1 XT JtL VOL. XXX RALEIGH, Psl. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 18. 1012 lo. 14 LOST AT SEA Tr.e Greatest Marine Disaster! in the History of the World j Criminal Garelessness TEFIBLE MISSISSIPPI FLOODS Colonel Roosevelt' Great Victories in Illinois and Pennsylvania The Triumph Over Boss Machine Itule TIi' Political Situations Grows More Tense Wonderful Wlreles Ttiegrapliy The Democratic House Wants to Adjourn Early Ilaying PoIiticN Instead of Trying to Pass Promised Laws Progressive Re publican Would Support Any Rea sonable Measures. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, April 16, 1912. Since yesterday morning not only Washington but the whole country, and indeed all nations, have been sho ked at the news of the greatest marine disaster in the history of the world. The Titanic, the greatest and finest ocean liner ever built, which had just bwn completed, was on its maiden Toyage heavily ladened with freight and passengers from England to New York. The news flashed from its wire less instruments while it was in mid ocean that near midnight, on Sunday night it had struck an enormous ice berg and was badly damaged. Wire less appeals were flashed constantly over the waters in every direction for help to come to the crippled ship as quickly as possible. This message was picked up by a number of vessels, though, unfortunately, none were very near. Messages were flashed back from these vessels that they were coming as fast as possible to the rescue. When the first vessel reach ed the site of the terrible disaster the great ocean liner had sunk in the midst of a number of floating ice bergs, and nothing was seen left of the ship, and less than a third of the passengers, who had been placed in the life-boats, all the boats would hold, were rocking in the icy water. It seems that the great vessel sunk within less than three hours after it struck the iceberg. Could it have held out a few hours longer every passenger on board would have been saved. As it was, over 1,400 went to their watery graves in icy water more than two miles deep. Nearly every woman and child was saved, but few men. This is a wonderful tribute to the chivalry and heroism of the men who saved first the women and chil dren and then remained on the doom ed ship to face certain death. The vessel had 2,200 people on board when it sailed from England. Only about 800 were saved. Great Criminal Carelessness. The Titanic was not only the larg est vessel afloat, but was thought to be the safest against such a catas trophe. It seems, however, that the vessel was sailing at an unusually fast speed while passing through the dangerous zone which was known to he infested with iceberbs. It is re ported that every life-boat which the vessel carried was crowded with all the people that they would hold when the vessel went down. This suggests criminal negligence on the part of tke steamship line that is almost beyond belief. It is sup posed that every vessel that goes across the ocean carries enough life hoats to accommodate not only every Passenger which the vessel has the capacity to carry, but also the crew. Besides, every vessel is supposed to be equipped with rafts that are non sinkable, and with a life-preserver for every passenger. So far there are no reports of any persons floating in the water with life-preservers. la the first place, if the vessel had carried sufficient life-boats for the -.200 people on board, it seema that every one would have been saved, fuch criminal negligence should be investigated by our Government, and all other governments should be ap pealed to to co-operate to prevent an' vessel sailing that is not thus Properly equipped. Besides, it was thought that the fitantic was a non-sinkable vessel. s builders and owners claim that it &ad sufficient water-tight compart ments so as to make it practically Possible for it to sing, no matter w many holes were made in its null. Tn H oar it- i i j a. i a. i the -v, it is vidiiueu uiai il vessel was cut half in two that uat each part of the vessel would oat with its crew and cargo. It now PPears that such claims were not e'l founded, though it is certain that such a nnn.Glnl7Viln 1 , , "uauuic vessel can ue lo, and certainly this disaster calls uny on this Government and all e nations of the world to hereafter inspect every vessel and ? that it is ho built, or that it be condemned. The- Wondrous Wire Telegraphy. Had It not been for the discovery ' of wireless telegraphy, that great; vessel and all of its human freight would have gone down in the middle i of the ocean, and up to this hour the I world would have known nothing j about it; neither would the 800 peo- j pie who were rescued have been , saved. With this wonderful achieve ment of wireless telegraphy. If there had been proper precaution in the building of the ship, as well as prop erly equipped with life-preservers and life-boats, every soul might have been saved. The enormity of this disaster is the loss of human life comes upon us with redoubled force when we realize that there went down in the ocean with the sinking vessel more lives than were lost in the Spanish War. The Danger From Icebergs. Another piece of criminal negli gence that made this disaster possi ble was the