County, sustained burns which prov- gated by the higher tribunal, ed fatal. Two Big Mills at Greensboro Close Down on Account of Dull Trade. Greensboro, N. C, July 31. White Oak and Proximity cotton mills are Cotton j snut down for two weeks. The ex- The Democrats are trying to revise tVi . ... una on cotton goods ; 1 1 i muis are closing down on account of, isting depression in mill business in duH trade and the price for cotton is' tne South was given as the reason, going down. Do you see any conaec-1 The employes seem rather happy tion 7 over having a two weeks vacation 't ! and are having a good time. While ! the mills are shut down a number of WilSOn'S ! ,,.;U K mQrla onrl (ha milk : icpdllfl Will kj VLiaMj MUV. " . . - ers. who to-day freed the prisoners', ..flirnbr v r ,..y f. -ritipn in jail, troops fired into the crowd, ; &re cfrculatlng petitions and writinK killing fourteen and wounding oth-j ,ettrs to Unted SutM Margha, lx. ers- , gan urging him to appoint for Cher- The strikers were from La Lsper- okee a dcpulJ marthaL ,t anza mine, wnicn tney aoanaonea t . i .. -. . Tho hoH hoon affnnHinr S,indav-: .1 i x- . . . ' . f aaieiy eumaieu mere are ai lean, vvu i,.v i ensign louug uwaieu m tnis morning. inis aiternoon iue school convention at nuns uross-; and Ttaken to Morcanton. Roads Church, in Institute Township,; and had started home, when sud Ensign Robert S. Young, Jr., of -'ew Jersey, Woodrow e Mate, is a paradise for trusts, will hp made and the mills will re- If h e is such a reformer, why doesn't! sume work August 14th. h e take the trust situation in his; Stat rms' as well as charity, begin at. home? ! denly the young lady's dress was dis covered to be on fire. She jumped from the buggy and ran through the woods in a panic, and .thus fanned the flames into a fearful blaze. Her companion ran after and over took her, and made heroic efforts to subdue the flames, sustaining burns on his hands, which will probably mark him for life, but when the flames were quenched the young lady's body was so horribly burned that there was no hope of recovery. She was hurried home, where she died at 3 o'clock this morning. Miss Suggs was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Suggs, of Jason, Greene County. The origin of the fire is shrouded in mystery. Mr. Garris, the young lady's com panion, does not smoke and had not used a match for any purpose. It is supposed that while they were in the church some one had occupied the buggy while smoking, and in this way J Concord.. N. C, who disappeared from his ship, the Torpedo Boat Destroyer Perkins, in New York, recently, ar rived at Morganton, accompanied by his father, Dr. Young. He was taken to Broad Oaks Sanitarium. The ar rival was very carefully planned and news of Young's presence did not be come known generally until several hours after his arrival. The young man claims he does not know when he left the ship, that he was under a twentr illicit distilleries in nnratlnn men in the Mexico Mine an adjomingj In tn,g COUDtJ( and ,t lg claimed'by property, walked out. It is expected i oW cItIren, that blockading In Cher by the men of El Oro Mine that ajokee u as bad tWQty year, strike will be called there to-morrow i Whepe afe the Sute and county of Fearing that they might be the vie , flcIala wfao helped brng about pro. tims of anti-foreign demonstration, j hibItorf one of the obJectl of wbIch many American women were sent out of the camp in a special train to Mex ico City. The fears were based on a circular recently issued by the min ers, in which Americans were bitterly assailed. More than 4,000 men of the Mex ico and La Eaperanza mines are out. mental strain. The Government was! They demand higher wages. If these notified of Lis presence in Morgatnon and the Department has ordered that the young ensign report in Norfolk as soon as he is well enough, where he will be examined by Government phy sicians and further steps in his case will then be decided upon. eby the horns? Shouldn't re-j Wanted fop In ryun, i9! set fire to some hay under the buggy ... i a ; i Seal, uivu o juiutitu uuv.il iunuv. Arrested in Cincinnati. ' . .. . . , . , into flames by the motion of the buggy Clarence, alias "Kid" Morris, wasand ns set fire to the young lady's arrested in Cincinnati Monday at thej dress, resulting in her death, as stat- instance of Attorney R. O. Everett, jed above. of Durham, N. C, from whom Mor-j John Arbuckle says he would not sign agreement with the sugar man ufacturers because he was afraid of the Sherman anti-trust law. What crporation is there in North Carolina tfcat is afraid of the anti-trust law ln this State? Child Twenty-Eight Months Old Weighs lOO Pounds. men should be joined by those In El Oro, the number of strikers would number 7,000. One hundred soldiers were sent from Tokica, the State Capital of El Oro this afternoon, and President De La Barra has promised additional protection. It is expected that 1,-000 soldiers will be here before morning from the capital. Trouble began early. The rurales had arrested a few of the strikers and Atlanta. Ga.. July 28. James Adolph Coda, aged . two years and the idle men determined to set them and four months, weight 100 pounds, free. Arming themselves with pieces created a sensation on the streets of of gold ore ana stones, tney startea ris is accused of receiving eight hun dred dollars by forgery. Morris is a printer and a magazine publisher. He has agreed to come back without requisition papers and will be sent for immediately. Demoeratic Party Still at Sea. Durham Herald. Yet after all of this talk no one seems to know where the party in the State stands. Atlanta to-day as he walked beside his father from a railroad station to a hotel. The giant baby lives at ML 1 Airy, Ga. His mother Is of medium size, while his father weighs one hun dred and sixty pounds. Baby Adolph stands three feet three inches in his socks, and boasts a chest that measures 36 inches. He eats from four to six biscuits at each meal and has a passion for tweets. up the one street of the town toward! marJe the jail, throwing stones as iaey went at such buildings as offended their was to get rid of the revenue ofnee? Zeb Vance used to say smart thins about the revenue oficers and refer to them as revenue doodlert and red legged grass-hoppers, and his sneers aroused a feeling among bis follow, ers In the State against this class of government employes, and this dis like culminated in pro&lbitlon. which It was thcight would put these offi cers out of employment and force them to leave the State. But now we have a tingle county appealing for the appointment of a deputy marshal to cope with a condlton that is de scribed as being as bad as twenty years ago. With tweaty illicit distil lleries in one county, do you think the need for Reveaue officers has passed? And if these officials were withdrawn and prohibition turned over to public sentiment, what you you suppose would be the conse quence In a very short time. Albe- sight. They shouted their defiance at Was Only Intended to Fool Voters. the rurales, who fired shots. Before the mob fled, however, it had succeed ed In freeing the prisoners Shutters were closed throughout the town and foreigners re-doubled their activity to get women out of danger. Durham Herald. WTien the .party declared for free lumber it evidently did not mean to be takem seriously, and perhaps it was the same way about that anti trust plan la the platform. t

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