1 JHLJii twiL.IGH( N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1911. no. 47 EDITORIAL BRIE Government in South Carolina reel a reform school for 1U Cta p Clark says be Is ready for ft- -sing of Congress. But what JJJ l" gOt to get ready Governor KItchin does not seem to making much headway running ,,. Senate on his "Individuality." i: jr.ay bo that the Democrats hare Suited" Hom of the trusts, but if f3 it was pullisg them for campaign Why is H that the Raleigh News 2j observer no longer refers to the Greensboro Daily News as the fidlzed News"? 'Sub- The Haleigh News and Observer co longer refers to the Greensboro Daily News as the "subsidised news." Thf-re is a reason. I'r.less conditions soon change In South Carolina, it might not be a bad Idea to Bend some of our missionaries to the Palmetto State. The football season ends to-day, but wonder if the Democratic poli ticians will note the fact and stop kicking the public schools. This promises to be a hard winter but the most of the Democratic pol iticians have feathered their nests so they won't feel the pinch. Italy was early In. getting its Thanksgiving turkey, but there are already signs that she will have trou ble in digesting that piece of dark meat called Tripoli. Champ Clark says the Democrats are in perfect harmony, still Mr. Bry an continues to severely criticise Clark. What is Democratic harmony anyway? The Baltimore Sun asks why not omit party names. Well, if they were to do that in the South the Demo cratic party would soon be out of business. Mr. Bryan is quoted as saying a man can make a million dollars hon estly. We are a little curious to know if Mr. Bryan has made that much on the Commoner? The Supreme Court of South Dako ta has ruled that rich wifes must pay their divorced husbands alimony. South Dakota is destined to be the popular home of the worthless hus band. The Democratic officials have not enforced the antitrust law, they have not enforced the prohibition law and, in fact, what law have they enforced except that you shall pay increased taxes? The United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue reports that il-1 licit distilling is on the increase in North Carolina. And this in the face of the fact that all the Demo cratic sheriffs are required to help enforce the law. Attorney-General Wickersham con tinues to prosecute the trusts, but some of the Democratic politicians re not satisfied because the trust Magnates are not made to wear the ball and chain. Still it will be re membered that when Judson Harmon was Attorney-General not a single trust was prosecuted. We notice that a number of the North Carolina Democratic papers have begun to advocate Governor Harmon for President. These pa pers, no doubt, approve of Governor Kitchin's anti-trust policy, and want a man in the White House who will do no more to enforce the Sherman anti-trust law than the Governor has flone to enforce the anti-trust law in North Carolina. Missouri has a Republican Gover nr, and he seems to know how to enforce the anti-trust law of that State, equally as well as the Repub lican President at Washington knows how to enforce the national Sherman anti-trust law. many ai axi wocxiei. State That Fit Hundred Were Killed and Wounded Sunday 3 lunue Between Italian and trks. ii Italians and Turks fought an important battle near Tripoli Sunday, with the result that the Italians drove the Arabs out of the oasis and entered the Italian front A Cable dispatch from Rome Mon day says: "The Italians found 500 dead and wounded in houtes in the Oasis after yesterday's battle at Henni, accord ing to special news telegrams re ceived here. There were also seventy-two dead found at other places scattered about the oasis. "The Italians also captured 300 Turkish and Arab prisoners, includ ing several Turkish officers. The bat tle was very severe, especially Jn the vicinity of Henni, fwhere a series of bayonet encounters occurred. "General Caneva's plan of battle was carried out to the letter and the Italian troops are now, In possession of Henni and Fort Meesri." Mil. BARRETT MAKES STATE MENT. Tlie President of the Farmers Union Says That Cotton is Being Held. President Charles S. Barrett, of the National Farmers Union, gave out a statement in Atlanta, Ga., Sat urday relative to the advices from New York that banking Interests had agreed to finance a cotton movement to the extent of $50,000,000. He said: ' "I know personally and esteem several of the gentlemen participat ing in the conference which, it 'is said, looks to the placing of $50,000. 