n - - : Ho. 43 xxix. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1911. RALCIGH. N. V V -- gjfORIAL BRIEFS trust In North Carolina be dissolved. AITOIST KILLS WKALTHY MAX. II r. Fntflrnrluft V,strn 1V"U - . that the price of cotton has fe e .-ocratlc politicians will -o t the President every ay'so fr a year. TAFT ANSWERS CRITICS Attorney-General Btckett . . i- A x ,1 mif hnu! I ... v.,.- orn iw ui 'Covf-rnment really prosecutes w York lady has discovered w kind of tea. In North Carq u the men are still drinking the o!J brands of "tea. -" . 0se Democratic paper charges that c-r-oos Is no Democrat. Well, he is t0 Republican, and it is now up to .v, qocialUt to enter a denial. Rhode Island, the smallest State the Union, has five tickets in the eld to be voted for next Tuesday. Autoit Claim lie Shot in HelM fcn am Farmer Wjui Approaching With Drawn Piaiot. Shelby. N. C, Oct. 29. Because he allowed his prejudice against au tomobiles to lead him to the extrem ity of drawing a phtol on the driver of a passing car this evening, Sam Whither, a wealthy Cleveland County farmer, lost his life. Facing the drawn weapon in Whlther's hand. and believing that he Intended to ex ecute his threat to kill, Mr. Lucius Randall, a prominent business man Gaffney. S. C, shot Whither to death. The tragedy occurred at 6:30 o'clock this evening two miles west of Shelby and just across the river. Mr. Randall, who was giving a party of children an outing, immediately turned back to Shelby and picking up the sheriff and a physician, re turned to the scene with them. Whither had been instantly killed. His pistol, a 38- caliber Smith & Wesson, lay near his body. The sheriff at once notified the coroner. The President is Hearing the End of His Swing Around the Circle WODDBOn UllSOJIS ACTIVITY palsies' tnat r t4 iato ffTTC Till ST TAKtiA fVisaeaisy lite Wli again become independent wlta sep arate directors and separate slock holders, . Mr. Wlckersaaa further asks the mr after dissolving the irast to leave open the Government the right to come la ana cove ior larwrr ei-t THUST Host Sweeping Anti-Trust Action Ever Bronght by De partment of Justice ta tall vet, feS t&Se as isitMtJuua st ih ror&jrti. SJit 0trai aa m tsi tar4 It s st tmnXtf m?pmv4 Itst actia Mpast lie gia&t rertrsU ef t ail d mf at ka4, Msay U!:t4 lsi aitit4 Ufc- a fey tte wi?raUc SNtai ta IvpfMlinj? Oanditlato for Democratic Xomiaation Ilaa Chanse4 fYont Making a Campaign Similar to liryan's The Tobacco Trust Cae Safety Appliance Act Vp held by the United State Supreme Court Turkey Will Finally IUve to Give Up Fight A New Era for China Tlie Discovery of Totaah in the United States Will Save This Country Many Million Dollars. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Oct. 31. As President Taft- comes near to the close of his long swing through the West, both the friends and oppon- dera ot th court any Uae dar MSc lUU tUllf tela will cave a oeneacja arci iai tLMnn e n'ir'i r( havjig use decision oi me rean w ui i M .ui tra la wta t& rlfd out la good faith, and will alsoj glfe the Government the power to see how the plans that are adopted work, so that If the results do not re move the evils denounced by the Su preme Court decision that the Gov ernment can ask for further orders from the court to accomplish such results. pother case - of much In little. Concord Officials Charged with Wink ing at Lawlessness. Concord was among the first places ents of the administration are watch- to adopt prohibition, years- before ing and trying to determine tne sit anv other Dlace In the State, and It sto Tiiie la speaking of the Democratic Sen- riai fight in this State, the Keids- kjivs "on with the Review has stuck to it, but taking the word of the local papers it is a monumen tal failure almost as bad as Ra leigh. It Is charged that the offl- cera winK at vioiaters oi me iaw pormlion Named a Urfeswlaata Mnt IHu)ve !VfeMlaaU elude Stne of the IUgrt llaan-j i cier In Ue t a n t ry C Waf . 5 a in-t I I fer ill ttt Zm Us to-4sy sj Sled, Wilkea CVaty Mm 103 V Old. W!atca-SW. Oct. St. Agt4 Workwl l QalrUy and tmly Fmr j 10; fears, Mr. J. tl. CalUr feaa -a Knew That the CSms-Jck ho- l? f tpead tbm reaaladtr of fets cays wita m-nt Wa ltepaHa the U jbU Mr. Covae CalUr. He la ta itm Will IleUry rood health for a tsaa f hit ac. ror nve yrs c aaa ewa one of his daughters la Watasga County, la reality. Mr. Caller was In Oraafeburs. a C. at a Ithe so-called "Steel Trust" was be- long ago cast nis lot yiu wx hM. ih gun her to-day in the United Slate T , 7, a Zl upholds the uu uc ' . ..-t .