VOL. XXX. RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY. .11 11 v d oo X . :C T! EDITORIAL BRIEFS Democratic Harmony aio reii a tirtim under the steam roller at Bal tiiTiOre. The Ananias Club gained many r. w recruits at the Baltimore Con vent ion. Champ Clark's vote for that pen sion "steal" did not profit him any thing after all. The hound "dawg" was kicked severely during the last hours of the Baltimore Convention. But the Democrats failed to ar rant any machinery to make the candidate stand on the platform. Wonder if the Democrats would al low the candidates to write their own platforms if they could then be forced to stand on them? The trusts are no doubt sorry they Ment so much money at the Balti more Convention since there Is no chance to elect their candidate. The Democratic National Conven tion has fought it out and adjourn ed. The list of casualties may not he known for several days. The Democratic Convention at Bal timore was very expensive for the delegates, and a great deal more ex pensive to some who were not dele gates. At least a lot of the Democrats at the Baltimore Convention have found out what the others thought of them, even if they didn't feel repaid for the trip. The report that the Louisville Courier Journal, Harper's Weekly and Thomas F. Ryan will finance Wilson's campaign has not yet been confirmed. The band stopped playing for the Baltimore convention on last Mon day. The Baltimoreans probably de cided the dance wasn't worth the price of the fiddler. Colonel Henry Watterson refers to the Nebraskan as "Bryan the destruc tionist." He may have still further cause for his belief when Bryan Kmes back at him. If the members of the Supreme Court refuse to go into the new ad ministration building when it is completed, they may be Impeached by the next legislature. Twenty Democrats are advertising their candidacy for office in one Robe son County paper, and there are prob ably several hundred more in a re ceptive mood who do not feel able to advertise. , The Democrats decided it would not be proper to hold their conven tion through Sunday, though none of the Baltimore churches complained of being over-crowded with delegates on that day. Baltimore was "deelighted" to lave the Democratic Convention, or so many of them as carried their money with them. And a t the rate of $20 a day per head she could af ford to put up with any little annoy ances incident to the Convention, The Wilmington Star says that the Democrat who rocks the boat now should be thrown overboard. If the Star's views are carried out the coun try would witness another Titanic disaster, though the real loss to the country might not be felt so keenly. Several of Uncle Sam's battleships were in the Baltimore harbor and several cordon of police were in the convention hall, and still they could not keep the Democrats from fight ing; however, it will go down in Democratic history as a "harmoni ous" convention. While the Baltimore Convention as in an uproar trying to nominate its candidate one of, the delegates turned loose a white dove as, a sign of Peace. But the storm In the Con tention was too great for the mes senger of peace and it hid in a report er's desk to wait for the ' storm to blow over. ' - ' - --. 'f-. NO. SO. --- . - mmmmmmm ". "N, - 1 mtw m ! DEVELOPING THE MARKET. Freight ami Traffic Department of J Southern Has Station at Northern! and Western Center. Washington, D. C., June 29. ! witn a new to making the Southern Railway Company as helpful as possi ble In the development of markets for commodities produced along its lines, President Finley has inau grated the policy of having all agents of the Freight Traffic Department of that Company at points outside of the Southeastern States submit reports as to the possibilities for developing markets for Southeastern nroducts In the localities in which they are stationed. While the Freight Traffic representatives of the Compnay can not act as selling agents In any way. President Finley will be glad to re ceive suggestions as to ways in which they may be of practical aid in the building up of markets for the agri cultural and Industrial products of the territory traversed by the lines of the Southern Railway System. Agents of the Freight Traffic De partment of the Company are sta tioned at the following points outside of the Southeastern States: Boston, Mass.; New York, Buffalo, and Ro chester, N. Y.; Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Pa.; Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D. C; Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio; Indianapolis and Evansvllle, Ind.; Chicago, East St. Louis, Peoria and Cairo, 111.; St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo.; Detroit, Mich.