Tiff I H -M VCL. XXIX. ' "' -t-nr. """ ' nw- w- - - mill iihm nan i M1 i 1a . T.r it mmm .mmmlllll''Hmt miTORIAL BRIEF'S) axe informed that "i abort this year. ys Democracy ,biow at re- I next elect!.' Voodrow 11 probably be x. ng for f Somewhere not believe that Democracy i n, but we do believe that i ,-0Cra'T needs religion f:o'.efb(T Coon's speech was not viu;ar with the Democratic poll '..'izs but will meet the approval of c? patrons of the schools. Tte frequent changes In the fash-i-i is troubling editor De Priest of Shelby Highlander, and Brother . i j priest isn i even marneu. If Democracy is a religion, as ex- r 11. A. T Governor i oik Eaya, men uemocracy 13 departed from the teachings of its founder, who was an infidel. At one time it was Bryan, the reries3 One, but now the Concord Tribune refers to him as Bryan the warier. How the mighty have fall Virginia authorities are after the book trust, but Professor Coon was howled down when he said anything about the book trust in North Caro lina. Notwithstanding that the school tax has been increased, many of the fcnool districts still have to vote a tpecial tax in order to have a four months' school. The Durham Herald says the Dem- ccratlc party may be united, but It has failed to hear of anything that has seemed to please the Bryan wing of the party. If you have paid your taxes this jear you are probably aware of the fact you are paying a mighty high rate for a poor grade of Democratic "good government." When the writer gives advice he likes to think it will be taken by wme, at least. So will advise that Tou do your Christmas shopping hen you get good and ready. congressman bteadman says tne ri- ..I high cost of living will be the main topic of discussion at this session of Umgress. And so the Democrats in tend hitting the farmers again. lue Advocate says mere we a large number of blind tigers ia Gaston County and Gaston is tot the oniv n0m,ran, r.nT,w with c, . . . .J u a record, ine democrats snouia ither enforce the law or repeal it. .Members of the Democratic com- fcittee that has been investigating tie Steel Trust hav fallen out amonz tv, . enes and now tne investigating . --luiuee must De investigated, wno said there was Democratic harmony? Sotne of the Democratic papers in is State continue to criticise Attor- -General Wickersham for not put- trust officials in jail. But just member that under Democratic 'good government" in North Caro &ia none of the trust officials have Tea been asked to pay a fine. Xoru-itw a- v u notwithstanding the fact that the 1 r, vLrais are now ursrinsr more stringent anti-laws by the Federal! Government, it will also be remem- ea that not a one of trust mag tes wore prison stripes during the lSht years under Grover Cleveland- During the last campaign the Re- Joblicans told the voters that the lic schools of North Carolina Wera . . cie not gettine a sauare deal under mocratic "good government," but Democratic politicians said the &arge was simnlv a Ronnhlir.n Ha. ow who v ' . inly cr" T "vfrnor Fo. " W pT tueBy 8co- fZT fective for such a purnoso been en zot Coon. Dr. Archibald arohnson. xj : a 41 ' i e Monroe Journal, the tlatawha I County News,, and the Biblical Re- an oi me democratic per vasion, have made the same charges $ainst tke Democratic management rl the public schools CONGRESS rnfjurnrc!1 WWII 1 1.11 WW With lhc Onntn of fnntfr.. Monday Great Battle of 1010 tir o XV 1Z if as iSegUO LTTTLETOM STARTS IDE Bill I H Denounced TIiom? Who 114 Ac cused Him of Brtng Friend 5 y to the Stoel Trust and Criticised Members of Ilia. Own Commit -Democrats Unable to Quiet Their Colleajrne A Mixed and Interest ing Situation The President's Message to Congress Deals With the Tru8t Question The Inter, lew by Republican State Chair man of Ohio. Washington, D. C, Dec. 5, 1911. I (Special to The Caucasian.) With the opening of Congress on Monday the reat battle of 1912 has begun. Nearly every Congressman and Senataor were in their seats, and Desldes an unusually large number gamerea eariy in tne lobbies and on the floor of both Houses, not only to exchange greetings but to make earn est inquiries of each other. The Congressman or Senator from the far west was seeking out thase from the east and north and inquiring about the political outlook in this State and that, and vice versa. The question which the eastern Republicans mostly put to the wes tern Republicans was, Did the Presi dent strengthen himself in the west on his recent trip? The general concensus ,of the replies was that he did. Some declared that he strengthened himself very much. Even some who are not enthusias tically supporting the President ad mitted that he commanded the at- tention of the people, that they lis- tened intently to what he said, and that they were ready to approve his administration if he and his Tariff Board should make good during this session