rhe Caucasian .n Ii--r , mii. joik WYATT suicides. v c, Atiu 17, 1011. . .4 r - local Matters. 'rraldi-nt of a lAf-gt Mercantile; Mr. Job !'. Wyatt, head of the mer.j cantlle firm of Job P. Wyatt, Sosi &l Company, dealers la farm lupplle' and machinery on Martin Street of this city, attempted to take hia own; life Friday by cutting hia throat wlthi a razor. He bad L-Mrii unwell for a; week, and la a fit of detpoadency be j grot out of bed about 4 o'clock in thej morning and inflicted two deep, long! gaahea in the left aide of hia throat- Hia condition remained critical tin-5 tll Tuesday morninjc, when la an! r,,;or-l. ho shot and unguarded moment he tore the' ! ry, white, in Moore stitches from his throat and died; ! V.--kV 'ago, surrendered ehortly afterwards. He leaves three? of Moor: last week and ong, who were associated with hlmj .1. - Drlann fnr in business: ftlfcO s rfatsph!? fr f f '() ill.' maw; mvt " - , v 1 P. Norris. of Durham. I - , v.". Clark, assistant su-, ST ATE FARM KILS . of th Krwin Cotton irn was brought to Ra- ' . kt. .,j;iy to U1J "W"'" v W AlItfUHf 0h tr Hint Trwlr,- the state printing , awarded to E. M. Us-' P wards A: Brougbton: . r. Anting concerns of IVlason Fruit Jars Pints, ptf deaca, - - - 50c QmtUiptr 6amu - fc&c llilf fpttlom. - 75c Sure Seal Glosis Top Jars Pists, v - .75 Quarts, ..... $1.00 Ihlf gallons, .... $1.00 JAR CAPS Per dozen, .... .25 White Rubber, per don, - - .6 Red Robber, " - - - .10 Wide Mouth, " - - .10 Call on us for Jan, Kettles, etc L. W. BO WD Eli The New Hardware Man. Raleigh, N. C. CONVENTION. Meeting Will lie Held at A. & M. Col-' 1 ' justice waiter i&r, appendicitis. j Labor Day, -r 4 th, lece bItp -Women' Farm Life (Vmvi-n- tion. A State Farmers' Convention will .! ()! Mr V. J. Andrews .o'ium and only good old- he! I in this city the sev- be held at tho A & m. College. West! Hers COnemiuii uuue. Uotch. Auenst 2fth to !Uf inHn- sive. Selection Seed Corn. Stock Jtidcfncr. i ,'.. :.. i tiddlers will be eligible. Feeding of Farm Animals, and other; u.r subjects of interest to tho farmers. ""' , ru.rntlne in Durham will be discussed by men who have; triad in made each line a study. The Col-i ' ' ...,,t',t.' thi charce. 1K will furnish rooms free, but alls -"fl .'raptured in Wake County who intend stopping at the Colleges , , , ,-nntv lfne There are requested to bring sneets and pil- :" .,,in;t tho defend- 1', if they wish one. Meals will be! " . ' !',.. 'wis hound over to Fed- furnished at the College at 25 cents. . , .,,tw1 f nnn The uoraen a Farm Iife Conven- ' " :r "' tion will be held at the College at the z, . r. Marks, wno is unuer .uilsi game time Beautifying the Farm; . K:-.n.:af is to be brought bacK to Horaef Raising Poultry and Prepar- County, this State, where ho ,ng it for Market, Hor to Make Quick! - : lived, to answer the charge Ireadf Dressmaking, and other sub-! , . ; r. He is charged with kill- jectg of interestf win be discussed by , H i- s Fllen in Black River Bl)ecial ladv sneakers. I j... .;ap. The killing was October ; '.-it j. (lovernor Kitchin has is- J)R icCULLEIW WILL ENTER s., ; tli" requisition on the Gover- SUIT. Florida for the prisoner, and a . ;:.r:.