n "- RALEIGH, N. C. THUOSDAY, FEBRUARY 15. 1912 No. 6 VOL. XXX. THE CAUCASIAN. 1 ' r nT , r. nun. ...... .rM.n, M-,,1 ,.., ,., I lll-l --.,,,.,.:., ,m -..... l . ......,,.,!,.,,,,, WCTIMM . . 1 .- II t ' IIII1MH , v , EDITORIAL BRIEFS Th!s seem to be the open season for Democratic rows. CALLED , IX. K A WAUL MrrttK. MOKKItftAlk, ASU 1UT-; (iiEj ANCIENT HISTORY Las Tbf! Teta Jud Immediately Ad journed Oaurt to Whip the 10 f mtner. A dispatch from Mid Ian 5. Texas. Wonder when and where the neither of ruary . W: , , - i "Recalling the day of Roy Bean. rnocratic row win Drea tbe ffenouB juiliCe of the Peace who. ! a number of years ago was known as i"AlI the Law West of the Pecos." And they say that Wilson Judge j. f. Knowles, of the Ccramia- -gloner's Court here to-day laid aside i his official dignity long enough os Oh, that mine enemy would write Look. t I ) "A i B yan and H canst Iy Thei Leaders for Taking Water j I Clinton New -Dispatch J on Money Trust Invest!- , Mn suitor The u u approach,. lng when the Republicans Strang Trtm Hocrmtr! few the Louise the Eihta Introduced the Pleasant Privilege of Going Into Politics gttion the I State must select their leaders for the 4 -v SufEItSTinOuS UOaAIUJ (coming campaign, and a snggestloa STATE DELEGAII03I SIDE-STEP. I at this time may not be untimely. I Hon. John M. Morehead should by all r.r.v Wilson made a flying trip to j enrage in a fistic battle. During thejoteI Agmi uie ueary iwi""- man. He has ten our State Chair- r tucky Sunday night, but be knew j session Judge Knowles. presiding. ; . MnrM9 thp made an assertion regarding a pre- Mars-i Henry was in Florida at the , lnasnlllcb . tirjr. aa the Commissioner's Court is a; - 'county tribunal of considerable 1m-J The friends of temperance were J portance ln the county, comments on j ; I.mI for awhile when they thought, itB rynngs are not to be lightly made ' ... . . . .. in i l o ! landed a Wrebb-iootei ani-; cvcn by tne presiuing jusnce. s thought Commissioner Jule uner, who was present. No sooner had the . Clark ! offending remark been made than he i rose and exclaimed: "You are a liar. Judge." S'.-van. wen, " ' . v , 'i ne court uiu hui ucnaic. to liiTestigate Money Trut But Hay man only one term, and while be and I carry out all the reforms ln party S it nation itt Mexico, manseeme.nt which they desired. It 'Currency had on dry land. a trr fr ixr, ts uts ih o&fet Hotim fitl ti rrotut nntaay. aaV4 Kit Iwar4 Id trt Ua m Hctfart wt ra7t&r4 lltf if 4rtteot, I rals aA amy, a rart:? aetfii. tts-a4 a irrs S.t aa t& war e&.12 Was a Csrmi c& Tb rrf& ca2a4 srra afir sstrs aul t& itructiee of ta Uaiti t&tm sx. 4 crta!a. Kfajc t:4ar4 at Las: 4 cl24 tfcat drtrat m taata as' a ;4twr4 &:&sf at fca4 of KagtliJk forces aa sa.a4 hit array at trtf at tb rriffft ostd trlt H laaiil acat t.. Srttn Srit u ltrte It-rtM-t- 00 tr.en in NortaaeJy. r8 ,m n Sail by Um ITttfitUh Ju. decide .uM tt ft ct war. TbU bo'4 sf? cssmM HllklnsTllie. N C. Feb. 12. If 12 jfternstlon Azt.cn t th Fff&ra. Tl rT"rondenc of The Caucatun- on a:i.r uts. He llm to Pay a U4 rf 44 fir IJbeny War AjrslwM tx I!l4r4 ntir QttArter- -K!S W'mm Affli4 i-f.nirressmen Underwood, -r. l Dit3 think they can out-talk Mr Well, they have several more; ; Miiks coming to them. They Want InireUgUi Demands Uncle Sam' Attention no fault of theirs, for their : ; efforts at reform and party harmony Uemocratic Committee Invrtigt-1 have n cne.gttj by a remnant of; inc the Stel Trust is Making lueUjtbe old referee system in the State. : ! rf ill in nnw-r ho (imsnds and re- . I SM.i.. ' .. . . . Kkllln l.imtaKK ! 12 Kiaicuiou.v-niiM v.-, Selves recognition still at the hanas .. ; t a"1" tUlr forr la f,r a 4 ? t.. i ui succeeded by bU son Uuls tfce . . ... . Knterprlse, an soa foajtt Uelr way to tt ttry and s rtri rarli ,lyt a r c,al in Tht Caucasian.) U-.