permitting of this ship to take what is known as the "Northern Course" In Its passage from England to New York at this season of the year. The northern course is the shorter route by over two hundred miles, but it is well-known that from this season of each year on to win ter, that icebergs in great numbers come down from the polar regions in to the Atlantic Ocean. For this rea son, safety has shown that It is wise for vessels to take a course two hun dred miles to the south. For the past week every vessel that has gone over this course has reported a num ber of icebergs in sight, and yet in the face of this danger the Titanic, in order to make a world record for the fastest trip from England to New York, took this northern dangerous course, and was proceeding over it at certainly high speed while in the very region where the icebergs were known to be, and also at a time when the sea was covered with fog, and it was impossible to see an iceberg far enough off to prevent such a horrible calamity. This is another illustration of the madness of the world over size and speed. The vessel was too large, to be safely conducted through a dan gerous ice-field, and its speed was too great for safety where there is an element of danger. Among those who are reported lost are Major Archibald Butts, the mili tary aide to the President of the United States; Col. John Jacob As tor; William T. Steed, the noted jour nalist and writer and dozens of oth ers of equal prominence and cele brity. The Great Mississippi Flood. Next in importance to the horrible marine disaster are the terrible floods of the Mississippi River which have been raging for the past week. The w ater has risen higher in that great river than for a quarter of a century in the past, and the levees have been broken at dozens of points, spreading a raging torrent of water over tens of thousands of acres of cultivated and inhabited land at every point, not only resulting in tremendous loss of property but in great loss of life. The good newrs comes to-day, how ever, from the distressed districts of the Mississippi Valley that the floods have reached their greatest danger point and are now subsiding. The danger already inflicted, how ever, has been appalling. Colonel Roosevelt's Vistories in III nois and Pennsylvania. The most remarkable political vic tory probably ever won by any man was that of Colonel Roosevelt in car rying the States of Illinois and Penn sylvania in his campaign for the Pres idency, and by majorities that were astounding to his opponents and be yond the expectations of his most sanguine friends. The masses of the people have shown that they still admire the for mer President as greatly as ever, but their action has probably been more prompted on this occasion by their desire to repudiate machine bosses and smash machine rule in these States than from any other cause. Colonel Roosevelt, in his campaign through these States, confined his speeches almost entirely to an attack upon the political bosses. The peo ple responded with great enthusiasm, and the crowds that attended his speakings increased in volume and enthusiasm each day. His victories in these two States have already put the result of the Republican National Convention in doubt, and if he should meet with continued successes in other States of this kind, he may have a safe ma jority In the next Republican Nation al Convention. On the other hand, it is claimed by the administration supporters that the results in these two States were largely, if not wholly, influenced by local conditions and that similar re sults will not occur In any other (Cointinued on page 4.) 2 MORE CONVENTIONS Gol. Roosevelt Sweeps Penn sylvania in Primary Held Saturday WILL HAVE STATE CONVEVTIOFi President Taft and OoL Roosevelt Kua About Etch in the City of Philadelphia Keystone Party Not Permitted to .Vote in Saturday's Primary Woodrovr Wilson De feats Ills Opponents la Same Pri mary A Very Stormy Convention Was Held in State of Michigan. Philadelphia, April 13. At mid night reports to the Associated Press indicate that Theodore Roosevelt has carried at least half of the congres sional districts in Pennsylvania. In addition there is a strong like lihood that Roosevelt men will con trol the State convention which will name twelve delegates-at-large. If this is the case Roosevelt will have nearly two-thirds of the seventy-six delegates from this State. Wood row Wilson apparently had little opposition in the balloting and he will have a solid delegation from this State to the Democratic Na tional Convention. Pennsylvania today elected sixty four delegates to the National Con ventions. The polls did not close un til 8 o'clock and returns are conse quently meager but enough has been learned to show that Colonel Roose velt had unexpected strength throughout the State. The delegates favorable to his candidacy were elect ed in many of the thirty-two congres sional districts. The Roosevelt leaders are claim ing not less than thirty of the sixty four delegates for their candidate. On the Democratic side Woodrow Wilson was practically the unani mous choice of the delegates chosen to the Baltimore convention. In ad dition to national delegates, the vot ers chose delegates to State conven tions of both