T H EC A U C A S I AN . VOL- XXX. RALEIGH, N. C.t MARCH 7 1012. Mo. S, EDITORIAL BRIEFS In Ixmdon the suffragettes rage and the people mourn. Thf laEt Republican State Conven- ! ion fleeted a committee to serve the ;-ojSe. Don't forget to pay your poll-tax h. rore May lfit and ask your neigh bor to pay his. The Columbia State, Democratic, intimates that its party is playing the fool thiK year. Only this year? Two or three of the Democratic hand wagons have been stalled In rome of North Carolina's bad roads. The Iondon Huffragettes Btand a better chance of serving a term in ja.il than they do of getting the bal lot. i:ven the Democratic papers are t hinning to admit that the Republi- ;tn party is composed of a fine body of men. A correspondent of the Wilming ton Star asks "What's the matter with Democracy?" Well, what isn't the matter with it? Notwithstanding the hunting sea son is over, the mocking birds will not take any chances until this Sen atorial campaign is over. Judge Clark may not open his Senatorial campaign with any set speech, but they do say that he has been quietly sawing wood for some time. We note that among other things what the Hickory Mercury wants is a correspondent at "Jugtown." Bro. ( lick is in danger of falling off the water wagon. The Democrats are now busy tak ing straw votes. As they stand, abso lutely no show in National elections, guess they should be allowed to play with straw votes between elctions. The Charlotte Chronicle and the Statesville Landmark are giving the dog question some hard knocks. Hold on boys, "Even if he is a hound, you gotta quit kickin' my dawg arounV An exchange says that Governor Kitchin's speech opening his Senato rial campaign was an appeal to the unthinking. Certainly, it is hard for a Democrat to appeal to a voter who thsnks for himself. The News and Observer says that the Democratic party stands united on essentials. Suppose that means in the chase for offices, as that is the only issue on which they are all united. The Democratic politicians do not seem to care what becomes of the Confederate soldier, nor the school children, but they do care for office and that is the only reason they are after your vote. Ex-Governor Glenn is quoted as saying that he favors Aycock for the Senate. If he truly wishes to see Aycock win, then Glenn will probably be considerate enough to take no part in the campaign. One writer claims that the Demo crats are collecting enough money to not only give a four months' school term, but to also give the chil dren free text-books. Then what becomes of the money? The last Republican State Conven tion declared that the people should no longer be dictated to by a boss or a machine of any kind. The people "will make this declaration even stronger at the next State Conven tion. The Wilmington Star wants to see the Democrats nominate a Presiden tial candidate who will issue a pro nunciamento that if anybody calls him a liar he will retort that they are "another." Then, the Star had better withdraw its suport from Woodrow Wilson and boost Marse Henry Watterson for the nomination. iK8 "CIVIL W.IK. Prefer "Wu .tvreen the Htate" for Yale Memorial Tablet. New Haven. Conn.. March 2. That President Taft favors "the War Between the State,' Instead of "the Civil War," aa part of an inscription of a soldiers memorial at Vale it a fact brought out to-day by the de tails of the plans of the Yale fid dlers' memorial committee. The title, "the Civil War." will, however, probably be chosen by the commit tee. The plan favored by the commit tee is a series of tablets with aristic adornments at the inner entrance of Memorial Hall. All military titles of the fallen Yale soldiers will be rejected and only the full name and classes of the men who fell on both sides used. Deaths before the end of the year iSGS will limit the names on the tablets. The committee will report to the Yale corporation next June In the war 115 Yale men died in the Union Army, and forty-nine in the Confederate Array. DEFECTS OF SYSTEM North Garolina's Public School System is of the Juggling Variety Books Adopted That Are of Xo In trinsic Value and Partiality Shown to Some Teachers Enough Mon ey is Collected to Give a Four Months' School and Furnish Free Text-Books. (W. W. Fisher, in Clinton News Dispatch.) Ever since God made the world and placed in the firmament above the great Solar System, there have been systems of every variety, but never in all the tide of time has there been a system so absolutely base, or incredibly corrupt as the present public school system of North Carolina. You may advocate the election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people, or any other is sue that may present itself but so lmportan is the education of this generation that it is better for you and your posterity that your Sena tors, your Congressmen, and even your Governors be appointed by some