-.w ... i vi SCth ar 'ashlngton.D.C;.Feb.l3 i.W -.ventlon as we elected only a State ; J trm t -nded by ,10.00, Frh trs our letter 01 lasi we i committee ana state cnairman. iqc;-"" "v ' . This court will stand adjourned," ; that lhe Democratic House of Repre- j xatlonal Committeeman was elected ' be enfranchised a great numir aaaJhv.th Hjratr-s to our last Nation--"s aaa iwj - in French politicks. But this did not the I liar. the money trust, .uww uu jSute Lonvennon iwo jears au u;i - : . 9b th,.lr Fhen It happened. Those who saw ot thOUght that the majority spin. no power to displace him. Mr. Dun- or lBr ",M M, " . fK-r IthA light say the judge scored me , AOUia be on the side or wan direct, ; can WDo now holds mat piace aas - hirmnnr ft' lb Mr..UZ tiOl mucu u i"f announced Judge Knowles, "until I j sentative3 were badly divided lust rallpxl m ai ,,.u .nii nvar ihf in vpstieation of t i rAnvAntinn fur vMr ftiro and the t HOW appears lUak kjv.-. i willll IUJ man " - J " - vtuuiu Ofin v. j h lnrirft majority of uocratlc party If it will only pay; an the question or food wm bC48) In' a serious one. U4ar4 ?fe a reward to learn ot ps tr th HHer Somme. A ssittabl 4f ui found an h had Just f ottra hit army acrovs when the Frsch af freight and storage cnarges. i greatest number of pugilistic points. U)llt that is what has happened snot worked J:i i;y the way, the "Visiting States-, y was in Raleigh again a few; , ago, just on a pleasure trip, j .,. people will probably hear of de- A few minutes later the judge re-; It convened court, fined himself for j ?ressman will be remembered tnai wm-.j Morehead and his commuiee. dui io llenrv Chairman of the4the contrary, has worked at cross- flsrhting and paid the fine. tlien went back to work and its dig r.ltv was not further ruffled. a1 Tli. Durham Sun says the liquor nnt enforced in that town. O i M J'-?: A:r-E :T .;V,' 16 Th:it law an t-s: forced or repealed. a an others should be Indict Tients by Federal Grand Jary ia Dynamiting Cases, Served Yesterday The court rnmmittee on Rules, prepared andpurpose3 with him. and the result brought in, with the approval of tbej has been confusion and a lack of committee, a carefully worded reso-party cohesion and harmony in our ;nnn nrovidinc for the appointment j ranks. Mr. Morehead and bis com- '. r cnopki pfimmittee. eriving thatlmirip are entitled to a i.ommittee ample powers and direct-j3 hng it to make a - moat searching in-agCnient of the party in the State. The nroduction of thiS xx.n lfttiM.fl ;n nnlirv. "To. the ....i! o nrz-vtcat frnm the . . i .u Mr 1nrr. "t0 ClllSa'HJ ! resolution wiscu a I'lvito!. ; victors ueiong sjiho. .'.v. lilitltrr rtliT l.A fcrm rf n n i T1 1 Af fll Yt Pfl mAIi- aig New York financial interests 1" j bead and Mr. Butler and their allies nd around Wall Street. At once afan(j co-laborers won out at the il;id you thought about it? Ex-: C.vernor Glenn has not yet expressed! A i iifilnnIIorvoV. ! an opinion on uie w Watterson controversy. for the great moral issue had not yet become the main stock in trad H suz hurceeded by Iuis the tub ; in 1 22 ". known az St. Uui. and for him the leadin' city in the State ov Missouri wuz named several hundred year later. He wut an excellent man In some reepect. but full ov superstition or isomethin close akin to it. This t anted him to engage in The tirst ut again! . . s .. the Caracens in Kgypt. He wuz maue ustla prisoner and had to pay a million I r. t 1 , f awlao surrenuereo me pearfKl. A battle tok plar aa French er dr fe!d. Kdwsrd nett laid to CUts which city wus defended by an b! commander an' r!l rois!onal. This sieue lasted telf months an tb (Continued on page 7.) k PEACEMAKING! TOUR I rrcsident of IJridse and Structural ; JJ:an an agitation to have the regular . 