000 in the South to promote the hold ing of cotton until it reaches a figure that represents Its value to the world. But I am apprised of the plan which must necessarily affect several hundred thousand farmers only by newspaper reports and not in the in tricate details essential to so tre mendous a movement. It would therefore be unjust to all concerned to express a definite opinion in ad vance of full information." Mr. Barrett stated that reports show that cotton is being held and will be held. He said he was just in receipt of a letter from C. E. How ard, Secretary of the Southern Cot ton Buyers' Association, saying "far mers are now holding a greater amount of cotton than ever before." REBELS ENTER NANKING A Fierce Battle Fought in and Around the Chinese Capital Revolutionist Behead Prisoners and Engage in Other Forms of Bar barity Hearts Cut Out of Victims AVhich They Roasted and Ate Nearly Four Thousand Killed Missionary Women Seek Safety. Cable dispatches from China an nounce that fierce fighting continues at Nanking near Shanghai, and that the rebels have captured Tachingmen gate and hold all the defenses in that part of the city. The Imperial troops captured Han-yang, though the re bels expect to recapture the town. A reporter at Hongkong says: "At Wuchow the revolutionary sol diers are avenging the recent massa cre. They have already beheaded sixty prisoners, some of them the sons of aristocrats. Afterward they held an orgy, cutting out the hearts of victims, which they roasted and ate. "Some of the missionaries from up-river stations have sought refuge at Hongkong." A dispatch from San Francisco says: 'Terrible slaughter has marked the fighting at Tankin, according to a cablegram to-day to the Chinese daily paper. The report says 3,500 regular soldiers and 300 civilian volunteers have been killed." Ready for a Compromise. The revolutionary leaders are ex pressing a desire to negotiate for a compromise and" suggesting ,some slight changes in the government program.' The government is endeavoring to secure the immediate cessation of hostilities at Nanking, where the fall of the city is imminent. 1 The Democratic party has done this country more real harm than all the trusts, combines, smallpox, yellow fever, hookworms, cyclones and tornadoes that ever afflicted the American people. It's getting time for the people to dissolve it. Clin ton News Dispatch. THE MESSAGE IS READY President Tatffs Anootl Mes sage to Congress is in the Hands of the Printer ANOTHER rmOCOATIC ROW Committee Appointed by the Demo cratic Congress to Investigate the Steel Trust Has Developed an Ugly Fight Between Themsel vea Rock efeller and HJa Pastor Placed fa a Had Light A Political Mix-Up Colonel Roosevelt Will Not Support Any Candidate for Pmltknt Mr. Pinchot and the Insurgent Movement Speculation a to Why Judge Pritchard and E. C Duncan Should Announce Simultaneously That They Are for Taft. , Wasington, D. C. Nov. 28, 1911. (Special to The Caucasian.) A Republican from the western part of North Carolina, who was here Monday, says that there is no little speculation in Western Carolina as to just why Judge Pritchard has sud denly come out in favor of the re nomination of President Taft. He says that it has been generally under stood for sometime, judging from the way that a number of Judge Prltcb ard's friends were talking, that he and they were opposed to President Taft. It is interesting to note that thej declaration of Mr. Duncan for Presi dent Taft was made about the same time that it became known that Judge Pritchard had come out for4 him. A Row in the Steel Trust Investigat ing Committee. The committee appointed by the Democratic Congress at the last ses sion, to investigate the steel trust, has developed an ugly fight between the Democratic members of that com mittee. ' ; . 4 When the committee met this fall, It seems that Mr. Stanley, the Demo cratic Chairman, wanted to proceed with the investigation on certain lines, while Mr. Littleton, Democratic Congressman from New York, op posed continuing the investigating while the steel trust was being prose cuted in the courts under an action brought by the Attorney-General un der the Sherman anti-trust law. This brought on sharp words between the Democratic majority members of the committee. One side charged that the other was defending the steel trust, while the other side charged that those who were insisting on in vestigating the trust now, were do ing it to bear the stock market, to help certain stock brokers in New York. Jt looks as if the committee will have to stop investigating the steel trust and proceed to investigate each other, who are resting under