- -! it - ' r -- - -tmiiiaa mi.. Wij L.m&i.u. . H"ijii "j.nTV;HTin itf'li'TnTtrf f'"'Tr'T''J"rf" jrttT'WiiiiLitf' '. mi". '.Wiiwi ...'J. i-"jn r ii.u'ji'JLi-'.'MM JT1. 'ijjWf i m i .uM Vi' IMilM(PWIIIHMBIHlnr MT' "f" MJfca"'T't -""T I'll r -- I" TT '" - r--- - - - -f-- - -- - .i-y -"fc1 w''-'-"- .'; fa-. So -t No. 33 xxix. . 1ST C . AUGUST 24. 1911. vol- EDITORIAL BRIEFS - t A 1 - harmony was su has been forced to ,,' the rsnR. that it H;n.:nons left for home be r,. adjourned and Is prob r - after his swamp lands. Ir.n:ocraU know where they tariff question it is more ' t KnO"o dUUUV vtl. one Democrat thinks t :u racy on straight an along an ,trl,. (f)rii('n unmasks .... Simmons seem to be things coming their way rot the things they had hoped DKMOCItATS BID POOH WORK So. OflMnnrCC AfilfilIrjfteHfa on duty 4 eibfT. mi 1 1 r iiiiiiiiiii ii i i. uuiiuiibvu fiuiuuiuiv propesmo&s or assess s fcts art pr- llrpulilfcAn leader 3fann Hay the! Ikmocrtft Have IWn HoUted Bfi Their Ovm Petard." j stated, I ssay tcte fsr l?st 1 , t? a i r . cct goiss to vot thtm er fsnr j inc ciiraoruiuary ocwiwu-j of e4a! a t& mis ! iDooslers Wcel Staru day in Ihc Caccasiatfs Prize Popularity Contest Washington, D. C. Aug. 22. Re- Came n an nr! THav ! book which fc Uwta eoal4rtJ by j " . . iq an caa luesaay ; fccto4y coxpkte?y a fin Encouragement Offer Mauv a Order to Stun Afternoon posest of the Aa.&dmaL" . - ulate an Early Start in the Kacc tor ie rrua. This b the Time to Boost the Campaign of Your Favorite Candidate. 1. 1 - T .1 t . . mart stiorl Hvlror mlriArlt !,.- nUWU JUU of the work of the extra session off the Democratic House, declared the: net result was to strengthen the Pres-j ident and weaken Democracy and? . nonrinr fntn th- Vhit Hoqm rom.f that the Democrats, In "trying to putT!e Canadian IXripmclty WiU Cm- prwMeDt for hlj TeowJ the President In the noie" m tarm UEASUDES OF IUPOHTANCE ! Onjrratuljoi loer Into ih tnri.! i dtit. 1 i Letters and telegrams hare Wrn revision legislation, bad been by their own petard." 'hoist' j the 2-Utb. s:ivs when the time cornea candidate that he will We had susplcloned the Senatorial race, lunrk is in on the increase ana tne is bird is looking for the tall Dr. W. I Kxum PaAMs Away at Hisj Country Home. j Goldsboro, N. C. Aug. 18. His! manv friends throuehout the State will learn with sincere regret of the death yesterday afternoon of Dr. W. P. Exum, which occurred at his country home near Snow Hill. Dr. Exum was one of the best physicians in that section, and his death will be a loss to the enure community, by all of whom he was dearly loved, not alone for his worth as a physician, but also for his deeds of kindness to those around him. He is survived by his wife and two chldren, Miss Margaret, Dr. W. P. Exum, Jr., and a large circle of relatives. ak Iign Publicity IU1I. the Rppor- of the wool and farmen fre list! . . . . . f Uonment IUU and the Medium Ad. These merges come from j txtn UltS UT UtTJ UlTly $2mpilS2 ICTXtll 13 WZTT wc-j manuracturen, mercnanw. DaaKen.j i P o. Jala tst Cttutrt ISa t Id II IClSi ml t fin? w Mexico and ArizofiU BCSCJy AC SCSI 3513 J3La wx yMir s auw bJVM uv vuj'; uet v vwaivu- a New States Were the Only 3laU ous position In the commercial and i J r.ber.-v Over in (Jreensboro they grant di vorces while you wait. Five divorces eranted in Guilford court in one day this week. induftrial rircls. and ara to the en- U of Importance Finally Enact-; eral effect that lfae mgWent ha. ed Into Law President Aecom-; dene an invaluable service, cot only to the men who manage and control She Ctts s Cti lead Early la the CtslesJ. Da U Saw. CVty Itai la p&ise. On another page of thia taiue wiilth rote for Ur. joa oi4 b found an announcement of erHfr your candiasie t&T otgrrM cr t, t'i, if c n TV. i " j we jouqu an husuuuwimi - t - - pushed hat "e Uul 10 ,x; business enterprise, but to those iclaI jnlwl to Au Contetants aod the Senate only o- ortecrr. Il If President Congratulated for Veto- who are employed by them. ... , . , -i The Presidxii is informed that he ing ooien lull uu r mrium mt j List Hill. Special to The Caucasian.) j has heartened businesa and com j merce everywhere, and insured the j country for