THE CAUCASIAN Page Two. State Netfs. HAWKINS JURY" IS SKVECTZrJLK Heven Veron Sow on Triad at Ilcn- i eronrille on Morder Charge. Mru. Ed. Fulk. of Pilot Mountain, A gpecaj from IlendersonvUle to was killed by lightning in her home yeaterjay's Charlotte Obserrer says: a few days ago. . j "The twelve men who will bold In ! their hands the fate of seren persons A fire in Sanford one night last" cnarged with the alleged murder of week destroyed a dwelling occupied yrtie Hawkins last September bare by Mr. It. II. Stein. The family bare- Deen greeted, the panel having been ly escaped. The loss was covered ( compieted to-day after 5 o'clock. Af entirely by insurance. . er completing the panel, court ad- 'journed until to-morrow, when the Norman Conrad, of Lexington, was progecutfon will begin the presenta- sbot and very seriously wounded one ,lon of It3 Counsel for the night last week while resisting an proSecuUon to-day stated that much officer. Conrad was drunk and was new Vi(jence would be brought out beating his wife, who called in an of- at tne tTi3L Throughout the pro ceedings of the last two days greater interst was shown by the public than was ever before known in the history of the Henderson County court." General Nen?s. Two Hoys Killed in Wreck Ashevllle. Near Henderson ville, X. C, May 21.- ficer. Oto Edney and Ernest Hill, ages thirteen and fifteen years, both of Hendersonville, were killed in a Southern Railway wreck at Naples, four miles north of Hendersonville, Tuesday. Dig Island bridge over Yadkin Riv er, near Wilkesboro, was washed Otto Edney and Ernest Hill, ages fif away one night last week in a rain teen and thirteen years respectively, which resembled a cloudburst. The Hendersonville boys, were killed in a loss to property was estimated at Southern freight wreck at Naples, about $5,000. j four miles north of here, this after- noon while hoboing from Asheville. Heavy rains in Caldwell County Medical attention was given them, last week washed away many bridges but both died about the same time and amaged farms and low-lands to while being rushed to this city in au the amount of thousands of dollars, auto truck. Their bodies were badly All the prospect for a corn crop this bruised and cut. The cause of the year are entirely destroyed in the wreck is unknown, low-lands. J The track was torn up for some - 'distance and traffic will be delayed Mrs. Helen Kelly, a woman of for several hours. There were no fur means, of Brunswick County, was ther injuries. sentenced to twelve months in New , Hanover County jail by Judge Con-' nor for retailing whiskey. It was Negroes Have Fatal Quarrel Over shown by testimony that she had Crap Game, been selling whiskey for a long Smithfield, N. C, May 20. A tme- ' crowd of twenty-five negroes gather- ed in the woods about half a mile of Lincoln Moore, a colored porter at gelma yesterday in order that they the union passenger station in Win- mignt have a game of crap. About ston, was shot and killed in the bag- 12 0.clock a diSpute arose between gage room by J. A. Wall, assistant one Elliott and George Ross over a baggage-master, one day last week. debt of 50 centg Rogg started to It is stated that the shooting was draw nig pistol u ig aid wnen a accidental. brother of Elliott, who was standing by, drew his gun, it is alleged, and The four-year-old child of Mr. ghot Ross with fatal effect The Bryant Ingold, of Mt. Gilead, was crowd scattered and up to this time drownea in a creeK near mat piace a few days ago. The child was fol lowing his two elder brothers who had gone fishing and fell into the .creek. the man who did the shooting has not been apprehended. Two of those pres ent have been arrested and put in the lock-up to await the hearing before the coroner. It is said that Ross, the man who was killed, was recently re- W. M. Tate, living about twelve leased from the penitentiary where miles from Mount Airy, visited the he had been serving a sentence for home of his daughter, Mrs. W. C. killing anotner negro over a debt of Brooks, and for some cause unknown 50 centg From tne meagre informa. killed her, and after he was certain tioQ at nand it appears that retribu- she was dead, shot himself with the tion has overtaken the negro Ross. same gun. it is Denevea mat ne was crazy. A. J. Johnson, a negro in Granville County, was called to his door one "Political Precedent Foolishness. The New Bern Daily Journal, the night last week and shot three time, ; oldest Democratic paper in the Third death resulting immediatley. No Congressional, in a leading editorial, clue has yet been found as to who says: committed the deed. Johnson was . "About 6 o'clock in the morning, about sixty years old and had