-to do so the balance f his days. a 1 1 aril Fougfit Cium. Trenton. N. J.. Oct. The Uov. Safety Appliance Law Upheld by Supreme Cocrt. The Supreme Court of the United i States has handed down a very ini-; Ion goes right of further and the Interstate Commerce;-"" " Commission to enforce the safety ap-lnR trust b . K,iinr Department of Justice. cnodK from one noini in a oiaie v cj " brought by the The Kind of Man South CWollaa lnuKTttl Ve For. uation and the trend of affairs as It will bear upon the next campaign. That the President morougnij comprehends the situation Is snown by his notable speech in Chicago on last Monday night. The President, another point in the same State, even when the car on any special trip Is not going to cross State lines. This case arose on the Southern i Railroad. The Southern itaiiway contended that the Interstate Com-! will be a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate If I am alive and not in artlculo mortis. .... t Tin V tVia fid-! i iV.i U l r.lnnftfti1 anA aog. ofnr roviowinP the WOrk Of hlS ad j . r ui w nil n t. w uuj v v i tin in mi. tin e 1 1 1 1 in uiculilui cauv. v ic.v. o Qiliiv - - . . ,A . . , . 4V, ,,v lav ily obtained. II sucn De tne case n minisirauon auu tuc If they before It, and also commenting upon xvhpn vou hear politicians talking about free trade i-st remember that free trade is, the forerunner of free soup houses four-cent cotton. the Democratic want the law enforced there Is a the criticisms of his policies and the ! Uneg The Inter8tate Commerce Com m The Government aska not only ior the dissolution of the United State Steel Corporation, but for the d ab lution of all constituent or subsidiary companies hich aro alleged to h&ve.. . r . . k.iit. Xa, dead combined in violation of the Sherman j rn u m o0 for me A tU tay. law to "maintain, or auempi iu tlQW i am not going to htlp a damn 1 v fit th i . . .... . merce Commission d ot Ja'e business." There, are thirty-six sub-j Tillman, a. quoted by a cor power to force . them to Put Uidlary corporations named a. de- rrf dent of th(l AttKtttU Chronicle, appliances on cars that were hauling fendantB. j State freight tnat am noi croM ,,uri)0nl Mcrfcan. John D. way to do It. Greensboro Record. strPtteth of his oDDOsition, closed his speech by saying that he believed and THE UPRISING IN CHINA the country would continue in pow- er the party oi constructive Biawo- manship which had accomplished so mission, on the other hand, contend ed that a road that was doing an interstate commerce business should d then! Government Accedes. Some much to make this country what it Jiiivx. .. - , - . i , it . is. But he said, rurtner, mat u m majority of the people should deter- is Far From Satisfied Maine went tent for liquor. Democratic Mans advocate prohibition -v thv think Rtich a move will JCU lut; v,.. farther their political ends. poll-j only If the low price of cotton, high taxes and Democratic extravagance does not defeat the Democrats next jar, then the majority of the voters certainly hard to arouse. mine to shift the burden of govern ment upon the shoulders of the op- An immediate Parliament and That P inai iue tuuuuj " " 1 the Army Be Consultea Aoout muCh as it had suffered irom uemo- .. .. , . nAiiMoe in th ast. but that Hfnttprs Are Some or tne funner -" w"v"v'" : ' Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie. Chas. M. Schwab. Geo. W. Perkins, E. H. Gary, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Henry C. Frick, Chas. Steele. James Gayley, ra. H. Moore, Edmund C. Con- Daniel have all of Its cars equipped with j . safety appliances, ior a iuai r.ivai rinwts. Jr hauling freight to-day within State Ig Norman B. Ueam, P. A. 13. j Woodrow Wilson says ne gave up law because he found he could not be la honest lawyer and a politician at the same time. That is certainly hard oa the Democratic politicians Wil son included. When you see Democrats trying to explain low prices by crying over production," that means that there was an over-production of Demo cratic votes for Democratic Congress men and Senators at the last election Ex-Governor Glenn has been up in Pennsylvania telling the Sunday school children "Thou shalt not steal." Might come home and preach the same doctrine to some Demo cratic judges of elections. Demands Made Fighting Between Rebel Forces and Imperialists Continue. Peking, Oct. 30. The Demand of the National Assembly for a com plete constiutional government has been acceded to by 'the throne. An Imperial edict was issued to-day, apologizing for the past neglect of the throne and granting an immedi ate constitution with, a