at least the twenty . months remaining of bis present Washington, D. C, Aug. 22, 1911. term against legislation of a demor- The extraordinary session of the ali2ing character. He also is advised Sixty-second Coagress came to an end j tnat his action will stimulate the ar this afternoon at 3 o'clock. I teries of trade; rmd prevent a vast The reciprocity bill, campaign pub-jamoun 0f curtailment which would The Goldsnoro itecoru sa.ys iujs i a -rag time" age. And it will be even more so if the Democrats elect the next I'resident. The Democrats claim they will tin next year because the Republi cans are not all united. Well, when did they get united? Reatty Keate World's Flying Record While Carrying Passenger. Chicago, Aug. 19. W. G. Beatty, in a Wright biplane, beat the world's rpnord for duration wnlle carrying a passenger at the interna tional aviation meet here to-day. Beatty and his passenger were in the air at the opening gun at 3:30 o'clock and remained up until 7:08 p. m., a total of three hours and 38 min utes. The former record was made by Amerigo, at Mulhausen, Germany. December 11, 1910, when he carried a passenger 3 hours, 19 minutea and 37 seconds. llcity bill and the re-apportionment bill and the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as new States, were the? only measures of Importance that The Democrats are giving free shows over the State. The News and Observer says that Locke Craig was tie attraction last Thursday. An exchange asks when is a turtle. In that respect he is like the rprntw nnrt.v for often he is drii and don't seem to realize it. were finally enacted into law. The President vetoed the woolen bill, far mers' free list bill, and the cotton schedule. President Taft, who had just ve toed the cotton bill, the last of three revision bills, adversely acted on, was have Increased the number of unem ployed. Will Justify Ilia Position. When the President convened Con- ! gress In extraordinary session last spring It was for the purpose of rati fying the reciprocity agreement. This has been done. Mr. Taft intended at that time not to approve any revision bills in anticipation of reports from the tariff board. His vetoes have present with members of his aDinei-been fiUBtained. He had resolved, if when the special session came to a j tne questi0n came up In the session, close. I to repudiate the Arizona constitution Negro Killed in a Three-Cornered Fight at Fayetteville. Fayetteville, Aug. 9. Jim Town son, a negro was stabbed and killed and Clay Johnson, colored, was also knifed in a three-cornered fight in which Adam Smith, another negro, was the third participant, on Blount street, this city, last night. The efforts on the part of the Dem ocrats and insurgent Republicans to put the President "in a hole" ended in a miserable fiasco. President Accomplished WTiat He Set Out to Do. An analysis of the work done shows that he achieved practically everything of importance which he set out to do. The results he at tained are positive, and ought to last, containing the provision for the re call of judges. Congress approved of that provision and he vetoed the j joint resolution. His attitude in this respect has also been sustained, and Congress has expunged the objection able paragraph. Now the President Is preparing to go before the country and justify everything he has done. He believes he owes an obligation to the people trvenlfsrhten them as to the work of While the Senate refused to ratify j b!s administration , and, in justice to his arbitration treaties wan ureal i vlmeelf to submit his -version of u ' what has been transpiring at the Na- th-tr fHrwU It l&nnurpi t i&-1 nnriy Wir Bias c auguratlon of "Bootter Wk" In Uk a Tamtaaay 1111 oUcUn. The Caucasian' big contest. An of- taff IVrfertly !eUlit. No fer ia made to encourage an early prUoa una taring yon la U tt start among the candidate for the for thU. nd besides tu ibr prize. The management believe in were, who would I willing putting the best effort at the begin- couple of year la JU for one of our ning of the contest Instead of at the Tarheel U-autle Cod bles Va. end, and the wise constant will do l R bU ter c0 the most or their work a eany in me '-' - game