o 4- ' ' yQL. XXIX. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. I9II Ho. 30 I JniJrL EDITORIAL BRIEFS AX IMlOKT.I VT fit. :;irrr.s raptured V e. ' j ujmr (Vmrt f the Unitl Kutr Hill IUafh Orr-'n W fUrir In loll. MARRIAGE AtlD DIVORCE th; State oil inapecto rr or Ayrock says the plat him, but hadn't yet ex :ch one. dtf. S'. ' No "A. j v r i i , 'jut-fioo oi me cinu!StuUo;:s:ty of thee expedient of j;oeru:sc-nt j forma the basis of a suit U.te:a the hf- I)?mocratic office-holders e,-,. nf nr. , ; t oiaie oi urt-gen, iire they Are ia; . zn their jobs on account of j use, and the Pacific State Telephone! ally "poor health." - & Telegraph .Co. As the case is near; . jthe head of the docket, it will be; honest, haven't you heard j reached in time to insure a decision! r istol shots sinco you lasti "CiUto lue tuu ol ine lra- ; President Taft Urges a Gen eral Uniform Divorce Law sching to:;e a u r. c e Court of tic t n lei stau-s TALKS ON TARIFF ALSO the approaching terj. The virr AU:5U Wa h I n gion . 21. - - Th t B i i . SJC and refer d urn nrnSih! .-mi .Va Jhe subject of a di:cL.si .i-ita-ith w- - STIU, AFTKIt Till: TIlfiiTH. big cojiPEnnvE mm MJOUTJCED nil WIS WEEK song of a mocking bird? j me case originated in tne com-j pany'a challenge of a law enacted by I . . ,. trw urr Oregon Legislature under the? tf ,t a robber tariff why are ,,,,. . . , . . l' Initiative clan, bv which a tax nfi ,:thern Democratic Congress-! 2 per cent was placed upon the gross! CJsve Mi Hearers to fndtand TUai He Va IUly am! WiUlns of the department not to ute la to Sii?a Anjr Hills Ilr!ucJn Um SBC ar anual prtedin that; t,, t, ttSoa agalnn any articular party : Tariff, if tfw? Meum UVre:a jn contemplation. Ther are? IVundel fpon tlie Heport of tfie reason why this is the proper Tmritr i ,.. , Position to maintain. In the first; Tariff Hoard IMiw Wuo!e? pUce, unlll investigation is complete.! HuUes Too High, Hut Will Wait '; t is not known whether or not aJ i 1 ! cas of violation of law exists; and. In the second place, the character u Injure lu4. tut, Tbrjr Mot CVftrm t3 U Uaw.; N York. Sft 2S. Affnr,.' Csral Wickersaaa toaUhU ta r-?' tK.iTr1 A 500,000 Special Dailo! to Ihe Conleslaol Turn- oted State ii Corporatlos,? ?u? as follows: For Mi pert Testimony. Ino In the flest Amount oi Snbscriplion Money Between Now and Wednesday, OcL 4th at 9 P. F,L Ii Yon are Behind In the Race Win a Bifl Ballot and Take the leal THIS WEEK'S BIG OFFER. Till" lllltlVt mrtM . . . . Kansas Citv. M!h fof the Droceedinca cannot h detir.? ' ...... iwtism bltr4 'r . : : ' iSm.nd itiiiu .L , i . . v . 6 we ! Preiident Taft arrival n tr.,-1 mined until then, and if th frf Lmi' Kir a narr ni inA nnr ' i p.-irnin cti rr ta nrrnnh n h t-v. . ... u iutusa, - I ,nn,rr,Uo Tniim. k .-i.fJT tonight to address If they are going to change the j the initiative and referendum, which Ant!n(r tli n Ctita T arl,. are COUniPCl in thft flrfnn 9U' aro! Uture, why not make It April 1st. spent a busy day ns the National require proeedings to be re- j artH f ess. He had!orte1 t0. ordinary procedure would j , ' 1 " in southeastern demand that publicity be not Bta!I," J , ..i , v.,7.... Kansas, making addresses at eleven 10 tbat fact until indictment are iuc u usueruus lowns r rial inr -''"'- Third hitMpt . ldghrt 4MI.CHMI nnrth HUtrt 400.0UO SJtcrwtf, hlftw- , . . . . 444MIOO Srfrotrfith Mfrt mshtrtith hltit . , . 4fm,OUCI Mwirrmh hil4 SI0,00 -. SO,O00 . , lea.aoo 110.009 i m 1 : . . .. ot Selh higtrt 30,000 TrtttlHh lilStMt. ....... SSO.O0O The PTesi-i Personally, I should much prefer Democratic politicians are '"""Ion of tfa. United States, the Ta. tlrek but Uddt Kigtith hljjlrt er Hiuu 10 any auuui iuu - of the low price of cotton. over the! that business interests should them-i!1 Tn,sd hlt pay the assessments, thereupon brought suit. The State ; There was. warmth of the reception that the SelTs 80 readjust their organizations progressive Kansans had given him. as to remove all possible criticism The crowds were the largest the concerning their legality, than that D , Democrats wilfully violate their j'furrn pledges, or is it because they; the law. .. ashamed of their platform each t;n.e : ,7m u u"", OJ Pres!dent has faced during any of department of justice should A like conclusion