these serious charges made against each other. A Charge Against Mr. Rockefeller. Last week, two Merritt brothers, from Minnesota, appeared before the steel investigating committee and made serious charges against John D. Rockefeller, the head of the Standard Oil Trust. They stated that they were large owners in a big iron ore deposit in Minnesota, which has since j been gobbled up by the Standard Oil ! people and the Steel people. They say that a certain Baptist preacher, acting as their friend and as a friend of Mr. Rockefeller, came to them several years ago and told them that he could get Mr. Rocker feller to lend them money to develop their property, and that he did get Mr. Rockeller to lend them more than $400,000. They testify that, later, Mr. Rockefeller, through this preacher, suddenly called the loan and squeezed them out, taking over that property which is to-day worth over $7,000, 000. Mr. Rockefeller replies by produc ing a statement which the Merritt brothers signed at the time of the settlement with Mr. Rockefeller to the effect that they did not blame Mr." Rockefeller for doing anything wrong. The Merritt brothers answer this by saying that they did sign such a statement, but they did it upon com pulsion and at the demand of Mr. Rockefeller and through the hope of saving something. They allege, how ever, that Mr. Rockefeller was heart less and completely ruined them. Mr. Rockefeller's preacher is out in another statement denouncing the Merritts; but there comes, at this stage of the proceedings, an interest ing statement that Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, was the attorney for the Merritt brothers at the time, and that he intends to go on the stand and tell of the transaction himself. If he des, iM will sake &ml t&tee2&f reading, The Prvmldeat'e Me Rdy. f It Is understood that the PreaUeat Sal abed his to Cosgreaa to day, and that it la sow la the aaad of the printer. The evening papers H aaaoa&iw that the President will cot oaiy up hold the Sherman a&ti-trast law and uaad squarely against any movement to repeal it, but that he will go far ther and advocate passing supple mental legislation to farther strtsg- then the law. It Is also claimed that the Presi dent will squarely large the passage of a law requiring every concern that does Interstate commerce business of any kind to become incorporated un der Federal laws, so that the Govern ment can prescribe the terms on which a concern can do interstate business, and thus prevent many vi ola tioas of law that are now occur ring and which can only be reached by prosecuting such concerns through the Sherman anti-trust law after many years of wrong-doing. Of course, the President's message will alao ask Congress to pass legis lation for the opening of the Panama Canal, arranging tolls for shipping, etc. Also, that the whole Alaskan ques tion will be fully reviewed. Also, that the question of the con servation of natural resources will be comprehensively treated; together with the many other questions which the President has discussed in his many speeches on his. sixty-day trip through the West. Report of the Tariff Board. It is stated, however, that the Resident has not included the report of the tariff board in this message, but that he will announce to Con gress that he will, at an early date, send in two special messages; one giving the report of the board as to how the cotton schedule should be revised, and another as to how the wool schedule should be revised, with a statement that these shall be fol lowed by. other messages on the tariff on steel and many other of the most Important articles of commerce and necessities of life. A Political Mlx-Up: A few days ago, former President Roosevelt announced again that he would not be a candidate for Presi dent before the next Republican Na tional Convention, and earnestly ap pealed to everybody who was his real friend to stop discussing his possible candidacy. Mr. Roosevelt further added, in a significant way, that he had not promised his support to Pres ident Taft, and that President Taft knew that he had refused to do so. and besides, that he would not sup port any candidate for the nomina tion. This announcement on the part of the former President, followed as it was last night' by a speech by Mr. Pinchot in New York at a banquet, in which he declared that since former President Roosevelt would not per mit his name to be considered that he was squarely in favor of the nom ination of Senator La Follette, has caused a great deal of political gossip here to-day. It is thought that this means that all of the friends