parties which will name twelve delegates-at-large. On the Republican side these will in all probability be for President Taft, while the (Democrats are solid for Wilson, both factions of the party having declared for him. In Philadelphia Taft carried the first three congressional districts by about three to one. The Roosevelt managers claim the fourth, fifth and sixth districts, but the fourth is re garded as in doubt. The fifth and sixth were probably carried for Roosevelt. The interest in today's primary election in Pennsylvania very near equalled that which is ordinarily manifested in a general election. Polls opened at 2 p. m. and closed at 8 p. m., consequently there was little definite news in the early evening. Rain fell generally all over the State and this, to some extent, kept the vote down. All reports agreed, how ever, that the aggregate vote was un usually large for a primary contest. In Philadelphia the Republican or ganization leaders were early in the field with the claim that they elected twelve Taft delegates from the six congressional districts in the city. United States Senator Penrose, the head of the organization, surprised his party associates by leaving the city at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, go ing to Atlantic City, where he board ed his yacht for a cruise until Mon day. Before leaving he said "I can speak only for the city, for the entire State. I am satisfied that every Republican delegate selected in this city will be for President Taft Roosevelt may get twelve to fourteen delegates in the State." From other quarters the claim of unfair treatment of Keystone party voters was made and it was appar ent that the Roosevelt leaders felt that the exclusion of Keystone voters from the ballot box had an unfavor able influence upon the chances of delegates pledged to their, favorite. The Keystone party is a third party, made up largely of citizens of re form tendency who are opposed to the regular Republican organization.,! It main strength is in Philadelphia, where it has polled a heavy vote in the past few years. Regular Repub licans claim that members of the Keystone party have no right to ask for a Republican ballot because they did not vote the Republican ticket at the last election. The Keystone party, being only a State organiza tion and having no national alliance, has no national delegates on its ticket. Later Reports Give Col. Roosevelt In creased Majority. Philadelphia, April 14. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's sweeping " vic tory in Pennsylvania at Saturday's priary election kept growing today, as the returns continued to come in. incomplete returns site the for me? President 5 of the State's 7fi delegates In the Republican National Convention. The RooTeli support era are claiming 7 and Utr returns may carry the figures to that total. Colsael Roosevelt won 53 of the CI district national delegates and hi followers elected enough delegates to the State Convention to give them control of that body. The State Con vection will name twelve delegates-at-large. Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, who had no organized oppo sition, will have 74 of the 76 dele gates from Pennsylvania in the Dem ocratic Convention. In the eleventh Congresison&l District, the two Dem ocratic national delegates elected are favorable to Governor Judson Har mon, but they are not pledged. Politicians look upon the triumph of Colonel Roosevelt with astonish ment. The supporters of the former President were without a State or ganization or without an organiza tion in many of the thirty-two con gressional districts. Another element of strength of the Roosevelt forces was the 170,000 Idle anthracite miners in the northeastern counties of the State, where the for mer President ran strong. In Philadelphia, President Taft's adherents captured three of the six districts and split the delegation In another, giving the President seven delegates to Roosevelt's five. The delegates favoring Taft were not in structed. Aong those who escaped the Roosevelt storm were John Wan amaker and E. T. Etotesbury, who were elected as Taft delegates in the second district. A Riotous Convention Held in Michi gan. Bay City, Mich., April 11. Taft and Roosevelt men in Michigan pol itics; refusing any basis of compro mise after twenty-four hours of con ferences today at the State Republi can Convention attempted to put a quart of delegates in a pint measure, and in so doing precipitated one of the "most bitter fights in the history of the State, the birthplace of the Re publican party. -,Xw sets of leaders and delegates, Taftnd Roosevelt, fought out their Issues to the point where State mili tia, police and sergeant-at-arms were needed to maintain a semblance of orderly procedure. As a result the Credential Com mittee of the Republican National Convention at Chicago in June will be required to determine whether Taft delegates at large or an equal number of Roosevelt delegates from Michigan shall be seated at the Chi cago National Convention. After today's sensational fight on the floor of the convention during which former Senator Allen J. Bev erldge, of Indiana, left the armory, the closing Incidents In the conven tion were comparatively tame. At one stage