1 JHIJIi RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY II, 1912. V WM No, 1 a i i I EDITORIAL Bftv-FS Woodrow Wilson announce t "animated moderation" is his ideal, whatever that may be. The National Democrats have met and passed the He and their campaign may now be said to be on in earnest. Harper's Weekly has stopped boost ing Woodrow Wilson for President, and thus the sage of Princeton gets another setback. Dr. Frederick Cook, the fake ex plorer, is to lecture in Charlotte and Fayetteville. No wonder both of those towns go Democratic. The Democrats are now talking of naming a dark horse for President, even after trying to make the people believe they favor white supremacy. KiGovernor Glenn did not attend the Bryan speaking In Raleigh, nor did he Bend his regrets. Wonder If the ex-Governor has gone plutocratic? JoHephus Daniels tried to help un seat the National Committeeman from Pennsylvania at their meeting la Washington, but the steam roller flat tened him out. A newspaper in this State is ad vertising for "a first class devil." Evi dently the editor of that paper is ex pecting a hot time during the com ing campaign. There are thousands of farmers who to-day realize that when they voted to elect a Democratic House that they were "quarreling with their bread and butter." The State Treasury is still begging! for money. You know the army of Democratic office-holders" must De properly clothed and fed this weath er. Governor Harmon says there is no Mason and Dixon line any more. This is a bit of information that the Dem ocratic politicians down this way should get on to. The Democratic National Commit tee turned Bryan down, yet the Dem ocratic party cannot make any show ing in the coming campaign without Mr. Bryan's assistance. National Chairman Mack says the; Democrats will nominate a dark horse 1 for President. This will b distinct-! i . . . , ing news t0 the many Democratic pol- j lticians now in the race. ; t After Governor -Woodrow j Wilson fails to land the Presidency, he may then have some new reasons to eive why he should be supported out of ! the Carnegie pension fund. And now it seems they have an element in the Democratic party known as "stand-patters." Thought Democrats even abhorred the name as well as those who stood pat. The Democrats in Washington are happy once more. In the House restaurant at Washington pie is now selling at five cents a slice, which Places it within the reach of all. Congressman Gudger says he was standing on the Democratic platform when he voted for the Sherwood pen sion bill, it seems that every Demo cratic politician has a little platform of his own. A Guilford County lady ;taught the Lap Year spirit early in the season. She led her intended husband up to the Register of Deeds office; secured the marriage license for them and also got an extra set for her son who was married an hour after his moth er's wedding. And thus the season starts. When Mr. 'Bryan announced in his Raleigh speech that he thought"there were. stronger men than he in the Democratic party, and that he would n0t agaln b a candidate; : the audi 76 Chered- However; it wasnot clear whether : the audience cheered ause Mr. Bryan was not to be a candidate again- r whether they taught his utterancetatesman-illte. Z vheth6r they Ju8t bought it time cheer any way. , ck defies huprkmk COURT. Told the Chief Jntice He Woald Call! ,f - ? OutthBlUUA toKnorcUIliCwat"a ""01X1 tfaC DcmOCHltS Order. A dispatch from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, under date of January 6th. says: 0 "Governor Lee Cruce to-day defied the Supreme Court of Oklahoma, threatened to call out the militia, of which he pointed out he is commander-in-chief, and told the high tri bunal of his State, through Adjutant- J General Cantos, if it wanted to meas- I ure swords with him, 'it had better I send a force right away. "The muddle arose through the re moval of the county-seat of Delaware County from Grove to Jay. The rec ords were stopped yesterday at New Jay. a recently established addition to the town. When it waa reported that armed men were on guard at New Jay to prevent the further re moval of the books and papers, Gov ernor Cruce ordered a company of State malitia at Tulsa under arms and dispatched the Adjutant-General to thetown. Quite apparently was restored, but citizens of New Jay ap plied to Chief Justice Turner for a restraining order to hold the removal of the records and it was granted. "The Governor was informed of the court's action and in a telegram to the Adjutant-General, hes said: 'I officially direct you to proceed with the enforcement of my proclamation and order as delivered to you yester day. Wrhatever force is necessary for you to employ to enforce this order, will be called by you into requisition.' "Calling the Chief