outside power, if it would only re store to the people the right to select the men to manage the great public school fund which means so much to the poor boys and girls of the State The State Text-Book Commission is granted the exclusive right to make contracts with publishing com panies, and to secure books best suited to the public schools of the State; the teachers are required to teach the books adopted by this Com mission or receive no compensation for their work, then if the publish ers do not publish the books until al most a year after they have been adopted by the Commission (like they are now doing), what can the teachers do but stand about in idle ness until they perish, and let the poor children grow up in ignorance and illiteracy, or ignore that section of the public school law? And if you can ignore one section, you can ig nore it all, and the whole public school law is not worth the paper it is printed on. But the greatest and most serious defect of the Text-Book Commission is the acceptance of text-books from publishers without any regard to the merit or intrinsic value of the books. A sufficient proof of this may be found in a careful investigation of the text-books now in use throughout the public schools of the State. Sec tion 4167 of the Public School Law of North Carolina says: ''That the failure of any teacher to attend the (Continued on page 3.) Secretary Gilliam Grissom, the Man in Charge of the Details. T. FT O - i A' V l POUTICAl ACTIVITY IN REPUBLICAN CAMP Senator Dixon is in Charge of Roosevelt Headquarters in Washington BOTE! FACTIONS ARE COS- FlflENT OF VICIOIIY Senator Dixon Claim That ltooe velt Will Have the Delegation From Oklahoma While the Taft Forces Claim He I Growing Stronger in Pennsylvania Much Interest in North Carolina Fed eral Office-Holders Will Not Con trol the Conventions, Neither Will Any of Them Go as Delegate to the National Convention Delega tion From This State Will be Free and Independent Tliat Democrat ic Free Sugar Fraud. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, March 5, 1912. With the opening of Roosevelt headquarters here by Senator Dixon as manager there has been a mark ed increase in interest in political activity on both sides of the Republi can camp. Senator Dixon is known to be a fine organizer and a hustler and has had much experi ence, being one of the backbones of the Republican campaign four years ago. Senator Dixon to-day gives out a statement to the effect that he had received several telegrams from the State of Oklahoma to indicate that the primaries in that State have gone more than two to one for Roosevelt. He says that it is now certain that the State Convention which meets next week will send a Roosevelt delegation except one district, which selected its delegates several weeks ago before it was known that the former President would accept - the nomination. Senator Dixon points with much emphasis to the fact that the first State to take action since it was known that Colonel Roosevelt would take the nomination has declared overwhelmingly for him. Senator Dixon also gave out a copy of a letter which he says has been sent by President Taft's man agers to a postmaster in the North west urging him to get active to se cure the President's renomination. The name of the postmaster is not given; and it is claimed by the Taft supporters that the letter is not gen uine and that the matter will soon be cleared up. On yesterday, Senator Bristow read on the floor of the Senate a letter from a postmaster in Alabama, giv ing his name (a Mr. Lewis), who had complained that he was being brow beaten by a post-office inspector be cause he had declared for Roosevelt. Senator Bristow offered a resolution providing for a committee of inves tigation. The Senate has not yet acted on the resolution. In the meantime, the Taft head quarters report that they are receiv ing cheering news from every quar ter of the country. One of the statements given out by them is from Senator Oliver who has just return ed from Pennsylvania, in which he says that several Congressional Dis tricts that have before been conceded for Colonel Roosevelt are now con ceded to be for the President. Much Interest in North Carolina. It will be news to the people of the State that the meeting of the Republican State Committee at Ra leigh and the great Morehead ban quet, which was one of the largest banquets and most significant politi cal gathering ever held in the State, was not given a single line in the news columns of the Washington pa pers. Reports of this meeting must have been sent to Washington, but nobody has yet been able to learn why the reports were not published. An account of the meeting, how ever, has reached Washington from various sources, and has been the subject of no little comment. The fact that the Republican State Com mittee of North Carolina is not pack ed with Federal office-holders