cabinet from which nobles shall be excluded. A second endict grants pardon to po litical offenders connected with the rp volution of 1898 and subsequent revolutions and to those compelled to inin in the present rebellion Concessions Granted Are Far From Satisfactory. Washington, Oct. 31. Yuan Shi K-ai. the dominating force in China, will return to Peking in answer w rmnAiiioi anmrnons only when TBI U 111 I I 1UI W m mm - - - Webster's Weekly is now support ing Simmons for the Senate. It has tot been so many moons since Web ster's Weekly claimed Simmons lands were unclean when, in the opinion of Webster's Weekly, did he ash them clean? the Prince Regent voluntarily relin- niiishs the power ne now eujuj - . . I - A A condemning any Chinese suDject iu he would have "tne consoiauuu knowing that after the people had had one more trial of another Dem- . . . i . . l A ocratic administration tney womu lines would to-morrow naturally be crossing a State line. The Southern Railway appealed from the decision of the Commission and contended that no authority could force them to nut safety appliances on cars haul ing intra-state freight except the va rious State Railroad Commissions. The Supreme Court has upheld the Interstate Commerce Commission on every point. A few partisan advocates of so- called "State rights" have been join- make haste to return the Republican ' adTn opposing the right narty aeain to power The President's enemies have seiz ed on to this statement by the Presi dent as an acknowledgment or Re publican defeat. In this they seem to i t ArA tViek fart us very unwise. mucu, that the President not oijly realized the situation that the people might of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion to thus exercise Its authority It is noticeable that every big cor poration that is violating the law or oppressing the public in any way has become a strong advocate of State riehts. They are opposed to, being regulated by the Federal Government possibly put in one more Democratic bj tQ fee administration, but also his iranK statement that if they did they would make haste to correct it after one administration is a most wise and timely utterance. This declaration th nart of the President will be sure to make thousands and tens oi thousands who may have intended to vote the Democratic ticket pause and consider well before taking such a step fraught with such risks. Woodrow Wilson's Activity. or not regulated by the State Gov ernments. The great railway com panies are talking State rights and getting every Democratic politician with whom they have any influence to do the same. They are as anxious to be regulated by the State Govern ments as was the American Tobacco Company to be dissolved by Cover trit.Mn under Ms sham btaie Uui xava v- anti-trust law. A New Era for China, The revolution in China by the na Since the Attorney-General Sorth Carolina has gone to New York to see that the American Tobacco Company is properly prosecuted, have you stopped to count up how many trusts the Attorney-General tas prosecuted in this State before storing outside service? Governor Wilson of New Jersey, the leading canuiuate - ! .. . v, r,.ia ant exeW wlthouj . trial t , uon. - hee-nd con is tne prevalent unues w.uo hpadwav as to frighten the imperial ington officials, some of whom ex- ing Ms candidacy. In W-tart government tatontlng wonderful press confidence that the throne at Dailas, Texas he jtacla to eSSS1 S sto? revolution yield to the demands oi me lief that tne uemocw r -w- imDerial edlct has been issued by assembly and relinquish tms pow. nominate a P,: the Emneror of China declaring for Otherwise It mlgnt oe very m and that tne nominee w uu --7-; I the MtowteBment of a constitution to for Yuan Shi Kai or any otner uu.- ed. Governor wuson . frampd br a congress to be elect- nese notable to place -tnemseives statement predicting nu own u, &nd &Uq de within the power of the throne. nation and his election. clared in favor of removing the Man- The Chinese army is far from sat- sounds exactly like what the an(1 renlacine them with isfied with the extent of the conces- country has neard from Mr. Bryan minent native Chinese officials, sions made by the throne yesterday. in tQree successiVe campaigns which Indeed the Emperor of China has Armrdine to the State Depart- . madA for the nomination and . . wlll SUDmit to a ments advices a number of demands m after receiving the nomi- Qf goyernm t a3 Derai aS the LJtt to K.w Tork late'tol on tne inroue maw nati0n. v of the National Assemoiy nave nut, observers of the political sit- Widener, and