Justice on the telephone a short time after, the Gov ernor is reported to have said: 'I am Governor of the State,' and 'if the Supreme Court means to have its or der enforced, it had better send a force right away.' "In the meantime, however, Adjutant-General Canton had removed the records to Old Jay, where a fresh start was made in the governmental machinery of the county." blew up many shops Ortie M'Manigal, the Confess ed Accomplice of the M'Na maras Before Grand Jury McManigal Professes to Have Per sonal Knowledge of at Lieast Thirty of the Explosions Which Iestroyel Many Structures Throughout the Country Detective Bums on the Stand. Ortie E. McManigal, the confessed accomplice of John J. and James B : McKaara is now before the Federal , Grand Jury at Indianapolis. It is believed that ne nas implicated sev- eral others besides the McNamaras I . v, u l .. ii in luc uiunaig up ui mure mail one hundred "onen shon" strnrtnrps in various sections of the country. De- tective Burns, who caused the arrest ! of McManigal and the McNamaras was oeiore tne Grand Jury a few days ago to give further testimony in other dynamiting cases, but what he related to the Grand Jury has not been made public. That McManigal will be kept in at tendance on the grand jury for ten days or two weeks was indicated by the intention of United States Attor ney Charles W. Miller to have him repeat his confession orally and to describe with minute circumstance his relations with others in his dyna miting expositions, from the time he first blew up a structure in Detroit in June, 1907, down to his activities in the same -businesson the Pacific Coast. McManigal profess to have person al knowledge of at least thirty of the explosions which destroyed. .viaducts. bridges and other structures erected by v firms, employing non-union" men. HiB testimony is to be taken not" so much to show thej complicity of the McNamaras," since - they already have been convicted, as to bring out the guilt of others, if there are any, who gave financial support to or partici pated in the crimes." The grand -jury baa' devoted much attention to witnesses from Tiffin, Ohio, where last April 540 pounds of dynamite' were -fouhdoy- detectives stored in a barn in the rear of the home of James L.' McManigal, father of Ortie. This was one of the stores from which Ortie McManigal and Jas. McNamara replenished their supply of explosives when, they started out to do "jobs" in Pennsylvania, New York, Ohiof Indiana, or Illinois. BiggestMan on Earth Froze to Death. Leonard Bliss, of Bloomington, Il linois? deputed to be the largestf man iii thol world,! was found frozen ito death in his home a few days ago. tie? was feet1 and 4 ' inches tall and weighed 540 -pounds. ' " lAnrrcnH fiMri Tiir rn-" JHOUOUW HHU 1 11H lUiiwY Claim to Honor Favored a Protective Tariff ROHIffATED AS POOTECnornST He Took the Position That Ttieee Kfvould lie Adequate Protection for American Labor and American la dosU-fea Meeting of Democratic National Committee lreenied Very Stormy Scene Hryan Waa Unable to Oiwt the lemocrUc 'Tool of Plutocracy." and Thus the Major ity of the Democratic Committee Went Platocratic Xatlonal Gon v ration In Baltimore Jane' 25th---Will They Endorse the $73,000,000 Pension 8 teal? (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, Jan. 9, 1912. The Democratic, National Conven-j tion has been in session here yester day and to-day with a large number of Democratic politicians from many States of the Union in attendance. '' The committee entertained itself and the visiting Democratic politi cians last night at a banquet at the Raleigh Hotel, which they announced was held in honor of Andrew Jack son as the leading patron saint of the Democratic party. Speeches were made by all of the Democratic candi dates for President who were in at tendance, and this included all of the pronounced candidates except Gover nor Harmon, of Ohio, and Congress man Underwood, it being understood that these two candidates refused tor attend oecause Mr. Bryan was to at tend and to be accorded the honor of making the last speech.. There was nothing new or in any of the meechechZ.m peating his own special platitudes that are so common in Democratic platforms and campaign oratory, and of course each one predicting Demo cratic victory. Governor Wilson, in his speech, ex pressed what was considered to be an open apology to Mr. Bryan for the letter which the Governor wrote several years ago favoring the elimi nation of Mr. Bryan from the Demo cratic party. It is understood that this public declaration was satisfac tory to Mr. Bryan, and that Governor Wilson may receive the support of the thrice Democratic candidate for the Presidency. What Jackson Stood For. It was noticeable that none of the j -Pf.? "'this banquet, where "freel