of Congress on the 'question of revision along the line of his speeches. A Mixed and Interesting Situation. One sitting in the galleries could realize that there were not only two great parties facing each other for the control of this great Govern ment, but that both of these parties are so badly divided as to almost amount to four parties. Every one realized that the situation was un usually mixed and uncertain, and besides that the verdict of the people at the polls next year will be, really determined by what Congress does or does not do in the next few months. Among the members there was the greatest diersity of. sentiment as to how long the session would run nd fta tn what, would be done. Mr. underwood, the Democratic leader, said Congress would stay, in session until next fall, long after both the national conventions had been held. There were others who thought that Congress would get down to DusIness early and pass some measure strengthening the Sherman anti-trust haw as requested by the President, and also pass or refuse to pass the legislation revising the tariff accord ine to the facts which the Tariff - ard furnisn president. There was great interest shown by the general public also as to the meeting of Congress. More than an hour before the assembling' of Con gres every seat in the galleries was taken, and those anxious to get seats were pacneo ten 10 mieen leet ueep in the galleries outside. President Taft's Message. President Taft's message to Con gress Tuesday was devoted entirely to the Sherman anti-trust act and to the trust question in general, but 1V . . , lt was luoruugu auu tuuipicucuauc ine rresiaent opposes cm? reyeai, or any amendment to, the Sherman anti-trust act, but recommends that Congress pass a Federal incorpora tion law and supplemental acts that would describe and denounce meth ods of competition that are unfair. Mr Taft TACommends the creatilon of an executive bureau with powers sim- Uar to those of the Interstate Com- merce Commission, to have super- vision . over corporauons cnarxerea -. i unaer me r eaerai iaw. Referring to the dissolution of the American Tobacco Trust, the Preai- dent says not in the history of American law has a decree more ef- lereu ujr tk cuuiu auu i?i.cx .u.& w tha AffeMlvonMR and imnortanee of Uh anti-trust law the President &ays: "For twenty: , years or more this statute has been upc?. the statute books'. ' All knew Its general pur pose and approved. Many of its rio- tVALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER er cynical over it jamt4 impotence, it wtae4 impossible off emorcement. bio! ths mill of th couru ground, and only gradually vv iuc iiiajcjiiy os log iaw uitrt n-f lf t it smesmaa -author ldUfd il te Uving foros, land they and others taw tb evil grow which they hoped to destroy. Now rw,.'" ?Tr P W Wr S Vto W hievement now we hear the call for lu repeal on the plea that It later fer with business prosperity, and we are advised in most general terms how by some other statute and in some other way the evil we are Just stamping out can be cured. If we only abandon thla work of twenty years and try another experiment of another term of years. . "It is aid that the act haa not done good. Can this be said in the face of the effect of the Northern Securities. decree? That decree waa in no way so drastic or inhibltlve in detail as either the Standard Oil de cree or the Tobacco decree; but did It not stOD for all time the then powerful movement toward the con trol of the railroads of the country in a single hand? Such a one-man power could not have been a health ful Influence in the Republic, even though exercised under the general supervision of an interstate commis sion." President Taft stated that other messages dealing on other subjects will be sent to Congress before the adjournment for the holidays. Republican State Chairman Brown of Ohio. The recent Interview given by Re publican State Chairman Brown, of Ohio, in which he said that the ma jority of the Republicans of Ohio were against the renomination of President Taft, was for a day or vwo the subject of much discussion, not only at the Capitol but also in all the hotel lobbies. It Is understood, however, that Chairman Brown was expressing dif ferent opinions when he was trying to get some patronage for some of his friends in Ohio not long ago, and the fact that the President could not see his way to appoint some of the men. recommended and urged byJ Air. crown is me wnoie cause oi nis recent hostile Interview. Leading Republicans from Ohio, who have been here for the last few days, say that the President will get a solid delegation from his State, and that the interview of State Chairman Brown will only make the rank and file of the Republicans of Ohio more active and earnest in their support of the President and his pol icies. Congressman Littleton's Speech. On the