consid- at Goldsboro, N. C, July 6, 1910, af erable property. j ter an all night session, the Demo- i crats of the Third North Carolina Little Bennis, the six-year-old child Congressional District nominated a of, Mr. J. E. Latham, of near Wash- Dr. Faison. This political consum- Ilon. Levi P. Morton, former Vice President of the United States, cele- brated his eighty-eighth birthday in Washington on the 16th of May. Five Indian boys, all under fifteen years of age. were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the Creek and Seminole College at Boley, Okla., last Friday. John and Henry May. brothers, of Union, S. C, have been charged with the murder of Henry Boeba, a strang er in that town, who was found dead some lime ago. Eugene V. Debbs, of Terre Haute, Ind., was nominated last Friday as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States by the National Social ist Convention. It is reported that King Victor Emanuel, of Italy, has offered to make Andrew Carnegie an Italian Count on account of his endowment of a Carnegian Hero Fund for Italy. Roosevelt Republicans in Florida have held a second convention and in structed for the Colonel. A conven tion held in February instructed for Taft. Prince George William, the eldest son of the Duke of Cumberland, and his chamberlain, Von Greve, were in stantly killed in an automobile acci dent, near Friesack, Prussia, Mon day last. Clifford Bennett, a Baptist minis ter, was killed and Carey Bennett, a cousin, was injured in a pistol duel near Waycross, Ga., last Sunday. It is said that the minister resented some attentions to his wife by Carey Bennett. H. H. Gibson, a young man sixteen years of age, of Atlanta, Ga., was shot and instantly killed by his brother, W. F. Gibson, aged nineteen years, a few days ago. It is said that the young men were engaged in a friend ly tussle over the possession of the gun when it fired. Reports show that corporate earn ings in the United States decreased $115,500,000 during 1911. That fig ure represents the comparative loss in net earnings as resported to the Commissioner of internal revenue for making assessment under the corpo ration excise tax-law. George Kaul, who was arrested in Mt. Vernon, N. Y., in connection wiih the $25,000 jewelry theft from Sol Gilsey, of Cincinnati, in Atlanta, Ga., on March 17th, has just made a com plete confession. He also implicated two medical students there who are now under indictment. Most of the jewelry has been recovered. Armour & Co. was indicted by the Federal grand jury last week for criminal violation of the United Staes meat inspection laws for alleged in terstate shipment of meats without inspection by Government agents. liTCHES AS THE DARK 1IORSC "' s T' Frfend Quoted Tht Justice Will He Compromise Candidate. Humor Says He Will Be tprunt m Convention If President Fail of XomJnaiion on Fin Ballot. A Washington. D. C. dispatch to the New York American says: The point-blank statement aa made by friends of President Taft In Washington that Justice Charles E. Hughes will be the compromise can didate of the Chicago convention for the Presidency. It was stated that the only obstacle to an admission from Justice Hughes that he U will ing to accept the nomination is a promise made to Mr. Tart at the time of bis appointment to the Supreme Court bench that he would not be a candidate. "With the positive knowledge that President Taft cannot stem the Roo sevelt tide at the Chicago Convention, a delegation of prominent Republi cans, within the last few days, called upon Justice Hughes to ascertain his exact position. He told them frank ly that his candidacy depends entirely upon the wishes of President Taft. "The plan of the Taft forces as it exists to-day is that the moment they ascertain on the floor of the conven tion that the President will not be able to obtain the nomination on the first ballot the name of Hughes will be sprung. Hughes will immediately be given a great ovation, and an at tempt made to stampede the conven tion in his behalf. "So bitter has the feud become that it is no longer a question of nomi nating Taft, but of defeating Roose velt. The Taft forces are convinced that Hughes will be able to carry New York as opposed to Roosevelt. There fore he is the only man upon whom they are willing to concentrate as a substitute for their own candidate. "The plans to nominate Hughes in an emergency has already met with the approval of President Taft, and an effort is now being made to en list the suport of the New York dele gation in such a course." TROUBLE IS LITTLE ROCK, ARK. ington, while hiding in some shrub- mation was one of those freak acts i The maximum penalty for such viola- bery near