was', Trnih hl!rt 1'levetstlt liiglnt . . Twelfth hlsljr-i . . Thlrtith hii;hrt 3:.000 THrttty.flilnt UlcUri . ... ;Hhmki Twcnitf-ftWrih lUst . . . mKI.CMMI 100,000 hO.OOO 00,000 40,000 20,000 his travels. Mr. Taft confined hini-'have to conduct legal proceedings Think nf a n.ri:t! bsiiot for t.Vo.. The Charlotte Observer thinks we have better politic In the Well, there is certainly room for such an Improvement. If two of the Democratic Senatorial candidates run on their "personality" it may be that they will be willing to fciand on their platform. Governor Harmon says no man would run from the Presidency. No, Democrats will run for office even though it be an empty honor . PLANE. ing pr!xf. th territory ha fea diflde-d Into four dlitrirt. A 41a mond ring and sold witca will t given Jo each of tb dlttlict. District No. I wilt ctjarrlw Waka County, iacludinc th city of Rai . - 1. , . . . . . coir area r t r v, . . . m . lit romni nrn rMd iimpni . . . . . . reached bv the Sunremp Pourf nf th .J.. U4 iue, - ' "vv, waicn win w rihjj 10 iae ran- at7 ar thHomnv U'oIea' free list and cottoa tariffi u cannt boo positively suted dJdale who turnfi ln the Urit iafled' rrild th. A He gave his hearers to under-! at the department is not inaugu-: amoant of moaey for subscription. Jit tr'ihnnai nn a Jrif nfmnr ! ,tend that he was readJr and more ratinS a campaign against the busl-i between now and October Uh. at S est tnounai on a writ or error. j thaQ willing tu gign a bnig re; ness interests of the country or an nu ritifinr tho t-iriff ?r . . inaiarriminaf atrarK on an iarir ri ... ... ., . . 1 . . Mn hit ivn'Pn u' irnn " ' l"c ua-dsuics: , i xieu iu me wiou w uo iun;j 111 eijtu. Auuuueu upon me report on "Vi,"u-3 vv.tJl.o. v""-fctbe next hignest win be awaruea, Dlitrict No 5 i!l MnnHu tt- the tariff board. The board, the;trirJr. the care and caution with a 4So,o00 ballot, and so on down un-" n-tt .Sampson. Johnston Wtlioa aa4 President said, would be ready to the law oncers of the govern- tU 2: ba'lots have teen awarded.; Wayne Counties report on the woolen schedule the i ment are Proceeding to the examlna-; earn decreasing 20.000 votes. Dlitrict No 3 will compriw Caai- first of December. t "on of each case should be a guar- This ofrer a;plie3 to all subscrip-j j ham. Durham. Granville Fraaklla "I believe the present woolen i antee to the country that the de- tJonSf whether old or new, to The and Nash Counties duties are too high," he exclaimed I partment is proposing to enforce the Caucasian. District No. 4 will comprise ail amid applause, "and just as soon asjlaw wlth care not J unnecessarily; The preVaillng scales of votes M that territory in which The Caucasian be issued on each subscription turn- circulates, which is not Included In Fii-st United SUtes MaU Ever Trans Iortel in This Planner Bird Men Couldn't Find Soldiers. New York, Sept. 23. The first United States mail ever transported by aeroplane was carried today from get adequate information, I shall i I injure any interests. Can any one name a single trust in this State or Nation that the Demo cratic oilidals have ever fined or plated behind prison bars? the aviation field on Nassau boule vard, L. I., to Garden City, a dis tance of five miles, by Earl L. Oving ton, in a Bleriot machine. His fligat for this purpose was the leading fea ture of the international' aviation meet's opening day. Ovington took only one bag of mail, holding it between his knees. When he was over Garden City he dropped.it. This bag contained about 75 pounds of letters and postcards. The flying contests today were mediocre, the most interesting being Over in Rutherford County some diys ago a mule w-as sold for the sum of one cent. Must' have been the one j the search by a number of aviators Bryan has been riding. Editor Don Laws thinks Senator Jeff Davis may soon ask for admis sion into the Union. If he is admitted it should be with the recall feature attached. The Democratic farmers, who voted for free trade and low prices, have succeeded in getting the low prices, even if the free trade part hasn't come yet. Senator Bob Taylor says Champ Clark should be the Democratic nom inee for President. Of course, It Is row Clark's turn to say that Taylor should he the man. The Democrats are trying to find a