opening day of the session of the House, Congressman Martin W. Littleton, of New York, arose to a question of personal privilege, reading extracts from some newspa pers containing anonymous attacks upon him, charging that he was a friend of the Steel Trust and was trying to prevent further investiga tion by the Congressional Committee. Mr. Littleton not only denounced these attacks as false and cowardly, but he went further and declared that some members of the Investigat ing committee had either been fooled or induced to take the position which they had in opposition to the course he had urged in order to bear the stock market, and that certain bear operators on the stock exchange in New York had been reaping great profits thereby. This amounts to an attack upon the Democratic members of the investigating committee who disagree with Mr. Littleton, and will force them to retort. A number of the Democratic lead ers exhausted every effort to try to keep Mr. Littleton from making this speech and to try to patch up har mony in the committee, but their ef forts failed and the breach is now wide and looks as if it will grow wider and extend to a further breach in the ranks of the party. Indeed, it Is clear that there is already a much greater division in the ranks of the Democratic party at the opening of Congress than there is in the ranks of the Republican party. It Was Time to Pray. A preacher, at the close of one of his sermons, said: "Let all In the house who are paying their debts stand up." Presently every man, woman and child, with one exception, rose to their feet The preacher seated them and said: "Now, every man not paying his debts stand up." The exception, a care-worn, hungry looking individ ual, clothed in his last summer suit, slowly assumed a perpendicular po sition. - "How is It. my friend," asked the minister. "You, are the only man not to meet his obligations?" "I run a. newspaper," he answered meekly, "and the brethren here who stood up are my subscribers, and" " "Let us pray," exclaimed tbo min ister. Tampa Tribune. 4 111 ' lf ' f.lcNAf.1AnAS ARE GUIUYjSt wr i;uuuiuif Los Antics Time Batldto am! Blowing op Iron Works ERD OF NOTED TRIAL Jas. II. McXanar Srmtrsred to Life ImiHrisontoent for Itlowiag t Um Ang-ele Tlsea, When 21 IVr son Were Killed, and John J. Mo Xamara Brnteoeed to Serve 15 Tears for Devising Means for Blowing Up the Llewellyn Iron Works More Arrest to Be Mads In These Noted Cases. At Los Angeles, California, Fri day afternoon James B. McNamara confessed that he blew up the Lot Angeles Times Building and bis brother confessed that he was re sponsible for the destruction of the! Llewellyn Iron Works, thus brin-tin! to an end one of the most noted cases ! in the history of this country. In October, 1910, the Times Build ing in Los Angeles was blown up by dynamite and twenty-one persons were killed. The Times is owned by General Harrison G. Otis, who em ployed his labor to suit himself and refused to listen to the demands of the union printers, and it was due to tntt that h i nlonf trie h Aim nn Th.ii tuts iuai "iJ nao uiw n u uf. . . 5 uieweiiyn iron worxs were oiown up for a similar cause. The case had ! been in court for more than a omnth j but the jury box had not been filled when the two brothers confessed. The following report of the case was out from Los Angeles Friday night: "James B. McNamara pleaded guilty to murder in the first degree in Judge Walter Bordwell's court here to-day. His brother, John J. McNamara, Secretary of the Interna tional Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, entered a plea of having dynamited the Llew ellyn Iron Works in Los Angeles on cgfinaa Day-19 it) "James B. McNamara's confession clears up absolutely the tragedy of the explosion and fire which at 1:07 o'closk on the morning of October 1, 1910, wrecked the plant of The Los Angeles Time at First and Broadway and caused the death of twenty-one persons. For nineteen of these deaths, the McNamara brothers were indicted and J. B. McNamara was on trial superfically for the mur der of Charles J. Haggerty, a machin ist whose body was found nearer than that of any other to the spot where the dynamite was supposed to have been placed. "Both men's sentences were set for December 5th, when it is supposed District Attorney John D. Freder icks will ask for life imprisonment for James B. McNamara, the confess ed murderer, and probably fourteen years for his brother. The men's lives are considered saved. The great contention that The Los Angeles Times was not dynamited is dead be yond resurrection or argument. To-night as the two brothers sat together in the county jail refusing to see anyone or make any state ment an interest second only to the occurrence itself, hung about the question with reference to James B. McNamara 'Why did he confess?' To this opposing counsel gave the same answer. " 'He confessed because he was guilty and that's all there is to it,' declared District Attorney Freder icks. " 'He was counselled to confess because that was the best thing to do, in the opinion of counsel,' said Attorney Clarence S. Darrow, chief of counsel. 