a ssible. Fallot box now. Toar fcelp may be The offer Is this: During thi week that is needed to encourage yoar an extra certificate calling for 15,000 favorite to put forth the effort which votes will be Issued for every yearly will plat her at the top of tha UsV subscription turned in The Caucaa- lo It now. Ian. All yearly subscription turned The Voting limit. ',Dh ,,d,rio!l!,!1,t0 The ,o,10S U.t h- ta ,.t4 This I. .imply ot of encour- , -00 to.. K0 c.n- agement and will expire Wedndy. l-""!" " ' Augu.t 30.at 9 p. m The ballot, do " S.00 WW bo.. th. blsh-t not have to be counted at once but contelnt In thl. iMue. may be held and voted at will. See Foot Districts, list of candidates and their standing q to"c3ay roune ladr securing the Urgeat vote To OutMde Candidate. m tbo entlre territory, bst in order You have until 9 o'clock Wedne- to equalize the chances cf the several day night to mall in your subscrlp- candidate for the eight remaining tions so that they will count on the prizes, te territory ha been divided "Booster Week" offer. Any letter into fc.r dUtrlct. A diamond ling mailed before 9 p. m. will count, and a gold watch will be given ia Ask your postmaster when he each of these- district, changes his date stamp, then be sure District No. 1 will comprise Wake vou eet your letter In on time. County, including the city of Raleigh. SHOT DEAD AT HIS GATE Since Democrats do not love pie, It would seem that Dr. 'McCullers Secon(l Murder at William- could serve the paupers of waKe county without fees or salary either! If Doc. Faison did not use all of; bis ammunition in Washington he may be able to aid Simmons in his efforts to round up the Redshirters. ston, N. CM in Less Than a Week If the politicians are going to fight every man who talks of their record between now and the campaign, there will be many fights and runa ways in the meantime. The Democratic politicians are re joicing because farm products have teen reduced in price, but it will be fcoted that the farmers have not held any jubilee over the occasion. Murdered Man's Wife is Under Sus- rtirinn TUoodhounds Rushed to the Scene of the Crime in Effort to Run Down the Murderer. Williamston, N. C, Aug. 21. The. second murder within a week in Wilmington occurred -Sunday night about 10 o'clock, when Osborne Rogers, a highly respected colored man nf rnnsi durable Dronerty was shot near the front gate of his resl dence. Dnrlncr the Dast winter Osborne wnc sshnt at. several times, and his store was burned during the early spring. No one has as yet been sus pected, though tracks were found and they were tracks of a man who had bagging wrapped around his Charlotte is now hauling water from a distance to supply the demand - iuai niy. it seems me eiemc-w , . . . vcHns- heintr nad to refuse to work in order to ound jn a field near the scene of force Charlotte on the water wagon, the shooting. . I Bloodhounds from Ahoskie have A- writer to the News and Observer been ordered and it is hoped that the guilty party will be apprenenaea during the day. It is understood that the domestic relations of Rogers a Just compjaint, but since he has bave not been of the pleasantest dur- "ought up the subject, when did the ing the past, and it is a very strange Democrats ever carry out their plat-! fact that Rogers' wife heard the snot form? complains that the Democratic plat form was not carried out. Certainly The Senatorial candidates are very at her gate during the night, but did not go out to investigate it, and the dead body of her husband lay near Ith P-ntA until' the early hours of dC"ve. Kitchin is trying to capture'. this (Monday) morning, when it was neci Men, Simmons is trying to found by a passer-by. Two murders Organize the Redshirts, Aycock ls appealing to those who love water melons and Judge Clark is going into the highways and hedges seeking thse who might be lost. within a week In Williamston has caused the quietness of the little village to be greatly dis turbed and there is considerable ex- the citizens, both white and negroes. Nominate a Candidate, NOMINATION BLANK Good for 1,000 Votes. THE CAUCASIAN PRIZE AND POPULAR ' (JONTEST, I ncminate Address District No Signed Address Only the