William P. Palmer are named Individually as defendants. The United States Steel Corpora tion. Carnegie Steel Company. Car neeie Company of New Jersey, Fed eral Steel Company, National Steel Company, American Steel and Wire Company of New Jersey, National Tube Company, American Tin Plate Company, American , Sheet and Tin Plate Company, American Steel Sheet Company, American Steel Hoop Com- m. . n 1 J mm. . Amx m w Am. vm pany, American uriuge umau; , Lake Superior Consolidated iron Mines, all of which were organized under the New Jersey laws, and tne H. C. Frick Coke 'Company, Tennes see Coal and Iron allroad Company, and the Great Western Mining Com pany, are named as corporate de fendants. Louis W. Hill. James N. Hill. Wal ter J. Hill. E. T. Nichols and J. H. Gruber are named as trustees in con nection with ore companies. The Steel Corporation's lease of the Great Northern itauway s ore properties, which the directors of the Steel Company to-day formally ae- cided to cancel. Is alleged to be Ule- eal. This action of the directors was a Von hut a few hours before the bill. The Government acknowledges that It was advised of the Steel Cor- noratlon's intention in this respect. but states that under the terms of the lease no cancellation would be effective until January 1. 1915. and there is no limit upon the amount of nra thai ran be taken out in the meantime. Sensational allegations fairly top ple, over each other In the Govern ment's petition, which Is an equity proceeding, praying for injunctions to estop continuance of the alleged monopoly and such other relief as the court may grant. 3farsliall Serves Papers. Trenton, Oct. 26. A Deputy TJ. S. MANY ITALIANS KILLED Reported That Five Thousand Were Slain tnd Seven Thousand Captured Turks and Arabs Havo Re-Captared Outskirts of Tripoli's Capital Austria Threatens Attack Mutiny in Army and Revolt U Brewing. A Democratic exchange says that conditions in the Nation are very yet been granted. Among tnem arej Governor Wilson has the following: ' nQt strengthened his position before . An immediate Parliament; that country during the last month, constitutional amendment originate The people have begun to compare in Parliament; that the army, muus" !Ms ormer very conservative uu,er- iihiect to the control 01 me - U.M and reCord with his very aa- 1 . . J I Jnmasflli trnil- . ....Minil 11 A c!.v,n , tona nornr tie noi usea in wwuv.w I ronpod views now eiyicoacu " 77, 7 k TI bles except under regulations adopt- ;:ing for the nomination. One And the voters should remember that , -v Parliament: that Parliament irifV fnently Btated that If year following 1892 the price of th Premier, he to appoint Wilson a few years ago otton st.riiP.ir nttom. Certainly theUfiutAra of State: that Parliament ftninloris on public quesUons bo voters do not wish to face those con- approve the budget and an treauw radIcally different from what he nas ju.. i nffnnf!nc ttiA eenerai micicai, fh.t t i nest ior uie tuuuu; unions aeain. ,io f : mnntrv: that tne quauuwuuui. v I titq ft tn Ree D.OW long 11 Wlii ue ucw i Tnpmhprs of Parliament L , vIaws aeain before Some of the Duncan insurgent Re- npA. and that the army4s to j ... at the neim 0f the gov- Kublieans are advocating the re-elec- bft consuited in regard to these maj- t. of tne greatest nation on tion of Sotiatnr JJlmmmis on thel rora. I A9.rt.h- ground that he is for protection for Fighting Continues. Dissolution of the Tobacco Trust. umDer and cotton and that he Is a Pekine. Oct. 31.-jms"""b . .. , mtrom has " w i t ifi. a aviiav-i ynMi hi ww iii n.ci -'"-- liw and the lmpenaiisw parliamentary government of Great RarVo ,100n J. P. Morgan. Chas. Britain, wnere we inB Schwab. Elbert H. Gary and John only in name and has le3s power hon n President of the United w ' ' 1 States. The concessions made by the royal family meet every demand of the revolutionists except the es tablishment of a genuine republic with a president to be elected by the D. Rockefeller copies of the bill In equity filed here asking for the dis solution of the U. S. Steel Corpora tion. Caae Was Worked Up Quietly. Washington, Oct. 26. The filing Pretty, good Republican anyway. Mr. Simmons wa honeatlv for pro- continues. ia . J'-J I na9 Deen charged by the Supr tection mr Q.,. ,MM reDeis are.mf"1"f" .:r;.Ti hl court with the duty of directing the uj luiufc xw "'v o cfanoo I .RTft anvices I .... . I j iV. Democrauc party and Join the that Hankow city was; not re- lTeZ. . i ... mm. iijMn o irnniiwri i-hiil v&ca?w wny or protection. We can't have taken by tne imperially, . . . c f the nlaM of dissoluUon Tchang capturea ine r- ""i.