of the proceedings the convention broke up in a row. Militia and police took charge when attempts were made to attack speakers on the stage. Several fights occurred on the floor. The convention was marked by great disorder when both the Taft and Roosevelt forces attempted at the same time to organize the con vention. When W. D. Gordon, of Midland, a Roosevelt committeeman, sprang to the stage and attempted to address the convention, he was hurled from the stage by J. F. Cremer, of Mar quette, a Taft man. Police and mili tia at this juncture forced back a hundred men who sought to engage in the fight precipitated by Gordon and Cremer. When finally the Roosevelt men began withdrawing from the armory the confusion subsided to a degree and the Taft delegates began their organization. Perfunctory' resolu tions were adopted and speeches were delivered by State leaders fa vorable to President Taft. "Mr. Dooley" on the Recall of Judges. "Ye can bet that th first law re callin th' judges will be pronounced onconstitutional be th entire joo dicyard iv th counthry be a risln vote an with three hearty cheers. If I was a judge I wud know that a law thro win' me out Iv a job was oncon stituional at wanst, ex post facto, ex propria vigore, an' de juribus non dispythanduxn, as Hogan says. An I wudden't have to get th Constitution out iv th' safe to decide it ayether. I'd decide It accordln to me grocery bill." Will Somebody Answer? Greenville Reflector. Wonder did the Allen gang (who we understand to be Democrats) be long to the Democratic good govern ment gang? We' pause for an an swer from the Democratic newspapers who are so ready to blame the Re publican party. Please answer. We are anxious to know. REAL ANCIENT HISTORY French King Now Made SpH i cial Efforts to Form Peace j Treaties ! i EKGUSfl KING GREW ALEttT America and Franc Once Acted To gether la War When France lluill the First Grrat Navy She Owned When "Potting the OukUob" Was Abolished What Will Hap pen if Rryanlam Should Prevail Many Actual Facts Reduced to a Small Space for the Ilusy Reader. Bilkinsvllle, N. C. April 15, 1512. Correspondence of The Caucasian Enterprise. About the year 1775 the French King Louis Increased biz efforts to form new treaties ov peace. An al liance wuz formed with Switzerland an other warlike preparations wuz made. The English ambassador. Lord Stormont, soon began to question the French ruler in regard to awl this activity. He said that the seas were covered with English an" American warships, an' that France must be prepared for war an to protect her extensive comerce. He seemed cer tain that either England or America, or both counties, would likely hev designs upon French territory. The failure ov General Burgoyne's expe dition an' the capture ov his army hastened matters. Mr. Sartlne, the superintendent ov the French fleet. then about equal to that ov England, wuz eager to try hlz guns upon the English warships. To come to the main point quickly, I will say that soon after this England an America got into that fearful war known az the Revolutionary War, which start ed in 1775 an' lasted more than seven years. France didn't like England, an', az there wuz no international rules at that time to prevent one country from aldin' another in a war, England had. to face a prospect ov the Americans gettln' substantial aid from France. Dr. Franklin an' Silas Dean, the two Americans selected by our Government to look Into the proposition ov France to render America certain assistance in the war which followed, were in Paris an' soon made considerable progress in getting the plan perfected. England had been able to whip France alone; but to flte the American colonists an' France at the same time, an at such a distance az it wuz to America, wuz more than the sturdy English cared to undertake. But the English didn't give up -they were not built for that kind ov a purseedln. Franklin and Deane had acted only az private agents at first. But now they were acknowledged az public ambassadors from America to the court ov Versailles, an a friendly treaty wuz signed between France an' America In 1778. The French am bassador to England offlcialy notified that country ov the existence ov such a treaty. The English were mad an the Revolutionary War soon began in earnest. In 1780 important changes in the French ministry took place. M. Ber lin resigned the offis ov Secretary ov State; the prince de Montbarey had retired from the post az Secretary ov War an wuz succeeded by Marquis de Segur. But the most important change wuz the removal ov Mr. Sar tlne, who had shown great ability an energy In developln' the French navy. Hlz activity had astonished the other European powers. Durin' the same year the French King made a new forward move by abollshln' what wuz called "putting the question," that iz, forcing a man accused ov a serious crime to submit to a system ov cruel torture before the trial In order to compel him to admit that he committed the crime alleged by the authorities. For hun dreds ov years this custom bad pre vailed in French courts, an unneces sary cruelty wuz not unusual, espe cialy in cases where the prisoner had no influential friends, or, that other more or less roubust friend, money, which could also speak the