FIRST nomination blank cast for each candidate wHl count as 1,000 votes. Britain and France, he really did not anticipate immediate favorable ac- ion, but now will appeal to the country to sustain him and to bring he Senate into a frame of mind where these pacts . can be approved without serious emasculation. A Democratic 111 uft Game. It is no secret that many Demo crats are just as well satisfied that the President rendered abortive the work of the "unholy alliance," be cause, after all, they are frank enough to admit, though, they are not proclaiming it publicly, that there was merit in the reasons cited by the President in his veto mes- sages. Wiliams Gets Cold Feet. John Sharp Williams, one of the Democratic leaders in the Senate got cold feet and was forced to oppose some of the amendments offered by his party members. When the House bill re-drafting the cotton schedule, was under consideration, and amendments were being offered, Senator Williams said: "Mr. .President, I think we are on the eve of doing some very danger ous things without due consideration. I do not believe that any one man can give due consideration to any great schedule of the tariff bill, no matter how able he is. I have had gome experience serving upon com mittees dealing with tariff questions, and I have, for the most part, found that my own opinion became modi fied very much by the information and suggestions I obtained from 13 or 14 other men serving upon com mittees. Amendments "Iniquitous." "Speaking for myself, therefore, I am not willing to be put on record as indorsing amendments containing page after page of tariff schedules, when I know that they neither have been considered at the other end of the Capitol nor can be considered by the time the amendment reaches there. The rubber schedule Is very inimiitoua in many regards. The sugar schedule, especially that part of it which deals with differentials, is very obnoxious to me. But for my self, I shall not vote to put upon this bill anything except things that have been considered In some com-! mittee somewhere, especially at the other end of the Capitol, or such things as we know would be consid-? ered by the time the amendment dealing with the subject reaches the House. "Of course, when a man here of fers to put coal on the free list, that requires no committee consideration. I know what it is; everybody can un derstand it; it is a simple plain prop osition, and it requires no investiga tion of schedules or comparison of schedules or any nice distinction be- IHstrict No. 2 will comprUo Har nett, Sampson, Johnton, Wilion and Wayne Counties. District No. 3 will comprise Chat ham, Durham, 'Granville, Franklin tional Capital. A DIG FIRE AT K1NST0N Buggy Factory, Warehouses once and Dwellings Destroyed by Flames The Loss WriU Reach $150,000 or Call for Letter. Have you obtained any of the let ters that we furnished the contestans to send to their friends? If not, why not? You would indeed ne surprised i ana rasn uounue. if you only knew how readily yourj District No. 4 will comprise all that friends will respond. territory in which The Caucaian cir- Now is the time to get them. If culates which i not included In the you have not already obtained a sup- three other districts. ply, come in' or write for them at Who Mar Enter. This contest Is open to all young ladies, either single or married, who live in the territory in which The Caucasian circulate. It is not even necessary that you be & subscriber to The Caucasian. Be a Rooster. Be a booster. You will enjoy the contest as much as some of the can didates, if you can be of assistance to some worthy candidate. Remember you can give your More Fire Thought to Be of In- favorite 15,000 extra votes by paying , , 0 4 your subscription during "Booster cendiary Origin Near Spot Where y fc Big Fire Occurred in 1005. There is still plenty of room for tiaw candidates, as daily some drop Kinston, Aug. 20. This morning . j h uk tneir placeg It about 4 o'clock fire destroyed tne wm appeal to any one with little large buggy manufacturing plant of ambltIon to tnat Bne can enter the Ellis Carriage worKS, me iarm- . a1mnat nnpn Aid and have the 14 IMA - - W fc W -wf - " ers' warehouse