111 Wv tx ft'iri i nonv: t1 m - m hum i' i wuxa ' ' - - number or Congressmen wuo are state Convention rosea 10 ut- mui i ... - -- party was uuw.biau.c s . addition to the payment ov th trusts and the money interests be- . to make Morehead State Chair-, etu nuuinn'A ,,r - w -w i ii. 4 tat i n it 1 1 i T t a. i m imi i i i i i v m , ,nH tn nlacp the reins of the e - ; ?ia, probably hoping to periorm wme Secretary of State Knox Will Visit Southern Republics to Establish Better Relations One Democratic leader has refer-; red to W. J. Bryan as a "discredited j f A. ! demagogue," yet Mr. Bryan will write their next national platform. Whether certain Democrats suc ceed in knocking Mr. Bryan Into a cocked-hat or not, it is very, evident there will bo some knocking done. Iron Workers Anion; rested The Indictment Cliarge , That the McXamaras Were Onlyj Agents of Superior Officers. j inononniis: Feb. 14. Arrests in ! tion x uu f-v 7 J".. rxr I . - . i t V. t r Fill. UUUU . First Ar- Committee on aansmg auu , ,pany m nis nanas, nupiUB - ' retJeem brasolf in the pub- to make tne invesugatiou. I smash tne oia reieree ,.th nv hi mother. Will it be a Sham Investigation? Congressman Henry made a vigor-, realzed in ill . to Cuba ami CVntrml and trtlern South AttteHcjs n t!e Triiv May Vlidl Blralos- A lUm juet in Honor f tl Srcrrtarjr. acted with great pru full For the purpose of solving dlplo- j ma tic problems and acquiring mors) a r.,VAT. tn tako p.harsre of Scattered in various p.rU ,ol r th. coon- preven"t any try being arresiea. " . ,,,w invtteatlon. In short, he charged that they were trying to side track the investigation and white wash, the whole matter arrested was Frank M. Lyon, Fresi rtpnt of the International Association The daily papers announce thatjQf Bridge an(j structural Iron Work- V. 1 . VS . i Wnndrow Wilson openea uib .m- ers. paign In Chicago Monday night. Cer-; tatnly this rmist be his second . . S tkA LltOtO TIC aT lilt i v. J fg,ve tne party u - . . ftm h4. hjd appointed queen regent fhope, and vigor, mis n . . . hlI allnc. caused hlm tn part. - - ; .',....,,.,. nn(,inah(a rwftin. : w return u naste. ne ium.u w.ai ous ngui agaiuBi i.uo,ubmij - v- i i et tne next taie tou-uuu . . . jnu,)nc mnhaticaiir mai . . . i a cf,ta f ia rman luviuci him . as his co-1 in hnfldine a strong, en- M ' 1 ? mm . r. 1(17 IIP 1 I t . - . Secretary Knoi, by direction oi t Taft, will make a &t . orrlterrirr in Mn.M.r..l.n tb.t Honr, bordcrtn(!- M.rt.n W..r for our next , anU .ou renou- c a. , , n f r , vfirtT1ai fnmmitteeman. and the ,".' ; . . ! now "auccu- ,VHU .lni LU"' XrnnWhls resoluUon and Ll hnr;; andldence. but the country wut full ov lcforcJaUon M to oonditto.. the dynainitlng conspiracy cases ne. -- cror. trvdav. fifty or more defendants, m n .. A , co-worker thusi ganization ' . Cfato that untir-'ait wuz to yield to Henry the 3rd ov j,r Jden "Af: iand .erera. Province, o, K-c, j , Eleven business agents of the iron ; or third opening. Of course those who do not think their taxes are high enough can vote for another Democratic legislature and then have the Legislature issue bonds for the relief of the Nena and Observer. t tidiT to the sud- N".?nal xL n,miina will ! whir h the English formerly ouned. M.xleo. tut th.t country may U Ml' ; : - tA -pUDllcan paiu . . Wv.. r-.h Vin continued to grow w port of Mr. Henry and nis conuamss nce more bo a narmonious woncing , n wllI ,he,nc,u - " 1 . - . . . and soon there was a division among i Democrats of a very serious nature .V....t Vi nnrovol- that ttlA TT1 S- ii was uiwuRui, "onc" - j paign ioritr would stand witn tne wraiuu- orsanUation and wonder. ,.onnJeDCe lha, he ... chon by .ho Tw oBfU, .nooBm.nt of lh. - ,T,,L Sad and BuUer were ! tam-. or KR.and and the K. ov -f ,; workers, four or five officials and some executive board members. uvrmA -a:ith knnwine what McNa- . . , . v. mnnnv to . ... . .v. - : v. fn.intrv to umDire a 1 iierer .ce' mara aia wuu u.c jorlty would stand wun me mmu-, h er that swept U)e h4t"n them buy explosives, are among the