trarte" nr "tariff for r-von,, nt i was the chief theme, dared to state! the position that Andrew Jackson ! took on the tariff. ! It is well known to the country that when President Jackson was servinS ns first term as President, mat ne tooK tne position that there should be adequate protection for American labor and American indus- tries, and that he especially declared; that he would never stand for any I tariff policy that would open up the 1 flood-gates to European labor and European goods to the detriment of! A mcrtfion " lahn, nnA A a j muviii.au iuuwi uuu niuci ICaU priU-j ucts. It is also well-known that' President Jackson was. re-nominated j uu a pmuurm ueciaring ior sucn pro - tection, and that his majority at his second election was much greater than at the first. In short, the position which Presi dent Mackson took on the tariff was for the American doctrine, which is exactly the present position of the Republican party, and shows that if President Jackson was to-day in the White House o- in Congress that he would favor a revision of the present tariff in accordance with the report of President Taf t's tariff board, which has reported the facts as to the difference in the cost of labor and the cost of production here and abroad. The Great Fight in the Com mi tee. The greatest fight that developed in the Democratic National Commit tee, was as to whether or not Mr. Guf fey, a reputed agent of th Standard Oil, Company should be seated or un seated as a member of the National Committee from Pennsylvania. Mr. W. ; J. Bryan led the fight against the recognition of Mr. Gaffney as a mem ber of the committee. Mr. Bryan not only argued, the t case, against Mr. Guffey, but he went further, and, in a burst of passionate eloquence, de nounced Mr. Guffey as a-"tool of plu tocracy," and declared $ that he was not! only not entitled to a seat in the committee but that he was not fit to sit In the committee as a member, and appealed to the committee to re ject his claims, " In spite of this appeal, which seem ed to be loudly applauded, trhent- vote as taken thirty tsakr of thel commute voted to teat Mr. G?y. and only eighteen voted with tse for-! zaer many-tits e Democratic candi date for President. This 5oa where the heart of the National Coinaltt la. la spite of thU decisive vote in the committee, however, on the GuSey proposition, it La noticeable that near ly every member of the cocirailtee seems to be ready to support any can didate for President who can win. whether that candidate be Governor Wilson, as the extreme radical candi date or Governor Harmon, as the ex treme conservative candidate. I Heard in the Loboiea. I During the session of the commit-! ffe. th a InKhlu tl . w W..i. c.' v.. ZZ r " t iere have been crowded wita Demo cratic politicians, which made the! vim , m uuke on ice ap- i paraaee of a Democratic national convention being la session. t V It waa clear that this great throngs 91 Democratic politicians who have lathered here are mostly, if not all, t aiio u cand idates", for office. They yerc ready to whoop it up for eith er Harmon or Wilson or Underwood or Clark or any other candidate. In fact, they teemed to be for any can didate, on any platform, who could if in and give the offices to the anxious and aungry Democratic politicians. Xo Word Against the Pension Steal. - uu..v tu m an inis'mauer. 01 iae com mu tee came to T ' r , .-v "Wl uucrMV .m.u..h iiiujmw laid own by the last .VaUonal was heard to say a single word pub- j ran the steam roller over Bryan and Contention, the National Committee llcly or privately against the great) Joseph us Daniel. Committeeman had no right to go back of the State Democratic pension steal of seventy- j Guffey Called Congressman Palmer j committee's choice fire million dollars. I a liar and the meeting was finally I It is certain that there is not a I allowed to proceed with other busi-! ltnned Iefeat of Mr. firjaa. single one in the great throng of ness. The press dispatches from Democratic politicians here who have j Washington give the following ac not for forty years, or as long as j count of this turbulent meeting. they have been old enough, de- nounced the Republican party in ev-j ery campaign for Its extravagance in ! voting the people's money in sums) too jarge for pensions forUnion sol- 0Ij4lAr anrl vat t r o v nf oil n9 VrUnfTt w Vi L , Il & td "fl" tfife- to raise nfs voice, against this j from a decision of Chairman Mack great steal, simply because each one 'and was defeated, 33 to 13. feels that it might help to buy the! The committee session was marked 1 a: l r cicuiou ior ms party. The National Conveniton Will Be Held at Baltimore on June liT. , , There has been a lively fight be - lftceu clues OI ouls. Denver, j precipitated la8ted throughout the Chicago and Baltimore