JL A JL JLLj XX IX. RALCIGH. N. C. THURSDAY, OEPTHMOECl 14. 1911. No. SO VOL' 9 i BRIEFS ,;gUon whether the K0i,I Robeson or the t time. lll'RnKXHOMK TAXES CAt'SE IP-RISING. TWO GOVERNORS CLASH OOU) BRICK HAS AtUUSiTKD. S. influence has caused n t appoint two Dur- ii-phips? 1.ln. lint A I..t.1i UtU. f Office Have Item Detroyel and' Several OfflrUU Have ItelfreL I observer it looks like Washington. I. C. Sept. 7. A crisis has arisen in the turbulent pro vince of Szechaun, in China, and for eign offices of not only the United States, but of other countries, have taken precautionary steps for the saf- Ta; Woodrow Wilton and Emrnctt O'acal Have a V arm Argument O'NEAL LEAVES TOE mil officers will have to ety of their citizens In that section. . e Fro-.:drs ui-xi election. tell what the last U-Klslature did besides people's taxes: he present outlook next :.ot be a good one for office- hr are now or the Inside. K firhange says that John D. retains his spirit. A them in this State do the very n n if. n.orrats in Missouri have start ar.(,th-r Presidential boom for ex- ,,r I-oik. Iui uc "in ou"u the Democratic party in this not controlled by the trusts, if state ii !' is tin e the party was giving some evidence of the fact. The Democrats did not succeed in their efforts to reduce the tariff but ft-oir efforts succeeded in reducing the price of farm products. American gunboats will be brought into play to guard American citizens and a formidable International naval; I array is at hand in Chinese waters. s American Charge d'Affalres Wil-j Hams, at Peking, to-day cabled thej State Department that the situation; had become critical In Bzechuan.i where public meetings In various clt- les, accimpanied with the closing or shops and schools, and refusal to pay taxes have culminated in serious dis orders. American Methodist mission aries at Chung King and Cheng Tu have informed Mr. Williams that none of them have yet left their posts ex cept that American and British ladles have left Cheng Tu for Chung King. Twenty-one districts are said to be so far affected by the present agitation. Tax offices have been destroyed and several officials have resigned but re sistance to the Government has in general been passive, rather than ac tive. The Chinese foreign office has as sured the legation that protection will be given all foreigners and their prop erty and has offered escort to all who desire to leave the disturbed districts. The (lovernor Were IMncuwrfng the Initiative ami IUereudum (Gover nor of New Jrrey Ctuunpiooed the Measure While the A. Potter. Said to lie furrd4 f Gold Ilrirk Arti.t in th WH4, I I Captured in Chicago. I ' Chicago. 1H., Sept. 12. & A. for- is', who U said to be on of the bet I known gold brick and green aodj coasience men In the world, and- who Is said to have garnered more? than $1,500,000 from the unwary of: two continent during the last few years by meant of cold brick twin- dies and confidence game, was lock- ed In Jail here to-night. He was arrested to-day by O. F. ; ! BIGGEST CMJi EI ,HE COHTESr BEG1E1S TO-DAY 15010 Extra Voles lor Every deb ol Ten Yearly Subscriptions Sent in by Wednesday September 201b. His is the Last Club Oil er and Positively the Gest Oiler That Will Iz Made Dnrino the Rename? er ot the Contest Goreravr of;DeWoody, division superintendent of. . , . . . , the department of Justice, after b- Alahania Termed it a agary and! K 4 f-i.i ing sought for a year by united Then Left the IL&li Later He; states secret service men and the po-j j ,fce rjfc ftca tj TfetCamto't Cmt ftyIfiy CKt Paya Ilia "Iteapecta" Propheta and Western Staewroen Wilson Contend for the Measure. trjr. English detectives of Scotland, Yard also are said to hav sought j Potter and his companions who were; j credited with having extracted nu-j J., Sept. 12.- i merous dollars from too credulous! Wilson, of . aiso was aon Spring Lake. N. Governor Woodrow of ten yearly sub- of Alabama measured swords over j George W. Post, was wanted here on seriptions sent In by Wedneadsy. the Initiative and referendum before j an indictment for swindling return- . September 20, at 9 p.m.. i 50,000 ex hA onnfaranca of r.nvprnnr this t-' A u t'r,i ctA. Pa.ih in iniv t tra votes 111 be given. This is In ternoon. ! 