-'t County official has left for Wake Democrats in Row Over Pie, ; , . la i, bring the prisoner back. aml Jllst How it shaR nanded 0nt 1 Mr. s. li. Seymour Apilntol Post- .g.; master at West Italeigh. rmif-nskti nf th r.nnntv! J Kl s V - V w u a.. v ---w ml ( Washington, I). C, Aug. 15. The Commissioners' refusal to pay Dr. Mc-i p siiU ut to-day sent to the Senate Cullers fees as county physician, orj 't,. nomination of S. U. Seymour to to recognize him as county physician! te post master at West Raleigh. and to add more fuel to the flame the commissioners have notified Sheriff Mr YY J Iliddick Dies Suddenly. Sears that he must not permit Dr. McCullers in the jail to see such Mr. W. G. Riddick died Tuesday prisoners If they need medical aid at the home of his brother, Dr. J. eT beeQ lnstructed to send Ri.idiok. in this city. Mr. Riddick tnniirs was cashier of the bank of Youngs THE CAUCASIAN and Uncle Remus Home Magazine Both One Year for Only $1.25 Uncle Remusa Home Magazine was founded by Joel Chandler Harris, the author of the "Uncle Remus stories, and is the best magazine of its class published in the United State. Jack London, Frank L. Stanton, and other prominent writers contribute to this magazine. It is published in Atlanta every month and the subscription price is J 1.00 a year. The Caucasian is the best weekiy newspaper published in the State. Why not have both of these excellent publications in your home? Subscribers who are In arrears must pay up and renew their subscription in order to take advantage of this excep tional offer. This is the best bargain in reading matter we have ever been able to offer to the reading public. Send in your subscription to-day. Don't delay but do it now. Address. THE CAUCASIAN, RALEIGH, X. C. ville. liobbit-Wynne Drug Company in Hands of Receiver. fnr nr. Stenhenson. Dr. Mcuuiiers has employed counsel and it is under stood he will fight the matter to a finish. The Iiobbitt-Wynne Drug Company was placed in the hands of a receiver Friday night by Judge Daniels fol- Xew Managers in Charge of Draugh on's Business College. ATpsars. J. C. Root and R. E. Girt- gnt oy juu8uau,c xwt w nf Hrauchon's lowing a refusal of creditors ol tne on nv 7 M to company to accept a 40 per cent com- Business Colleg ;e Ra leigl 1 N. C to promise on the dollar. J. S. Wynne conduct a first-class, up-to-date Busi was named as the receiver. , aess College. riTnn -,rA from Te drug-store was Cosed yester- Messrs. '"J day taking an inventory. graduate ot the Indianapolis Uni- I vprsitv. having come to Raleigh three (imonmr issues Pardon to Four ! rt y,o. with Tirauehon's Col- Prisoners. I vars aKO to be with Draughon's lege, but one year ago accepted a po - r t- : n r Governor Kitchin has issuer par-; sition as hook-Keeper xor v.. -dans to the following-named prison- Co. Mr. Root is a young man of ers. high standing in the community, and Jim Lomax, of Gaston County, sen- has had several years experience as tenced to five years, November term, teacher and office manager. 1908. for -larceny. Mr. Girton is a tea che r and grad- Will Bassett, of Buncombe County,1 uate of the Crawfordsville and Brazil who was serving four months on road . Business Colleges, haying come to for ellinz liauor i Raleigh sometime ago to be with the Sanforf Leagon, Cleveland County,! Draughon College. He is well-known who was sentenced to six months on as a commercial xeamei, the roads for 'moonshining.' ! several years' experience as teacher Will Downey, Granville County,; and office manager. who was serving six months' sentence . " " "From Fuouay Springs. T j Mr. Editor: The tobacco crop is CONDUCTOR SCALDED TO DEATH. fine in this section and the third : j warehouse at Fuquay Springs will be Walter Finch, of Raleigh, Dies of In- ready by September 1st and will be juries Engineer and Fireman In- run t,y Messrs. John Lee, of Durham, jurrd When Crown-Plate Blew and jQhn Adcock, of this place. Oth Iown. ; r new enterprises will be launched Conductor Walter Finch, 'who was here very soon. J. S. Hailey & Co. terribly scalded Friday evening in an Jill move ,to their new bulWIng explosion of a locomotive on the Sea- bepiemuei - - board Air Line five miles west of Ra- returned home after a visit to her leigh, died at Rex Hospital Saturday father, Mr. T. Smith, of Cary, R. F. horning. Engineer Steven Stogner D- No. 1. nArA anri and the colored fireman, John Maxey, We have about one hundred and are improving steadily and will re- fifty people here drinking the exhller cover : ating water from the spring. The freight train had iust left' " WIDE-AWAKE. Johnson Street station here as No.