-. taker 2S, 1 5111 rtsr3ay. TIIK CAtCA&tAX, I jjjjr LOEB AT HELM nifieant. coming from the soarce It doet. Ten, ye. een a yetrt sfo. Lft Advisers Ure Him for Ctmpiiio Haaafcr Could Fetch Insnrenta bo preacher fa a itreit Soothers city Oilldm Thrvmn tt tJb Air d would have dared such an utterance. Ctot lo W Willi Ijm . But cur people ar bucfanlngr to Ttwy fkrreMi. think and to study the cause for oar retarded lodottrlal development here M'xko cttr &L 2- in the South, where e tsar all the ras. resident of natural advantage. And aa oar Acu m town ls ? ....... rnt. htr. v v..t.. l . ... Chiapas, was cruel d br th rbJ- rr41 ..... leal ilmrrar, Ioa',,, i Charaula Indians when they " I,1Tf " " The day 1. not far distant when wcke4 thal Saturday, ao k Mat IW Oatl-Think New lne rreat goUtQ Is j,olng 4o ?ree her cordis to telarramt recited fey El elf from, the erasn of a noiitir! Pr 10-wgni iroa Ttttua pat- iKihl Harmonize liiinn to lie Made? in .tr-on Post, Sept. 17. York, Sept. A special dis- hrsy that is as antiquated as it la vicious and destructive. Krer since the war, the South his !een kept in the demoTitlc column by appeal to sectional hatred and nr!n1ir Itnt a new ra is (iuwn:nr. the era of had Un Ieft for da4- aftr bTtc lerrret. the State capital. Tfc story brought to the Bed Crott headquarters tolday by Fran co's wife and later coo finned from other sources. The woman herself World from Beverly political and Industrial independence. The end of the rein of a get of sif and political advisers of seeking ' political demn?cruej, who T if t have nearly corn- thrive on keeping our p-o:e bllndel r work to bring about the by prejudice, is in s;?fct.. Thtr South ion of the President at the ia about to emerge from a a era of ,:iM:can national convention, political slavery that" ha coat her y finished do they consider millions of dollars In money and us ( rt that they already count told suffering and hardship among i k-nt renominated, and are our people. . for his re-election. a efforts between now ana 1st will be on these two The ousting of Postraaster- T. L Farrow, Kr., of Winston, Oom mit Suicide. r- ?r.uar coatrM of the Republican national Lying on his back at the foot of an i . v, rr-m ( r. rr f r altar In tho M a "inn ir !oii?( room on; William Loeb, of New York, the nun noor o: tne Masonic iem-j . , . , chairmanship of the next Pie with a bullet wound in nis right - - ten stabbed several times with a lance by an Indian. Aerording to the stories that ba reached Tuxtla Gutlemey, the !nur- r-t(r committed their depredatioss In a manner most barbarous. Women and children were siaugh tered by the mobs, one of whote leaders was a fanatical priesf. He was one of those killed. Refugees declare the Indians made of the mas facre of babies a gruesome sport, tossing them high into the air and i catching them on the tips of their lances. Mil la u' tut ltUUtnn t ltf Schools and Colleges I mi a mm m m m iiwrri SM9S or uurn. rmnmast to th ordrf of th S- PrIor Cosrt el W&ka) Cois&tjr 1 ih caj of CaxiU U BrmfiU7 ul&stj f?lA fJ. flrt! in AtLm 1 t!l t 2tr for aal ml th batt-Wttt doer j r.BQVCWttJT , .lM,frtiiirsf, Of SepUSber. lflU th folloS& W-fl f re?!M tVw piece or parcel ef tsd adiolaisi the j U--SWU Ul341.3 IX-Tr, i-C. Gray Maasey hoaeu,a4 W. B- Brast-I t5 t H ley and others, bo&44 aa fol!ot: t w irtei ta tu tr. Beginning at a stikt en the Hal-1 tfff?:t t.ga ana Tirtoro road near . H. tee?rMi 4 .rf TiranUey'i hour, thet.ee Martjr st SSilKSS. wtt ltL to the ih-pond branch, thesce do a, a. tx. Dl Kiia, x.t aid branch to the little creek, thnc? up said creek to the said Maeyf Mrwwi line to the road, thence do a thc!1 FOu OluiATAED road to the beginning fifty acre more or lets. C. M BERN A Till. Commissioner, Terms: Cash. July 34. 19111 ICUXIGS CCUE22 Hf Wht f tff w M lr eiJ.'