19iu. Potter and nmnr WlUnn 99 rhamnlnn of: Wird Starkloff the measure, replied to Governor Philadelphia, where they forfeited a ; ootn oia ana ne u,,m-; Q'Neal, who had previously denounc- J23.000 bond in the United Staes There is no Until to the number of k. oa an inafdimia nomilar Court a rear aeo. these special ballots a conteatant rosy imiiu M r - . -, a 1 1 vorv" nrf th Southern executive A cash bond of $50,000. offered by secure. eacu rumm moment with an Potter, was rerusea oy teaerai om- - - ' icials, who declared nothing less than ciud oi ten BuocrUuiuu .m 5 $150,000 cash bond would gain bis Becks la f rsel stf b stbscripatai rrthed Strto U Uzr Cxapaljja Tfcea Tea Gate Oce dab c Ci; ACtr Acr-Tca era Eater the Ccatnt T-4ay xd Get la fae trai tl Tea Ttae A4ua:e el tte last Big Clca CUer. For every club states vouri in juij , ..v... - . and a companion, Ed-addition to the regular vote scale as also are wanted iu! published eUewhere. This applies to The Charlotte Observer says that prohibition prohibits in exactly the game way that a sifter holds sand. Close your eyes, the sand man's coming. Webster's Weekly saya the Sen itorial situat n is still unchanged in Rockingham. Then that ineana the nolitira! not Is still boiling in that county. It the State had to borrow money toieet current bills, why didn't the o2clals take the amount from that Iirge penitentiary surplus and-there by save paying Interest? START WEST TOMORROW President Taft Will Discuss Vital Questions of the Government Two of His General Subjects Will Be a Uniform Divorce Law and Trust Will Be on Speech-Making Tour for Forty-Six Days. Beverly, Mass., Sept. 9. President Taft is going West to educate the country. His 13,000-mile awing around the circle that begins ner Friday and winds up forty-six days later, is to be flavored as little as pos sible with politics and to be as broaa HiJlv instructive on vital questions o 1 trfirprnmont as ho can make It. l ne country has never had a President Pregldent intends to deliver a person hose eiven name was Woodrow. 1 to thousands who wil Judion, or Beauchamp. It is even possible that it never wllU hear him speak, a message like those ho xpnria to Conerress from time to time. He will take the Governmen machinery apart and tell those who Bryan savs he has refrained from hr him and those who read wha - v lust how thinsrs are run in Washington and what is needed there. was on ills feet in a mpasslon defense of his position. Governor O'Neal anoke vehemently next Wednesday night. temporary fredeom. tan mtnilt aa hnWP41 Ann v i t n Oil L a .o 11,1 thftfrh a nmnt atarion, MU l baiu iu uar . ... ttaA a' h lrttr iinnor a WlUUUtt tu lilts laiia nuuuut, ocean. "What's the use of my going back in there?" he asked a reporter. No Other Offer Better. While good as this offer the offers Is of not the tea years old. If he had refrained irom politics probably many of his To'tne Bet speech of the trip the brother Democrats could refrain from President to-day added more than a dozen general subjects and this list mav bo Increased. Two of the sub- using profane language. There is an uprising In China be cause of burdensome taxation and the Democratic politicians will think a similar uprising has struck this State hen the voters get another say at tbe polls. It is reported that there is a roos ter in the State of Georgia that sings like a mocking-bird. We suggest jects the v President to-day told his callers, were those "of a uniform di vorce law, and trusts, particularly with reference to the Supreme Court's Standard Oil Compnay and American Tobacco Company decisions. The President's position with re tard to the Standard Oil and Tobac f!omnanv decisions was outlined by him in a speech at the Yale com mencement exercises in June, and he probably will expand upon the ideas He thinks the de- there expressed that Governor Aycock send" at once cisions are good and remarked then for this rooster so that he may have that business should find a clear road at least a substitute for the song of. 10 bieer UJf the mockine-blrd during his cam Paign for the Senate. 