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Omaha, Neb.; Denver, Colo.; Little Rock, Ark.; Dallas, Texas; San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., and Seattle, Wash. DIRIGIBLE EXPLODES IX AIR. Vaniman and His Crew Meet Tragic Death at Atlantic City Balloon Had Been Built for Purpose of Crossing the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic City, N. J., July 2. Sail ing out over the Atlantic Ocean under perfect control and in view of several thousand interested persons, the great airship, Akron, in command of Melvin Vaniman, with a crew of four men, exploded while more than 500 feet in the air early to-day, and shot down into the water a tangled mass, carrying to their death - the daring aviator and his companions. Death is believed to have come instantly to the five men. In all the tragic history of disasters to air ships or aeroplanes, probably none was as sensational as that which brought to an end the greatest and mostly costly air-craft ever construct ed on the Western hemisphere. Built to withstand the storms of the At lantic and to carry at least a dozen men across the ocean to Europe, the Akron went to her doom in calm weather. Those who went down with the big dirigible beside the intrepid Vaniman, who already had had one thrilling experience in an airship on the ocean, were: Calvin Vaniman, his younger brother; Fred Elmer, George Bourrillion of Philadelphia, Walter C. Gost, a friend of Vaniman's finnncial backer. The Akron, which had been inflat ed last February with gas manufac tured by Vaniman in the big hangar at the inlet, ws taken out shortly after 6 a. m. for a test flight. One flight had already been made about a month ago, and defects discovered at that time were remedied and to day's trial was to have been among the last prior to the attempt to cross the Atlantic. Mrs. Vaniman bid her husband good-bye at their little cot tage near the hangar at 2 a. m. and waited for day-break to see her hus band sail away. When half a mile off Brigantine Beach the thousands of spectators who had been watching the ship, saw a burst of flame outlined against the morning sky. In a few seconds they were horrified to see the car of the balloon detach itself from the bag and shoot downward into the water, followed by the collapsed gas bag. By intuition everybody seemed to have realized what had occurred and soon a hundred boats were beating their way out over the rough waters of the inlet baarw After a search' a submerged body, that of the younger, Vaniman, was recovered. Divers went down to the wreck, but there was little that could be, done until low tide when Gost'sbody ;was disentangled from the wreckage and brought to the shore. Mrs. Vaniman saw the collapse of the balloon and its drop into the ocean carrying with it her husband and brother-in-law. She fell in a faint and wasjinconscous for some time - President Off For Beverly. x Washington, , July 3 President Taft left at 5:35 tonight for Boston to spend , the remainder of the week at his summer home near Beverly. Mrs. Taft, Secretary Hilles and Major Thomas L. Rhoad were in the Presi dent's party. Mrs. Talwill stay ip Beverly during the rest of the sum mer. The President will return to Washington Monday. IT MAY BE A DE.4DL0CK Electoral Grfiege miy not bs Abie to Select the NextQ President WOU D BE U TO (GHG8E S Should Congress Fall to Name a President or Vice-President Coun try Would Then Face the Un known The Succession Act Would Not Save the Situation Wilaon 1 Bryan's Nominee How the Ne brauskan Turned the Trick for the Profewir at Baltimore- The Fear of Roosevelt is What Really Domi nated the Convention. (Special to The Caucasian.) Washington, D. C, July 2, IS 12. News has just reached the Nation al capital that Governor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, has been nominated for President by the Balti more Democratic Convention. At this writing the Vice-Presidential candi date has not been nominated. Spe cial mention is made of this fact be- cause u is entirety possioie. u not probable, that one of the nominees! for Vice-President this year will be-j come President of the United States. The Vice-President May be President.; . t x 9 , . The Constitution provides that if ui nut ctclc joruy oi me voies in me electoral Democratic politicians that any Dem college, that then the election shall j ocraUc candidate who received a ma be thrown into the House of Repre-1 jority of tne votea would be given sentatives. It is a most peculiar and a8 a matter of course the nomna. significant condition at this juncture! tion TnIs nas Deen true in tne pa8t in the affairs of our great country! jn every cage except Van Buren ,,e that neither party may receive a ma-j received a majority of a few votes in jority of the States of the Union. ; the tnird conver;tion in whicn his The Constitution provides that in!nnma wna nt fnr ProaiH0nt the event the election of a President is thrown into the House of Repre sentatives, that each State shall cast one vote, to be controlled by a ma jority of the Congressmen and Sen ators of each State. It so happens; that twenty-two of the States have a Democratic majority and twenty-two of the States have a Republican ma- jority of. the Congressmen; ,-fo.ur States are . tied. Therefore, for the J election of the President to be thrown j into the House of Representatives! would almost certainly result in a deadlock. The Constitution provides that in that event the Vice-President shall become President, and that the Senate shall elect a Vice-President from among the two highest candi dates for