indict-u oq Rules when the vote was y and if our next state Con-! that had arisen 1' t. Un the Wall Street side won. Er- ! wisp thQV win harness I little .ater me r4.nK . . - ... u ,r""uu " ' : .1. . ...u .u-irip tn Africa P. Meadows, Dusinesa . prv member oi congress irom ou ,. .ft machless leaders ior me,". - --- - Mmtnv nmraien make a strong and dashing candidate j nn the this time. Snurceon igent of the District Council Inter- Carolina voted on the Wall Street national Brotherhood of Carpenters j side i i TJ y-k. ; nd Joiners. wrs arrearen acre. three labor Congressman Dies says Mr. is an "evil genius" hovering over the flanks of Democracy. That may be so, but still it isn't a circumstance to what is hovering just in front of the Democracy. . u . And Mr. Wilson's manager asked Col. Watterson to help him secure campaign funds, and Col. Watterson helped, but at the time, Mr. WTilson didn't would leak out. of course, know the i A Ur RrTfl.il is an evil genius uu intimates that Dies is a representa tive ot the Lumber Trust! Suppose this is another example of "Demo cratic harmony." If Underwood, Clark, Dies and oth er leading Democrats believe what they are saying about Mr. Bryan, then they showed very little moral courage when they walked up to the polls and voted for him three times. I ranroSPTltS oii? of the Bryan ' unions implicated. Frank C. Webb, h iormer nivmuvi of the iron workers' executive board, arrested in New York, figures promi nently in Ortie McManigal's confes sion. Webb, it is charged, was shown bv McManigal where to do "jobs" in lloboken and Jersey City. When all arrets are made the Government will reveal the facts, all names involved' and the extent of the conspiracy,! which it charges has for five or six ; years been carried on by the union; fact! officials and others against open , shop" contractors. I The bonds required for all defend- Congressman Dies says Mr. Bryan jant8, it is said, will hundred tnousanu uoiwib. for their arraignment here March 12. mong the early arrests reported was Richard H. Houlihan, of Chicago, for furthering violations of the Federal statutes in connection with the South Chicago explosion and assisting Mc Manigal; John T. Butler, oi buuo. first vice-president of the Internation al Tr.n workers: Herbert S- noes.- at . - . of Detroit, second vtce-presiaent and acting secretary-treasurer, ana Fred Sherman, business agent, ar rested here after Ryan's arrest. Hock- in succeeded J. J. McNamara, now m San Quentin prison, as s?" treasurer. McManigal confessed that Hockin "put him In the dynamiting business." Bonds of Kyan, ttowiu and Butler were fixed at 5,uou eac. indictments held tnat me Mc Namara brothers and McManigal were merely agents of a vast conspiracy. and their work in blowing up suruu- tures. Including the Los Angeie Times, was carried on j jc,ho the behest of superior officers ana at th solicitation of local unions. All the defendants are charged with con- ,nirfl to transport dynamite aau nitroglycerine in violation of the Fed eral statutes. "The relations oi tb Unlld Btau ;to Spanish republic! turroundlng th 1 Carrlbean Sea and the Gulf of Mx im nrt of the utmott lmDortancsi to Tom Settle would Before It enaea ne aitn. , uf ln vjf?w of our ntCrtt and re- --m AHU"' , sponslblllties in mat region. me - at ... . a a mm w a m w mm . m . a mm, m mw mm. m for Governor He is wise, eloquent ; Notwithstanding ia- 1 president ininas u win us oi arcv ind handsome, and could handle rf Louis, hi successor, Phillip, 'on-j MEistanre in solving the diplomatic , w nMir tn thft nueen's taste. We!;inud the war against the Infidels problema that are preenUng thm- After they had thus voted, these j wouM then have that invincible " with great vigor. He wur assisted j teiteil from day to day. If we manifest Congressmen, becoming uneasy about j triumTlrate Settle, Morehead and ; ,,y hir. uncle Charles. King