0 organ which Senator Simmons has is striving harder to show loyalty than is the Greensboro Daily News. But some of the Senator's friends are already questioning his judgment In Electing that paper as his chief Mouthpiece. To The Caucasian, how ever, there seems to be a fitness in this matter, for why should not a hy brid candidate have a hybrid paper lor his organ? Defaulting Bank Teller Submits and Relies on Mercy of the Court. Tarboro, N. C, Sept. 12. The Hussey case came up here this even ing before Judge Ward. There was no jury, as Hussey had made a confession. He went on the stand and made a statement of how it was he became involved when the Bank of Tarboro was wrecked. Judge Ward has not passed sen tence yet. Henry Williams and Claude Kitchin made strong appeals to the judge to be as lenient as he could with the young man. "I have already spoken twice, and I am limited to two speeches on any one topic. He did not re-enter the hall for fifteen minutes and took no further part?in the discussion. When the conference ended, however. Gov ernor Wilson grasped Governor O' Neal by the hand and remarked that he did not wish to be misunder stood. Governor O'Neal later said that he had stepped to the piazza to meet Mrs. O'Neal, who he had heard was there. There was no minting of words In the Alabaman's denunciation of the Initiative, referendum and recall. "There is a movement which seemt to be gathering rtrength in certain. sec tions of the country," he said, "that tonrta tn weaken rather than to strengthen executive authority, and that is the"system of Initiative, refer endum and recall. The Governor had no "power to veto or amend a law initiated by the people and adopt ed by referendum. If the law Is in violation ot the constitution, invades vested rights or destroys individual liberty, the only remedy can he found in the courts, and where the system of recall of judges prevails, over throwing, as it does, the indepen dence of the judiciary, the courts would degenerate into tribunals or ganized chiefly to register popular judgment on all legal questions.' It was pleasing to know, he added, j that this "insidious popular vagary," will meet with the almost unanimous opposition of the American bar. Governor Wilson did not reply un til several Western Governors had spoken. "It seems to me," he said, "that on the question, of the initiative and referendum, it is necessary that we carry the analysis a little further than it has been carried. A very im portant thing, a fundamental thing, .... r is the source 01 tne law. oome 01 the laws that we have are had laws and they are bad for the reason that thre is a susDicion as to their source. The people of the United States want their Governors to be leaders in matters of legislation be cause they have serious suspicion as to the source of the legislation and score of a In thA Htv arrnrrtinfir to r.: ' a- .11 f Baot ar-! weeks, it is the best offer vice men and police here are search-! lag the remainder of the quite as past two that will ing for him. Diatrtet No. 4 wilt ecmpriaa all l&at . territory In which Tha Ca a easts Uv culates which U not teeladtd tl h threa other districts. Who May rater. This contest is open to ail yoa&g ladles, eithar tingla or marri ad. who live In the territory la which Tha Caucasian circulates. It la not avra necessary that you be a subvert bar to The Caucasian. THE CONTEST MANAGER WILL BE AT THE CAUCASIAN OFFICE IN THE ELKS HUILDINO ON WED NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVEN INGS FROM S UNTIL I O'CLOCK. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED, TO, HOLD THEIR COTTON This Years Crop Will be Sold for Fourteen Cents Dur ing This Month The Balance of the Crop Will be Held for 15 . Cents Action of tho Na tional Farmers Union at Their Meeting Last Week Win Favor Parcels Fost At the meeting of the National Farmers'-Union held at Shawnee, Okla homa, last week, it was agreed that this year's cotton crop will be sold for 14 cents during September and October, and 15 cents thereafter. , The actlon which was unanimous, was taken in the adoption of the re port of a special committee on mini mum prices. The committee was composed of cotton growers who were largely influenced by scores of tele grams and messages from all parts of the South, many of which,. urged a minimum of 15 cents. Members of the union say parcels post will be favored by farmers and that the delegates will endorse the 6cott "anti-gambling" bill, prohibit ing the use of malls or Interstate com merce for contracts for the delivery j of cotton, where there Is no Intent to make actual delivery. The report of the live stock com mittee urges diversified farming and stock raising and contains the state ment that "one million additional milk cows and an equal number of mother cows, properly distributed throughout the South, would easily add $10 per bale to the price of the cotton crop. The Congressional immigration committee recommends increasing the had tax excluding illiterate aauits from America and fining of foreign steamships for bringing to this coun tryundesirables that could be reject ed on the other side. contest The week berore last l&.uuu extra votes were offered on every yearly subscription sent in. and for the week which cloeed last night, 75,000 extra votes were given on every club of five subscriptions. The offer this week is practically the same, only It takes a club of ten to secure the extra 150,000. Some of the candidates have been holding sack, waiting for a better offer, but It will not be to their interest to hold back any longer, as there will not be another offer better than the one announced to-day. Never again during the entire con test will more votes be issued oa a club of subscriptions than will bo is sued this week. A two-year subscription will count as two one-year subscriptions in mak ing up a club. A five-year subscrip tion will count as five one-year sub scriptions. In fact all subscriptions for one year and more count on the offer this week, in making up a club. Candidates are not limited to ono club but may secure as many as pos sible. Fair Play for AH. All contestants will be treated alike in the contest. There will be DISTRICT No. I. lUleigh, Votaa. Mtu Daisy Stevens, R. 2.... 4,100 Miss Alice Banks, R. S 27.800 Miss Rebecca Stephenson, R4. 24.100 Miss Allle Sorrel!. R. 17.500 Miss Ethel Sorrell, R. 2,500 Miss Annie Cummlngs 21,400 Miss Ruby Hunnlcutt, R. 2... T.400 Mlts Mary A. Reddish. XL 1.. 1,000 Miss Angelina Williamson. ... 14,100 Mis Litilo Sttphensoa ...... 1,000 - Wake Forest. . Miss Lavlna Elsie Mas gum, R. 1 1$,I00 Miss Hattle Watklas, IL 2. . . . 1.000 Miss Paarl Scarborough. R. 1. 1,000 Miss Mamie Duke. R. 1 ...... 14.400 Miss Rebecca? Patterson. R. 1. 1,000 Wendell. Miss Katit Chrlstman 20.500 Miss Msttle Rhodes 17,400 Waithal. Mlsa Eva Wllburn 22,700 Rogers Store, Miss Made Ray 1,000 Miss Esther Bailey 14. 100 Miss Callie Nipper 1,000 no combining votes, or transferring mSi jTa Thompson 1,000 of ballots at tho last. Judges will be Miga Lottie Arnold 8.700 appointed by the contestants and The ifrOollera. Caucasian to count the votes after sacvuuersw the contest has closed. Miss Sallle Gill 11,40 Miss ciyae uvsrDy 1,000 Miss Mar Taylor, R. 1 ..... . 1.000 Holly Sprlnsa. Miss Thelma Weatherspoon . . . 1,400 Miss Mary Adams, R. 2 8,500 Miss Madeline Fnquay 2,500 Fuquay Sprins. Miss Ellen Jones 1,000 !hov have a serious distrust or tneir Legislatures. What I would urge as against the views of Governor O'Neal is that there is nothing inconsistent between the strengthening of the Ravages off the Army Worm in Nash and Edgecombe Counties. Rocky Mount, N. C, Sept. 7. The army worm has appeared inNash and Edgecombe Counties and in the terri- Tho Voting Limit. The voting limit this week has been, raised to 30,000. You should poll some of your votes and let them appear In the paper to show your friends that you are at work In earn est To Outside Candida tea. You have until 9 o'clock Wednes- J " Ann Lee Uagsdale .... 