'I will say now that there was no other reason or motive in it. I've studied this case for months. It presented a stone wall.' "Darrow also denied that external looking squarely in the face, the charges that the recent arrest of Bart H. Franklin, an investigator employ ed by the defense and two others with him, might have precipitated a situa tion untenable save by confession of the prisoner. 'Negotiation have been on for weeks, asserted Darrow, and this was corroborated by District At torney Fredericks. "We expected at one time that Jim would confess last Monday but he did not,' said Dar row. McManigal Tells Gruesome Tale. "Ortle E. McManigal, the confess ed dynamiter whose admissions are said to have been a big factor in the McNamaras pleading guilty, will go practically free if the plans of the State in his behalf do not go wrong. "District Attorney Fredericks told Malcolm McLean (a Burns detective) that he would do the best he could for McManigal. : "McManigal, when, apprised of the pleas of the McNamaras, said he was glad to hear of their action as it 7. 1911. ; Sua 4l2rslly I " VK I a. I a?e I'll gi tAtat&c fr o, ta ta &T tU kaj. "lis lsjjfeid rt:4 at! own W ss4 a44 r 5iaJ beta troTTi'M-i asytis for j hat ht t4 dt)& a tta:a&; Udr C9nrt&4 by DttccUvs MtLarva. feo said that the rsu of DutrUt At- j torsey Frdricks this sfi raooa s , ths nearest ?rrth to iaasettyl tnccrtud for MeMi&lraL f Th UtUr then to! 4 ttm story of ; the dy&amltlsc 2rrltsc with some detail about whkh there no I no further nettlty for recy oa his ptrt. i 'MeMan!ral said hs flrtt beraa dy-: namiting In 1907, la Detroit. Mkh . ; where the Russell Foundry buildtnc was destroyed. He skipped from that time until a year ago, bi& be was ta I the Conover woods in Wisconsin with! James B. McNamarm and the Utter, he said, told him then of hsvinc Just previously dynamited the Times building. " 'I went back to my home in Chl- c&'' b added, 'and lay around there for a few day- December Sin Ident defended lbs Shtrman Saw, last I received a telegram from In-stated that be was oppos4 to the r dianapoli signed "Frank." aiklng peal or amendment of tbt art, bst meto go to that city. "Frank" mesnt ! recommended that Congress pass a James B. McNamara. as he at times! federal incorporation law and uppbs used the name of Frank Sullivan. I mental Initiation that "would d ! went, and Jn John J. McNamara's of ' fire was given instructions by John i J. himself regarding the Llewellyn ! ffth I f n G-ifrt It h A tuen hrftm!mJ . v. -I . - .... ..... ... . . , that a Christmas present was to w sent to Los Angeles, and tht I was5 to bring It. " 'James B. and L. went to John ' J.'s vaults on tbe fifth floor of the! apolis. where his offices were, an took out a case specially made to carry nitroglycerine. The District1 has that case In hi possession herej now. S "Well, that was December 9th; we! hired a rig and drove out to Beach ! Grove, an Indianapolis suburb, where he had the explosives cached. There were twelve quarts there and we took It all, leaving the two empty cases. . . " W weht back to J. J.'s' office, and I got instructions from J. J. him self to come to Los Angeles. He told me to put shots under the Llewellyn Iron Works and the Baker Iron Works and to be sure to put one un der the Times auxiliary plant. Dynamited Iron Works, " 'Just before arriving at the depot on December 15th, in Los Angeles, the train ran along the Los Angeles Rlveand I took special notice of the river as a good place to cache the stuff. At the Hotel Rosslyn I got a room under the name of T. F. Mc Kee. Then I went back to the river, hid the stuff and marked the spot so that I could not possibly fall to find It when I wanted It. "I had been told by J. B. how to get the Llewellyn Iron Works. It took me a few days though to find the Baker Iron Works. "Then I looked about for the Times auxiliary plant. " 'I finally found it. They were setting up a new press there at the time. I had a long talk with the watchman. I looked the place over and decided it was too well guarded to do anything there. About 7:30 the night of December 24th, I placed the whole twelve quarts of 'dope at the Llewellyn Iron Works, timing it to explode at 2 o'clock. " 'About 9 o'clock that night I took the Soutnern Pacific Valley train north to San Francisco, where I re mained a few days and arrived back in Chicago New Year's Day.' "At this point In McManigal's story Detectives McLean and Barry, who were present, stopped him, say ing that as the crimes committed In Los Angeles were fed compared with the whole number charged against the McNamara brothers, and of which McManigal was said to have knowledge. It would not do for him to talk too much. "The confessed dynamiter, bow ever, was asked about his confession in which he told of having been in structed to see 'the big chief and a man named 'Clancy in San Francis co before coming to Los Angeles on the 'Llewellyn Job, but the detec tives instructed him to mention no person by that name. That state ment, however, was made a part of the court proceedings when his wife, Mrs. McManigal, was a witness be fore the grand jury here last su in ner. " 'I haven't seen my wife since she left here said McManigal, bitterly. 