and followers of Mr. Pinchot, including ex-Secretary Garfield, will now line up in a vigorous campaign for the in surgent candidate. V In this connection, it is also an nounced by the Progressive Republi can League managers that Senator La Follette will soon start on an extend- ed Western trip, covering about the same country tnat President Taft has just covered In his speech-making tour. There is no disguising the4fact that these developments have put many wise and experienced politicians to speculating. One prominent old line Republican remarked to-day, that no matter how this La Follette movement panned out, that it looked now like Roosevelt would certainly loom up for the nom ination in 1916. Gave Convicts Permission to Christmas. "Take States ville Landmark. - In Chatham Superior Court the other day Judge Cooke sentenced two negroes to work at the County Home, and ordered that they be allowed a week's vacation at Christmas. The judge, who Is an old-timer, said that the watermelon season and Christmas apealed most to colored people and so he gave the convicts permission to "take Christmas." Objected to Woman Jurors. Seattle, Waste, Nor. 18. Mrs. Sarah Costello, defendant in a suit involving five hundred thousand dol lars, instructed her attorney yester day, to excuse from the Jury box two women, and accept a jury composed entirely of men. Mrs. Costello said she didn't want women sitting on her case. TOOACCO AND will 5 KEY Internal Revenue Receipts Last Year Broie All Records noun ascLovs tadicco This State Lewde In thm Maaafartare of Roth Obewfag and Emr4tag Tu ba 'Bettn MXllWn Gallon , More of WhUkry Made Laa Year Than la t!e Itrrioo Ban ner Year IlUrll DUfUliag CV Unn to Inert ta North Caro lina, South Carols, Georgia, Trnaww. and Virginia Tbe Oplam Evil Inert aea. The annuls report of Royal . Ca bell, Commissioner of Internal Reve nue, given, out In Washington Hoa day, makes several startling declara tions. The report says that the smoking of opium Is a widespread vice in this country and opium "joint" exiit in every city of considerable size. The internal revenue receipt last year were $322,526,299, the greatest in the history of the Government Corporations making returns un der the pew corporation tax law num bered 270.202 with an aggregate capital of $67.8SM30,519. The ag gregate net Income to the stockhold ers was V. 300,260, 42. The year's production of distilled spirits amounted to 175.402.39S gal lons, nearly 7,000,000 gallons more than In the previous banner rear, 1907. The production of beer, ale, etc., amounted to 63,216,851 barrels, nearly 4,000,000 barrels more than in the previous record year 1910. The amount of liquor held in bond ed warehouses for ripening now reaches the enormous total of 249, 279,340 gallons. Speaking of Illicit distilling, the Commissioner says the practice has increased steadily, especially In North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tenessee and Virginia, " The double system of taxing oleo margarine is corrupting grocers and gross rrauas are being perpetrated on the butter-buying public. To remedy the oleomargarine situ ation, Mr. Cabell suggests that fraud would be wiped out If a single stand ard of taxation for the colored and uncolored produtt be established, and If the manufacturers be required to put their products in small sealed packages instead of selling it in bulk. North Carloina Leads in Manufacture of Tobacco. Commissioner CabelKs report ranks North Carolina first in the manufac ture of both chewing and smoking to bacco. The first six States are: North Carolina, Missouri, Ohio, Ken tucky, Virginia and New Jersey. The production of North Carolina was 89, 430,948. The States next in line had approximately forty-seven, forty-four and Virginia and New Jersey both twenty-nine million pounds. The report goes into detail by States and collection districts upon the returns from the new corpora tion tax. The total revenue derived from this source Is $33,511,525. The returns trpm the corporation tax are set forth in five classes. A table of classes by States shows that 2,592 re turns were made for North Carolina. The capital stock is given as $137, 473,319.16, bonded and other indebt edness $109,907,822.70 and the net income $11,317,129.20. WANTED A DEATH PERJflT. A Kentuckian Said He Was Out of Work and Family Was Starving and Wanted Permit to Kill Family and Himself. A dispatch from Louisville, Ky., under date of November 25th, say: "I want a permit to kill my fam ily and then commit suicide" was the request made to City Attorney Robinson this mornings by John M. McCord, of this