( : 19, Raleigh to Hamlet, when the ao Governor Offers Big Reward for cident occurred. I Criminals in Two Cases. When the train reached the five ...... ffrpri Trn .. , . , . . Goveraor Kitchin yesterday oiierea yusi, wnicn is aDout two miies . . . 4AA ..ntnra n est of Method, there was a crash a reward of 400orwth Xed and a sizzle as the crown-nlate the Party or Parties who cnmmitt,;d vh?.!??-?! two outrages in Jackson County in down. This allowed the steam to March and April ??'JP Sow ito the fire-box. Immediately reward wa. offered at the requestot the fire-box flew open and the steam Solicitor Felix S. Allen. On March Poured out Engineer Stosner iumn- 22nd somebody entered the home of nJl . -nPneT stogner jump- Dillsboro, and au.u. ten on tae side or tne tracK. , V . , mmnt As he jumped he called to the Are- aer hIoroff mlng ' Jnt nan to do likewise, but Maxey did ? nameless crime burglarized the . influence of chloroform when found. GrnT1, 77m ! On the night of April 22nd some uuupmentw uaa reiiows entered the home of Rev. J. M. in Raleigh. Bennett, at Sylvia, Jackson County, lhe sixty-fourth annual session of and burglarized' the house. v. .wuu Carolina urand ltincamp- Jjent, I. o. O. F., convened in the Odd Farmers in the community of Wake F Pl 1 rvnrr. T H . 1 . v. .... . . . , 1 ill . t.rA Ui4U m ine Mome Building, - Forest state tnai caierpmars uc m tnis city, Tuesday afternoon with done considerable damage to cotton nearly forty delegates. There are in near Wake Forest. J Slllenz Ease Shoe For Comfort & Long Service "1ATE can show you proof " that eight out of ten men wear tneir MENZ EASE twelve to twenty four months. Isn't saving the price of one or two ordinary shoes every year good enough for you ? Herbert Rosenthal The Shoe Fitter 129 Fayetteville St, Raleigh, tL C Hart-Ward Hardware Co. We have Moved our store to new building 125 East Martin Street We have 10,000 square feet of show rooms with Electric Elevator, every floor on the ground floor. Right in the heart of the business center of Raleigh. We will be pleased to see all friends customers, and the public generally. Our stock is complete and our prices the lowest HART-WARD HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail. 125 E. Martin St,, Raleigh, N. C ouue xnirty-nve local encamp ments with wv. uiciutrciouiy UL X,- When writing advertisers, please aMb Shipments made to any part of the State at same price as at shop. M0HDMEHTS ! P f r COOPER BROS., Proprs RALEIGH. N. C 3BND FOR CATALOQUE. .... - When writing to Adrertisers mention the Caucasian. CERTAINTY IS WHAT EVERYONE SEEKS Wt c f t Wit rtu AU Summer Goods Most Go To Make Hoorn for tfcc Nctv ALL FIGURED LAWKS, . . FIGURED FL.U0KS AND BATISTE, WilTTE LAWKS, . . . . ME.VS OXFORDS, . . . LD1ES OXFORDS, ... 