for the sale of leaf tobacco, a large storage warehouse and three residences before it could b cheeked, entailine a loss over $100,000. Across from the Ellis carriage Works was the Farmers' Warehouse best kind of a chance to win a fine prize. Nominations cost nothing and the prizes will cost the winners nothing. A candidate cannot possibly lose any thing more than a little time, and If the proper energy is put behind the operated for the sale of leaf tobacco. Ume expenaed there i8 little chance This immense wooden building was tQ loge tWs u ig a frfendi- struggle soon on fire ana nurnea quicKiy. in tnat Tne Cauca8ian has Inaugurated thft rear of the carriage factory L. Harvey & Sons Co. had a wooden warehouse full of farming imple ments. This building caught from the heat and was destroyed together with its contend Across Gordon street from the carriage iactory were three dwellings which were also fired bv the intense heat and de stroyed. with handsome reward for the win ners and no obligations whatever. It makes no difference where a candidate may reside, the chances are strictly the same for winning the capital prize. Just Getting Started. At present the candidates are just getting started. They know that sab- Two of the dwellings were owned scriptions are what count, and that by Mrs. Dan Quinnerly and the oth- to secure them is the surest way to er by Mrs. L. H. Rountree, of Green-1 pile up votes, though the coupons are ville. The occupants of the dwell-j by no means to be despised, as the it-o inet oil nf their household furni-i wlnninz of a nrize sometimes de- liiha r a - - i - ture with little. If any, insurance. Many people believe the fire was of Incendiary origin, yet no one Is suspected. On February 28, 1905, at nearly the identical spot of the starting of the fire this morning, another fire began wnich burned up $300,000 worth of property. Bryan Will Name the Candidate or Know the Reason Why. Columbus, Ohio, Dispatch, 14th. "I intend to devote all my time between now and the nomination to finding out things about the cadi dates for the Democratic nomination for President, "Wm. Jennings Bryan said to a large crowd here to-day. "I know all of the leading men of the party, those who have . hindered and those who have helped It. When the time comes to name the man for the candidacy, I will not be silent. Mr. Bryan was the guest of the Jefferson club at a big rally and bar becue. - DISTRICT So. 1. -t Raleigh. Vote. Miss Daisy Stevens, R. 3 .... . 1,000 Miss Alice Banks, R. 3 1,000 Miss Rebecca Stephenson, R. 4 1,000 Miss Nannie Banks, R. 3.... 1,000 Miss Allie Sorrel. R. 6 1,000 Mi 8 Ethel Sorrel!, R. 6 1,000 Miss Annie Cummlngs ...... 2.4C0 Miss Ruby Hunnlcutt 3,000 Miss Mary A. Reddish, R. 1.. 1.000 Wake Forest. Miss Levina Elsie Man gum. R. 1 2,100 Miss Hattie Watkint, R. 3. . . . 1.000 Miss Pearl Scarborough, R. 1. Miss Mamie Duke. R. 3 Miss Rebecca Patterson, R. 1 . WcndelL Miss Katie Christmas ...... Miss MatUe Rhodes 1,000 Walthal. Miss Eva Wilburn 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 pends on a few votes. Get your friends into the habit of cutting cou pons out for you, and It will keep up their interest in you. Later they will not let their favorite candidate fall behind for lack of help they can give. Vote Early and Often. Send in your favorite's name and Roger Store. Miss Mscie Ray.., Miss Esther Bailey. Mis Callie Nipper Miss Ira Thompson Mis Lottie Arnold ......... 1,000 McOaUers. Miss Sallie GUI ............ 1,000 Miss Clyde Overby 1,000 Miss Mary Taylor, R, 1 1,000 Hony Springs. Moss Thelrna Weatherspoon . . Miss Mary Adams, R, 1 Miss Madeline Fuquay. ...... (Continued on Pago 6.) 1,400 1,000 1.700 CUT THIS OUT. The Caucasian Prize Voting Contest lOO VOTES Candidate ....... Address .......... District No. .... OO This coupon, when neatly trimmed out. name and address, prop erly filled in brought or sent to the Contest Department of the Co-' casian. will count for 100 votes. I : ; . The first one df these coupons received for any young ladj will place her in nomination, and will count for L000 votes; Thia coupon not good after September 19th.

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