Vice-President in the elec toral college. This means that the Senate, as now constituted, shall proceed to elect a Vice-President. Will a Democrat or a Republican Win? While a majority of the present Senate is Republican, yet the Repub lican majority is sharply divided. A minority of the Republicans repre sent what is known as the regular or stand-pat Republicans. There fore, the progressive Republican Sen ators have the balance of power. Un der this condition, the Republican Senate during the past two years has not been able to elect a President po-tem of the Senate. Senator Gallinger, of New Hamp shire, was the nominee of the stand pat Republicans, Senator Clapp, of Minnesota, was the nominee of the Progressive Republicans and Senator Bacon, of Georgia, was the nominee rbf the Democrats. A number of bal lots have been taken in the Senate, but the deadlock has never been bro ken and therefore the United State.9 Senate today is without a president i ed Dy a vote of nine to one though lone the gmart but unreliable lead protem. I Mr- Belmont and Mr. Ryan were sit-j erg ov tne time, conceived the idea Vice-President Sherman has been! tinS on tne floor as delegates to theov wreckin' things an' while the con- renominated on the ticket with Presi dent Taft. He could not receive more votes in the Senate than Sen-', ator Gallinger has received as Presi- dent pro-tern. Therefore, it would seem that it would be impossible for him to -be elected Vice-President by the Senate. Whoever is nominated on the ticket with Colonel Roosevelt as the nominees of the progresssive Republicans would probably receive the Mme vote Senatnr f!iar,n aa the nominee of the progressive Republi-j cans has been receiving. Whoever is nominated as Vice-President on the Democratic ticket with Governor Wilson would probably not receive any more votes than the votes that have been cast for Senator Bacon as the Democratic nominee for Presi dent pro-tem. Therefore, it is entire ly probable that the country will face next winter a deadlock in the House and In the Senate that will be un breakable. Just what would happen under this extraordinary condition if It should exist at noon on the fourth day of March, 1913, no one can at present predict. Already thoughtful heads at the National capital are puzzling over this situation. The Succession Act Wilf Not Solve the Situation. It is true that several years ago Congress passed what Is called a suc cession act In which it was provided that la the event of the Presided and Vice-President dying, after their I election and before lnatirrilnn come President. The wording of that act, however, does not seem to cover a contingency like that which Is liable to arise under present con ditions. Indeed, no one seems to have ever conceived that such a con- dition as ?.he present one would arise. The attention of the best legal minds of the country will be turned to this possible crisis, and The Cau casian will keep Its readers advised as to their opinions with reference to the same. Wlloo i Bryan's Nominee. The nomination of Governor Wil son at the Democratic Convention at Baltimore was unexpected by the pol iticians and by the people of the country generally. It was known when the convention assembled that he had only about one-third of the delegates in the convention. Speaker Clark was largely in the lead on the first ballot and his vote soon increas ed to more than a majority of the convention. If the same rule had applied in the Democratic Convention as in the Re - publican Convention that a majority snouia nominate. SDeaker Clark would have been the nominee on last Friday and the convention would have adjourned on that day. The Democratic Convention, however, has heM for the two-thlrda rule for over seventy years, but during that timeer counies. One reason for thigj nas been tne ciam and boast of but was finally defeated by a dark horse in the name of James K. Polk, of Tennessee. It is almost certain that Speaker Clark, when he reached a majority in the convention, would have been given the two-thirds vote, as a mat ter of course, had it not been for Mr. Bryan, who has three times been nominated for ther Presidency by his party. Mr. Bryan's Bold Move. Mr. Bryan was at the Chicago Convention and watched closely itsjawlways matter what church awl proceedings as a reporter for a num-j hands mite blong to; democracy, 1. e., ber of large daily newspapers. When he reached Baltimore he issued a so the whole number ov command statement to the effect that the same ! ments, In the dymakrat catchism. trust and monopoly influences which! On the 21st ov September, 1792. had robbed Theodore Roosevelt of his; France took a great forward step; it lawful and rightful nomination at ! mite De called a forward leap, for Chicago controlling the same class of !hit became a republic, after a long bosses had moved down to Baltimore ' and somewhat sad experience az and were there determined to con-' kingdom, or monarchy. Royalty wuz trol the Democratic Convention and j abolished. The new republic did not prevent the nomination of another take matters piece-meal though hit progressive. He declared that these ! naturally required