1.700 day night to mall in your suhscrlp- Mto. Lunar, Myatt 1.000 tions so that they will count,"" D 7,400 in the last club offer. Any letter! Gary. mailed before 9 p. m. will count. Mism Rubye Sorrell, R. 1 65.000 Ask your postmaster when Miss Mary Woodward. R. 2. .. 1,000 changes his date stamp, then be sure Miu Flossie Atkins, R. 2. . . . 1,800 you get your letter in on time. Miss Lula arcom. R. 2 21.700 Four Districts. Miss Lenna Mathews. R. l . . , .28,200 The piano will be given to the. e King, It. 1 1.000 young lady securing tho largest vote Ou-denaa, in the entire territory, but in order MlM Jessie Howard , 1,000 to equalize the chances of the several MUs vada Sexton 21.C00 candidates for the eight remaining MlM Rnth JohcJon j 000 prizes, tne territory aaa uwu "s, Bertie Estill Adams. Rl 16.000 into lour aistricts. and a gold watch A diamond ring will be given In , the executive and the di- covered the cotton each of these districts. . llSuICTi M. VWiUfi M v Nominate a Candidate. NOMINATION BLANK Good or l.CX) Votes. the;jcaucasian PRIZE -AND POIULAR CONTEST. I nominate . Address District No. Signed Address ...... Only the FIRST nomination blank cast for each candidate will count as 1,000 votes. rect power of the people. He spoke of the caprice of the majority. 'I have known of instances of the ca- of the mob.' he said, 'but U Mr have never known of any instance where the vote of the population was spoken of as a caprice. I don't be lieve there is any distrust of the fun-; damental principles of Democracy. I ; believe we are all Democrats if we use a small 'd. v "I believe "Governor O'Neal feels as Governor McGovern feels and that we are merely at odds as to the best method of giving expression with ref erence to that great public opinion upon which all depends." v As Governor Wilson sat down, Governor O'Neal sprang to his feet and proclaimed the reiteration of his belief. I would rather stand with Madi son and Hamilton," he concluded af ter outlining what he believed was the menace of the measures, "than to stand with some modern prophets has been damaged fully 50 per cent, according to reports received here to-day. One planter has fourteen men mounted on mules working from dawn until dusk armed with dusters and sacks. These men spread a mix ture of Paris green bver the cotton plants. . - ' On another farm a similar plan has been adopted and the hands are kept working until midnight in an effort to save the crop. Despite these efforts, the worms keep on their way toward Battlebof o and, the farmers are at a loss for a remedy. Appeal is to be made to the Agricultural Department at Raleigh. x - Martin and Swanson BnoinlnAted. Richmond, Va.. Sept. 8. Senators Thomas S. Martin and Claude A. Swanson have been re-nominated on the Democratic ticket for the long and short terms in the United States County, including the city of Raleigh. District No. 2 will comprise Har nett, Sampson, Johnston, Wilson and Wayne Counties. District No, 3 will comprise Chat- ham, Durham, Granville, rranxua and Nash Counties. , Willow Springs. Miss Mildred Dupree .75.700 Miss Ava Fisher. R. 2 ...... . 1,000 Miss Marlam Parti n, R. 2. . . . 1,000 Miss Mabel Smith. R. 1. 1,000 Miss Pauline Smith, R. 1.... 1,000 Zebulon. Miss Janle Chamblee .21,600 (Continued on page 5.) CUT THIS OUT. The Caucasian Prize Voting Contest IOO VOTES - Candidate Address District No -.---- This coupon, when neatly trimmed out. name and address, prop- erly filled in brought or sent to the Contest Department of the Cau casian, will count for 100 votes. . The first one of these coupons received for any young lady will place her in nomination, and will count for L00O votes. - This coupon not good after September 19th. f..i hi ! 1 M i 1 i Senate from Virginia, t . and Some Ot Our wvausm ataieaiucu.