10c 15c Froci 6 to 1-. . . Sl.SS L4S ;U1MTEK-RAND COIMUPAIW Pictorial Dcvlcw Patterns. IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH Travel via THE CHESAPEAKE LINE Daily Service Including Sunday. The new Stemmem jut plml in erricr the 'TITV OF NO It TO LK 'CITY OF BALTIMORE" art? the mott ekgraM ari ol4itc Strrt be tween Norfolk and Haltimore. I QUIPPED WITH WIRILESS-TELEPHCHE IH EACH ROtU OEUCICUS UUIS ON BOARD. EYERYTH MS FOR COMFORT AH3 COKYEH EKCE. Steamers leave Norfolk (Jackon St.) p. m. Uav 014 Fmr G-ra't 715 p. m. Arrive Baltimore 7.CX) a. m. CoancUnj: t BalUmore for 1 j?mU NOKTH, NORTH EAST and WEST. Reservations made and any information ctmrteouij fura4bcd ty W. H. PARNELU T. P. Norfolk, Va. VACATION OUTING. The Glorious Mountains of WESTF.It.V NORTH CAROLINA "The Ind of the Sky" "The Sapphire Country" "The Balsams" Where there Is Health in Every Breath The Climate Is Perfect-the Year Round In Spring and Summer the Region Is Ideal Reached by SOUTHERN RAILWAY Solid Through Train, including Par lor Car, between Goldsboro, Aahe ville and Wayneaville via Greensboro, Salisbury. Other convenient through car ar rangements. Summer Tourist Ticket on Sale until SEPTEMBER 30, 1911. Let Your Ideas and Wishes bo Known SMITH'S CAFE J. H. WOOD, D. P. A.. Asheville, N. C. R. II. DeBUTTS, T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. J. O. JONES. T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN HAILW'AY. line We Fcrnlsh the Best that Ucnsj Can Boy. EverotMna m Season Ueals Served ca Sh:rt Katica ta Omr ptiem art Octr w diahtm-toaat hmv I cinlj fltud sp. a4 arm k Mt mith's Oaii No. 9 Exckanf StrMt RALQGH, : : : NORTH CAROUIU " 1 Direct Line to All 1'oint .orm SouUi, East, Weat Very Low Round Trip Rate to All Principal Resorta. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4.05 p.m., arrives AU lanta 6.25 a.m., making close con nection for and arriving at Mont gomery following day after leaving Raleigh, 11 a.m.. Mobile 4.12 p.m., New Orleans 8.30 p.m., Birmingham 12.15 noon. Memphis, 8.05 p. m., Kansas City, 11.20 a.m. second day, and connecting for all other paints. This car also makes close connection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western nolnts. t Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6.50 p.m., arrives Washington 8.53 a.m., Baltimore, 10.02 a.m., Philadelphia 12.25 noon, New York 2.31 p.m. This car make close connection at Washington for 7.4 f p.m., making close connection Pittsburg, Chicago, and all other points North aad West, and at Greensboro for through Tomnst Sleeper for California points, and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Aikevllle leaves Goldsbero at 6.45 a.m.. Ra leigh, S.35 a-m., arrives Aabevllle with the Carolina Special and arriv ing Cincinnati 10 a.m. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close con nection' for all points North ana Northwest. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2.30 a-m.. arrives Greens boro 6.30 a-m., making close connec tion at Greensboro for all points North, South, East and West. This car Is handled on train No. Ill, lea. vine Goldsboro at 10.45 p.m. If you desire any Information, nlae write or call. We are here to furnish information as well as to sell T. P. A.. 215. Fayetteville St.atatat tickets. W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A. 215 Fayetteville SL, Raleigh, N. a ; H. F. CARY, General Passenger spent. Washington. D. C J amines i, Opp. Pott Office RALEIGH, -.- N. C When writing advertisers, please mention this paper, s JEEPS every thing usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Fine Assortment 01 GARDEN SEEDS Special Attention to All Mail Orders. For Iotprtrremcat el SotU far Larger Cmi USE TMITRAGIIM U.S. PMtNal7lJ. S2 rpnt te Nltracw predacte crops wCl m at IMt tr tbirds oa rear fartilixr fcUs oad produce a htmltbj oii sad toxartaal eoa. KitraTia for saor tma t.OOrOmtr hU Cerraaa Aaaaricaa KitrtIa Caapaay. Pootml wUl brine taformatfoa. B. P. BASRELL. . . Edeifh, If. C Sas-Asaat for Nertk CanBaa. " " w , mention this paper.

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