city. Before Rob inson recovered from his surprise McCord continued: "My wife is ill, without medical attention, my chil dren are starving and our landlord has ordered us out of our home. I can't get work, and I guess we'd all be better off dead." Robinson turned McCord over to the police, who made an investiga tion and found his statements cor rect. The family will be amply cared for and McCord will be given" em ployment, so that the children may have a Thanksgiving dinner like other children. How would you like to have a wife shipped to you like a bale of dress goods or a consignment of cheese? Michael White has a highly original story In the December Smart Set. entitled "A Wife Per Invoice," which tells how one man felt rttsxiau: eairrcsai cuts SS asfal !tJ)wrt TV fe f CIS lUt rJr4 Jt r4 is tSia i!fi:k?a of uu j m day 'tUt 1IT p&tta?tr M$m rrvifd wan sstgM te raOJ aftf ltrJ tU!Usa. Wy th. la t&e a at all ike rti gs a? taeir srtur-y thu Ca!a revolmtica? Win I tW t8aifcg ei the truasg ? Waal 4a 1 Calar waat? They paai sssra taaa cse lMsg aad o of talr waat a tal basie, la th first place, tatf r fSHT of tiont:h; dowartgM a&sfry trv 4. and they want ta aai. Taa saaaf hundred mllllea cf CUa$ fcaaw that they Aava aot S3tta4r4 tatir gray Uv la tdWate. Taey have al ways worked la the pat; thy are wilii&g to work; they da vara, 6a they can not blame taeaset. Taa soil oa which they aav worked aad are worXlag U moUy rSeh and kiad. It i trie that daring ihl year aal the fw year past, great a4 aad drouth have cumd the land. Dat then, had the people Veea permitted to receive tomethlcg of a fair chare of the fruit of their toll, they kaaw, beast of burden a tacnt of fata are, that they could have gottaa along very cicely without troubling either the yamea or the altar of their god and ancestor. They are starving to-day, they aad thttr wo men and children. Thst I a fact a big and clear a the heaven bove and the earth on which they ctani. Now why why Ihl ttate of af fair? They have not I a so keen and a fiery a tome other people la raising the question, It 1 true. Out they have raised It now. They hve raised and answered It for some year past, In fact, ince the twenty-five year rejgn of Kaiklng, in the dying day of the eighteenth century. And here is the answer: The people are without food and raiment, because in the China of to-day, graft, which i a gentle art in the rest of tho world, has added unto lUelf the rig orous. heartlev systematic vxaettag ness of a science. It ha donned the robe of the ofScial, It ha turned it self Into a tradition; It ha exalted itself Into a veritable law, walking about in the white light of day. head up and unashamed. From "The Chi nese Revolt: A Survey," by Adachl Klnnosuke, In the American Review of Review for December. SENSATION AT TRIAL Three Men Arrested for Bri bery in the McNamara Case Detective Claimed That He Haw the Money Passed, Arrested Men and Carried Them Before District At torncy. Where They Were Re quired to Unload the Money Only Eight Jurors Selected. A pre dispatch from Lo Angeles, Cal., under date of November 28, says: "The ugly smirch of suspected bribery trailed today tcross the trial of James B. McNamara for the al leged murder of Charles Hagerty, one of the victims of the Times dis aster. "Tonight the pleased prosecution and the dumbfounded defense took stock of the day's work of Samuel L. Brown, chief investigator for the State, who arrested three men and stacked District Attorney Freder icks' desk; with banknotes taken from the arrested men's pockets in Fred ericks'presence." "Bert IL Franklin, former deputy United States mars hall, now employ ed by the McNamara defense as in vestigator, was released this after noon under a ten thousand dollar bond, and will appear In court to morrow to answer the charges of bribery and attempted bribery sworn to by Brown. "Geo. IL N. Lockwood, u resum moned venireman, and C. E. White, alleged stakeholder, were arrested, with Franklin at liberty, and, ac cording to Fredericks, will appear as witnesses against Franklin. "Five hundred dollars taken from Lockwood's pockets Is declared by the prosecution to hare been the first payment of the sum he would re ceive If he should prevent an ad verse verdict' In the McNamara case, and the $3,500 found on White is declared to be the balance to be paid when the Jury should be discharged. The McNamara case has been la court for about eight weeks and only eight Jurors have been secured. Mem bers of labor organizations claim that the fight on the McNamaras Is a fight against them, and have contributed large sums for the defense. i 4