to secure the (flay. . - . t "'VT" x" m next National Convention. June 25.1 c" . ' , one week after the Republican Con- i r Sf m"Ch 1 mf WS deVottd, t0 fhe ,...c . ! contested seats in the committee that .1 .. ... lute tuis aiiernoon tne result oi tnis , fight was much in doubt. The com mittee, however, finaly selected Bal-, timore by a deceisive vote. Will that convention also endorse the $75,000, 000 pension steal? A 'lei missive Primary." Mr.Bryan urged for a primary in . eacn State to vnt fnr thA nomncra tn ' not declare for the primary plan I they did pass a resolution for what ! they termed a "permissive" prim- ary in connection with ,. i tne cai i for delegates and those States that have laws on the subject, or de sire to do so, may select their delegates to the National Convention by a direct vote. There will be 1,- 074 delegates in the next Democratic National Convention, SUES AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Von' Orloanc rVmow.. I- f... - ....... v r.i. ci tri ; Heavy Damages Against the Trur. A New Orleans dispatch under date of Jan 4th says. "Charging violations of the Sher- man anti-trust laws, the People's , Tobacco Company of New Orleans, late to-day instituted civil action in the United States District Court " C5 nuicuv.au j uai j tUlll- .. . . . . . : a more personal aspect, pany, for damages and penalties pro vided by the anti-trust law in the!,lrTn and National Chairman Mack sum of $521, 198.08. The suit is! Clash, one of the biggest of Its kind on vfP Rrvan. arravinr hlmlf ar.ln.i record here. "The People's Company, in its pe tition, cites that It was chartered un der the Louisiana laws in 1896 with its domicile at New Orleans. For several years, it is stated, .the com pany transacted an extensive business and In 1908 the profits amounted to $40,383.43. ? "The petition alleges these losses resulted from t a conspiracy . of the American Tobacco Company to .in jure the ' business . of the People's Company aong. with other indepen dent concerns. . It is alleged that the American was assisted in this effort by the Craft Tobacco Company. "The People's .Company asks the court to grant not only $130,299.77 actual damages alleged," bat also the punitive . amount authorized under the anti-trust laws." That Demooratic Pension "Steal." The Times-Mercury. 1 The Democrats In Congss voted for the penaton steaP to catch the North and Federal , soldiers. They think they already havo the Couth ll HCf TIPPI ATI f rfnAMfM r H ULUUuuUlIU Ululiifclt Meetinf of Democratic Nat iooat Coaaittce Harked by Extreme Bitter Fce!in mim urns mm defeat Wae l'nucre armful ta Kfforl U tKt the Penn7tvaaij ttetnbee o4T thm mmiUe--9minittvna CnJtry ; pie wJU do the rich I thlnf. Knllvetied Mattm by fWUac Ckm- Iraiae4Ultiy the report sreaJ crwman Palmer m LUiwTixi nit. that if r. llrya &a4 thraUae4 nation liecama eo Intense TtuU the ' Ioor Waa CSoaed and no Ontaider I Permitted to Witness tae Wraajrvj Mr. Bryan and Natiotuit CHeir-j man Uack Iock noma. ! The first gua fired la the iecso cratic campaign for 1912 was aayj thing but a harmonious meeting. The, meeting of the Democratic National Committee ia Washington Monday Ue csiliag of Alabama on the roll was marked by extreme bitterneea of of staiea, A vacancy from A!. feeling Bryan denounced the Na- baraa had been filled by the Deno tional Committeeman from Pennsyl-j cratic Stste Committee. Mr. Itryaa vaniaaa a too of the intereeu andm0ved that the selection of the State a traitor to his party. Bryan and (committee be confirmed. National Josephu. Daniels tried to oust the j Committeeman Brown, of Vermont. Pennsylvania. member bat the other ! m.H. th. .v.. William Jenninrs Bryan made his nght In the Democratic National Committee to-day and lost. He made Colonel James Guffey. member of j the committee from Pennsylvania, the t . . ... . . ,8Sue' ine commiuee declined to ! "nsfat C?JJ Guffe appealed hy extreme b tterness of feollni? i 0nce tne lle was Pa8Sd and blows j j seemed imminent. Mr. Bryan from j ; first to last was the central figure j jIn the proceedings and the fight he1 itne more Important matters of choos- ; ing a convention city, fixing the time ; of the gathering, and adopting a form of call to include the "permissive pri mary' plan of selecting delegates, went over until to-morrow. frl g t . M , The Open I)r Wan UamL ' i;" I k..!". . " . ! L" c uv o dwwh no -ut. Bryan began n,s fight were len from the building, and ther c,osed and remained o throughout M no little doubt that several men. tne day' "u is saId lnere was noj both dead and alive, are caught In mincine of words bv anv of th, . . ... speaKers, but apologies later were or- In ivquuaoie ounaing was the fered and when adjournment wa8jnoni f tn Union and Southern Pa taken until to-morrow, all of theicJflc Hallroad, the banking: house of members seemed outwardly to be on August Belmont Sc Co., the Mercan tile best of terms. tile Trust Company, the Mercantile TnlnriAl fluff.