of Sicily. our friendly latereU in thee. our tha nttttnde of the people of the . A ... ' M hin 0r state. tV nracens were defeated an" the . neisrhborinc reDubllcs by a visit to - - - I Ktinor ill kuiuc tii - r - ? - . ; Xorth Carolina IXemocrats Try to Explain. State and of the country toward the Investigation, got together and issued a statement declaring that they were and what ship was ever manned by a King of Tunis sued for peae. Thejthem of lh Secretary of State. By otronirer crew? Settle from the west, f French soldiers carried back a 1 creAtIng the clotr relation! and SC- ! v., fmm th center, and But- thinner which caused the de-'itn ov . lnjc lhtJ more euct Information vi 1 1 ri urnu a a v v - - ? - favor of an honest investigation. ; from tQe east pe0graphically andhe French King, members ov nijthat must come from such confer- The Democratic politicians are now working up a scheme to have the next Legislature to increase the number of Superior Court Judges from sixteen to twenty-four. Only a few years ago we had twelve Superior Court Judges, then they were increased to sixteen, and now they want to double the former number. Why? Is it be cause crime is on the increase, un der Democratic "Good Government? One thing is certain, and that is as long as the present Democratic ring is in control of the State, that each year they will create more offices and increase salaries and make more ex penses, and then sell more bonds or increase taxes to raise the money to fill the hole caused by their extrava- in In their statement they say: "We did not then and do not now wish to be understood as be ing opposed to an investigation of the currency and problems." ! poltically, would make up a team . famii What could be depended upon. Please ; tants. and thousands ov tne innawi- ? eac4f, De win he able to navs in the capitals of these republics with kindred and see !pass this up. Mr. Editor, to the boys, pninp-fi second son. Philip, became what they tblnn oi u. t King at the age v seventeen. J W. F. SESSOMS. n Molar, grand-master ov the Tem- win executed about this time effectively . - ... a . To vote in favor of putting thi. in-; IIIVESE AKVtSC. ! I M to have protea.ed . ' ? the beads of their governments, he will enable our government to deal with existing quettions much mere This will be the first vosti ration in the hands of the com mittee that the money trust wanted, Philip an Pope Clement to appear and then to declare afterwards that ; crops Destroyed in Area of 50,000 1 ton the throne ov the Almighty, thev did it in good faith, is one of; square Mile No Hope of Reliefs ,n fortT day9 and the othr in a the" silliest performances that any FoP Three Month Appeals For year aQ. a da Tbey both died in Congressional delegation has been guilty of in the history of the coun try. Besides, notice the wording of Aid. aiinttAd time, but wnetner me an nft-Unecial request ov Molay had any- ?ss awpatcue. .u ( nn do wlth it u mother mutter, announce that millions of Chl Klng wo. certainly agin Press dispatches in . yrta . w r w their statement, lney no noi w ; tarvine to death on account j i ne r rncu that they want the money trust in- vestigated; they kindred problems . i tKAa vftirfi destroyed t i nl Tnca nj.w T ivrvra " vestigated; they say currencf rftrHl la-t summer in one section ndred problems. - f . countrT. One of the dls- The fact is nobody haa propped to from NeW York Says: investigate the currency. Cucy persons in Central has commiuea no cniuc . .v nf .tarration" i irdU1" question of investigating "pron- i,nma are ou ' ived by j Fam,!y troubles embittered the M kindred or otherwise. It 1. - j read. tatemn Cammllltmr part ov Philip's life. The w question of invesugating xvu v..0 , . snmmer mmmmwm I IS fnw 1 r rTl 5 1 1 m iT w have done to corner me dertroved ket. produce panics, and gamble on worst noou. M " me cropu iu mm - ' -miles. Many already have died ot a lems otattsties from the Census Bureau in Washington show that diphtheria Ad the death of 11,521 children during 1910, the death-rate being 21 4 per 100,000 population. It con tinues to be the most fatal epidemic the distress of the: people. It is noticeable that Mr. Hearst, m his New xorK, unicago, oau cisco and other papers, has pointed out the danger of the whole ques tion being white-washed and Is thun dering each day in. his editorial col- umns ana w&mius that they cannot trifle with this ques tion and fool the people. The Revolution In Mexico. The news coming from Mexico shows that the revolution against the neWMadero government is increas ing. Already it Is announced that Germany and England are threaten ing to send troops to Mexico to jo tect German and EngUsh Interesff If the United States longer delays cjp (Continued on page 3.) Tl hunger and unless prompt relief U given multitudes of men. women and children must perish. No harvest can be expected until May. Until then the famine will grow daily more acute. "There is a strong famine relief committee in Shanghai, composed of both foreign and Chinese of all faiths. This committee employ as many as Tvs!bl of those able to labor in building dikes and sucn otner wor i Vain in nrevent the recur- rence of flood and famine. This work Is in line with the recommen dation of C. D. Jameson, an engineer nt to China by the American Red Cross. All Ubor Is to be paid for in the Templars, for he not only pun ished them severely, but confiscated their estates. More than fifty or them were put to death an the King witnessed the bumln ov three ov the ! leadin officers himself. lat- . . .... Cl.n a ... A I I1H -mm l m m j. men ana s me "'uw - - were accused ov in tee. of which Bishop uavia a. - -' ..Am n- the i ndemy w iunr - - the women were placed in prison ior life an' the accused men were hung. The family troubles caused the death ov the King In 1314. Ill successor were -Louis the Boisterous." "r-nuip we Charles the Fair.- an' "Philip the Fortunate." Jost why they were so named does not appear. None ov them "set the river on fire so tar ax good deeds go. The war between the last monarch named an' Kiag Edward ov England vox the next prominent event in the history of France. A great naval bat tle wuz fought at Slugs in 1340, In which 30.000 Frenchmen perished. after which Edward landed blx forces an' laid selge to Tournay. The Countess or Hainault. sister to Philip an mother-in-law to the English trnr mat 'rmt tn stoD the war. She "For that reason the President has directed the Secretary of the Navy to put at the disposal of , the Secre tary of State the cruiser Washington for the purpose of making the trip. Secretary Knox will leave from some point In Florida within the next two weeks and may be gone until the first week ia April. Given a BaaqBet. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs gave a banquet In Washing ton Saturday night In honor of Secre tary of State Knox, at which many diplomats and Representatives In Congress were present. Representative Sulxer. Democrat, of New York, Chairman of the For eign Affairs Committee, presided. He Introduced Secretary Knox as a con structive statesman and a diplomat of world-wide experience, of whoa the people of America are Justly proud." Barfed Two Dajs Before TTeddlns. Miss Wills Clifton returned from Windsor, Bertie County, fsw dsys ago, where the went to attend tne wedding of her friend. Miss llamte Tediock. to Mr. T. E. Capehart, of Avoea. The wedding was to have taken place on the 24th of January, but the groom-to-be was buried ca the 22nd, having died of a con restive chill. Great preparation had been made for the wedding and a large house party bad been invited to spend two or three dsys previous. Wadetboro Messenger. V1 grain, not in money. . - gance and incompetency. disease of childhood.