'Darrow promised her a life's living if she would desert me, and she took him up. I suppose shell soon be sell ing McNamara buttons again. They ought to be In big demand In the next few days." Other Suits Will be Brought. A special dispatch from Indian apolis, InL, says: "The investigation of the Federal (Continued on paga 3.) No. 40 PaESIDENl'S UESSAEE h . . , , g M Devoted Exdouurcly to Shcrw nxin Acti-Trcst Lxt ted Ti ust Question in Central . C ETTl IS IDE SOtCDll ACT - Hmst th4 ww rm iv4r tfwlwUa tmw a4 firM tarwtal lsiiUiUm Tfes UW4 tV crthr 4 !es& Ut2mIs mi Vmttwium That Are tafalr iTrM-fi Th'aa lh Assrm T tarto CWaay Ih411cmi !Wrrr Kffertife iHiwr Mmf WlU Us NrC to t'onxrr IWorw tb lfoU days. Pr!dst Tafl'a third an&ua! tars- C to Co&rret was r4 Se feota Houses a Tuesday afternoon. Ths j tnesssf e tu devotrd iclssJvsly to the Sherman antltmit law sad lm trust QuttUoa In cnrst Ths Pnrs- scribe and denounce methods of com petition that are unfair." To supervise corporations char tered under federal law, Preildsftt Taft proposed the creation of as ex ecutive bureau, or commission, trf h powers akin to tboss of the inter state Commerce Commission. Speaking of the much discussed ' dissolution of the tobacco trust, tbe a 1 President declared that ta hi opin ion "not In the history of American law has a dec res more effective for such a purpose been entered by a court." Portions of hi message of Janu ary, 1910, proposing Federal incor poration were referred to in this mes sage. "I renew," continued the Presi dent, "the recommendations of the enactment of a general law providing for the voluntary formation of corpo rations to engage In trade and com merce among the States aad with forenlon nations. It Is even more manifest now than it was then that though denounclatlon of conspira cies is restraint should not, aad does not, mean the denial of organisations large enough to be entrusted with our interstate or foreign trade. It has been made more clear now than it was then that a purely negative statute like the anti-trust law may well be supplemented by specific pro visions for the building up and regu lation of legitimate national and for eign commerce." The supplement legislation the President desires Is explained in a paragraph. "The attempt aad pur pose to suppress a competitor by un derselling him at a price so unprofit able as to drle him out of business, or the making of exclusive contracts with customers under which they are required to give up associations with other manufacturers and numerous kindred methods for stifling competi tion and effecting monopoly, should be described with sufficient accuracy In a criminal statute on the one hand to enable tha Government to shorten its task by prosecuting single misde meanors Instead of an entire con spiracy, and, on the other hand, to serve the purpose of pointing out more in detail to the business com munity what must be avoided." Mr. Taft did not attempt to set forth the details the Federal incor poration act be recommended bat suggested that combinations of capi tal allowed to become Federal corpo-. ration should be subject to rigid rules as to organizations and pro cedure. Including effective publicity, and to the "closest supervision" as to stock and bond issues by the pro posed executive burea or commission In tbe commerce and labor depart ment. Federal incorporation, the President declared, would not exempt any concern or its officers from pros ecution under the Sherman act for illegal acts. The courts should be empowered, the President said, to In voke the aid of tbe Bnreau of Cor poration in determining the suitable reorganization of corporations dis solved Jby decrees. This work, he pointed out, might be entrusted to the proposed supervisory commission which "should be an executive tribu nal, of the dignity and power of the comptroller of the currency or the in terstate commerce commission." Again referring to the Sherman law, the President says: "The an ti-trust act Is tbe expres sion of the effort of a freedom lov ing people to preserve equality of op portunity. . -' ; . "This statute as construed by the Supreme Court must continue to be the line of distinction for leiitlraata. business. It must be enforced nnkes (Continued on page s.)