...y4 wnagant Drnmrn rti rMr 4mti4 trw Nr f w ksl1 mis. uiai cms Alio. ft. Sccred Cenrl Collcca ' Sfl fc(p f K mLt lr i&4 tM?l4 r CIIIMKS IS WAV.VE OOU.VTV. lector !2-i nees t . a j. X . . A. . A V. . n ( nal committee, to Da seiectea xempie, jusi aoove iue ear anu a - . the conclusion of the convention, calibre Remington revolver on the( ML Olive Tribune (Democratic.) 3 after-General Hitchcock has floor about a foot away, the body ot, f . ... tw rttltr,trfcrtna mnP I .hU "V V (pj Vwj m - I Hnrs hara hon rnmmitfwl Hht npar or tne national iour years. wa8 xouuu IU1S au, . a successor is ny tne coiorea janitor at me Mason-j Wfiekg; an(J tfaat neither of the perpe ic lempie. ju me aitar iue diuic tte ...... i us i iiiii . i- " - . t i m t , rr T ... C" " A rrnincfd tnat ne nas reiirea irom .yr. i. a--, rduuw, oi., t&w uu;- cbairmansnip oi me nauouai iuui ; , "-"".".."" f Mount Olive during the past few con.ittee, and that toMing tne omce. " "'"i tratora of these two revolting crimes Th.s these leaders declare Is not was opened at the 18th Psalm, the e been apprehendedf ls suffiCient 0; that Mr. Hitchcock has not re- pages being held down by a square , f gecUon ge. :r.e 1 and cannot resign until mere anu compos. j rf pause. Conditions hereabouts meeting or tne executive com- iue upm u . iu tUB. ..fc..i would indicate that the vicious and r.:--.- oi the national committee, fired while Mr. t arrow naa nis nana; .. . . am0ne the negro There has been no meeting of the on the Bible and was kneeling at the( populatiorit are rapidiy increasing, cf x- .tite since the election of altar. A note was left by the ae-j and the gituation m03t assUredly calls rre?i!ent Taft. ceased giving instructions about the. fQr gtremious effort3 and specU1 ac. There will be a meeting of the disposition of his body, and saying! Uyty the parfc of our people tQ national committee in the early parthat he did not see any "use in try-' ed Qut thIg vicious and lawless ele of December. Soon after there will -Big to fight it out." ! ment. A little more of this sort of v., o rrtine- of the Presidents The coroner aeciaea an inquest is a F. EUGENE HESTER LAWYER Voadari. TodT a4 Wadacadif 1 Wrn dell (Wall BuikUnc): TbardaTi. frt4T and i ftr. JM P. Slraaft. tt 15, S tuniajt. KslrUrti. N. tiooil Back Ba.ldtBf). C (Commerctai Na- Pfl-CTICE IX ALL TIIK COURTS. fiends and political advisers at the , unnecessary. The deceased was House for the purpose oi aDout ai years oi age. sencu the Postmaster-General out as city tax collector for Winston for White putting of coiiiniission, politically. At tho nine years. same time tne name oi wiiiiam uucu, will be put forward, as the proper Coroner Calledto Sit on Amputated man to stand at the helm of the next . oralozen leaders, who are close Durham. X. C. Sept. 26-Ooro-to the President, no one supports ner Jordan was to-day called into Mr Hitchcock politically. All are the country a mile or two by the after his calp. President Taft has finding of an amputated leg belong been a;;r:sed of the -fight against ing to an unknown colored manr hi, Po:c:aster-General and the man Two colored boys were rummag who -ered ibis course for his first ing about in the woods and ran upon campaign. He has been told Mr.1 a lard can thrown into ravine. Hitchcock cannot run the next fight, They opened it and found the dis tor can the next campaign Se run membered part. It was an abnom f is.t nn, xvas con- ally large leg. bigger at the ankle .wt ThP President is said to have than it could possibly have been, at acquiesced in the matter, but is re- the hip No explanation had been ' lotti Mr Hitrhcock given for its appearance where it gV He believes that the next cam-; was found up to this afternoon The iaign must be conducted more open; theory of the coroner is that it was L. Mia mt h reached cut off at the colored hospiUl and iore direcUy: and tha't this cannot ordered buried, the JJ be done by the Hitchcock methods, away having decided to get rid of it Can Enlist Insurgents. i thing and we will be in the midst of m . . 