a ditch where his brother j which men do on 'the morning after was cutting away the shrubbery, re- when worn to a thin edge, and not in ceived a cut by his brother's axe their right minds. This nomination which nearly severed his head from given, of course Democrats had to his body. There is a slight chance for openly endorse, though cursing in wardly. It was one of those political commitments that a party sometimes ; makes, and then has to stand by it, his recovery, however. Policeman J. R. Thompson, of Wil mington, was shot and seriously a veritable dish of political crow, that wounded Sunday morning in an al- must be declared palatable and eaten ley in the eastern district of the city without a grimace, no matter what by a negro. Mr. Thompson was call- the inward pangs may be. ed to the home of a woman who said "The campaign conducted by the that her home had been broken into nominee was of the lowest and most by negroes, and as he aproached the common order. Every self-respecting house he was fired upon by one of Democrat was disgusted. If the Dis- them. trict had not been well worked up to strong Democratic proportions dur- Claining that John Davis, a ne- ing the twelve years of Charles R. gro, had tawen $5 and a quart of Thomas' honorable tenure of this liquor from him, J. W. Lyles, a white Congressional office, there is no tell man, near Rocky Mount, shot and ing what the result would have been, killed the negro. Lyles gave himself "it would seem that the Demo up to the officers, saying that he kill- crats of the Third District have been ed the negro in self-defense, and is forced to enough loss of self-respect held without bond for the next term through this unfortunate hot July of Edgecombe court, which convenes morning political act of 1910. It may the first week in June. , be that the voters are, but the possi- ' - j ble candidates who would like to try ior mis congressional honor are tlons is imprisonment for two years and a fine of $10,000, or both. m m The wife of B. R. Tillman, Jr., son of Senator Tillman, of South Caro lina, has filed suit for divorce. Mrs. Tillman brought suit sometime ago for the custody of her children, which her husband had given to his parents, but the court decided In young Mrs. Tillman's favor and criticised the Sen ator and his son. The Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee have re ported unfavorable the income tax bill passed by the House and recom mend a substitute for the free sugar bill. The substitute leaves the su gar duty as at present, but the Dutch standard and the differential are re moved. The 'fifty-seventh annual session of the Southern Baptist Convention, which was held in Oklahoma City last week, was composed of 948 mes sengers from seventeen States. Rev. . , tor Wi Murdering Innocent Children The People Are Stirred Up. Little Rock, Ark.. May 19. A mysterious prowler, whom the police call "Jack the Shooter," entered the residence of I. P. Coulter, three blocks from the center of the busi ness district early to-day and attempt ed to assault Mrs. Coulter. When she made and outcry, the man fired twice at her. Her nine-months-old baby was lying on her breast and both bul lets struck the babe, killing it in stantly. Mrs. Coulter was not in jured by the bullets. The intruder then fled. The murder follows a long series of crimes believed to have all been com mitted by one man. He has wounded two women who made outcry when he attempted to assault them, assault ed one woman and made several oth er unsuccessful attempts. Mayor Charles E. Taylor this af ternoon issued a proclamation call ing upon the citizen of Little Rock to arm themselves and aid the police in capturing or killing the murderer. Half an hour after the murder of the babe ,a prowler, supposed to be the murderer, entered the home of M. M. Hankins, a half block from the main street of the city. He fired at Mrs. Hankins and also at two police men who were attracted by her cries. The police emptied their revolvers at his fleeing form, but he made his escape. BOSTON PREACHER ELECTROCUTED. Murderer of Avis Linnell Paid the Death Penalty Early Tuesday Morning. Boston, Mass., May 21. Richeson was electrocuted at 12:17 this morn ing. t Richeson spent much of his time Monday in prayer and in reading his Bible. Boston, Mass., May 21. The cur rent was turned on at 12:10:02 and the prisoner was declared totally dead at 12:17. The former Baptist clergyman. Dr. E. C. Dargan, of Macon, Ga., was i confessed poisoner of Avis Linnell, re-eiectea president, and Prof. E. L Middleton, of Raleigh, was secretary of the Convention. Walter D. Sutherland, former cash- Hugo Neyes, Vho Committed Suicide afraj to eciare themselves, because