presidential candidate that will catch Republican voters. They had better try to find a candidate who can first poll his own party vote. for a detachment of the Eighteenth Infantry, U. S. A., which had been secreted in a clump of woods three miles southeast of the field. Six, of the most prominent aviators, includ ing Tom Sop with, of England; Grahame-White, Eugene Ely, J. A. D. McCurdy and Beattie scoured the countryside for an hour, but none were able to find the soldiers. Miss Matilda Moisant was the only woman who made a flight in the 24- recommend their reduction." j ; w ! ed in during this offer, and these the three other diitrtct. Aside from his tariff speeches the' POSTMASTER-GKXEHAL IX THE 1 SDecial comoetitlve ballots will be is-i President spoke briefly on marriage; I sued in addition. and divorce, on the prosperity of the! people of Kansas and on the trusts. Senator Curtis, Representative Camp bell and former Representative Carries Seventy Pounds of Mail In a Flying Machine. New York, Sept. 26 DISTRICT No. 1. IUJeUti. Vote. Charles H. Scott, were with him j Hitchcock,. Postm&ster-General of throughout, theclay. ' ' j 'che United States, qualified as an Discussing the necessity of uni- aerial mail carrier on Long Island form laws, governing marriage andjiate to-day. While a large crowd divorce, the President said: j cheered vociferously the Postmaster- "It is very awkward, to say the; General took a .seat beside Captain least, that a man who is married on!paui Beck, of the United States one side of a State line may not be j Army, in the latter's aeroplane at married on the other. The increase j the Nassau Boulevard Aerodrome, of divorces in this country is a re-jcarrvine 70 nounds of mail matter. iteTrdlfferent "M AUce Bkt' IL 3.... 107,500 can Tn no way R. Steph.nJtl.in.lOd flection upon the laws and their loose administration We ought not to permit the marriage to be dis solved at will. "Yon say we ought not to keep unhappy paonle together. Who brcaght them together? We did not. If "they got together under a con tract, -why shouldn't they be bound to the contract, unless one or the mile breeze, which prevailed during' other does something which, in the the afternoon. THE COTTON PICKING RECORD. South Carolinian Picks 555 Pounds in One Day. The Caucasian will aot he respon sible for the accuracy of the follow ing news item, but ouotes it as a secial from Lancaster, S. C., to San day's Columbia State: Lancaster, Sept. 23. Walter Mothershed, a young man of the Creek section, broke the cotton pick ing record yesterday by picking 555 pounds of the staple in 11 hours. Mr. Mothershed is a brother of W. F. Mothershed of the same community, who in five successive days last week Some days ago it was rumored that Judge W. J. Adams would resign, and before the Judge could deny the j pjCked 2,000 pounds of cotton, an rumor, there were several Democrats ; average of 400 pounds a day, stop- seeking endorsements for the job. The Washington correspondent of the Greensboro News says that senti ment in North Carolina in favor of Senator Simmons is growing rapidly. R so, it is growing in the swamps, and possibly a kind of a fungus growth. . Some of the Democrats have ac cused Judge Clark of laying under ground wires in his Senatorial xsam Palgn. Possibly he knows the crowd he is up against and thinks it neces sary to put all his wire3 underground. Senator Tillman's health is very had, yet he says he will stand for re election. Senator Simmon's health "was very bad when he was asked to investigate the causes of the high cost of living, yet he, too, will stand for re-election. - Marks: Say, old man, did I ever tell you about the awful fright I got on my wedding day? ?arks: S-s-h-h! No man should speak that way about his wife! -April Smart Set. ping worn every aiternoon an -nour before sunset. THREE DROWNED IX LAKE. eyes of ull men, ought to permit or requires at least a separation If not a divorce? "The trouble Is not that in an in dividual cisa demoralization follows because they are separated, but the trouble is mere when a man or wo man feels taut it is more a question of opticii v.ItJier whether she will live With her husband, or he with hl3 wife. Theti, with that option before them, they conduct them selves in such a way very frequently as necessarily to lead to a breach. "It Is the ability to and the pros pect of getting a divorce, that de moralizes. We ought to have a gen eral uniform law on that subject that stiffens up and makes sacred Offer Fair to All. This offer is as fair to one a it is Frank II. j to the other. It is enl . M tea All! esirf!ll Tf f be compared with them. This offer rtZ iT yZL ' . . , , , MIp-s Ruby Hunnleutt, It. 2.. 