1 t , a veritaDie reign oi lawiesbiitss, where "murder stalks abroad." This is strong language, but the situation calls for such. It is time our people were waking up, to the end that the life of our people may be protected and the good name of our town and section preserved. None of the leaders believe there in the best way. HAS BULLIONS OF FRIENDS. They say if there is it will not mase any maierwi in ference. will be any trouble in getting cou-j Hqw would you like to number trol of the organization the Post- ulends by mnitons as Bucklen's master-General has built up since he Arnlca galve does? It3 astounding became the head of the Postoffice In the past forty years made Department, They say ii mere ia It. t bSt in the world . fnr sores. ulcer3. eczema, burns. ' niia soaids. cuts, corns, sore eyes, The leaders who have their eyes j SWiiings, bruises, cold sores. on Collector Loeb believe tnat m mm j fof Ues Twenty-five the party has a man who can get centg &n druggists. the support of the insurgent element . of the party once Mr. Taft is nomi-'. AGENTS WANTED. natd. They count on the close relationship between Mr. Loeb and We want agents to represent The Former President Roosevelt bringing Caucasian in every county jrhere we x c . . .r not ntrpadv renresented. - Write to the support oi Mr. lau we 7 " to velt wing of the party The new text-books adopted by the State Text-Book Commission, will call for an outlay by patrons o the Public Schools of more than $i00, 000. The Republicans introduced a Littleton Female College. Our fall term will begin Septem ber 20, 1911. For catalogue, address LITTLETON COLLEGE, Littleton, N. C TUB International Correspondence Schools OF SCRANTON, PA. vill trata you, during spare time, foi Government posltloa or to fill a re sponsible technical posltioa at a larg .r salary thaa you are now gettiag For full Information, fill out th roupoa below and mall It to our Washlngtom omce. D. Haaley. Supt, "I. C. 8.." Wash ingtOB, D. C Office 619, Pena sylvanla Avenue, N. W. Bear Sir: Please send me lafor matlom as to how I can become r , mentloa &Gt ion) by spare time study wliou leaving my present work uatil 2 an icallfied. 4y aame la Street and No rows aaa stato tttJ I tISJM Mn hftari. talda m4 nM tl ma ia tbc Lhcrarr Zrpzrinni ! Piedmont UiQh School Far Ustiom tl Kbt UamOa. 9 b fttMwjaae A .ny arWaMiaOMt IHta -w mm trm t H3i a4 fM3a. IXXlCf tJPMk K. C TIIK NOJtTli ainouxA WIJLECE OF AGHICUITUQE kSD UldhHtiC AttTS The State I odaat rUl CoBtv iMMrthr I f i an Mm tea nat a3 1m C E. Tartar. tifiKlx at Wk far! Caet. la Kr aotaAna tara I ct la lata aaii wf Um emutirp at aaa ttMra 4ttnmi E- T. w. Mabr af t Far 6Uartrt4 catmWa vtrn ta W. D. ECXXS, Lawadalc, JK. C THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained bf the Statt tor the Wooaen ef North Caroliai- FTt rtsa'ar Cooraet leadiac to Desrrt-ea. SpecUl Coara for tacher. Trea taitioa to thoa who agree to Weoro tcbra is the State. Fail Session besrio Seottcbfrrr 13. 1911. For catalosn and other loforraaltoa ad dieas JULIUS I. FOUST, Prcsidtnt. CrefSaber. H. C Fonf-year coumt la AxrtenUvre; Ia Civil, Bitrkat. a&d Uecha&Scal Esgt&eerific; In IsdettrU) Chtaia try; 1& Cotton llaanfactqrtsf aai Dytl&g. Two-ytar eourtca ta Me chanic Arti and In Textile Art. On year course In Agrlcultare. Theee courc are both practical and atien tific. Exxsiicatlont for admUtloa are heid at all county-! on July 11, For catalofue add re a in Vet IUlHtft. N. a V V " a t attt h aww tU Wfcm" writing our school drr tiaera. please mention thU piper. 