In New York. Was From Wilminff-' - . - . J ioi precedent, wnicn presumes to as- . IAJU. I a. xl - 1 i a. i ii t - i I sen. luai cs.ii mcuiuueub aua.ii nave at llmington, N. C, May 17. Hugo least two terms. A very sacred (?) V .weys, nauve oi noiiana, a landscape party precedent, tnis. or course, er of the Citizens National Bank of gardener, and man of means, who politicians stand for such a precedent, Clintwood, Va., who has been on trial committed suicide in New York City because if any one of them secures in the Federal court at Abindon Va ' to-day, left Wilmintgon only a week the first term, it means easy, reach- for the past week, has received a sent ago for the metropolis in search of ing for the second nomination with-.ence of six years' in the penitentiary employment there as landscape artist, out an effort, because of individual Sutherland took nearly $8,000 of the aftercworking for a short time as hor- merit and worthiness, how much bank's money and skipped' with it, in y ticulturist at Castle Haynes colony more practical and sensible,-than first July, 1910, but was captured over a near this city. He told Mr. Hugh handing out an honorable office based year later,' working as a comon la- Macitae, oi iugn Aiacuae & uom- on ioiisn and senseless precedent. It pany, wh oare behind the colonization is following such precedents as this project in this section, that he thought that often arouses the voters to ac in New York and that Mr. MacRae tion that means party defeat. No pub- he could do better at his profession lie office should be held as a sinecure, ' could aid him materially in setting to be nassed alone without the con-4 oyd Allen Convicted of Murder in a position by letters of introduction, sent and approval of the voters." Mr. MacRae gave him letters of in-f When the Journal says that the s troduction to two of his personal campaign conducted by Doctor Faison friends in New York. Neys appear- was "of the lowest order" and that ; ed to be of a very nervous tempera- 'every self-respecting Democrat was ment, and Mr. RacRae said to-night disgusted," it simply states what ev that while he never saw the mah un-' erybody knows is true. Besides, Dr. til a week ago, he thought possibly Faison has done nothing in Congress despondency over failure to secure a to remove this feeling of disgust, position right off caused him to shoot It should be said, however, In ex himself. Neys left .the impression cuse for Dr. Faison, who did not know here of a man who did not have v to any better, that he made that low borer in West Virginia. ALLEN GANG ON TRLAL. depend upon his work 'for a liveli hood. ' and dirty campaign upon the advice of Senator Simmons. First Degree. After a night's deliberation, which at one time threatened a disatrroA- ment, the. jury rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree last ' Fri day in the trial of Floyd Allen, the first of the Allen gang to be captured. He will be. punished by death In the electric chair. The jury was selected Tuesday for the trial of Claude Allen, who is also implicated in the Hillsville affair, be ing charged with the murder of Judge Thornton L. Massle. of Hyannis, his one-time sweetheart. was outwardly calm when he entered the death chamber and he maintained his composure while the straps and electrodes were being adjusted as he sat in the electric chair. Rev. Herbert W. Stebbins, the pris on chaplain, the Warden, Dr. Bridges, and assistants, made up the rest of those granted admission to the death chamber. Richeson had no supper, saying that he desired none. After eating a little fruit, he lighted a cigar and he was sitting on the edge of his cit apparently enjoying his smoke when Deputy Warden Allen entered his cell with the black suit of clothes to be worn during the execution. Richeson nodde calmly to the deputy, but said nothing. He expressed a desire last after noon to see his brother Douglas Richeson, of Chicago, who is in the city.. The former clergyman told his spiritual adviser, the Rev. Dr. H. S. Johnson, tnat he could meet his brother without fear of collapsing. He had reconciled himself to his fate, he added, and felt that he waa at peace with God and the world. Douglas Richeson decided this after noon that he would not go to his brother.