---' the Amer- . . ...I ior anything else in the South, unless way.slL " -however, the ican Tobacco Company. Viuuuai; , vw . r " The Attor nmisea. uuwcfc, 1 . . . ji... have protection for the not been, resumed neyeneralpomu ou nd the labor of all the remainder of n0r vice rBHm it comply with the decision has tftlegrapn coaauu - - .fvnnnd com- people. It is doubtful wnetner even of gtcel Trust suit to-day was a these great concessions will satisfy 1 bombshell to official Washington. the revolutionists and stop hosui- It ls tbat only four men knew itles. of it. so closely did the Department The native Chinese who have been cf Justice safe-guard Its r action forced to wear a queue as a badge of against leaks. . e subjection to the Manchus who con- Attorney-General Wickersham, his quered them nearly four hundred secretary, Frank Cole, and J. M. years ago are cutting off their queues Dickinson, former Secretary of War, as an evidence of independence and tne Government's special counsel !n eternal hostility to the -Manchu dy- tne case are the first three who were nasty. in the, secret. The wonderful upheaval in China j It u'nreaumedVtf course, that the is one of the most striking evidences ffmrttl WM the President of the yet in the world's history of the united States. great reform that is going on every- soecial aeenta of the Department where toward local self-government cf justice have been at work on the and the rule of thep eople in all gov- case gathering evidence at various ernments. It was only six years ago times during the last three years. It that the people of Russia forced a wag stated at the Department of Jus- constitutional government from the 11 that this evidence eo gathered Czar., Only a few months ago the bad been supplemented by some of people of Mexico overthrew the Dlas the testimony given before the Stan- C Continued on page 5.) - jley Committee of the House of Rep- Trieste, Oct. SI. Italy has seised and occupied the Turkish Islaads of Rhodes and Lesbos, according to dis patches received here from lit lan. This is highly offensive to Austria. Vienna, Oct 31. The outlook in Italy Is alarming to-day. King Victor's forces in Tripoli are threatened with worse than the dis aster which has already overtaken them. There Is danger of a clash with Austria. An anti-militarist and anti-monarchist uprising ls immi nent. African news ls still meagre owing to the Italian control of the cables.. but It seems certain that the Turks have re-occupied the outskirts of the city of Tripoli and are likely to drive the Italians out entirely. Think Italians Lost 5,000 Killed, Reports' that the Italians lost 5,000 killed and had 7.000 taken prisenera are accepted here as true. Should the Turks recapture Tri poli they can hardly be blamed If a slaughter of Italians follows after the brutality of the Italian massacre of the Arabs men, women and chil dren Inside the city Just before the Turkish attack began. How many were slain ls uncertain, t . AA I- 11.1.1- 4 W. Va native population was practically wiped but under the pretense that they might attack the Italians from the rear while the letter were en gaged with the Turks. The shooting of Colonel Btroppa by Private Gaetano Masetti as the Twenty-fifth Infantry was leaving Bologna for Tripoli yesterday was not an isolated act of mutiny. Near ly all the troops on their way to the scene of hostlltles are rebellious and the utmost difficulty is experienced by their officers in handling them. Official dispatches say his comrades wanted to, lynch Masetti. The truth Is that wide-spread sympathy is felt for him. What especially concerns Austria Is the Italian Cabinet's decision to carry out a big naval demonstration In Turkish waters in defiance of Aus tria's warning that Italian activities must be confined to Africa. The Impression In official circles here Is that the Italian Government has lost lis head and that the gravest consequences may result from its present outbreak of irrationality. The rfdfenlons eua of th Italian vic tories at the beginning of the Tri- polltan campaign Is attributed to the fact that the Turks were taken whol ly by surprise. It is believed they are ready now to put up a desperate fight : , Turks Capture Two More Forts. Constantinople. Oct 31. The Turks have captured two more forts at Tripoli, according to Government information here, forcing the . Ital ians to entrench within the city It self, abandoning quantities of arms and ammunition. the country. been - re-established. nnicsa an ." - V

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