222.200 means that all must work during tho ... ' 2 . , , - . . . Mis Augellne Williamson.. 20.000 next six days. In fact, In a contest .... . . e . . , . . . Ml Lizzfo Stephenson .... 1 5.000 of any kind, it is necessary for those ,v ' who expect to win to keep crer-j Apex. lastingly at iu" This offer mean Mis Josle Mann, R. 2 112,000 that those behind may regain their Miss Beulah V. Upchurch, R. 200.000 lost ground by jumping Into the, fight hard this week and win one of the big ballots, and place themselves ' Mis Levina Elsie Man gum, among the leaders. j R. 1 202,500 In fact, this offer cannot be over-jMiss Mamie Duke, R. 3.... 40,000 looked by any of the candidates. Iff WendeLL you are standing high in the contest and you have a bunch of votes in " CTn reserve you should bear In mind1" MatUc Hhodc 0,000 again roundly cheered, and the large j that you cannot afford to let some WaJthjU. Mis Eva Wliburn 1,000 Without the slightest mishap the two made a seven-minute flight to Min eola, where, upon signal, the Postmaster-General dropped the mail sack to one of Uncle Sam's carriers. When the Postmaster-General re turned to the aerodrome he was Wake Forest. crowd rushed onto the field to greet him. "The time is certainly com ing," he said enthusiasticaly, "when we must depend upon the aeroplane for carrying mail. It is not effective yet, but it is being developed in a marvelous way, and I think we shall soon find it practical." 1 Another feature of the fourth day of the international meet was a flight by Lieutenant T. DeWitt Mill ing, U. S. A., who broke the Ameri can record for carrying a passenger. He and a private of his regiment were aloft for one hour, 51 minutes and 42 3-5 seconds. MAN BURNED IN 3HD-AIR, Aviator Miller Meets Death. a Horrible Dayton, O., Sept. 23. Forced Into the marriage tie. I agree that it is j tne air by. jeers of tnousanas, wbof not possible in this -uge and under: caUed Mm a Mward Frank H. MI1j present conditions to make marriage ' , . 1 weaker candidate win this 500,000 ballot, or one of the other by bal lots. You not only lose the special ballot, but your competitor has gain Itoger' Store. Mis Esther Bailey 25,000 present indissoluble, but it is pss3ib!e to Some of our candidates have Charlotte Officials Think Robbery and Murder Played a Part. Charlotte, N. C, Sept; 25. Last night Wade Henry swam into the boat-house at Lakewood Park and told of himself and three compan ions, all negroes, abandoning a leaky boat in the middle of the lake, and the other three drowning. When the hodies were not found after an all night search Henry's story was doubted. This afternoon, however, the bodyj of John Banks was recovered and it bore every evidence of foul play. A broken oar wfcs found and the officers state that Banks was hit on the head with his oar and robbed of $600 which he had just been paid by the Southern Railway for his services as switchman during August and then thrown Into the lake to cover up the crime. , Henry stated that he had $ 4 0 in his coat and when the coat was found this sum was missing also. Dynamite has been used, hut the oth er bodies have not been located. . It is believed they have made off with the $100. The other negroes are ,George Carson aid Peter Blaklye. , 1 ot"ei , before th eves of the terrified snc-: ehnvrlntr tr mnlr 'Vhr thr's a itamit; nn thf Miami Honnty Pair! a oH11 hana a rf! tha 1 - - -f - - fl tt. - ft. , v - " mj . ! shnt intn th sVv at twilight this A t tn Vi a e-n ,1 nf v. v.-i-.j v . evening and at the height of two test. only while one party or the shall have done something that men regard as necessarily affectin the obligation of the marriage tie. Following his conservation ad dress here tonigh't, the President left again for Kansas, and will spend Tuesday and Wednesday in that State. ed not only the special ballot over 'Mis Lottie Arnold 12,000 McCollers. MUs Sallie Gill 21,000 Holly Springs. Mis Mary Adam. IL 2..,. 