- ' The condemned mann slept soundly for four fcoom this taorai&g after Iwlcg awake nearly all eight. He waa calm and even cheerful at times during the night, occasionally singing a hymn or repeating his favorite Scriptural passages. TO FIGHT THK AltMV WORM. Government Official Say the Invasion of Worm in the Cotton licit May be KiperteU Thl Kea-on. A Washington. D. C, dispatch dat ed May 21 says: "An invasion of the Cotton Belt by the cotton worm or caterpillar, in cor rectly called the army worm, may expected this season in the opinion V. D. Hunter. In charge of th Southern field crop investigation of the Department of Agriculture at Dal las. Texas, expressing himself by way of warning rather than prediction. He advises planters to make the nec essary preparations for fighting the worm and begin operations at the earliest possible moment. The Invas ion last season extended as far north as Canada and id considerable dam age not only to cotton but to fruits in the North. "Investigation has developed that all the cotton worm moths In the United States were destroyed by the abnormal cold last winter. 'Our con- of Stmdav'a cordiag to rtfro-ts boats were dUp,uu.v'I inundaud u Reside Ckje-. side, which i ;.,.:. i Mi- tU"ViCC 0, , by this crvi?. . . ikVK-wt, a Richard atd Vu largest town la t!u. . Is covered by uf fret deeo and w' in" v waters frou tfc a depth of from tU oL'N I to A dFi!h nf fr., , 'k k mil iwn til. , . . day when th Ufkv.. Atchfalaya entrrrd u tion of Morfgan Cit, t. . " reached a depth of thr ches in some of the t More than onr hutirj . v country south of in'. V Opelousas this afiertt them exnressd text .v ' . - r wouiu not reach oz.t 0f IU ed persons in tira. More than ISo.uoo rr now being fed sr. i clottV' army and local r!f 0.. J . ' Senate Amendment t c ClUSIOIl. sa Ul . nuuiri, is iuoi iuc ifrpi,. only fear of an outbreak is in a re-j Invasion from Central and South ; . u;U;S America. There Is one fact which":;"' A . ........ I MAe?eement tt-lAv ... sibly be such a reinvasion. The chron-' to,tne benale . ... .v. ., I cotton acreage b 11. hws tinct tendency toward the recurrence! a 8ecttIo,n to bollsh coto5 t of a series of two or three seasons' J"ne f, f ohnnrfnnro AnnarpnthMho BrPOiM 1,1,1 Defre tht J're.ldeni for fA reaches great numbers in South Jure' The bill would defer a, . America and remains abundant for t0"c?f repr of tthf several years, thus giving rise to the of Agriculture from June tojt?t consecutive swarms which have in- eacJ condlillont r vaded the United Staes.' de, blnnlnK Jne u "For the control of the cotton worm, Mr. Hunter advises the use of powdered arsenate of lead, mixed with any other material, at the rate of two pounds an acre. Towns Inundated Refugees Num ber 150,000. Pardoned Ranker Will l'y iatj bees Amountig to Atlanta, Ga., May 21. Ckirfl Morse will pay $100,000 to U ki i i . r yers wao were insirumenui la Ing his freedom, according torr printed here to-day in an ?!fas paper. Attorney Thomai B TtZg New Orleans, La., May 20. The Mississippi River continued to fall to-, of tne law firm of Aliderfo2 r, J day at all points from St. Louis south Rountree & Wilson, who acted is ana reports received at tne orace oi case In conjunction with a foit-v, the United States engineers here con- ohlo firnif 8ald after readit cerning the levees were favorable. i 8tory lhat tne arranRemett lit ti The situation along the Atcbafalaya n8(1 wItn Mr Morge wag coaifri - A 1 ""V 1 A . niver bouiu oi uaenpurg, me scene anO that he did not care to dlrxii i yield to MILAM when all else fall Eminent Divine Testifies Btrgbna Confrrrnrt Snari. of Bxmxam. W W ROY ALL. m. D.. Sr. The Milan Medicine Ca, Ino.9 lerfslk, Va., July t, 1911. Gentlemons- Danville, Ta. It glvaa me pleaaurs to tell you haw nuch good jour Mils-i" haa dons m. I hare had norm or less urio acid troublt , for tea or fifteen year-, and at time- I had attacks of rhvunlU gout that were not only eaoruclatlngly alnful, but that laid up in bed for a week at a tl. I used everything the doctor recommended, but obtained only a little relief. Last Uay, I eo fortunate as to try Mil am, and having procured through joo a case of a half a dozen, I uasd It faithfully, I cannot tsll ra what relief 1 haa glvsn It aay bo too aoon for as to elaisa permanent cure, but I maan to keep up the treatment, feel glal W think I have found a thing to free me from my great suf f sring. -rf enable me to keep up ay work in comfort. If all your patlsots un y experience, you will not have to refund nuch sonsy. Very respectfully your a, Mssber Virginia Conference, M. E. C. I. its yottr dmaislfor six bottUs of Milam on our KUrot money back tf not benefited. A piano in the house makes it more homelike, more" cheerfuL It rests the tired father and the weary mother, it brightens and educates the children. A good piano is a lifelong friend. We are not the only piano dealers in the world. We are not the only honest ones, but we attribute our 30-years' success to our honest methods. Victor and Columbia Talking Machines sold on easy payments, as well as pianos. IDtonuel &. Tfiuoinnias RALHGB, - ... N. C