is be ing commented upon here as a most remarkable fact for a Southern State. When it is further learned that the State will probably send an unin structed delegation to Chicago, and that there will not be a Federal office-holder among the delegates, such information is received by some with incredulity, by all with surprise. In deed the comments generally are that it cannot be true that the Re publicans in a Southern State can manage their affairs without being dominated by the Federal officeholders. Qz Northers Republican to day: "What Do yon 111 ts I tat w will a delegation frocs os Southern Stat at the National Cea vefctlon mlxh tto oSce-boldero is It. and that they will b iter frc to vote a they plea?" Wtto a3fd that that u the xstixneet of it Republican la North Carolina, and that they had already overthrown the referee ytea tn the State, there wa the greatest Inter! tnanlfete4 by tbi ItepubUcac and by all who heard the statement. Indeed, tfce political revolution which took place in North Carolina two jar ago did not at that time attract the attention of the country, and is Juit now being looked upon by the people of the North and West a nothing lew than a marvel. A Western Republican, commtat ins upon this situation, to-day. said: '"Well this sounds too good :o be true, but if it is true, the Democrats may look out, for it means that the South will soon be sending up electoral voles for a Republican President." That Democratic Free Sugar Fraud. The Democratic House of Repre sentatives has been striving ever since the beginning of this session to make political campaign capital for their party. They appointed a large number of investigating com mittees to try to unearth frauds or rottenness in the Republican admin istration. They have completely failed in this, and they have also realized that everything else they have done through their hypocrisy economy plan has lost them votes with the people. In their desperation they have now turned to try to get up some pop-gun tariff bills, which they know will not pass, for campaign thunder. The last one which they have brought forth is a bill declaring for free sugar. Their action in doing this has caused a broad smile on the faces of all politicians who can see so clearly through the transparent piece of hypocrisy. In commenting upon it, every one says that if they wanted to reform the tariff why did not they offer a bill making substantial reductions on certain important schedules which they know would be adopted by the Senate and approved by the Presi dent. It is noticeable that the Dem ocrats have been careful not to offer any such tariff reduction bill. The Washington Evening Times, in an editorial commenting upon this Democratic free sugar bill, says that it will fool nobody, and it is clear to everybody that it is done for cam paign thunder and not with a view to getting it passed. In concluding its editorial, the Times, which is a progressive paper and in favor of tariff reform, says: "It will please the sugar trust and the beet sugar people because it will make impossible any change at. all. So long as they considered plans that were in tended to have a chance of be coming a law and giving the people real advantage, they were hopelessly unable to agree. It vas only on a fantastics proposal that could not possibly have a ghost of a show of enactment that the Democrats could get together." ...a H r - if' Hon. John M. Blorehead, Chairman Republican State ExecutlT Oom mlttee, who was Host at the Big Banquet In TUldgh REPUBLICANS AT MOREHEAD DINNER They Feast as Guest of State Chairman and Heax Rights of Oratory TOOL! AS SEITLE PRESIDES TOAM LIASTLu OF FEAST . : Thirtj hjwhr ta U Nrh!sle t , and the Stekrr Orate ca lb (.l.-rint of ltrvuMKitU.rn aal How It 1 Tluit the leticrl are Worw Than liver Nerly lite Humirv! lrtetil i the I"rli lWrd. The above are the headline that appeared in tfc Uaieich NV and , Oberver on Thursday raorcltic. Krb ; ruary 29th. or the jrport of the great Morehead banquet. YV pub- lUh blow thf report Ktvm of that banquet. tth ub-head and all. Jut aa it appear.nl in that paper. Wr do this bf-cauae thta cornea nearer to being a fair and decent report of a Hepublican tneetlnK than any other report ever publiahed In that paper. The report in full la aa follow: What waa universally declared to have been the greatest function ever given by any State Chairman to bia co-workera and to member of hla party, waa that concluded thia morn ing in the big Auditorium, the trib ute of Chairman John Motley More head. There were i&sued 4 28 regular in vitations, but far more than &00 were in attendance, a great number attending the meeting of the State Executive Committee here yesterday and Incidentally being caught by Mr. Morehead and his friends. It waa estimated that 700 sat down to a magnificent dinner and there was history about it. It has been observed that