French language sometimes. Az a matter ov economy, for France had not yet com pleted her payments on her vast na tional debts, the King adopted a plan ov personal economy an' reduced the expenses or hlz own administration in order to pay some thin more on the somewhat pressln' claims against the Government, for the public cred it wuz rather shaky. The King dis charged some four hundred employes ov the palace whose labor or services wuz not essential to the actual con duct ov affairs. But the high-strung French people couldn't stand much calm weather. In 1781 M. Necker, probably the most popular attache or the Government, wuz kicked out ov hiz position, un justly, it wuz thought He had con- lti tl 14 ca ? by a jss at ls4 oaft4.'' III t&At re ft r 4 to ia Ut jr tf t V sited S4! Coteries. t' r tais FreS tatrft o?s4 laU 14 as 1005 tta& a rt ft laugM vjws tie cat4st OfUl TV. re ailed la hit dUetUaa! ta 1171. Ifts jcfTor. VS. Joli 4 r!?i. t ) lor ov State, wet 3o& ftCtr4 ta boUIV down h job Darta t& Ml lance ov tfcr md jar tt atustioa or Ktaec ui cntf4 npau wo ov th work ov kr aavy ao amy on th Acrfiraa i3 ov t& cral ocean, for th aa!ly got lrsto or great wir with th KaftUb A Frftta amy ui wafted otet th a an Joined forces u&4r our crat ttltl tary leader. George Wahl&gloa. though th French soldier fought under their own oSfr, sura at General Lafayette, an others, A strong detachment or the J'rvac h navy guarded th transports a?roaa the water, ov eour, an th French ships, at the request ov (e&. Wash Ington an our own Secretary ov the ftavy, were stationed oa Cheaarke Bay an' rendered some aid la pro tecting our eastern coaat from the as saults ov the English fleet during the remainder ov the Ilevolutio&ary War. Sir Henry Clinton command ed the English troops in the ttrintty ov New York an Lord Corn mailt had charge ov the army landed upon the Virginia coast. The French troops an' fleet got between the two armies, or, rather, the two divisions ov the English, at the suggestion ov Georr Washington, an' this caused our English enemies lo open their eyes; In fact, they were about ready to quit when the French landed, but this hastened matters. Ird Corn wall! had located at Yorktown. Va . an' had fortified the town pretty well. But the American an English troops attacked the town from opposite sides at the same moment, an no power could resist American an' French troops who were brave enough to take any ordinary risks at any time, but who. under the stlroulous ov na tional rivalry, became soldiers Incar nate, an' no city In the world, no army, could hev withstood such a flte az they put up at Yorktown. no matter If human blood wuz "up to the horses bridles" before the end ov the battle, to use the words ov a too partial historian. Cortiwallls wuz badly whipped an' had to surrender awl ov hlz survlvln soldiers. La Fayette, Rochambean, Bertheir. I)u mus an' other famous French sol diers, mostly young men, won their spurs at Yorktown. Hit lz needless to say that the American officers an men were also rite up at the front when the great battle ended, an Eng land must hev understood by this time that she must give up. an she (Continued on page 5.) OX A BROADER PLASK. New Democratic Publication Says the Voters Are Thinking for Them ielvea. The Free Lance, a new publication at Winston-Salem, In its first editor ial says: In giving birth to this publication its editor has no apologies and few promises to offer. The Free Lance will be what its name implies, and whatever of virtue and mer It pos sesses, and the favor it find with the people of North Carolina, shall be sufficient excuse for its existence. It will be democratic in the light of its editor's construction of Democ racy, but it cannot be counted upon either to blindly espouse the cause of Issues or men In the name of Democ racy, or to line-up under the leash of party leaders. Long ago we forsook the premises that every Democrat was as far above suspicion as Cae sar's wife, and. like the king, "could do no wrong." Likewise, we have forsaken the Idea that every Repub lican was without honor, and. In the eyes of Justice, should be "iolng time" on the public roads. We know there are good and honorable men la the Republican party of North Caro lina, and we concede to them the right to differ with us upon princi ples of government, or anything else, we have seen Democrats stoop be neath the honor line, not only as In dividuals, but as a party. We know that Republicans are particularly fond of political "p!e,M but with the odds even there are many Democrats who could 'go through 'em for a thousand yards in an effort to cross the goal line. Much cf the difference lies in the fact that . the Democrats have almost forgotten the taste of Federal "pie." Give us a Democratic President this "go-round," and see if Democrats of North Carolina don't "buck the line." It is a matter of deep satisfaction to us that this Is more and more an age when the voters think for them selves. Instead of leaving It to the political leaders. Party lines were never so loosely drawn. Men refuse to be whipped Into line as of old. They want to know the whatfor and the whereof. , They are beginning to vote for their own Interests. -

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