1837 Guilford College For Both Men and Wonuw 1911 Courses ia Mathematics, Ancient and Modra Lnaurs. History, Cattish Uterttore. Phiiosophr. and the Natural Scinees. Dt art ment i ia Bible Stttdf and Maale. Notod for thorougb instruction. bib moral tone, and homelike surround to a; a. Located ta the health ful Fledxaoct section of soflp Uarolma. L. L. HOBBS, President, Guilford College. N. C. WMIT a Mtar FM(0)i T IBiie's Creek tatany Gives tboroturb preparation for College. Universitr or Basicesa. Siren Tnentty. Qmlet eootr location. Vocal acd Piano Music Elocution. Art. Telgrtnr. Buateess. aptt low, u students, from 68 counties, states and Cba. More than too former students ta CeUe teat year. For catalogue, address J. A. CAMPBELL, Principal, Dcic's Creek, H. I That question will be asked you almost daily by business men seeking your services, if you qualify take the Draughon Training and show am bition to rise. More BANKERS indorse DRAUGHOX'S Colleges than indorse al other business colleges COMBINED. 48 Colleges in IS States. Interna tional reputation. Banking, Typewriting, Penmanship, English, Spelling, Arithmetic, Let ter Writing, Business Law FREE auxiliary branches. Good POSITIONS GUARANTEED under reasonable conditions. Thousands of Bank The Sua Cor sample copies and terms to matter will be laid before 1 agents. Our terms are very uoerai Mr. Loeb after the meeing of leaders-ano you cau B . s -mmi-i-ntr rnnr enarA time to tne wOfa. at the White House In Decern oer, iu . - - sueh a manner it will be hard for Aaaress, him to refuse. WOULD RETARD PROGRESS. THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh, X. a Bookkeeping. Bookkeepers all over the United States say that Draughon's New System of Bookkeeping saves them from 25 to 50 per cent in work and worry. Shorthand. Practically all U. S. official court reporters write the sys tem of Shorthand Draughon Colleges teach. Why? Because they know it is the best. Home Stndy. cashiers, bookkeepers, and stenog raphers are holding good positions as the result of taking Draughon's Home Study. "CATALOGUE. For prices on les sons BY MAIL, write JNO. F. DRAUGHON, President, Nashville, Tenn., for free catalogue on course AT COLLEGE, write, Easl Carollna Teachers' Training School A Stale School to Train Teachers for the Public Schiois o! orib Carolina Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teadi. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 26, 1911. For catalogue and other information, address Robert EL Wright, President, Greenville, Nortb Carolina. Draughon's Practical Business Collej Raleigh, Cor. Fayette YUlg St and Exchange Place. The Democratic Tariff Doctrine Would Destroy Industries in the South The South is About to Emerge From an Era of Political Slavery. The Lincoln Times. : , ! ETidences multiply daily that there is at present a general awakening in the South to the fact that our People have for .years blindly sup ported a party committed to a tariff policy that can but retard our in dustrial development- Almost daily we read words of warnings to our people from men ground in tne doc trines of democracy. On last Sunday Rev. H. H. Hul ton, D. D., pastor of the First Bap tist Church of Charlotte, preached on the subject, "The Divine Law of Retribution." The following ex tract we copy from the sermon: "Whv this business depression over the country?" asked the speaker. "Ia it caused by a change in the monetary standard? No, for-; tunatfelT. tt have had none of that since the days of wild-eyed Bryan-' ism. Is St the tinkering with the tariff? Let ise warn you Southern people In passing yon had better be. careful what your congressmen uo at the next session of Congress, or else some of you who own cotton mill rtoclt may be offering It for -sale at 25 cents on the dollar." , The aboTe warning is Indeed sig- A MODERN ATLAS FREE! . Don't Yon Want a 1911 Edition of Hammond's Modern Atlas of the World? Tils new Atlas contains 128 page, of MAPS, printed in colors. "Presenting t 4 f." It Is TO-DAY These plates haTe been engrared from new drawings, based on the latest inrreTS. w ' ILherSeT; ttenfbe the most complete and careful edited 1 The lettering U carefully graded In size to conrey at a glance relatiTe Importance oi places, rauroau shown and named and almost every railroad station and post-office is named. countries. The work contains double page maps of many sections tf this try fnd of L while the other States and other countries are shown on P SSS&m ioT On the margin of each map is an ALPHABETICALL ARRANGED EOEX OP f' li nor divisions), CITIES AND TOWNS. A division or place may be Blatantly located without turning the page. The convenience of such a quick reference index will be readily appreciated. , thm Another Taluable featnre of this work is a rery complete list of the dtles of the world, giTing the latest population statistics, including the t 1910 Census of the United States with the new population figures of all States. Territories, comities and the principal dUe. Aa ffluatraied chap ter on the Panama Canal gives a detailed description of this greaterprlse, with riapa in cotor. The lives and portraits of our Presidents from Washington to Taft is another raiuahle feature. . This Atlas is printed on high-finish paper, is strongly and handsomely hound la red doth, with attraetrre coTer stampings. It measnres, closed, 10i x 13 1 inches. . ' , e The price of this Atlas la 12.00. It would cost yon that amount if Tour should send to the publishers for It. We win give you a copy of this modern ATLAS OP THE WORLD FREE If yon will send ly subscriptions to The Caucasian at one dollar each. We are able to offer so raluable for four subscribers because we are partly paying for Atlas in adrertlaing. and are giring toe heaefit of the ad vertising to an our' agents. Every household in the State should hare a good Atlas. Jf.fl to secure one of these excellent premiums. We will send the Atlas to anyone who wishes to fenytt. postpaid, for 3.0 0, or remember, we giro it FREE for FOUR yearly subscribers tn The Caucasian. Adores, THE CAUCASIAN, Raleigh, N. C. MEREDITH COLLEGE m One of the few eollesres for women in tne Socta that confers an A. B. Dare repreaent inff f-)or years of ffeaoine college work accordioa to tne Standard Coilearts- Dioloma awtrdeJ In tie Schools of Elocotioa Art, and Masic Library fadltvies excellent. , , , . . , . . SrsUmalie trainlss ia Pfajsicil Edacation nnder Director. Courts for Wsiet-fetn and tennis. Boarding Club wbere hr about half an fcoor a,f dailr dotaestic aerrice. stsdecta sare froai 112 toG5t year. Students cot offering tne neceessarr cnita for eatrm&ce mar prepare ta Meredltk Academy. Befiered to he th ckeapest wotsaa'e eoUesre of its crtde fa the Scetb. For calaiosr. Quarterly b&Iietis, -or fsher Inforasalion address. RICHARD TILMAN VANN, Raleigh, N. C. TTIRIIIJIXY COLLEGE 1859 1892 1910-1911 Three metoorabte dale: The Graotin of th Clnr for Trfaufy CaS ilw BaorJ of tbm CoUexe to tbe growing mod proaeroks City of tHaiiam; lim Bmddm A ttom New a4 Cre er Trinity. Mzn tfioeat new bvUdmz wkh new easSpmeast mttd enljarred facitetSe. Comfortsbl brriraic dorroiMri and fcstfal piemtmrn asarrcwKMSiass. Frre fepartmestK Academic Mechanical. OtjJ, sod CJectrical fiecric; Law: Z4e tkm; Gradtwte. For catalogue aad other iasornaatioff. naore R. 1 FlvOWEHS, Secretary, DarSxaxn, W. C ESTABLISHED 1898 nttrnxa cea to health- A tecber ta each oomanory oo trrinx cotic& X boy rpjfar has care. " - - FmcaStr of coSege gradwatra- Moat aBodcra methoda of iaatntetkam. ForlUawtrJctiosiac,ddre W W. PEELE, nendmcslcr, Crr&ssia ft. C. POMOT ID)EILA "FOn'TOE COLOHED RACE ; VVlll Bi203ti Ito FrillTepm Scp. lt IQll The youcg sea who prefer boarding cad lodging cpe the enm&sm BSd aeecre eeexasiaodasicnj 1 one, as tbe limned eeomBOdposs are beiB rapidly reserved. For cslalec aad other laloraaaioa. sAdress FuESnZST J. B. ECIIY, n s z QrztzzlzTO, XL C.

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