great events not infrequently find their origin about the banquet board, pres idential booms are started and cru sades are given hedft. One would not know exactly what to put his finger upon it he attempted to give the dominant note of the banquet. One of the stipulations of the host was that there should be no political discussions as touching the more vi tal and sensitive issues now con fronting the party. It was hard to refrain from it, and it wasn't alto gether done. Consequently there was not a little talk that Indicated the feeling of the guests of Mr. Morehead. And one must say, as suming noise as the touch-stone, that Roosevelt's adherents outnumbered those of Mr. Taft greatly, though clamor in the Hooseveltian way of being counted. The banquet's product, politically speaking, may be put down in two apparently reliable things. The first would indicate the springing of the local self-government issue with Toastmaster Settle as the Guberna torial candidate; the second, the supplanting of National Committee man E. Carl Duncan by former Sen ator Marion Duller. j-" ' j Ts way tx 5-aatar al aflef I il o5 ef rUana urrtJU., J way ti crowa a$;l4S waa ws. Ttfw w aj2tvt a a-ass -aj4, T& law fcaSiUa" c! aI sxtiur a lit a lilac a la lUSSl h. - atn w at - H for rl ";f-rsfctat j Tt tsats ct Mr Xst ! en4 at say t$t T"a nnt?a 5-fru a tso; tatriisii ?io5 Th cstai taf it trtst Mr. !uiw the cpj.aa ztt in Mr Daftaa U Ot c r sy f16 lo Wf Daara If the- is0ctsi0tsi vt&di!)a r tr e ,aJ jf .s, rf r. 1 .llST dd tfc amM? ty f-rrteftitly is juccjar.;riej ii e&3 i no! a crrAt Mfurrmjios (a tfctt Uv It oc tsaa csasv ta. Ju4c V S. O H Haiita la hi of tK'Uic of more s-ro&l t.tw 'Rto tfc "UdIU'" a t lirftr 5uotd h! fellow roa&trji sia. Uf, iNxilry. ake4 to t tiio4 to a Con?Jnurd on lac & I Plirm A rnTTfV nAr,n OUrrUftut I 1 to iiAufc Stylish DfCSSCd Women Smash Windows in the Principal Streets in London They Kmulate ihe CaJ Mrikm a ad KoMtrt lo VltIrkr In an llf?rt to Furee Woman Kuflraae la KagUuad One Hundretl and llfly Wctmeva ArrrteL London. Mrch 1 Hm-ium lh coal miners had ben able to a a! a noGovernment recocnitlon to htlr grievances by threatening the busi ness of the country, the suffracetta late to-day also entered upon a pol icy of menace to trade. And they carried it out suddenly and with an ardor that reached In heavy financial losses, brought consternation to merchants of the moat prosperous shopping district of the city and paralyzed business. The pollec were taken completely unawares and before they wr able the muster forces and restrain tha women streets were covered with shattered plate glass from the show windows of stores. It a as a window breaking expedition solely and a thoroughly organised one. Hundreds of window in many of the moit famous shops in the world and in sevral Government ofSces and clubs were wrecked by the suffraget tes. The damage will segregate many thousands of pounds but is largely covered by Insurance against breakage. Oce hundred and fifty women were dragged to the police stations by police or excited and In dignant merchants. Many others, however, escaped. All those arrested were released (his evening on ball, coupled with prom ise to refrain from further window breaking. The trouble centered about Tra falgar Square ranged along the Strand, eastward and westward, and up Regent Street. Plccadily and Ox ford Street, where are situated the fashionable Jewelry and dry goods houses. Mrs. Kmmeline Pankhurst. the veteran of many a suffragette bat tle, struck the first blow. In an automobile, accompaled by Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Tukes, she drOT up to the Premier's residence In Downing Street at o'clock. The three women leaped from the ma chine and drew out stones concealed in their muffs. Four windows crash ed in before the police, who are con stantly on guard, could reach the women. The trio were arrested, hut while being led to the station managed to heave missiles through the windows of the Colonial off.ee. Pandemonium broke out In the shopping district at the same tine. The taxlcabs were the favorite ve hicles of approach usd by the suf fragettes and large numbers of Inno cent looking women were helped out af them by store porters. Without hesitation the women at nce attacked the show windows lth bricks or hammers. The sur prise of the porters was so great hat a majority of the miscreants vere able to lose themelves in the rowds before the guardians of the ihope could collect their senses and estrain them. The women who did lot use taxlcabs merely walked along he streets cracking or smashing rindows with hammers, while the rowds followed cheering and boot ng. The police were wholly unable to leal with such a wholesale and wide spread outbreak and at least nine :enths of the window-attacking army scaped. The air was filled with sounds of police whistles, yells, the (Continued on Page 7.)