time to get the monopoly influences having captured new machinery in gude workin or the Chicago Convention were deter- !der- Naturaly the conservatives tried mined; to capture the Democratic;10 make a republican form ov gov Convention and leave the People "f1 nPPlar-a'aUure- TTo without a choice between the homi- j d hi had the aid ov the Ja- nee of the two parties. coin8' t1he orlina and much other help, includin what Soon after the Convention assem-;wu known az the commune, the un bled Mr. Bryan introduced a resolu-. derurrent ov tne population. At tion declaring that Morgan, Belmont firgt the Girondfsts and the jacoblns and Ryan, the representatives of the jointiy controlled the assembly. The trust and monopoly interests of the ; Girondists consisted ov educated men country, were on nana, euner m per- ;mostiy; tne jacobins were a motley son or through their agents, to con-'creWf brave, smart, mean. Marat an' trol the nomination, and further de-;HerDertj representatives ov the un claring that it was vitally essential derwortd aroug(j the common peo that no one should be nominated who ;pje wjtn a tempting but impossible was under obligation, directly or in-iDait at tnat time tna OT equality directly, to any of these monopoly in- j fluences. This resolution was adopt- j convention. Mr. Bryan's Second Bold .Move. When the State of New York ..which had been voting tne ninety voies soi- idly for Governor Harmon of Ohio, courage. One faction wished to elect changed and voted for Speaker Clark, j K!ng ioUi8 tbe first President ov the Mr. Bryan, as the head of the delega- j country wuz to hev, which wux on tion from Nebraska, arose and asked j reasonable, for if he wuz not satisfac the privilege of explaining his vote, jtory ax a King how could be il He said that while his State had In-prove any so quickly az a President? structed for Clark, that he desired to I cnanSe hisTvote from Clark to Wll- wu- uecauae.ue u .u. any man should oe nommaiea as me . Democratic candidate for President I whose nomination depended uposfj the vote of New York State, headed by Mr. Murphy, of Tammany Hall, and Mr. August Belmont, represent ing the Rothschilds of London. How Wilson Was Nominated. This position taken by Mr. Bryan caused a large number of delegates, instructed for Speaker Clark, to change to Governor Wilson. The next day telegrams began to pour in upon the delegations from one end of the-country to the other, urging the delegates to stand with Mr. Bryan in the position which he had, taken. It seems these telegrams produced the final result in turning enough votes from Clark and other (Colntinued on page 4.) DEAL AKCXZWT DSST03Y J E CU! At. n aged to .Become Reunited in a Crisis A 68EAT KRI8 BEHEADED ! Where the Only Genuls Ch-uupa 1 Irodored IfeccKKrwry's Ftr-4 Commandment The Making of a Republic and AttesMliAg Trouble The Great Preorh Kitt. Usii Ca pet, Tried, Convicted and Behead ed Because He W'mm a Ileal Klug Mere About the Original Itd Khirt Gang Equality All at Onre Would Not (JoHow a Frenchman Tried to Reach the Thome. Bllklnsvllle, N. C. June 24. 1912. Correspondence of The Caucasisn Knterprise. i WMle the French never failed to !destry each other, and while revo- lutIons were at one tIme common, '" vv --u v w ui iu sn togetner whenever the nation wuij K . V... . .....11. . L - I lu.rmcuru uj a,u uuume iwf, wnicn; iz more or less true ov any country, j read a paper he hsd prepared himself But in the case ov France awl thlajatkin' for a delay ov three dsyg to Ui ure uiarsea man in some otn- a urrTUU - easy-goln' people, but braien and loy-1 guard regulations ov tbe prison be al. In 1792 the King ov Prussia led a Stoned down for the time and that great army into France on accountjhit family be allowed to vUlt bin ov some real or imaginary grievance, j dally durin the next three days, tb He penetrated az far az Champagne. j limit ov hi time on tht earth.' He one ov the important French cities, j jawlso requested thst the assembly for which a celebrated wine wuz I permit members ov hi family to se probably named. At any rate, chara-jlect home in whatever countM toer . ...t 1 A I ! ... yafeutr i nie a ueeruje an for medical purposes, and the best ov the the world's output, the only real champagne. In fact, hez awl ways originated In France, and even In modern times this Iz still true; If you don't believe hit, ask awlmost any leadln' dymakrat prohibitionist who iz runnin fer offis. They gen erally use corn or rye llcker on; the common herd. But they hev bin known to blow"tfiemTres fer a few quarts ov champagne at about $4 per quart when they wuz afraid the coun- ; try would be ruined, an' hit didn't 'oflis, iz the first commandment, awl - awj at once. They finally yoked with tne Marsenllals. Robespierre.! fusion wuz goln on he hoped to be come King, for hiz plan wuz to ren der a republic unpopular no matter now he dId hlu Louvet and other noneat men assailed Robesnierre with Malesherbes and Vernigand. both prominent men, awlso plead for the retention ov me King az rresiaeni. gut the King wuz placed on trial. found guilty ov the charges by an awlmost unanimous vote. When the matter or punishment came