75,000 Fuquay Spring. Mis Ruth Jones 10,000 Osry. Mil Rubye Sorrell. XL 1... 75,000 Miss Lula Marcom, R, 2 , 25,100 Mis Lenna Mathews. R. 1, . 90,000 Willow Springs, Mies Mildred Dupree 100500 Miss Ava FUhcr, IL 2 4,000 Caniena. Mii Vada Scton 41,000 Miss Bertie Estill Adam,R.l 40,000 Zebulon. fMbs Janle Chatublee you, but the regular votes as well. If you expect to win in this contest you must work every day from now until the end of the contest. By this it Is meant that you must take up all of your spare time in the Interest of the contest. The Real Power. The friends of the candidates are the real power in the race for suc cess. See that you do your part to make your favorite candidate popu paign and of your wish that slie should win. Back up your words by lar. t Speak everywhere of her cam deeds, and give her the substantial aid of your subscription. Today Leaders. Here we are just one week and 201,500 FARM PRODUCTS ADVANCE. Wheat and Oats and Other Products Soar in Prices When Reciprocity Was Defeated. -,-,. Chicago, Sept. 22. Foodstuffs which might have been affected by an influx of Canadian products had Laurier and his government not been defeated in Canada yesterday, rose sharply In price in all Ameri can supply centers today. Wheat led the advance, and was followed late in the day by flour, when millers ignored their previous price lists and adjusted their quotations to figures more commensurate with the ad vanced cost of ' the grain staple. Oats, too, felt the effect of the Canadain vote, and as a result con sumers may expect soon to pay in creased prices for breakfast foods. Grounds at Troy, -north of here. i to win is to keep up the work of Miller had circled the, race-track getting subscrlbtions. and was just starting oa a spiral glide into a neighboring corn field when something went wrong. Sud denly the whirring of tha propellers ceased. The craft then dropped like a shot for a distance of 50 feet. A tiny blue flame was emitting from the engine and in an instant the gasoliner tank exploded. The machine, wrecked by the Im pact and debris, was hurled hun dreds of feet in all directions,, what remained of the machine and Its driver burning almost to a crisp a they dropped rapidly to earth. Residence Destroyed By lightning Family Has Narrow Escape. Cherryville, Sept. 2 4. During a terrific electrical storm yesterday the farm residence of John F. Carpenter, 6 miles from here, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. It was tenanted by Neai Elain and family, who are left destitute, as everything in the house was a total loss. Mr. Elaxn and his family bare ly, escaped with their lives. The Contest Judges. A committee of responsible busi ness men and professional men. will have exclusive control of the ballet box on the last day of the contest, and make announcement of the win ners. The names of these gentlemen will be announced next week. Th Voting Roles. The voting limit has been " lifted and yon may vote as many ballots as you care to this week. In case of a tie for any of the prizes offered la the contest, the value of the prize, or prizes thus tied for, will be equally divided between the candidates who tie for same. In accepting nomination all can didates must agree to abide by the above conditions. Foor Districts. ; The piano win bo givea ' to the young lady securing the largest rote la the entire territory, but in order to equalize the chances of tha sev eral candidates for tho eight rcLiiIn- DISTRICT No. 2. Turkey. Miss Theima Colwell ...... .60,100 Duke. Miss Nettle Jones, R. 1.... 10 0,0 00 PikeriHe. " j Miss Rosa Forehand, IL 1 . . . 8.700 Miss Bessie Worrell, R. 2. .200,000 Princeton. Miss Sallie Woodward, IL' 1., 2,100 Miss Hortense Edwards, IL 3. .13,700 Miss Maxgoret Cox, R. 2.... l$0d Ulllngtoa. Miss Veaie Jacksoa, B. ....27.J00 Goldsboro, Miss Pennie Hill, IL 5 27.UO0 Miss Maggie Lancaster IL 5.. 21200 Donn. MIssBessle West, IL 6. . ....12,800 Miss Vera Parker ......... .40,100 MissLessie Lee, IL 2...., ...16,700 '"' Clinton, y'v-.: Miss LUlie aPcker ..... ; . . 1 0,0 0 0 Miss Zenobla Core . . . . . 5 0,0 0 0 Miss Maggie a ".Vana. IL 4... S,SO0 Miss Vida Bass . . .... . ... . . 1,100 (Continued oa page 5.)