- hnrll th ! fl. Representative A. Mitchell Palmer. 'of Pennsylvania, who was contesting f for the seat. Later Colonel Guffey f declared his temper mamontaHi h A rl ETOt th t 1 1 P r Ctt him and hf wa ! i--1 ,j .i -. v s o feurry. Jir. raimcr gaiu iaai atinoun . " he had been thrown out of the com-! ou from thU .The heaviest mittee it would not affect bis loyalty 1 lo8S bf,: tb1 e building w to his party In any way. and hecau8ed by the .Jtrctlon of Intur would continue to labor untiringly I nd rallroad words, for it. Mr. Palmer had previously !w 7thln t .ours after the fire asserted heatedly that if It were not bro.k out al 5:30 tbir n0ru!ng tbm for Colonel Guffey's gray hairs the issue between them would have had some of his friends of old, Including National Chairman Norman E. Mack and Senator William J. Stone, of Missouri, fought desperately to the last, and had the committee In a tur moil of excitement. He had been greeted with cheers when he entered the room bearing the proxy of Ne braska in his. hands. Asked to-night after his defeat If be Intended to re main over tor'-to-morrow's session, Mr. Bryan said he would leave Wash ington probably in the early after noon. Mr. Bryan inveighed bitterly against Colonel Guffey. and Is said to have been unsparing In his arraignment of the Pcaniyl vania member. The f ued be tween the two men is of old standing.,. Representative Pal mer accused Col. Gaey of eon-, sorting, with" the Republican , "machined .in Pennsyl ranla. and , , of disloyalty to his party, Mr. Bryan repeated all of this and , more. At the end, it is said, he ; $ he had no apolsea to cITer ts4 ujiittnttztlj t9 ctll r- W V At c list:. 4tzt hi i&tMit 4 a$U ta tie cniiiet la 4 ft f "GmSj s4 GeUsC Hf Bryan w&i far a la tars aa to ta tesv"" It It tvm saitl ois!4 4eci4 aif ata. Tse trei aa4 so ett. lif. Brysa said thai thru fca-i km a caa didat for tae lmS4ey aa4 last MdO.000 voters a4 tKi at aim. Thr re all XfessorraU he at. sttd, aal It aa U tWt9cracr that &ew yJd tsaie his rt'! "If Ul roaaittee 4ae not do tae ritU tfcUcr be declared, " the seo the orgsnltatioa cf a third r ar ty, this came on top of tbm con ference between Mr. tlryaa an4 Seotter La PoHetU late yeaupr day, and was given credence la aooe quarters. Ur. Dry an. how ever, laid eapnaaia upon tne tact that it van the Demoerata to whom he woetd carry hU aypeaU and the third party talk died away for the Use being. Mr. Oryae't first fight came wtta action waa necessary; that under U 9 Committee leaders had pleaded with Mr. Bryan during the rooming not to make an Imue of the Guffey matter at this time; that Colonel Guffey clearly had a majority of the committee In his favor and that the fight would avail nothing. Mr. Bryan would not listen to this suggestion. Chairman Mack, Thomas Taggart, John T. McGraw. Roger Sullivan and I Continued on page S.) 016 FIRE IN (JE17 YORK Home of Equitable Life In- SUranCC Co., Bumcd With Loss of Over Ten Million Several IVr?n Burmxl to Irth in the Building and Other Have .Nar row raie Two lUitrtMul OfiHrr and Seveml !Unk BurtM-!. ork, Jan. The immense ; granite ofnee building of the EquiL , abIe Llfe Aurance Society on lower 1"' IJI'JT. - " " -' ' 7 tbe ruins. . tv . .... or iru uuuipanj. WRfUMfr wa mflny New York n1! concerns, MIUIon upon mlllon dollars were 4cfre ,or-,n immense vaults of ine r-quuaoie company, it is not be- uaveo. me nrei neat can penetrate the safes. There nrobahlr will h nn fK af ouiiaing was a mass or names. William Giblin, president of the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company, was rescued from this company's vaults, after the firemen sawed through several ste?l bars. He ' Is mortally injured. Fire Chief Walsh was rescued af ter being Imprisoned In the building nearly two hours. Four men sre known dead and five Injured. Several persons are miss lag. Battalion Chief WaUh's -body has not been found. Fire Is still burning In the basement this after noon.. Conservative estimates of the damage places the loss near $ 10.00 0 000. Some say the loss will aggre gate $15,000,000. Prominent Dttrfaant Citizen Arrested for Forgery. Asheville. X. C. Jan. . Charged with forging the same of a former County Commissioner to a note for $50 upon which he received the mon ey at a local bank; Clarence B. Ro-cbeile- of Durham. N. C, .who de clares thst he U a brother-in-law of Brodie Duke, of that city, was arrest ed here this afternoon ad if sow in the Buncombe County jail In default of a bond of JOO... The alleged for ger has been a guest at a local tcrrd- Izs hcuia fcr cr-rrl drya tzl tzs - H " - . 4 : !

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