np there wuz much difference ov opinion. The vote stood, 387 for death to 334 for either imprisonment, banishment or a death . sentence with a formal re prieve, which would hev been a mere farce so far az a death sentence with a reprieve attachment goes. On the 17th ov January, 1793, the sentence ov death wuz pronounced, the assem bly acfln az a trial court. The at torney for the King, M. Malesherbes, hastened to the prison to communi cate the sad news to hlz royal high ness. He found that some one had awlready informed the King and that he wuz not taking hit very hard. The lawyer and hiz client agreed that an effort should be mad for a delay in tfc musr. twcu uw nut m profcaHr 034&Y &! t ex?s. The Kiaf si tasth & oxi ? Jtfce fart that felt t ::V.r "M t n ceais &!oe la tfc tam?y, otfcer powerful U ov Irwta ta $tx$t ov a haumtf ov ti W ov Or, teaas. Tfce rt& rer&Utfc t.tt A - -. jfeev t-& try strict la tarn dsys ia IFrsace for hit is 44 0&s not ra hit thUf attoraey. s at lowd to tint tks Kf&c dsrtfc' the ett fw dsys, thooth the Kl&i wt uadr se&lmrw to die ts leas taaA a week from that titae. Oa the l?th ov January GoWaa. who hU an of fts rorrespondlR, with thst ov a sher iff in the United Stat, went to the prison to read the death warraat to the Klof. only one othr perwoa. Ma thy. the jailor, blo present, Oa the 2dth at I o'clock the French later of Juatie and about a doia othsr men coraposict the Kieeutite Council, appeared at the prison and a man who wut actio as secretary read the death warrant. Hu $r declared in substance thst lxiuia Ca pet. the last King of France, having tren Ruilty of contpirtnit sgslntt the liberty of the nation thould undrrro the punlihmect oi death; thst the appeal he had claimed should not be allowed, but thst the council should e t0 the execution of the sentence wnm twentv-four hour. itu i. claimed thst the Klne showed no . signs ov rear or recret and ronlv enable him to prepare himself for death; that a prieil be permitted to ! vt nim; tbat tbe prrent rigid mignt chooae to realde la. The once powerful King ov a powerful coun try wuz at last brought low, lower even than the ordinary culprit, for on that very day when dinner wut placed in the cell occupied by the King he found that no knife or fork had been sent with the food, a pre caution to prevent an attempt at self destruction, ov course. The royal prisoner said: "Do they believe me UcnTTOoTlhat I would AttehipTtay life?" How had the mighty fallen! Durin' the same day the King re ceived an answer to nix several re quests, which wuz In effect thst he could hez th presence ov a prleit In ! the prison; that the nation would look after the comfort ov his family; that the nation would pay his debts, but that no delay would be granted regarding the sentence of desth. Early the next morning the Queen and ber three children vitlted the prison and the scene wuz described az a very sad one. Hlz family wuz awlso allowed to se him lor a few minutes at eight the next morning, hlz last day upon this earth, for he must meet death before the end or the day. Hit wuz arranged that the former King see hiz family privately at the last meetln', though hit wuz fixed so thst the guard could look through a glsss door and observe ev erything thst mite take place, this precaution beln' taken to prevent any attempt at suicide should the Queen furnish the means to ber husband durin' the last meetln. The Queen, madam Elizabeth, a relative, and the children spent some two hours with the late King. Immediately after the departure ov the family the abbe de Firmont, the priest who bad been se lected, proceeded to the cell; In fact, he had been permitted to witness the family meeting, which wuz next to the last to be granted, for the King would be executed the next day. It Iz said that the late King retired early and slept soundly durin' biz last nite upon earth. But I hev awlways doubted such statements In regard to persons condemned to die within twenty-four hours. A brave man may meet death under such circum stances without noticeable flinchln. But to slumber through tbe whole or the last nlte az "cool az a cucumber" iz not bravery; It iz either due to de pravity or to extreme exhaustion fol lowing many sleepless sites, if there lz any truth at awl in such claims. At o'clock the followln morn In' the priest appeared an the perform ance or mass wuz commenced, the sacrament beln' administered soon afterward. The late King gave hlz watch to hlz son and a favorite seal ring to the Queen," Tbe city ov Paris wuz under mili tary control for the day, disorder be in' feared. While beln' conducted from the prison to the place ov execu tion the King noticed Mathey, the jailor. He stopped, offered hlz hand to the1 Jailer and apologized for bav in spoken sharply to the Jailer a day or two previous. Mathye refused to accept the appolog7, showln' that he wuz a very common political tool or the red-shirt Tariety. The late King iz said to hev stopped twice to look up at the side ov another portion or the prison hopin to get a last glimpse or hizb wife and children, they beln' (Continued ce page 3.) C-SZ

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